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House Sanctions
House sanctions are recorded in the House Duty Log, and checked termly by senior management. For a day student to receive a House sanction it will be because of (i) persistent lateness in arrival to school or for registrations or (ii) persistent incorrect or untidy wearing of uniform. In the first instance a House detention will take place in activity time from 4.30pm –5.30pm, and secondly from 5.30pm – 6.30pm on a Friday evening with a member of the Senior Management Team. If your child is required to attend a Saturday morning detention, you will be notified at the earliest possible opportunity. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice will be given.
We ask for day parents’ support in ensuring your child is dressed correctly on leaving home in the morning and in arriving to school punctually. For correct dress/jewellery code please refer to the pupil/parent handbook.
Boarder Sanctions
Late for breakfast
• Years 9-11 must be in Breakfast by 7.55am
• Sixth Form must be in Breakfast by 8.05am
1. First late - a warning will be given by SMT on Duty and recorded
2. Second late within a fortnight - report to SMT on breakfast duty at 7.30am next morning
3. Three ‘lates’ within a fortnight – SMT inform SHS and pupils report to House staff 7.10am for a week
4. Repeated offence will follow the School’s Sanction Policy Levels 3 where detention and or service to the community will be given
Late for registration
• All boarders are expected to report for registration on time
1. Boarders will be asked to report early for the next registration
2. For repeated lateness, without good reason, House staff may reasonably ask boarders to give back to the House Community in some way
Late return to house Friday and Saturday evenings
• No Sixth Form students should be returning alone from town to Houses
• On Friday nights all Sixth Form are due back at 10.00pm
• On Saturday nights U6 are due back by 10.45pm, L6 are due back by 10.00pm
1. If a boarder is late, without good reason, town leave will be forfeited the following weekend
2. Second offence, if late without good reason, and with professional judgement made by the SHS, town leave denied for the week. Parents & Head of Boarding informed
3. Repeated offence, without reason, and with professional judgement made by SHS, town leave will be denied for half term. Deputy Head Pastoral will be involved at this stage as this constitutes a serious offence and breaches the community code
All other sanctions are in line with the School Sanctions (please see Pupil and Parent Handbook 2022/23)
House Rewards
There are several awards given to members of the house throughout the year including the Hall House Rugby Player of the Season in the Autumn term; Hall House Hockey Player of the Season in the Spring term and Hall House Hero awarded at the end of the academic year to a member of the house who encapsulates everything the house stands for.
The boarders also have the opportunity to be recognised with a Wyvern Award from the Head of Boarding. This is given to boarders who contribute above and beyond to the community.