2 minute read
By the time you read this issue you may have benefitted from a half price meal courtesy of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, gone to the gym or even been to the cinema. Finally, there is some kind of normailty returning. However, I am sure I’m not the only one to find that its hard to break the habits of ‘Lock Down’ and start going out and about again and forgetting about the last four months.
Cllr Alaistair McPherson, The Town Mayor is urging the community of Haywards Heath to support local shops as he launches the Shop Local Haywards Heath Campaign (see page 10).
Haywards Heath is fortunate to have such a diverse range of shops around the Town and as the Major says, “Our local businesses are the backbone of our economy. They create jobs locally, are run or managed by local people and many of them support local charities and community groups. Choosing to shop local also has a tremendous positive impact on our environment. It can help reduce air pollution and fuel consumption. Buying locally produced food cuts down on carbon footprints as it doesn’t rely on overseas travel or long lorry trips. It also reduces the need for shipping, packing and refrigeration facilities and is therefore far kinder to our environment worldwide.”
Hopefully this appeal will encourage everyone to start going back into town to spend much needed money in all the local businesses and help them get back on their feet after months of being shut down. Richard Milbourn, Editor E: editor@carnahpublications.com
e^vt^oap=eb^qe PAGES
Magazine Issue Copy Deadline Print Run Horsham Pages South Oct/Nov 2020 11th September 12,176 Burgess Hill Pages Oct/Nov 2020 11th September 12,098 Crawley Pages South Oct/Nov 2020 11th September 12,343 Crawley Pages North Nov/Dec 2020 12th October 12,074 Southwater Life Oct 2020 11th September 4,211 Horsham Pages North Nov/Dec 2020 12th October 12,239 Haywards Heath Pages Nov/Dec 2020 12th October 12,031
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