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North Horsham Parish Council
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North Horsham Parish Council provides three community halls (Holbrook Tythe Barn, North Heath Hall and Roffey Millennium Hall), open spaces at Amberley Close and Earles Meadow, playgrounds at Holbrook Tythe Barn, Birches Road, Earles Meadow and Amberley Close, allotments at Amberley Close and some street furniture. The Parish Council also leases land for the Harwood Road allotments which are administered by the Harwood Road Allotment Association. As well as providing services, the Parish Council represents the community. This is mainly by responding to consultations, especially those in regard to planning and by getting involved. The Council also administers grant funding and currently, the Parish Council is investigating providing benches on North Heath Lane and Pondtail Road, fitness equipment at Holbrook Tythe Barn and advertising on bus shelters to provide additional income.
North Horsham Parish Council is holding its Annual Meeting of the Electors of the Parish on Monday 20th April 2020 at Roffey Millennium Hall starting at 7.30pm, but with refreshments from 7pm. The Annual Meeting of the Electors is an opportunity for local residents and organisations to learn what the parish council has been doing on their behalf over the last year. The meeting is also an opportunity for residents to discuss and ask questions about local issues which are important to them. If there is something that you particularly want to see discussed on 20th April, please let the Clerk know by 31st March 2020. The Annual Meeting of Electors is open to everybody although only those who are resident within the Parish have the right to speak and only those on the electoral roll have a right to vote. The meeting is designed to allow everyone within the parish to get together to discuss any topics of local interest and is a relatively informal and user-friendly meeting. The final programme has not yet been agreed, but we have invited the newly formed North Horsham Community Land Trust to give an update on their progress so far and Sussex Police. This is an important meeting for the Council as this is an opportunity to hear what local people think, find out about their views and engage proactively with the community.
Finally, the Parish Council is made up of those who genuinely care for what is happening in
North Horsham and want to help if they can. Parish Council Meetings are held at Roffey Millennium Hall on Crawley Road, Horsham and start at 7.30pm. They are open to the public and there is a chance for the public to speak at the beginning of every meeting. The next full Council meeting is on Thursday 5th February 2020.
You will find more information about North Horsham Parish Council on the Parish Council website www.northhorsham-pc.gov.uk , or contact the Parish Council through the Clerk on 01403 750786 , e-mail parish.clerk@northhorsham-pc.gov.uk .
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Statistics recently released by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) identify Horsham District Council as one of the top 20 performing councils in the UK for improved kerbside recycling rates.
The Horsham District has achieved a recycling rate of 53.5% exceeding the 50% target which was set for 2020. This achievement maintains us our position as the best performing district for recycling across the whole of West Sussex.
Horsham District Council is now listed as one of the top 20 authorities for the most improved recycling rate in the country, going up 3.7 percentage points in the 2018/19 year.
In addition to this, residents have also reduced the amount of household waste produced per household by 53kg which is now the lowest in West Sussex.
Commenting on this success, Horsham District Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment, Recycling and Waste Cllr Philip Circus said:
While there is cause for celebration, there is always progress that can be made. The amount of waste produced per head is still high with food waste making up a staggering 41% of what we throw away.
Whilst the Council is committed to exploring a strategy to collect food waste, more can be done to
reduce this in the home. For more information on how to reduce waste please visit https://www.horsham.gov.uk/waste-recycling-andbins/household-bin-collections/generalwaste/reduce-your-household-waste
Could you be one of our 2020 recycling champions? The Council is looking for families who are keen to cut their food waste and improve their recycling rate. You’d work with us over the coming year to take on new challenges and share updates on how you’re getting on. Initially we’ll do a waste audit offering support and advice to help you and then in December we will take a look to see what a difference has been made. At the end of the year you’ll receive a £100 shopping voucher as a thank you for taking part. If you are interested please email recyclingchampions@horsham.gov.uk to apply.
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