Kinkaid Strategic Plan for Delivering on Our Mission Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2022-2025

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OUR KINKAID Strategic Plan for Delivering on Our Mission Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2022 - 2025

Letter to Community

Dear Kinkaid Community: Kinkaid has a long history of providing our students with the foundation to help them be successful in life, educating the wholly healthy child. What you see in the pages that follow are a natural extension of this enduring commitment. We, as Kinkaid’s leadership team, believe it is vitally important for our students and all individuals in our community to have a strong sense of belonging and knowledge that as a part of Kinkaid, they are seen and heard. In developing the strategic framework for our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, we have had very hard, yet rewarding conversations with many across our community who, while valuing the education they received at Kinkaid, never felt fully assimilated in Kinkaid’s community or a part of its legacy. We stand on the shoulders of many who for decades have undertaken the work of building community at Kinkaid, and we know our community today will embrace the work now being done in the spirit in which it is intended - to create a environment where every member of Kinkaid’s community feels not just welcome, but an integral part of the traditions and destiny of our School and all who walk its halls. As a reminder from our 2021 community letter, “DEI work at Kinkaid will not divide, segregate, or marginalize at any level. There will be absolutely no indoctrination or shaming. Its aim is just the opposite. It is designed and intended to value each other and bring us together.” While much work has gone into getting us to this point in our planning, we are only at the beginning. This three-year plan, beginning in 2022, is an important step in the continuing effort to ensure future Kinkaid students, alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and community supporters have the ability to fully participate in and belong at Kinkaid. As we continue this work, we hope you will hold us accountable for the intentions found within this plan. In concert with our mission and core values, our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion will equip students with the skills to serve, lead, and become contributing citizens to the communities of Kinkaid, Houston, our country, and the world. In Partnership,

Ed Frank Chair, Board of Trustees

Jonathan Eades Head of School

May 2022


Realizing a Strategic Vision... Renewing Our Commitment

2018/2019 Kinkaid surveys community about DEI issues and holds first Listening Sessions






FEBRUARY 24 CEI Council develops Community Commitments

JANUARY 8 Council drafts CEI Council Purpose Statement








Draft strategic plan based on definitions, action items, metrics, and responsibilities


JANUARY 8 First meetings of high school Affinity Groups

MID JANUARY Search begins for DEI Director



Strategic Plan development continues DEI Director candidates interviewed by Leadership and Council members


Campus reopens for first time since March 2020

DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion CEI - Community, Equity, and Inclusion 2

MARCH 30 Adopted new DEI Commitment Statement

MAR MARCH 31 New DEI Director joins community



FALL 2019


Applications open to community for CEI Council

First CEI Council members identified

First CEI Council meeting










Kinkaid adopts community commitments • Conduct listening forums • Hire a CEI Director • Support the work and training of the CEI Council • Develop student and adult affinity groups • Provide CEI training to leadership, faculty, and staff

Strategic Plan Task Forces created around Pillars


JUNE 29 DEI Council transitioned from CEI and announced to Kinkaid Community

MAY 25


Social unrest across U.S.



DEI Skills training for faculty, administration, and student/ parent leadership

New Head of School joins Kinkaid



JUNE/JULY 16 Kinkaid Cares Listening Forums held across community



Strategic Priorities Task Force Finalizes 5 Pillars for Strategic Plan • Culture • Competency • Curriculum • School Alignment • Communication




DEI Council Virtual Retreat — Identified 3-Year Strategic Priorities

Adult Affinity Groups introduced with the start of KAAF (Kinkaid African American Families)

Board of Trustees updated our mission and reaffirmed our commitment to our core values

SUMMER DEI Council Succession Plan presented and adopted


Strategic Plan reviewed by DEI Council


New DEI Director arrives on Campus




DEI Director conducts 3 Listening Sessions with community



Strategic Plan presented to community




DEI Council kickoff for 21-22 school year

Strategic Plan finalized by DEI Council


Join Us in Writing the Next Three Years

Kinkaid Where You Belong 3



Strategic Drivers Expression Policy DEI Commitment Core Values




Our mission is to promote educational excellence and balanced growth in a challenging, safe, and inclusive learning environment for the benefit of intellectually capable children of a sound character whose talents, interests, and uniqueness will be encouraged and nurtured to prepare them to lead, serve, and become contributing citizens to Kinkaid, our country, and the global community.


Kinkaid recognizes that the primary responsibility for instilling and strengthening values resides with parents. Nevertheless, a school can and should play an important role in character education. We have established four core values at the heart of our emphasis on character development.


Honesty Members of the Kinkaid community tell the truth and act with integrity and honor. We do not mislead, cheat, steal, or lie. Respect Members of the Kinkaid community affirm the intrinsic dignity of all people. We act with tolerance, courtesy, and thoughtful regard for all persons, for property, for the environment, and for ourselves. Responsibility Members of the Kinkaid community are reliable and hold themselves and others accountable for their actions. We do not make excuses, blame others, or take unwarranted credit. Kindness Members of the Kinkaid community exhibit caring and compassionate behavior in all aspects of daily life. We are not mean, and we do not harass, nor act in a cruel manner. By our positive example, we discourage unkind behavior in others.



Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment Adopted by The Kinkaid School Board of Trustees March 30, 2021 A community grounded in diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential for The Kinkaid School to fulfill its mission and truly embody its core values of honesty, responsibility, respect, and kindness. A diverse community enhances our intellectual curiosity, inspires creativity, and cultivates empathy, all of which are essential to developing critical thinkers and leaders. Important differences at Kinkaid include culture, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, family composition, neighborhoods, physical ability, political philosophy, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and talent. Recognizing, supporting, and honoring the unique contributions of our diverse community creates a stronger Kinkaid for all.

Members of the Kinkaid community will foster a school environment where respect is paramount and every member is valued, safe, and included. This responsibility extends throughout the entire community, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, school leadership, board of trustees, parents, guardians, families, grandparents, caretakers, and alumni. Through institutional decisions and policies, Kinkaid is committed to creating and enhancing programs that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion as foundational aspects of our school community, including academics, arts, athletics, student life, admissions, community engagement, and employment practices. Community members will challenge bias and stereotypes, embrace differences, stimulate collaboration and teamwork, and honor viewpoints that are presented in a civil and respectful manner. In concert with our mission and core values, our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion will equip students with the skills to serve, lead and become contributing citizens to the communities of Kinkaid, Houston, our country, and the world. 11

Purpose As a college-preparatory institution, Kinkaid is committed to creating an environment governed by its core values in which every student can gain the knowledge, develop the skills, and build the confidence necessary to participate productively in a vibrant marketplace of ideas. Fostering an environment where members of the community engage in effective and responsible conversations is an essential part of the School’s educational mission. Learning how to have a conversation, not what view to hold, lies at the heart of a student experience that cultivates individual purpose in communities. To this end, Kinkaid encourages students to freely express themselves through their verbal speech and non-verbal speech acts – i.e., those actions intended to communicate substantive messages to others, while promoting the robust exploration of ideas through the supportive teachings of the faculty. The freedom to discuss and debate the merits of competing ideas does not mean that students, faculty, or staff may say whatever they wish, wherever they wish. In addition to being consistent with Kinkaid’s core values, student, faculty, and staff speech and acts must not disrupt the ordinary educational and extracurricular activities of the School or violate any policy set forth in Kinkaid’s Student or Employee Handbooks. In short, students, faculty, and staff may express themselves to the extent that their 12

speech or acts are appropriate for Kinkaid’s learning environment. The appropriateness of particular speech or acts is determined at the sole discretion of the Division Head or Head of School. Principles for Civil Discourse The Kinkaid School believes that civil discourse is a conversation based upon respect and civility; its purpose is to enhance learning, understanding, and trust. The Kinkaid School welcomes individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital status, disability, uniformed service status, veteran status, citizenship status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law. Kinkaid is committed to providing equal opportunity in all actions and in the administration of all policies and programs. • Kinkaid’s intellectual and social environment is diverse, with many opportunities for its students, faculty, and staff to learn from each other and to enhance their own understanding of the world around them. • Kinkaid values each individual’s ideas, experiences, and worldview. • Kinkaid is committed to remaining a place for the healthy expression of diverse ideas, the exploration of various viewpoints, and the use of civil discourse.

Guidelines for Civil Discourse As members of the Kinkaid community, we are expected to: • Respect everyone’s right to hold individual views • Approach social, religious, and political conversations with a willingness to listen respectfully to ideas that differ from our own • Ground discussions in fact and reason As members of the Kinkaid community, we are expected to avoid: • Antagonism (insults, demeaning or discriminatory language, mockery) • Hostility (personal attacks, uncontrolled emotion, threats) • Excessive persuasion (misrepresentation of facts, emotional manipulation, logical fallacies) Faculty and Staff Responsibilities to Foster Civil Discourse While the Principles, Core Values, and Guidelines for Civil Discourse are shared community-wide, faculty and staff members have a responsibility to create a space for civil discourse within the classroom while modeling how to engage in effective and responsible conversations. Because we believe that it is the role of all Kinkaid employees to encourage students to think deeply about complex topics, we endeavor to foster civil discourse with and between students in these specific ways:

• Build confidence in this process by creating space for civil discourse and open dialogue among students when expressing opinions. Establish community norms and prohibit bullying or harassment of any kind. • Help students express, explore, and be challenged on their own viewpoints as this is essential in the development of critical thinking. Avoid sharing personal viewpoints on social, religious, or political topics in order to facilitate a learning environment for students to participate. • Encourage students to take their own reasoned positions when responding to discussion prompts and instill confidence that students will not be penalized for disagreeing with what they perceive as the employee’s viewpoint. • Demonstrate Kinkaid’s four core values when redirecting a student or discussion. • When grading class participation or work that involves the sharing of student viewpoints on social, religious, or political issues, be explicit and specific about what is and is not being assessed and avoid the employee’s personal viewpoints affecting a student’s grade.


Educational Excellence We will prepare our students with a high-caliber, wellrounded academic experience to ensure they achieve their full potential and are prepared to succeed in their collegiate experience and beyond. Balanced Growth We will educate the wholly healthy child, including the mental, physical, and emotional, through a balanced curriculum that includes academics, arts, and athletics while incorporating character, personal, and life skills. Learning Environment We will work to embrace and protect our natural campus while creating spaces, structures, and environments to facilitate our children’s learning, development, and growth. We will promote a welcoming and supportive learning environment for every student. Challenging We will always be a school that values rigor in academics, arts, and athletics and holds our students to high standards. 14

Safe We are intentional in our commitment to create an emotionally, physically, and intellectually safe campus and environment for our teachers to teach and our children to learn, explore, and to share their individuality with confidence. We seek to form a diverse community welcome to all. Consequently, The Kinkaid School administers its educational programs without regard to color, gender expression, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, physical disability, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Inclusive We will foster an environment where every person is accepted for their individuality and uniqueness. We are committed to engaging students in activities designed to increase their appreciation of individuals from different backgrounds. We will never encourage division or segregation of any kind - be it socioeconomic, racial, religious, or other.

Sound character We will hold every person in our community, including our students, faculty, and staff, to a high ethical and moral standard guided by our core values. Talent, interest, and uniqueness We will embrace the uniqueness of every child and support their individuality to live up to their full potential. At the same time, we will emphasize commonality rather than divisions. Encouraged and nurtured We will foster an open, healthy, and safe environment where each child feels he or she is valued, appreciated, and supported in achieving the best of his or her abilities. We will encourage freedom of thought and respectful expression.

Lead, serve, and become contributing citizens We will produce leaders and people who will positively contribute to the well-being of society and other people. We will encourage diversity of thought and not impose political perspective on students or penalize students for their views. To Kinkaid We will value contributions to our school and encourage actions that support our mission and values. We will strive for excellence and celebrate achievement. Our country and the global community We will teach and embrace the understanding and action around the ideals, work ethic, history, systems, and dreams that define America; preparing our students to be a part of something bigger than our school and community. Simultaneously we will teach and celebrate global cultures.


Our Shared Understanding of Terms Diversity

What do we mean when we use the words: diversity, equity, and inclusion? There is much local, national, and global discourse about what DEI is and is not. It is important for us at Kinkaid to be intentional about communicating what the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to us. Additionally, having a definitional foundation is necessary to create common ground as the community embarks on this important work together.

The wide range of characteristics used to identify individual and group identities. Some examples include ability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, neurodiversity, race, religion, sexual orientation. Diversity is often shorthand for visible and/or quantifiable statuses. There is also diversity of thought, experiences, and perspectives. Equity Through a balance of fairness and inclusion, ensuring that students have what they need to reach their full potential — that their circumstances do not become obstacles to their achievement. Barriers that would prevent full participation of all individuals are eliminated. Inclusion Honoring diversity by taking everyone’s experience and identity into account to create an environment where all feel accepted, safe, empowered, affirmed, and supported. An inclusive school expands its sense of community to cultivate belonging for all.



— Mujidat Shotonwa, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Belonging. The need to be an accepted member of a group. An emotional need, an inherent desire to be part of something greater than oneself. As Roy Baumeister, a Professor of Psychology, has stated, ‘This desire is so universal that the need to belong is found across all cultures and different types of people.’ Because it is crucial to our well-being as humans, belonging is invaluable to the health and strength of our community.

— Mujidat Shotonwa, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


DEI in Action DEI Council Composition and Terms of Service The Council is comprised of Kinkaid Administrators including the Head of School, the Assistant Head of School, the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as well as representatives from divisions and departments across the School. Members of the community including parents, alumni, faculty, and staff are selected through an annual application process to ensure the Council’s mission is fulfilled. Council members serve a two-year term. The Head of School selects two of the community members to serve as chairs for a period of two years.

“We provide a collaborative platform where all voices of our community, including students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni, are actively encouraged to share their perspectives and experiences.’’ — Excerpt from DEI Council Purpose Statement DEI Council

Student Diversity Leadership Board Kinkaid’s Student Diversity Leadership Board (SDLB) is a student-driven organization which engages in meaningful dialogue and necessary action regarding socially relevant topics and supports such efforts by identifying, exploring, and promoting multicultural programming to create an inclusive school community.

Student Diversity Leadership Board


Community Living Our Core Values to Strengthen Inclusive Learning and Belonging We commit to exemplifying diversity, equity, and inclusion through our Core Values; and nurturing and encouraging all community members as we fulfill Kinkaid’s mission.

ALUMNI, PARENT, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Engage alumni, parents, and other Kinkaid community members in conversations and events to hear all voices and share multiple perspectives.



Develop outreach strategies to increase representation for: • Students and families at all entry levels • Faculty and staff in all areas of Kinkaid



Set goals for retention with a special focus on underrepresented groups among our highly qualified faculty and staff.

Provide an environment of inclusiveness to celebrate the many cultures, traditions, and experiences of our community. Support and grow student and adult Heritage Clubs and Affinity Groups that explore topics of shared identity and ensure a sense of belonging across our community. Assess the impact of Affinity Groups on students and adults who participate through surveys, focus groups, and ongoing community conversations.

COMMUNITY IN ACTION • Dedicate resources in Admission and Enrollment Management to increase diversity in the student body and integrate DEI outreach and programming into new family orientation events. • Conduct focused outreach to invite underrepresented alumni to participate more fully in Kinkaid receptions, admission events, and student education programs. • Establish a partnership between Advancement and Academic leadership to create alumni mentoring program. • Create a liaison position on the Parents’ Association Board for DEI Council. • Ensure the purpose and impact of Kinkaid affinity groups are both understood and valued across the Kinkaid community.


Competency Providing Knowledge, Skills, and Awareness to Deliver on Our Mission We will develop, evaluate, engage, and maintain programs, resources, and training to provide meaningful educational experiences and initiate responsible and courageous conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion for our community.




Fully integrate DEI efforts into existing and new events and activities and include in the online School calendar.

Build on existing training to develop a goal-based, on-going training for Kinkaid administration, faculty, staff, trustees, new community members, student leaders, and parent and alumni leader volunteers.

Create opportunities for students to gain exposure to diverse experiences through volunteer work, internships, and summer projects and develop skills to model exemplary practice of core values.

Evaluate and improve training continuously.

Establish Kinkaid as a leader among peer and other Houston area schools by educating and preparing our students to model DEI through our Core Values and initiate a Community Student DEI Council across the region.

Further develop and publicize the online DEI resources, including links to articles and videos, and a DEI glossary with definitions of key concepts organized at ageappropriate levels.


COMPETENCY IN ACTION • Establish a framework to develop and guide DEI training, including determining institutional training themes across divisions and departments. • Create DEI training within employee platforms to onboard new faculty and staff. • Offer on-going parent leadership and wellness education. • Develop a Houston-based network of partner schools to connect practitioners and students to increase student exposure to diverse experiences and learning opportunities. • Advance the Student Diversity Leadership Board under the guidance of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


Curriculum Preparing Critical Thinkers & Global Leaders We commit to further aligning instruction that promotes high levels of academic proficiency and performance to prepare students for success in our diverse and interconnected world. We aspire for a whole-school approach that reaches out to and receives feedback from all divisions and areas of the School.




Assess equitable representation of diverse voices across curriculum and establish a baseline for measuring improvements.

Research best practices and analyze applicability for age-appropriate levels.

Provide professional development to faculty and staff to create equitable learning experience for all students.

Develop strategies to enhance the educational experience by integrating the principles of DEI into the School’s academic framework.

Create intentional opportunities for cross-divisional, interdisciplinary group discussions about DEI topics and community-based learning.

Continually assess and strengthen implementation taking into consideration the impact on students’ educational experiences 22

CURRICULUM IN ACTION • Conduct on-going systematic reviews across all divisions and applicable departments to ensure the presence of diverse content, authors, and perspectives. • Evaluate frameworks to ensure alignment between divisions and departments. • Prepare our students for success through programs and experiences that educate and empower them in a safe and healthy learning environment.


Alignment Ensuring Accountability for Educational Excellence We commit to review and conduct ongoing assessments of school policies, practices, initiatives, programs, and traditions to ensure Kinkaid fosters learning environments that equitably enhance intellectual curiosity, inspire creativity, and cultivate empathy, and where every Kinkaid community member is valued, safe, and included.



Policies and practices will be analyzed and revised as necessary to ensure ongoing alignment with Kinkaid’s foundation, including the Mission, Core Values, Expression Policy, DEI Commitment Statement, and Strategic Drivers.

Initiatives and programs across all three divisions, Arts, and Athletics will be reviewed and weighed to ensure implementation is reflective of the intent within the framework of Kinkaid’s mission.




Ensure alignment between Kinkaid’s Mission and our community events and activities to fulfill the School’s commitment to inclusion.

Create organizational structures to establish benchmarks, regularly conduct reviews and evaluations, and assess progress across all pillars.

ALIGNMENT IN ACTION • Conduct climate surveys to measure progress across pillars including all students, parents, faculty, and staff and focusing on evaluating the learning environment across all divisions and departments. An initial survey was conducted in 2018 which set a baseline for evaluation. • Administer each division and department to review policies and practices, ensuring alignment with mission and core values. • Encourage robust and on-going communication between Division Heads to promote alignment in initiatives and programs. • Determine appropriate identifying categories for faculty and staff retention measures.


Communication Fortifying our Foundation with Consistent Information We commit to ongoing, two-way communication with the Kinkaid community on the progress of the DEI Strategic Plan.



Expand existing practices, such as listening sessions and Affinity Groups, and identify new opportunities for Kinkaid’s community to share their ideas and experiences.

Include DEI updates across all school communication channels.

Initiate conversations with community members to gather first-hand feedback on the implementation of DEI efforts. Build trust that will encourage and empower community members to share valuable and instructive comments. 26

Provide intentional, regular progress updates on strategic actions outlined in the DEI Strategic Plan. Consistently communicate initiative outcomes through individual community members’ experiences to demonstrate Our Kinkaid in action.

COMMUNICATION IN ACTION • Highlight Kinkaid’s diverse community including students, activities, and programs utilizing all communication and outreach platforms. • Provide DEI-focused content and updates in the weekly Falcon Flyer and on the Kinkaid website. • Encourage use of the DEI email to further two-way communication to increase feedback and input from the community.


JAN/FEB DEI Council nomination period opens



Affinity Groups Celebrate 1 Year Anniversary

Strategic Plan presented to alumni

Middle School DEI Task Force Retreat

DEI Council application process begins





MAY New Council Members announced



Join Us As We Jump Into Our Future Kinkaid Where You Belong 28


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