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Horsham Music Circle
Horsham’s Parish Church is the venue for a showcase concert by the town’s musicians with ‘A Spring Celebration’ on Saturday 7th March at 7.30pm presented by Horsham Music Circle. The St Mary’s Parish Church Choir and Children’s Choir join with guest soloists including Toril AzzaliniMachecler, percussion finalist in the BBC Young Musician of the Year Competition 2018 and soprano Helen Whittington (pictured right). Helen has performed throughout the UK in opera, cabaret, oratorio and church music, and is the resident soprano with the opera gala trio ‘Aspects of Opera’. Toril competes again in this year’s BBC competition and performs some of his chosen pieces in advance of the Young Musician appearance. Other soloists are
organist Jeremy Weaver, singer Ian Gardner and, from Christ’s Hospital, trumpeter Theo Murton. Together they present an evening of musical delights with such favourites as Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto, Vivaldi’s 'Spring', Dvorak's ‘Song to the Moon’, and Parry’s ‘I was Glad’ alongside numbers by Sting and Coldplay.
In addition Gerald Taylor FRCO has been creating another series of his popular lunchtime Organ Recitals at the Unitarian Church 1pm with performances on Tuesdays 17th March and 21st April. Gerald trained at the Royal College of Music followed by a career as organist at London churches including Westminster Abbey, teaching at schools in West Sussex and Surrey and playing regularly in the Horsham area. The hour long concerts will include pieces by Guilmant, Bach, Gigout, Howells, Mendelssohn, Vierne and Handel. All are welcome - entry is free and there will be a retiring collection to support the Music Circle’s concert promoting work.
Tickets are available in advance from 01403 252602, website www.horsham-musiccircle.org.uk, email horshammusiccircle@gmail.com , from Horsham Museum 01403 211661 and on line from www.wegottickets.com/HorshamMusicCircle and on the door.