Kinkaid Magazine - Summer 2017

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From the Headmaster Dear Kinkaid Community,


hope that you and your family are having a rejuvenating and relaxing summer. Although the pace is somewhat slower in the summer months at Kinkaid, it is never totally “quiet” on campus.

In addition to a host of typical maintenance projects, construction crews have been hard at work reconfiguring the main entrance and preparing the West Campus for a turf baseball field and eight tennis courts, which are scheduled to be ready for the spring 2018 season. Moreover, we have had very successful summer programs including the 43rd annual Engineering Math Science Institute (EMSI) with a full enrollment of 120 students. Things are always on the move at Kinkaid! Looking back on the 2016-17 academic year, I am so pleased to report that we enjoyed another outstanding school year. Our senior class—the wonderful Class of 2017 —set an extremely positive tone from start to finish. These students will always be special to me as it is the first class that I have had the honor and privilege of watching go through their entire Upper School career (I just finished my fourth year as Headmaster). I hope I have learned half as much about my work as they have learned from their course work! I am extremely grateful for their stellar leadership, as well as for the continued excellent work of the faculty and staff and the strong and supportive partnership of the parent community. There is a remarkable spirit of caring that permeates The Kinkaid School. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

For the first time, we exceeded the $3M threshold in the Kinkaid Fund, a very impressive total for a PreK-12 co-ed day school. Moreover, with fundraising in just its early stages, we have raised approximately $6.45M of the $10.85M goal for the Go West initiative Phase I of the West Campus construction (see page 9 for more details). The Sporting Clays Benefit this spring raised a record amount, the 2nd Alumnae & Friends Luncheon attracted over 500 guests and the Golf Tournament continued its successful tradition of fun and fundraising. Thank you for your exceptional sustained generosity! It enriches the life of our students and faculty now and will continue to do so in the future.

Kinkaid offered more than 20 parent education sessions, highlighted by presentations from Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) and Dr. Leonard Sax, best-selling author of The Collapse of Parenting. Many thanks to those who attended these valuable programs.

After 18 months of extensive planning with input across our community, Board Chair Linda Andrews and I presented the School’s new strategic plan, Balanced Excellence, which is framed by four strategic imperatives: One Kinkaid, Performance Excellence, Commitment to Balance and Unparalleled Student Experience. Look for more details on this important plan in the coming months.

Many thanks to the hard-working and deeply loyal parent volunteers who gave unselfishly of their time and energy to continue many treasured events – Book Fair, International Fair and Field Day to name just a few – and to the many parents who assisted in important other ways, such as welcoming new families and students to our School or thanking our faculty and staff for their hard work. The dedication of our volunteers is extraordinary!

Some of the major highlights of the year are as follows: •

The Dining and Learning Center (DLC) opened to rave reviews from both students and faculty alike. Offering delicious and nutritious food as well as innovative and attractive academic spaces, the DLC has truly been a “home run.” And let’s not forget about the popular Falcon Fuel coffee and snack bar!

Our Upper School musical, Into the Woods, was nominated for four Tommy Tune awards, a competition under the auspices of Theater Under the Stars (TUTS): best choreography, best musical direction, best lighting and best technical crew execution! Furthermore, four students earned prestigious Tommy Tune scholarships. Our Middle School musical, The Wizard of Oz, played to packed houses, and our Lower School artists and singers dazzled their parents and family members with their top-notch pieces and performances throughout the school year.

For the third consecutive year—a Kinkaid first—we captured the SPC Athletic Directors’ Cup, which measures overall performance in SPC playoffs during the school year. Also for the first time, we finished as the #1 school in boys sports. We had four championships this year (girls cross country, girls basketball, girls swimming and diving and boys golf), three second-place finishes, and out of 23 SPC sports, a remarkable 15 teams placed in the top 4 for their season. Our Middle School teams won six championships and had 19 top 4 finishes this year, which is remarkable high-level consistency, indeed. Sixty-seven members of the Class of 2017 were accepted to the University of Texas, Austin, which is the largest number of admittances since 2007. Seniors also received admission offers from all eight Ivy League schools and Stanford University. The Class also had a 40 Acres Scholar at UT Austin and a Johnson Scholar at Washington and Lee University. Bravo, seniors!

Congratulations to our students, faculty and staff for their exceptional accomplishments in 2016-2017! Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing you on campus in the fall. Until then, and as always, Go Falcons! Warm regards,





Contents Features 2 9 36 44


Reflections Kinkaid Goes West The Class of 2017 Reunion Weekend 2017

Departments 2


26 32 48

Around Campus 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 24 25

International Fair Interim Term Notable Visitors First and Fifth Grade Grandparents’ Days 2017 Cum Laude 1906 Society Kinkaid Alumnae & Friends Luncheon 15th Annual Sporting Clays Benefit Moms and Dads of Grads New Trustee Founders Society Field Day Honor Day Faculty Awards and Accolades Retirements


66 32

Athletics Fine Arts Class Notes & Alumni News 48 66 70 84

Letters from the Presidents Alumnus Profile – Trey Alsup ’87 Alumna Profile – Iman Houston Farrior ’01 Milestones



Alexa Leach ’09 Manager of Alumni Activities

Lisa Wood Assistant Director of Advancement

Kate DeWitt Manager of Special Events

Georgia Piazza Manager of Communications & Marketing

Cameron Whitaker Assistant Communications Manager

Blair Burke Foster ’06 Manager of Kinkaid Fund Andrea Ibarra Gift Records Manager

Rita Morico Parent Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator Cindy van Keppel Advancement Assistant

Photography contributed by: David Shutts ’74 David Shutts Photography, Inc. Design contributed by: Michael Clarke Blue C Studios 11




y the time you read this article, summer will be in full swing. The wonderfully beautiful Houston weather will consistently reach the high 90s, which I think will last until December (smile), and the Golden State Warriors would have defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA Finals, and the Houston Astros will have a huge lead in their division.

The end of every school year is a wonderful time to reflect upon all of the many great accomplishments and begin preparing for what will be another fulfilling and remarkable year. Our students accomplished so much. From our youngest students who completed their first of 14 consecutive years at one school, to our seniors who are now off to even greater endeavors, we have much for which to be thankful. Think about it – fourteen consecutive years in one place. Some of us have had the privilege of having extended relationships This is the level of that have surpassed the 14 year mark. But, excitement that most of us have not lived in the same home/ neighborhood or have been employed at maintains these the same place for that duration of time. bonds, forged for Fourteen years is pretty remarkable.

many in elementary or middle school, and which last a lifetime.

In the areas of academics, arts and athletics, Kinkaid continued to prepare and produce outstanding students, who competed and achieved at high levels, and those students did so with a commitment to our core values and even greater pride in their teammates and school. This is the level of excitement that maintains these bonds, forged for many in elementary or middle school, and which last a lifetime. Recently I had a chance to return to my hometown, Baltimore, to attend a special graduation. Eight years ago, I closed one chapter of my career as an educator. It was during the 2008-2009 school year that I taught my last class of fourth graders. These young men are now high school graduates, and I was fortunate enough to spend some time with them recently over lunch and to be present as they received their diplomas. These young men and I have much in common. One of the most noteworthy is

the blue blazer, white pants, blue shirt and graduation tie that we all donned for commencement. I wore mine a little over 25 years ago. I share this story because the type of connection that teachers have and often maintain with former students can and often do last a lifetime. At Kinkaid, we are fortunate to have those types of dynamic and inspirational faculty. We hear about it often from alums who revel in their memories walking the halls, taking certain classes, learning from teachers (who they consider mentors), playing on teams, acting on stages, ultimately embracing all that is Kinkaid. This year we celebrated Dr. Clay Anderson, a Kinkaid alum and Upper School faculty member, who received the 2017 Columbiana Award for teaching excellence. We celebrate Clay as well as all of our faculty members who make remarkable contributions to the lives of our students. One of the many joys of working at Kinkaid are my interactions with students. I have the privilege of serving as an Upper School Advisor. I have the joy of teaching a course during Interim Term. And, I have the blessing of seeing students in action – in their classrooms, on the athletics courts and fields, and on the stages. But my daily interactions with students across all three divisions of the School are a constant reminder of why I love this work and a reminder of the gift of working with children. One of many quite humorous interactions I had this school year occurred in late April in Lower School. I was enjoying one of my usual walkabouts, and I stumbled upon a pre-kindergarten class that was exiting the library. For those who have never experienced the joy of pre-kindergarten students during library and library check-out, you are missing out on one of life’s greatest joys. As I greeted the students, I heard the following – Hello, Dr. Trusty; Hello, Dr. Martire. (It is not uncommon for the younger students to get the “Dr.” part pretty easy. And some certainly confuse us due to the similarities in stature and appearance- smile.) However, I heard one greeting that was new to me – Hello, Dr. Seuss. I could not stop laughing once I heard it. It was sweet, genuine and hilarious. That student is obviously much more advanced in her ability to make connections. She knows that my greeting begins with “Dr.”, and she also knows that I enjoy writing poems, which are not nearly as good as the ones for which Dr. Seuss has achieved world recognition. Each spring I am invited to write a few poems for special occasions. I thought as a fun summer read, I would share three of those poems with you.

Dr. Trusty with Lucie Kunetka ‘23, Bruce Hurley ’23, Middle School Division Head Chelsea Collins at Honor Day 2




he first, entitled Do You Remember, was written for my kindergarten friends in celebration of National Poetry Month. After reading aloud some of my favorite poems and sharing my inspirations for poetry writing, I then read this original poem.

Four years is a long time, and five years is even longer Because it wasn’t too very long ago, when your strong had gotten a bit stronger Your eyes are a little bit brighter, and you know more words now than then And you can even begin a sentence with, ‘Do you remember when …” Do you remember your first step or the first word you once said? You may not but your parents will. What about the first word you ever read? Do you remember the first day of pre-school? How many new friends did you meet? And do you remember the very first time you discovered your toes then your feet? Do you remember your first steps or your first bites of table food? How about the way you were comforted when in a very bad unsettling mood? Do you remember the very first time you slept the entire night? Your parents can remember the exact time and day, as they could also sleep despite The fact that they didn’t; they checked on you anyway. Because that’s what parents tend to do, without question or delay. Your life is full of those moments. Embrace them, yes, hold on tight Because time stands still for no one, and your future is in clear sight. It’s right now. And right now. And tomorrow and thereafter Don’t let any of those precious moments slip away. And, make some time for laughter I mean the kind that almost hurts, when tears roll down your face Because life will throw some really hard punches, and all that you’ll embrace Is some worry and some melancholy. So laugh then laugh some more Of course not laughing at someone else’s expense, unless that’s what you paid them for The world is full of wonder; great things are within your reach Read and write and read some more and take some time to teach Others these important life lessons. You are now an expert, you see Your remembrance requires some action. Thanks for taking responsibility.




he second poem, entitled Apple of My Eye, was also written for Lower School students in celebration of a terrific school year and was presented at the closing assembly.

Another one is upon us; a school year has come and gone Were you eager until the very end, or did you share a yawn Or two along the way? Giving it almost all you had Did you show respect and responsibility, and a help a friend who was sad Feel better by lending a helping hand? Which is true to our core values and common in Lower School Land Frowns quickly turn to smiles, a handshake or a hug Can erase sadness and disappointment, and turn those who were once a bit smug Into believers; they now drink the Lower School tea That’s filled with all types of goodness, so today I shall decree That on this day and hereafter, we should all be like each of you Optimistic and resilient, and even if we catch the flu We will shake it off. Trust that it soon shall pass And when the water that we see, which partially fills the glass We will determine the glass is half full, nothing empty around these parts As each one of you is extra special, you are literally off the charts In your achievements and your kindnesses, we celebrate you today For doing so many wonderful things, what else is there to say? Thanks for filling others’ buckets, just know you changed the world By being the best you you could be and as it all unfurled You learned so many new things – your teachers are all quite glad And this time of year is for celebration, but it can also be a bit sad Because they’ve spent the last 170 days with you; it was your second home And now you’re off for summer to wander and to roam And spend some time in adventure – to travel, read, and play And when August rolls around, yes, on opening day You will connect with another teacher, and friends you will have anew But the sadness is part of growing, so they bid you each adieu We are all so very proud of each of you, and you should also be Excited about what you’ve accomplished, and we all can’t wait to see You upon your return. You will be taller and even more wise But know that you will forever remain the apple of each of our eyes.





he final poem, entitled All For You was written for our 8th grade friends in celebration of their completion of Middle School and their preparation for Upper School. (Please note that this poem was read on the Monday following Mother’s Day, which did indeed happen to coincide with my Mom’s birthday.)

Today is my Mom’s birthday, and she’s a super star Not only because she’s forever forgiving or she bandaged every scar She’s great for so many reasons, and I’ll list some of them below And it would take me at least three lifetimes to come close and even show Her part of why I love her; she’s a miracle wrapped in flesh From the first time she laid eyes on me, she was committed to keeping me fresh Changing my dirty diapers and making sure I had plenty to eat Signing me up for soccer, and keeping me nice and neat She tried to keep me organized, even when my books I left at school And when I made some numbskull decisions, she declared me not a fool Do you remember your first steps or the very first word you said? She does. And Mom also remembers when you clunked your wobbly head And was rushed to get 16 stitches, she worried as only Mom can But she stayed strong through it all, a feat not quite human. Who quizzed me on my spelling or helped me with school tasks She knew before I did, and I didn’t have to ask And who showed the patience of Job, when a late night request was made She ran out to the 24-hour store, coming quickly to your aid And the time when I got huffy, and didn’t show enough respect She gave me the big eyes, told Dad, and I thought I would get decked But I didn’t, because once again, she came to my rescue As I said a little earlier, I will only tell a few Reasons why I’m grateful, and I’m telling you today Because you have accomplished so much, and Mom may not have time to say All of the reasons why she’s proud; and indulge when she sheds a tear She’s worked tirelessly to do all she can to make sure that you got here To this point, this ceremony, it was a Herculean feat But, again, she made it look easy. So, while you go out to eat Take a second to say thank you, and give Mom a huge bear hug Because without her you wouldn’t have made it. And don’t give me a shrug She’s not the only one, so many more have helped along the way So give them all your thank yous; it will surely make their day. Moms & Dads including grands, and teachers, on behalf of the class of 2021 I extend to you their appreciation; Sincerely, one Mother’s son. Thanks for indulging me by reading this article – and my poems. I did not say that the poems I write are any good (smile), but I surely do enjoy an opportunity to wrap a message in verse. Enjoy your summer. We are looking forward to a terrific and fun-filled 2017-2018 school year in which our core value of focus will be “Kindness.” You will hear more about that in the months ahead. Sincerely, Assistant Headmaster Ed Trusty





have been at Kinkaid in so many different capacities that I hardly know where to start as I reflect on my years there. I guess I’ll go back to the beginning, many years ago.

In 1981, my first child, John, was born, and thereafter I was faced with the question of where to send him to school. My husband and I did not hesitate in filing an application for him to Kinkaid’s pre-school. We were delighted when he was accepted and started school. And then, this was repeated over and over again as our family grew. One of the most important and satisfying things that I observed throughout all those years when my kids were at Kinkaid was how happy the students were to be at school, deeply involved in sports and the arts in addition to their academics. This strong school spirit and commitment to all that Kinkaid has to offer resulted in a palpable, positive energy. I am so proud to say that all five of our sons as well as our daughter attended Kinkaid as lifers. Our first child graduated in 2000, and our last child graduated in 2016. That’s a lot of years and lot of tuition, and my husband and I know that was the best investment we could have ever made!

I began at Kinkaid as a kindergartener back in 1960. My mother told me several times how welcoming the folks at Kinkaid were when our family moved from Dallas to Houston. I have amazingly clear memories of that kindergarten room where we took naps every day after lunch and played outside on the jungle-gyms. Lower school was an idyllic experience, and I recall those triedand-true teaching methods, which included phonics, weekly book reports, memorizing math facts, etc. Middle School, which began in sixth grade in those days, covered my early years of adolescence where my feet were too big, my face too broken out and my self-confidence too shaky. Mr. Goddard was the principal, and he ran a very tight ship. But somehow I survived, ready for high school. Grades 9 through 12 were focused on academics for the most part. The courses were hard, and we had master And here I am in 2017, thrilled teachers including Mr. Germann, Mrs. to begin this fall in yet another Clifford and Mr. Moss who attemptrole at Kinkaid – as a grandpared to develop a modicum of abstract ent. This is the really fun part. I thinking on my part. Honestly, I no longer have to worry about found the high school years to be my grades, discipline, schedules, etc. Liz Labanowski ’73 with her granddaughter Lauren least favorite as a student. I do not I just get to have pure fun now, Labanowski ’31 recall there being a strong sense of watching my granddaughter (and school spirit at that time. Rather, in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, hopefully her siblings) follow the same path that my children and school was not a “cool” place to be, and so myself enjoyed through our many years at Kinkaid. many students were ready to leave campus Many things changed at Kinkaid between when I first came there I just get to have pure as soon as possible. It was actually for that in 1960 to when my daughter graduated in 2016. I have been at fun now, watching my reason that I met my soon-to-be husband – Kinkaid under all headmasters except Mrs. Kinkaid, and it has granddaughter (and we had a blind date during my senior year, been interesting to see how each headmaster has fulfilled his own hopefully her siblings) arranged by my sister after I told her that vision of Mrs. Kinkaid’s school. The campus has been built and follow the same path I was so ready to be out of high school. I rebuilt. Curricula have changed from old-school styles of objecwas accepted into several great colleges, but tive learning to more cooperative, group focused learning. The that my children chose to go to Rice where my fiancé was, campus has definitely become more diverse in just about every and myself enjoyed ready for the next chapter. way. Yet, despite all these changes, I believe two core matters have

through our many years at Kinkaid.

If my high school graduation in 1973 had been the end of my Kinkaid experience, then I’m sure this story would have never been told. But as I finished college, went to law school, entered the professional working world and became a parent, I had the opportunity to reflect on my Kinkaid years and came to truly appreciate them. In spite of the negative social vibe during my high school years, I realized what an amazing education I had received, what incredible teachers I had studied under and what a positive learning experience it had truly been. I was very, very well-educated, and my professional possibilities as a young adult were whatever I wanted them to be. How many people can really say that as they start their adult lives?

not changed. First, academic excellence has always and continues to be at the forefront of the School’s mission. Not only is it good to be academically smart or artistically gifted or athletically inclined at Kinkaid, it is truly celebrated. Second, the importance of good character, community service and a well-rounded persona have withstood the test of time and are core to the School’s mission. The success of the School’s alumni in so many varied fields of work speak to this competency. And, last, at the end of the day, it’s all about the people – the students, parents, faculty, staff, administration. With few exceptions, I know that the members of the Kinkaid community care about each other, the School and the future of Mrs. Kinkaid’s amazing vision. I am incredibly blessed to have been a part of that. Elizabeth Jacobs Labanowski Class of 1973, Parent, Grandparent-to-be




International Fair Thank you to International Fair Chairs Sarah Shughart and Catie Ross and their amazing team of volunteers who took the entire Lower School on a life-like trip to Canada and Italy. All volunteers and donors will be listed in the 2016-17 Annual Report featured in the Kinkaid Magazine this fall.



Interim Term When you ask alumni what was one of their favorite memories of Kinkaid, Interim Term often is at the top of the list! Just as the alumni before them, the Upper School students embarked on a three-week experience to explore new lands and to experience classes not part of their everyday routine that will for sure be a wonderful memory of their time at Kinkaid.




Kinkaid Goes West! School may be out for the summer, but it is not quiet around Kinkaid. If you have driven by Kinkaid recently, you will have noticed lots of hard hats and yellow vests, and heavy equipment like bulldozers, cranes and, of course, lots of dump trucks! Two major infrastructure improvements are underway on the west campus and are scheduled for completion before school starts in August. Community members, especially those who drive carpool, are excited that the front entrance is being redesigned to allow for more efficient traffic flow into, around and out of campus. A large detention pond is being built to provide flood protection during heavy rains. Located near the southwestern part of campus, this low lying, normally dry area is designed to temporarily hold an enormous amount of water during downpours before it drains into Buffalo Bayou.

tennis complex are targeted to be finished in time for the Spring 2018 sports season. The Go West fundraising initiative began earlier this year to fund these projects. “In the early stages of the initiative, we have visited about Go West with the Board of Trustees and an initial smaller group in the community,” said Greg Looser, Chair of the Go West Initiative and a Kinkaid trustee. “We are extremely grateful to them for their marvelous generosity, and, as a result, we already have received $6,415,000 in pledges toward a goal of $10,850,000.” The Initiative also includes some additional campus enhancement projects to be constructed in 2018. If you would like more information about Go West, please contact Director of Advancement Tom Moore at 713-243-5045 or

Did you know the School now fields over 90 sports teams? Two facilities are being added to help address the growth in our athletic program. An eight-court tennis complex is under construction just to the west of the parking garage. The complex will allow Kinkaid to host team competition for the first time in years and includes a viewing hill named in honor of Kel Mabatah ’05, a star Kinkaid and collegiate tennis player whose inspirational story of recovery from a near-death assault was featured in the Winter 2016 issue of the Kinkaid Magazine. A second baseball field with artificial turf is being built that also will provide additional practice space for fall and winter sports teams. The new ball field and



Notable Visitors

Weiner Family Fellow

Papadopoulos Fellow

Likover Visiting Author

Micki Fine, a long-time Houston area therapist, author and mindfulness/meditation practitioner and teacher was the 2016-17 Weiner Family Fellow. Ms. Fine spent a full day with 15 Kinkaid Upper School students on Monday, March 27, leading them in a series of mindfulness and meditation workshops and exercises that focused on utilizing the practice in a variety of settings, situations, and environments, including school, work, athletics and home-life. Ms. Fine returned to Kinkaid the following day and participated in a 40 minute interview and Q&A with faculty member Dr. Charlie Scott in the Brown Auditorium in front of the entire Upper School community, as well as Andy Weiner and Rachel Davis, who represented the Weiner family and also are Kinkaid alumni.

This year again the Kinkaid Upper School had the privilege of hosting a scientist for a day thanks to the generous endowment given by the Papadopoulos family. The 2017 Papadopoulos Fellow was a local scientist. Dr. Genevera Allen holds a joint appointment as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics at Rice University and the Department of Pediatrics-Neurology at Baylor College of Medicine. She spent the day talking to students about ways in which her group has developed statistical tools to help scientists understand what we call “Big Data” in the fields of engineering, neuroscience and genomics. After a formal presentation to the Upper School, Dr. Allen worked with AP Biology and AP Statistics students in small sessions teaching them how to analyze massive data sets by using different organizational models and tools for manageable data interpretation. The workshop was followed with conversations about the engagement of students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and her career path.

Lower School welcomed the Kyle Likover Memorial Visiting Author, Jeff Mack. Mr. Mack grew up in Syracuse, New York and studied art at SUNY Oswego, Syracuse University and Scuola Lorenzo De Medici in Florence, Italy. Mr. Mack has a talent for capturing the essence of a story. Three of his picture books have been on the notable Texas 2x2-reading list and many of his books have received starred reviews. His sense of humor and delightfully detailed illustrations enchanted and tickled the funny bones of all our Lower School readers. Mr. Mack met with each grade level and shared with them the writing and illustrating process. Each session ended with students becoming illustrators themselves.

Dr. Genevera Allen

Micki Fine

Jeff Mack

16 16

20 20

2017 2017


For InFormatIon on UnderwrItIng ContaCt 713-243-5047 or kate.dewItt @



Wells Fellow

Mary Matalin & James Carville Mary Matalin and her husband, the Ragin’ Cajun James Carville, are two of the most recognizable, successful, and respected political strategists and consultants in American politics, and they joined us as Kinkaid’s 20162017 Wells Fellows. Mr. Carville spent the day with us on February 27, and Ms. Matalin joined us on April 3. Kinkaid’s students could not have had two more interesting and informed guides to help them make sense of the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath. Mr. Carville was Bill Clinton’s chief strategist in 1992 when he defeated George H. W. Bush whose campaign was managed by Ms. Matalin. Mr. Carville has continued to manage campaigns both in the United States and internationally, and teaches political science at Tulane. Ms. Matalin worked on George W. Bush’s campaign and then joined his administration and continues to work as a consultant. They have written several New York Times bestsellers, including their most recent, Love & War: Twenty Years, Three Presidents, Two Daughters and One Louisiana Home. It was fascinating to hear Mr. Carville’s and Ms. Matalin’s assessments of the strategies of the Trump and Clinton campaigns. Mr. Carville was particularly frustrated about the marginalized roles he and Bill Clinton played in Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and her campaign’s unsuccessful reliance on big-data analytics. On the Republican side, Ms. Matalin explained that Donald Trump had not hijacked the Party because the Republican leadership had left the car unattended with the motor running. Mr. Trump simply drove off with the Party. While Ms. Matalin had officially registered as a Libertarian during the election, she said she was willing to give President Trump the benefit of the doubt and thought he could move the Republican Party in a productive direction. Mr. Carville strongly disagreed, arguing the Trump insurgency was a one-off event that would damage the Republican

Party going forward. At the same time, he was concerned about the ideological split between the far left and more moderate segments of the Democratic Party, and the challenge of unifying the Party after Bernie Sanders. Although Ms. Matalin and Mr. Carville have distinctly different political perspectives and appear, at first blush, to be an ill-matched couple, after spending two days with them we discovered what makes their relationship work – and it is precisely the recipe for a strong and productive democratic system of government. They are not ideologues and roundly reject blind devotion to ideology. They encouraged the students to recognize there are virtually no absolutes in politics and public policy. As a result, robust debate and compromise are always necessary. In the small-group sessions, Ms. Matalin and Mr. Carville pushed and prodded the students to think through the implications of their positions. In fact, they asked the students more questions than the students asked them. They encouraged the students to insist on careful rational analysis in their own thinking and demand the same from others, and to recognizing that more discussion and debate is always better than less. Contrary to how they are caricatured in the press – or on Saturday Night Live – Ms. Matalin and Mr. Carville are cool and careful thinkers and see themselves as political pragmatists. They showed the students how to think about politics and be efficacious citizens. The students thoroughly enjoyed being so enthusiastically engaged by them. It was precisely what the students needed after this raucous and divisive election; and it turned out to be energizing for Ms. Matalin and Mr. Carville, as well. They noted how excited they are about the future of the country after spending time with Kinkaid’s students!

Articles on Notable Visitors contributed by Upper School English teacher Charlie Scott, Science Department Head Sonia Clayton, Lower School Librarian Elizabeth Holloway, History Department Head Ed Harris



Andy Guy ’24 with Debbey Guy, Linda & Burt Guy

Grant Pearce ’28, Lee Pearce ’28 with Ashley Pearce, Paula Buffa, Jesslyn Pearce, Tony Buffa

Fifth and First Grandparents’ Days Grandparents and special friends are a wonderful aspect of students’ lives. This year the Fifth Graders showed off their beautiful art and voices to a packed auditorium, while the First Graders entertained a crowd with stories of bugs of all sizes. Thank you to all the grandparents, special friends and parents who supported these students in their performances and to the faculty for their amazing work.

Collins Montgomery ’28 with Betty & Dan Montgomery

Middle School Art teacher Luisa Grandchamp and Choral Director Thomas Culcasi

Read Liuzzi ’24 with Janie Hotze, Sarah Liuzzi

Rohan Yalamanchili ’24 with Sujatna and Rao Yalamanchili, Sushma & Haresh Yalamanchili, Satya Chilukuri 12

Anna Wizel ’28 with Jennifer Wizel, Jean & Ken Chapman





n Monday, March 6, 28 students from the Class of 2017 were inducted into the John H. Cooper Chapter of the Cum Laude Society during an assembly and were honored that evening at a dinner at the Junior League of Houston.

Meg Marinis Vernon ’02 gave the address for this year’s induction assembly. Mrs. Vernon attended the University of Texas, Austin majoring in Plan II and Radio-Television-Film. After college she moved to Los Angeles where she began a career writing for ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy and is now one of the senior writers for the show. Check out the Kinkaid YouTube channel for Mrs. Vernon’s speech. Later that evening, Keith Fullenweider ’81 delivered the parent address and Cody Meng ’17 gave the student address.

Congratulations to the following seniors: Tiffany Ajumobi

Tommy Ereli

Vivian Liu

Ben Padon

Bryn Anderson

Katlyn Feldman

Brock Looser

Rahul Popat

Sabrina Bajwa

Sarah Fullenweider

Cody Meng

Sam Richey

Whitney Burke

Anna Glickman

Louise McCartney

Sophia Solé

Christina Choi

John Goettee

Kaylie Mings

Maggie Wallis

Ashley Deutser

Jennifer Jacobe

Zubair Mukhi

Jason Yang

Margaret Durning

Rob Lahourcade

Rebecca Noel

Kristine Yang



Beth & Drew Cozby with Kay & Howard House 1906 Society Logo-f.pdf



Mara & Matt Pomroy with Hollyanne & Daniel Jenkins

5:20 PM

2016-2017 Julie & David Berman with Saween & Mel Thompson

The 1906 Society Reception We welcomed over 150 guests to The Houston Racquet Club for cocktails, lite bites and fun conversation at our annual 1906 Society Reception on March 8. The 1906 Society recognizes all donors who give at the Pacesetter level of $3,000 up to $7,499 to the Kinkaid Fund.

Allison Wise, Tennie Ott, Katherine George Jason Gordon with Christina & Chip Van Os

Lee & Virginia Lahourcade 14

Shila & Juan Bustos

Margot & Brett Hogan with Eleni & Thad Fuller



Kinkaid Alumnae & Friends Luncheon On Friday, March 3, over 550 Kinkaid alumnae, parents, grandparents and friends came together for an afternoon of lunch, fellowship and fun at the second Alumnae & Friends Luncheon. Chaired by Emily Attwell Crosswell ’59, Mary Sommers Burger Pyne ’95 and Lisa Crosswell Stone ’83, the event brought everyone together to reconnect and celebrate the women of Kinkaid.

Lisa Stone ’83, Shannon Newsom ’88, Emily Crosswell ’59, Mary Sommers Pyne ’95

This year’s luncheon honored Shannon Bristow Newsom ’88 for her incredible achievements not just at Kinkaid but also throughout her career. Shannon is the co-founder and vice president of Wisteria, which sells furniture, home décor and gifts in their Dallas store, through monthly catalogs and online. Along with her husband and co-founder, Shannon’s passion for travel and giving back inspired her to create Wisteria to share treasures found all over the world while hoping to make the world a better place. Each month Wisteria profiles a nonprofit organization friend and gives back to that friend through a portion of their sales. At the luncheon, one of Wisteria’s nonprofit friends, the Akola Project, set up a pop-up shop for luncheon guests to purchase jewelry from their collection. Shannon’s keynote address was inspiring as she spoke about her time at Kinkaid and journey to the creation of Wisteria. “I am so proud of and grateful for the legacy that Kinkaid has given me. I have a lifelong love of learning, an insatiable curiosity and a strong desire to serve others”. Proceeds from the luncheon were dedicated to the Margaret Hunter Kinkaid Leadership Scholarship Endowment for Girls. This need-based financial aid scholarship will be awarded to a female sophomore student who exhibits leadership potential. Through her agreement, Kinkaid will involve her in a three-year plan of activities and experience to help build the habits of successful leaders. This year’s event raised $100,000 for this impactful fund for Kinkaid. It was a wonderful day to celebrate the women of Kinkaid and recognize Shannon for her incredible achievements. Look out for details regarding the third Alumnae & Friends Luncheon on February 21, 2018 in our fall magazine. Check out Shannon’s speech on Kinkaid’s YouTube Channel.



15th Annual Kinkaid Sporting Clays Benefit It was another record-breaking year for the 15th Annual Kinkaid Sporting Clays Benefit! Chair Steven Looke ’99 and Co-Chair Will Brown ’99 were joined by nearly 250 alumni, parents and supporters of Kinkaid on Friday, April 21 at The Greater Houston Gun Club. The event honored long-time Kinkaid parent and Grandparent Jim Looke and raised a record of $230,000 for the Barbara Cooney Teaching Fellowship Endowment. We have now had two fellows complete the program, one in Middle School and one in Lower School. An Upper School fellow has been hired for the 17-18 school year. A full list of donors from the benefit will appear in the 16-17 Annual Report featured in the 2017 Kinkaid Magazine this fall.

Honorary Chair Jim Looke



Moms and Dads of Grads

New Trustee

We wrapped up a spring full of events with our Moms and Dads of Grads event on May 9. Held in the courtyard in front of the Dining & Learning Center, over 150 parents of alumni gathered for a fun evening of reminiscing of their times as parents of Kinkaid.

Robert Duncan Robert Duncan is Chairman of Transwestern and Transwestern Investment Company. Mr. Duncan formed Transwestern in 1978. He has directed Transwestern’s expansion from a small Texas development company into a highly diversified national real estate investment and operating organization today. He is an active Member of the Real Estate Round Table and of the Urban Land Institute; Founding Director of the University of Texas Real Estate Finance and Investment Center; Member of the World Presidents Organization; Board Member, Mr. Duncan has been actively involved in various civic and charitable initiatives. He is a lifetime member of the Greater Houston Community Foundation and past Director of the Greater Houston YMCA and the St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital System.

Diane & Bill Campbell with Cary Gray

Giggy Thansheiser and Felicia Baker


In 2010, Robert was inducted into the Texas Business Hall of Fame, recognizing his impact on commerce in Texas and his contributions and service to communities and institutions in Texas. In 2011, Robert was honored by the Cornell Real Estate Review with its Industry Leader Award for creating an exemplary national operating model for serving real estate investors and users synergistically. In 2015, Robert received the Houston NAIOP Howard Horne Legacy Award and was named Visionary Leader of the Year by Scenic Houston. Mr. Duncan earned a B.B.A. degree in the Business Honors Program, and M.B.A. degree in Finance and a L.L.B. degree, all from the University of Texas, Austin. Marcy & Nat Barnes

Robert and his wife Marcy have six boys: John ’08, William ’10, Thomas ’11, David ’13, James ’14 and Michael ’20, who attended Kinkaid through eighth grade. Robert was an active member of the Advancement Committee for three years and assisted with the Tomorrow’s Promise Campaign. The Duncans are also involved members of St. Michael’s Catholic Church. The School would like to extend a thank you to departing Trustee Andrew Segal for his dedicated service to Kinkaid.

Beth & Rick Callaway with Rosalind Baber 17


Vicki & Dennis Price and Sharma Bhavna & Rahul Puri with Director of Advancement Tom Moore

Beverly & Staman Ogilvie with Mary Kay & Brandt Bowden

Founders Society The inaugural event for The Kinkaid Founders Society was a beautiful evening on February 16. Held at The Dunlavy, roughly 75 guests enjoyed a lovely seated dinner with remarks from Director of Advancement Tom Moore and Headmaster Andy Martire. Created this past year, The Founders Society recognizes all donors who give at least $7,500 to the Kinkaid Fund.

Lisa & Mike Heim

Edie & Albert Lee with Niaz & Andre Lighvani

Jenny & Jason West, Jenny & Justin Leonard with Andrew Segal 18

Viviana Denechaud, Joella Mach, Cora Sue Mach, Christie McCartney, Amanda Johnson



Field Day Field Day was truly out of this WORLD! Thank you Wendy Nockolds, Melissa Massey and Kristen Weber for doing an OUT OF THIS WORLD job! The sun was shining, and our community loved every minute of the fun day. All volunteers and donors will be listed in the 2016-17 Annual Report featured in the Kinkaid Magazine this fall.



Kinkaid Honor Day Lower School Awards John Cooper Award 3rd Grade Olivia Kim, Harris Lingle 4th Grade Chloe Childress, Grant Young Glenn Ballard Award 4th Grade Bennett Bowman, Philip Khalil Character Education Awards 2nd Grade Eloise Harvin, Nathan Segal

Bennett Bowman ‘25 and Philip Khalil ‘25 with Headmaster Andy Martire and Lower School Head Krista Babine

Chloe Childress ‘25 and Grant Young ‘25

Eloise Harvin ‘27 and Nathan Segal ‘27

Hank Anderson ‘26 and Unaisah Saeed ‘26

Olivia Kim ‘26 and Harris Lingle ‘26

Serene Mahika Pai ‘25 and Griffin Terrill ‘25

3rd Grade Hank Anderson, Unaisah Saeed 4th Grade Serene Mahika Pai, Griffin Terrill

Middle School Awards

Arsalan Saeed ‘22 and Klarissa Diaz ‘22 with Assistant Headmaster Ed Trusty and Middle School Head Chelsea Collins

Charles B. Sanders Jr. Fifth Grade Award Georgia Cooper, Ryan Stubbs

Seventh Grade Jan Braden Award Olivia Sullivan

Fifth Grade Academic Achievement Award Hayden Lewitton, Ellie Morrow

Eighth Grade Academic Achievement Award Ethan Fang, Zoe Price

Leigh Weld Sixth Grade Award Bruce Hurley, Lucie Kunetka

Eighth Grade Fine Arts Award Carrie De la Rosa, Anthony Treistman

Sixth Grade Academic Achievement Award Watt Muir, Soha Sewani

Eighth Grade Jack Hanagriff Award Nicholas Kapusta

Greg Gephart Seventh Grade Award Klarissa Diaz, Arsalan Saeed Seventh Grade Academic Achievement Award Ryan Karkowsky, Morgan Le Seventh Grade Fine Arts Award Luis Graham, Mia Van De Mark


Soha Swani ‘23 and Watt Muir ‘23

Seventh Grade Jack Hanagriff Award Jordan Williams

Ellie Morrow ‘24 and Hayden Lewitton ‘24

Charlie Pagan ‘21

Eighth Grade Jan Braden Award Charlotte Shively Glenn Ballard Award Michelle Sekili Emma Jane Miller Award Larsen Weber Arthur E. Goddard Award Charlie Pagan

Olivia Sullivan ‘21



Kinkaid Honor Day Upper School Awards

Citizenship Award recipients with Assistant Headmaster Ed Trusty

Fine Arts Department Award recipients with incoming Department Head Scott Lambert

Character Awards

The C.A. Coskey Sr. Scholarship Nia Caldwell

The Class of 1978 Award for Freshman Citizenship Jonathan Frumovitz, Grace Muir The Mark Lester Award for Sophomore Citizenship Jake Adamson, Farise Cravens

The John Fontaine Memorial Scholarship Johnathon Thomas

Academic Merit Awards

The Class of 1953 Award for Junior Citizenship Christos Papandreou, Lauren Rice

The Freshman Academic Merit Award Julia Burpeau

The Amber Alexander Award Ashley Deutser

The Sophomore Academic Merit Award Farise Cravens

The Independent Study Award Caroline Hanan, Ashton Lambert, William Miner

The Junior Academic Merit Award Collin Lawrence, Sam Segal

The Class of 1975 Award for Senior Citizenship Tiffany Ajumobi, Eloise Detmering

The Senior Academic Merit Award Sarah Fullenweider

Alumni Association Award Kaylie Mings, Ford Young

Fine Arts


The Lauri Jones Shepler 2D Art Award Sophie Parker

The Elena Semander Scholarship for Art & Athletics Samantha Wood

The 3D Art Award Sophia Solé, William Wells

The John and Dorothy Cooper Scholarship Hayden Rome

The Acting Award Brock Looser

Nia Caldwell ‘18 with Shirley & Bubba Coskey

Sam Segal ‘18 and Collin Lawrence ‘18 with Upper School Head Peter Behr 21


English Award recipients with English Department Head Kate Lambert

The Band Award Cody Meng

Academic Awards

The Choir Award Jaelyn Hamilton


The Dance Award Robin Kate Davis, Anna Glickman The Filmmaking Award William Gage, Sellers Thomas The Orchestra Award Kristine Yang The Photography Award Christiana Reckling The Technical Theater Award Ryan Vu The Tom Boyd Musical Theatre Award Austin Karkowsky, Kerry Sullivan

Athletics Awards The Cathy Merrill Award for Athletics Sarah Fullenweider


Foreign Language Award recipients with Department Head Jane Murdock

The William S. Kilroy Computer Award Paul Thompson

English The Callie B. Law Writing Award William Gage, Rebecca Noel The A.J. Carothers ‘50 Award for Creative Writing Grace Wimbish The English I Award Meredith Huston The English II Award Alex Frumovitz The Jeanne S. Alsup Award for American Literature Studies Sam Segal The Junior Class of 1953 Award for English Bryn Anderson, Sophie Parker

Foreign Language

The Dan Hart Award for Athletics Ford Young

The Chinese III Award Hannah Shi

The Levy Garrett Award Kirby Cravens, Chinaza Ndee

The Lucette Topper Level Three French Award Daniel King

Kirby Cravens ‘17, Chinaza Ndee ‘17, Sarah Fullenweider ‘17, Ford Young ‘17 with Headmaster Andy Martire

Grace Wimbish ‘17 with English teachers Charlie Scott & Angelique Jamail, Gibson Carothers ’62


Math Department Award recipients with Department Head Sheri Offenhauser

The Schlumberger Award for French Literature College Level Mitali Sharma The Stone Award for French Language AP Christos Papandreou The Latin III Award Seb Seager The Dorothy Rice Cooper Award for Latin Literature College Level Melanie Kate Yeager The Francita Stuart Award for Spanish Literature AP Marie Parra The Haynes Award for Spanish Language AP Haley Schwager The Spanish III Award May Moorefield

History The American History Award Christos Papandreou The Celina Kilpatrick Research Award Sam Segal The Damon Wells Award Rob Lahourcade, Ashley Deutser The Freshman History Award Evelyn Mineo The Mike Moncrief Debate Award Sabrina Bajwa, Jason Yang The World Civilizations Award May Moorefield

Daniel King ‘17 with Madeleine Topper Sheehy ‘74 and Reilly Sheehy ‘14


Graces Manes ‘17 and Ben Padon ‘17 with Tina Papadopoulos Papandreou ‘88, Mara Papadopoulos, Department Head Dr. Sonia Clayton

Math The Algebra II and Trigonometry Award Jonathan Frumovitz, Nikita Munsif The AP Calculus Award Hayden Rome The AP Statistics Award Kat Smith The Class of 1980 Mathematics Award for Precalculus Alex Frumovitz, Lauren Rice The Kathryn Wade Geometry Award Evelyn Mineo, Sapphire Thompson The Malcolm Cravens Award Cody Meng, Vivian Liu The Mathematics and Science Award Kristine Yang

Science The Chemistry Award Seb Seager The Four Year Science Award Chinaza Ndee The Goettsche Physics Award Amanda Roff The Herder Fellowship for Science Leadership Hayden Rome The Monroe Rust Biology Award Meredith Huston, Nikita Munsif The Papadopoulos Award for Biology Ben Padon, Grace Manes

Ashton Lambert ’18, Caroline Hanan ’18 and William Miner ’18 with Upper School Head Peter Behr

Hayden Rome ‘18 with Bubba Coskey 23


Kinkaid Recognizes Three Amazing Members of the Faculty/Staff The Columbiana Award for Excellence in Teaching has been presented annually since 1984 and recognizes a member of the Kinkaid faculty who has demonstrated outstanding pedagogy within his or her field, and who reaches out beyond the classroom to serve as a mentor and role model for students and colleagues. This year’s recipient, Upper School Physics teacher Clay Anderson ’83, has seemingly endless patience to discuss concepts with students; to help colleagues navigate through issues; to give thoughtful feedback and to encourage students to meet their potential both academically and athletically. Dr. Anderson is a compassionate listener and an inspirational force in the Upper School. We were fortunate that after a career as a researcher, he decided to switch careers and enter K-12 education to share an enormous passion for science with our students. The teachers at Kinkaid are masters of their craft and he is no different.

Clay Anderson with Headmaster Andy Martire

The Georgia and Eddie Leonard Staff Excellence Award is named in honor of two long-time staff members who were adored and respected by students, faculty and staff, parents and alumni. The award is presented annually to a member of the Kinkaid staff who has demonstrated the highest levels of excellence in his or her own work over the course of the year. Georgia and Eddie embody the values of warmth, generosity, respect, commitment and integrity. This year’s recipient, Lower School Registrar Yasi Khosrowshahi, is as close to a superhero as a real-life human can be. Ms. Yasi is described as humble, caring, strong, committed, friendly, organized and intelligent, and she approaches her masterful work in our Lower School with grace. Gifted with a flawless memory and striking attention to detail, the Lower School faculty, students, and parents rely on her to keep them on course. Her unending patience and authentic interest in others cultivates a warm, welcoming environment. Simply put, she makes the Lower School, and all of its members, better.

Yasi Khosrowshahi with Lower School Head Krista Babine and Headmaster Andy Martire

Shannon Terrill with Asha Virani 24

In January 2016, the entire Kinkaid community suffered greatly when we lost our dear and beloved fourth grader Faris Virani. As those who knew Faris can attest, he was an extraordinary young man--smart, caring, and kind. However, above all else, Faris had an amazing, indomitable spirit. For the faculty, the family and the School established the Faris D. Virani Memorial Award. The Award is given to a faculty member who “displays a positive ‘go with the flow’ attitude and embodies the inspiring and joyous spirit that made Faris so special.” This year’s recipient Upper School Learning Specialist Shannon Terrill has an infectious energy and can-do attitude that any parent, student or teacher can sense and absorb through their interactions with her. Mrs. Terrill is a determined advocate, but also demanding supporter. She frequently can be found reminding and encouraging her students to do their best work, to follow through with obligations and to reach their full potential. Just completing her seventh year of service to Kinkaid families, she is a beacon of support in our Upper School. She is guide to all students in need of learning support and to all faculty who inquire on how to best reach each child in their class. Congratulations to all three recipients.


Shari Hiltbrand, Kelly Bolin, Rhonda Fain, Mary Margaret Greer, Pat Cavanagh


Not Pictured: Sharon Reed

Retirements & Transitions As the school year comes to a close, Kinkaid says thank you and best wishes to all retiring and departing faculty and staff. Tributes are included on all who worked here for the last 10 years or more. They all will be missed and we hope they will come back to campus to visit often. Kelly Bolin joined the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Wellness in 2005. Knowledgeable in many sports, he coached many Middle School and Upper School sports teams including football, golf, soccer and volleyball. He was a head coach or a member of coaching staff of many championship teams. A valuable member of the physical education staff, he also served as the chief statistician for the varsity football team and coordinated many of the tournaments Kinkaid hosted. Kelly plans to work fulltime for Third Rock Travel, a travel company he and his wife have been working on part-time since they founded it 15 years ago to provide specialized travel experiences for small groups. Pat Cavanagh is retiring after teaching at Kinkaid for 33 years. A tribute to Pat is found on page 54 in the notes for the Class of 1966. Rhonda Fain served 15 years in the Lower School beginning as administrative assistant to the third and fourth grade teachers. Nine years ago she accepted the opportunity to add to her duties as the KLS-TV coordinator, an experience that she found very rewarding because of the close relationships she formed with the students on the KLS crews, and how much she was able to learn about a field that was brand new to her. A model of positivity, Rhonda authored children’s stories about animals in her spare time and enjoyed “testing” her writing through reading the stories to the third graders. She also supported her colleagues in assemblies in such unforgettable roles as Miss Dumplin’ on Texan Day.

Mary Margaret Greer served as a Kindergarten teacher in the Lower School for 17 years. Her enthusiasm and supportive nature helped to nurture her students, while promoting a love of learning. Her interest in service learning helped establish the Kindergarten KIDS’ MEALS Sandwich Making Project. While at Kinkaid, Mary Margaret became a Certified Academic Language Therapist, earned a Masters in Education from Houston Baptist University and specialized certification from The Neuhaus Center to assist students with learning differences. Upon her retirement from Kinkaid, she will continue working with students with dyslexia and other language-related disorders, as well as her volunteer activities. Shari Hiltbrand started in 2006 as an 8th grade science teacher and served as the Middle School science coordinator for six years. In 2008, she started the Middle School yearbook, which led to the creation of a formal course. The yearbooks produced by her students earned recognition in several national competitions. This fall, she will teach broadcast and print journalism at St. John Paul II Catholic School in Houston as well as work with gifted and talented students in passion-driven, project based learning. Shari will also begin work on her Ph.D. in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education through Texas Tech University. Sharon Reed joined the Kinkaid faculty in 1997, serving as Upper School Associate Librarian and Library Systems Administrator. A respected colleague, she used her incomparable research skills to assist Upper School students with their papers and projects. Her organizational skills were especially valuable as the Library transitioned to more digital offerings over the past decade. While she fully intended to retire at the end of the school year, Spring Branch Independent School District offered her the position of district cataloger. She is looking forward to this new challenge!



Athletics Review Winter Sports Varsity Boys Basketball

Varsity Wrestling

Overall Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-11 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 South Zone Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th Place All South Zone: Isaiah LeBlanc ’20, Jae LeDee ’18 All SPC: Jae LeDee ’18, Jake Shaper ’17

SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Place All SPC: Edward Chamblee ’18, Noah Chan ’18, John Goettee ’17, Brighton Huynh ’17, Max Mannetti ’18, Colin Lawler ’18

Varsity Girls Basketball Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-0 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 1st Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Place All South Zone: Alexis Johnson ’17, Chinaza, Ndee ’17, Jasmine Smith ’18 All SPC: Alexis Johnson ’17, Chinaza Ndee ’17, Jasmine Smith ’18

Varsity Boys Soccer Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4-2 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2-1 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 3rd Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Place All South Zone: Ace Nicolaou ’17, Phin Sprague ’17, Becket Toussaint ’19 All SPC: Willy DuCharme ’17, Ace Nicolaou ’17, Becket Toussaint ’19

Spring Sports Varsity Baseball Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-11 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 1st Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Place All SPC: Drake Greenwood ’17, Johnathon Thomas ’18, Stone Simmons ’19 All South Zone: Drake Greenwood ’17, Johnathon Thomas ’18, Stone Simmons ’19, Wyatt Young ’19

Varsity Boys Golf Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1st place wins SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Place All SPC: Mason Nome ’19, Will Jacobe ’19

Varsity Girls Golf Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-Top 4 wins SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th Place

Varsity Girls Soccer Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2-1 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 1st Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Place All South Zone: Ellie Bolin ’18, Izzy Nelson ’18, Lena Provenzano ’19, Maggie Wallis ’17, Laine Woelfel ’20 All SPC: Farise Cravens ’18, Caleigh Doran ’18, Izzy Nelson ’18, Bar Pierce ’18

Varsity Swimming Kinkaid Varsity Girls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Place Kinkaid Varsity Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9th Place Girls All SPC: Mary Helen Burt ’17, May Moorefield ’19, Audrey Orange ’19, Marley Orange ’20, Kate Riley ’20, Peyton Pivec ’20


Varsity Boys Lacrosse Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-0 South Zone Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Place All SPC: Reese Sullivan ’18, Parker Browne ’18, Jack Nevil ’18 All South Zone: Malcom Hedgepeth ’18, Rob Lahourcade ’17, Jake Reinbolt ’17, Robert Shively ’18, Phin Sprague ’17 THSLL All State: Reese Sullivan ’18, Parker Browne ’18 THSLL All District: Jack Nevil ’18, Jake Reinbolt ’17, Rob Lahourcade ’17, Phin Sprague ’17 THSLL Honorable Mention: Robert Shively ’18



Varsity Girls Lacrosse

Varsity Girls Track & Field

Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 2nd Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Place All SPC: Chloe Hunter ’19, Belle Martire ’18, Mikela McCauley ’19 All South Zone: Lexi Heim ’17, Kaylie Mings ’17, Nakeeya McCardell ’20 THSLL All State: Chloe Hunter ’19, Belle Martire ’18 THSLL All District: Chloe Hunter ’19 US Lacrosse Academic All-American: Belle Martire ’18

SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Place All SPC: Katelyn Gamble ’20, Allison Favaloro ’18, Sarah Fullenweider ’17, Kennedy Gamble ’18 – 4x100m Relay; Marilyn Nwora ’19 – Shot Put; Kennedy Gamble ’18 – 100m Dash *New SPC Record; Kennedy Gamble ’18 – 200m Dash *New SPC Record; Nia Caldwell ’18 – Shot Put; Audrey Ho ’19 – Pole Vault; Madi Malouf ’19 – Discus; Ellie Lucke ’19, Katie Erikson ’18, Camila Vicens ’20, Alexandra Blake ’20 – 4x800m Relay

Varsity Softball Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13-1 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 5th Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5th Place All SPC: Olivia Stuart Ison ’19, Julia Lasater ’18 All South Zone: Megan Frankel ’20, Olivia Stuart Ison ’19

Varsity Boys Tennis Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 3rd Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5th Place All SPC: Michael Smith ’17, Kenneth Lam ’19 All South Zone: Salman Popatia ’17, Michael Smith ’17

Varsity Girls Tennis Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 Conference Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Regular Season South Zone Finish . . . . . . 3rd Place SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th Place All SPC: Sasha Inchauste ’17, Jordan Jafarnia ’19 All South Zone: Sasha Inchauste ’17, Merritt Cozby ’19

SPC Athletic Directors’ Cup


For the third year in a row, Kinkaid has won the SPC Athletic Directors’ Cup, which measures the overall performance in the SPC playoffs during the school year. It is the first time in school history that Kinkaid has won the Cup three years in a row, and also the first time that we finished as the #1 School in Boys Sports. We were #2 in Girls Sports and the #1 Co-ed School. Kinkaid brought home four championships this year—Girls Cross Country, Girls Swimming & Diving, Girls Basketball and Boys Golf; three second-place finishes; and out of 23 total sports, Kinkaid had 15 teams place in the top 4 for their season, which is outstanding. Congrats to all of our athletes and coaches!

Varsity Boys Track & Field SPC Tournament Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7th Place All SPC: Alex Williams ’17 - Long Jump; Myles Black ’18 - High Jump; Alex Williams ’17 - 400m



Athletics Review











Varsity Letter Winners 2016-2017 First Year Winners

Four-Year Varsity Letter Winners

Chance Allshouse ’18 Football, Wrestling, Track & Field

Ruth Ann Bajgier Golf

Chinaza Ndee Volleyball, Basketball

Katherine Berman ’18 Field Hockey, Soccer, Tennis

Willy DuCharme Soccer

Ace Nicolaou Soccer

Daniel King ’19 Cross Country, Swimming, Track & Field

Margaret Durning Cross Country

Ben Padon Football

Caroline Totz ’19 Cheerleading, Soccer, Track & Field

J.D. Dyer Golf

Dylan Poynter Lacrosse

Camila Vicens ’20 Cross Country, Swimming, Track & Field

Sarah Fullenweider Track & Field

Benji Rae Soccer

William Gage Swimming

Michael Smith Tennis

James Goettee Wrestling

Sophia Solé Cross Country

John Goetteee Wrestling

Phin Sprague Lacrosse

Carter Guinn Golf

Emily Talbert Golf

Lexie Heim Lacrosse

Maggie Wallis Soccer

Emmy Heyser Cross Country, Lacrosse

Ford Young Football

Second Year Winners Kirby Cravens ’17 Football, Basketball, Track & Field Wesley House ’18 Football, Basketball, Baseball Marquis Hubbard ’18 Football, Basketball, Track Julia Lasater ’18 Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Madi Malouf ’19 Volleyball, Basketball, Track & Field Ace Nicolaou ’17 Football, Soccer, Track & Field Hayden Rome ’18 Football, Soccer, Track & Field Paul Thompson ’18 Cross Country, Swimming, Track & Field

Brighton Huynh Wrestling Sasha Inchauste Tennis Jennifer Jacobe Field Hockey Alexis Johnson Basketball

Third Year Winners

Oscar Melendez Cross Country, Track & Field

Nia Caldwell ’18 Volleyball, Basketball, Track & Field

Kaylie Mings Field Hockey, Lacrosse

Sarah Fullenweider ’17 Field Hockey, Soccer, Track & Field Emmy Heyser ’17 Cross Country, Soccer, Lacrosse



Fine Arts Review






Fine Arts Review Kinkaid Theatre kicked off our spring semester the last weekend of January with the Eighth Grade musical, The Wizard of Oz. The Class of 2021 flew across the Brown stage, skipped down the Yellow Brick Road and journeyed to Oz in an extraordinary production. The Upper School followed quickly behind with Into the Woods, and found their way out to four Tommy Tune Nominations: Best Musical Direction, Best Choreography, Best Technical Execution and Best Lighting. Seniors Austin Karkowsky, Brock Looser, Evan Rosen and Kerry Sullivan all received scholarships at the awards ceremony held at the Hobby Center. Our fifth, sixth and seventh graders performed a moving, relevant production of the fable, Bocón!, which explored one young man’s journey from a repressive military regime to the United States. April saw our seniors directing our One Act Festival. Senior directors included: Eloise Detmering, Austin Karkowsky, Jordan Kassab, Brock Looser, Rebecca Noel and Kerry Sullivan. To end the theatrical productions for the school year, our fifth through seventh grade Broadway Bound students presented a cabaret style performance that included music, dance and spoken word.

Kinkaid Dance had a busy spring as well. Upper School students spent the spring preparing for the annual student choreography performance. Choreographed by our junior and senior members of the dance program, the evening was an amazing exploration of a variety of styles: jazz, ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, modern, Broadway and tap. The beginning dance class and middle school students filled the Brown stage with ballet, jazz and hip-hop in a program that included an astounding 54 dancers!

Hairspray 34


The Kinkaid concert halls, stages and rehearsal spaces were filled with music throughout the spring with an astonishing eight concerts. The Upper School Choir and Encore sang their hearts out, the Upper and Middle School bands and orchestras performed in-sync together and the highlight of the Band concert was the inaugural performance of Kinkaid’s Symphonic Orchestra, our most advanced orchestra and band students performing together. The Fine Arts Leadership Board organized another totally student-run coffeehouse for the Upper School.


The Visual Arts and Media students were hard at work all spring prepping the Kinkaid galleries and designing portfolios for competitions throughout the state and nation. Highlights included the annual Lower School Art Car Parade, the fifth grade Grandparent Art show that resulted in a recreation of Seurat’s Sunday on La Grande Jatte, an Upper School exhibit exploring body image presented as part of Upper School Health Week and Senioritis, a show featuring 29 senior artists. With the demand for more space, the annual film festival was brought back to campus and the house was packed. The festival featured almost two hours of student-created work. The highlight was a documentary created by juniors Socs and Dz Zavitsanos chronicling the story of two Syrian refugees. The work, 2 of 5 Million, has already been laureled at three major film festivals: Pegasus, Delta Moon and Ocean City. Creative Writing again produced two fantastic publications Falcon Wings and Pen Power; while 18 upper school students presented an evening of reading at the end of the semester. 35




The Class of 2017


n May 19, Kinkaid promoted 136 young men and women to alumni status as the Class of 2017 celebrated and said their goodbyes.

The Seniors began their final week as students with the Senior Banquet. Speakers included Headmaster Andy Martire, Upper School parent and trustee Greg Looser, Alumni Board President and current parent Elizabeth Oxford Pagan ’89 and the Class of 2017 representative Rahul Popat. Sunday’s Baccalaureate service honored the seniors as Rice University’s Campus Chaplain Joe Hornberger delivered an eloquent sermon. The festivities continued on as Melissa & Doug Schnitzer ’74 hosted the Class for one final meal together before closing the week with Graduation.

The weather was once again on Kinkaid’s side as the graduation ceremony was beautiful. Friends and families of the Class of 2017 listened to Governing Council President Rob Lahourcade, Headmaster Andy Martire and guest speaker Michelle Gielan, national CBS news anchor turned positive psychology researcher, delivered thoughts. In addition to the awards given out on Honor Day (see page 20-24), the following awards were given out at Graduation. Valedictorian John Goettee The Cooper Award Marie Atmar, Ben Padon The Mrs. W.J. Kinkaid Award Chinaza Ndee The W.W. Kinkaid Award Rob Lahourcade








2 0 1 7




2 0 1 7





Senior Dinner





2 0 1 7




2 0 1 7


Senior Banquet






2 0 1 7

Falcons at the Next Level Congratulations to all the athletes and artists in the Class of 2017 who are taking their talents to the next level. Athletics Katlyn Feldman Washington University in St. Louis, Cheer Drake Greenwood University of Missouri, Columbia, Baseball Sasha Inchauste United States Military Academy – Army, Tennis Alexis Johnson Indiana University at Bloomington, Basketball Pierce Johnson Sewanee: University of the South, Football Matthew Maggi Southern Methodist University, Football Oscar Melendez Haverford College, Cross Country Kaylie Mings Stanford University, Field Hockey Chinaza Ndee University of Pittsburgh, Volleyball Ace Nicolaou Texas Lutheran University, Soccer Ben Padon University of Pennsylvania, Football


Jake Shaper Brown University, Basketball

Austin Karkowsky University of Southern California, Theatre

Michael Smith Southern Methodist University, Tennis

Jordan Kassab Washington University in St. Louis, Theatre

Phin Sprague Southwestern University, Lacrosse

Brock Looser New York University, Musical Theatre

Ford Young Washington University in St. Louis, Football

Sophie Parker Rice University, Studio Art

Fine Arts

Evan Rosen Duke University, Theatre

Bryn Anderson Gap Year, Dance Robin Kate Davis Sewanee: The University of the South, Dance Sarah Fullenweider University of Southern California, Studio Art William Gage University of Texas, Austin, Radio Television Film Abby Greenbaum Tulane University, Studio Art Avery Hartwell University of Southern California, Studio Art William Ison The University of Texas, Austin, Technical Theatre

Kerry Sullivan Muhlenberg College, Theatre & Dance Sellers Thomas Chapman University, Film Ryan Vu Elon University, Theatre Design





2 0 1 7

The students from Class of 2017 are attending the following universities in the fall. Austin Community College

Prairie View A&M University

Trinity University

Baylor University

Princeton University

Tufts University

Boston University

Rhodes College

Tulane University

Brown University

Rice University

United States Military Academy - Army

Carnegie Mellon University

Saddleback College

University of California, Los Angeles

Case Western Reserve University

Sewanee: The University of the South

University of Chicago

Chapman University

Southern Methodist University

University of Miami

Columbia University

Southwestern University

University of Mississippi

Cornell University

St. Edward’s University

University of Missouri Columbia

Duke University

Stanford University

University of Pennsylvania

Elon University

Syracuse University

University of Pittsburgh

Emory University

Texas A&M University

University of Southern California

Haverford College

Texas Christian University

University of Virginia

Indiana University at Bloomington

Texas Lutheran University

Vanderbilt University

Loyola Marymount University

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art

Villanova University

Michigan State University Muhlenberg College New York University

The University of Georgia The University of Texas, Austin

Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis Yale University



Reunion Weekend 2017 Distinguished Alumni Awards & All Alumni BBQ On March 31 & April 1, alumni from the classes of 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012 celebrated their reunion year. The weekend was kicked off on Friday evening with the Distinguished Alumni Awards Program in the Brown Auditorium. We had over 220 attendees! This year’s honorees were Distinguished Honorary Alumna Harriett Semander, Distinguished Young Alumnus Casey Kaplan ’94, Distinguished Alumna Erika Green Swafford ’90, and Dunbar N. Chambers Jr. ’53, the inaugural winner of the Outstanding Alumni Service Award. The weather was perfect for the third annual All Alumni BBQ which was held outside on the Falcon Green. Attendees enjoyed BBQ from the Brisket House, live country music by the Porkbelly Band and a fun photo booth. On Saturday, over 100 people came to campus for tours and breakfast in the Dining & Learning Center and for the Purple and Golden Luncheon for the Classes of 1930 – 1967. On Saturday evening, over 600 people attended the 12 individual class parties that were held at various locations around town. A great time was had by all!

Pat Kidson Fogle Cavanagh ‘66 with Ellen Weingarten Wagnon ‘79

Young alums from 2002-2004 celebrating

Dunbar Chambers Jr. ‘53 with sister Erminie Chambers Chapman ‘49 44

David & Lucy Hutcheson Barrow ‘77

Erika Green Swafford ‘90, Avery Suber ‘11, Jehan Madhani ‘11


Reunion Weekend 2017 Purple & Golden Luncheon

Maria Semander Crawford ‘82, Harriet Semander, John Semander ‘88, JoAnna Semander Nicolaou ‘84

Sabra Stratton Steed ‘57, Lynn Meador Hall ‘57, Ray Mason ‘57, Helen Griffin Addison ‘57, Judy Rives Cook ‘57

Robin Gill Stanford ‘46 and Jane Hoffert Moore ‘46

Bryan Dehan ’90, Elizabeth Litton Hogan ‘91 & Wyatt Hogan ‘90, Chris Pye ’90

Class of 1967 celebrating their 50th reunion

Nickolas Spiliotis, Casey Kaplan ‘94, Evy Pappas ‘94, Courtney Domercq Daily ‘94

Peter Maffitt ‘58 and Jack Moriniere ‘59

James Sanders ‘05 with wife Ryan, Brooke Grisebaum Powell ‘07 with husband Preston

Adrian Turner Ross ‘62, Robert Cook ’61, Judy Rives Cook ‘57 45


Reunion Weekend 2017 Class Parties




1972 1982

1977 46


Reunion Weekend 2017






2012 47


Alumni Association & KYPO

Dear Kinkaid Alumni, I am honored to serve as president of the Alumni Association Board for the coming year. I would like to thank outgoing president Wyatt Hogan ’90 for his outstanding service this past year. Under Wyatt’s leadership, the Alumni Association Board was able to successfully implement several key initiatives including the re-launch of KinkaidKonnect, our online job and mentorship platform. We had many great alumni events this past school year, including the AJ Carothers Speaker Series titled “The Writer and The Actor” featuring Jeff Martin ’78 and Eric Ladin ’97, the Zack Semander Memorial Golf Tournament, the Alumni Holiday Party in the Dining & Learning Center, Alumni Interim Term Night, The McMillan Character Education Speaker Series with Coach Mack Brown, the Alumnae & Friends Luncheon honoring Shannon Bristow Newsom ’88, the Distinguished Alumni Awards honoring Harriett Semander, Casey Kaplan ’94, Erika Green Swafford ’90 and Dunbar Chambers Jr. ’53, Reunion Weekend and the Sporting Clays Benefit. The Advancement Office traveled to Austin, Dallas (twice), New York City, San Antonio and Washington D.C. for alumni events. We have a number of great local events planned for the remainder of 2017 including the Moss Speaker Series on September 27, the Zack Semander Memorial Golf Tournament at BraeBurn Country Club on October 16, the Alumni Holiday Party on December 7 and Patty Edwards’ retirement celebration on December 9. The Advancement Office plans to travel to New York and Connecticut in September and back to Austin and Dallas this fall. The start of 2018 will be full of local alumni events. Alumni Interim Term Night is scheduled for January 17, the third Kinkaid Alumnae & Friends Luncheon is set for February 21 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel where we will honor Lisa Helfman ’93, founder of Brighter Bites, a locally started, globally minded team of parents, educators, nutritionists and volunteers who deliver fresh fruits and vegetables to children and teach them about making brighter choices and eating healthy. The Sporting Clays Benefit is set for March 23 at the Greater Houston Gun Club and Reunion Weekend is set for April 6 – 7. Plans for Advancement Office trips to California and Washington D.C. are in the works for spring of 2018. I would like to thank all of the alumni who participated in this year’s Kinkaid Fund. Our alumni have again played a major role in the success of the Kinkaid Fund, as we are on track to raise $1 million as a group for the third straight year! Thank you again for giving back to Kinkaid and its students! This past year, we were well served by our senior representatives, Drake Greenwood ’17 and Anvi Nandish ’17, who dutifully reported on the Upper School happenings at each Board meeting. We welcome our incoming senior representatives, Anna Hogan ’18 and Mitchell Roberts ’18, who are also the incoming President & Vice President of the newly formed Young Alumni Leaders (YAL) student group that was formed this past spring. We are looking forward to working with this student group and believe the group will be very helpful to the Alumni Association, as well as strengthen connections among students and alumni. I would like to thank the outgoing Board members, Adam Altsuler ’92, Helena Papadopoulos Johnson ’82, Katherine Susman Howe ’64, Mike Robinson ’70 and Ellen Weingarten Wagnon ’79 for their dedicated service. I would also like to thank Marie Fay Evnochides ’59 and Jane Hoffert Moore ’46 who will stay on the Board in a new Emeritus position. I would like to welcome incoming Board members, Ben Brown ’01, Chris Devlin Butler ’88, Melissa Lyon Johnson ’74, Scott Locher ’84, Don McGuirt ’65, Susan Hillebrandt Santangelo ’55 and Francita Stuart Koelsch Ulmer ’49. We are very excited about what the Alumni Association has accomplished this past year. Please let us know if you have any ideas for how the Alumni Association can better serve our members in and outside of Houston. Enjoy the rest of the summer and I hope to see you at one or more of our alumni events this fall. Yours truly, Brad Morgan ’96 Alumni Board President 2017-18


2017-2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Brad Morgan ’96 Vice-President Elizabeth Oxford Pagan ’89 Secretary Brian Dinerstein ’95 Directors Marshall Adkins Jr. ’80 Kent Altsuler ’89 Scott Anderson ’76 Ben Brown ’01 Chris Devlin Butler ’88 Marie Fay Evnochides ’59 Iman Houston Farrior ’01 Lynn Meyer Fort ’68 Eleni Antonellos Fuller ’76 Doug George ’94 Melissa Lyon Johnson ’74 Alicia Lee ’98 Scott Locher ’84 Ryan McCleary ’91 Don McGuirt ’65 Jane Hoffert Moore ’46 Susie Peake ’79 Susan Hillebrandt Santangelo ’55 Lisa Crosswell Stone ’83 Francita Stuart Koelsch Ulmer ’49 Rodney Williams ’97 Ex-officio Wyatt Hogan ’90 Trustee Liaison Caroline Boone Mitchell ’85 Faculty Representative Christine Papadakes ’87 Sr. Representatives Anna Hogan ’18 Mitchell Roberts ’18


Alumni Association & KYPO

NEW BOARD MEMBERS 2017-2018 Ben Brown ’01 graduated from Southern Methodist University with a B.A. in Real Estate Finance. He currently works for Baker Katz, a local commercial real estate firm specializing in retail brokerage and development. Ben also serves on the governing board of Casa de Esperanza – House of Hope for Children and the Greater Houston Community Foundation. When he isn’t working, you can find him enjoying the outdoors, hunting, fishing, hiking and playing golf. Chris Devlin Butler ’88 graduated with a B.B.A. from Baylor University and a MBA from Emory University. She currently works as a commercial banker at BBVA Compass. Chris and husband Bo have three boys all at Kinkaid (Johnny ’18, Reed ‘20 and Blake ’24). They are happy that their oldest has carried on the family SPC Championship tradition with this year’s golf team, and are hoping for more to come! Chris enjoys travel, art, golf and tennis with family and friends. Melissa Lyon Johnson ’74 graduated with a B.S. in Political Science from Southern Methodist University and then worked and studied at Georgetown University in Washington, DC for several years. Shortly after moving back to Houston, she became one of the founding members of the Kinkaid Alumni Association, along with Phyllis Selber and Jeanne Moran Cunningham ’66. Melissa and her husband Houston have six children, four of whom attended Kinkaid (James Simon ’98, Cameron Simon ’01, Lee Simon Cersosimo ’08 and Ginny Simon Murphey ’08). They also have one granddaughter. She has served on many Boards, including West University Little League, West University Soccer Association, River Oaks Baptist Athletic Association and Kinkaid Athletics Parents Association. Melissa enjoys exercising, being with family and friends, spending time in her California cottage and interior design. Scott Locher ’84 graduated with a B.A. from Stanford University and from University of Houston School of Law. He is a partner with Andrews Kurth, where he has practiced commercial litigation for a good 26 years. Scott and his wife Valerie have two children, Lauren ’21 at Kinkaid and Brian (4/26/05 - 3/17/15). Scott still enjoys a host of sports activities, playing and coaching, plus cooking and relaxing with his family.

Don McGuirt ’65 graduated with a B.A. in Business Finance/ Management from Texas Christian University. He has been a real estate Broker for the past 47 years. In the mid 80’s, Don sold his real estate company, McGuirt & Co., to Merrill Lynch. He has been and always will be a real estate investor. Don and his wife Nancy are busy and proud grandparents of five boys. Daughter Donley McGuirt Hicks ’95 (fs) has three boys who are all at Kinkaid (Kemper ’23, Pierce ’26, Grant ’30) and son Hunter McGuirt ’98 (fs) has two boys who are one and three years old. Don spends most of his time working at his ranch close to Houston, but gets quite a few trips in each year. He has traveled, hunted and fished in well over 100 countries. Susan Hillebrandt Santangelo ’55 received her B.A. from Wellesley College (as a classmate of former Secretary of State Madeline Albright) and later obtained an M.A. from the University of Houston. Susan was a member of the Kinkaid faculty for some 34 years where she wore many hats, among them teacher of senior English and Dean of Students. She retired in 2010. Currently, she has been enjoying what she describes as an “abbreviated” second career as the head of the new A.D. Players Theater while the Board, of which she is chairman, looks for an Executive Director. Her current duties don’t allow near enough time for travel or for seeing son Sam Santangelo ’92 or her three year-old granddaughter.

KYPO BOARD MEMBER ROSTER 2017-2018 President Sam Pouns ’07 Vice-President Maddy Foxx Moffitt ’06 Directors Ricardo Cantu ’03 Emily Van Keppel Romero ’03 Chuck Helms ’04 Emily Catherine Jeter Riggs ’04 Blake Mackay ’05 Helen Hemingway McLaughlin ’05 Marshall Holmes ’06 Gracey Winters Howey ’07 Katie Skarke ’08 Eric Gemp ’08 Matthew Crandell ’09 Hannah Lockwood ’09 William Campbell ’10 Chelsea Fred ’10 William Reade ’11 Mary Rodman Crawford ’11 John Adkins ’12 Hannah Fred ’12

Francita Stuart Koelsch Ulmer ’49 received her B.A. from Wellesley College. Afterwards she attended Rice University as a graduate student in history. She and her first husband Rear Admiral Philio Koelsch had two children who were both graduates of Kinkaid (Robert Koelsch ’78 and Frances Koelsch Jeffries ’85). Seventeen years ago, Francita married James G. Ulmer, a retired senior partner at Baker Botts. His two children Ann and Elizabeth attended St. John’s School and graduated in 1977 and 1980. Jim’s daughter Dr. Ann Ulmer Stout and her husband Dr. Timothy Stout are parents of Kinkaid student Emma Stout ’19. Francita was asked by Headmaster John Cooper to write the first history of Kinkaid for the 50th anniversary celebration in 1956. As a member of the Harris County Historical Commission she was responsible for securing a Texas State Historical Marker for the School. This is her second time on the Alumni Board. Jim and Francita enjoy visits with family and friends at the Bay and also summer trips to Colorado. 49


Alumni Association & KYPO

Dear Young Alumni, It is hard to believe that summer is almost finished and we are wrapping up yet another outstanding year for the Kinkaid Young Professionals Organization. I would like to congratulate Sam Pouns ’07, as he will be taking over as KYPO President for the 2017 – 2018 school year. In September, we joined young alumni from St. John’s and Episcopal for a happy hour at Saint Arnold’s Brewery. Around 100 people attended this 3rd annual event, the majority being from Kinkaid! We are planning to host a joint happy hour again this on September 6 at Kirby Ice House. In October, we organized a very successful 11th Annual Alumni Leadership Day with 12 industry panels and 58 alums present to offer career advice to the seniors. A big thank you to keynote speaker Jamal Dawson ’04 who gave an inspiring speech about his professional career. He teaches math at Beechnut Academy and is the Co-Founder/ Chief Strategy Officer of Students With Ambition Go (SWAG) to College, which is a nonprofit organization that pairs low-income/ first generation students with college students who serve as their mentors. Jamal’s mission was a great tie-in with our re-launch of KinkaidKonnect, our online career-networking site, to all alumni, current seniors, current parents and faculty/staff this fall. Many of the connections formed during Alumni Leadership Day have continued on through KinkaidKonnect. In November, KYPO recruited other Houston young alums to join them in calling former classmates for donations to the Kinkaid Fund at the annual Phone-A-Thon event, which was held in the new Dining & Learning Center. In December, KYPO hosted its annual holiday party at Kirby Ice House. This was a great event with over 80 people in attendance. Our young alumni look forward to this party every holiday season. In February, the KYPO Board met with Headmaster Andy Martire to learn more about the improvements happening on campus as well as the admissions process and upcoming events and activities. Finally, we rounded out the school year assisting with making the phone calls to thank donors to Kinkaid at the 2nd Annual Thank You Project event held in May. I am excited about the recent formation of the Young Alumni Leaders (YAL) student organization that was created this spring. Over 60 Upper School students applied and 32 students were selected for the 2017 – 2018 YAL board. They will work with students, KYPO, the Alumni Board and the Advancement Office on various alumni projects and events throughout the year, all of which will strengthen connections between students and the Alumni Association. As students graduate from Kinkaid, we believe they will be more engaged and informed young alumni as a result of YAL. This fall, KYPO will be focused on its signature event – Alumni Leadership Day. On October 11 we will welcome dozens of working professionals from the Kinkaid alumni community back to campus to meet with the senior class of 2018. As usual, we anticipate a fantastic program wherein the seniors will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek career advice from alumni who have found success across various fields. If you are interested in serving as a panelist, I encourage you to contact Alumni Activities Manager Alexa Leach ’09 at or 713-243-5054. It has been an honor serving as KYPO President this year and working with such a phenomenal group of accomplished and dedicated alumni. I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer! Sincerely, Brian Kaplan ’04 KYPO President 2016-17 50

NEW KYPO BOARD MEMBERS 2017-2018 John Adkins ’12 attended The University of Texas at Austin and graduated with degree in Urban Studies and a Business Foundations certificate. He is currently working at D.E. Harvey Builders in Houston as an Assistant Superintendent. John enjoys traveling, watching the Astros and playing basketball and golf. Mary Rodman Crawford ’11 attended The University of Texas at Austin and graduated with a degree in Corporate Communications. She just finished her second year of law school at South Texas College of Law Houston and is clerking in Houston this summer. In her spare time, Mary Rodman enjoys spending time with friends and family in Houston, as well as traveling to visit those that live out of town. Hannah Fred ’12 attended The University of Texas at Austin for two years and then came back to Houston and graduated a semester early from the University of Houston, where she earned a B.A. cum laude in Corporate Communications and a minor in Leadership Studies. She just finished her first year at South Texas College of Law Houston. This summer Hannah is interning for Kinkaid alumna Judge Alexandra Smoots-Hogan ’93 in the 164th Civil District Court in Houston, Texas. The summer before her senior year of college, Hannah studied abroad in Cape Town, South Africa and went shark cage diving, bungee jumping and skydiving all within a week. Her parents were thrilled! Eric Gemp ’08 attended The University of Texas at Austin and graduated with a B.B.A./B.A. in Finance and Economics with a minor in Accounting. After working in consulting and a start-up investment fund, he attended Rice University and graduated with his MBA, signing on to work for Citi’s investment banking team in Houston. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new places and all things outdoors.

Chuck Helms ’04 attended The University of Texas at Austin and graduated with a B.A. in Government. He has been in commercial real estate in Houston for eight years and is currently in business for himself. Chuck is an avid golfer and Astros fan. He and his wife Allison married in December 2016. The two can be found on the trails of Allen Parkway or exploring new restaurants. Blake Mackay ’05 attended Baylor University and graduated with a degree in Business Management as well as Marketing. He then received his Masters in Sports Management from Texas A&M University. Blake is currently living in Houston. He works in Business Development for an industrial manufacturing company, Abrasives & Allied Products. Blake also works as a part time Football/Baseball Coach here at Kinkaid. He enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends, and recently got married to Paige Dobbins in July 2016. Helen Hemingway McLaughlin ’05 attended The University of Texas at Austin and earned her J.D. at South Texas College of Law. She is currently an Associate at WattThompson LLP and her practice consists primarily of oil and gas litigation. Helen spends her free time playing with her new baby Ivy and yellow lab Paloma, running or eating Mexican food with her husband. Katie Skarke ’08 attended The University of Texas at Austin and graduated with a B.S. in Advertising and a certification in Business Foundations. She is currently an Account Manager with Acclaim Energy, an energy consulting firm, located in Houston. Katie enjoys traveling to new places and spending time with family and friends in her free time.


Class Notes & Alumni News 1930 – 1949 Jane Hoffert Moore ’46

1620 Calumet Street Houston, TX 77004 713-529-9700 I know everyone was happy to bid 2016 goodbye and can you believe we have finished the first half of 2017 already. Spring was gorgeous this year for Reunion Weekend. On April 1, our Purple & Golden Luncheon (in place of the Richmond Guard Christmas event) was absolutely gorgeous – well attended, lovely table decorations and fabulous food thanks to Kinkaid Chef Mark Harris. It honors all Classes who have celebrated their 50th reunion. Don’t miss it next year! Also, the 3rd Annual Alumni BBQ followed by the Distinguished Alumni Awards Program occurred the day before on March 31. It was a marvelous night – great food, well-attended and great music. The lights strung throughout Falcon Green provided a wonderful setting for the dinner. Have you seen our School lately? You should plan to come out, take a tour and eat lunch in the new cafeteria to give yourself a treat. You will be so in awe and feel so proud. Call me if you’re interested and I’ll help you make arrangements with the Advancement Office. James “Jimmy” Isaacks ’40 had ten graduates in his class. Jimmy reminded me that his class chose the Falcon as the School mascot and the school song (set to the music of “Maryland, My Maryland”) was initiated that year. His lovely wife Nancy died after a 14-year struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. They met at Baylor University. Jimmy is very active with bridge, dance lessons and balance and strength classes. He enjoys good health – keep up the good work! I had a wonderful upbeat phone visit with Virginia “Ginny” Young Rude ’41. We were amazed that she has been at The Tremont House for six years, participating in many of the activities. Her cat Clancy keeps her in line. Robin Gill Stanford ’46 has been busy with grandchildren events, including graduations and a wedding. She has moved to Eagle’s Trace to downsize. Now she will sell her beautiful townhouse. We recently took a red carpet tour of Hermann Park to see all of the new changes that have been made – it is really very beautiful. Patricia Purdie ’47 is always on the go and doing something interesting.

We visit frequently by phone. She has had her cataracts removed and is doing fine, and can now see all of those glorious colors again that she had missed in her visual world. We share the same wonderful eye doctor, Dr. William Banks. Martha Matlock Coskey ’47 (fs) has been babysitting the “grand-dog” at her daughter’s house. I saw Jane Gwathmey Frost ’47 at our garden club’s The Late Bloomers Lunch at the Hallmark. We sat at the same table and she looked great. Take care and please call me with any news you might hear. Have a safe summer.

1950 – 1957

Jane Heyck Gaucher Montgomery ’53 2511 Willowick Road Apt 117 Houston, TX 77027-3998 713-621-4673

Page Thomson Steele ’54 23714 Cansfield Way Katy, TX 77494-7062 713-504-3792 Hi Fellow Alumni,

Jane Heyck Gaucher Montgomery ’53 and Page Thomson Steele ’54 (fs) will be the gatherers of news for the Classes of ’50 thru ’57. We would love for you to send us something of interest to include for your class. You could write about your memories of time spent at Kinkaid or how Kinkaid has shaped your life. Let us know where you are, what you are involved in or something exciting that has happened in your life since you left Kinkaid. Tell us of any accomplishments you’ve had since leaving the Hallowed Halls of Kinkaid. Any stories of interest will be greatly appreciated. Don’t let us down as we are looking forward to hearing from lots of you. This could be a great way to reconnect with friends you haven‘t heard about for years. What you send will be in the Winter Magazine. We are very excited to be your class representatives. Jane and Page


Linda Beeley Denison

Houston, TX This was an exciting year for some of the grandmothers from the class of ’58. We had several seniors graduate from high school, including Tami Baird Dyer’s grandson

J.D. Dyer ’17 who is going to A&M, Lucy Lee Lamme’s grandson Lawson Lamme ’17 who is also going to A&M, Holcombe (fs) and Emily Attwell Crosswell ’59’s two grandsons Will McLeroy ’17 and Greyson Crosswell who are going to The University of Texas and Ole Miss and my grandson Walt Fortney, who graduated from the Fusion School and is deferring college for a semester to work first. J.D. Dyer, Lawson Lamme and Will McLeroy graduated from Kinkaid. Greyson Crosswell graduated from the Tenney School. Tami Baird Dyer also had two more seniors – Cortland Rawlinson who graduated from Brook Hill in Tyler and is going to Trinity and Drew Dowell who graduated from Austin High School in Austin and is going to TCU. We wish that all of our grandchildren could graduate from Kinkaid but at least we have wonderful alternative choices in Houston. Other news from our class includes the following: Linda Lester Griffin’s granddaughter Sarah Schuhmacher ’08 just graduated from UT Dental School in Houston and is now officially a Doctor. Carol Cockrell Curran and her husband Dick will soon be moving into a highrise in Houston. Jane Jorns Van Santen and husband Enrique still love their retirement. Jane can be found at the bridge table several days a week and they spend a lot of time with their three granddaughters who live here. Bridge is a popular pastime for many of us, and book clubs are keeping our minds sharp. Klinka Garrett Lollar and husband John ’56 spend their summers in Park City, UT where they have a wonderful second home. Lin and Lucy Lee Lamme have finished totally remaking their river house in Wimberley after the destructive flood of the Blanco River two years ago. Sally Eastham Chapoton and her husband Buck still live in Washington, DC but they come to Houston occasionally to see their four grandchildren who live here. Eddie and Dorothy Malone Gumbert continue to be active in every area of Wimberley and they come to Houston from time to time. There probably isn’t a grandparent from our Kinkaid class who doesn’t thank our lucky stars and our parents, who guided us to Kinkaid. We were so fortunate to grow up before the challenges of social media and

*(fs) = attended, but did not graduate

the fear of terrorism, and it felt like innocence, respect and discipline ruled! We pray for our families, friends, schools, churches, soldiers, police, government and our country. We hope that we have left values that our children and grandchildren will honor and we thank Kinkaid for the teachers and leaders who have provided, now provide and will provide the assurance that our school will always represent the best of its kind. Thankful for the memories I share with my classmates, Linda Beeley Denison


John Hagerman

The Woodlands, TX Linda and John David Hagerman are delighted to announce the birth of their first grandchild on May 5, 2017, His name is Leon Rouault. His parents are Linda & John’s daughter Holly Elizabeth and her husband Frederic Rouault. From the Advancement Office: Ted Heyck’s spouse David Rambo is a prolific writer and producer who was commissioned by L.A. Theatre Works’ to create the script for The Tug of War. This piece is on President John F. Kennedy’s tough, thankless position dealing with Russian and Cuban relations in 1992. Five live performances of The Tug Of War were held at UCLA’s James Bridges Theater on May 25 – 28 and it was played on several radio stations across the country. It is downloadable on iTunes as well. For more information, visit


Allan Port

Houston, TX

Sassy English Stanton

Houston, TX Virginia Howe Kincaid will be performing the dream title role in the one-woman play “Red Hot Patriot: the kick-ass wit of Molly Ivins” in its Oregon premiere November 4-5. Many of you will recall 6’ Molly on the St. John’s basketball team guarding 5’8” Virginia and probably blocking her best hook shots. Molly went on to become a well-known syndicated political satirist who nicknamed George W. Bush “Shrub” and “Dubya” while Virginia went on to a life of community theatre in four



states, pretending to be someone else onstage for over 45 years. If classmates want to organize a bus trip, Virginia says she has a guest room and a sleeper couch. We reported in the last issue that Skip Hamilton had moved away from the Guadalupe in New Braunfels after being flooded three times in the past year and had suffered a stroke a couple of years ago. Now Skip reports that he had a setback with a new prescription for diabetes, which dehydrated him and forced a hospital stay with three days of saline infusions. “All is well now.” Skip is still waiting for the city to purchase the house that flooded and says, “Double house payments are a pain.”


Samuel Crocker

Houston, TX Ever the assiduous class agent, I have, thanks to the Internet, been able to locate “missing ’61” classmates and am pleased to report that a few have responded to my pleas for updates. But first, let me share some tidbits on the newly found that I have coaxed out of the Internet. Bill Greenwood (fs) has lived in Aspen, CO for decades and has gained fame for restoring and flying a WWII P-51 Lightening fighter (that’s an airplane). John “Mike” McCullough (fs) is an OB/ GYN with offices in Corpus and Boerne. I think she doesn’t know it, but thanks to LinkedIn I get continuing updates from Jennifer Smith Jones. The latest featured a photo of her and her two sons standing on what I surmise are the banks of the Guadalupe River since she settled in the Hill country. Given their maternal genes, it is not surprising that they are both rakishly handsome. Robert “Bob” Mott-Smith did respond! Bob couldn’t resist staying in Austin after graduating from UT, so he stayed there for several years in the restaurant industry. Then the siren call drew him to California where he “read law” at Santa Clara Law School and set up a successful practice in Benicia. Forever blessed with creative talents, he is finalizing the first volume of his poetry. His son Andrew does Internet advertising from offices in London, and son Daniel, after a long stint in the Navy as a patriot missile expert in Qatar and Kuwait, joined the civilian world and recently produced his first Indie film. Keep your eyes open for “produced and directed by Daniel Mott-Smith.” Tom Parris retired from his dual job as a VP of Hilton Hotels and SVP of their franchise division and lives in


Houston with his wife Billie Sue. Ever active, he now uses his expertise gained in almost 40 years in the hotel industry as a real estate consultant. Tom’s daughter Samantha works in investments in New York City. She resides in Ridgefield, CT with his two grandsons, ages 9 and 12. After a career in California as a building contractor, Robert Cook retired to New Ulm, one of those charming towns with German roots right down the road from Houston. In spite of my pleas, he steadfastly refused to do his impersonation of Telah the Great Bull Elephant, but he has lost none of his humor, charm and zip. He would love to hear from any of us at (916) 663-2312. I still use my canned letter to beg classmates whom I continue to uncover for updates, but am forced to stockpile for coming editions some very interesting notes from classmates who did respond. I will not be shamed into having to lay my pen aside because “missing ’61ers” continue to play opossum. Please let me hear from you.


Adrian Turner Ross

Houston, TX Dear Class of 1962, Greetings classmates. Thank you for the updates from those of you who have responded. John Butcher e-mailed from Birmingham that the “drought” has ended with three years worth of (San Diego) rainfall, and that flowers, lawns and trees are lush. He plans to visit the Gulf Coast area in the fall – hopefully he will surface in Houston! Dorothy Knox Howe Houghton (fs) reported that she and Virginia Meyers Watt (fs) spent the second half of March in the Pantanal and Amazon areas of Brazil with Virginia’s sister Graeme and her husband Edgar. They saw lots of exotic animals and birds and learned a lot about the geology and ecology of South America. The following is a report of the Class of 1962 55th reunion, which was held in conjunction with all of the Kinkaid classes whose graduating years were in increments of five years. The celebration took place the weekend of March 31 – April 1, 2017. Friday evening was a lovely outdoor get-together at the school, and on Saturday Kinkaid honored all of the graduates from 1967 and earlier with a wonderful luncheon in the lobby of the theatre. On Saturday evening, the “Houston Chapter” of the 1962 alumni met at the Forest Club for a great dinner and lots of conversation. Present were Randi Fay Yocum, Jean Merritt Johnston (fs), Donna K. Donelson, John

Barksdale and his wife Susan Sneed Barksdale ’60, Chip Stanberry and his wife Janet, George Schudy and his wife Judy, Adrian Turner Ross and her husband Rex, Carolyn Ferguson Means and her husband Hal, and Toni Walsh Duperier and her husband Henry. Hopefully this report will whet your appetite to attend our next big reunion, which will be held in 2022! Since you may not have you calendars marked that far ahead yet, rest assured that you will receive plenty of reminders as it gets closer. I wish you all good health and happiness. Adrian Turner Ross


Calanne Koenig Choate

Pearland, TX Greetings to the Class of 1963! I hope that all of you are happy and well! Happy summer! Here are the responses from my recent email requesting stories and reminiscences from our years together at Kinkaid! Enjoy! Lucy Clark Shaw says, “Thanks so very much for all the work you do. It is wonderful to be able to keep up with our classmates’ lives and you make that possible. I really appreciate it. I have bought a home in Houston and will be spending six months a year there. Any classmates who want to get together for lunch or dinner or a mini-reunion please let me know. I will be happy to organize it. My email is momma10s@gmail. com. My kids are all over – one in Singapore, one in Stockholm, one in Oregon and two in California. I have 11 ½ grandchildren. Life is good and full of blessings.” Lucy and I had lunch together after this and we agreed that we need a mini-reunion. Stay tuned for updates! Mary Nell Jeffers Lovett writes, “Our oldest granddaughter Nell Shaper ’17 (fs) graduated from Choate in May and will be attending Rice University in the fall. Malcolm ’62 (fs) and I will be one-and-one with our alma maters and grandchildren with Nell at Rice and Lovett Shaper ’15 at UT. Our S-SEast “For Better or Worse” road trip, mentioned in the last newsletter, was great fun and perfectly timed for beautiful weather and the bountiful blooming of bulbs, dogwood and red bud trees throughout SC, NC and TN. No ‘serious’ injuries within the confines of the car were incurred by either driver or navigator during the 2+ weeks on the road. We gave ample respect to grits and fresh oysters along the way. In the continuation of our “travel while you still can” mantra, we are touring the British Isles this summer. Re: request for fun memories...There are so many and I have already taken up more than

my fair share of print space. What overarches them all is the joy of the friendships involved in making those memories. That has been a key incentive for my involvement with the school for the past 54 years so I have all of you, and those we have lost, to thank.” It’s always fun to read Mary Nell’s messages. She has great adventures and a fantastic family! Art Beane reports, “One of the funniest moments I recall was in Ms. MacMurray’s English class when all of us were expected to recite Hamlet’s soliloquy one person after another row by row. Being somewhat of a show off, that incidentally was a mask for my fear, I began speaking confidently, sweating bullets through my t-shirt and my dress shirt. A hem, “To be or not to be, that is the question. Guess what the answer is? Yes! If you are thinking about someone getting stuck with bare bodkin, you are right!” Then, as I remember, I sat down because I was no good at memorizing anything, much less Shakespeare. Though Ms. MacMurray chuckled, she was not pleased, as was reflected in my performance grade.” Thanks, Art! I’m sure that was a classic moment! Kari McGuirt Seger writes, “We thought we had the most fun and best senior class ever. And maybe we were. The 3.10 Club was the pack of boys who spiced up our lives with never ending parties. We wore out three copies of Joey Dees “Peppermint Twist” album. And did the boys really get away with it when they spent hours emptying soda bottles and filling them with another concoction for the Senior Beach Trip? They did. Fond memories of Jane Wadsworth Mason and I figuring out we could leave campus to sell yearbook ads and actually go get our fill of Hostess cupcakes. We were the first year to organize a powder puff football team. Jane Wadsworth was quarterback. Practice was as full of giggles as it was plays and passes. And how many trips to Rice Library to write our senior paper? We had visions and high ideas of spending the night there. Somehow that never happened. Don’t forget the beautiful live nativity scene in Janie Rommel-Eichorn’s garage. The Boyds helped with staging. I worked in the high school office for a little while. One sunny day I let a couple of kids with parent notes leave for the day. Then more came with notes to leave. I figured out belatedly that no one was sick. It was River Oaks Tennis Tournament time. The Senior Lounge was always abuzz with our plans and antics. There were many group spend-the-nights at Calanne Koenig Choate’s house. Her parents were a delight. The Class of ’63 was fulfilled and college bound. I’d say Epic.” OK, Kari! Our secrets are out there now! Thank you! Then comes Dave Shaver with his


contribution! “Reaching way back into my memory bank, I remember driving to school one cold winter morning and deciding to see how slippery the standing ice was on the parking lot. As my wheels rolled over the patch, I hit the brakes and, to my great surprise, started skidding out of control. Luckily the car hit un-iced pavement before I crashed into anything! And one afternoon in Mr. Peach’s chemistry class I managed to produce sulfur dioxide gas that escaped and got into the school’s air conditioning system. Fortunately school was out for the day, so not many people had to breathe the noxious fumes! Debbie and I have been enjoying grandson David Shaver (21 months). This summer, we vacationed in St. George Island, FL. Greetings to everyone.” Another classic piece from a beloved class member! OK, Folks! I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading our past history as much as I have! Let’s seriously try to get together, Houston classmates! Let me hear from you!


Claire Andreae Murray

Silver Spring, MD Summer has come and gone leaving us to reminisce about the many that have gone before and the journey that lies ahead. Pour moi, the road to Singapore and Abu Dhabi lie ahead next spring. We made a valiant effort this spring to forestall terrorists, bombs, marches and homegrown travel bans to tiptoe through the Tulips in Amsterdam and Belgium. Only to be laid low by inclement weather, incessant drenching showers, swollen canals and icy gales blowing up our summer garb. Ergo we go “warmed” next spring, I hear that region runs in the 120’s by dawn. TBD Rocky McAshan reports, “We are currently living in an apartment in Austin while we build our dream home in Leander. On April 18, I celebrated my 71st birthday with my son David (39). My other son Robert turned 32 the following day. He is busy with his start up business (http://www.sourcegaming. org/) in Denton. We flew to Orlando in March to be with our grandson Evan while our daughter Beth was working a convention. I am happy to report no further health problems since kidney issues last fall.” It truly feels like uncertain times and hopefully the wee smidgen of wisdom we have all gathered is being put to use to soothe the turbulence and guide us all to calmer waters. If not, as Ruth Bader Ginsburg so fondly says, “the pendulum keeps a swinging so just wait till the fates smile more favorably upon your path.” Hoping you all had a

wonderful summer and are settling into a peaceful fall.


Tami Fox Brau Austin, TX Georgia Hinkle Akers retired as Associate Judge of Probate Court No. 3 and joined the firm of Harold “Hap” May P.C. specializing in Probate, Guardianships and Estates in private practice and as a mediator. Hap is an attorney and CPA, board certified in real estate and taxation. Georgia is board certified in estate planning and probate making it a good fit. With the change, Georgia now has more time to focus on one of her passions – raising bucking bulls. Georgia writes, “I just sold two awesome bulls, Deep Water and Rocket Man. If you watch the PBR on TV you will see them. Have some really good potentials in this group of three-year-olds.” Georgia and her husband Sam still live in the Heights and all is good. Don Topper (fs) reports that the Gulf coast offshore business is starting to pick up. He is working with Hess on their Stampede project. They are drilling wells in 3,500 feet of water to a depth of 30,000 feet. Don McGuirt and wife Nancy are super busy and enjoying their five grandsons, three of whom are at Kinkaid (Kemper ’23, Pierce ’26, Grant ’30). Don recently joined the Kinkaid Alumni Board. Susan Fantle (fs) writes, “Our only news is that this is the year we move from San Diego to Tucson. We’ll spend the winters there and weeks on our boat in San Diego in the summer. But we’re not selling our San Diego home. We’re going to rent it out so in case we don’t like living in Tucson, we can come back. But I think we’ll like it there. We’ll let you know when we actually make the move.” Virginia Brown hosted a lunch in April to support Jay Jorns after his wife Nancy died. Marion Shepherd Frazer and Carolyn Cain Bates (fs) came from Austin, their mother’s both living in Houston. Johnetta Baker Scheh and Jay came from Sealy and Katy. Kathy Sabom Parker and Peggy Dickson Martin came from Brenham. Jay Jorns writes that he is doing fine. Jay, who is a professional pest control specialist, sold his company but is now back in the game. He writes, “I am working three days a week for a DIY pesticide company, Solutions Pest & Lawn. Residents come in with a pest problem, other than in-laws, and I teach them how to do it themselves and sell them the products.” I also heard from Rod Everett (fs) who is juggling lots of projects and volunteer work in Wyoming.

Madeline Maxwell is still teaching at UT-Austin and directing certificate programs in peace and conflict for grad and undergrad students. Currently, she is writing on research related to the way people communicate both verbally and non-verbally in disputes with formal mediators and working on a book about a more robust notion of peaceful decision making so people learn to disagree and still negotiate to get things done. The major outreach program for youth of Madeline’s UT Project on Conflict Resolution welcomed teenagers from all over to a two-week summer symposium on campus June 18-30, and they do a day workshop for teachers during the symposium, too. Madeline writes, “Instead of retiring, I’m taking two or three trips each year to help out on environmental projects. During spring break, I went to Rockport on a whooping crane project and got to observe families of the birds, alligators, swimming snakes, etc. In August I’m going to Costa Rica to help with a study on dolphins and whales.” Rick Horsey says that 2016 and early 2017 have been great times for the Horsey Family. In March of 2016 Rick and his wife moved from Carrollton, TX to Farmers Branch, TX in north Dallas and live in a perfect home just left of the fourth green at Brookhaven CC. They found that when their kids and growing number of grandkids came to visit that they did not have enough room to have them stay. Rick writes, “SOOO instead of downsizing we have upsized and now have plenty of room for us as well as friends and family to come stay and play with us, which thankfully has happened on many occasions this past year. Last year our daughter Heather and her husband Alex gave birth to our latest grandson. Of course we are prejudiced about how wonderful our grandkids are and this one is no exception. He just turned one and is beginning to walk and explore. This kid came into the world happy and funny and just as sweet as you could ever ask for a child to be. I think that if all kids were this even tempered we would all have had 10 of them.” Rick and his wife spent quite a bit of time at their house in Santa Fe, NM this year and plan on returning later this summer. However Rick’s wife is not nearly so ready to head out there since this latest grandchild has arrived and lives only 20 minutes away in north Dallas. Rick foresees several trips out there to play some guy golf with friends this summer. They do, however, plan to spend a number of weeks in England and Scotland in early fall this year. Anna Horton, George Horton’s (fs) widow, sent sad news: “On March 4th of this year George Horton’s namesake and grandson George Loren Sullivan died in a tragic accident


at our home. If you are interested you may see a tribute at www.” A number of our classmates were close with George and we all send our love and prayers to the family. I had a nice note from Roy Flukinger who is knee deep in special projects at the Harry Ransom Center at UT-Austin. Sperry Hunt (fs) has retired and plans to continue writing stories and take advantage of the wonderful music scene. Sperry and his wife moved from Seattle and are now calling Idaho home. No doubt they will be making frequent trips back to Washington to visit friends, family and most especially grandchildren. It seems many of us have not slowed down, me included. I (Tami Fox Brau) am still working as a technical writer in high tech in Austin and have said I am retiring next year…but that’s what I said last year so who knows.


Pat Kidson Fogle Cavanagh

Houston, TX Our class is mourning the deaths of our classmates Dick Respess, Chip Webster (fs), DeAnne Hines Rogers (fs) and Michael Hunter (fs). Mark Heumann sent this memory: “When we were at Kinkaid, Dick and I got together at his house a couple of times to jam, him on drums and me on bass. When I suggested that we play Errol Garner’s “Misty”, he told me that his dad was humming “Misty” while walking along in Korea – and he got hit in the head by a bullet. Ever since, Dick said, if his dad heard the song, he’d go into a funk.” I have many fond memories of Dick. Living “way out west” near Memorial Drive and Wilcrest, he and I were geographically undesirable in high school! At times we rode to school together and he was the first person I drove to after I received my driver’s license (at age 14). I remember groups of us going upstairs to the playroom at Dick’s house after football games. Dick would play his drums. We were loud but Mr. and Mrs. Respess never complained because they were glad that Dick was safe and at home with his friends. Dick and I went to our Senior Prom together. He was a good friend to my three kids. At Dick’s funeral, my daughter Elizabeth Fogle Sparks ’91 reminded Liz of the time that Dick took care of a large repair on Elizabeth’s old Honda. She was a starving first-year teacher in Dallas and he wouldn’t let her pay. And there was the Christmas when times were bleak for me and the kids and Dick sent me a large gift card so that I 53


could buy gifts for my young teenagers. Craig and I enjoyed several wonderful, lazy, story-filled days in Galveston with Dick and Liz. He loved the ocean. Dick never missed a class reunion. He and Liz attended our 50th in 2016. Dorothy Amerman Allen wrote that Dick and her husband Milton had a good visit that night. Milton was impressed with the stem cell work Dick was doing in Honduras. Dick’s obituary (included in the “In Memory” section on page 88 of this magazine) is a testament to his varied interests and talents. Anyone who met Dick was touched by his humor and his desire to help people. Most importantly, he loved making people’s lives better through medicine and encouraged living by Christian values. I hope you will consider a contribution in Dick’s memory to the scholarship fund our class established in his name. I also have many fond memories of our dear friend and classmate Chip. Several of you sent memories of Chip and they all included his friendly, outgoing personality. I think that’s what defined Chip for many of us. He was the first boy from our class that I really got to know when I entered Kinkaid my sophomore year. I spent many Fridays after a football game at his house with other classmates. His older children and my kids attended Kinkaid together and Chip and I always spent time together at Parents’ Night. He attended all of our reunions and it was especially good to see him at our 50th. He was funny and kind. I already miss him. Chip’s obituary is included in the “In Memory” section on page 90 of this magazine. At our press deadline, I was very saddened to hear about the recent passing of former classmates DeAnne Hines Rogers (fs) and Michael Hunter (fs). Their obituaries are included in the “In Memory” section on page 90 and 89 of this magazine. If you have memories about either of them, please share them with me so we can include them in the next round of class notes. A Message from the Class of 1966 to Pat:

50th Reunion Party at The Tasting Room

past 33 years your talents have touched the lives of thousands of students. Whether helping students with Dyslexia to read, providing community service through KOCI or creating a Lower School Treble Choir, you have given extraordinary service to Kinkaid. Enjoy those planned trips: June (North Carolina), July (Maine) and September (Normandy, France). Stay in touch. Sincerely, The Class of 1966


Steve Adger

Houston, TX We had our 50th reunion this past April and it was great seeing a good many of our classmates again. Many of us see each other often, but we did have several who traveled some distance to share memories with us once again. To the best of my memory, the Friday and/ or Saturday night attendees were: Ann Lents, Diane “Dede” Mosbacher, Ellen Sechzer Aronoff, Priscilla “Prissy” Freeman Larson, Margaret Windsor Painchaud, Terry Davis Harrison, Kathy Cowart Hall, Chrissie Norquist Stamey, Laurye Rutten Tanner, Kingslea Thomas, Demi Lockett Prentiss,

Dear Pat, Your classmates send all their very best wishes for a happy retirement and a heartfelt “thank you” for serving all these years as our class correspondent and reunion organizer. You cajoled us through these years to write about our lives and never gave up on us, even when we did not provide those updates. You kept us connected. Your tireless efforts were reflected in the turnout for our 50th reunion, a beautiful party. This message of appreciation would not be complete without mentioning your dedication not only to your class but also to Kinkaid. Over the


Jane Pulaski, Jan Ginther, Nancy Corley Wehrung, Anne Selig Ganz, Karen Neuhaus Schneider (fs), Alison Anderson Bailey, Dede “Sis” George Smith, Tom Hargrove, Joey Tennant, Larry Knapp, Bob Kent, Marvin Morse, David Dunwoody, Merrill “Pepe” Haas, Steve Adger, Ronnie Ladin, Stewart Simonds, Norman Bering (fs) and many spouses. Ann Abercrombie is still living on 139+ acres in the country about an hour west of Houston. Although she loves it, she may downsize this year. She had great time at the reunion and was very proud of herself and our classmates that she could still recognize most of us. David Dunwoody is the new president of River Oaks Country Club. He and his wife Kackie are expecting another granddaughter in the next few months – a gift from their daughter Maggi (fs). Alex Diffey couldn’t make the reunion but wrote the group that he was well and very happy living in Charlotte, NC. After Emory, undergrad and MBA, he entered a career in banking. He has two children and five grandchildren living in the Charlotte area. The last few years he has been an occasional expert witness in banking cases and consulting troubled banks from coast to coast, but that is coming to an end. Charity volunteer work is beginning to fill his days now. As he looks back he is most grateful for his years at Kinkaid and how the Falcon experiences and friendships helped influence the way he has lived his life over the last 50 years.


Elizabeth Topper Nash

San Marcos, TX Terry Davis Harrison ‘67, Prissy Freeman Larson ‘67 and Kingslea Thomas Von Helms ‘67 getting together during Reunion Weekend

Annie Owen

Houston, TX


Don Pickels

Houston, TX I’m ecstatic that we got more Sixtyniner responses than ever before (23!), thanks in part to classmate Bill Liedtke’s heartfelt begging and good Class Notes copy! As we get older (groan!) maybe we all have more time to reflect on our pasts and are willing to share with old friends. Those who contribute every issue are the true heroes. Here’s hoping the rest of you see “the light” and write in “what’s going on,” to quote the great Marvin Gaye. We’d love to hear from you before the final curtain. Billy (a/k/a “Horn”) exceeded all expectations by soliciting the entire class and receiving 11 “news” responses, over twice our entire total last time. Here are those contributions, mostly written as submitted by Horn...(Hook ‘em!). Our intrepid fullback Scott Talbot retired from the industrial distribution business after 42 years of hard work (but probably not harder than his El Campo oil roughneck days in the early 70s!). His wife Eva recently recovered from breast cancer and is also now retired. Eva’s daughter was recently elected a judge in Harris County. Scott and Eva just completed a two-week driving trip through beautiful northern New Mexico and this August, Scott plans a fun week in Galveston with his two grandchildren ages 11 and 12. I’m seeking his cell number if I hear the August speckled trout bite has hit the surf! Judy Neun (fs) writes that she sees classmates Garth Whittington and Browne Baker ’70 all the time. Sadly, she sees Ricky Frachtman, Jeff Cross and me “only” at Kinkaid events… oh woe is us! Judy also told an unnerving account of what Garth endured just a few days before his dear mother’s memorial service at the Edith Moore Bird Sanctuary in


the Memorial Dr. area. First, his car was stolen and then he was hit by a car while on his bicycle! Thankfully no broken bones, just bruises, but his bike was a goner. Garth, feel free to call me if you need a lawyer or bodyguard! Finally, Judy sold her Naples, FL beach house two years ago. She keeps busy gardening, cooking, trying new restaurants and caring for her 14-year-old poodle named “Baby.” Best of luck, Judy, with “retirement” and with Baby, who’s a mere 98 years young in “dog years,” even older than us. Oh my. Pam Kidson Adger finally retired from the Gerald Hines organization last year and says she’s enjoying retirement. She gets to spend more time with hubby Cal’ 63, her 95year young mother, and their son and his family. She recently began volunteering at the Richmond State Supported Living Center and is active at St. Martin’s Church in the mighty handbell group and choir. Perhaps Pam will join my band “Train Wreck” onstage at the Briar Club the night of our 50th Reunion... We need a handbell and more cowbell! Murphy Lents decided to take his golden parachute when his 12-year employment with Headwaters, Inc. ended via a takeover by Boral North America Co. on May 6th. Hope Murph had a happy landing! He and Dianne, as formerly reported, live on the picturesque Twisted Rose horse farm in Kerrville. Murphy has become our class horse whisperer with impressive victories in Gentlemen’s Western Pleasure and Gentlemen’s classic Pleasure Driving at the Morgan Horse world championships. Dianne was named the Morgan Horse Owner of the Year for the 4th year in a row by the U.S. Equestrian Federation. It was a banner year as they had four or five other horses also winning grand championships. Let’s hope that winning record continues for the Lents family. Our Massachusetts classmate Bonnie German Chandler spends every spring birthing goats and clearing her land with a chainsaw and a wheelbarrow. Her goats and dogs are good enough to compete in nearby shows! Bonnie and her astro-physicist husband are rehearsing for a chorus they sing with called Harvard Pro Musica. Their daughter Holly lives in the Boston area and son Cedric has one more year to serve as a nuclear engineer aboard the very aircraft carrier (based in Japan) that North Korea keeps firing scary missiles at! Fun Fact: all of Bonnie’s animals, including the 32 goats, have names and respond to them! The chickens don’t count... So good to finally hear from Tom “the quipster” Jameson who has

a daughter in Los Angeles and a son still in Austin, both still single (so apparently, no grandkids yet!). Tom and wife Kim are quite busy adding on to their existing home near Austin. They also spend some weekends at their farm in Huntsville where Kim plays with her horses and Jamo plays with “the machinery.” Tom hopes to do some meaningful world travel and exclaims that “retired life is good, with no problems.” Who knew that our funny Mary Lou Peckham Cozean would establish and run a successful ad valorem tax firm for a little over 25 years? She spends time protesting Harris County commercial property accounts, along with some high-end residential properties within the zip codes 77024, 77019 and 77056. Call her if you need some help! All of her clients are happily locked-in with her firm and Mary Lou hired her daughter Tiffanie ’89 two years ago to help keep up with the load. Good work, Mary Lou! Peggy Whitmore Douglass writes from Fox Chapel that her daughter Jill ’03 (fs) has been promoted to Brand Manager at Star Kist after completing her MBA. No grandkids yet, but she has a fine “grand-dog!” Her son Rob ’01 (fs) loves working in Tampa, FL for the Employment Law Dept. at City Group. Peggy stays busy with showing and trail-riding two horses and is still a member of the Sewickley Hunt. She and her therapy dog have racked up more than 350 hours as “Canine Entertainment” for various nursing homes. In fact, her dog won the TDIA award from Therapy Dog International. Peggy says she had a Kristy Liedtke sighting last year in Ligonier at a Bridge event at the Rolling Rock Club. Now please persuade Kristy to write in herself! Thank you. Katy Archer Thorstenberg lives in The Woodlands and is a social worker with Easter Seals Greater Houston, working with low-income families to assist them in getting mortgages and houses to live in. Katy’s three children (Annette ’00, Catherine ’02 and Russell ’04) are scattered from Long Island to Rapid City, all happy in their chosen career paths. In her free time, Katy likes to visit independent bookstores across the country and immerse herself in the culture and literature of the area. Good to hear from her! Marcy West, another horse whisperer, reports that her two granddaughters Segan and Frankie were born a week apart (in February) and now wreak havoc upon the world! Also, their Nana and grandson Eli will attain age four this June. Marcy celebrates 18 years in July with her David, still madly in love with each other and saltwater bay fishing. Her two children and David’s


three are all busy and doing well. Oldest daughter Kelley has a veterinarian practice in Houston, while son Wesley is COO of her brother’s (Scott West ’73) insurance agency. Sadly, Marcy doesn’t whisper too much with horses anymore. Her few thoroughbreds are now relegated to “yard art’ or “farm art,” as the case may be! It was good to hear from Dr. “Tiny” Tony Arnold after a 2+ year absence. He’s still down in the “Redneck Riviera” a/k/a Corpus Christi, living large off the land and passing gas (anesthesia). Tony fondly remembers his glory days going to Houston Debutante parties, lighting small methane flames, reconditioning Corvettes, working on guitar amplifiers and going fishing as often as possible with his fishing mentors (yours truly and our best friend, Tank Commander Paul Cooper, now deceased). Perhaps such fond memories will bubble forth at our glorious 50th Reunion in April 2019, but knowing Tiny, he’ll figure out a way to miss all the agony! Let’s everybody send him a friendly smoke signal in case he’s “too busy” to join us two years from now! I plan to call him up to the reunion microphone for some snappy life updates and/or a guitar-solo request! Maybe he’ll share his plans about building a retirement home this year on Canyon Lake north of San Antonio (wherever that is). Now I’ll continue with the ’69ers who responded directly to me... My most faithful correspondent Dr. Rick Frachtman revealed he and wife Anne had a grandson (named Davis) born to their son Steven ’97 and wife Jenny last Thanksgiving. So in the excitement they had Thanksgiving take-out dinner from McDonald’s! They were quite busy last November as daughter Lindsey also got married that month. Lindsey married Scott who is from St. Louis and is now an attorney in Houston. At the wedding he serenaded Lindsey with “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.” Last February the Frachtmans went to Las Vegas and got to see oldie crooner Engelbert Humperdinck, another blast from the past. This coming November Rick and Anne will embark on another of their grand “music tours” on the high seas, this time featuring the Beach Boys! Let’s hope Rick enjoys some good vibrations and remains true to his school, as we know he will. Our Navy captain Sam Wright finally moved home to Texas after almost 40 years serving in Washington DC. He says his career was based on “a misunderstanding,” because when he joined up in 1973, the recruiter promised Sam would “see the sea.” But what he apparently meant was “see DC!” Sam now lives in Waco, not far from the Baylor campus. He

Don Pickels ’69 at Skyline Disc Golf Course in Napa, CA, where he shot 7-under-par in mountains

continues to work as a lawyer on military cases and is a “reservist” for FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency). If we get another big hurricane here, he’ll be busy as ever. Sam is proud of the 1,500 (egads!) legal articles he’s written about military law and procedure, all available at www.roa. org/lawcenter. Please read those articles and be ready for the 50th Reunion Pop Quiz administered by Prof. John Germann!! Our Katy country doctor Mark Bing has been busy leading fun train trips on his own private railroad car. He led the Librarian train trip to Boston in January 2016 and planned a Portland Rose Festival trip in June. After that, a Labor Day run to Seattle, with another family trip to Seattle in July. Besides the trains, Mark got himself a fine piece of sports history when he acquired the Pittsburgh Steeler jersey worn by “Mean” Joe Greene in the classic Coca Cola commercial! I’d like to see Mark wear that to our next Kinkaid party. Sarah Johnson Mueller wrote me that nobody remembers her because she thought herself “a wallflower.” Apparently she made up for that by getting married four times! She and the current husband live in Minerva, OH. They have at least 12 grandchildren and her daughter has blossomed into a fine artist. Sarah and her brood love to travel and just bought a three-bedroom condominium in Palm Springs, CA. There they play much golf. She looks forward to our 50th Reunion and vows to attend. She signed off with her “full” name Sarah Johnson Rather Guerrero Brown Mueller, a real mouthful for any Sixty-niner! Carole Smithwick-Kiebach says her husband David was named KHOU’s Red Apple Teacher for June after 31 years of teaching. Now both retired, they stay busy remodeling houses, including the “barndo” and house on their retirement farm in Maynard. She’s sad about the Air Force transferring son Andrew ’98 (fs) to SATCOM in Omaha, NE. Meanwhile her granddaughter Michelle (3) is learning Spanish. Grandson Ian



Dallas/Ft. Worth Alumni Party February 2 at Coal Vines

Callie Parker Bradford ‘95, Neil Zimmerman ‘95 with wife Brooke, Kyle Bradford

Darrell Bock ‘71, Candy Plummer Winslow ‘86, Headmaster Andy Martire, Kathleen Hazelhurst Bywaters ‘69 with husband Ben

A.J. Johnson ‘06, Director of Advancement Tom Moore, Eddie Moore ‘06

Margaret Strange Thompson ‘87 and Laura Westmoreland DeVega ‘87

Peter Wrench ‘83, Mary Ann McKinley ‘77, Lilian Nwora ‘09, Ellen Rothermel Stuart ‘59


(1) is into climbing everything in sight. Carole says she’s planning trips to Alaska, Hawaii, Europe and an intercontinental train trip to see America. Finally, she challenges the ’69ers to do something wild for our 50th Reunion, like booking a threeday ship cruise out of Galveston! If any of you are interested in that, please contact Carole and get the reunion ball rolling. Our fastest Falcon Dr. Dana Harper is still living in the Montrose area and runs his chiropractic business in the Galleria area. As you know he works his body magic on our beloved Houston Astros and Texans sports teams. Let me compliment Dana for his Astros work because at this writing we lead all teams with the best record in Major League Baseball! We’ll see how our Texans perform this coming football season. Dana says he travels to Prague frequently to visit his son, daughter-in-law and two grandkids. Still happily married to Christin, he loves photography and swears he’ll be there for our 50th Reunion. If Scott Talbot shows up, I’d like to see a footrace between Scott and Dana! Go Falcons! Our head cheerleader Lynne Barlow Bentsen sent in a full activity report, starting with her April weekend in New York visiting our actress classmate Marianne Tatum. They enjoyed the local cuisine and saw the stage play “Present Laughter” starring Kevin “Big Chill” Kline. Lynne says Marianne looks amazing and is working on a new acting project. Back in Houston, Lynne and classmate Kristy Liedtke have season tickets to the entertaining Houston Symphony Pops series. I go to most the concerts, too, but they both manage to never see me! At the Kinkaid Alumnae & Friends Luncheon this spring, Lynne sat with Pam Adger, Martha Adger Madget and Susie Adams Smith, all feeling the Falcon spirit. Lynne’s daughter (Skyler Bentsen Stewart ’98) lives in Austin and is expecting another child this fall, adding another to her eight and nine-year-old children. Finally, Lynne continues her work on an international trade finance project…important business that I pray doesn’t keep her from attending our upcoming reunion. Maybe she’ll persuade Marianne, Martha, Kristy and Susie to send me some news… an accomplishment she could really crow about! I was happy to hear from our classmate Sheila Holloway who is retired from teaching and living in north London. She is still singing in a choir, practicing Qi Gong, tending her English garden, researching family history and taking walks around those beautiful London parks. Her son Dan is working in the music business as a producer, music director and freelance musician.

Sheila says she’s hosting an AFS friend (and his wife) from Sweden and planning to explore with them some scenic places in the east Midlands. After that she travels to Derbyshire to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Pentrich Uprising in 1817, the “last British armed uprising that a lot of my forebears were involved in.” Sheila confesses she loves hearing about all her Kinkaid friends and reminiscing about her “amazing year at Kinkaid.” Please come to our 50th Reunion in April 2019, Sheila, and we’ll award you the ’69er “Long Distance Travel” award! Our Harley-riding homebuilder Gary “EZ” Wilkerson, along with Rick Frachtman, continue to see more music concerts than even I! Gary and girlfriend Dorothy ride their Harleys all over Texas and the USA to see bands that we danced to in high school and college! Sometimes they stop at my place to visit and share their backstage concert fun. Recently they saw one of their favorites, ZZ Top, and sent me some great music videos from the show. I was impressed when they saw The Beach Boys in San Antonio and sent me photos of themselves standing alongside the amazing Brian Wilson and his current Beach Boys band! By the way, EZ just emailed me some abuse because he just turned 67, not 66! Truly the OLD MAN of the class. Keep the good-time music humming, Gary! Our football captain Jeff Cross goes to many Astros and Texans games, sometimes with me tagging along. We always bet on how many wins our local teams will get, but this year I fear our April Astros bets were too low! So far, their winning season is heavenly retribution after 55 years of dashed hopes. Go Astros! Jeff and wife Elise just returned from a grand cruise vacation through Europe, Spain and Greece. I hope Jeff did not further disrupt the fragile European Union or cause any trouble with our allies “across the pond.” My busy class notes helper Bill “Horn” Liedtke reports that

Director of Advancement Tom Moore with Marianne Tatum ‘69 at the NYC Alumni Party


he’s playing his Martin and G&L Telecaster guitars most every evening up in Oklahoma City, along with sipping some beloved Jameson CaskMates whiskey. Like our classmate Wilkerson, Bill has had a couple of minor heart procedures to treat his A-fib, but is fit enough to play tennis doubles on a USTA team populated by (surprise!) younger players! He’s also taken up long walks while listening to Pandora music and political podcasts on foreign policy. His rock-star daughter Victoria lives in York, England (after her recent marriage), while son Will and other daughter Louisa are still living at home. Here’s hoping Bill will join in on guitar with my band at our upcoming 50th Reunion! At my deadline I went to Goode Co. Seafood for lunch with Jeff Cross, bandmate Doug O’Brien and Kinkaid history teacher John J. Germann. We were all grateful and amazed over the Astros’ best record in Major League Baseball. We reminisced about Kinkaid baseball and how we used to hit with actual wooden bats, now all aluminum and less fun! Mr. Germann told some tales of his terrific European 50th anniversary trip with wife Caro Ann and we all agreed to attend an Astros game if they somehow make it to the World Series. Go Astros! As for me (Don PIckels), my news is about my passion for disc golf, the fastest growing sport in America. I get to play a round or more about five times a week, often at my “home course” (3.5 miles away) at T.C. Jester Park just west of the Houston Heights. I grew up throwing Frisbees with my brother Steve, back to 1958(!), so I am not surprised to win some tournaments in real disc golf. Winning in the old “Senior Division” is too easy, so I play with and against the flat-belly young guns from age 20 and up. My baseball shortstop years prepared me for launching long-distance sidearm shots thrown much like a baseball. After a lot of practice, I can now throw my best discs from 325-450 feet off the tee, depending on the wind and how I feel that day. It’s astounding how far they glide when thrown hard, fast and at proper angle. After attending some Astros games I hatched a crazy idea to attempt throwing one of my Frisbees “out of the park!” The distance from home plate to the Minute Maid Park centerfield wall is 409 feet…within range if I don’t choke! On April 30th I bought a ticket and attended that Astros day-game, carrying my two best distance discs and best demeanor I could muster. Arriving over an hour early, I hoped to talk my way onto the ball-field for only a minute to launch my plastic missiles. I walked down the long spectator aisle to the field, where I met lovely “Astro gal” Julia Morales and team mascot Orbit. We laughed

it up and then I met the chief-of-security who sternly said I’d be ejected from the park (or taken to jail) if I tried my stunt. They said my only hope was to apply for special permission to the Astros front office as part of some “charity event.” I was totally bummed out! So now I’m planning to apply as your class rep representing all you “disadvantaged Kinkaid kids!” Ha ha. Such are the trials and tribulations of your long-suffering class rep. Please stay tuned.

Sometimes you fail, but be always in the fray! See you at our 50th Reunion! SUMA ‘69! — Capt. Don, Esq.


Malcolm Waddell Houston, TX It’s summertime 2017. I am on my way home from a relaxing weekend in Galveston. This weekend was the commissioning ceremony for the Navy’s newest ship, the USS Gabrielle Giffords, and we observed the festivities from the peanut gallery – indeed a milestone event as turning 65 is for many of us. Besides reporting their latest news, I asked each of you to reflect on our coming of age. But let’s start our summer column as we always do with our graduation news. Tom Hale (fs) is our first proud parent sharing, “Son Theodore graduated from UT Austin with a degree in Economics with a minor in Business from the McCombs School of Business in May. He is a member of Delta Sigma Pi and he loved his four years in Austin. He is now on a fun trip to Amsterdam, Berlin, Romania, Spain and Ibiza with his roommate. He comes home to study for the LSAT to start the process of applying to law schools. UT is his first choice. He wants to go to a Texas school. He will work again at Texas/US Law Shield. Daughter Emily is working with an NGO in Tripoli, Lebanon as the head of a school. She loves this work. Emily has visited 80 countries or more and speaks many languages. She has a great boyfriend who is in Germany getting his master’s. They will go to Siberia for his job when he graduates. Sherry and I recently went to Paris, Amsterdam, Venice and Rome for a couple of weeks. We had a blast. Sherry is now working at a friend’s company, Texas/US Law Shield, and is the face of the company. She produces videos about a number of topics for the company. For me, real estate is rocking along as usual. All is good with the Hales.”

Phil Salvador lives in the Woodlands and reports, “Daughter Carla graduated from high school in early June and will enter Lone Star College in the fall. She continues to ride horses a lot. Son Lucas had a great time at Georgia Tech’s French campus and got good grades too. He is now doing the summer semester at Georgia Tech’s main campus in Atlanta, GA. My wife Christiane is busy with all sorts of projects, too numerous to mention. I am still looking for work in oil and gas, but without much luck. In the meantime, I have developed a small sideline in teaching kayaking and helping to lead group kayak trips. It’s been all volunteer work so far but it may become a tiny business someday as my network in this realm grows. The main way in which I have noticed the arrival of 65 is having to get enrolled in Medicare and associated supplements after being kicked off my ConocoPhillips retiree medical plan with Aetna. It all seemed confusing at first, but as I educated myself I came to understand it much better. I have already used the new insurance a few times and so far, so good.” From the Pacific Northwest I heard from Lorna “Sandy” Stebbins Fossand who had this news to share, “My biggest news is that my daughter Margaret graduated from Occidental College (Los Angeles, CA) in May. She was a Biology major and has her eye on medical school in a couple of years. To my delight, she’s home for a while before launching on to the next stage. She’s great company and also exposes me to an eclectic and satisfying array of music that I miss when she’s not around.” Look for more from Sandy/Lorna in the winter column. Our final cap and gown report comes from Larry Jacobs: “Our daughter Jacqueline ’13 graduated from Tulane in May. She is the 4th successive generation of our family to graduate from Tulane. She majored in Psychology and plans on remaining in New Orleans for the next two years to work for Tulane University’s child welfare unit. This group focuses on helping abused children. After that she will consider obtaining a graduate degree. We had quite a graduation weekend. Son Scott is continuing his studies at the Bauer School of Business at the University of Houston. He will be declaring his major later this summer.” Larry’s reflection on turning 65 was short and sweet: “Although as my mother said, ‘there is nothing golden about the golden years,’ it beats the alternative.” Our first provider of non-graduation news is Leslie Buchanan. She has been retired for a while after a career in nursing. She checked in from Virginia saying, “I have been spending a lot of time in the community


garden this spring where we are growing vegetables for folks in the area who are struggling to afford healthy food. I have also dropped my golf handicap below 20! This fall we will take a trip to France. I am struggling to remember any of that ‘ALM’ French I learned at Kinkaid. All I recall is ‘Bonjour Jean, come va tu? Tres bien merci, et toi?’ That probably won’t get me too far! I’ll report back on our trip for the next issue.” Ginger Hamblen Busboom (fs) is a PA at an emergency medicine practice in Austin. She writes, “Mark and I are making changes that we have dreamed about for quite some time now. We purchased a small ranch near Johnson City, TX with an incredible view! We just sold our home in Austin and are moving to the ranch. We are so excited about building our home on the property with three casitas, one for each of our children and their families. I will be backing off of my work schedule to a couple of days each week and Mark is ‘trying’ to retire. My son Kris Perryman is in the oil business and is married to an angel, Stephanie Olson. They live in Fort Worth and have my favorite Fort Worth granddaughter Maggie. My daughter Carlisle is a realtor in Austin and is married to our favorite Michiganborn son-in-law Brian Kennedy. They have a daughter Grace and a son Henry. Our daughter Katie has her master’s in counseling and practices in Austin. She is married to our favorite Austin-born son-inlaw Grant Abney. Life is wonderful!” From Napa Valley Spencer Clark (fs) brings us his news: “Northern California finally came out of its drought this year with winter/ spring rainfall totals twice normal which has produced awesome summer foliage on the grape vines and throughout the Valley. Here at Amizetta [Estate Winery] we just completed our renovation of both our winery and outside tasting/ picnic areas to better serve onsite tours. The winery finalized its purchase of a five-bedroom B&B located near Mustard’s Restaurant in Yountville and we are renovating it and will reopen it this September as a VRBO. Our daughter Amizetta began her internal medicine/psychiatry residency at Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, NC and we’re off to help her move to a recently purchased home in July. She’s also pregnant with a baby girl due the first of November. Our son Perry and his wife Christine are in the midst of an inside-out remodel on their St. Helena home and surprised their two sons with a Bernese Mountain/Poodle puppy in July. My wife Amizetta and I are excited to be taking a two-week sailing cruise around the Tahitian island this September.”



Washington DC Alumni Party May 3 at Bar Deco

Andrew Dolan, Caroline Emoff, Headmaster Andy Martire, Julia Lovett ‘07

Matt Torpey & Mary Beth Tyler ‘03, Roseanna Baber Hill ‘99 with husband Jason

Margaret Frederking Barton ‘66 with husband Richard Shullaw, Robert Morse ‘63, Clark Ervin ‘77 with wife Carolyn Harris

Walker Spier ‘12, Emily Beckham ‘11, Jennifer Orr ‘11, Allison Bolin ‘12, Jesse Steinmetz ‘11


Sam Collins shares, among other things, wedding news: “My beautiful, favorite and only daughter Emily ’02 was married on May 6 here in Houston to Lance Blau, a resident at a hospital in Ohio where they have both been living for the last three years. Lance grew up in Houston and went to Memorial High School and UT where Emily also went, but they did not know or meet each other until four years ago. We could not be happier about her marriage to Lance, a real prince of a guy. Son Jordan ’00 just accepted a new job with a solar company based in San Francisco, CA and moved to the Bay Area in June. He is currently travelling in Indochina and Japan sticking more pins in his travel map. My beautiful bride Andrea and I just celebrated our 37th anniversary and the 15th year of our empty nest status. We are both feeling well and doing well. We took our first trip of the year to our second home in Asheville, NC in the middle of June, a slight delay from normal due to the wedding. In February, I turned 65 and could not be happier to be out of the insurance mess and into Medicare. Never thought I’d say I would be happy to be 65. We have planned a trip to Prague, Vienna and Budapest in September. Interestingly, I am Facebook friends with Janet Feinstein, someone who lived in my old neighborhood and who I was in elementary school with through the 5th grade at Longfellow Elementary. She now lives in Prague. I have not seen her in 55 years and we will be getting together with her in Prague. Hope all is well with everyone!” From Longview, TX, next up is Bill Blomdahl and he reports on a very busy year, “Nancy turned 60 in April and we went to Watercolor, FL to celebrate her birthday. We had our 40th wedding anniversary on June 11. I will turn 65 in August so 2017 is a big year for the Blomdahls! We have been back and forth to Katy to hang with kids and to see our two grand baby girls, now four and one and a half – so fun and entertaining. Nancy and I are building a weekend home with our oldest daughter and her husband in Bluejack National Development, just north of Houston and west of Lake Conroe near the town of Montgomery. We plan to use it on weekends and for semi-retirement. The development has a beautiful new 18-hole golf course designed by Tiger Woods, fishing lakes with a guide on staff, a new spa and all kinds of pools and other outdoor activities for the kids and us. It even sports a 10-hole par-three course that is lit at night to play and practice on whenever you want. The whole development is gated and private, so very quiet and safe.” Our homebuilder extraordinaire Frank McGuyer shares, “MHI is doing well with its current brands

Coventry, Plantation and Wilshire Homes in the major Texas markets. Dallas and Austin have done particularly well compared to the Houston market, which has been impacted by the recent slowdown in the energy sector. I have a good executive team giving me the opportunity to enjoy being in the grandkid business. Our daughter Brooke McGuyer Hutson ’98, who lives in Houston, has a son who just turned seven and a daughter who is two. Brooke has her own interior design business and is married to a great guy who works for Phillips 66. Our atomic physicist son Bart ’02 left his post doc at Columbia for the West Coast. He and his wife, an editor for Harper Collins, are trying to acclimate to LA from NY as he transitions from academia to the Connectivity Lab at Facebook. Of course, all this has occurred while having their first child, a boy, who has had no difficulty what so ever with the adjustment.” Paul Barnhart checked in right after my second news request with his latest, “Karol and I had our 41st anniversary this month. We have two grandchildren – Lila (4) and Wynn (2). Grandkids are not overrated. We still travel a lot and will spend most of the summer in Aspen. We still lead an active life; I still compete in triathlons, a 30-year career including finishing the Hawaiian Ironman eight times. I hope everyone is leading the life they hoped for. My best to all.” Betsy Mickley Sheets, who always starts off with “I have no exciting news,” had plenty of exciting news. She writes, “My son Kelly’s wedding was on New Year’s Eve in Austin. He and his wife Mary live in Houston now so I may be coming more often! They met at A&M through friends. Mary is from Austin and she works for Vesta Property Management in the Galleria as Payroll Manager. I love her; she’s beautiful! Kelly works in sales for Air Products. All is great with both of them. I guess I’m just waiting for grandkids now! My other son Shawn is still in San Antonio as Director of Food Services with Southwest Food Services. I’m spending most of the summer in Pig Country, NM taking some short trips in the RV and just enjoying life!” From New Hampshire, Janet Lee Cohen reports, “Rick and I continue to work on our pet projects and are traveling as much as we can. Bucket List Time. We’re going back to Japan in the fall and will visit the Peace Park in Hiroshima this time. We’re trying to figure out a time to take our family on safari and are wondering if anyone has any suggestions on which country, game lodge, the ideal age for grandkids, etc. Our grandkids will be seven this summer. [Editor’s Note: We recommend Micato Safaris and Kenya & Tanzania]. My mom is 88 and still kicking although her health is beginning to decline. I’ve begun to visit her in Houston a


lot during the winter months when it’s so cold in New Hampshire and so pleasant in Texas. I even took some friends from New Hampshire on a tour of Kinkaid last time we were in town. The campus has filled out considerably but I noticed some of the original Middle School and High School buildings are still there, but with second floor additions in some places. It was nice to see those remnants of the past in those very 1960’s era buildings. I’m glad it isn’t all new and shiny everywhere, although the main administration building sure is. What a great school! That’s about it. I did find turning 65 a bit harder than previous milestone birthdays; I think because of Medicare and the indisputable fact that we’re no longer young. I won’t say we’re old because I don’t feel old. (My knees may say otherwise). But I’m happy to still be here and still learning. Hope to see as many of you as possible at our next BIG reunion [in 2020]!” Irene Moody Riviere was very reflective in her note. She said, “We were very fortunate to have such a close class and one of the things that truly impacted all of us was our horrific loss of Chad Nelms (fs) and David Hinds (fs). Chad was my cheerleading partner, and both his and David’s deaths really devastated me, and all of us! I was also very sad to hear that Chad’s sister Nina Nelms Lyons ’71 (fs) passed away in early June. So, as I turned 65 on May 16th, I realized how fortunate I am to still have my dear brother Carl Moody ’68, my unbelievably wonderful children, my five precious grandchildren and most of all, how blessed I am to have celebrated 41 blissful years of marriage to my dear Rob on June 19th! My hope is that all of my dear classmates feel as blessed and all of you are doing well. I’m so glad that we ‘ve stayed in touch after all these years! Thank you Malcolm for making this possible! Love to all.” Bob Frachtman also checked in from Austin and reflected, “I’m already 65. My unhappy age was 50 but I’ve been fine with the other milestone ages. Believe it or not, I still consider myself in the upper 40’s. I have no plans to retire and I am training to run the New York Marathon with my eldest son Julian in November. Last January, Julian, Brandon and I back country skied into the Hut System in Colorado, cresting at 12,000 feet. We spent the night in a cabin when the outside temp was zero degrees and the outhouse was about a 50-yard march through the snow. It sounds bad but it is very liberating. I just joined the Internal Medicine faculty as the 3rd gastroenterologist at the Dell Medical School at UT Austin. I’m on the clinical faculty as my dad was at Baylor Medical School. I’m still on the board of The University of Texas Hillel, the University Development Board at UT and the

National Council of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee. Sherrie and I just completed a oneweek whole plant-based diet (sponsored by Whole Foods and Engine 2) immersion in Sedona, AZ with Jim Sud (fs) and his wife Lecia. My diet is now even more strict than a vegan diet. Why? People can email or call me if they want to know but the science is amazing. Sherrie just accepted an invitation to join the Board of Trustees at KLRU, the public TV station here. Our son Julian is engaged to a wonderful woman from the Bay Area, is thriving in the world of high tech and is partnering with a guy from Bangalore, India to start a new ad-tech company, while continuing to work for an Israeli software development company. Son Brandon still works in the world of commercial real estate development (Schlosser Development – developed the downtown Austin flagship Whole Foods Market) and was recently promoted. Daughter Adrienne just obtained her master’s degree from UT Dallas in Speech Pathology and wants to do her clinical fellowship year in San Francisco, CA. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their children and grandchildren – glad to see anyone who’s passing through Austin.” Katherine Thompson Jordan (fs), who lives on Canyon Lake, writes, “Well, since I don’t turn 65 until late September, I might be the baby of the [Class of 1970] bunch! I can report a 3rd grandson on January 31 (Liam Thompson Skelton) born to daughter Dr. Katie and hubby Dr. Spencer Skelton of New Braunfels. Liam’s brothers are Luke (4) and Logan (2). They are a busy bunch! My son Chris is working on the Texas Bar, and our youngest child C.J. is busy working for Texas Conservation Corp. currently in Bastrop State Park, felling trees and making trails there since the fires destroyed so much of the park. We are currently just enjoying life here at Canyon Lake and making plans to visit several national parks this summer, including Yellowstone and Glacier. I was 14 when I last went to Yellowstone; I’ll bet some things have changed…more people for one!” Right ahead of Katherine in our milestone birthday year is Robin Singer Mowrer (fs) who says, “I will be 65 in August and I have refreshed my resolve to be strong, healthy and active. My husband and I are moving from Dallas back to Denver, CO in the fall and we will expand our real estate business to Denver while hopefully keeping things going, at least for a while, in Dallas with our team. We have two grandbabies in Denver with my son Eddie and wife Emily. We really want to be close to them so we are very excited about that. Also, this March my

youngest son Kyle got married to a lovely girl he met in college. They live in Orange County, CA. She is from South Korea and they will have a formal wedding there in May 2018. That should be fun. Our oldest daughter Briana, who lives in San Diego with her new husband, is expecting our first granddaughter in September so we have quite a bit of traveling and babysitting on top of our move. It should keep us busy. Turning 65 has been very thought provoking as my mother only lived until she was 45. At that time, I thought that 45 was old because I was in my early 20’s, and now 45 seems so young. When I turn 80, 90 and 100 I am sure 65 will seem young, too. I feel more than ever that each day is a special gift and I need to focus on how I can create the most value every day for myself, friends, family and anyone that I can touch. Wishing every one of my ‘young’ classmates a ‘Happy 65’ and looking forward to and wishing you many more years ahead.” After leaving a note for her on Facebook in 2015, I was pleased to hear from Andy Beck’s wife Robin Beck. She shared the exciting news of their son Alec’s engagement to Amelia Brodka. Robin continues, “Amelia came here from Poland when she was seven and her parents encouraged her high marks in education by promising trips to skateboard camp. It worked!” Alec and Amelia are big names in the world of men’s and women’s skateboarding. They met at the Vans Combi Classic a year or so ago and at this year’s event Alec surprised Amelia by popping the question in a unique proposal that has gone viral on YouTube. Check it out at com/watch?v=0hB_RdBvx1A. Robin is CEO at BioBarrier, Inc., and was facing a patent filing deadline. She promised to share more family news for our winter class notes edition. As for me (Malcolm Waddell): Suzanne and I celebrated our 36th anniversary last January and we are still going strong in the world of dermatology. Our younger daughter Amanda ’06, who has lived, worked and acted in Japan for the past seven years, will


be tying the knot in April 2018. The wedding will be in Japan. We haven’t met our future Japanese sonin-law but are hoping to see them both around New Year’s. We plan to host an engagement party for them here in Houston for friends and family since only a few will be able to make the trek to Japan next spring. The other news is, like Bob and Sherrie, Suzanne and I have gone vegan. I needed to get off statins but wanted to keep my cholesterol low. As Bob said, the science is very compelling for eating a plant-based diet. We are headed to Plantstock in upper state NY in August to continue our education and our efforts to stay vegan. I haven’t felt this good in years! I, too, had a hard time turning 65 and making that Medicare call. But now that I’m there, it’s no big deal. I am grateful for every day, and as our late classmate Patrick Robinson would always tell me over the years when I’d ask how he was doing, “Every day above ground is a good day!” I end with the note from Neal Anderson with whom I share the same birthday. Neal wrote on our special day, “Happy 65th to my Birthday Buddy. I hope you got the same 500 voicemails from people trying to sell you Medicare supplements that I did. Elaine and I are marrying off our youngest daughter Mallory on June 17th. Now that all three [children] are married, maybe I can finally get them off our family cell phone plan.” Thanks to all of you who took the time to drop me a line. I have enjoyed all 24 years of bringing you the news of our classmates. As each year has passed, I have come to appreciate you, my oldest friends, more and more. There were good and bad days in those years at Kinkaid but we were so fortunate to be together there. I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you better through this column and our six reunions. I wish every one of you a happy 65th birthday whether past or still to come. Keep those notes a comin’ and enjoy your summer and fall!

Class of 1971 unofficial 46th Reunion at the Astros game - Pictured (left to right) Darrell Bock, Laura Liedtke Bucholz, Claudia Wilson Frost, Cindi Wilson Proler Ray, Bettina Wright, Mike Pearson



Purple & Gold Society Wine Tasting The 3rd Annual Purple & Gold Society Wine Tasting Event was held at the home of Charlie ’05 and Kim Heine Nettles ’04 on Thursday, June 15. Around 40 alumni and spouses attended this blind wine tasting event led by sommelier Nicholas Brooks. The Purple & Gold Society recognizes Kinkaid’s young alumni who give to the Kinkaid Fund at a leadership level. This year membership has increased to include 112 alums!


Claudia Wilson Frost

Houston, TX We held our first unofficial reunion (46th) on the evening of April 8 at Minute Maid Park for the Astros vs. Kansas City Royals baseball game. It was great fun and included local class members as well as classmates from New York, Wyoming and Dallas. Everyone is doing well and enjoyed the evening. We heard from others who were unable to attend, but sent their well wishes, including Kim Norris, Lisa Morris Simon, Susan Honig-Rogers, Roberta Huston Haeckel and Frank Pardue. Others who attended the reunion, but are not pictured include classmates Mark Perwien and Milton West, without whom the reunion would not have been possible, and spouses Sam Ray, Shirley Pearson and Ford Frost ’66.

Matthew ‘04 with wife Haley Lyons Gilliam ‘06, Blair Burke Foster ‘06 with husband Jack, Mitchell ‘06 with wife Katie Decker Currie ‘06

SAVE THE DATE 2018: On a Saturday in April 2018 (to be determined) the Class of 1971 will hold its second unofficial reunion (47th) at Minute Maid Park to watch the Astros play and enjoy each other’s company. A firm date and more details will be forthcoming once the team’s 2018 schedule is released. If you did not receive an invitation to the first unofficial reunion, please let me know via email at More class news will be included in the next edition of the Kinkaid Magazine.

1972 Need Volunteer


Sandy Howard Turner

Andrew Sheedy ‘03, David Anders ‘97, Michel Miller Mullett ‘00, Liz Riddle Anders ‘98, Carson Wilson ‘98 with wife Lindsey

Houston, TX I love beginning our newsletter with anything that John Knight sends to me. He seems to hit the mark every time with what life is all about! So here is his report: “Just living la vida loco y viejo...” Sometimes we do need to slow down to see life from a different perspective.

Event hosts Charlie ‘05 and Kim Heine Nettles ‘04


Amy Spalding Urquhart ‘00, Director of Advancement Tom Moore, Bevin Bering Dubrowski ‘00

Scott West reports, “family news is decidedly boring (thankfully).” His family celebrated his step-father’s 97th birthday in January, shortly after his step-father had renewed his Texas Driver’s License (he lives in Fayette co., TX and only drives during daylight – but still an adventure being a passenger in his car). Scott is working on a management transition in the firm to the next generation. With that done, he hopes to travel a little more.

Fred and Susu Zimmerman Meyer did some traveling and took a bucket list trip to New Zealand in February. Susu said that it was beautiful beyond words. Pristine and gorgeous! They did a lot of fly-fishing and were surprised at how hard it is to cast and catch. But they did catch some big ones – Fred, in fact, caught a whopper – an 11+ pounder, which is crazy big. DeLina Fuqua Baker traveled, too. She and her sister took a trip to Pennsylvania in July with their parents for a family reunion. Niagra Falls was on their list of sightseeing adventures. DeLinda mentioned that she retired from Bank of America in October 2015, after 25 years there. She is now working part time at her church as Director of Outreach and Enfolding. Her children are doing well – oldest son Travis is a Real Estate developer for Moody Rambin and her middle son Andrew is active in the Coast Guard and is now stationed on a cutter out of Seattle, WA (he just finished Electronics Technical training in California). Her sweet daughter Sarah is a publicist for Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Her husband is still working at ExxonMobil at the Baytown site, though they could be looking at some changes at yearend. Her parents are in good health and live in north Houston. (Her dad James “Jim” Hunter taught at Kinkaid for years.) Lisa Bernell Rostad told me to report that her son Marcus continues to live in New York and works for LinkedIn. Her daughter Laura just graduated from Tulane – future adventures to be determined. And most of all, after having lived in Bethesda, MD since 1992, Lisa has moved to Austin! Back in Texas! Jane Staub Towler mentioned that Lisa moved to Austin. Jane said that she and Janet Weingarten Battista miss her, but they know that she is onto a great adventure. Janet Weingarten Battista declares, “Life is better than fine on the Delaware shore.” And she misses Lisa… Joady Bock Rubin (fs) reports that even though she “flew the coop” early from Kinkaid, her memories of the years there are happy memories. She is working hard at Starky Mortgage Company and is now helping everyone’s children get home financing! She can’t believe it; how did we get to be this age? Joady would like to get a small group together for lunch or happy hour someday soon. Let’s do it! When Lisa comes into town, we will grab her, too. Perry Haynes Baraban (fs) is delighted to report that her oldest daughter Blair got married at Ouisie’s in February. Blair was beautiful and the wedding was magical. At the


beginning of May, Perry went back to Nicaragua for the first time since 1974. Perry left Kinkaid in 1970 (10th grade) when her family moved to Nicaragua. They spent 2 ½ years in that beautiful country, and Perry said that it was a life-changing event. Her trip back was filled with so many emotions and, again, had another profound effect on her. She didn’t give details, but I sure hope that the effect was all good! René Bell had a routine physical in December. He said that his doctor casually suggested, “due to Rene’s age,” he should have a CT scan of the heart to check for calcium deposits. Rene scoffed at that comment because he knows that he is one of the “youngest in our class”! Any way…he agreed that although all of his blood tests have been “normal”, he thought he should take the test. Turned out that he had some significant calcium/plaque deposits! Rene is now the proud owner of several new stents. All is well. He wanted to report this news with the thought that other classmates with family histories may want to ask their doctor about this test. Although inexpensive at the outset, the test became a “loss leader”, but was worth every penny! Sam Siegler started his news saying that he was sorry to hear about the passing of classmate Reena Candis. He stated that each day is a blessing that he too often takes for granted. Her family is in our prayers. (Reena’s obituary is included in the “In Memory” section on page 88 of this magazine.) And on a happier note: Sam’s daughter Samantha ’11 will finish her 1L year at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in May...she will be a lawyer and on her own in a couple of years. And in jest, Sam said, “That was fast.” Daughter Kelsey will be a Sewanee senior next year and they are hoping she will pick University of Houston for law school and live at home! Sam’s wife Kelly has been in LA shooting commercials for Season 5 of Cold Justice. Sam is thinking of running for Judge in 2018...but his patients are all voting for his opponent! A doctor and a lawyer and maybe a judge?? Wow, Sam. Rob Bradley reports that he was in the public policy wilds until an election upset put the nonprofit he founded back in 1989, the Institute for Energy Research (IER), in the political mainstream. As reported in the Los Angeles Times and by Bloomberg, IER led the transition for both the U.S. Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Rob remains in Houston and is publishing his seventh book, Enron Ascending: The Forgotten Years, 1984–1996, (John Wiley & Sons), the third volume of his tetralogy on political capitalism inspired by the rise and fall of the

company where he worked for 16 years. Once again, over my head! What I do understand: Rob is in agreement that we need to have a 45th reunion next year. All in? Bart Brewer and David Martin: Advance notice this time for the 45th, so make your plane reservations. For those of you who don’t know, by the time I was able to contact each of those guys about our 40th reunion, they had less than two weeks to get tickets and hotel rooms. And they came anyway! Kathy Kaufhold Briggs and her husband Larry are still in Houston caring for her mother. Kathy’s sister Mary Lou Kaufhold Bradley ’74 was in town for Memorial Day to help with their mother while Kathy and Larry went camping for five days. (Camping?? I would have gone to a spa…) They also visited cousins in Corpus Christi. Mary Lou bid adieu and Kathy’s daughter and granddaughter Makayla came to stay with them for a week. Makayla has started driving and wanted to drive to the beach each and every day! Kathy said that spending time on the beach in Surfside watching the waves is how she spends her quiet time these days. Now that sounds more relaxing! As for me (Sandy Howard Turner) all is well. Chuck Blanton, David Taylor, and I had lunch with Chuck Cunningham ’72 and his wife Kathryn when they were here for his 45th reunion. Cunningham reported that lots of people attended the dinner party held at the home of Nina O’Leary Zilkha ’72. Chuck later reported that the evening was over the top fun and that Nina was a gracious hostess! Other news: I have been on short driving trips to Fredericksburg, Austin and Wimberley. I continue to spend time at the bay. My son William is getting married November 4th to a wonderful young lady. They will make their home in Houston. What is so cool for me to see is the nine groomsmen in William’s wedding are his life-long friends and his brother. They truly have been in his life for almost 31 years. (Actually, some of his friends are the sons of some of my lifelong friends, of whom some are the children of my dad’s lifelong friends!) The bond that these young men have is incredible. Whether the reason that brought them together was school, church, scouting, sailing or being neighbors, these friends remain a tight group. They stand up for one another. They console, laugh, cook, party, travel, sail, support, correct and forgive each other. And the ones that are married or dating, the women are friends too. That’s the rule. It’s the way friendship should be. That said, I am blessed to have reconnected with friends from my years at Kinkaid. I think we should all feel that way. Stay in touch everyone…



Madeleine Topper Sheehy Houston, TX


Judy Levin

Houston, TX


Homoiselle Sadler Bujosa

Houston, TX Claire Liedtke Alexander writes that she and her mother (age 92!) have recently enjoyed playing together in three golf tournaments! Claire and her husband John have three sons. Deaver (27) is in Midland learning about the oil business. Cadillac (25) has a geology degree and plays polo. Berto, the youngest, is happy at TCU. Claire’s full time volunteer job is her 28-year involvement with the San Antonio Botanical Garden. They are about to open a seven-acre expansion this fall so everyone is encouraged to visit.

Bobby Goldstein ‘76 and three of his youngest daughters

Reeds tell me that the Avanesian’s are excellent hosts. Andrea is the COO at Covariance Capital Management, Inc., which is a subsidiary of TIAA-CREF. It is a boutique firm that manages investments for

Jack (Jay) Hopper ‘76, wife Jennifer and family

non-profit organizations such as foundations and universities.

Vita Thompson Avanesian ‘76 and family

Vita Thompson Avanesian and husband Georgic recently attended the graduation of their younger daughter Rebecca, who earned her degree in Bio Chemistry from UCSD. Older daughter Alexandra is working as a property manager in Century City, CA. Vita just had a visit from Andrea Vail Reed and husband Bill ’75. The

George Grainger ‘76 and wife Makeea’s first grandson Walker Henderson - son of Valerie ‘04 and husband Brandon

Bobby Goldstein reports that he has seven children and he is “still a clown, as you might have predicted.” He is still in the t.v. business and he has just co-authored a new book “XX v XY: The Final World War.” Available on Amazon. Bobby says that he misses all his Kinkaid teachers “(Pitts, Moss, Wiley, Beck, Semander, Dick, Fisher, Woodhams, Carol…to name a few) and friends (whole class) so very much.” He feels that he “was so lucky to have had that opportunity.” George Grainger writes that he and his wife Makeea recently welcomed their first grandchild, Walker Henderson, born in December to their daughter Valerie ’04 and her husband Brandon. Valerie is a lawyer and her twin brother Vince ’04 has a successful home remodeling business. George and Makeea celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary in June. George says

Carol Eckelmann Marshall ‘76 and husband Bill at Mount Ranier



Kathryn (Kathy) Pinson Davison ‘76 and the cutest granddaughter ever!

he stepped down from Houston Endowment a couple of years ago. While overseeing the foundation’s Education grant program, he was responsible for managing $250 million in grants during his 16-year tenure. After a short R & R period, he joined the Texas A & M Foundation. Jack “Jay” Hopper says that he and his wife Jennifer went to the Kerrville Folk Festival recently for the first time. They took their little Casita camper and camped nearby at Medina Highpoint. Jay says that he and the love of his life celebrated six years of marriage in June. They headed to Denver to mark the occasion and went to see the Moody Blues concert. They still live in Dripping Springs out in the country with their five adorable dogs. They’ll head to Novia Scotia later this summer to visit Jennifer’s parents. Carol Eckelmann Marshall returned to Houston in 1987 after Wellesley and UT and she remains! Married to Bill, “a very patient, risk adverse, wonderful man,” she’s worked 25 years as an engineer in oil & gas and just moved to patient care in the renal services department at Texas Children’s Hospital trying to find funding for the arts and activities for kids on dialysis. Carol has three kids, two rescue dogs and one electric hybrid car. She is still volunteering to find AFS families (they’ve hosted seven times) and funds for Honduran street kids. Carol’s own children are as different as she and Bill – Allison is an oncology nurse, Eric a pizza man in NOLA with a History masters degree and Ruth working on her CPA. “Blessed to the limit,” she looks forward to retirement in Rome, Italy or Milwaukee, WI – “Dreams should never end!” Nanette Cooper-McGuinness sends an update that her chamber group, Ensemble for These Times, had a great spring! They premiered their


Cavanaugh O’Leary ‘76 as a Cruz Roja Mexicana (Mexican Red Cross) volunteer medic

Mike Baker ‘76 (fs) and Nancy Warfield Stevens ‘76 Mike Baker ’76 with his two granddaughters Mia and Mariah, his daughter Mary’s children

“Guernica” Project (commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Picasso painting and the Nazi bombing in Spain that inspired it) in April and they’ve been invited to bring the project to Madrid in the fall. Nanette has had the first of two new children’s books she’s translating published this spring – “Sea Creatures in Their Own Words #1: Reef Madness” and “#2 Armed and Dangerous.” Cavanaugh O’Leary writes that after being unable to serve for six years due to a back injury, he has returned in February to volunteering as an ambulance medic with the Cruz Roja Mexicana (Mexican Red Cross), which runs the ambulance service in Mexico. Cavanaugh serves in the town of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato in central Mexico where he and his wife Blanca own a home. Cavanaugh’s district includes the town of 160,000 people, plus over 500 outlying ranchos, which are poor rural communities, some over an hour away in the mountains. “It has been an amazing and eye opening experience for me as I have seen so many things that I otherwise would have only read about. I even delivered a baby in the back of the ambulance! What a thrill!” Kathryn “Kathy” Pinson Davison seems to be ever traveling! She has recently taken up drawing and she is getting pretty good already! I must say that she has just about the cutest granddaughter ever! John Tellkamp reports that he is “ out of the office Thursday and Friday,” and that he is “Sorry for the inconvenience.” Thanks for the update, John! Hope all is well! Jim Andras and wife Alisa have the greatest champion golden retrievers around, winning Best of Breed and Best of Show just about everywhere they enter. Gorgeous dogs!

Neal Rogers ‘76 with a whopper of a red snapper!

Nancy Warfield Stevens and Mike Baker (fs) are enjoying fixing up their country home. Neal Rogers reports that in 2009 he and Leslie moved from Pensacola, FL to Charlottesville, VA after a series of about ten hurricanes that caused so much trouble. Neal commuted from Pensacola until 2011 until he found a job in Richmond, VA as Senior Project Manager with Timmons Group in the Utilities Division. Neal has analyzed, prepared designs for and overseen construction of numerous projects such as water wells, wastewater treatment systems, rehabilitation of aging utility systems, storm water reclamation systems, etc. I must say, his list of major projects is quite impressive. Well done, Neal! Neal might teach us how to fish next time he’s in Houston, we hope!

Homoiselle Sadler Bujosa ‘76 and family in Austin

As for myself (Homoiselle Sadler Bujosa), my husband Carlos and I bought a new house close to both my mom and our daughter. We brought the 1970 townhouse into the modern century, i.e. replaced everything that doesn’t show! After a five-month renovation we packed up our previous home of almost 20 years and moved. Our old house is already torn down. So, we’ll have everyone over soon (maybe!). Carlos is still a commercial real estate broker at Transwestern. Our daughter Haden is working on her Masters in Psychology. Peter ’07 is at AIG in commercial insurance and starts the Executive MBA Program at Rice in the fall. Isabel is working in Austin this summer in PR and Marketing and returns to HBU in the fall. Lastly, I do have some very sad news to report. Our dear classmate Catherine “Caty” Whiteford passed away on December 28th after a valiant battle with breast cancer. Carol Grisham Howenstine ’75 reports that Caty died at her farm in

Chehalis, WA with several family members and friends and Rob, her boyfriend of many years, by her side. On a personal note, I am just sorry that I lost touch with Caty because she was a true friend to me in high school. She taught me how to cook a pot roast. She always asked me about myself and she was a good listener. She was funny, smart and beautiful, too. Caty is included in the “In Memory” section on page 88 of this magazine. So do me a favor and pick up the phone and call an old classmate or friend today, while you are thinking about them and ask them how they are doing. Thank you to everyone who sent something in. We’d all love to hear news from the rest of the class next time around.

1977 Need Volunteer


Sarah Deal Frankenfeld

Austin, TX In this issue the Class of 1978 wants to report on how they are AND take time to thank some of those teachers that made a difference in our lives. We know some of these wonderful teachers aren’t with us anymore but they are remembered and continue to make an impact on us! Mark your calendars for the 40th Reunion on April 6 & 7, 2018! David Brill has volunteered to help coordinate again and is looking for others to help him. Email David at to join in the fun of planning our 40th! Thank you, David, for stepping up once AGAIN! I am working hard to find everyone in our class for the 40th! Thank you to those who have helped with this effort. Appreciate you! Looking for: Stuart Ashmun (fs), Maria Antonellos Bassa, Elizabeth Barrow Brueggeman (fs), Mamie Goebel Hale, Michele Rowland Hanlon, Todd Hibbert, Randy Kaufhold (fs), Johnny Parker, Brad Sondock (fs), Tricia Barrett Tschettter, Andrea Turtur and Karen Sahol Wohlschlegel. If you are reading this, please contact me. Some of you didn’t graduate from Kinkaid but you are on our former student (fs) list if you want to be! Thanks!! On to our news… Bill Bruce’s oldest daughter Katharine ’08 (fs) was married to Tim Denby in October and they will continue to live in Washington, DC. (Sorry, I left this out of the last issue). Additional news is that his younger daughter Mary Clare ’11 (fs) is headed back east to George Washington


University grad program to study Forensic Psychology. Bill and Clare will again be empty nesters – except for the dogs. “Yippee!!!!” Bill is still surviving at Weatherford in the offshore oilfield service business where there have been a little over 60%+ layoffs. It’s been horrible everywhere in this business and hurts so bad seeing friends walking out of the building with boxes. It was great to hear from Charles Horton. Charles and Kandy have two boys Thomas and Ryan. Thomas is now an attorney and Ryan is an architect. Thomas married his longtime love Jamie nearly five years ago this June and the birth of their daughter Scarlett Grace Horton turned Charles into a grandfather. He hopes we can understand when he says that she is the most adorable, prettiest and smartest nine month old on the planet. (EXACTLY what a grandad should say!) Kandy, Thomas, Ryan, Jamie, Scarlett and Charles are all doing well and live in Houston. Robert Pullen traveled to NYC on Father’s Day with his wife, daughter, mom, sister Elizabeth Pullen Schwing ’83 and her daughter and brother Corey and his family to see Robert’s son Will perform in “Sweat” on Broadway!! (Very cool!) Robert would also like to thank all his classmates and teachers who reached out upon his father’s death…it was a great and unexpected comfort. Stephanie Barrett has been living in San Francisco for the past 28 years. She works for the CA Labor Commissioner making sure workers get paid the wages they have earned and reports that it is very rewarding work. Her plan is to put in another 10 years before retiring and living comfortably in SF. Stephanie’s knees no longer allow her to play land sports so she rows and cox whaleboats instead, which she loves. (No more field hockey?) Stephanie is a proud mama and her baby girl is now all grown up and will graduate from UC Davis next year. Heather Fichter Cassidy also lost her sweet dad in November, one month before his 92nd birthday, but thankfully has a precious grandson who will be two in July and a granddaughter who will be one in September to lighten up her life. She suggested (and I second it) that those of us who report in this magazine challenge those in our class that we haven’t heard from in ages to write in! A great challenge Heather…so go with it everyone!! We are happy to have some new names in this edition. Marvel Wilkerson Layman is still in Vegas and says to look her up if you are out that way! Caroline Hoff Breshears and her husband C.A. are still running a cowcalf operation at their ranch in Real County near Leakey. Daughter Sara

has been accepted to graduate school in Museum Studies at Texas Tech and son Michael is learning how to fly F-16’s for the South Dakota Air National Guard. David Brill’s big news is that he went to Nebraska last month to watch his daughter Laura receive her Master of Science in Architectural Engineering from the University of Nebraska. He and Barbara are still enjoying the high-rise downtown life. Also, remember to email him to help with the reunion! Steve Brooks reports that daughter Neilley got married in July to Louis Lampton. They began dating freshman year at Ole Miss and have never looked back. The newlyweds will live in Jackson, MS where Louis will work for the family business. Steve’s wife Bess is from Mississippi and has family there so they are excited about Neilley being in Jackson and it only being a six hour drive to the Big D. Son Campbell will be heading into his junior year at TCU. Frank Bryan switched jobs two years ago and now works for the state for the Office of Inspector General investigating Medicaid fraud. His kids are nine, seven and three. Esther (9) just finished 3rd grade, Isaiah (7) finished homeschool Kindergarten and Franklin is a “three-nager” (think teenager) and is a blast. Jennifer Justice Bowen is staying busy working in St. John’s admissions office and doing the accounting for Abientot. After being in her home for 30 years, she sold it and is enjoying the high-rise life. Daughter Ellis is still in NYC and just moved into her own apartment. Bo is in Houston and turned 30 this year. Jennifer looks forward to spending her summer in Hunt, TX where she has become an apiarist in the last few years and has six beehives. As if being a beekeeper wasn’t enough, Jennifer and Bo decided that each hive needed an identity so they painted them to represent the Astrodome, love ya blue Oilers, Whataburger, and Van Halen (this one was Bo’s idea), just to name a few. As you can tell, Jennifer is still FUN!! Carl Paschetag lives in Marblehead, MA, which is a suburb of Boston. Carl says to feel free to look him up if you are up that way. He would love to meet for coffee, lunch, etc. Lori Moore Bynum reported that her oldest daughter was married May 20th. She has lived in Baton Rouge but chose to have her wedding in Houston so that Lori’s 96 year old Dad, who still lives in the same house from our high school days, could attend the wedding. It was very special to have him there. Cindy Beckham is doing well. Son Ford ’07 got his MBA from Rice Graduate School of Business in May and is moving to San Francisco to work in commercial real estate. While we

are on the favorite teacher theme, one of Ford’s favorite teachers at Rice was none other than our very own Jon Finger. Daughter Emily ’11 is in DC working for Marriott. Cindy and Bev are going to have fun traveling to opposite sides of the U.S. to visit them! As for me (Sarah Deal Frankenfeld): After working part-time for 10 years at our high school, I decided it was time to move on. I will now just be doing a little meeting planning job that I have had on the side and taking time for other things. Our daughter Caroline has decided to transfer back to UT Austin as a sophomore. She didn’t want to stay in Austin the first time around but got smart and decided to be a Longhorn after all! Now for our teacher tribute: I hope you all enjoy reading a little about some of our awesome teachers and thoughts from our classmates about them. One thing I learned in my 10 years working in a high school – it IS the teachers who make the school! Thank you to all our teachers for all they did for us even when we may not have always been as enthusiastic as we should!! Heather Fichter Cassidy: Mrs. Kilpatrick: I was scared to death of her in 6th grade but we all learned A LOT of grammar that has stuck thru the years! Mr. Beck: I love being Facebook friends with him! Who didn’t/doesn’t love him or his passion for History and his students. Mr. Pitts: I loved his classes, especially his acting out of Hamlet, Odyssey and Iliad. His grading scale was hilarious! He was the Bomb! Bill Bruce: I have always remembered Jim Pitts. I swear I can punctuate anything after a year with the “swell ole buddy” = SOB. His words, not mine. Marvel Wilkerson Layman: We were fortunate enough to have had so many great teachers at Kinkaid. Catherine Melancon, Ruth Ereli, Celina Kilpatrick, John Germann, Gene Festa, Shirley Wiley, Callie Law and the Boyds to name a very few. All of these teachers helped me in ways they can’t imagine, to find myself and fit in. I discovered in college, graduate school and beyond just how much I had learned. It was so easy to succeed because of those trials and tribulations and the support of our teachers. While some of the missteps and struggles are still with me, the growth and lessons have made me a strong, confident, outgoing and successful adult. Through the power of Facebook and reconnections I realize that all experiences, good or bad, are the brick and mortar of one’s self. I have truly enjoyed keeping up with so many of my fellow Kinkaidians. In so many ways I realize the connection that binds us all is the great experience of a good education with teachers that cared. I am


thankful every day for the foundation that was given to me and the sacrifice of my parents to keep me there. Jennifer Tuttle Arnold: Every step along the way there was an amazing teacher standing ready to encourage, provide critical adjustments, enlighten and applaud. If I had to narrow it down, here are my top picks. John Germann: His research methodology (and goofy sense of humor) gave me an incredible head start in college, most especially in writing my honors thesis in political science. Jim Pitts: He had a sign outside of his door that referred to his role as a dictator and that democracy (as we knew it) ended at his doorstep. I learned more about commas and semicolons than I could ever imagine and yet I use his lessons daily. Shirley Wiley: Imagine a creative writing class led by a Rice University professor. It was sheer bliss. She made all of us feel like our work was exemplary even with Jeff Martin in the room! Tom and G’Ann Boyd and Dr. Glick: Collectively they believed in me from day one and truly unlocked the performing arts gene deep down in my brain. Coach Jan Braden: Jan coached brilliantly and coerced every ounce of energy from me and our championship field hockey teams. She provided the perfect combination of striving for excellence AND having a lot of fun. Caroline Hoff Breshears: In my 20 year career as a ballet studio owner, I was influenced by Tom and G’Ann Boyd and by Dr. Glick in music education and by Shirley Wiley, Mary Vaughn, Don Thames, and J. Barry Moss in crafting good stories to make into ballets for my students. But I also owe a great shout out of thanks to John Victery for teaching me Spanish. I had many, many little girls among my students here who could not speak English and I often had to conduct classes in English and Spanish simultaneously while teaching French ballet terminology! Eventually my girls learned to speak English but I still had to talk to parents who had no English at all but thanks to John Victery I can say “Point your foot!” or “Rehearsal is at 5pm” or “Elena has outgrown her ballet slippers” in Spanish. I wasn’t John Victery’s best student by a long shot but in the past 20 years I have often thought of him and how much I appreciate his teaching. Thank you, Mr. Victery! Lori Moore Bynum: John German and Arthur Goddard were two of my favorite teachers. They inspired me to become a teacher, even though I am teaching math, not history! Steve Brooks: I always admired Coach Leo Chaney. He was a great coach, always positive and had a good story to tell whenever he was trying to get his point across. I got to know him during middle school track and in high school football and track.



Coach Chaney was a great ambassador for Kinkaid all those years! Me (Sarah Deal Frankenfeld): Senora Carroll: She introduced me to a world I didn’t know existed and encouraged me to go to Guatemala – a journey that opened my heart and mind! Jerry Holder: I wish I could give a big hug to him for putting up with my math skills and always finding a way to celebrate Allison and me for just being us. And finally, Gene Festa for just being so great! Take care all. If any of you are tired of my writing, I’m happy to share this task. I shouldn’t get all the fun jobs! Remember to put April 6-7, 2018 on your calendar. See you at the 40th!


Steven Arnold Houston, TX

Evans Attwell Houston, TX

Alice Berry Houston, TX


Need Volunteer


John McReynolds Houston, TX Jim Sanders continues to work on his GTO and other motor driven projects. James Foster was recently seen touring Alaska. Tom Thurlow is still out in Napa Valley but has sent no wine to his classmates recently. Tom Biggs seems to have taken up running for some reason. Scott Sturges built a quite impressive ranch house. Bill and Jackie Goss Cathriner celebrated the graduation of Annie Cathriner ’13 from UVA. Michael Rapson is apparently still living in Chile. I continue to see Amy Ragan doing wonderful work as the Chief Development Officer of the Houston Food Bank. Craig Wilson’s dad just celebrated his 90th birthday and is still far more active than most of us youngsters. He was recently seen smiling and taking a bow to the River Oaks Tennis Tournament crowd after being hit in the head in the stands by a 100 mph serve. As for myself (John McReynolds), I am staying busy as a construction defects consultant and running

a national expert witness trade association. My much better half Karen and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary in Grand Cayman and are down to only three teenagers in the house so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Join us on the Kinkaid Class of 1981 Facebook page and stay in touch! From the Advancement Office: Rebecca Whitehead Munn recently released a book in July entitled The Gift of Goodbye: A Story of Agape Love. This story is her account of living through two major life transitions within a three-year span, and the resulting shift she made in the process – due to the lasting gift of love from her now-deceased mother, her courage and the choice she made to expand into more of who she was at her core as everything about life as she knew it changed. Rebecca was in Houston on July 29 for a book signing at Brazos Bookstore. To learn more about Rebecca and her story or to order a copy of the book, visit her website (

have all recovered from the festivities! Seriously, I think we can all agree that being 50 something hasn’t slowed us down one bit. Well, except maybe in the recovery department. For those of you who didn’t make it (and those of you who can’t remember), here’s a recap of the weekend:

Redondo Beach, CA Well…that was a total blast!

Reunion 2017 kicked off with an impromptu “Girls of ’82” night out at Melisa Billingsley Herring’s party house. I say party house because it is the ultimate home for entertaining complete with grand party room, patio, pool and of course, a putting green. Everyone who came had a great time and the highlights of the night were the awards ceremony and Melisa trying on (and still fitting into) her middle school cheerleading uniform! Awards were handed out by Fay Monsen Kirby and Annette Faubion Stephens and ranged from “Still Best Hair” (Carol Attwell Bourne) and “Still Looks Like Her License” (Waverly White Gage). Also joining in the fun were Cynthia Chambers Ortale, Elva Weatherford Riley, Ania Battelstein Bender, Melissa O’Toole Smith, “the twins” Emily Wynne Bolin and Laura Wynne Cale, Nelle Hall Gregory (who goes by Sissy now), Heidi Balser Budaj, Michelle Rogers Rogers, Annelise Bovet, Cynthia Davis, Cathy Davis Bell, and myself. We also had a surprise, but welcome visit from Nancy Davis Keely ’85.

Yes, I’m still thinking about our 35th reunion and by the time you read this, I’m hoping that we will

Friday night, most of the same girls, joined by Eveta Weingarten Freeman and Helena Papadopoulos Johnson, came to


Maria Semander Crawford

s av e t h e dat e

APRIL 6 & 7




Jackie Fair

Houston, TX


Carolyn Lasater Hodges

Class of 1982 women at the Distinguished Alumni Awards Program during Reunion Weekend this spring

the Distinguished Alumni Awards program at Kinkaid to celebrate my mom Harriett Semander who received the Distinguished Honorary Alumna Award. I can’t tell you how awesome it was to not only have my entire family present, but also all of my closest childhood friends. If you haven’t seen the program, visit The Kinkaid School YouTube channel or you can find the link on the Kinkaid website. Afterwards, everyone continued the celebration at the alumni BBQ on the lawn of Mr. Ballard’s old front yard. The headmaster’s home is no longer on campus and Kinkaid has changed quite a bit since the 80s. It looks like a college campus in the middle of Memorial. If you didn’t make it to the tour on Saturday, you definitely need to put that on your “to do” list the next time you’re in town. Saturday night was the highlight of the weekend. The reunion took place in west Houston in the refurbished airplane hangar of Vince Elliott and his saint of a wife, Patti. This was not your average airplane hangar; it was the perfect party house, complete with a simulator golf course! Vince spent a lot of time making sure everything was just right, right up until the moment that the party bus arrived (and what happens on the party bus stays on the party bus). The open area downstairs was perfect for a buffet dinner and upstairs was turned into a modern day “sock hop” as the DJ spun tunes into the wee hours of the night (or at least it felt that way). Class of ’82 party goers included: Bo Winston, Duncan Lamme, Jimmy Michaels, Leslie Reid Wilson, Kristin Terhune Sjoberg, Cynthia Chambers Ortale, Elva Weatherford Riley, Ania Battelstein Bender, Brig Jones, Sam Adams, Vince Elliott, Robbie Cox, Harlan Murphy, Melissa O’Toole Smith, Emily Wynne Bolin, Laura Wynne Cale, Heidi Balser Budaj, Michelle Rogers Rogers, Cathy Davis Bell, Melisa Billingsley Herring, Fay Monsen Kirby, Waverly White Gage, Carol Attwell Bourne, Nelson Murray, Bubba Vandiver, Bruce and Marilyn Taylor

Phillips, Annelise Bovet, Curt Alfrey, Pat Beathard, Toby Whitehead, Martin Brock, and our very own Governing Council President...Loueva Halla Hatfield. I hope I didn’t miss anyone! Everyone had a total blast and enjoyed a delicious Mexican dinner and yummy margaritas while catching up with classmates. Most of us are becoming empty nesters, a handful of us of grandparents (the latest members of the club are Heidi Balser Budaj and Mike Curran) and I am no longer the alum with the youngest kid, hooray! I am happy to hand over that award to Brig Jones who is chasing toddlers around. Other awards for the night go to: Best Dancing – Fay, Curt, Pat and Toby’s wife (who is now an honorary member of our class). Cutest Couple – Carol and Mike Traveled the farthest – Me or Elva (still not sure) Best excuse for not coming – Frank Liddell (fs) who told me he had an “event” lol (Congrats on Album of the Year!) Craziest Classmates – Everyone on the Party Bus! We had so much fun that we decided every five years is too long to wait for reunions, so if Vince is willing we’ll do it every year from now on. In the meantime, be sure to start writing down your news for the next issue because apparently, despite my best efforts to find a replacement at the reunion...I’m still the class correspondent. Any takers? Let me know right away. Enjoy the summer and stay cool!


Anthony Brown

The Woodlands, TX

Dripping Springs, TX From the Advancement Office: Eric Graf currently teaches literature at Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM) in Guatemala. He is also the host and writer of a massive open online course on Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quijote de la Mancha. On May 19, UFM signed a distribution agreement in Madrid with the Instituto Cervantes regarding this online course. His inspiration on this subject matter started at Kinkaid. He took Spanish with Mrs. Morales, and she took a group of students on a tour of Argentina in January of 1984, where they actually met the author Jorge Luis Borges. Eric and his team are reforming education and making a major global and international transition in the cultural and intellectual appreciation of Cervantes’s novel. A free course on Don Quijote is now available in both English and Spanish online.


Julie Templin Berman

Houston, TX Sadly, the Class of 1986 lost two of our classmates recently. We mourn the passing of Mary Catherine “MC” Coates and Jill Gotto. (Their obituaries are included in the “In Memory” section on pages 88 & 90 of this magazine.) They were loved and they will be missed. Tonya Kafoglis Lemoine shared, “With the passing of Mary Catherine and Jill, we lose two of our most good-humored, selfless and spunky class members. My memories of their dauntless spirits leave me feeling more alive! I am grateful for their friendships. May their memories be eternal!” Well said, Tonya! I enjoyed hearing from John Abrams. He went to Mary Catherine’s funeral service in Austin and said that while it was very sad to think that she was ill for so long, it was nice to meet her family and to talk with Scott Vanya and Tod Heesch ’85 (MC’s step-brother) who were also there. Scott Vanya agrees, “We all feel the loss of those two kind and gentle spirits.” He also ponders how we might all share “the love our teachers showed us with the world as expediently as possible.” Scott has written and shared some powerful


and passionate poems on Facebook. Many of them speak to me inspired by MC’s passing. He graciously let me include one of them in our Class Notes (see below). I encourage you to check out his talented work on social media.

Unknown I will take you down to The River and cup you in my arms and anoint your forehead in kisses. I will turn around slowly, oh, so very, very slowly then let you go. To drift Downstream after I have brushed your hair out of your eyes and planted my last seed between your breasts. And no one will ever shake from me the way the very earth quaked when I first found out you were gone. Gone. Gone beyond the hills and sky, gone beyond the grasp of Time. Your closed-eyes will look up at me as we pirouette about together as if to say: “You need never shout My Name in the dark again.” So so so slowly The Water forgets to run. When next we meet let us pray we remember some semblance of this and know Know Know to cherish one another more. I can say no more. Only: drink, smoke, rest until my darkness comes. When next we meet let us pray we get get get are allowed(!) the Chance to Walk Thru The Door Together Tom Good writes that he and his family have been in Sarasota, FL for 10 years and in April their Pediatric Clinic, Good Pediatrics (Tom says his last name finally came in handy!), celebrated its three year anniversary! While the health insurance world keeps everyone guessing at every turn, Tom










A Gamer Turned High-Tech Educational Innovator


rey Alsup ’87 has always had a particular interest in film and games. He attended Vassar College to study filmmaking and then received an MFA from University of Southern California in Cinema-Television. He has worked as an editor in the television industry, working for ABC Family, Disney Channel and TLC.

As a hobby, he also loved playing board games and role-playing games, and around seven years ago, he started designing LARPS (live action role play games). LARPs are four to five hour social games for adults, where each player plays a character and creates the outcome of their collective “movie”. Though he had built a sizable audience for his games, Trey didn’t think it would amount to a career, but that changed when he gave a “Playthink” presentation on LARPs to the Games Program at USC. Around the same time, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library had decided they wanted to build an educational simulation and called the Games Program at USC to find a screenwriter to create their idea. They were told Trey was definitely the person to contact.

The Director of the Library wanted this educational simulation scenario to be built around the 1981 attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and the George W. Bush Presidential Library had been given the two key rooms from the actual Situation Room complex in the White House, recovered in 2006 after President George W. Bush ordered a technological renovation of the White House Situation Room. The Situation Room would be the perfect location for this simulation - participants would be in the middle of where history actually happened. Thus, the Situation Room Experience was created. Trey was brought in to design the project in March 2015 and it opened to the public in August 2016. It is a modern fictional foreign policy educational simulation meant for junior or senior high school students. Each student is assigned a unique role, either acting as a member of the government or a member of the press. The simulation is like an interactive movie; there are 84 minutes of live play. As the simulated crisis unfolds, everyone receives information on a tablet in real time and has to make decisions and choose between options. Based upon their decisions, the outcome of the scenario changes. There are no right or wrong choices, just consequences. Trey wrote and designed everything for the Situation Room Experience - from the information included on the tablets, to the video content


playing on the screens in rooms. Over 600 pages of content went into the game. Before Trey could write and produce all of this material, he had to spend a lot of time researching the history. Luckily, the Library had endless records available to him. Trey said, “I never knew when my AP US History knowledge from John Germann would come in handy, but it suddenly became very important.” This modern experience could not have been built until developments in technology made it possible for it to happen. From the tablets that are synchronized and deliver information in real time, to the complex video servers, this game created a new form of media with no set rules on how it’s supposed to work; there really is nothing else like it. With his experienced background in film and video editing and his love for games and LARPs, Trey was just the person to tackle this new form of media. As he said, “The best dream jobs are not waiting for you, you have to create them!” Trey observes that the Situation Room Experience is empowering and rewarding to students, as many have never been in charge of anything before. In the game, students assume leadership in their role and realize that they are capable of making decisions, while also learning to effectively communicate in groups. Participants also become very interactive and engaged in their roles and respond well to this unique learning environment, which is different than a normal classroom setting. They really start to figure things out on their own and share very insightful thoughts and explanations of their decisions during the debriefing session at the end of the game. As Trey knows from his experience with LARPs, the post mortem discussion is critical; it is that “campfire moment” where some of the best learning happens; “it is where the enduring understandings come from.” A major takeaway for students is a new respect for the difficulty that the government faces in leading the country and how difficult it is for members of the press to get the story right. Trey’s company, Wishcraft Simulations, is partnering with the Reagan Library and a number of universities to bring The Situation Room Experience to college campuses and to create new simulations based on different scenarios for undergraduate students to experience. Trey’s company is also working to create a disaster relief scenario with the Pacific Aviation Museum in Pearl Harbor, HI and has begun a joint project between the Reagan Library and Mount Vernon to write a historical scenario set during George Washington’s presidency. The Situation Room Experience won a 2017 American Alliance of Museums Muse Award in the category of “Games & Virtual/Augmented Reality.” Trey credits the quality and rigor of his Kinkaid education with preparing him for these opportunities; “Your Kinkaid education is a broad base of education that you benefit from for the rest of your life.” Trey’s sister Ashley Alsup ’88 is also a Kinkaid graduate and his mother is retired Upper School English Teacher Jeanne Alsup, who taught at Kinkaid for 31 years. To learn more about The Situation Room Experience, visit or visit the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Los Angeles, CA or the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, TX.


shares they continue to grow daily with almost 3,000 patients between two providers. His twins Mary and Malcolm will be seniors next year – Mary at Pineview School (still looking at colleges) and Malcolm at The Achievement Center. Their son Thomas will be a junior at Asheville Boarding School. Other than that Tom continues to enjoy fishing, scuba diving and going to the beach in sunny Florida! Gincy Carrington Plummer writes that she had a wonderful opportunity to have coffee with Courtney Tuttle when she was in NYC in March. They caught up on family and work. She is excited to be returning to TAG Ranch in Utah, which runs a day camp that uses horseback riding and art in their program. Last year she offered one project per week and this year Gincy will be leading the kids in three projects, so she will have a chance to get to know them better and also to see if this approach works as well as she hopes it will to bond the kids to their small groups and leaders. The idea is using creativity to go deeper into their true (and vulnerable) selves and to work from that place in the project and then to share from that place at the end. Sergio Amelio and his wife Elizabeth Dean Amelio ’92, with their three kids in tow, recently moved back to Houston. Overall they have spent almost 15 years in Europe and he says it is wonderful to be back home. He looks forward to reconnecting with everyone as they get more settled in their new home. Stephen Rogers (fs) writes that his interesting news was last year! Stephen is the VP, General Council and Corporate Secretary for Western Airways. Did you see the beautiful home of Karen Lee Davis in the Houston Chronicle this spring? A nice article on her new home! Karen wrote that she will miss her dear friend Jill. She has many fond memories from their days at Vanderbilt together and from traveling quite a bit with the Gottos. Karen noted Jill dealt with her disease with grace and dignity. Karen shared that Courtney Tuttle spoke at Jill’s service and did a lovely job. Heather Ledbetter Kearney (fs) mentioned Courtney Tuttle coming in from New York to speak during Jill’s service and also how she enjoyed visiting with Marty Smith DeBusk and Hank Segelke (who she compliments hasn’t aged a bit!) Chris Gillett’s oldest son just finished his first year at Texas A&M University. His daughter will be a senior next year at St. John’s and his youngest son will be a second grader at River Oaks Baptist where his ex-wife is a teacher. Chris retired from his legal career and now has a portrait and headshot business: www.liketherazor.

com. He has photographed a few classmates including Marty Smith DeBusk and Adam Gould. As our class starts to achieve the half-century mark, I love Mollie Anderson Whisler’s attitude on the milestone! She said, “Wow 50! …I guess I never really put much though into it. Growing up it wasn’t about when I turned 18 or 21. It was how old will I be in 1999 for the century change. None of the other years really mattered. So much so the family joke is that when someone asks how old I am, the kids do the math because I just don’t care to keep track. So while I do plan to celebrate, it’s probably not one for the books!” Molly has enjoyed having her daughter in college in NYC (a reason to go see shows) and this spring she watched her 15 year-old son compete in his first decathlon. Molly is the Drama Booster President at her child’s high school. She still enjoys cooking spaghetti for the casts of the shows! Doug Whitman reports life is busy in Nashville, TN. He just returned home from a week in Cooperstown, NY where his son’s Little League team was playing in a tournament. The team played (and beat) a team from Katy, TX. Doug’s daughter is a rising senior so they squeezed in a couple of college visits while they were on the East Coast. His daughter is looking at several schools in New England – small schools far from home. He predicts that the next several months will be busy with college applications and the stress of waiting on decisions. Doug shares that turning 50 doesn’t sound particularly appealing. Who wants to be AARP eligible? He was sorry to hear about the deaths of Mary Catherine and Jill. Doug will celebrate 19 years with his company this fall! Doug’s brother-in-law sent him an article in the Houston Business Journal that mentioned Steve Spillette earlier this year. He enjoyed reading about one of our classmates and says he enjoys reading the Class Notes! Christopher Beeley writes that his son Corin graduated from Guilford High School in June and is heading to University of Connecticut to study engineering. His daughter Camilla will be a senior at GHS and son Reed continues to study history and music at SCSU. His wife Shannon is doing advanced training at Yale to become a Nurse Practitioner in family medicine. Christopher is still teaching at Yale Divinity School. Thanks to God for all his good gifts! Mike Elliott’s oldest daughter Sarah Kate graduated from Houston Christian High School and is heading to Texas A&M University. Allison Hill Mitschke’s oldest son Jeremy also recently graduated from Houston Christian High School and will be attending Baylor University. Michael


New York Alumni Party May 4 at Agave

Cameron Gibbs ‘09, Alumni Activities Manager Alexa Leach ‘09, Ali Tucker ‘09, Tara Ladjevardian ‘09

Caroline Hafner ‘10, Emily Lahourcade ‘12, Emmy Sprague ‘12, Tara Thurman ‘10, Anna Catherine Wilson ‘12

Ashleigh Nankivell Raizes ‘99, Kamil Walji ‘99, Kristin Meyer ‘99, Rahim Kurji ‘01, Director of Advancement Tom Moore

Emily Merrill Alexander ‘05, Leila Ladjevardian ‘07, Madeline Hemingway ‘07, Michael Rogers ‘06, Liz Eggleston ‘07



Pruitt’s daughter Hannah graduated from Stratford High School and will be attending The University of Texas.


Several members of our class are the proud parents of recent Kinkaid graduates! Helen Thompson Burt’s daughter Mary Helen ’17 will be attending the University of Miami, Tommy Lamme’s son Lawson ’17 is headed to Texas A&M University and Mary Stanton Smith’s (fs) daughter Kat ’17 is going to the University of Georgia! Tommy reflects that it does not seem like 31 years since our class graduated! After Lawson’s 13 years at Kinkaid, Tommy said it was fun watching the events leading up to graduation and the actual graduation ceremony and remembering his own experience at Kinkaid!

Houston, TX Brad ’83 and Jill Lichtenstein Deutser’s daughter Ashley ’17 is starting at The University of Texas in the fall and is a 40 Acres Scholar. Their son Andrew ’19 will be a junior at Kinkaid.

Mary Es Anderson Beaver, Rachel Jackson Ribbeck and I (Julie Templin Berman (fs)) all have rising seniors at Kinkaid. Where does the time go?! Thank you for the updates! Keep them coming! Look forward to hearing from you!


Doug Rosenzweig

Houston, TX No big class updates for this edition seeing as we just had our 30th reunion in April. We had a great turnout and it was lots of fun reminiscing and catching up with everyone. Already looking forward to the 35th! I will get back to more updates in the next couple of editions but I had one straggler update left over from before: Tom Chmielewski reports that in March, Comcast acquired the connected home technology business he helped build in Austin since 2010 and announced that Icontrol will become Comcast›s IOT and Austin center of excellence. It was a fun ride for him personally and professionally, growing the company from no revenue or subscribers to over a million profitable subscribers and a successful exit to one of their largest customers. Tom is now working (still in Austin) for Comcast in its Xfinity Home Wholesale business unit. He and his wife Eliza Platts-Mills are enjoying coaching William’s (2nd grade) and Nina’s (1st grade) YMCA basketball and soccer teams. Also, see page 66 of this magazine for an alumni profile on Trey Alsup and his work creating the Situation Room Experience at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.


Kim McGaw

Houston, TX


Elizabeth Oxford Pagan

Bo Ford says, “Things are good out here in West Texas. We moved to Midland two and a half years ago and I work for Concho Resources. Cassie and I have two children – Caroline (7) and Alice (5).” Webb Jennings reports, “We are doing well. The Jennings girls (Christy, Mary B. (10) and Lila (8)) are always busy and there is a never a dull moment.” Mark Kolber says, “2016 saw me back under contract with the Law Office of the Public Defender of New Mexico and spending a great deal of time working in Las Cruces, NM a mere five and a half hours from Taos. Now that most of those cases are finished, my professional travels are limited to Raton, Clayton, Los Alamos, Santa Fe and occasionally Albuquerque. My wife Janice and I celebrated our 4th anniversary in June and are gearing up to welcome Emily and Mark Templin, joining us for their third visit to Michael Hearne’s Big Barndance Music Festival in early September. I’m now the full time host of Solar Country on KTAOs 101.9 FM Saturday mornings from nine until noon and I am busy promoting the Barndance. I look forward to enticing more Houstonians to make the trek up here for the fabulously cool weather of September at 7K feet.” Kay Dannenbaum Lawson says, “Mac and I celebrated our 20 year wedding anniversary in October! Our oldest daughter is 17 and is going to be a junior at Episcopal School of Dallas. She spent this year in London at TASIS – the American School in England and had a ball. Our middle daughter is 11 and just finished 5th grade at ESD and loves competitive cheer and all things middle school girls love. Our youngest son is 10 and just completed 4th grade. He loves karate and all things boy. We would love to see any of you in Dallas at any SPC events. Let me know if you’re in town! Always love reading everyone’s updates!!” Grady Lee did not write in but I wanted to brag on him. In March, Kinkaid invited Grady to come speak to the Middle Schoolers about responsibility. He shared his experiences with his company, RockCorps and the kids thought it all was very impressive (especially one 8th grader I know pretty well). If you don’t know what Grady does, check it out: and

Lt. Anthony Gonzalez ‘91 and two of his fellow naval officers

Debbie Wright Songer’s oldest child is finishing up his first year at the University of Chicago and her youngest completed 6th grade at Trinity Classical School here in Houston. She and Erik stay very busy with the real estate scene and their church. She always enjoys running into classmates around town. Walter Weathers and his wife Ashley welcomed Katherine Anne Weathers in April. She joins big brothers Thomas (4) and John (3). Congratulations! All is well over here at our house. Charlie (14) just finished 8th grade at Kinkaid and is really excited for high school next year (no more uniforms!). Greer ’88, Charlie ’21 and I are all looking forward to a fun summer together relaxing, traveling a little, playing golf and watching a lot of baseball – Go ’Stros!! Loved hearing from everyone as usual. Thanks to those who wrote in. Happy summer to all, Elizabeth


Aimee Ford Byrd Phoenix, AZ


Lane Alexander Houston, TX Congratulations to Amy Mehta (now Paramar) on her recent wedding! “I married my amazing fiancée in June in Houston! We now live outside Philadelphia. I’m still in ERP Project Management at Superior Energy, which is HQ’d in Houston. We honeymooned on a Hawaiian cruise. Life just keeps getting better! I’m also in the process of starting a coaching and reiki energy healing business. With that, the full-time job, adjusting to Pennsylvania and

planning this wedding, it’s turning out to be quite an eventful year!” Colby Dennison shared that Susanne, Worth (11), Merritt (9) and Miles (6) are enjoying a summer of camps, cool weather in Colorado and their annual trip to Key West with Susanne’s family. All three kids are attending Trinity Episcopal School. Amy Willerson lives in Frisco with her husband Chris Suerth and three kids Jimmy (14), Grace (11) and Thomas (9). She recently received her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction and is very happy to be finished with graduate school! She doesn’t know what’s more unsettling – looking for a job in academia or realizing her oldest child is officially in high school. Jennifer Roberdeau Cripe is living in Berlin. Her kids are now nine and twelve. She says, “Parenting gets more challenging each year! Hope everyone is doing well!” Brandon and Leslie Ratz Easterling report that the Easterling family has just completed its Kindergarten and 4th grade years and is enjoying summer. While overnight camping and rafting in Oregon might seem a stretch for a six and 10-year-old, they are giving it a go and will report back on whether they recommend this trip to others with similar aged kiddos. Leslie still dominates the corporate events market and Brandon is continuing to pursue real estate development in Austin. Go Falcons! Kara Liebling Kahan is working begrudgingly over the summer while Rowan ’29 enjoys Camp Falcon at Kinkaid! She says, “He will be in first grade there next year and it’s amazing to see all the alumni from our class daily again. Hoping everyone else is doing well and has a wonderful summer!” Daisley Shealor Kramer reports, “My family has officially fallen in love with the weather and landscape of the Bay Area. A highlight of my spring was a morning hike and lunch with Megan, Genny and Kirby. Love this inspiring and accomplished group of women!!”


Nelson Littrell wrote from the airport in Buenos Aires, “Waiting on our flight to Córdoba. We just dropped the kids off at camp last weekend in Hunt and are going for adult camp for a week, aka dove hunting in Argentina. It’s a pleasant 45 degrees here. I’m going to enjoy avoiding the Dallas heat for a little while.” Anthony Gonzalez hopes everyone is doing well. He reports, “I have been in my training cycle for what is hopefully my last trip to Afghanistan. I will leave in July after a few more weeks of regional expertise training and then final weapons qualifications. This time I will be working with the Afghan Army with training programs and planning – sounds easier than it is. I love keeping up with all of you on Facebook and seeing your accomplishments, travels, kids performances, sports, pets, Lowell Koppel’s marathons, everything!!! I have included a picture from a retirement ceremony I attended with two of my Navy brothers – in Afghanistan, for our particular job, we coined the phrase “Triple Threat.” Kelsey (center) retired last week and Mike (right) will retire in December. My body is telling me I won’t be too far behind them in retirement. I guess I have a year to figure out what I want to do when I grow up... My wife has been great about my job and all the traveling I have to do but I know she is looking forward to me passing the watch to the younger guys. All of you take care and I hope to see you next year.”


Jennifer Wilson Brown Houston, TX

Billy Forney Houston, TX

Amy Stuyck Watson Houston, TX


Courtney Dreyer Beauchamp San Antonio, TX

Wendie Seale Childress Houston, TX

Ashley Morgan Hanna Houston, TX


Courtney Domercq Daily Houston, TX

Alright ’94, I’d say this year’s participation rate for Class Notes ranks well below our fundraising but was still a good showing. This is 40/41/42 means everyone feels like they’ve got nothing new to say. But if no one can remember what you reported a year ago then it’s all new, right? Here’s all the news and “fake news” for ’94 this last year… Steven Alexander and Caroline McGaughy Alexander are happily living in Austin with Steven’s mother as their nextdoor neighbor. Their two children (3rd grade and 1st grade) are keeping them busy, despite having a babysitter living next door. Steven works at Dun & Bradstreet and Caroline is at TIP Strategies. According to Caroline, Steven took up barbecuing as a hobby a while back and continues to be very passionate about it. He and Mark Adam have entered some BBQ competitions in the past but nothing in the last year. Allyson Sikes Bartlett has lived in Bentonville, AR for four years with her four sons and husband Dan who “attempts to help people save more to live better!” as the Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Wal-Mart. Lisa Bassili and two-year old son Levi moved to Portland, OR last November where Lisa took a new anesthesiologist position. She is enjoying her “new exciting life” in Portland, which she said is a “fun city with lots to do.” Joe Branch has had a busy year and I had to harass him a bit to get an update because he was very preoccupied preparing for the NBA draft. He is the Managing Director of Basketball at ROC Nation Sports in New York and has served as an adjunct professor at Long Island University-Brooklyn and as a visiting professor at Rice, teaching Sports Management at both. Additionally, Joe is active with the non-profit organization he founded, U Want Game (, whose mission is to “help student-athletes reach their potential in academics, athletics and personal growth through life skill and career development as well as mentor relationships with successful former collegiate athletes.” Bernie Gallagher Chance and husband Scott have moved to Chicago where Scott is now the Principal Operations Inspector at the FAA overseeing United Airlines, meaning that he finds out about any safety or other related issues before “all the crazy reports come out.” Since United would never do anything “crazy” like forcibly remove a man from a plane, I’m sure Scott is not very busy at all. Bernie works remotely for the Transitional Care Program at St. Luke’s Hospital, and while her kids Hayley (5.5), who enjoys gymnastics, and Logan (7), who does karate and plays baseball, are

excited about having snow this winter, Bernie is not so sure about the cold. Bundle up! Mark Donnelly continues to work at the US Attorney’s Office in Houston and is in charge of the section that handles fraud against the government. He spends his days “sitting by the phone waiting for the call to name [him] as FBI director.” He reported that, “I think it’s between me and Vermillion…so I have a chance.” Christopher Wray may beg to differ. Leigh Farris works for Goldman Sachs in New York where she serves as the Chief of Staff for the president of the firm. Her favorite past time is “being aunt to three awesome kiddos.” Leigh often sees Liana Hawes


Young and informs me that Liana is doing great with her three-yearold daughter, one-year-old son and job at Wimberly Interiors as Senior Associate and Creative Director, providing design services for hotels around the world. Elise Schudy Evans Ferreira has appeared in 11 television commercials in the last year including spots for Whole Foods, Hilton Hotels, Bose Speakers and the Texas Lottery. She and her husband Gustavo live in Austin with their two boys Noah and Gus and have run a small production company for the last three years – Lately, Elise has been making frequent trips to Houston to help manage her father Dr. Schudy’s orthodontics practice.

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An Entrepreneur Working to Keep Family Fun Alive


hile spending six to ten hours a day in Business School at Rice University, Iman Houston Farrior ’01 had limited time to be with her husband and three daughters (all under the age of three) during their waking hours.

She did not have much free time to come up with fun activities or travel around town searching for materials, but wanted to have quality time with her children and avoid just handing them her iPad or iPhone or buying them a new toy. Iman was looking for an efficient, creative, tech-free and family-oriented activity that didn’t require too much time - so she decided to create just that... Iman pitched her idea to a classmate at Rice in the Entrepreneurship Lab and after eight months of research and brainstorming, they started with a soft launch and went into beta test mode of their new company – Funplugit. Funplugit is a box subscription service that sends tech-free activities to families to help keep the spirit of quality time together alive. Everything you need is in the box mailed to your doorstep, so parents don’t need to come up with ideas or buy separate materials. Funplugit’s mission is “to make it effortless for busy families to come together each month to bond in a way that is (1) fun, (2) educational and (3) unplugged!”

venture is different than the others, as it is her first consumer product business. Customers are not hiring “her,” but rather are judging the products, which (especially in this social media-driven world) requires making real time adjustments and constantly morphing the product to what they want. So far, so good, as earlier this summer, Iman and her classmate got to pitch Funplugit to the Shark Tank producers...stay tuned!

While at Kinkaid, Iman was involved in the Acting Company and in sports (particularly volleyball, basketball, and track) in addition to being a standout student. She believes that in comparison to other schools, Kinkaid was academically challenging, but also gave students the opportunity to experience a variety of other disciplines, such as the arts and athletics, which created a sense of freedom to try different things. This mindset has stayed with her as she has grown up and started working. While she has successfully worked Iman Houston Farrior ’01 hired Taylor Guidry in various large corporations (with limited ‘16 to help work the Funplugit booth at the creativity), she has always also had an itch to Funplugit is still a very young company; it has Ultimate Women’s Expo pursue her own ideas. She has focused on her been fully in business less than six months, but is hobbies and creative ideas on the side, turning off to a great start! Customers can purchase boxes them into something more and starting her own businesses. She says, month-to-month or in three, six or 12-month increments for their “Kinkaid gave me the skills to be hirable and employable, but also the family or as a gift to another family. Funplugit will also customize confidence to pursue other interests. ” boxes for classrooms or birthday parties. The Funplugit team works hard to ensure that they are sending projects that people enjoy, so they are constantly gauging activity popularity on Pinterest and ranking projects by ease, interest and simple instruction. Their team tests all projects and will go through countless versions of the same activity to make certain that the best version of the project is being delivered to their clients.

Iman received her MBA, with a concentration in real estate, from Rice this May and is now actively interviewing with various companies. She also keeps busy raising her family, keeping her real estate endeavors going, and running Funplugit with a devoted team. Iman also enjoys being a member of the Kinkaid Alumni Board; this fall she will serve her second year on the Board. To learn more about Funplugit, visit www. or check out them out on Instagram or Facebook @funplugit.

Iman is no stranger to starting a business. She has been an entrepreneur throughout her career, starting Lasso Enterprises, a small business and legal consulting practice, as well as her own real estate practice. She loves that “as an entrepreneur, you are immediately a decision maker and have the power to execute your ideas.” However, her Funplugit Two of Iman’s daughters excited to receive a Funplugit box!



Our next classmate sent me a job application or maybe he’s used to reading medical forms: Alumnus: George Shelton Gayle, IV, DDS. Married: Megan Murphy Gayle, 10 years of marital bliss. Children: GSGV ’27 (8), Pierce Bartlett Gayle ’30 (5), Katherine Frances Gayle ’30 (5). Job: Dentist at Gayle Family Dental, PLLC. Interests: golf, hunting, sports, snow skiing, exercise. Dislikes: ISIS, Nancy Pelosi, Crying Chuck Schumer, DNC. Likes: One Corona after work, Molina’s hot sauce, pickle juice, Dwayne Johnson. Doug George reports that all is good with the George family. In the fall, all three of his kids will be at Kinkaid (Haylie ’25, Maddie ’27, Barrett ’31). He told me that he and Brent Wise recently went to cheer on Kenny O’Donnell and his wife Katie at the North American Wife Carrying Championship in Sunday River, ME. Kenny was doing great until his Osgood-Schlatters kicked in and his knees failed him just before he could cross the finish line. He came in last but gave it 110%. Way to go Kenny! According to Chris Graf “not too much has changed since last year.” He continues to work at Kanaly Trust Company as Vice President of Business Development. When not working, his sons Charlie (11), Austin (9) and Tyler (3) keep wife Kathleen Dunwoody Graf ’95 and him “plenty busy.” Chris has been coaching little league baseball and basketball and tries to sneak the boys out to the golf course whenever possible. In the past year he has checked off three concerts from his bucket list: AC/ DC, Guns ‘N Roses and Tesla. G – still rocking it out after all this time! Jamie Gregg is in his eighth year of practice as an Interventional Radiologist at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He also has some very strong opinions about the current state of the medical field and I’ll leave it at that. Cullen Hanks recently took a new job at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, NY. (That’s the study of birds for those of you who weren’t in AP Biology. Thanks, Google.) He is working on a team that is developing image recognition tools that will make it possible to identify species based on photos using fine grain image recognition. Christine Lawhon James and family are “doing great in Austin.” She continues to work as a clinical psychologist and recently took a new position at a private practice. She also continues to work with patients in rehab for neurological disorders. Christine is thrilled that her kids Elis (10), Gigi (8) and Loralee (4) will all be at the same school this fall for the first time. Elizabeth Sheedy Johnson lives in Shreveport, LA and works remotely for FedEx in Global Brand

Management. Just like Christine, all three of Lizzy’s children will “finally be at the same school in the fall – Hallelujah!” When Casey Kaplan is not receiving Distinguished Young Alumnus awards at Kinkaid, he is working as an attorney for Nike in Portland, OR and “trying to find time to hang out with fellow ’94er Lisa Bassili.” Fun fact I learned while attending the Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony: Casey’s niece is married to Michael Josephson ’93 who likes to refer to him as “Uncle Casey.” It’s not a creepy as it sounds – Casey’s niece is a grade above us. Mike Minns has “one kid, one wife and one iPhone.” His daughter is turning 10 this year. He continues to have success with his company, Mr. Dream Home, and his picture has been spotted by other classmates on the sides of buses in Austin promoting the company. Mike had a “really amazing year” because, as he reports, “in addition to all the normal family stuff, I was the first person to travel to Mars and start a colony. Unfortunately, when I got there I realized I left my iPhone and my wife at home so I had to come back. They said it was too expensive to send me back so I decided to stay here and just focus on my family and real estate business. It would have been too hard to start a colony and new civilization by myself anyway.” I am glad Mike did not stay on Mars or else I would not have had the chance to catch up with him at the Kinkaid Alumni Awards reception. Meg Malone continues her work organizing outdoor festivals in Houston and is still “loving it.” She is looking forward to her travels this summer in Croatia, Italy, Greece and Germany joined, in part, by Demetri Dale, Stephanie Friedman Evans, Rob Vermillion and each of their families. Kenny O’Donnell works with his brother Tobin ’98 at Colton Capital. He and wife Katie have boy and girl twins who are entering the 4th grade this fall. We also know from other posts here (see Doug George, Brent Wise) that Kenny leads a very active and fascinating life. Speaking of Doug, Kenny mentioned to me that Doug has begun to focus his hunting efforts on the members of the sciuridae family. (Again, for those of you who did not take AP Biology, that would be the small rodent family including squirrels. Thank you again, Google.) He recently completed the grand slam, which includes the grizzled giant, Prevost’s, alpine and southern flying squirrels. Quite an accomplishment! Evy Pappas tells me that her living room still does not contain any furniture so she is already offering up her house for our 25th reunion in 2019. Why wait until the 25th? Can’t we have a 23 and a half-year reunion?

Miller Crosswell probably still has the bartender’s number, and Steven and Mark can make BBQ. Aside from hosting reunions, Evy stays busy with her four growing children Dimitra (8), George (6), Vicky (4) and Irene (2). She is thankful that after eight years she is finally out of the baby phase. She runs into Jeff Tapick from time to time because their kids all go to The Post Oak School. Evy noted that Jeff and his wife looked fantastic at the school’s Great Gatsby themed gala. Joslyn Welch Paris is “doing great and enjoying life as it is moving fast!” Her children both attend Wilchester Elementary where son Jack will be in the 5th grade and daughter Evan is heading into 4th. Joslyn keeps busy volunteering at her kids’ school, with the Spring Branch-Memorial Sports Association and for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, among other places. Lewis Pennock and wife Fiona still live in Nashville where they are “trying to keep pace” with all of the trendy new restaurants that have been opening as well as their two daughters June (2) and Daisy (5), which really means that they “aren’t keeping pace at all and mostly survive on the city’s upstart grocery delivery services.” Katharine McFall Perrow is busy with her three kids Hellen (3rd grade), Mosby (Kindergarten) and Mac (3). She recently began consulting for the organization Brighter Bites, a “fantastic” non-profit based in Houston that delivers fresh produce directly to families in Houston, Dallas and Austin. One of the founders of Brighter Bites is Lisa Helfman ’93. Kim Sweeney Polo lives in Florida with her five kids and completed her first triathlon this year. She said, “It was crazy.” Which part – doing a triathlon or having five kids?! Isn’t having five kids a triathlon in itself? I also just learned that despite being a member of the advanced “challenge club” in Mrs. Bartle’s 3rd grade spelling class, I didn’t know how to spell triathlon until I wrote Kim’s update. All this time, it has sounded to me like “triathalon” when people say the word. It almost feels like the time I discovered that Prince was actually saying, “She’s never satisfied,” instead of “She never sat inside” when referring to his mother in “When the Doves Cry.” Still can’t believe he’s gone!! Leslie Ladin Strauss reports, “I have nothing exciting to update – it’s all the same [stuff], different day!” Obviously the bracketed word is not the exact quote. She continues working with her interior design business while her daughter Lexie ’21 will be starting high school at Kinkaid this fall and her son Ladin ’24 is going into 6th grade. She said she is “officially old!”

Charlotte Gregory Sullivan has “nothing to report! NADA!” Somehow I doubt that but I was just happy to get a response. Sameer Sheth reports that 2016-17 has been a good year for the Sheth family. Sameer continues his “neurosurgical stuff” at Columbia. He informed me that, “There has been some recent excitement with the acquisition of a new $8M grant from the NIH to study neurosurgical treatments for depression, as unlikely as that sounds.” His wife Sarita is transitioning from PTA leader to elementary school teacher. Son Ronak (11) is excited to be moving to middle school this fall and has been developing his pitching arm on Little League. Daughter Naina (7) loves dance, softball, basketball and hanging out with her brother. This summer, the family has had and will have some fun trips to Shanghai, India and South Africa. Sameer also wanted to let ’94 know that his home in New York “is open to any Kinkaid alums who feel like visiting!” Susan Thompson Turcotte has lived in Nashville since 2010 when her family first moved there for husband Brad to work in the music industry. He is currently at Universal Music Nashville. Susan recently started a new company called Itzastand ( that provides reusable, removable stands to prop up photos, greeting cards and announcements. She has two children Will (10) and Sarah (8). Susan and Brad travelled to Prague this past spring. Lauren Krueger Weeks is the founder and clinical director of a therapeutic school (preschool –second grade) for children with social and emotional challenges. Her school just won Best of Boston Schools for 2017. Congratulations! She lives in Lexington, MA with her husband Tim and her four daughters. Brent Wise lives in Dallas with his wife Dani, twin boys Charlie and Chase (4) and daughter Lillian (18 months). He works for Pioneer Wine and Spirits, a wine and spirits distribution business covering the southwest US. The highlight of Brent’s year was attending the Falconer of the Year contest in Flagstaff, AZ where he and Doug cheered on Kenny as he finished in 4th place, apparently a big improvement over his 2016 showing. He said that Kenny “credits his love for falcons to the wonderful environment at Kinkaid that served as an incubator and allowed him to soar as an adult.” Between this and Doug’s report it sounds like Kenny is in the running to be the next World’s Most Interesting Man for Dos X. In 1994, Fanny Falcon predicted that 10 years later I (Courtney Domercq Daily) would be complaining about our first woman president Chelsea Clinton. My response 23 years later is, “How’s that working out, Fanny?”



My update is that I am currently reviewing contracts in house at oil and gas services company, Oil States International, and raising very active son Charlie (3). For those of you with four and five children, how in the [blank] do you do it? Last February I enjoyed attending a mini-reunion in San Antonio organized by Lauren Krueger Weeks and joined by Leslie Ladin Strauss, Christine Lawhon James, Ellie Bullard Essalih, Dabney Moriniere Moxham, Joslyn Welch Paris and Katharine McFall Perrow. We had a great time hanging out at Hotel Emma sharing wonderful meals and catching up. It was a fun weekend for all and we hope to do it again soon. Anyone is welcome to come! As I’m typing this I am also looking very forward to my husband Paul ’88 and me spending several days and nights with Leslie and her husband Adam at the Ladin’s house in Cabo. I’ll go ahead and report that it was a fabulous time since you’ll be reading this two months after I am writing it. Thanks for the updates, ’94. Keep the news and fake news coming. Hope to see you at the 23.5-year reunion at Evy’s!


Meredith Riddle Chastang

Houston, TX

Mary Sommers Burger Pyne

Houston, TX Ryan Heine put his law practice behind him and is now Director of Business Development for Refined Systems, a company that designs and installs high end audiovisual and automation systems in both residential and commercial construction. As a hobby, he continually performs and teaches improv at Station Theater in Houston. Speaking of theater, Rachel Applegate has returned to Houston to assume the role of Director of Marketing and Communications at the Alley Theatre. Welcome Back, Rachel!

Christal Seahorn ‘95 and Aisha Carter Crumbine ‘95


Kathryn Wolf Krischer recently partnered with a friend to launch LuLu Artists Collective, which is an agency that represents production artists such as wardrobe stylists, hair/makeup stylists and prop designers who work on commercial photo-shoots.

Deborah Vest Brown and husband Barrett enjoyed the month of June and got a taste of the empty nester life when both of their daughters (Audrey ’24 and Charlotte ’27) were at Camp Mystic. The Browns will be escaping the summer heat for a trip to Michigan before school starts.

On the education front, Aisha Carter Crumbine continues to offer education support to companies relocating employees to Houston and was recently featured in the Houston Business Journal. She’s also leading alumni work in Houston’s Teach For America office.

As for me (Mary Sommers Burger Pyne), I continue to volunteer in the community and love to garden. My daughters (Camille ’24 and Marguerite ’24) will be starting 6th grade in the fall at Kinkaid along with the children of fellow ’95 classmates: Brett Chiles, Jennifer Chapman Wizel, Deborah Vest Brown, Sam Cruse and Kate Marinis Walters. This summer I am packing my bags for adventures to Cuba and the Galapagos Islands. Hope to share my travel stories with you all in the fall. Stay in touch!

Dr. Christal Seahorn is a professor of Writing and Digital Rhetoric and the Director of First-Year Composition at the University of Houston-Clear Lake where she helps her students navigate fact-based reasoning and understand that “post-truth” is not a thing. She lives in Houston with her wife of seven years. She recently joined fellow Kinkaidians Aisha Carter Crumbine and Jamil Anderson in celebrating their 40th birthdays. Marilyn Bloss Koester has left the college classroom to be the Head of Communications for Memphis College of Art in Memphis, TN. Her husband Drew and three kids are doing great and she and her girlfriends are traveling to France this summer to celebrate their 40th birthdays. Bonne Anniversaire! For the past five years, Jeffrey Jeter has been running public affairs and government relations, as well as being the Senior Advisor to the President of The University of Texas at Arlington. He continues to lobby for higher education policy, research and funding needs at federal, state and local levels. He has just finished his 12th Texas legislative session in and around state government. Jeffrey lives in Austin and spends most of his time with his princess and daughter, Allison Paige (7). Hope Morales Young and her husband Brooks live in Houston with daughters Paulie ’28 (2nd grade) and Camila ’30 (Kindergarten). Both girls attend Kinkaid and had a great school year! Hope has been doing contract work in the non-profit world and is enjoying dabbling in a variety of projects and events. Brooks continues to work for PFC Midstream, an independent natural gas pipeline. The Youngs are excited for some R&R and travel this summer and hope to connect with friends near and far in the months to come! Kathryn McCarter Moore and husband Michael are having a ball with their daughter Mary Helen who is just over a year old. Mary Helen’s world will be rocked, as well as her parents, when she becomes a big sister in November!


Erin Jones Brown

Houston, Texas

Emily Mitchell Covey

Houston, TX


Christina Wilson Altenau

Houston, TX

Daniel Jenkins

Houston, TX Wow, hard to believe it has been 20 years since graduation. Many of you joined our class for our reunion recently at the home of Erin Taylor Maggi. She and her husband Mike were so generous to host such a wonderful and fun night! Thank you ladies for sharing your updates! Daniel Jenkins will follow up with the guys for the next issue. Courtney Williamson Audy and her husband Jason welcomed a baby girl, Violet, in August 2016. Big brothers Lucas and Jacob are thrilled

to have a little sister! She and her family have a farm in Loveland, CO and she works as a Quality Engineer for Cognex. Brooke Barer moved to Santa Fe, NM and opened a small jewelry and art gallery on Canyon Road. Ashley Stanberry Brown is still living in Wimberley. She has just earned a Masters in Liberal Studies and continues to direct a tutoring company and teach online university courses. Elizabeth Arnold Dennis moved to Rye, NY last summer. She continues to work at Morgan Stanley and is enjoying a new role. Cate (almost 8) and William and Ellen (5) keep her and Rich happy and busy. Kristen Jewell Dolsen and her family are looking forward to spending lots of time playing in the mountains this summer. Bethany Boyd Factor and her family are now living in Fort Worth and enjoying the smaller town atmosphere and cooler temps. They are quickly becoming Horned Frog fans. Her husband Canaan ’96 accepted a position with Superior Energy Services. This last year she lost her mom to a year-long battle with cancer. Bethany and her family enjoy visitors so if you are in Fort Worth you’ll have a place to stay! Lauren Singer Harris is just keeping busy with her two munchkins that just finished up Kindergarten and 3rd grade! Between shuttling them between way too many activities, she still consults part-time and volunteers the rest of her time in the community to help improve Board effectiveness and help non-profits with their volunteer engagement. Every once in a while she bumps into Jaime Walker and David Waldman with their kiddos at their local Whole Foods or Farmers’ Market. Caroline Forney Helander and her husband Bill enjoyed the start to summer with their three children Stella, William and Eliza. Caroline is having fun auditioning on the side for various projects when she is not busy being a mom! Bridget Murphy Nikodem and her family are still living in DC and were

Bridget Murphy Nikodem ‘97’s children with new baby sister Rose


blessed to welcome their fourth child, a perfect baby girl, Rose Elizabeth in April. Rose is adored by the whole family, and they are enjoying a fun and chaotic summer as a family of six! Carrie Geller Schein and her husband Jeremy are living in NYC with their three kids Chloe (6), Ryder (4) and Beck (1). Carrie has been very busy this year! She started her own accessories line called Carrie’d NYC selling bags and customizable handbag straps. Lindsay McMackin Sturm lives in Houston and still works at Chateau Domingue. Ginger Strickland is still in sunny California, working at a church in the Bay, but enjoying every minute. She loves getting to see and hear how everyone is doing! Sydney Welch Teegarden continues to work in the residential interior design world. She and husband Sloan are very much enjoying watching kids Ben (8) and Libby (4) in all of their many activities! Kathleen Young Zinn and husband Jeff are busy keeping up with their four kids Luke, Oliver, Josey and JW. Summer brought on a welcome reprieve from school commitments and sports. They are excited that three of the four will all be at the same school next year! It might be the only year, but Kathleen will take it!! And I (Christina Wilson Altenau) am keeping busy in Houston with our three kiddos (ages 6, 4 and 2) and staying involved in several local nonprofits. Matt and I enjoyed traveling this summer with our crew and spending time with family and friends. Again, thank you for sharing what you’ve been up to this past year – it’s so great to hear from each of you!


Amy Parker Beeson

Houston, TX Liz Riddle Anders is enjoying life with her two little ones – Oliver (5) and Franny (1). Liz is in her 5th year of owning her art advisory and appraisal company, Liz Anders & Associates and is staying busy! She and David ’97 are looking forward to spending time in Colorado this summer with their family. Liz and David are very excited about their little falcon Oliver ’31 starting Pre-K at Kinkaid this fall! Joanie Goldstein Aron reports that all is great with her crew. Both of her children are still loving Lower School at Kinkaid. Morgan ’28 just finished first grade and Andrew ’26 third. She and Doug ’92 are looking

forward to spending time with them in Florida and Colorado over the summer. Susan Allender had a wonderful 2016. She completed her post-doctoral fellowship and passed her licensing exam and is now a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in Connecticut. On December 11, 2016 she and Sam welcomed their daughter Lily Ann Sanchez into the world. She is beautiful and Susan reports they are beyond blessed to have her join their family. Meredith Hopson Beaupre recently took on a new job within J.P. Morgan Chase. She will be leading a division of the Houston region focusing on diversified middle market companies. Outside of work, Meredith and her husband Andy are keeping busy with their two very active little daughters Lauren (3) and Brooke (1). Christina Pappas Boffa married William Boffa of Philadelphia, PA in Houston this spring. After a honeymoon safari in Africa, the couple settled into married life in Houston. Christina continues to work for Pappas Restaurants, Inc. as the Director of Marketing. Justin Campbell took a new job this past May as Senior Vice President of West Utilities GridLiance, an independent electric transmission company backed by Blackstone. Among other initiatives, they are excited about helping renewable energy projects reach the market, especially in California. The new job also means Justin and his family are relocating to Dallas! After 20 years gone, Justin is excited to be returning to Texas. Although leaving Los Angeles will be bittersweet, Justin, his wife Vicky and their children Sidney (8), Colette (3) and Marvin (2) are looking forward to exploring Dallas and getting to know the city. Jonathan Carl continues to enjoy the joys of marriage to Brittney, parenting three growing-up-too-quick daughters and pastoring in central Kentucky. He has been blessed with missions to Mexico and Iraq and is looking forward to an upcoming trip to Ghana using TrustworthyWord. com to counsel and equip others all over the world.


Alumni Interim Term Night In its second year, Alumni Interim Term Night was originally scheduled to be on January 18th. However, due to flooding and the School closure, the event was rescheduled for February 15th. Over 115 alumni, parents, current and retired faculty and staff and friends attended this fun and educational evening! Attendees commented that this event helped them feel more connected to the School and gave them a good taste of high school again. If you are interested in teaching a class at next year’s event, please email Alexa Leach ’09 at

2017 Class Offerings and Instructors: The Nest – Kinkaid’s State of the Art Makerspace Jeff Diedrich, Middle School Innovation Coordinator How to Find Exciting Texas Wines Dr. Russell D. Kane, President, Author and Blogger at Life After Kinkaid: Building the New A.D. Players Theater Susan Santangelo ’55, A.D. Players Board Chair Jefferson’s Revenge Byron Williams, Middle School History Teacher Clayton Mysteries – A Glimpse Into Forensics Science Dr. Sonia Clayton, Upper School Science Department Chair The 2016 Election: What Happened & What It Means? Dr. Ed Harris, Upper School History and Social Sciences Department Chair How to Plan and Pull Off Weeknight Meals with Your Family (and Only Shop Once!) Marcia W. Smart, Owner of Smart in the Kitchen and Kinkaid parent A Photographer’s Rise to the Top of the Houston Photography Scene Julie Soefer ‘99, Owner/Photographer at Julie Soefer Photography

Heidi Sheesley ’71, Lynn Meyer Fort ‘68, Kyle Britt ‘68 (fs) and wife Robin

Parent Marcia Smart leading a cooking class

Leighton Carl and his wife Jenny are still “serving the Lord with joy in Waco” as they raise their five children (ages two to 10) together and practice a little family medicine on the side. Jill Case recently accepted a position with Gama Aviation as Director of Business Development and Client Relationships. Gama Aviation is a global business aviation services company specializing in charter and aircraft management for individuals and corporations. Jill is thrilled to enter this new chapter of her life

Attendees in the wine tasting class



and advance her career in private aviation. Travel will still play a big role in her life but when she’s at home in Houston she enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants, yoga and her role as sister to Jodi, who lives with cerebral palsy. To ensure Jodi’s continued quality of life, Jill remains on the Board of Directors for Vita Living, Inc., a non-profit agency providing long-term comprehensive care and support services for adults and children who have intellectual and developmental disabilities such as autism and cerebral palsy. Katie Austin Colelli and her husband Stephen welcomed Helen Marie Colelli into their family on April 20, 2017. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and stretched out 21 ½ inches. Katie reports they are all doing great. Alex Curlet and his family are still in Washington, DC. His daughter Maggie (2.5) just recently started preschool. Alex has been enjoying walking to school in the morning. In March, Alex left Clark Construction and joined Skanska US Building’s DC office. He now oversees a business unit that focuses on building office and multi-family projects for private developers in the DC area. The new job is going great so far and he is enjoying a fun summer, which includes visiting family at the beach. Kasey Buza Davis and her husband Tim welcomed a baby girl in May of 2016. Lily Kate joins big brother Jack and big sister Charley. Kasey is still practicing law at Winston & Strawn and is enjoying the slower pace of summer. Heather Heidemann Deiss and her husband Scott celebrated their 11-year wedding anniversary in Virginia with a scenic hike in Shenandoah National Park. They also traveled to Vermont in June where they did some sightseeing and cheese tasting! They will be off to Nigeria again for her annual business trip and finish off the summer with Scott’s 40th birthday. Christian Easterling and his wife Kate welcomed a healthy baby boy Harrison McQueen this past December. Harrison’s two older sisters Reese (6) and Sloan (4) are thrilled to have a baby brother! Christian is on his third local startup venture and currently serves as the Director of Operations for Dent-Well, a company that installs and operates dental offices on large corporate and university campuses. Kate is a senior litigation attorney with Edison, McDowell & Hetherington LLP. Elana Herman Evans, her husband Greg and their two children Henry (7) and Millie (5) are still in Houston. Elana is currently in-house Senior Counsel to Ecolab’s Energy Services business (Nalco Champion) supporting


global compliance as well as the Downstream and WellChem businesses. Henry is a rising second grader at Presbyterian School and is a devout West University Little League player. Millie ’30 is headed to Kinkaid for Kindergarten. Grayson Fitch and his wife Kristi welcomed a baby girl Presley Elizabeth Fitch on April 17. They are enjoying every moment with her. They continue to live in the Woodlands and Grayson is still working for Constellation in Houston. Ashley Gillespie (fs) and her husband Kyle are still enjoying living in Seattle. She has recently pursued her dream of becoming a flight attendant! She trained for two months in order to learn how to save lives on an aircraft and reports that only one of those training days was spent learning how to serve drinks to guests. She vows never to become a salty flight attendant and is looking forward to seeing one of our fellow classmates in the friendly skies sometime soon. She is also continuing music festival production with C3 events, as it would be impossible for her to leave that world! Katherine Harper left her job at Reel FX last year after 10 years with the company. She is now consulting for creative companies and executive producing an indie feature film based on the short film that she did with the same group of filmmakers in 2015 called “The Mink Catcher.” The feature, which is about women in politics in the early 1980s, is tentatively titled “The Big D.” Charles Houssiere is keeping busy with his job as Director of Operations and Design at Biotex. They’ve recently been collaborating with medical device companies here in the US, Germany and Canada on a few neurovascular devices. His wife Lisa is starting her 10th year at Fulbright, joined the board at The Junior League and is currently expecting their second son in December. Cash (almost 2) has developed a passion for kicking the soccer ball and setting up blocks and knocking them down with his hot wheels. Brooke McGuyer Hutson is enjoying being an entrepreneur working as an interior designer. She is loving family life as well with her husband Scott and their two children Parker and Caroline. Ran Jones is still in Santa Monica, CA enjoying life with his wife Cristina and their daughter Juliette (3). He has been working for the same production company, All3Media, for the past five years doing casting and development for shows such as Undercover Boss. Stephen Kaplan is enjoying his 10th year as an attorney for Plains All American Pipeline. He and his wife Erin Finger Kaplan ’04 are proud

parents of very active daughter Brooke (1). They are expecting their second daughter in July. Yoav Kaufman is finally back in Houston with his family of five. He and his wife Erika welcomed twins Jude and Rowan while he was at Stanford for his fellowship in hand surgery. They are reportedly a handful but very loved by the whole family, including big brother Ethan! Yoav started a new job at Kelsey-Seybold this past August performing reconstructive and aesthetic surgery as well as hand surgery. He is really enjoying it so far and is excited to finally be putting all those years of school and training to work! Chris Leavitt and his wife Sarah welcomed their third child Eiland Elizabeth this past November. He is still practicing law, of counsel, at the Buzbee Law Firm and is also pursuing ventures in insurance, groceries and real estate. Matt Lea and his wife Natalie and their two children Houston (6) and Harper (3) continue to live in Briargrove. Life is busy but a lot of fun. Matt is still practicing law as a Partner in the Energy Finance section of Porter Hedges LLP.

to their goal of eight children! The hardest part of having such a big family for John though is just figuring out what to do with all of the spare free time and deciding what unique hobby to pick up next. Big things are happening in the Morehouse household! Jeff Morehouse and his wife Ashlee’s second son Mason Reid was born on October 18. He is full of happiness and smiles and is a joy. Also, in January, Jeff left Capitol Hill after 14 years and joined the ClearPath Foundation to lobby Congress on clean energy policies. Matt Oliver has been touring a lot recently with a Swedish pop group called Mike Snow and playing guitar with Hamilton Leithauser. Shahid Rahman and his wife Amina have had their second little one Adam who joined his big sister Zara last year. They also just moved to West University back in Houston and are getting settled in. L.B. Roemer and his wife Mallory welcomed twins Isla Spencer and Lamar Burton Roemer, III this past April. Isla and Trip are precious and both doing great!

Jamie Smith Luff and her husband Martin miss their friends in Texas but are loving living in London and recently bought a flat in the city. Their son James started primary school this year and is looking forward to moving on to Year 1 (the equivalent of Kindergarten) next year. Jimmie Luthuli is working for the DC government and going back to school at night. She is entering her second year of law school at American in the fall. It’s been a good and busy year for the Mandels. Erika Palmer Mandel is with KPMG as a Sales Director and her husband Jed recently took a new role as Senior VP of Investment Sales at SRS Real Estate Partners. Their kids Jack (3) and Max (2) are doing great. Jessica Swafford Marcella reports that Team Marcella is happy, healthy and doing well in DC. Her daughter Juliana will start Kindergarten this year and her son Will will start Pre-K so their house will be empty during the daytime for the first time in five years! John McInnes and his family are still in Houston and doing well. On the numbers front, they have a five, three and one-year-old who reportedly live rent-free in their house in Briargrove. They will be adding a fourth to their brood in August and are hoping that he or she will at least contribute to their commune’s grocery fund or help pay utility bills. Good luck with that. I hope he is teasing when he says that their fourth will mark the half-way point

Elisa & Jeffrey Robin ‘98 with baby Lyla Rose

Jeff Robin and his wife Elisa were blessed to welcome their daughter Lyla Rose this year. Jeff is a partner at Akerman LLP in Miami practicing litigation specializing in financial and mortgage banking law. Cayla Tenenbaum Rutchik and her husband Stephen are enjoying life in Miami with their son Noah (5.5). She is expecting another little boy this summer and is thrilled to be expanding their family and giving Noah the little brother he’s been asking for! Jade Sachs Fea recently started a new job as a Bilingual Resource Specialist for the Monona Grove School District in Wisconsin. Her two boys Boden and Tate just graduated from 5th grade and Kindergarten. She went on a 100 mile backpacking trip on the continental divide in Colorado this summer as a volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America. Last year Colleen Sheedy accepted a



Save the Date!

new job in Oil Products Marketing at Shell where she supports our North American business across all industrial and transportation sectors. She is loving it and has enjoyed finally learning the core industry of our hometown! She’s still very happy to be back in Houston close to family and friends.


Angela Sellin Strain has had a busy year! She and her husband Matt welcomed their son Patrick on April 25th. Big sister Lily is very protective and proud of “my baby!” Angela has also accepted a new position at the University of North Carolina as the Chief of Emergency Psychiatry and will be starting that role as soon as she returns from maternity leave.

MIKE FEINBERG 7:00 PM Brown Auditorium Free Admission, Open to the Kinkaid Community

Lindsay Green Wallace can’t get enough of her son Miller who turns two in August. She and her husband Sam are still living in Houston and she loves being a quick car ride away from so many of her closest Kinkaid friends. She keeps busy chasing her toddler and working in Operations at Schlumberger. Laura Kamas Wheeler is enjoying life at home with her son Mason (2). She and her husband Erik are expecting a baby girl in July and are excited about the newest addition to their growing family. Carson Wilson and his wife Lindsey have two kids Bobby (3.5) and Price (2.5) that keep them very busy. He still works for Fidelis Realty Partners developing shopping centers in Texas. In their free time they try to travel whenever possible. They headed to Croatia this summer. Jealous! Michael Winningham reports that things are great in Austin – two kids and one more on the way in late August, a house in the woods and balancing careers in home building and music. As for me (Amy Parker Beeson): My husband Michael and I welcomed twin boys John Lander and George Towles Beeson on September 22. After an early arrival and a heroic journey in the NICU at Texas Children’s Hospital, Jack and Georgie are home on Wroxton enjoying getting to know their big brother Teddy. They are all doing great and we are so proud of our little miracles. Teddy turned two in April and will start preschool at St. Paul’s this coming September. I recently returned back to work at Bracewell LLP after a long maternity leave to join the ranks as a Partner in the Trial section. It has been a big year for the Beesons!

Co-Founder of KIPP Foundation


Spencer English Houston, TX

Alyssa Gardner Kilpatrick Houston, TX


Michel Miller Mullett

Elizabeth Evans Mann

Houston, TX

Houston, TX

Stefy Palandjoglou Allen is enjoying life in NYC with her three boys – her

husband Thomas and sons Andreas (3) and Elias (2). She writes, “This summer we’re excited about going back to Nantucket with my entire family and spending our weekends at the beach. Work has been incredibly busy, but I’m thrilled about a lot of new developments with Editorialist.” Stephanie Bailey is still living in Austin, playing and writing music with her band, the Black Angels. They just released an album called Death Songs and Stephanie has been touring a lot in support of that album. She played at a music festival called “Primavera” in Barcelona in

late May and spent much of June in France. Lacey Liedtke Brunner just celebrated her fifth year in Midland. She and her husband Ross love to travel to the Gage Hotel in Marathon, TX and explore all the Wild, Wild West has to offer. Their kids turn two and three this summer and Lacey is looking forward to getting her youngest out of diapers! Lacey writes, “If anyone finds themselves in Midland, please look me up! I can show you the (in)famous town watering hole, ‘The Bar,’ and take you all around the ‘Tall City’.”



Brittany Hansen Cassin is going on nine years as a residential realtor with John Daugherty Realtors. Go, Brittany! Her son Charlie (5) is entering Kindergarten in the fall and her younger son Jake just turned three years old. Jennifer Vosko Caughey writes, “Our daughter Emily just turned four and our son James is now two! Ryan and I are having a blast with them and we’re excited to take a family trip to Europe this summer to celebrate Ryan’s and my 10th wedding anniversary. We also had a great time in Boston last spring attending my 10th Harvard Law School reunion.” Lauren Paul Cless is currently living in Chicago. She is busy performing and teaching, while keeping up with her almost two year-old little girl. This spring, Lauren was honored with an Achievement award from the Suzuki Association of the Americas for her work as a violin teacher. Congrats, Lauren! Meri Collins tells us, “My husband Perry Gagliardi ’02 and I moved to Burlington, VT last summer so I could join the plastic surgery faculty at the University of Vermont Medical Center, where I specialize in breast reconstruction. We live outside Burlington in Shelburne and love it. Also, we are expecting our first child (a boy!) in early December!” Shaun Hopson Dickerson reports, “My husband Wes and I are enjoying life in Austin with our two boys Beau (3) and Teddy (2). I am still a principal with Cypress and will be spending a bunch of time on the road in the coming months as we raise our ninth discretionary real estate fund. I just concluded a yearlong term serving as President of the Elizabeth Ann Seton Board where we raised $1.4 million for the neonatal intensive care unit at Seton Hospital. We are looking forward to family trips to Telluride and Laguna Beach this summer!” Bevin Bering Dubrowski writes, “Our biggest news is that we recently welcomed our third child into the world, Daniel “Danny” Bering

Dubrowski, who was born on May 8, 2017. Edie, Jack, Dan and I are so in love with our newest family member, and even Grover bonded with the little guy very quickly. We’re heading up to Maine for most of July and August. Then later this year we’re braving our first international trip as a family of five, taking the crew to Paris and London. I’m serving on a couple of art and museum boards right now, but mainly focusing my time on my little ones – three under five is keeping me busy!”

Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. I have recently accepted a position with the Office of Medical Student Education where I will coordinate interdisciplinary and community health programs for medical students. I continue to see patients (family medicine with obstetrics) and teach medical students and residents. Our 2017 international adventure will involve trekking gorillas and chimpanzees in Rwanda followed by a safari in Uganda.”

Elizabeth Williams Dwyer says, “The past year was a busy one, as I spent most of my time keeping up with my four kids under four! Our oldest Alexander, Jr. ’31 will become a Kinkaid Falcon in the fall, entering the pre-kindergarten class. We are looking forward to a fun summer.”

Jessica Jones Meyer is staying busy with real estate and her kids. She made a career move to Greenwood King Properties and loves being closer to Kinkaid where both of her children (Peter ’29 and Emma ’31) will be next year. Jessica and her husband Peto are excited to spend more time at Kinkaid as parents of a first grader and Pre-Kindergartener!

Lauren Manford Gauthreaux is excited to spend the summer in Crested Butte with her family. Her daughter Cecily is turning two years old in November and has been keeping Lauren on her toes! Lauren Leavitt-Griffin and her husband Dallas are expecting their second child (a daughter) in September. Until then, they are keeping busy chasing their son Grant (2), their three yorkies and six chickens. Lauren continues to work in the Emergency Department at Memorial Hermann and Sacred Heart. Barrie Gordon Gruner is loving life in Cali! She still heads up the publicity and events team at Hulu while juggling family life with her two kiddos Max (5) and Billie (2). Erin Stuewer Hinze tells us, “We are enjoying life in the northern Dallas suburbs. I’m still teaching part-time at the Texas A&M (Baylor) dental school in the pediatric department. Most of my time, however, is spent with our two girls Reese (4) and Ainsley (2). We are excited to be expecting a boy in July (who needs sleep, right?)!” Bethany Morehouse Howlett writes, “My husband Eric and I continue to be based in Madison, WI where I am an Assistant Clinical Professor for University of Wisconsin’s

Alumni Survey 2017 Be on the lookout for an alumni survey that will be emailed or mailed to you in early September. The responses from the last survey conducted five years ago led to the development of some new programs, including the creation of KinkaidKonnect, an increased use of social media and a greater variety of events. We would like your ideas again to help us meet the current interests of our alumni! A report on the survey results will be included in the Winter 2018 Kinkaid Magazine. 76

Rebecca Kates Miller and her husband Ben are happy to report that their oldest daughter Kara ’30 loves being a student at Kinkaid. She just finished her first year (Pre-K) and will be going on to Kindergarten in the fall. Their younger daughter Melanie will be two and half in July and hopes to follow in her sister’s footsteps. Rebecca has been promoted to Vice President at Morgan Stanley where she continues to work as a financial advisor and CFP, planning and managing investments for families and small businesses. She also recently earned her designation as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Ben is still a partner at his firm, Sponsel, Miller, Greenberg, PLLC, where he practices real estate and business law. Whitney Stubbs Newton is wrapping up her fourth year of teaching at Menlo School and is bracing herself for the year ahead. In June, she and her dog road-tripped to New York to join her husband Mark, who began a low-residency graduate program at Columbia. They will all return to the California coast for the fall, and in October, they will welcome their first child into the world. Whitney is looking forward to a taking yearlong sabbatical from teaching, which she says “will probably involve even less writing or sleeping than I imagine.” Lelia LaGrasse Nichols is still living in Dallas and working as a Nurse Practitioner at UTSW with advanced heart failure patients. She says, “Between work and my kids (Cooper (3) and Dinny (6)), I’m staying busy!” Mary Rambin continues to live in Santa Monica and works as a branding and marketing strategist, serving to rebrand and build engaging websites for clients in both Los Angeles and Houston. Lisa Kaplan Rosenzweig is still living in San Antonio and working on the redevelopment of the former Pearl Brewery for Silver Ventures.

She has transitioned from the Hotel Emma project to a new office development. On the family front, Lisa and her husband Shawn are enjoying every minute with their son Reid (5) and daughter Drew (3), and are awaiting the arrival of baby #3 this June. Murphey Harmon Sears reports from Dallas, “Life is definitely getting fun, loud and crazy at the Sears house – baby boy #3 is due in mid-July! I’m crossing my fingers he arrives early like his big brothers, because I’m hoping for a firecracker baby on July 4th! Needless to say, we aren’t going anywhere this summer except into the baby bunker. I also just took a new job as the Chief Development Officer at Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, which raises funds for abused children.” Sarah Zeller Seelaus writes, “Ben and I welcomed our second child, Cooper Jack Seelaus, to the world on December 7, 2016 and Alice is proving to be an incredible big sister. Though we are asked on a daily basis if we are huge heavy metal fans, Alice Cooper was actually my grandmother’s name (“Gammy” to so many of you who knew her) and now her legacy lives on. We moved last year to New Jersey where Ben took over his father’s business in Summit and I still commute into the city to Sound Point Capital where I run marketing and investor relations. We have an upcoming trip to Turks and Caicos but beyond that we plan on spending the summer at home and adjusting to life with two.” Amy Spalding Urquhart and her husband Robert are having fun keeping up with their two kiddos Dean (almost 5) and Louise (2). Dean ’31 will be starting Pre-Kindergarten at Kinkaid in the fall and Louise will return to First Steps Montessori. Amy says, “Robert and I are looking forward to our trip to Spain in July, and then the whole family can’t wait to escape the Houston heat by heading up to northern Michigan in August. Other than that, you can find us poolside for the remainder of the summer!” The biggest news of the year for Shannon Feste Werme was the addition of their fourth child, Madison Jean Werme, who was born on December 27, 2016. Not surprisingly, Shannon didn’t have time to write much else! :) Traci Thompson White and her husband Caperton recently welcomed a daughter, Lillian Louise White, who was born on November 22, 2016. Besides being a mom to her son Payton (almost 4) and Lillian, Traci is still running her interior design firm, Traci White Designs. Your other class correspondent, Alyssa Gardner Kilpatrick, says she “can hardly wait to relax and toss the schedules aside this summer!” She, Brian, and their two little boys Foster (4) and Colin (2), plan to spend as much time as possible


in the water. In June, they joined Brian’s annual family vacation to the beaches of 30A in Florida. In August, they’ll make a first time visit to Boothbay, ME to do a little sailing and a lot of lobster eating with good friends.

Katherine Campbell Van Steenburgh, her husband Philip and their two children Campbell (3) and Chloe (1) moved back from Dubai this year and settled in Yarmouth Port, MA on Cape Cod. They are enjoying life in New England.

a commercial real estate firm in Houston. Outside of work, he stays busy chasing his daughter Ella (1) and tries to get on the water when he can. He and his wife Morgan celebrated four years of marriage in June.

As for me (Michel Miller Mullett), I continue to serve as the Client Services Manager for the Houston office of Thompson & Knight LLP. I have been with T&K for seven years now, and am grateful I’m not feeling itchy! ;) My husband Philip and I are looking forward to a fun summer chasing around our two daughters Charlotte (3) and Anna (18 months).

Chris Carlberg is happily working away in Minneapolis as a Senior Art Director at Carmichael Lynch. He recently helped create and launch a series of national TV spots for the new Subaru Impreza and he’s currently working on a campaign for Jack Link’s involving an eight-foottall Sasquatch. Chris lives with Sarah Abare, his wonderfully talented girlfriend of three and a half years.

Desiree Pipkins is excited to announce her engagement to Michael Day. They plan to wed in Washington, DC at President Lincoln’s Cottage in late summer. After proudly serving eight years with the Obama Administration, Desiree currently works in Business Development at Palantir Technologies.

Many thanks to our classmates who sent updates this year! As always, Alyssa and I loved hearing from our girls and remain impressed with everyone’s accomplishments, both personal and professional. Happy Summer!


Krystal Carter Houston, TX

Catherine Gutermuth Arlington, VA It was great to hear from so many members of the Class of 2001 this summer! Here’s what everyone is up to: Laura Askew has been in Denver for two and a half years now. She bought a house last year and is living with her two fur babies Luke and Zoe. Laura just accepted a new position at the VA as a Program Specialist working in Non-VA Care Contract Administration and is extremely excited about the job – and loving the Denver and Colorado life! Kameron Averitt Swithin reports that she and her husband are obsessed with their new daughter Mackenzie Marie who was born on October 24! Mackenzie loves spending time with her Auntie Walker Averitt! Kameron still works at Shell as Legal Counsel, supporting the LNG and Wind businesses as well as working on divestments and acquisitions. Walker Averitt left her healthcare career last summer and is now a realtor working with Better Homes & Gardens Gary Greene Memorial. She is absolutely loving the change and encourages everyone to reach out if they are in the market to buy or sell. She also bought and remodeled a home in Briargrove Park which she says has been a great challenge and lots of fun. Barrell Barbour Jones and her husband Jacob welcomed a new baby to their family on December 30 –Jacob “Jake” Barbour Jones. Barrell reports that Jake’s big sister Ivy (3.5) is loving her new role.

Krystal Carter is excited to announce that at the end of last year she launched Danny Kay Cloud, a full-service cloud computing consulting firm, which specializes in implementations. When she’s not working, she’s spending time with her family and helping Desiree Pipkins plan her upcoming nuptials. She’s also looking forward to joining Catherine Gutermuth as class notes reporter! Michael Constantiner reports, “My wife Laura and I had our first baby “Mikey” on Sunday, May 21st – just four hours before my own birthday! That’s the major news. The more normal news is that I now make toothpaste for a living and spend what little free time I have texting Matthew Rosenberg that Venice Beach is no real place to live and that he should move back to New York City so he doesn’t melt like a snowflake.” Johnny Forney is still living in Houston with wife Katie and their three kids. Sarah Herder Nathan is working as a Strategy and M&A Consultant for PwC. She and her husband recently moved to Denver. All is well with Iman Houston Farrior and family. Iman graduated from Rice Business with her MBA in May. She’s hoping to land a gig in real estate or working in strategy or operations for a vibrant company. In the meantime, she will be working on Funplugit – the company she co-founded in the Rice Entrepreneurship Lab. (See page 70 of this magazine for an alumni profile on Iman and her new company.) Otherwise, her husband James and three daughters Demi (3), Marli (3) and Lia (2) are happy to have her back home and are looking forward to a fun summer family trip! Eileen Jones is busy at work in LA, writing on season two of Lethal Weapon on FOX! Sarah Lucas Macready just finished her PhD in August 2016. She has taken a permanent position in the Politics Department at the University of Exeter in the UK. Todd Moore was recently named Director at Stan Johnson Company,

Matthew Rosenberg says, “After working at Vimeo, I said goodbye to New York and spent a year traveling with my girlfriend. We went all over Europe, Israel, Turkey, Mexico, the US and more. I eventually settled in LA, right by the beach in Venice. I’m now working on two projects – a virtual reality collaboration platform and a travel app. Check out to get more details.” Tyler Scharar and his wife Teresa are living in Annapolis, MD. Tyler is still in the Navy, working in DC. The Scharars are expecting twins in July! Laura Sheedy Pipkin and her husband Michael welcomed their first child Michael Jr. on October 14. They are thrilled to be a family of three. Laura is still enjoying her career as a Physician Assistant in dermatology in Houston. Brett Simchowitz reports, “I’m lucky to be doing well. I’m finishing my residency in internal medicine this year and starting a job as a hospitalist at Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston. My son Jonah is four and my wife and I just had another boy, Ari, in March.” Stacy Soefer moved back to Houston last year. Her brand marketing and promotional products business, Soefer Consulting, is going strong – and she just got engaged to her “Amor,” Luis and is planning their wedding in Punta Mita this fall! Laura Stephenson lives in London and got married to Oliver Kempton there in June. Kinkaid alums Sarah Herder Nathan, Kate McCormick Heinzer, Robin Lowe Clarkson, Kavita Rao, and Cole Stephenson ’03 attended the festivities! Blair Swick Andres reports, “Jon and I welcomed a new baby girl on May 19th. We are enjoying being a family of four now and big sister Emily is loving her new role! We still live in Charlotte, NC.” Katherine Tropoli Plumb and husband John are busy with their children Mary (5), Jack (3) and Kackie (2). Time has flown by – Mary starts Kindergarten in the fall! Katherine still enjoys working for Deloitte Tax as a Senior Manager in the Corporate Tax group.


David and Cabell Walker Wood are great! They are adjusting to life with two kids – their daughter Sutherland was born in December and Walker will be three in June. They are enjoying a fun summer. And I (Catherine Gutermuth) got engaged to Keith Muth this spring. We recently moved from San Francisco to Washington, DC where we’re getting married this December. I still work for LinkedIn as a Customer Success Manager. I’m also thrilled to welcome Krystal Carter as co-correspondent for the Class of 2001!


Ariana Nizza Chapman Houston, TX

Leslie Roemer Labanowski Houston, TX Liz Mims Bender has two children, Max and Rose, and she lives with her husband in Houston. Ariana Nizza Chapman and husband Dan moved back to Houston after Ariana graduated from New York University’s Stern School of Business with her MBA. Ariana works at PricewaterhouseCoopers as a consultant. Alicia Cho has been living in LA for the past 11 years. She is a food and product photographer. She got married May 6 in Topanga, CA. Emily Collins married Dr. Lance Blau in Houston this past May. They have been living in Youngstown, OH for the last three years while Lance finishes his surgical residency at a local hospital in the area. She is currently working at the JCC of Youngstown as the Program Manager and Camp Director. Laura Haas Davidson and husband Jamie are busy with their two boys. Ben was born on July 4, 2016, and big brother Luke (2 years) is very excited to have a playmate (but is still mastering the art of sharing). Laura has been a teacher for eight years and teaches English to high school students in Menlo Park. Jacquelyne Maddox Deegan lives in Houston and works at Francesca’s as a Vice President in the Merchandising Division over Jewelry, Gift and Footwear. Jacquelyne and her husband are enjoying traveling around the globe and are looking forward to an upcoming trip to Greece! Jon Funkhouser lives in LA and works for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He is a Senior Developer in Baseball Research & Development. Casey Williams Hedges and husband Will ’01 (fs) are living in Houston



Houston with her husband Adam and son James (18 months). Richard Sanborn is happily married to Erika Sanborn and they live at The Lofts on Post Oak. They just got back from a ski trip in Winter Park, which was amazing! Richard has been working as a Financial Advisor with Morgan Stanley Wealth Management with his father and sister in the Galleria Tower II for seven years. Richard is a member of the Galleria Tennis Athletic Center and enjoys playing tennis and golf. Kinkaid alums at Adam Huber’s wedding in May: Cole Stephenson ’03, Ian Newton ’03, Charles Choens ’03, Andrew Montgomery ’03, Adam Huber ’03, Brian Massingill ’03, Omeed Abedin ’03, Amir Mirabi ’91, Andrew Sarofim ’03)

with their two kids Henry (4) and Caroline (2). Henry ’31 will be starting at Kinkaid in the fall in the Pre-K class. Casey is working as a social worker at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital. Isla McConn Jornayvaz and her husband Joseph are living in Houston with their three boys, Joseph ’30 (5), Tommy (3) and Luke (1). Corinne Kendall continues to enjoy her job at the North Carolina Zoo overseeing a number of conservation and research projects at the zoo and in East Africa. She is getting married to Jamey Smoliga in August. Katie Klein lives in Tucson, AZ. After being a therapist and Clinical Director at Mirasol (a treatment center specializing in eating disorders), Katie is now the Director of Utilization Review. Katie continues to speak and present workshops on different therapeutic topics and is looking forward to traveling to Canada at the end of the year to present at the Association for Experiential Education conference. Katie continues to serve on the board of the Tucson chapter of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP). Katie is coming up on six years of sobriety and recovery on June 4th, which she is very proud of! She is loving life in beautiful Tucson with her dog Nikki. Lauren Bush Lauren is still living in NYC with her husband David and her son James (1 ½). She splits her time between motherhood and running FEED, her social business that aims to help feed hungry children around the world. FEED just opened its first Shop & Cafe in Dumbo, Brooklyn – so be sure to check it out next time you are in NYC! Clifton Levine is living in Los Angeles, although has been spending most of his time in San Diego since November. In November, Clifton became the VP of Finance for the San Diego Chargers (now Los Angeles Chargers) and is helping move the team to LA. He’ll be back in LA full


time at the end of June. Clifton got engaged to his girlfriend of five years, Elizabeth Betson, in January. Justin Levine lives in Houston and works at Levcor, Inc. as a Commercial Real Estate Developer and Investor. Taylor Liedtke is working at BBVA. He and his wife Devon are expecting twins this coming September. Chelsea Cunningham McDermott works as an interior designer at Chelsea Interiors. Chelsea got married in November 2016 to Christian McDermott. Melissa Miller and Bart McGuyer moved to the left coast near LA. They have a super chubby baby named Wesley Miller McGuyer (alias Mr. Cheeks). Bart’s building SkyNet for a social media company and Mel’s freelance editing. Michael Norton moved back to Houston this past August to start working at KIPP and he’s enjoying being back home. Kathleen Hinton Park lives in Houston and is expecting baby boy #2 in May 2017. Kathleen works with her husband at Luna Recovery Services, their Intensive Outpatient Addiction Treatment program. Corinne Pickett married Jeremy “Bird” DePrez on October 22, 2016 in La Quinta, CA. Less than a month later they moved to Kentucky full time for their car import business, Roadtrip Motorcars. Laura Altman Prewett lives and works in Baku, Azerbaijan with her husband. They’ve had an exciting year full of travel and welcomed their son, Levi Wayne Prewett, to the world in August 2016. Katie Hoffman Reyes and her husband Fredy live in Houston and just moved to Spring Branch about a year ago. They had their first child Hunter in July 2016. Hunter went with Katie and Fredy to the Kinkaid Reunion tour of the school. Liz Love Ross works as a clinical psychologist at TIRR. She lives in

Ted Sangalis has moved back to Houston after 15 years in New York City! Ted began working as corporate counsel for Rowan Companies, an offshore drilling company. Ted’s son Augustine turned two earlier this month, and Ted and his wife are expecting their second child later this year. They are currently looking for a home to accommodate their growing family. Cliff Schroff and his wife Marisa live in Olympia, WA with their three kids and a fourth kid on the way! Linda Gardner Schubert lives in San Diego with her husband and new baby boy Worth. She is working remotely as a recruiter for Glassdoor, a tech company based in San Francisco. Nancy Franklin Verly is a kindergarten teacher who plays with kids all day and returns home to three crazy kids, Sebastian (5), Olivia (3) and Reeves (1). She says, “I surround myself with craziness…haha!”


Anne Tropoli Kahle

Houston, TX Rachael Jones Berry is still working for Nicole Domercq Zarr ’87 at Triangle Interiors located in midtown. Jimmy and Rachael had their second child James on August 3, 2016. Frank Vargas is living in Sicily, Italy while working for the Department of the Navy. He and his wife Rachael and their two-year-old son Felix are enjoying the local culture and taking advantage of the opportunity to travel around Europe. Mary Beth Tyler was recently promoted to Technology Consulting Senior Manager with Accenture and is continuing to work with federal clients related to technical security risks and financial advising in Washington, DC. She recently adopted a love bug of a dog, Walnut, an eight year old mastiff. Over the summer, Mary Beth is training for a long distance ride – a 100-mile ride from DC to Dewey Beach in support of autism. Adelaide Zimmerman Emanuele is still living in LA and working at Cedars Sinai Medical Center as a Nurse

Practitioner. She and her husband Alex welcomed their first baby, Max, in March. They are thrilled and trying to master parenthood. Stephen Brewer and his wife Linden have a baby boy Tucker (17 months) and are expecting baby #2 in September. They bought their first house in January and live in west Houston. Stephen works in oil and gas services at Greene’s Energy Group and Linden is a Nurse Anesthetist at Houston Methodist West. Stephen and Brian Massingill recently went to an Astros game together and Brian said it was the most fun he had ever had. Martin Simchowitz is still working as an in-house attorney for Plains All American Pipeline in Houston. He and his wife Meghan are excited to be selling their house and building their new home in the Heights. Although it is still several months away, they are counting down the days to their upcoming winter holiday trip to Switzerland and Austria. Kelly Meyer Ransdell and her growing family have moved from Colorado and are living temporarily on the family farm in Round Top, TX. Baby Ransdell is due July 23! Kelly has been busy pursuing post-masters counseling training in eating disorders and personality differences. She also helps run the local branch of a national ministry called Jobs for Life that trains the unemployed and those in poverty in obtaining and keeping meaningful employment. Robert Wooten and his wife Jennifer welcomed son Reid Fehrer Wooten on January 21st. Everyone is doing great and his sister Davey (3) is slowly warming to the idea of having a baby brother. Ann-Marie Pouns Kaas currently works in Human Resources for Carter’s and moved to Hong Kong on an expat assignment last year. She and her husband are enjoying their time there and taking advantage of traveling Southeast Asia. They celebrated the New Year in Australia and traveled to Thailand this summer. They plan on staying in Hong Kong for the next 1-2 years. Kelly Eisenman Unger lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and two boys Hudson (3) and Graham (1). They keep her pretty busy but in her spare time she serves on the board of the Gordon Jewish Community Center and the National Council of Jewish Women. They have had some fun country music celebrity sightings around town! Lisa Frankel Lee and her husband Evan live in Houston. They had a baby boy named Henry Wyatt on September 8, 2016 and are totally over the moon in love with him. Henry loves playing with his eight cousins who all live in Houston!


In February Wakeford Thompson and his wife Elizabeth celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary, as well as their daughter Allie’s first birthday. Wakeford has worked at Post Oak Energy Capital for four years now and Elizabeth is working for Edgewater Ranzal Consulting.


Jordan Allison Boyce Houston, TX


KYPO Crackin’ Crawfish with Kel

April 8 at Kirby Ice House

Emily Catherine Jeter Riggs Houston, TX It has been a busy year for the Class of 2004! Ryan Borker got married on July 8th to Jackie Rogers in San Francisco, CA. Dr. Arjun Raman was a groomsman. Kirby Carlberg works at McGarrah Jessee in Austin on brands like Shiner Beer, Yeti, Frost Bank and SkinnyPop Popcorn.

Max Lents‘03 and Ian Newton ‘03 at their distillery, Baltimore Whiskey Company LLC

Ian Newton lives in Baltimore with Max Lents where in May of 2014 they founded Baltimore Whiskey Company LLC, a distillery which opened operations in November 2015. They are the majority partners of the LLC and are currently selling product in nearly 300 accounts across Maryland, Washington DC and Delaware. Also in the booze business, Douglas Constantiner is going on eight years in San Diego and runs his own brewery, Societe Brewing Company, which will celebrate its fifth anniversary this summer. His beer is sold in over 300 restaurants across San Diego, but unfortunately isn’t yet available outside of California. Douglas married in 2014 and he and his wife have one child, a sweet Golden Retriever. He invites anyone in the San Diego area to stop in for a visit. Omeed Abedin continues to organize an annual charity event called Corsa Vita benefiting Paul Walker’s charitable foundation “Reach Out Worldwide,” at the Formula 1 racetrack in Austin. Check it out: www. His documentary short film ( c o m / w a t c h ? v = P w j 6 _ U 0 PA E Q ) detailing the evolution of trackdays was also accepted into the Monterey Film Festival. And me (Anne Tropoli Kahle) and my husband Walker and son Augie (1.5) have recently bought a new house and are in the midst of renovations. We are excited to join a few other Kinkaid families on the block. We escaped the Houston heat this summer with trips to Nantucket and Vail.

Allison Monteith Evans and Will Evans ’03 moved back to Houston from Austin and welcomed baby girl Sloane in late December. Allison is still working with her company, Branch Basics. They are set to launch their new non-toxic home cleaning formula in the fall! Allison and Will are glad to be back in their hometown with their families!

Kel Mabatah ‘05 with Isaure Moorehead ’06

Valerie Grainger Henderson and her husband welcomed baby boy Walker on December 29, 2016. Valerie is still working at Baker Donelson doing commercial litigation. Last year Vince Grainger transitioned from the homebuilding industry to start his own home remodeling company, Envision Renovations. Envision Renovations work all over Houston and specializes in bathrooms and kitchens. People can check them out on Facebook or at

Brad Dinerstein ‘03, Brittany Bloom Dinerstein ‘07, Jenny Sangalis Tompkins ‘07, Brooke Grisebaum Powell ‘07

Meredith Pickett joined the Hillary Clinton Campaign in Brooklyn, NY and while the outcome wasn’t great, it was an amazing experience. Now, Meredith is working in New York and living in Brooklyn. Meredith loved spending time with her family at her sister’s wedding in California. Arjun Raman just finished up the M.D./Ph.D. program at UT Southwestern in Dallas. He and his wife recently moved to St. Louis, MO where he started his residency on July 1. Arjun is excited to enjoyed being a groomsman for one of our fellow ‘04 graduates Ryan Borker in July.

Anthony Harrison ‘05, Maggie Giles ‘06, David Chambers ‘09, Andrew Chambers ‘05, Hayner Rude ‘06, Ryan Sanders, Ashley Harrison

Aaron Weil, his wife Margaret and son Henry moved to Minneapolis, MN this past winter. Aaron started a new job at Cargill and Margaret is an attorney at Fredrikson & Byron. They are loving their new home in the Twin Cities. As for us: Emily Catherine Jeter Riggs works part time in fundraising along with raising her two-year-old daughter with her husband Ben Riggs ’02. Jordan Allison Boyce and her husband Beaumont were thrilled to welcome

Laura Messier, Catherine Clark Presley ‘05, Haley Robinson ‘05, Nisha & Rahul Agrawal ‘05



their baby boy Beau in December. Jordan is still working in Austin as an Academic Language Therapist at Rawson Saunders, a school for children with dyslexia.


Grace Lee Hofer

Fort Worth, TX


Kase Lawal

New York, NY From the Advancement Office: Congratulations to Maurice Lamb who graduated from South Texas College of Law in May. From the Advancement Office: Amanda Waddell has lived, worked and acted in and managed a theatre troupe in Japan over the past seven years since her graduation from University of Southern California. She recently got engaged to her Japanese boyfriend. They will be tying the knot in April 2018 in Japan.

Robert Bradley ‘08 along with his groomsmen, which included Eric Gemp ‘08, Kevin Clegg ‘08, Andrew Klein ‘08, Jeffrey Berman ‘08, Pierce Cohen ‘08

Following the excitement of our 10year high school reunion attended by more than half of the Class of 2007, this summer we are excited to share news of continually growing families, career changes and advancements, masters degrees, world travels, marriages and more. Erin Atmar Beckwith welcomed her baby boy Bennett William Beckwith on February 9! Big sister Miller is beyond thrilled with her new role. Austin Fatjo became a Mentor at Spring Spirit, a faith-based organization serving youth in the Spring Branch area. His mentee Cesar is nine years old and in the third grade. After graduating from Columbia Business School in May, Leila Ladjevardian moved to London this summer to begin her career in the Securities Division at Goldman Sachs. Last summer, Leila was nominated as Chair of UNICEF’s Next Generation, NY Chapter.

Maurice Lamb ‘06 graduated from South Texas College of Law in May


Lauren Lestin

Atlanta, GA

Lauren Marsh is still loving New York City and is still working at Ares, now as a Senior Associate. Julie Mackay Petry and her husband Jeff recently welcomed a second baby boy Barrett Hawkins Petry into the world on May 12. Their family of four is back in Michigan for the summer, looking forward to enjoying the lake and learning what life is like with two little boys! Their oldest

Serena Mammen Weber ‘08 at her wedding along with May Wang ‘08, Kayla Noel Grooms ‘08, Kristin Kingsbury ’08 (fs), Yurina Kodama ‘08 and Morgan Latin ‘08


Gracey Winters Howey, Sam Pouns and Jenny Sangalis Tompkins planned the Class of 2007 10 year reunion

son Boyd is busy being a big brother and will be two-years-old in August. Come September, they will pack up and head to Montreal, QC where they live during the hockey season.

Daugherty Realtors as a Sales Associate helping buyers and sellers with their residential real estate needs and was named one of 2017 Tootsies Fresh Faces.

Nelson Monteith is starting a healthy fast-casual restaurant in Austin called Honest Mary’s, serving warm grain bowls. He plans to be open this summer with a focus on making clean food as accessible and easy as possible.

Williams Simmons and his wife Paige welcomed a beautiful baby girl Raleigh to their family on March 15. Her big brother Jack is thrilled to have her here, as are her parents. William graduates from Harvard Business School this summer and he and his family will be moving back to Texas for work.

Sam Pouns is celebrating his fifth anniversary with Fritsche Anderson Realty Partners in Houston as a Tenant Rep Broker and served on the planning committee for the Class of 2007 10-year reunion party, which was a huge success with over half the class in attendance. He will also serve as President for the Kinkaid Young Professionals Organization for the 2017-2018 school year. Kate Rouzer is still dancing as a Principal with the Saint Louis Ballet Company and recently expanded her business, AntiGravity®STL Aerial Yoga & Suspension Fitness, to a second location in the city. After working as a Producer in Los Angeles for nearly 10 years Lexi Sakowitz moved back to Houston to be closer to family. She has been enjoying every minute of being back and becoming reacquainted with the city. Lexi works at John

John Spradling is graduating from the Stanford Graduate School of Business this year. He and his wife Miriam are moving to Dallas where he will be starting at a midstream-focused private equity shop, Tailwater Capital. The two are thrilled to be coming back to Texas and can’t wait to be closer to family and friends. Stephanie Frishberg Whitfield is living in Houston and working at KHOU 11 News. She is also expecting her first child this summer. As for me (Lauren Lestin), I have been living in Atlanta, GA for almost six years and recently accepted a new position as Director of PR for Ford Fry Restaurants, including State of Grace in Houston and BeetleCat, Marcel, Superica, The El Felix, St. Cecilia, King + Duke, The Optimist, No. 246 and JCT Kitchen in Atlanta.

Zac Hoffer ‘07 with his wedding party that included Kinkaid alums Robbie Zimmerman ‘07, John Spradling ‘07, Alex Hoffer ‘05, Max Hoffer ‘10, Faryan Jalalabadi ‘07, Samantha Hoffer ‘08, Ford Beckham ‘07


Thank you all for your submissions. I’m looking forward to hearing from each of you again in the coming months. Wishing you all a great summer! All my best, Lauren Lestin


Kirby Allison Los Angeles, CA

Mason Bashaw Clelland

Houston, TX Jason Adams recently left his day job and is freelancing full-time as a sound engineer in studios and venues around Los Angeles. As for non-work, fun activities – he founded, books and promotes a monthly concert series in downtown LA focused on experimental music. He and his friend have released a techno EP under the name “Chollas” and have started playing live shows around the city, and Jason is playing solo shows with him on weird, processed cello. Kirby Allison recently located to Los Angeles after being named Partner at public relations agency Jonesworks, where she has been working for the past five years. More importantly, she became a first time aunt in December to possible future Falcon Beau Boyce. Although she is probably biased, she thinks Beau is 100% the cutest baby on the planet. Xavier Beckwith completed his B.A. in Philosophy of Law and Ethics, completed M.S. in Education Policy, completed M.A. in Teaching, and will be soon enrolling in a doctoral program for Education Policy. Two years ago, he completed the construction of his new home. He was recently elected Vice President of the KIPP Pals Executive Board and

received the regional recognition for record breaking passing rates for 5th grade math at the KIPP Polaris Academy For Boys in consecutive years (broke his own record). He also served as head coach of their varsity football team, and led them to a championship appearance, and coached basketball successfully in a few different tournaments. He is now working his way towards educational and political leadership and will be teaching middle school math at Kinkaid, while head coaching middle school football and basketball. Xavier also looks forward to working with admissions and Upper School students. Over the past three years, he has created an extremely successful private practice, after becoming a certified public speaker and Teacher of Record, wherein he works with adults in presentation/ diction training and serves as an academic tutor, life skills coach and sports coach for students ages 9-18. Ryan Beiermeister recently moved to San Francisco (from DC) where she is continuing to head Product Development for Palantir Technologies, a $20b Silicon Valley company that deploys analytical software across military and intelligence communities. She was also a panelist at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women conference this year!! Emily Burke moved to Denver and is teaching and coaching 5th grade at St. Anne’s School. Beau Burns and his wife Anneli welcomed their first child last November – a beautiful baby boy named Winston. They’re living in Houston and he is working as a Financial Advisor at Baird. He also recently passed his CFP exam and is currently pursuing a Masters in Financial Planning. Mason Bashaw Clelland is working at James E. Bashaw & Co. as a Financial Advisor and really enjoys helping her clients of all ages with their goal setting, saving and

Class of 2010 alums at Walker Short’s wedding last spring - Daniel Tepper, Lauren Krell, Alex Cooper, William Krell, Kyrsti Harris Christensen, Stuart Grady, Abby Burns, Megan Blaney, Graham Gaylor and Julie Weil

investing and enjoying their retirement. She is finishing up a year of serving as the President of Young Catholic Professionals, a group that brings nearly 200 people together a month to hear from local Catholic executives. She and her husband Lane are loving living in Houston and hanging out with their dogs Rocky and Bullwinkle. Tiffani Couisnard spent the past several years working in the education sector. She is a Teach For America alumna and currently serves as the Manager of Special Operation for the Achievement School District in Memphis, TN. However, she will be moving to Houston soon to be closer to family. Matthew Evans proposed to his now-fiancé Candice Christine Griffith at her family’s home in St. Petersburg, FL in August 2016. He is busily working, sans wedding planner, to finalize all arrangements for their wedding, which will be this coming October 2017 in Houston, and has already completed arrangements for their two-week honeymoon to the St. Regis Bora Bora. Matthew also continues to work at Chevron on the same deep water, Gulf of Mexico project with completion of the project expected in 2018. He is also still instructing on the track for Porsche Club of America and is beyond excited that he has successfully coaxed both his mom and Candice to drive in events now as well! Chantal Fernandez is living in Park Slope, Brooklyn and is a writer for a fashion trade publication called Business of Fashion. This year she was a bridesmaid in Margaret Belchic Johnson’s wedding! Robert Fondren and his wife Cali welcomed their first son Robert E. Fondren III “Tres” in June 2016. They are currently living in Houston where he works as a Completions Engineer for EP Energy.


Eric Gemp graduated from Rice in May with his MBA and is traveling to SE Asia and Iceland before starting with Citi’s energy investment banking team in August. Jared Gooding is in Chicago working as a freelance theater lighting designer and managing the client bars for a DJ company, DJ Chicago. After meeting in college, Taylor Hendrix and his new wife Lauren finally got married in Birmingham, AL last October 29th. After getting back from their honeymoon in Hawaii, he went back to work as a Senior Associate in PwC’s M&A Tax group. She is a physical therapist at Methodist. Matthew Hussey got married in November to his beautiful bride Chelsey and they are living in OKC. Matthew is still working for Chesapeake. Margaret Belchic Johnson married in January in San Francisco with Jane Banos DeWalch and Chantal Fernandez (fellow Falcons) serving as bridesmaids! She is still happy working in the startup world! Andrew Klein is an Associate in the Houston office of Vinson & Elkins LLP. He enjoys spending time with his best friends, occasionally attending Club No Minor and catching every Astros game he can. Serena Mammen married her boyfriend of eight years, Max Weber! They honeymooned in Thailand. She is starting her final year in medical school this fall and will be applying to residency programs in psychiatry this fall. Jessica Messier is currently in her 5th year of Baylor College of Medicine’s MD/PhD program and there is no end in the foreseeable future. She is also engaged to fellow Falcon Charley Beall ’06 and they will be married in March 2018. Camille Panaccione recently got married to an amazing Canadian,

Class of 2011 girls (Madison Deal, Emily Beckham, Christine Sangalis, Madison Liebman, Lindsey Phillips, Haley Lockwood, Jennifer Orr, Isabel Ross and Mary Rodman Crawford) at classmate Katy Broesche Smyth’s wedding in May



Nathan Lozeron, at Rice University, her alma mater. It was a perfect day and they are happily living in Houston. He is adjusting to the Texas heat! Audrey Pyle is engaged to Robert Voss and her wedding is coming up on September 16th! She also recently earned a promotion at The Menninger Clinic and is now leading the quality team for the hospital. Kelly Putterman Tausend got married in March with many fellow Falcons by hers side! She and Alan are still living in Fort Worth. She is a nurse at Cook Children’s Medical Center. Kelly will begin pursing a masters degree in Nursing and Family Nurse Practitioner in August! Catherine Rickenbacker completed year one of the two-year full-time MBA program at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. Before starting her summer internship in NYC for PwC in healthcare consulting, she traveled to Beijing, Najing and Shanghai this spring for a strategy course and to Hong Kong in May for a Graduate Business Leaders Conference. Cat was elected president of the student body at Goizueta in February. She is also still loving life as the mom of golden retriever Penny, who is approaching her third birthday. Mark Sabbagh is in the middle of his MD/PhD at Johns Hopkins (3rd year PhD) in Baltimore, MD. He is studying how blood vessels acquire tissue-specific properties (e.g. bloodbrain barrier).

Memphis last August. It has been a great fit for her. She and her husband also adopted a puppy (Nellie) last summer who keeps them busy. Kristin attended Stephanie Gerow and Brandon Yeargan’s wedding in Davidson, NC on May 27 where she saw Serena Mammen Weber, CJ Rabey and Sarah Schuhmacher! Kelly Wilson is currently serving as Director, Corporate Responsibility at Warner Bros. Entertainment and works to bolster Warner Bros.’ commitment to creativity and community. Starting as an intern in 2012, Kelly’s contributions to driving the company’s core values of storytelling, inclusion and artistic freedom have evolved. As the youngest Director at WB, she now oversees cause marketing campaigns, strategic partnerships and works to develop new community initiatives shaping the overall corporate responsibility strategy. Kelly’s passion for giving and the protection of children’s rights has led her to UNICEF NextGen, where she serves currently as Chair of the Los Angeles Steering Committee.

currently has a geology internship at Antero Resources in Denver and is loving it. Music, hiking, skiing and other outdoor activities have been abundant and life seems to be good. Still waiting on that letter from Mr. Howe that we wrote to ourselves, which he said he would send 10 years later. Thankfully it hasn’t been 10 years yet! Melanie Rosin graduated from the University of Michigan Law School in December. She passed the Texas Bar Exam and was sworn in as a licensed attorney by Judge Lee Rosenthal (pictured). Melanie interned for Judge Rosenthal during Interim Term when she was a senior at Kinkaid! Melanie recently started working in the Houston office of Kirkland & Ellis LLP as a Tax Associate. On June 3, 2017 Devon Harris married Cameron Rothlisberger. They are currently living in Arizona where Devon is teaching 5th and 6th grade Special Education.

Finally, Kunal Pasrija is working for Uber and recommends using the code “HOUOFFICE” for 15$ off your first UberEATS if you haven’t tried it yet.

Kirby Gilbert

Austin, TX The Class of 2012 had a great time at our five year reunion. The reunion was held at Capone’s and there was a great turn out! It was exciting to catch up with old friends and hear what everyone has been up to.

Alanna McAuley

Seattle, WA


Evan Henke

Lauren Scheinin just completed the first year of her MBA at SMU. She is working as a Marketing Associate in the Retail Product Groups subsidiary of NCH Corporation in Dallas this summer and will graduate in May 2018.

New York, NY After returning from Italy, Evan Henke made his company debut with Utopia Opera in two fully staged productions and is still living and working in NYC.

Melanie Rosin ‘10 was sworn in as a licensed attorney by Judge Lee Rosenthal, a Kinkaid parent of alums who Melanie interned for during Interim Term of her senior year at Kinkaid

Kristin Wilkinson Wescott started working as an Account Executive at an advertising agency in downtown

Walter Nelson lives in Denver, CO and has finished the first of two years in the MS program for Geology at the Colorado School of Mines. He


Avery Geisler

St. Louis, MO

Harry Hantel

New York, NY We are very sad to report that our classmate Damion Dunn passed away this June in a motorcycle crash. He will be greatly missed by all of us. His obituary is included in the “In Memory” section on page 90 of this magazine. Samantha Siegler completed her first year of law school! Way to go, Samantha!


Eleni Angelides is hard at work for a Democrat in the House of Representatives in Washington, DC.



Members of the Class of 2013 gathered together in Austin after UT graduation ceremony.

Duncan Robinson ‘12 was named Minor League Pitcher of the Month for May by the Chicago Cubs.

Ricky Perusquia and Christine Sangalis are engaged and will be getting married in 2018. Congratulations! Ricky is also enrolling at Darden Business School at University of Virginia in the fall. Double congratulations!

Clemmie Pierce just finished her first year as a member of Teach for America. She taught fourth grade at KIPP Shine Prep in Houston. She will continue at the same school next year teaching second grade. This summer she will be travelling to Mexico, Italy, Belize and Rhode Island! Catherine Frank and Kate Beeler also spent the year teaching in Austin and Houston. Kate will be the chairperson for the special education program and teach special education at Memorial Elementary School in HISD next year. Catherine will be teaching first grade next year at Hill Elementary. Blake Masterson is working in DC with a wealth management company. He is enjoying living in DC and catching up with the other Kinkaid alums in the area. Madeline Gould contributed to a published article this year for the UT Energy Institute’s Full Cost of Electricity Study. She just finished her first year of grad school and is interning for the second summer at Clean Line Energy Partners in Houston. Reed Hash is working at Torchy’s Tacos Corporate in the legal department helping to negotiate new location leases and vendor contracts.



program in the same academic year. Shortly after this amazing performance, Raevyn was also named the NCAA Women’s National Outdoor Track Athlete of the Year.

Andrew Jacobe ‘15 (middle) holding the SEC Golf Championship trophy won by the Vanderbilt Commodores this past season Raevyn Rogers ‘14 at the NCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships

He just complete his first year at UT law school. Hope everyone is having a great summer! From the Advancement Office: Matthew Orr recently received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program award in Russia from the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. He will support the teaching of English at Udmurt State University in Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russia as part of the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship. Matthew is one of over 1,900 U.S. citizens who will conduct research, teach English, and provide expertise abroad for the 2017-2018 academic year through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.

the potential for treating bacterial infections—and saving lives. Their winning submission was entitled “Novel Proteins to Fight Superbug Bacterial Infections”. Zach and his team share a strong interest in addressing the growing global threat of bacterial infections caused by antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.”


Haley Ebel

From the Advancement Office: Duncan Robinson is a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs minor league team and was named the Cubs’ Minor League Pitcher of the Month for May.

Elon, NC The Class of 2014 is up to big things yet again. Alina Valera just graduated from UT Austin with her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. The last we spoke, she was in the thick of the job application process and is hoping to get into Human Resources. She has loved her time at UT, where she spent her spare time doing lots of extra curricular activities from intramural volleyball to Krav Maga and ballroom dancing.


Charlie Raty is doing mathematics research at Indiana University’s REU. She will be working with the

Mathematics of Natural Language Processing, which is how computers understand human language and reasoning to develop a way to translate human reasoning into logic in a way that computers and humans can both understand. Sam Schwager stays busy during the year with his major in Mathematical and Computational Sciences and tutoring. He tutored Spanishspeaking Stanford maintenance workers in English and low-income students from East Palo Alto in math and reading. This summer he will be interning with a tech start up in Silicon Valley through the Mayfield Fellows program that he is apart of.

From the Advancement Office: When Mavin Saunders isn’t playing football at Florida State, he can be found mentoring and tutoring students at Riley Elementary School in Tallahassee. He has been doing this for over a year and half, without many even knowing about it. The elementary school awarded Mavin’s efforts with an Outstanding Adult Volunteer Award in April. What an inspiration he is to those students and to us!

2015 Need volunteer

From the Advancement Office: Andrew Jacobe was awarded the Loomis Academic Award at Vanderbilt University this spring. Andrew was also part of the Vanderbilt Commodores golf team, which won the SEC Championship this past season.


I look forward to hearing what the rest of our class does this summer!

Need volunteer

From the Advancement Office: Raevyn Rogers had a record-breaking weekend at the NCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships in June. She made history as the first three-time NCAA 800m outdoor champ, and has now won five straight NCAA 800m titles between indoors and outdoors. Raevyn also anchored the collegiate record-setting 4x400m relay to clinch the NCAATF Championship for the Oregon Ducks. The Ducks made history by running to the first Triple Crown of titles by an NCAA women’s


Ellee Dukes Austin, TX

Jake Reinbolt Dallas, TX If you would like to volunteer to be the class notes correspondent for your grade, please contact Alexa Leach ’09 at alexa. or 713-243-5054.

Marissa Smith Austin, TX From the Advancement Office: Zach Rosenthal is one of three members of Stanford University’s Team Lyseia, which won the $10,000 LemelsonMIT Student Prize in the “Cure it!” category for their work in developing a novel protein therapeutic with

Ava McBath ‘13 and Jenna McGaw ‘13 at UT Graduation in May

Class of 2017 girls on their graduation trip to Europe



Birth Announcements


Adam Rahman, 2016 Shad Rahman ’98 and wife Amina

Reid Fehrer Wooten, January 21, 2017 Robert Wooten ‘03 and wife Jennifer

Lyla Rose Robin, March 30, 2016 Jeff Robin ’98 and wife Elisa

Raylan Bennett Fontaine, January 24, 2017 Cartter Fontaine ’06 and wife Susan

Henry Wyatt Lee, September 8, 2016 Lisa Frankel Lee ’03 and husband Evan

Lawson Edward Leavitt, January 30, 2017 Lewis Leavitt ’96 and wife Lindsay

Michael Weldon Pipkin, Jr., October 14, 2016 Laura Sheedy Pipkin ’01 and husband Michael

Jack Anthony Creel, February 7, 2017 Chris Creel ’00 and wife Lindsey

Mason Reid Morehouse, October 18, 2016 Jeff Morehouse ’98 and wife Ashlee

Charles Fox Gordon, February 8, 2017 Matt Gordon ’99 and wife Whitney

Mackenzie Marie Swithin, October 24, 2016 Kameron Averitt Swithin ’01 and husband Eric

Bennett William Beckwith, February 9, 2017 Erin Atmar Beckwith ’07 and husband John

Winston Jacques Burns, November 2, 2016 Beau Burns ‘08 and wife Anneli

Wren Mayfield Colthart, February 10, 2017 Chris Colthart ’90 and wife Lara Bank

Eiland Elizabeth Leavitt, November 2016 Chris Leavitt ’98 and wife Sarah

Collins Catherine Reckling, March 6, 2017 Matthew Reckling ’08 and wife Caroline

Lily Ann Sanchez, December 11, 2016 Susan Allender ’98 and husband Sam Sanchez

James Thomas Moseley, March 11, 2017 Ashley Harcrow Moseley ’05 and husband Seth

Harrison McQueen Easterling, December 22, 2016 Christian Easterling ’98 and wife Kate

James Copeland Rhea V, March 13, 2017 Lauren Schall Rhea ’02 and husband Copeland

William Wyatt Currie, January 6, 2017 Katie Decker Currie ’06 and husband Mitchell ’06

Raleigh Paige Simmons, March 15, 2017 William Simmons ’07 and wife Paige

Neill “Grey” McGuiness, January 9, 2017 Hayden Lasher McGuiness ’05 and husband David

Maxwell Robert Emanuele, March 24, 2017 Adelaide Zimmerman Emanuele ’03 and husband Alex



Katherine Anne Weathers, March 29, 2017 Walter Weathers ’89 and wife Ashley

Daniel “Danny” Bering Dubrowski, May 8, 2017 Bevin Bering Dubrowski ’00 and husband Dan

Ari Simchowitz, March 2017 Brett Simchowitz ’01 and wife Mariel

Ellie Grace Brollier, May 9, 2017 John Brollier ’06 and wife Lauren

Rose Elizabeth Nikodem, April 13, 2017 Bridget Murphy Nikodem ’97 and husband Greg

Sarah Elizabeth Hilgers, May 12, 2017 Laura Wheless Hilgers ’99 and husband Steve

Presley Elizabeth Fitch, April 17, 2017 Grayson Fitch ’98 and wife Kristi

Barrett Hawkins Petry, May 12, 2017 Julie Mackay Petry ’07 and husband Jeff

Cecelia Cloud Laconte, April 17, 2017 Mary Ann Voigt Laconte ’99 and husband Matt

Danielle Shay Andres, May 19, 2017 Blair Swick Andres ’01 and husband Jon

Isla Spencer Roemer and Lamar Burton Roemer III “Tripp”, April 17, 2017 L.B. Roemer ’98 and wife Mallory

Rowan Wesley Park, May 19, 2017 Kathleen Hinton Park ’02 and husband Robert

John Detering Phillips “Jack” Milam and William “Wells” Armstrong Milam, April 18, 2017 Cassie Detering Milam ’04 (fs) and husband John

Charles “Chase” Wayman Young, April 19, 2017 Kelley Chapoton Young ’94 (fs) and husband Donnie

Helen Marie Colelli, April 20, 2017 Katie Austin Colelli ’98 and husband Stephen

Michael “Mikey” Dubrish Constantiner, May 21, 2017 Michael Constantiner ’01 and wife Laura

John “Peyton” Kamrath, May 31, 2017 Jeff Kamrath ’00 and wife Ginger

Eloise Tofsky, May 2017 Jason Tofsky ’04 and wife Courtney

Lara Lakshmi Batavia, April 24, 2017 Nirav Batavia ’99 and wife Keerthy

Patrick Joseph Strain, April 25, 2017 Angela Sellin Strain ’98 and husband Matt

Jules Grace Stillwell, May 7, 2017 Bobby Stillwell ’96 and wife Alex 85



Emily Collins Blau ‘02 and husband Lance

Katy Broesche Smyth ’11 and husband Trevor

Alicia Cho ‘02 and husband Benjamin King

Byron Langford ‘07 and wife Vivian

Mary Katherine Rathmell Cummins ‘08 and husband Jim ‘07


Kelly Putterman Tausend ‘08 and husband Alan

Charles Brodsky ‘99 and wife Colleen

Corinne Pickett DePrez ’02 with father and retired Lower School teacher Peter Pickett, mother Corinne Pickett, husband Jeremy DePrez and sister Meredith Pickett ‘04

Alexandra Gol-Chambers ’10 and husband Will Galleher

Camille Panaccione ‘08 and husband Nathan Lozeron

Corinne Pickett ’02 & Jeremy DePrez October 22, 2016

Kelly Putterman ’08 & Alan Tausend March 4, 2017

Ryan Dornak & James Sanders ’05 November 12, 2016

Hollister Hover ’07 & John Whaling March 11, 2017

Robyn Uzick & Zac Hoffer ’07 January 7, 2017

Katie Mize ’06 & Mike Belleville March 11, 2017

Rachel Katz & Zack Schneider ’04 January 14, 2017

Lindsey Lechler & Henry Humphries ’07 March 18, 2017

Hallie Rambie & Robert Bradley ’08 January 14, 2017

Chantel Brock & Walker Short ’10 March 25, 2017

Laura Speck & Derek Brown ’96 January 14, 2017

Mary Katherine Rathmell ’08 & Jim Cummins ’07 March 25, 2017

Margaret Belchic ’08 & Nick Johnson January 28, 2017

Lee Simon ’08 & Nicolas Cersosimo March 25, 2017


Lee Simon Cersosimo ‘08 and husband Nicolas

Whilden Halverson ‘10 and wife Shelby

Margaret Belchic Johnson ‘08 and husband Nick

Serena Mammen Weber ‘08 and husband Max

Zac Hoffer ‘07 and wife Robyn

Adam Huber ’03 and wife Rebecca

Walker Short ‘10 and wife Chantel


Zack Schneider ‘04 and wife Rachel

Robert Bradley ‘08 and wife Hallie, along with their wedding party, which included Catherine Bradley ’05, Eric Gemp ’08, Kevin Clegg ’08, Andrew Klein ’08, Jeffrey Berman ’08 and Pierce Cohen ‘08

Alexandra Gol-Chambers ’10 & Will Galleher March 31, 2017

Serena Mammen ’08 & Max Weber May 13, 2017

Camille Panaccione ’08 & Nathan Lozeron April 8, 2017

Shelby Gann & Whilden Halverson ’10 May 20, 2017

Colleen Gaido & Charles Brodsky ’99 April 22, 2017

Stephanie Gerow ’08 & Brandon Yeargan May 27, 2017

Vivian Heard & Byron Langford ’07 April 22, 2017

Katie Klein & Philip Morgan ’05 May 27, 2017

Christina Pappas ’98 & William Boffa April 22, 2017

Katy Broesche ’11 & Trevor Smyth May 28, 2017

Alicia Cho ’02 & Benjamin King May 6, 2017

Rebecca Romero & Adam Huber ’03 May 28, 2017

Emily Collins ’02 & Lance Blau May 6, 2017

Share your milestone with us! Please send them to Manager of Alumni Activities Alexa Leach ’09 at



In Memory Catherine “Caty” Asenath Whiteford ’76 passed away on December 28, 2016. After Kinkaid, she spent a year in Germany as an American Field Service student and lived with two different families. Upon her return home she entered Stanford University. After her freshman year she transferred to Evergreen College to study organic agriculture and traveled in New Zealand, Tasmania and Australia in pursuit of her studies in growing organic produce. She took the most difficult course at Evergreen, Energy Systems, and did very well. After graduating from Evergreen College in 1986, she pursued her interest in organic produce, studied theater and had various careers – floral arrangements and weddings, home care, and working for the Washington State government program for students visiting the capital. Caty lived on a farm in Chehalis, WA. She is survived by her long-time partner Rod Sceva; parents Peter Whiteford and Louise Whiteford; siblings Peter Whiteford, Jr. ’72 (fs), Pamela “Pam” Whiteford Williams ’73 (fs) and William Kepler “Kep” Whiteford ’74 (fs); and several other aunts, uncles and cousins, including aunt Carol Grisham Howenstine ’75. Reena Candis ’73 passed away on February 28, 2017. She attended the University of Texas as well as Trinity University, and earned a bachelor degree in English and History from Houston Baptist University. Reena’s love of travel began at an early age – she traveled the world with her grandparents and parents throughout her life, and she always had stories she loved to tell about their adventures. Reena was a lifelong member of Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral in Houston and a supporter of The Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Galveston. She loved her rescue dog Maggie Mae. Reena is survived by many cousins and extended family members. Former Lower School Teacher Kay Van Hoy Lamar passed away on March 6, 2017. Kay attended the University of Georgia and was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. During her life, Kay lived in Atlanta, Dallas and then Houston. She dedicated her life to teaching. Her gift was teaching children to explore their imaginations and to believe in themselves. Upon moving to Houston, she taught elementary school at Memorial Drive Elementary and Kinkaid. Kay taught third grade at Kinkaid for ten years. Her classroom was known as a vibrant center for reading, writing, mathematics and drama. She wanted her students to fall in love with reading and continue to read for pleasure throughout their lives. She was also often found in the audience at student recitals, stage performances and sporting events. Kay is survived by her daughter Stacy; her son Bill; and her granddaughter. Former College Counselor Susan Odom Cashman passed away on March 13, 2017. After graduating from Shreveport’s Byrd High School in 1964, Susan moved to Houston, working at Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation. Susan traveled the world with her husband Ray before settling into a career as a college counselor at Kinkaid. After her husband’s death in 1994, Susan moved back to Shreveport to care for her mother, and then moved to live near her son and his family, first in Ohio and then Indiana. An early adopter of social media, Susan was a voracious user of Facebook. Susan was preceded in death by her husband Ray D. Cashman, Sr. (fs). Susan is survived by her son Ray D. Cashman, Jr. ’89; her two granddaughters; her brother John S. Odom, Jr.; and a host of brothers- and sisters-inlaw from her Cashman family, including Julie Cashman McAshan ’57, Ceil Cashman Watwood ’59 (fs) and John Cashman (fs). Thomas Aylmer “Dwyer” McNeese ’58 passed away on March 14, 2017. He graduated from Washington and Lee University, and then went on to receive a law degree from The University of Texas. After law school, Dwyer joined the law firm of Fulbright, Crooker, Freeman, Bates & Jaworski


and was sent to Mexico in the summer of 1965 to head the firm’s Mexico desk. He matriculated into The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the largest university in Latin America, and learned Spanish as he obtained an additional law degree. Upon graduating from the UNAM, Dwyer petitioned Mexico’s Supreme Court for the right to practice law in Mexico and subsequently became one of the first foreign-born attorneys licensed in that country. Dwyer worked for two firms there before founding his own firm, Sesma, Sesma & McNeese. He also served on the board of various multinational companies, worked for the United States government and served as president of the American Benevolent Society in Mexico City. Dwyer is survived by his wife of almost 48 years, Nancy Ellen Dalton McNeese; his son Thomas Aylmer Dwyer McNeese II; his sister Dr. Margaret Carter McNeese ’63; a grandson; and two nieces. Mary Catherine Coates ’86 passed away in late March 2017. She attended St. Edwards University and Southwestern University. She put her degree to good use, worked hard and contributed to society until she was no longer able. Mary Catherine lived in Austin, and enjoyed visiting the dog parks, swimming pools and hiking trails. She loved her dog Odin. Mary Catherine is survived by her husband Ron Lattanzio; her sisters Carolyn Coates ’82 (fs), Cindy Coates Lubetkin ’83 and Karen Coates Porter ’87 (fs); her father Charles S. Coates; several nieces and a nephew, including Ava ’18 and Marilyn Lubetkin ’20 (fs); aunts and uncles; her step-mother Ann Coates; her step-siblings Tod Heesch ’85 and Kristi Heesch ’84; and many cousins and extended family members. Samuel “Sam” Ellis Dunnam IV ’50 (fs) passed away on April 10, 2017. After attending Kinkaid, he finished high school at Woodberry Forest School in Virginia. Sam received a B.A. in Philosophy from Southern Methodist University. At SMU, he participated in the Air Force ROTC and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. He was called to active duty in 1954 and served as an Intelligence Officer at Headquarters, 2nd Air Force, in Shreveport, LA until 1956. Following his service, Sam attended Rice University and received a Masters Degree in Philosophy, and then the University of Chicago to pursue a Ph.D. in Philosophy. Upon finishing his coursework, Sam and family moved to Austin. Sam continued his studies there but eventually decided to pursue a career in business and real estate development. In 1980, Sam founded Centex Communications, Inc., a mobile communications company with branches in Austin, San Antonio and Houston. Sam and his wife Val shared a passion for nature and enjoyed hiking and camping. Sam participated in many civic organizations in the Austin area. Sam was preceded in death by his brother James Dunnam. He is survived by his wife Valerie Dunnam; his brother Robert Dunnam; his children Greig Dunnam, Jeffrey Dunnam, Virginia Dunnam Lahourcade and Russell Dunnam; and many grandchildren, including Emily Lahourcade ’12, Rob Lahourcade ’17 and Sam Lahourcade ’10. Former Trustee Presley Ewing “Chip” Werlein III passed away on May 13, 2017. He graduated from Lamar High School and attained a B.B.A. in Accounting from The University of Texas. During his time at UT, he became a Texas Cowboy and a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Chip and his partner, Victor Harris, started the accounting firm Werlein and Harris in 1978, where he served as President until his death. Chip served on countless boards over the years, including The Kinkaid School, where his daughters attended school for 15 years; the Board of Directors at Greater Houston Preservation Alliance; and the Foundation for Teen Health. Chip had many passions, most notably fishing and music, especially jazz and blues. Chip was preceded in death by his sister Patricia Werlein. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Tetine Sentell Werlein, and his two daughters Mary Sinclair “Clair” Werlein ’96 and Kathryn Sentell Werlein ’03.


Dr. Benjamin Richard “Dick” Respess, Jr. ’66 passed away on May 16, 2017. While at Kinkaid, Dick graduated with honors and was active as member of the football, soccer and golf teams and in student government. He lettered in football and was a captain of the soccer team, achieving all-conference status in both sports. He then graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in Biology, where he lettered in football as an exceptional Center. He was invited to a tryout with the New York Giants football team. Dick was in the very first class in 1975 to graduate with an M.D. from the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. He practiced emergency room medicine for 42 years, participated in extensive medical research, particularly with stem cells and producing break-through procedures for their use in curing cancer, and he developed an all-natural burn and wound cream – Regenaderm. In 1991, with his expertise and love of automobile racing, Dick led the renovation of the Texas World Speedway in Bryan-College Station. He started a composites manufacturing business, Respess Composites, Inc., which developed a high-performance all-composite car called Consulier, a car that Chrysler Corp. had an interest in acquiring. He was retained by the Russian government under President Boris Yeltsin to analyze the potential revitalization of the Russian automobile industry. Dick’s other interests included sailing, golf, car racing, sports and music. He loved attending SMU and Dallas Cowboys football games and Dallas Stars hockey games. Dick is survived by his wife of 34 years, Elizabeth “Liz” Respess; his sister Alice Respess Splawn ’63; and his beloved bulldog Portia. Donations may be made in Dick’s memory to the The Kinkaid School Scholarship Endowment Fund. Nancy Park Wheless ’40 (fs) passed away on May 18, 2017. In addition to Kinkaid, she attended McGregor Elementary and Lamar High School. Nancy graduated from The University of Texas where she was a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She and husband Meade built Marymeade Guest Ranch in Hunt, TX, and then moved to Houston where Meade began his career in ranching and Nancy became involved in the Junior League and in raising a growing family. They eventually moved full time to Cinco Ranch, and many Houstonians have memories of the fishing, duck hunts, pigeon shoots and rice well swims that Nancy and Meade hosted. After many years, they returned to Houston and Nancy became an active volunteer in many community groups, including St. Luke’s Methodist Church, where she and Meade were recently recognized as the church’s longest married couple having been wed for 72 years. Nancy loved to travel, and she and Meade explored the globe in their later years. Nancy was preceded in death by her brothers Dr. David Riggs Park and James Howard Park III. She is survived by her husband William Meade Wheless, Jr.; her sister Patricia Park Neuhaus; her children: Trustee William “Bill” Meade Wheless, III, David Brownell “Brownie” Wheless (wife Annie – Lower School Teacher), Robert “Bob” Frederick Wheless, Nancy Wheless Zimmerman and Patty Wheless Hoban ’81; many grandchildren, including Sarah Wheless Murrin ’90, William Meade Wheless IV ’93, Laura Wheless Hilgers ’99, Mary Kay Wheless Hunt ’85, David Wheless, Jr. ’06, Claude Wheless ’08 (fs), Nancy Wheless ’09 (fs), Hannah Wheless ’22, Elise Zimmerman Wright ’01, Adelaide Zimmerman Emanuele ’03; sixteen great-grandchildren, including Philip Murrin, Jr. ’16 (fs), Abigail Hilgers ’29, Anna Clarie Hilgers ’31; and many more family members, many of whom attended or attend Kinkaid. Former Lower School Teacher Ann Marie Peebles Marsau passed away on May 22, 2017. Ann graduated from Wewoka High School and then attended the University of Oklahoma. While attending OU, Ann was an active member of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority and was also a cheerleader. She graduated in 1956 with a degree in Elementary Education. After college, Ann and husband Clyde lived in Manassas, VA, where Clyde had been stationed at the Pentagon with the United States Army, and then moved west and settled in Roswell, NM. Shortly following her move to Houston in 1979, Ann began teaching at Kinkaid. She taught Kindergarten for 19 years and cherished her time at the School. In 1996, Ann and Clyde retired to

April Sound on Lake Conroe. Ann was an impressive athlete and an avid tennis player and sportsman throughout her life. She was also a talented artist and focused on oil painting, specializing in depicting dogs. Ann also enjoyed singing and performed in a local chorale for many years. Ann was preceded in death by her brother Richard. She is survived by her husband Clyde Marsau; her sister Judy Wood; her sons Michael Marsau and Scott Marsau; several grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter. Michael Eugene Hunter ’66 (fs) passed away on May 30, 2017. After attending Kinkaid, he attended and graduated from Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua, NY. Michael then went on to receive both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. During his years in Connecticut, he taught at Fairfield Country Day School and The Phoenix School. Michael was passionate about church music. He was a gifted organist, choirmaster and countertenor. He served churches in Middletown, Southport, Greenfield Hill, Fairfield and Easton, CT. He sang in the choirs at St. Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue in New York City and Christ Church and St. Mary’s in New Haven, CT. In 1999 he moved to Tampa and became active at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church where he eventually served as the Director of Music and Organist until his retirement in 2016. He was a member of both the American Guild of Organists (for which he recently completed a term as Regional Councilor) and the Association of Anglican Musicians (he was Chair of their national conference in Tampa in 2015). Michael was preceded in death by his brother Steve Hunter. He is survived by his cousin Darlene Oliver Moore and her family. A Memorial Celebration of Life will be held in Tampa, FL on August 19. Visit for further service details. Dr. Robert Alexander Johnston Jr. ’48 (fs) passed away on May 31, 2017. In addition to Kinkaid, Robert attended River Oaks Elementary School and finished school at Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, Co. due to life-threatening asthma. Bobby thrived in Colorado playing football and hiking the mountains. Dr. Johnston attended Princeton University and Baylor Medical School. He then attended Johns Hopkins Medical School where he attained his MD. After an internship at Johns Hopkins Hospital, a residency at Stanford Lane Hospital and a fellowship in Endocrinology at Johns Hopkins Hospital, he returned to Houston and joined eight other physicians to found the Medical Clinic of Houston (MCH) in 1968, (known then as the Sunset Clinic). Dr. Johnston retired from practice on June 30, 2000. He set an example of selfless service and sensitivity when dealing with his patients. Bobby was a sports fanatic and had a fun sense of humor. He was preceded in death by his sister Marie Jo Johnston Willoughby ’41 and his son Robert A. Johnston III ’75 (fs). He is survived by his wife, Nancy Burford Johnston; his son Thomas Marion Johnston ’79 (fs); his daughter Sallie Johnston; two grandchildren; the mother of his children Carol Smith Johnston ’50; three step-children; and five step-grandchildren. Nina Suzanne Nelms Lyons ’71 (fs) passed away on June 2, 2017. After attending Kinkaid, Nina graduated from Lamar High School. She then graduated from Southwestern University. After college, Nina and husband Jack lived in Midland for two years before making their permanent home in Houston. Nina and Jack have been involved with the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo for over 35 years. Nina was a member of the Quarter Horse Committee and served as vice chairman from 1998-2000. She became a lifetime committeeman in 2008. Nina proudly supported Jack as he served as chairman of the board for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo from 2015-2017. Nina was also a member of Amigas Para Ninos, Ladies of the Rodeo Society, the Junior League of Houston, River Oaks Country Club and Garden Club of Houston. Nina was preceded in death by her brother Frank Chadwick “Chad” Nelms ’70 (fs). She is survived by her mother Suzanne Rodgers Nelms; her husband of 41 years, Jack; her children Chad Lyons, Allen Lyons and Sara Lyons Patten; and four grandchildren.



In Memory Former Trustee Frank Taylor “Chip” Webster ’66 (fs) passed away on June 3, 2017. After attending Kinkaid, he went to the New Mexico Military Institute and spent his summers working for Webster Drilling Company. Chip graduated from Texas Christian University’s Neeley School of Business and received his Master of Business Administration from TCU. Chip was also a graduate of the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking at Southern Methodist University. He joined First City National Bank of Houston in 1972 and served for 20 years in various corporate lending roles. He had his own advisory firm, Webster & Co. and later joined Arthur Andersen, LLP where he was a partner in the energy corporate finance division. He and other Andersen associates joined Duke Capital Partners, a business unit of Duke Energy, where he served as EVP, President and CEO. Chip joined Adams Resources & Energy, Inc. in 2004 where he served as President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Executive Officer and Director until 2015. Chip served in numerous civic, educational and energy industry positions, including with Texas Children’s Hospital, The Kinkaid School, Tanglewood Homes Association, the Houston Producers’ Forum, The Petroleum Club of Houston and the TCU Houston Business Network. Chip was a member of Second Baptist Church, where he served on the Pastor’s Prayer Team. He was preceded in death by his sister Claudette Webster Roush. Chip is survived by his wife of 35 years, Elizabeth McKay Webster; his children Frank Taylor “Chipper” Webster, Jr. ’91 (fs) (SPC-U. S. Army), Alison Webster Colvin ’94, Douglas McKay Webster ’01 (fs), Emily Webster Wahl ’04 (fs) and William Richard Webster ’06 (fs); several grandchildren; his sister- and brother-in-laws, including Mallory McKay Callaway ’84 and Emily McKay Sullivan ’81; nieces and nephews, including Connor Sullivan ’15 and Reese Sullivan ’18; cousins, godsons and many other extended family members; many of whom attended Kinkaid. Cecile LaFleur Flude Hardin ’59 passed away on June 4, 2017. She attended Hollins College in Roanoke, VA and the University of Vienna in Austria. Cecile worked in the geophysical department of Seiscom Delta for many years, retiring in 1988. She then began to travel extensively to South America, Mexico, the Caribbean, as well as to Europe and the Middle East. She was a lifelong learner and took classes at The Women’s Institute, primarily in art, history, literature and philosophy, developing an extensive library. Cecile is survived by her sister Susan Flude Moore ’56 (fs); her brother John Flude, Jr. ’61; and two nieces and a nephew. Gillian “Jill” Elizabeth Gotto ’86 passed away on June 5, 2017. Jill attended Vanderbilt University, where she suffered a first stroke. She continued her studies while being legally blind and received a Bachelor’s degree cum laude from Houston Baptist University and a Master’s degree as a Clinical Social Worker from the University of Houston. Jill was employed at Houston Methodist Hospital for several years before becoming disabled by a second stroke. Jill was a member of The Bering Drive Church of Christ, whose members have supported her for many years. She held membership in The Junior League, Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and The Association of Clinical Social Workers. Gillian enjoyed cooking, entertaining and many sports, excelling at tennis, skiing and swimming. Jill is survived by her parents Dr. Antonio M. Gotto and Mrs. Anita Gotto; sisters Dr. Jennifer Gotto and Teresa Gotto Teague; three nephews; and a niece. Damion Jamar Dunn ’11 passed away on June 10, 2017 in a single-vehicle motorcycle crash. After attending the Presbyterian School, Damion entered Kinkaid in 9th grade and was an integral part of the football and basketball teams during his time at Kinkaid. He attended Sam Houston State University. During his time in Huntsville, he worked at TJ Durdett and Sons where he was a faithful, loving and genuine Driver known for his contagious


smile. He is survived by his mother and step-father LaWanda and Anthony Reece; his father George Dunn; siblings: ShaQuita Turner, KeOna Turner, Keoshya Dunn, George Ray Dunn Jr., Quentin Dunn, Sammy Branch, Xavier Dunn, Julie Dunn, Anthony Reece, Jr., Misty Sainz; grandparents Betty and Cleo Walker; and numerous other family members. DeAnne Hines Rogers ’66 (fs) passed away on June 13, 2017. After attending Kinkaid, she graduated from Robert E. Lee High School. DeAnne attended Newcomb College of Tulane University. She was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. She also completed a year at The University of Texas Law School. During her college years, she met Peter Rogers, her former husband of 32 years. Following graduation, DeAnne established her professional career in Chicago in the corporate secretary’s office of Consolidated Foods and the Household Finance Corporation, eventually reaching the position of Assistant Vice President of Investor Relations. Later, she founded her own consulting practice, advising major corporations on the design and photographic elements of their annual reports, which led her to develop a lifelong passion for photography. DeAnne also dedicated time to the Junior League of Chicago, the Women’s Board of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (now the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab) and the Newcomb College Board of Tulane University. DeAnne was preceded in death by her brother Norman Hines Jr. ’74 and a nephew. She is survived by her son Carter Rogers; her sisters Linda Jane Hines DeFoy ’54 (fs), Marcia Hines Sidwa ’68 (fs) and Susan Elizabeth Hines Savoy ’72 (fs); and a nephew, nieces, grand-nieces and grand-nephews, including Christina Ponig Maccio ’93, Kathy Ponig ’90 (fs) and Margaret Ponig ’87. Jeanette “Jana” Allday Thomas ’73 passed away on June 15, 2017. In addition to Kinkaid, she attended St. Timothy’s School in Stevenson, MD and graduated from Tulane University. She taught high school biology, anthropology and photography prior to moving to Richmond. She worked as the volunteer coordinator at the Science Museum for many years. She traveled on medical and construction missions to Haiti and the Dominican Republic 18 times and worked on a hospital boat that visited remote villages on the Amazon River. Jana is survived by her husband Jeff; her daughter Catherine; her son Burke; her sister Ellie Allday Camberg ’77 (fs); her brother Ed Allday ’69 (fs); her brother Walter Allday ’72; and many nephews, nieces and cousins, several of whom attended Kinkaid. She was preceded in death by parents Dossy Fondren Lummis ’47 and Edwin Allday ’48; sister Dorie Allday Yates ’71; and brother Joe Allday ’81 (fs). Alexandra Lacy Friel ’99 passed away unexpectedly on July 1, 2017. Alexandra entered Kinkaid in 9th grade and participated in various activities, including cheerleading, basketball, SOK and Spanish Club. Her mother Maria Lacy was a Spanish teacher in the Lower School for over 20 years. Alexandra graduated with a B.A. in Corporate Communications from The University of Texas at Austin in 2003 and was an active member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. She lived a life full of energy and shared kindness and laughter to everyone she met. She is survived by her mother Maria, brother Brad and husband Jeremy.

Not Pictured: Chico Cravens ’51 (fs), Julie Hutcheson ’59 (fs), James Goettee, Marilyn Huggins Goettee ’80

Fifth Row: Peter Shaper ’84, Jake Shaper, Tod Greenwood ’84, Drake Greenwood

Fourth Row: Emmy Reckling, Isla Winston Reckling ’54 (fs), Christiana Reckling, John Goettee, Jim Goettee ’79, Waverly White Gage ’82, William Gage, Mike Ereli ’80, Tommy Ereli, Ronnie Jacobe ’84, Jennifer Jacobe, Robert Oelman, David Oelman ’83, Jill Lichtenstein Deutser ’89, Ashley Deutser, Brad Deutser ’83

Third Row: Todd Johnson ’85, Pierce Johnson, Holcombe Crosswell ’58 (fs), Emily Attwell Crosswell ’59, Clare Crosswell McLeroy ’88, Will McLeroy, Erin Taylor Maggi ’97, Matthew Maggi, Abby Greenbaum, Debbie Deutser Greenbaum ’85 (fs), Chelsea Collmer, Bret Sanders ’84, Sellers Thomas, Sellers Thomas ’78, Bryn Anderson, Clay Anderson ’83, Michael Blalock, Shelly Schwarz Blalock ’88 (fs)

Second Row: Kirby Cravens, Robin Kate Davis, Nancy Couch Davis ’82, Lawson Lamme, Lucy Lee Lamme ’58, Tommy Lamme ’86, Beth Mossy Watt ’81, Nolan Watt, Keith Fullenweider ’81, Sarah Fullenweider, Jana Davis Wells ’84 (fs), William Wells, Tom Davis ’55, Kat Smith, Mary Stanton Smith ’86 (fs), Mary Helen Burt, Helen Thompson Burt ’86

First Row: Jimmy McCartney ’81, Louise McCartney, Stephen Dyer ’85, Tami Baird Dyer ’58, J.D. Dyer, Scot Ison ’83, William Ison, Doug Schnitzer ’74, Robert Schnitzer, John Barksdale ’62, Grace Wimbish, Susan Sneed Barksdale ’60, Stacey Gillman Wimbish ’85, Greg Lewis ’82, Ania Lewis, JoAnna Semander Nicolaou ’84, Ace Nicolaou

Seniors with Alumni Parents and Grandparents


the kink aid school 201 Kinkaid School Drive Houston, TX 77024

Parents or Alumni: If this publication is addressed to your child who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumni Office of the new permanent mailing address.


the DATE



LISA HELFMAN ‘93 Founder and Board Chair of Brighter Bites & Director of Real Estate for H-E-B

EVENT CHAIRS Pat Kidson Cavanagh ’66 Christine Robertson Morenz ’92 Brooke Bagby O’Neil ’02



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