2 minute read
Official House address: Upper House Kingswood School
Lansdown Road
Upper House Mobile: 07914 286251
Upper Office: 01225 734427
Senior Houseparent, Upper House: Mr James Brown (jbrown@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
I will be starting my tenure as Senior Houseparent in September 2022 and will be responsible for the running of the House. I have been at Kingswood since 2009 and will have met many of you at weekend fixtures and other similar events in my other role as Head of Boys’ Games. Mr Barney Stuttard, Teacher of Geography, is Deputy Houseparent and between us we oversee the House during the day.
I am available at any time between 7.30am and 7pm and at any time in an emergency. If you are unable to contact me during the day, messages can be given to the School Office and there is a message service on the Upper Office phone.
Mr James Brown (Senior Houseparent)
House Staff
Upper Tutor Team
The Upper Tutor Team is completed by:
Mr Stephen Brown Head of Art (sbrown@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Mr Dan Darwin Head of History and Politics (ddarwin@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Mr Oliver East Teacher of Design Technology (oeast@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Mr James Hills
Teacher of Business Studies & Economics (jhills.@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Mr Jamie Matthews Deputy Head (Pastoral) (jmatthews@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Mr Pete MacDonald
Assistant Head (Academic) (pmacdonald@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Miss Amy Murtagh
Teacher of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (amurtagh@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Mr Adrian Cottle Teacher of Computer Science (acottle@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
We have a very experienced and attentive team of tutors in Upper. As a tutor team, we supervise the academic progress, extra-curricular involvements and general pastoral needs of all of the boys in the House In the first instance, your son’s tutor is the main point of contact, and I would ask you to contact them directly by email. For issues of routine and registration, such as absences and requests for early departure, please contact me, James Brown. For all other matters I am very happy to be involved alongside, or in addition to, the relevant tutor.
Each Tutor has responsibility for up to 14 boys and they will email parents early in the Autumn Term to introduce themselves and to establish lines of contact.
Upper Prefects
Head of Upper House: Rory B
1. The Head of House is the Senior House Prefect. As such, he should set an outstanding example to the other Prefects and to the House in general in his conduct, dress and dedication to the good of the House.
2. The Head of House is responsible to the Houseparent for the good order of the House, and it is his duty to see that anything untoward is brought to the attention of the Houseparent
3. He draws up rotas for the duty Prefects covering the House and allocates jobs when the House is on main school duty, in liaison with the Head of School House.
4. He attends meetings of the School PR and aims to represent the views of the House.
5. Chairs School Council on rotation with other Heads of Houses.
6. He liaises with the Head of School House to arrange events.
7. He assigns captains of Upper House teams, in liaison with the Houseparent.
8. He acts as head of his Dixon corridor and affords as much assistance as he can to Dixon Staff.
9. Decides on the House charity with Houseparent and organises any associated events or assemblies
10. Organises House assemblies for main school when required.
11. Organises House Music with Deputy Head of House
12. Spends significant time in Upper House getting to know all of the pupils in the House.
Deputy Head of Upper House: Elliot E
The Deputy Head of House supports the work of the Head of House and deputises for him when necessary.
Upper Senior Prefects: Rory M
Hari M
Magnus S
Kingswood Head Boy: This year, the Head Boy is Upper’s Louis R