Kurdistan Institute for Political Issues Article 1:‐ Definition: Kurdistan Institute for Political Issues (KIPI) is a Non‐Governmental Organization working as Think‐Tank in the Kurdistan Region. It has been set up through the decree No. 5542 by KRG Ministry of Interior in June 9, 2005. Article 2: Place of Activities : 1‐ KIPI’s headquarters is in Erbil and its activities are in the Kurdistan Region. 2‐ for its activities, KIPI can open offices and branches in other cities in the region and outside the region. Article 3:‐ Message: Conveying Public Opinion to Authority and Broadening the Scope of Political Participation in the Kurdistan Region. Article 4:‐ Principles: 1‐ KIPI is abiding by the laws and constitutions of Iraq and the Kurdistan region, and is committed to respect them. 2‐ KIPI is believing in democratic principles and working to develop them in the Kurdistan region. 3‐ Article 5:‐ Goals: Article 5:‐ Goals and Objectives: 1‐ Advancing the principles of democracy and expression freedom. 2‐ Data and information through conducting opinion surveys will be mechanisms for evaluating and making plans and programs of working in the Kurdistan Region.
3‐ Activating the roles of the non‐governmental and civil organizations so as to practically contribute in building a vigorous and healthy community through their projects and awareness plans and working in partnership with the government. 4‐ Expanding the range of youth and women political participation, and the freedom of thoughts and press. Article 6:‐ Institute Structure and Posts: First: Director of the Institute will be chosen in two‐yearly conference by the majority of members’ votes. The director of the institute will have the following rights and duties: 1‐ The director will supervise meetings of management staff and will be formal representative of the institute in the public meetings, or will be able to entitle another one for the representation. 2‐ The director will supervise the implementation of KIPI’s projects and activities, and will have the right to question and inquire members if they were careless and negligent. 3‐ The director will compose the public policy of the institute with the cooperation management staff members. 4‐ The director will sign of the all KIPI’s official documents and if he was absent, another one will be entitled to sign documents. Second: Management Staff 1‐ Management Staff of the institute is consisting of four members. 2‐ Members of the management staff will be chosen in two‐yearly conference by the majority of members’ votes. 3‐ Candidates for the management staff posts must be member of the general staff. 4‐ The management staff can remove the director on the post with the absolute majority of their votes if the director was negligent and careless in doing his duties. And the management staff can choose another one as acting director until the institute’s conference will be held. Third: General Staff
The general staff consists of director, management staff, founding board, and those members have worked in the institute for two years. Members of general staff will be members of two‐ yearly institute’s conference and they have a right to discuss works and activities, agendas, and plans. And they have right to choose a new staff for the institute in a direct and secret election. Article 9: KIPI’s Departments: The institute consisted of the following departments: First: Planning Dept: 1‐ Making suggestions and recommendations for conducting opinion surveys and research on the important and sensitive issues. 2‐ Composing questions and preparing questionnaire forms. 3‐ Preparing information bank on the population proportion, geographical borders of cities, districts and sub‐districts, and collecting data on governmental and non‐governmental organizations and foundations. 4‐ Choosing and pinpointing samples of the opinion surveys. Second: Technical Dept and Field Working: 1‐ Forming researchers’ teams for doing opinion surveys and monitoring them. 2‐ Holding continuous meetings with the researchers’ teams to give them new guidance and recommendations on ways of conducting opinion surveys. 3‐ Supervising the implementation of field works and ways of extracting survey results. Third: Relation and Media Dept: The responsibilities of this department are to permanently build strong relations with political parties, governmental and non‐governmental organizations and foundations so as to do joint works and find financial sources for the institute’s proposed projects. Furthermore, this department is publishing institute’s works and activities in Media channels and running its Website. Fourth: Administrative and Financial Dept:
Overseeing the administrative affairs and the institute’s budget including (costs and incomes), and pinpointing and allocating budget for the projects with the coordination of technical and planning departments. Article 7: Conference: 1‐ The institute will hold conferences every two year. In the conference, works and activities of last two years will be discussed, the agendas and programs will be reviewed and approved, and a new staff will be chosen. 2‐ Participants of the conference are the general staff members. Article 8: Institute’s Finance: The finance of the institute includes the budget given by the KRG ministry of finance as other NGOs, and the funding, which is given by the political parties and international organization for implementing limited projects. Article 9: Dissolution: In the event of the dissolution of the institute, all its movable and immovable properties will be transferred to the Duhok Institute for Political Issues.