2 minute read
House Routines and Rules
1. Pupils are expected to behave with good sense, good manners and good will at all times.
2. Friendliness, helpfulness and sensitivity to others is expected of all pupils.
3. House members are expected to co-operate with the prefects and staff as they carry out their duties.
4. During prep, pupils work silently, and the use of personal electronic equipment are only permitted in consultation with House staff. Questions may only be asked during the prep breaks (7.25pm –7.30pm and 8.00pm – 8.05pm) and nobody should leave the prep rooms except to visit the toilet, in an emergency, or to go to an approved study area (IT centre/Art block/DT centre/Music block).
5. Visitors from other Houses are not permitted in bedrooms.
6. Visitors from other Houses are welcome but must be signed in by a house member and should only be in the common room. Their host is responsible for their good behaviour.
7. Everyone should observe the times to be back in the House, in their bedrooms and should be quiet after lights out. Nobody should be out of bed after lights out except to visit the toilet or in an emergency.
8. Everyone is responsible for doing their own washing up or loading the dishwasher.
9. Food should be eaten with a plate and may only be consumed in the common room. Everyone should ensure that rubbish is put in bins and appropriate items put into the recycle bins
10. Everyone is responsible for making their own bed in the morning and keeping his area of the room tidy.
11. Nobody should be back in the House during lesson times without specific permission from a member of the House Staff.
12. 18 certificate films and games are not to be shown or played in the House. Other films may be played but permission must first be given by the member of staff on duty.
13. Applications for weekend exeats (leave), should be made through Boardingware or via emails and these must be made by the Friday lunchtime preceding the relevant weekend.
14. Visits to Bath should only be made at the appropriate times and everyone should sign out using Boardingware. Year 9 & Year 10 boys must also seek permission from the member of staff on duty in the House before each visit.
15. To help promote a good night’s sleep, all boarders in Years 9-11 must ensure all electronic devices are put into their lockers in the locker room at bedtime. They will be allowed to recollect them again in the morning prior to breakfast.
16. Pupils are expected to be sensitive in their use of phones. Nobody should get calls after their bed times.
17. Mobile phones and Lap-top computers should not be used after lights out and should be used sensibly at all times.
18. It is highly recommended that items of value and sums of money over £10 should be deposited with the Houseparent in the office safe.
19. Pupils are expected to support House events and competitions whenever possible.
20. Smoking (cigarettes or e-cigarettes) or bringing alcohol or drugs into the House are considered very serious breaches of trust and will be dealt with accordingly.