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House Routines and Rules
House Routine
If your son is absent owing to illness or other circumstances, please email registration registration@kingswood.bath.sch.uk with a copy to me jbrown@kingswood.bath.sch.uk and your son’s tutor. You could also call the main school office on 01225 734200 as soon as possible.
The School is required to keep detailed and accurate registers and documentary evidence is required from parents to cover every period of absence. Registration takes place at 8.25am every morning and your help and co-operation are appreciated in ensuring that your son arrives in Upper by 8.20am. Please inform me in advance of any planned absence such as medical or dental appointments and also send requests for any other type of absence as early as possible.
Morning registration will be followed by either tutorial time or assembly depending upon the year group and the day of the week.
The earliest time of departure for pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11 is 5.30pm. If for any reason your son has to leave before this time, I need to have written notification from parents All pupils must sign out in the school office if they need to leave school before 4.20pm
Pupils may stay for supper and/or prep by prior arrangement with Mr Stuttard at morning registration. Upper pupils who stay for supper and prep will do their prep under supervision, in the Library, with pupils from Hall House.
If required, temporary boarding can usually be arranged in either Middle House or Hall House, depending on capacity. Please contact me by email in this case.
Upper House Rules
• Normal School rules apply in the House.
• Entry to Houseparent’s office is by invitation only.
• Members of other Houses to be in Upper House Common Room by invitation only.
• No changing in the House.
• All damage to be reported to the Houseparent straight away
• Respect the House and the other people in it. This includes noise levels and treatment of equipment and furniture. It is our space and it is important that everyone can enjoy it to its fullest.
• Mobile phones may not be used at the times given on posters in the House
House Sanctions
All of the usual School sanctions apply in the House but, in addition, a number of House sanctions are applied if the House rules are broken. Boys are expected to pay for any damage caused in the House although any such request will involve direct contact between the Houseparent and parents. Boys may be excluded from the House if their behaviour falls below expected standards, the length of this exclusion will depend on the seriousness of the offence.