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Community Information Board

BURGESS HILL Community Information Board

1st Burgess Hill Scout Group


Scout Centre, Station Road, Burgess Hill Monday and Thursday evenings gsl@firstburgesshill.org.uk www.firstburgesshill.org.uk

5th Burgess Hill Worlds End Scouts

The Scout Hut, Gordon Road, Burgess Hill Friday - Cubs (8 years-10 years) and Scouts (10+) Wednesday - Beavers (6 years-8years) cliveeverest1@gmail.com

7th Burgess Hill Beavers, Cubs and Scout Group

St Andrews Youth Centre, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill. Tuesday - Cubs and Wednesday - Beavers and Scouts (all term time only) www.7thburgesshillscouts.org.uk

8th Burgess Hill Scout Group - Scouts, Beavers and Cubs

Royal George Scout Hut (adjacent to St Edwards Church, Royal George Road, Burgess Hill) Monday - 6pm-7.15pm - Beavers Thursday - 6.15pm-7.45pm - Cubs Friday - 7.30pm-9pm - Scouts www.8thburgesshillscouts.co.uk

Age UK Cherry Tree Centre

Cherry Tree Centre, Fairfield Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8QB 01444 236497 cherrytree@ageukwestsussex.org.uk www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk

Burgess Hill and District Probus Club

First Thursday of each month Secretary - Frederick Reynolds - 01444 236661 www.probusburgesshill.org

Burgess Hill and District Rotary

Mid Sussex Golf Club, Spatham Lane, Ditchling BN6 8XJ Tuesdays - 6.15pm 5th Tuesday in the month - 7.00pm 01273 841835

Burgess Hill Artists


Burgess Hill Choral Society

United Reformed Church hall, Junction Road, Burgess Hill Monday – 7.45pm - 10pm between September and April www.burgesshillchoralsociety.org.uk/

Burgess Hill Civil Service Group

Bolnore room in Kings Church Fourth Wednesday of the month - 2pm4pm

Burgess Hill Flower Club

Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road First Wednesday of each month - 1.45pm for 2pm Lesley Etherton lesleyetherton@outlook.com

Burgess Hill Horticultural Society

Cyprus Hall, Burgess Hill First Wednesday of the month - February to June and September to December membership@burgesshillhorticultural www.burgesshillhorticulturalsociety.com

Burgess Hill Heritage & History Association

Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road Meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of the month at 8pm.

Burgess Hill Model Railway Club

Monday & Wednesday - 8pm www.burgesshillmrc.org.uk

Burgess Hill and District Motorcycle Club

The car park next to McDonald`s Monday - 7.00pm to depart at 7.30pm (summer) www.burgesshillmc.com

Burgess Hill Keyboard Club

Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 8DX Third Friday of the month - 7.15pm Rosalie Birchmore - 01444 241269 bhkeyclub33@icloud.com www.organfax.co.uk/clubs/burgess-hill/

Burgess Hill Martlets

Woodlands Meed School, Chanctonbury Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9EY Second Monday of the month - 7.30pm www.thewi.org.uk/join-the-wi

Burgess Hill Shed

The Burnside Centre, Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9LH. Tuesday and Wednesday - 9.30am – 3.30pm 01444 236743 or 07709 255631 shed@bhshed.org.uk www.bhshed.org.uk

Burgess Hill Symphony Orchestra

United Reformed Church, Junction Road, Burgess Hill RH15 0JS Wednesday - 8.15pm - 10.15pm during school term times www.bhso.org.uk

Burgess Hill Theatre Club

Membership Secretary - Rachel Shuck - 01444 244214 www.burgesshilltheatreclub.com

Burgess Hill Youth

Fairfield Community Centre, Burgess Hill RH15 8QN Monday - 7-8.30pm for school years 7-11 - term time Wednesday - 6.30pm-8pm for school year 6 - term time 01444 248343. contact@burgesshillyou.org www.burgesshillyouth.org

Cuckfield Archers

Warden Park Academy, Cuckfield Sunday afternoon cuckfield.archers@gmail.com www.cuckfieldarchers.org.uk

Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society

Cyprus Hall in Burgess Hill West Sussex Friday - 7.45pm Kirk Lord - 07752 464353 kirkslord@hotmail.com

Burgess Hill U3A

Membership Secretary - Colin Payne, 3 Farm Close, Hassocks BN6 8PJ - 01273 841959 bh3memsec@gmail.com

Mid Sussex Brass Band

Musical Director - md.msbb@gmail.com www.midsussexbrass.weebly.com

Mid-Sussex Camera Club

Monday - 7.45pm-10pm September to April www.midsussexcamera.club/

Mid Sussex Ramblers

Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays and Bank Holidays Wednesday evening during the summer months www.midsussexramblers.co.uk

Mumpreneurs Networking Club

01273 681484 info@mumpreneursnetworkingclub.co.uk www.mumpreneursnetworkingclub.co.uk

Rainbow, Brownie & Guide Groups In Burgess Hill

Martlets District Guides, Silverdale District Guides & Valemeads District Guides. Division Commissioners - Veronica Gibbs and Sue Mitchell ggbhdiv@gmail.com www.girlguidingsussexcentral.btck.co.uk

Royal British Legion Women's Section

Cyprus Hall First Tuesday of the month and monthly bingo on the third Wednesday of the month

Sarah Voce - 01444 246655

Sussex Bonsai Group

Wivelsfield Village Hall, Eastern Road, Wivelsfield Green RH17 7QH Fourth Wednesday of every month - 7.30pm-10.00pm Ray Brunsden - 07342 650713 ray.b@talktalk.net www.Sussexbonsaigroup.wordpress.com

Sussex Harmonisers

St Paul’s Catholic College, Jane Murray Way, Burgess Hill RH15 8GA Tuesday - 7.15pm – Men info@SussexKings.org.uk The King’s Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9LR Monday - 7.15pm - Women info@SussexACappella.com www.sussexharmonisers.org.uk

Sussex Mountaineering Federation

The Swan in Falmer First Wednesday of each month - 8pm info2@sussexmountaineeringfederation.org. uk www.sussexmountaineeringfederation.org.uk

Sussex Pathfinders

Saturday & Sundays 07842 792962 www.sussex-pathfinders.co.uk

Sussex Vale Rotary

Mid Sussex Golf club, Spatham Lane BN6 8XJ www.facebook.com/Rotary-SussexVale-179335285452712

The Group

A club for unattached men and women aged 50+ Second Monday of the month www.thegroup.org.uk

The Mid Sussex Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

Millfield Suite, Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 8DX Fourth Wednesday of each month - 10.00am Local group contact - Mike Mason - Chairman - 01444 245289 michael_mason6@hotmail.com www.csrf.org.uk/mid-sussex

The Young at Heart Club - Over 60 Club

Salvation Army, Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill Wednesday – 11.45am Major Angela White - 07931 426691

Worlds End Association

Residents association for the neighbourhood. Kelvin Sutton - 245331 kelvin.sutton@outlook.com www.worlds-end-association.com


Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 4771171 MSDC 01444 458166 Out of Hours 0 1444 257298 Pest & Control 07762 239847 Parking Office01444 257298 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Princess Royal Hospital 01444 441881 Sussex Police 101 Gas Leaks 0800 111999 Travel Line 0870 6082608 Burgess Hill Town Council 01444 247726 Help Point 01444 247726 Haywards Heath Town Council 01444 455694 If you would like your club, society or association to be included in these listings, please email details to editor@carnahpublications.com

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