Af ter School
2017 - 2018 Carol Baumgarth • After School Director 713.298.3657 • 713.243.5431
After School Extended Day Program
The Kinkaid After School program provides a safe, engaging environment for Lower School students after normal school hours. In After School, students have time each day to complete homework, enjoy story time and play on the playground and in the Big Room. Students also have the opportunity to participate in arts and crafts projects. Additionally, the After School staff organizes on-campus field trips, seasonal group projects, an annual community service project and more.
After School Extended Day Registration
Families have the option of either enrolling in the extended day program on a quarterly basis, or may take advantage of the program on a drop-in basis. To sign up for the extended day program, please visit the After School page on The Kinkaid School website. All registered quarterly applicants will be billed at the beginning of each quarter. Drop-in students will be billed monthly. Please notify the After School Director to withdraw from the program or to change option plans.
Fees Option 1 Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Hours: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Cost: $290/quarter Option 2 Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Hours: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Cost: $570/quarter Option 3 First through Fourth Grade Hours: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Cost: $455/quarter Option 4: Drop-In Pre-K through Fourth Grade Hours: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Cost: $13/hour
Dates 1st quarter: 8/22 - 10/20 2nd quarter: 10/23 - 1/12 3rd quarter: 1/16 - 3/167 4th quarter: 3/20 - 5/23
After School Optional Activities
In addition to our extended day program, students may register for a variety of onsite enrichment programs lead by outsourced professionals. Students do not need to register for extended day in order to participate, but should if they need to remain at school after the optional activity. Specialty programs start at the beginning of each semester. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten offerings take place from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. and First through Fourth Grade offerings take place from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
After School Optional Activities Registration
To sign up for any of the optional activities available to Lower School students, please visit the After School page on the Kinkaid School website for information and registration. You may also contact each vendor directly for additional program information. Completed registration forms for optional activities should be submitted directly to the activity instructors.
Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Optional Activities Monday Tae Kwon Do by Martial Arts Training and Techniques Coach Matthew Langford - 281.236.4741, Tuesday Gymnastics by Steve Brown's Gymnastics Coach Steve Brown - 713.723.3362, Wednesday Hula Hoops by Mad About Hoops Coach Amy Neel - 832.233.1531, Thursday Tennis by Absolute Tennis Academy Coach Kristian Rodriguez - 832.683.9072, Friday Yoga by Fountain of Youth Yoga (fall semester and 4th quarter only) Mrs. Sharon D'Amico - 713.598.5579, Cheer Clinic by JoAnna Nicolaou (3rd quarter only) Coach JoAnna Nicolaou -
First through Fourth Grade Optional Activities Monday Chess by USA Chess Mr. Mike Borchelt - 888.65.CHESS, Tae Kwon Do by Martial Arts Training and Techniques Coach Matthew Langford - 281.236.4741,
Tuesday Gymnastics by Steve Brown's Gymnastics Coach Steve Brown - 713.723.3362, Intro to STEM with LEGO® Bricks by Play-Well TEKnologies Ms. Mariela Niland - Wednesday Hula Hoops by Mad About Hoops Coach Amy Neel - 832.233.1531, LEGO® Robotics by Learning Gears Ms. Anastasia Martynenko - 713.487.6808, Thursday Art by City Art Works Ms. Sarita Schiller - 713.681.1331, Cheer Clinic by JoAnna Nicolaou (3rd quarter only) Coach JoAnna Nicolaou - Drama Workshop by Patty Edwards (fall semester only) Ms. Patty Edwards - Tennis by Absolute Tennis Academy (fall semester only) For students in grades 1 and 2 Coach Kristian Rodriguez - 832.683.9072, Friday Yoga by Fountain of Youth Yoga Mrs. Sharon D'Amico - 713.598.5579,