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Community Information Board

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What’s On

SOUTHWATER Community Information Board



Southwater Parish Council Beeson House, Lintot Square Southwater, West Sussex RH13 9LA Acting Clerk: Mrs Dawn Spouge 01403 733202 www.southwater-pc.gov.uk Facebook: Southwater Parish Council http://www.facebook.com/southwater .council Twitter: @southwaterpc https://twitter.com/southwaterpc

Southwater Community Police Office Opened in September 1996, the Southwater Community Police Office is a unique facility for Southwater, set up and run by volunteers from the Community. Place: Beeson House, Lintot Square, Southwater. Contact: 01403 734417 Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:30 - 17:00


Kids Connect Fun and Friendly parent or carers toddler group Monday’s 10am - 11.30am (Term Time only). Jubilee House, Worthing Road, Southwater RH13 9JB Contact 01403 254241 www.wearelifespring.church/kidsconnec t

pçìíÜï~íÉê=sáää~ÖÉ=e~ää=mêÉJpÅÜççä Caters for children from 2 years 4 months to reception age, providing them with a fun and stimulating environment where they learn through play and exploration with the care of a dedicated team. With a ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted at their 2016 inspection, the pre-school offers morning and afternoon sessions, and three all-day sessions from 9.15am to 4pm on Mon, Tues & Thurs with the inclusion of a ‘lunch link’ session. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT Contact: Manager, Heather Clarke 01403 733954 southwaterpreschool@hotmail.co.uk.


Friday Night Club For ages 8 to 12 years, every Friday night come and let off some steam with sports, games, arts and crafts and sing or dance on the Wii. Cost £3 per child. 6.30pm- 8pm. Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: 01403 733208

Horsham Judo Club Every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5.30pm for all ages Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: Derek on 07778 670124 or email: derekdoingdiy@btinternet.com www.horshamjudoclub.com

Southwater Children and Family Centre Information, advice and guidance on any family related issues, such as childcare, health, benefits, employment and education. Open Monday 9:00am - 3pm Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:00am - 11:30am Place: Worthing Road, Southwater, RH13 9HA. Contact: 01403 213570 or email southwater.cfc@westsussex.gov.uk www.westsussex.gov.uk/southwatercfc Southwater Guides Group Within the group we have units for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. All units offer a well balanced programme full of variety, fun and adventure. All groups (except 3rd Brownies) meet in the Scout and Guide HQ, Church Lane. Please contact: Sharon Berriman 01403 730703

2nd Southwater Scouts Our aim is to give youngsters in Southwater the opportunity to experience a wide range of fun activities - from crafts and games to camping and climbing - with other children of their own age. Scouting enables young people between 6 and 14 years of age to ‘learn by doing’. Place: Scout Hut, Church Lane, Southwater Contact: Wendy 01403 730747 to add your name to waiting list wendyhlowis@btinternet.com

Infinity Gymnastics Pre-school, general, acrobatic and freestyle gymnastics. Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: 07763186554 or email info@infinity-gymnastics.co.uk www.infinity-gymnastics.co.uk

Kids Like Us A club for Southwater children in the age range 4 – 11. Opening hours are 7.45am – 8.50am and 3.20pm –6.00pm. Place: Southwater Infant Academy, Worthing Road, Southwater, RH13 9JH Contact: 01403 730050

pçìíÜï~íÉê=vçìíÜ=mêçàÉÅí A wide range of activities intended to meet the physical, mental, spiritual and social needs of children and young people. Various activities - please check the website for details. Contact: Angie Choat on 07795835905 or email angie@southwateryouthproject.org.uk

West Sussex County Council Youth Service The Youth Service is there to support your move from childhood to adulthood. So, if you are between the ages of 11-25, you can access the Youth Service! www.yourspacewestsussex.co.uk/


Southwater U3A Southwater U3A (University of the Third Age) is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational,

creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. Contact: 01403 730598 www.u3a.org.uk

Southwater Welcome Club A club for 55+. It runs every other Wednesday afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Activities and occasional entertainers, parties and outings. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: Deborah Bailey on 01403 731891

Southwater Young at Heart Two sessions for 50+s to meet others in an informal setting. Activities are available if you would like to participate. £3 per session including refreshments. Fridays 1.30 – 3.30pm. Place: Beeston House, Lintot Square, Southwater. Thursday Group Thursdays 10.00am - 12 noon Place: Southwater Sports Club Contact: Pat Chapman on 01403 730420 or Tina Andrews on 01403 731839 www.southwaterchurch.org.uk/south watertoungatheart.htm

Sporting Moments Every Monday from 10am to 12pm, free gentle sports session for people with dementia and a family member. Come and meet others and enjoy the fun. Place: Southwater Leisure Centre, Pevensey Road, Southwater RH13 9XZ. Contact: Pauline on 01403 730190

i~îáåá~=eçìëÉ=lîÉê=RMë=`äìÄ Wide range of social activities and events including music and dance, darts league, card clubs, exercise classes, crafts. Onsite café, hairdressing, chiropody and holistic therapies. Transport from Southwater available Monday, Thursday and Friday. Ask about a free trial day. Contact: 01403 751327 or email hubsandclubsadministrator@ageukhors hamdistrict.org.uk


Argentine Tango Classes with Sandra and Santiago Monticelli Mondays (except the first Monday of every month) - from 7.30pm for beginners and 8.30pm intermediates. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: www.letstangouk.org, email: letstangouk@gmail.com or phone 07760 808642

Bingo Every other Wednesday afternoon 2 - 4pm. Cash prizes, raffle and refreshments. The more players the bigger the cash prizes! Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: Teresa Longdon on 01403 732957 or bookings@southwatervillagehall.org.uk

The Elsdon School of Dance Ballet and Modern tap dance classes for all ages. Now doing adult ballet. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: Mrs Jackie Bearman on 01403 731578

Southwater Community First Responders CFR’s are volunteers who provide immediate care to those in their community who have fallen ill. The CFR’s are dispatched by the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb). The aim of the group is to provide a service 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. If you think you can help in any way please call. Contact: Team Leader: Pauline Flores-Moore on 07702 743776 or visit our website www.southwaterresponders.org.

Tea Dances Join Colin and Margret every second and fourth Friday of the month, for an afternoon of ballroom dancing. Cost £5 Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: 01403 734409 pçìíÜï~íÉê=^êí=`äìÄ We are an informal, friendly ’self help’ group that holds regular (six per month) two and a half hour painting for pleasure sessions (details to be found on our website). You are expected to bring along your own art materials for the sessions and we provide refreshments. We welcome new members and encourage those interested to come along and try us out (session free). The Art Club Annual Membership is £20.00, with session fees £4.00. Contact the club via the website www.southwaterartclub.co.uk

Southwater Library Lintot Square, Southwater 01403 734660 southwater.library@westsussex.gov.uk Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am – 5pm Sat 10am – 2pm Baby Rhyme Time (all babies and toddlers welcome) FREE Every Thursday 10.30-11.00am

The Horsham & Shipley Community Project - The Workshop Practice old skills and develop new in our Community Workshop. Fully equipped with modern equipment (particularly for woodworking). Every Tuesday from 10.00am . Contact: Phil on philipgibbs669@gmail.com or call 07786 070939 - Petanque Try a new sport. The Shipley Petanque Club invite new comers to come along and give it a go on Tuesdays from 11.00am to 13.00 am. Contact: Melanie on melcjrob@gmail.com - Walking Football Come and join the fun on Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 10.00am. Contact: Phil on philipgibbs669@gmail.com or call 07786 070939 - ‘Vets’ Football. Football for the over 35s. Contact: Trev on 07817 957461 to find out more.


Southwater Badminton Club Tuesday evenings October to April from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and Thursday evenings May to September from

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