Address and Contact Numbers
House Staff
House Routines, Rules and Arrangements
House Sanctions Page 13
Middle House Aims
Fire Procedures
Address and Contact Numbers
House Staff
House Routines, Rules and Arrangements
House Sanctions Page 13
Middle House Aims
Fire Procedures
Middle House was established, as a boarding house, in 1895.
For the first eighty-five years, Middle was based in the main school buildings (in the area now occupied by the Design Centre). The Headmaster disliked the lack of identity created by the large dormitories and so he ‘artificially’ designated houses in the dormitory block. In 1980, Middle moved to its current location in Lewsdon. The house has recently had a large extension and refurbishment during the 2015-2016 school year. The House has an interesting history, which is recorded in the House journal, which is written in at the end of each term by the Head of House. The names of every pupil who has been in the House are on a display board in the main hall.
The House shield has an egg in the middle in affectionate memory of a legendary bald Houseparent! The House colour is green.
From September 2022, Middle House will consist of 119 pupils, of whom 40 are boarders and the remainder are day pupils. There are five year groups in the House starting with Year 9 and going through to the Year 13. The Senior Houseparent, Mr Steven Smyth, who teaches Geography at the School, lives at the far end of the house, with his wife, Laura, who is a teacher of Biology at the School and their three young children Harry, Poppy and Florence. Mr Euan Gordon is the Resident Assistant Houseparent, living within the new wing of the house.
Mr Ed Allchorne is resident elsewhere on school site this year and will do an evening boarding duty each week. In addition to these staff, there are six nonresident tutors attached to Middle House. There are 2 full time non-resident Housekeepers who take care of the cleaning, laundry and other domestic issues.
The Assistant House staff and tutors assist the Senior Houseparent with the pastoral care of the boys in the House. All staff have a group of tutees and they monitor the academic and general development of those in their care.
The House at present is mainly a social centre. Each day pupil has either a locker (Years 9, 10 & 11) or study (Years 12 &13) where they keep their books. The Years 9, 10, & 11 have a locker room by the Old Hall House common room in main school building. Evening prep is supervised by the member of staff on duty and for Years 9-11, this is done in the main IT centre each week day evening (6.25pm - 8.00pm for Year 9 and 6.25pm8.30pm for Years 10 & 11, but only until 8pm on Fridays). Sixth form do supervised prep in their studies in the Dixon.
The House aims to be a place where the pupils can grow a sense of responsibility for themselves and others; learn to co-operate with and support one another, as members of a team. They are encouraged to work hard to achieve their best in a secure, wellordered home from home. Good manners, good humour and common decency are expected at all times.
Our partner House is Summerhill and is situated in the main school building. Social events are organised throughout the year and some of these are joint events with Summerhill. Inter-house sports and music competitions are entered with enthusiasm and pride.
Facilities in the House, in addition to bedrooms, include a main House common room and kitchen. The common room has satellite TV, PS4 and there is an all-weather table tennis table just outside - all for the use of day pupils and boarders. There is also a fantastic garden, which has a BBQ and pizza oven.
House Address: Mr Steven Smyth Senior Houseparent Lewsdon College Road Bath BA1 5RT
Phone numbers
House (Staff Number) 01225 734452
House mobile 07436 152343
School Office 01225 734200
Finance Office 01225 734300
School Fax 01225 734205
By email ssmyth@kingswood.bath.sch.ukIf you wish to contact me there will always be a member of staff in the House between 4.30pm and 5.45pm and again between 8.30pm and 10.30pm who will be able to take a message if I am not in. If you have an urgent message for me during the day, please contact the School Office. You can also leave a message on the House answer phone. I check my emails every morning and evening and will try and respond to them within 24 hours unless they require more urgent attention.
If you wish to contact one of the other members of the Housestaff please leave a message and I will pass it on to the relevant person.
Please do not hesitate to contact me over anything with regard to your child. I would far rather deal with things as they occur and not let them develop into bigger issues. I will also ensure that I contact you if I have any worries or indeed if I feel that things are going particularly well.
Mr Steven Smyth (Senior Houseparent, Middle House)Senior Houseparents
Mr S.D. Smyth Geography
Mrs L.E. Smyth Biology
Assistant House staff
Mr E. Gordon Games, Geography and Business
Mr E.T. Allchorne Biology
Additional Tutors
Mr M.W. Smith Head of Mathematics
Mr J.R. White Mathematics
Mr D.J. Walker Head of MFL
Mr J.M. Davies Senior Deputy Head
Mr D.C. Webb (residential) Athletic Development Coordinator
Mr D. Allies-Curtis Art and Photography
Mrs Timea Telek and Mrs Mel Amos
The Head of House
• The Head of House is the senior House prefect, and as such, is expected to set an outstanding example to the other prefects and to the House in general in his conduct, dress and dedication to the good of the House.
• The Head of House is responsible to the Houseparent for the good order of the House, and it is their duty to see that anything untoward is brought to the attention of the Houseparent
• They draw up rotas for the Middle School prefects, when Middle and Summerhill are on duty.
• They attend meetings of the School prefect body, and aims to represent the views of the House.
• They liaise with the Head of Summerhill to arrange House events such as the end of term entertainment.
• They assign captains of House teams and ensure that they are well organised.
• They are a link in a number of ways between the House and its staff.
• The Head of House must be prominent in house assemblies e.g. give out some House Notices etc.
• They are a link to the younger members of the house and the rest of the school. In practical terms this may mean doing things such as talking to the Year 9s in a Friday House Assembly or moving around during tutor time.
This job description is by no means exhaustive and there will be many other ways in which the Head of House contributes to the smooth running of Middle.
School and House Prefects are confirmed at start of the Autumn Term.
A House prefect is expected to set a good example in terms of conduct and dress, and by his leadership, contribute to the well-being of the House.
He should do all he can to assist the House staff, particularly on his duty days, to maintain an orderly and calm atmosphere in the House.
On his duty day, he is required to cover the House as directed by the member of staff on duty. During the evening, he is responsible for the supervision of prep from 6.30pm and then is expected to be in the House from 8.30pm onwards. He must see that the evening routine is followed:
8.30pm Year 9 should be back in the House.
8.45pm Year 10 should be back in the House.
9.00pm Year 11 should be back in the House.
Year 9 move to bedrooms.
9.15pm Year 9 should be in bed.
Year 10 move to bedrooms.
9.30pm Year 9 lights go out.
Year 10 should be in bed.
Year 11 move to bedrooms.
9.45pm Year 10 lights go out.
Year 11 should be in bed.
10.00pm Year 11 lights go out.
All Sixth Form should be back in the House.
10.15pm L6 move to bedrooms.
The L6th former on duty should tidy up the kitchen.
10.30pm Finish duty and sign out with the member of staff on duty.
11.00pm All sixth formers should be in their rooms.
It is the responsibility of the last person to leave the common room to ensure that:
• All the lights are off
• All the windows are shut
• The cooker is switched off
• The front door is locked
• All the fire doors are shut
• The Deputy Head of House supports the work of the Head of House, and deputises for them when necessary.
• They undertake any of the duties of the Head of House in a manner that is mutually agreed.
• They work alongside the Head of House and Head of Boarding in organising House activities, such as House Entertainment and House Music.
The specifics of individual Head of Boarding’s job descriptions are agreed between the HOB and Senior House staff, but there are general areas, which will be common to all Houses:
• To be a role model in terms of following the codes of dress, manners and rules according to Kingswood’s philosophy.
• To take a lead in running the weekly boarding meetings.
• To meet weekly with the Senior House staff and Housekeepers to discuss any House issues.
• To organise the house prefects’ duty rota for prep and evening duties.
• To represent their house views in the Boarders’ termly meetings.
• To meet with the Mr Harding (Head of Boarding) half termly.
• To be the main point of contact with the Senior House Staff and alerting them to difficulties in the Boarding House.
• To help organise the end of term House activities with their paired house.
• To know every boarder in the House and be approachable.
• Be the pupil lead on family groups within Middle.
The duty prefect must liaise with the Houseparent about covering the House and what the evening routine is going to be. On Sunday the prefect must attend the 6.30pm meeting.
We also are introducing ‘Family groups’ this year amongst the boarders, where each family will comprise students from across all the year groups. Spending time as a ‘family’ will regularly be encouraged and special events planned.
The School day starts at 8.25am every weekday and Middle traditionally meet in the dining hall in the main school. Your help in ensuring your child arrives at school before 8.25am is much appreciated.
If they are absent due to illness or other circumstances, please do email the School Office on registration@kingswood.bath.sch.uk and it is helpful if you cc in the tutor and me to this email too. The school is required by law to keep detailed and accurate registers and documentary evidence is required from parents to cover every period of absence.
There is a pattern of assemblies, tutor time and services after we have met in the mornings all finishing before 9am when period 1 begins. Pupils are then registered at each of their lessons throughout the day.
For day pupils not staying for prep the earliest time of departure for pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11 is 5.30pm. If for any reason your son has to leave before this time, on any given day, I need to have written notification in an email from you. Sixth Form day pupils may leave the school at 4.30pm if they have no further school commitments that day
Day pupils may stay for prep providing they have made the appropriate arrangements at the start of the term. Year 9 do prep from 6.30pm - 8.00pm. All other Year groups do prep from 6.30pm - 8.30pm. For Years 9, 10 and 11 prep is done in the main IT room for four nights a week and sometimes in House for one night. Prep is supervised by a member of staff with help from the House prefects. It is possible for the students to work in the IT centre, Music department, and Art block. The Sixth Form do their prep in the Dixon Centre, in their own studies
It is possible for day pupils to stay for supper and prep on occasions providing they inform the Houseparent at registration. I pass this information to the school office, who will add costs for supper and/or prep to the school bill for the end of each term. Day pupils wishing to come in for meals at the weekend must inform the Houseparent at the House Assembly on Friday. Casual boarding is also usually possible by arrangement with the Houseparent. Please email me if you would like your son to board, and I can send you a form to complete.
7.30am School Bell
7.45am Breakfast (Year 9, 10 and 11 must leave the House by 7.50am to be in breakfast by 7.55am, the Sixth Form by 8.00am to be in by 8.05am)
8.25am Registration of the House in the Dining Hall
8.35am Whole School Assembly on Monday
Chapel x1 and Tutor Time x2 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (pattern dependent on Year Group). House Assembly on Friday
9.00 am P1 begins (lessons continue for 55mins)
10.55am Break time (Quarter)
12.20 - 2.10pm Lunch time, lessons or activities (at least 1 period will be a dedicated lunch slot)
4.20pm After school activities
5.30pm End the school day
6.30pm Prep begins for all Year Groups
7.25pm Break
7.30pm Prep continues
8.00pm Prep finishes for Year 9 and second Prep Break
8.05pm Prep continues for Year 10 and 11
8.15pm Year 9 to be in Middle (including dayboys if they are being picked up later)
8.30pm Year 10 and 11 Prep finishes
8.45pm Year 10 to be in Middle (including day pupils if they are being picked up later)
9.00pm Year 11 to be in Middle (including dayboys if they are being picked up later) Year 9 go to own rooms
9.15pm Year 9 in bed; Year 10 go to own rooms
9.30pm Year 9 Lights Out; Year 10 in bed; Year 11 go to own rooms
9.45pm Year 10 lights Out; Year 11 in bed
10.00pm Sixth Form to be in Middle; Year 11 lights out
10.15pm L6 go to own rooms
10.45pm U6 go to own rooms
11.00pm All lights to be out
On Friday night, prep finishes at 8.00pm for everyone and the whole House should report to the member of staff on duty down in Middle. This is the night that the boarders in the house are permitted to order a takeaway and the boys are encouraged to socialise in the common room. The L6 and U6 are allowed town leave until 10.00pm.
8.30am Breakfast available in the House
9.30am House meeting in the common room
11.55am House meeting in the common room
12.00pm Lunch
6.30pm House meeting in the common room
9.00pm All Year 9, 10, and 11 to be back in the House
(Lights out by arrangement with member of staff on duty)
10.00pm L6 to be back in the House
10.45pm U6 to be back in the House
11.15am All lights to be out
8.30am Breakfast available in the House.
9.00am House check by the member of staff on duty (Nobody may leave the House before this time unless they have made an arrangement with the member of staff)
11.00am Brunch
12.30pm House meeting in the common room
5.30pm Supper
6.30pm House meeting in the common room followed by tidying of bedrooms and the common room
7.00pm Sixth form may go to the Dixon
8.15pm Routine as for Monday to Thursday
In addition to the School Community Code, the following rules are specific to Middle House, or are a reiteration of school rules that are particularly important.
1. Pupils are expected to behave with good sense, good manners and good will at all times. Friendliness, helpfulness and sensitivity to others is expected of all pupils.
2. The House is expected to co-operate with the prefects, Housekeepers and duty staff as they carry out their duties.
3. During prep, pupils work silently and questions may only be asked during the prep breaks (7.25 –7.30pm and 8.00 – 8.05pm). Nobody is permitted to leave the IT centre unless they have permission from the prefect on duty.
4. Visitors from other Houses or Day pupils are not permitted in locker rooms, dormitories or individual rooms.
5. Visitors from other Houses are welcome in the Middle common room but they must be invited to visit by a Middle House Boarder. Their host is responsible for their good behaviour. They MUST sign in using the visitors’ book in the common room. Middle Day boys must also sign in.
6. Everyone should observe the times to be back in the House, in his bedroom and quiet after lights out. Nobody should be out of bed after lights out except to visit the bathroom or in an emergency.
7. Everyone is responsible for doing his own washing up.
8. Food should be eaten off a plate and along with hot drinks may only be prepared and consumed in the common room. Plates, cutlery and mugs must not be taken out of the common room. All rubbish should be placed in the bins provided. Recycling boxes are available and should be used.
9. Takeaways can only be ordered on a Friday night unless students have the permission of duty staff.
10. Beds must be made and curtains opened in the morning and rooms should be kept tidy.
11. Nobody should be back in the House during lesson times without specific permission from a member of the House Staff. Pupils should notify Housekeepers when back in house.
12. 18 certificate films are not to be shown in the House. Other films may be played but the member of staff on duty must first give permission.
13. Applications for weekend exeats, together with the relevant paperwork, must be completed by the Thursday evening preceding the relevant weekend. The Senior Houseparent must be informed if the plans change. The process can be done via the BoardingWare app or failing this email.
14. Visits to Bath are allowed at certain times at the weekends but pupils must sign out and back in using the appropriate book. Year 9 pupils must also seek permission from the member of staff on duty in the House before each visit and must be in a small group of 2-4 students. Any student, who wishes to leave the school campus, for any reason, on a weekday, must first seek permission from the Senior Houseparent
15. Year 9s, Year 10s and Year 11s are expected to hand mobile phones in at lights out to the duty member of staff on a night before school i.e. Sunday – Thursday night. Mobile phones should not be used by older pupils after lights out and should be used sensibly at all times.
16. Sums of money over £10 should be deposited with the Houseparent, to be kept in the house safe along with passports, visas and BRP cards.
17. The garden in front of the House is for Middle House pupils only. The area beyond the steps is the Houseparent’s private garden, although there are occasions when boarders will be able to use it.
18. Pupils are expected to support House events and competitions whenever possible.
19. Smoking, Drugs, or any related paraphernalia as well as bringing alcohol into the House are considered very serious breaches of trust, and will be dealt with according to the school policies.
20. Boarders in Middle need to be familiar with rules regarding bounds and times expected to be in the house i.e. no boarder must leave the house after the time they are expected in the house at night or before 7am. Contravention of this will result in a meeting with the Deputy Head and/or Head of Boarding and is likely to result in an exclusion from school.
All of the usual school sanctions apply in the House but, in addition, a number of House sanctions are applied if the House rules are broken.
• Pupils may be asked to pay for any damage to the House if they have behaved irresponsibly. Any such request for payment will involve direct contact between the Houseparent and parents.
• Pupils may be banned from certain House areas if their behaviour falls below expected standards. The length of this ban will depend on the seriousness of the offence.
• Pupils will be asked to clean up if they leave a mess in their rooms or the House common room.
• Misbehaviour in prep may result in individuals having to do their prep in another room as determined by the member of staff on duty.
• A student’s right to visit Bath may be withdrawn if there is any inappropriate behaviour in the town. This privilege might also be withdrawn if a student’s academic work and effort is below an acceptable standard.
• Any discourtesy shown to the Housekeepers will be reported to the Houseparent and dealt with very seriously.
• Pupils can expect to be asked to sign in to breakfast early at 7.30am if they are late twice in a fortnightly period and report to the SHM at 7.10am for a week if late three times. Breakfast times are given above in routines and are in bold.
• Missing registration times or being late will result in a community punishment.
• Both day pupils and boarders can be given a house detention between 4.30pm – 5.30pm for persistent untidy uniform, missing or being late to registration.
Sanctions given out by House staff will be recorded, as appropriate, on the student’s file in the study. There is also a sanctions book, which is kept on the study desk and monitored by the Head of Boarding (SMT).
Of course we reward students for exemplary behaviour or where they have been particularly helpful. Examples of such behaviour may include consistently tidy room throughout the week resulting in a Housekeeper’s prize or willingness to cover a duty at the last minute etc.
Personal monies and articles of considerable value pose security problems. Members of the House are free to bring in electrical items such as kindles, laptops and tablets etc. but they must take full responsibility for looking after them properly. The use of such items is very closely monitored and students must not use these excessively for activities such as gaming (we do not allow games consoles in rooms). Indeed as a house we encourage reading and board games as alternative to device use in free time.
Boarders must notify house staff when any new electrical items are brought into the house, as they will need to be PAT tested by school electricians. It is advisable for students to only buy authentic items, for example genuine Apple chargers with UK plugs, rather than cheaper alternatives with adaptors. These are more likely to pass PAT testing and be allowed within the boarding house.
Every pupil is provided with a lockable space and is expected to use it for the storage of valuables any authorised medication (the medical centre will need to be notified about any prescriptions and will notify me if a student is self-medicating). Sixth Formers will need a padlock to ensure that they can lock one of their draws. Please also make sure that expensive items are suitably insured.
The House facilities include satellite television, a Blue Ray player, a PS4, table tennis table and supplies for the House kitchen. A number of House social events take place during the year, including theatre and cinema trips, weekend meals and end of term events. The school provides each House with a small allowance to help towards the cost of these, but each House also applies a House levy of £5 for day boys and £10 for boarders per term, which is added to the school account.
It is advisable to limit the amount of personal property brought into the house, particularly clothing. It is also imperative that all clothing is marked clearly with name tags (some spares are also useful for clothing that is bought during term time). Items that go astray will be returned to the House if this is the case. Please ensure that your son has a sports bag for kit and a laundry bag to store dirty clothing before it is transferred into the house laundry bags. Sixth Form students will also need a padlock to place on their lockable drawers.
In addition to the general aims of the school, Middle House have their own specific aims.
• to encourage pupils to achieve their potential, academically, and to participate positively in the wider aspects of school life
• to provide a secure, supportive and friendly environment in which the pupils can develophome from home
• to foster a sense of personal and corporate responsibility and a willingness to serve others
• to help individuals acquire the skills needed for working and living with others
• to give pupils the opportunity to develop leadership skills
• to encourage values such as sensitivity, honesty, courtesy and reliability
• Boarder’s laundry is washed twice a week (on a Monday and a Wednesday) and returned to the House two days later. All clothing, including casual clothes, may be sent to the laundry and so it is essential that everything be named.
• Bed sheets are changed every fortnight and the boys will be told which night to strip their bedding. They will be responsible for putting clean sheets on. They therefore need two sets of sheets.
• The Housekeepers can also arrange for items to be dry-cleaned and this will involve an additional charge.
• Any queries about domestic arrangements should be addressed to Mr Smyth in the first instance.
• Sixth form students must bring a padlock or combination for their lockable space.
Middle prides itself on the good relationships that develop between boys of all ages within the House. These give support to the younger ones and they help the older boys appreciate that they are role models, with a pastoral part to play in the welfare of others. Middle also prides itself on the positive relationships that exist between the House staff and the pupils. As a House we also have a strong sense of fun and know how to enjoy ourselves – wherever possible outdoors and for free! Our end of term activities include ‘Wide Games’ on the Upper, an Easter egg hunt and the water slide and BBQ in the House garden at the end of the Summer term.
1. When the fire alarm sounds in Lewsdon, everyone should evacuate the building and remain outside until given the all clear.
2. During the day (between 9.00am and 4.20pm), the Housekeepers will check that everyone has left the building and they will decide whether it is a false alarm. They will inform the Maintenance Office that the alarm has gone off and leave a note for the Houseparent.
3. After 4.20pm, the member of staff on duty will take charge and they will check that the House is clear and contact the Maintenance Office. They will inform the Houseparent that the alarm has gone off.
4. The member of staff will give the all clear and decide whether pupils may return to the building.
5. If the main exit is blocked the House should exit the building via the fire doors next to the office and next to the common room.
6. At all times the House should assemble on the Astro car park and remain there until instructed to move elsewhere.
• Sound the alarm
• Call the Fire Brigade (999).
• If the fire is very small (no bigger than a waste-bin) AND ONLY IF YOU ARE TRAINED – attack it with the equipment provided throughout the house.
• Vacate the building and take no risks.