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New And Improved Roundabout
Developer Redrow started building a new roundabout for its Penlands Green housing development in Haywards Heath in June. Once built, the roundabout will improve the current junction arrangement to meet current and future needs and make the local highways network safer.
The work is scheduled to take about 12 weeks but, following extensive efforts by the local MP, county councillor, highway officers and the developer itself, it has been agreed that the period of full road closures involved will be reduced. Current estimates from the contractor are that the Hanlye Lane and Borde Hill Lane junction will be able to remain open for local access for the first phase of the works. Originally it had been planned for the junction to be fully closed for the full 12 weeks.
There will be extended working hours to enable weekend working to get the work done as quickly as possible and minimise disruption for the community as a whole, and local businesses in particular.
Details of the road closures will be posted on Redrow’s website and advertised on local road signage as work progresses.
Anyone who has an enquiry about the scheme is asked to contact the developer via: info@urbanissta.co.uk