Designs by
The iCare System is based on the smartphone App that is being provided with information from the whereabouts from the phones GPS. The App creates a cloud of information that provides your doct field with useful data.
Bachelor, Design and Innovation, Mechanical Institute, Technical University of Denmark. Aug. 2010 - Jun. 2013
Masters, Design and Innovation, Mechanical Institute, Technical University of Denmark. Aug. 2013 - Dec. 2015
Waiter at Sticks n Sushi, Sep. 2009 - Aug. 2013
Teaching assistant at the after school program GasvĂŚrksstedet, Feb. 2009 - Jul. 2010
Receptionist at Foldschack & Forchhammer, Aug. 2008 - Feb. 2009
Webpage design, Dec. 2012 - Present
Teaching Experience
Teaching assistant in Manufacturing and Problem solving, Feb. 2013 - Jun. 2013
Teaching and research assistant in Inventors Studio and How To Change The World, Feb. 2013 - Jun. 2013
Engineering Society Denmark, Aug. 2010 - Present
Polytechnic Society Denmark, Aug. 2010 - Present
Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2, 01035
Light & Materials, 02569
Thermodynamic Modelling, 41045
Product/Service-Systems, 41050
Product life and environmental issues, 41051
Introduction to Refrigeration Engineering, 41409
Mechatronics engineering design, 41030
Advanced CAD, 41617
Linear and Differentiable Mathematical Models, 01007
Dynamics and Vibrations, 42035
Industrial Design 1, 42031
Product Design and Documentation, 42612
CAD for design engineers, 42618
Introductory Programming with Matlab, 02631
Product Analysis and Redesign, 42020
Technology Analysis, 42021
Project Management, 42430
Mechanics and Materials, 41015
User-oriented design, 42010
Product Usability and Design, 42011
Visual communication, 42012
Participatory design, 42042
Arenas and Concepts, 42062
Inventors Studio, RPI
Engineering Economics, RPI
Spring 2014
Fall 2010 - Spring 2014 The Biopsy Kit, Bachelor Thesis iCare Program TRACKS KitchenAid Construction Design CO2 Meyers Køkken RollerPaddle TrashBoy Wagonize GoPro PELICAN Other expiriences
Spring 2013
My bachelor thesis was to find a way to make it easier to guide a biopsy by redesigning a laparoscopic ultrasound transducer. With UX as a focus area my partner and I created participatory workshops with the users involving e.g. concept visualizations and 3D printed prototypes. The project was conducted in the spring of 2013 in collaboration with the Danish company BK Medical. Due to IPR issues I cannot show the final product as BK Medical is currently contemplating patenting the solution.
Håndtaget er for tykt for små hænder.
Det er svært at justere de levels, der styre hovedets bevægelser med én hånd.
Proben må ikke være tykkere end 12 mm i diameter. Så kan den ikke gå ned gennem standardtrokare. Det kan glemmes at hovedet er låst i en bestemt position, når proben tages op af trokaret. Dette ødelægger proben. Knapperne er ikke tydelige nok.
Når nålen skal bøjes så meget er den svær at føre frem og tilbage. Det bøjelige gummistykker er det der først går i stykker. Det sker bl.a. når det skrabes mod trokarene.
Hullet i hovedet til at guide en biopsinål med er svært at gøre rent.
Virksomhed fx BK Medical Ny probe
Ønske om ny probe
Ny probe Regning Bestilling af ny probe
Afdelingsleder Midler til indkøb af ny probe eller afslag Ansøgning om midler til indkøb af ny probe
Kirurg Opstillingen taget fra SAGES - Guidelines for the use of laparoscopic ultrasound (s. 15)
Modsat nogle af de andre instrumenter bliver proben sjĂŚldent vredet hele vejen rundt i trokaret, da det for det meste kun er leveren, der er interessant.
Kirurg assistent
12 mm trokare
Fall 2013
The iCare system er et monitoreringssystem, der er baseret på funktioner der allerede findes i en smartphone. Dens er baseret på App software, som vil være i stand til at forbinde den enkelte smartphone bruger med deres læge via en iCare sky. Monitoreringssystemet vil samle og analysere vitale biomarkører for brugerens helbred og være i stand til at give forslag til, hvordan man bør handle ud fra dem. The iCare System har til formål at udfordre og radikalt ændre den nuværende måde at tackle sundhedspleje ved at fokusere på proaktiv monitorering. Det vil give brugeren en kontinuerlig feedback-sløjfe, der vil overflødiggøre dyre lægebesøg og i stedet give brugeren kontrol over deres eget helbred. The iCare system is a monitoring system that is based on the functions already available in a smartphone. Its platform is app software that we be able to connect the individual user of a smartphone and their health care provider via an iCare cloud. The monitoring system will import and analyze vital biomarkers of a users health to be able to give suggestions to how to act from them. The iCare system aim to challenge and radically change the current way of tackling health care by focusing on proactive health monitoring. It will provide the user with a continuous feedback loop that will make the individual indenpended from going to costly doctor appointment and instead being able to manage their own health and make improvement on their own health condition.
Information and physical flow
Flowdiagram for getting a heart monitor and putting it to use
A physician prescribes telehealth and refers the patient to a home health agency.
Physicians receive trending reports from the home health agency, or they can access patient information through a secure web portal.
Direct acces to patient information through web portal
Sends information
The agency installs the telehealth equipment and trains the patient on its proper use.
The agency's telemonitoring nurse monitors the patient daily and alerts the patient and care team when results fall outside pre-defined limits.
Patient The patient takes their vital signs and answers personalized, clinician-directed surveys.
Shows information in numbers
Monitor your heart with ballistocardiography
Monitor your heart
Notice the signals
Get recomendations
You have a healthy heart
The iCare System is based on the smartphone App that is being provided with information from the bodys biomarkers and yourLorenzen By Kira Madsen whereabouts from the phones GPS. The App creates a cloud of information that provides your doctor and reaserchers in the medical field with useful data.
Fall 2011
Tegningen af KitchenAid mixeren er brugt som indgang til en undersøgelse af CAD tegningens brug og indflydelse. Designdokumentation er en stor del af designprocessen, da det hjælper med at kunne opstille alternativer og derfra udvælge den bedste løsning. Der er i de fleste programmer mulighed for at gøre brug af standardkomponenter, hvilket gør det nemt at arbejde ud fra allerede funktionelle løsninger. Endvidere er der mulighed for at udregne CO2 forbrug på produktionen af specialkomponenter og på den måde udnytte de billigste og mest miljøvenlige redskaber til at optimere fremstilling og transport. The drawing of the KitchenAid mixer is used as entry to a study of CAD drawing’s use and influence. Design documentation is a major part of the design process, as it helps to develop alternatives and then select the best option. In most programs can be made use of standard components, making it easy to work from already functional solutions. It is also possible to calculate CO2 consumption in the production of special components and thus make use of the cheapest and most environmentally friendly tools to optimize production and transportation.
Spring 2012
I mange ingeniørvirksomheder er der brug for et klart overblik i designfasen, der ofte kan være meget rodet og svær at holde styr på. Med værktøjer som skeletons og family tables er den del af designfasen, der involverer CAD programmer blevet meget mere brugervenlig og justerbar. Især i virksomheder hvor mange mennesker er involveret i tegnedelen, er det ekstra vigtigt at kunne samarbejde om samme produkttegning. Dette kan en TopDown Design approach i programmer som CREO 1.0 og Pro/E hjælpe med. In engineering companies a clear overview of the design phase can be hard to accomplish and control. With CAD tools like skeletons and family tables the part of the design that demands 3D drawings has gotten much more userfriendly and ajustable. Especially in companies where a lot of people are involved with the drawings family tables makes collaborating easier. A TopDown design approach inprograms like CREO can assist in these cases.
Fall 2011
Ud fra Tjalves metode er følgende koncept valgt. Ventilaktuatoren består af en spindel der drives af tandhjul forbundet til en motor med gearboks. Spindlen driver et komponent op og ned bestående af en overbelastningssikring og et todelt gevind. Desuden monteres ventilaktuatoren ved en monteringsring der ved hjælp af en fjeder holder emnet fast. Ved strømsvigt kan aktuatoren benyttes manuelt ved at trykke på en knap på siden der løsgør en drejeknop i opadgående retning. Dette frakobler tandhjulet forbundet til motoren, og knoppen kan nu frit drejes. Following concept is designed using Eskild Tjalve’s Method. The valve actuator consists of a spindle driven by gears connected to a motor with a gear box. The spindle operates a component up and down, consisting of an overload protection and a two-piece thread system. In addition, the valve actuator is mounted using a mounting ring by means of a spring keeps the workpiece. In case of power failure, the actuator can be used manually by pressing a button on the side to loosen a rotary knob upwards. This disconnects the gear wheel connected to the motor, and the knob can now be freely rotated.
Thin plate incorporated in the top cast
Thin plate
1 1
Spring gets gear to jump up with the top for 3:1 manual control
105,2째 D33,98
1:2 3
4 1 8 11 10
7 14
12 14 9
Fall 2010
København er præget af muskeldreven transport, hvor især cyklen fylder godt i gadebilledet, heraf kaldenavnet Cykelbyen København. Det er langt fra ensbetydende med optimale forhold for cykellisterne. Under en observation, blev cykelstiernes bredte, sikkerhed samt muligheder for baggage set som de største problemer, hvor forbedringer er mulige. Wagonize er et svar på et funktionelt og komprimeret tilbehør til cyklen som opfylder problematikkerne fra observationen. Den afviger prismæssigt fra ladcyklen da den er kompatibel med den almindelige cykel og ikke fylder ligeså meget i bredden. Copenhagen is characterized by human powered transportation where the bike in particular is filling up the streets. That is not tantamount to optimum conditions for the cyclists. During an observation we found the bike lanes width, safety and opportunities for luggage carrying the biggest problems where changes were possible. Wagonize is a solution for a functional and compact ad-on for the bicycle that meet the problematics found from the field work. It is cheaper compared to the Christiania Bike (carrier bike) by being adaptable with all regular bicycles and is at the same time smaller in width so it fits in the bike lane.
Spring 2011
I samarbejde med Roskilde Festival lavede vi 25 sækkestole til at sortere affald i. De var hver især 120 x 140 cm og kunne indeholde relative store mænger affald, eksempeltvis 150 plastik flasker. Ideen var at integrere publikum ved at lade dem sortere affaldet og derefter blive belønnet ved at have noget at sidde på. Der var fire slags sækkestol til pap, papir, blød og hård plast. Når stolene er fyldt op kan den indre sæk lukkes med det dobbeltklæbende tape på siden og ydresækken kan lukke med velcro - så er den klar til at sidde på. Working in collaborating with the Roskilde Festival, we made 25 bean bags for the purpose of sorting waste. The bean bag chairs could contain relatively large amounts of waste each. They are 120 times 140 cm and can accommodate, for example, 150 plastic bottles. The idea was to intergrade the audience outside of Odeon Stage by sorting waste into 4 categories; Cardboard, Hard plastics, Soft plastics and Paper. When filled up the bean bags inner plastic bag could be easily closed and the outer bag zipped ready to sit on.
Spring 2012
Køling kræver meget energi. Det gælder f.eks. på Roskilde Festival, hvor alle kølesystemerne, der er spredt udover festivalpladsen, er en af Roskilde Festivals allerstørste energislugere og dermed CO2 udleder. Der er et stort potentiale for at skabe en bæredygtig og klimavenlig køling på events som Roskilde Festival, som ikke blot vil reducere festivalens CO2 udledning, men som også gerne, på længere sigt, kan sætte ny standarder for klimavenlig køling til større midlertidige events og arrangementer. Vi har opstillet en model af et system med CO2 som kølemiddel sammenlignes med de nuværende kølecontainere/køleskabe, der er baseret på R134a. Vi vil sammenligne energieffektiviteten for henholdsvis den almindelige kølecontainer og en kølecontainer på ren CO2. Med projektet konkluderede vi at det ville være energimæssigt forsvarligt for Roskilde Festival at skifte til kølecontainere, der kører på ren CO2, men at det ikke er erøkonomisk forsvarligt, da teknologien endnu ikke er tilstrækkeligt udviklet.
1.) T1 = -5 °C P1 = 243.5 kPa x1 = 1 , kun damp
4.) T4 = -5 °C P4 = 243.5 kPa x4 = 0.22, væske + damp
3.) T3 = 27.4 °C P3 = 714.7 kPa x3 = 0 2.) T2 = 39.02 °C P2 = 714.7 kPa x2 = 1
Cooling requires a lot of energy. This applies Roskilde Festival too where all the cooling systems that are scattered throughout the festival grounds are one of the biggest consumers of energy and thus CO2 emitter. There is a great potential for creating sustainable and climate-friendly cooling at events like Roskilde Festival, which will not only reduce the festival’s CO2 emissions, but also in the long run put new standards for climate-friendly cooling for larger temporary events and activities. We have proposed a model of a system with CO2 as refrigerant and compared it with the current reefers/refrigerators that are based on R134a . We will compare the energy efficiency of respectively the general refrigerated container and a refrigerated container of pure CO2 . With this project we concluded that it would be energetically feasible to Roskilde Festival to switch to refrigerated containers running on pure CO2, but not economically because of the technology beeing behind.
Φ Φ Gaskøler
Varmeveksler Fordamper Drøvleventil
Spring 2013
I kurset Participatory Design arbejdede jeg i en 4 mands gruppe på at forbedre cateringfirmaet Meyers Køkkens kommunikation mellem administrationen, køkkenet og deres kunder. Vi så største mulighed for forbedringer ved at tage udgangs punkt i intranettets interface der ikke var intuitivt opbygget. Flere elementer i behandlingen af kundeordrer blev derfor ikke udregnet/lagret i en computer hvilket gjorde informations flowet imellem kunde, kontor, køkken og fragtmænd fejlfyldt. Vi kom med forbedrings forslag til bl.a. deres hjemmeside der burde integreres med intranettet så ordrerne blev delt med det samme samt til en infoskærm der ville lade informationen nå køkkenet uden fejl og mangler. In the course Participartory Design I worked with 3 other people on improving the catering company Meyers Køkken’s information sharing between the administration, the kitchen and their costumers. We found the biggest improvements to originate in the outdated intraface system that was not intuitive in it’s structure. Several elements in the processing of customers orders were therefore not calculated / stored in a computer which made the information flow between the customer, office, kitchen and freight men flawed. We brought improvement proposals to incorporate their intranet with their website so that orders were shared immediately and to invest in an info screen that would allow the information to reach the kitchen without defects.
Ringbind Faktura-arkiv på papirform skaber rod på kontoret
Labels Bestillingshåndteringen er dynamisk, men systmet er relativt statisk
Keyboard Med en telefon i hånden, kan Pia ikke skrive rettelser til ordrer ind med begge hænder
Note-papir Længere noter, som ikke kan skrives på en label, skrives på papir -> rod
Telefon Overlevering af kundeordrer sker hovedsageligt telefonisk.
Spring 2012
The PELICAN project is focused on how people with frail and feeble hands transport their groceries, bags and other hand held freight. It is hard and painful for people with arthritis to stretch and bend their fingers and therefore it is difficult to carry groceries and other heavy objects. With our product, we wanted to find a solution to this problem and thereby create an easy way of transporting goods. Navigation PELICAN will have to follow a user that moves around in a changing environment. The product navigates using triangulation via Bluetooth signals. Three Bluetooth receivers, that are located on the robot will detect a signal from the chip carried by the user and calculate the route using this info. Anti-Collision To prevent impact with objects, people, animals etc. PELICAN needs a system to detect the surroundings and avoid obstacles. This problem is solved using a row of ultrasound sensors, emitting ultrasound rays and detecting the echo.
Levelling In case PELICAN needs to go on to uneven terrain, the surface on which the groceries are placed needs some form of levelling system to keep it horizontal. This effect is obtained using a servomotor tilting the surface. Elevation For ergonomic reasons we have implemented an elevation system that will place the groceries in the required height. The elevation system makes it possible for the user to adjust the height by up to 30 cm. Wheel System PELICAN has an advanced wheel system. PELICAN must be able to turn on very little space, avoid obstacles in a smart manner and climb curbstones. Therefore the wheel system consists utilizes a 4-wheel drive system with omnidirectional steering. The Brain PELICANs brain consists of a microprocessor that receives i inputs from sensors and turns them to an output to the actuators. The microprocessor has been programmed to send a specific output in different situations which makes PELICAN seem intelligent. The remote control When parking PELICAN, it will be necessary to do it remotely. The remote control also contains the Bluetooth transmitters, which PELICAN is navigating after.
Spring 2011
I efteråret 2013 på udveksling i New York State på Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute blev jeg introduceret til Burt Swersey igennem kurset Inventor’s Studio. Efter semestret bad Professor Swersey mig blive og hjælpe ham med research og projektvejledning af de studerende på forårets semester i kurserne Inventor’s Studio og How to Change the World. Dette gav mig mulighed for at bruge mine kompetencer fra min bachelor i Design og Innovation. Jeg fik desuden mulighed for at give et par forlæsninger i problemløsning og produktudvikling. In the fall of 2013 on my year abroad in New York State at Rensselaer Polytechnic Intitute I got introduced to Burt Swersey in the course Inventor’s Studio. At the termination of the semester Burt Swersey requested that I would stay and help with research and project supervision for the students in the spring semesters courses Inventor’s Studio and How to Change The World. This gave me the opportunity to utilize my competences achieved at my bachelor. Furthermore I got the chance to deliver a few lectures in problem solving and product development. “Kira is at the very top of the many students I have seen over the past 22 years. She has outstanding ability to communicate with others. And her enthusiasm is a source of inspiration to all. Kira has outstanding ability to see opportunities that others do not see, to understand implications and interactions, to draw conclusions and then to act in a way that advances any project. She works extremely well with everyone, verbally and in writing. One characteristic that sets Kira apart, is her outstanding ability to “Do whatever it takes” in order to achieve success for herself or for those she is working with. This includes ability to take initiative, create an effective strategy, and follow through.”
Sabisha Friedberg I foråret 2014 mødte jeg Sabisha Friedberg residents artist på EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center) på Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I løbet af en måneds tid hjalp jeg Sabisha med opsætningen af projektet Strange Cloak–Sub-Flight Infinity. In the spring of 2014 i met Sabisha Friedberg Resident Artist at EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. During a month I helped Sabisha with the installation of Strange Cloak–Sub-Flight Infinity. Strange Cloak–Sub-Flight Infinity Continuing her explorations into sound and frequency, artist Sabisha Friedberg presents this work in progress investigating the relationships of levitation, suspension, and low-end thresholds. A new work in progress created as an artist-in-residence, Friedberg will actualize these ideas as a combination of performance, sculpture, and light-box cinema.
Tyler Convery Jeg havde senere i foråret mulighed for at hjælpe Tyler Convery med hans afgangsopgave på arkitektskolen på Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mine opgaver bestod bl.a. af at lave Illustrator og InDesign collager, hjælpe på træværksted med hans model og med Photoshop billedbehandling. Later in the spring of 2014 I had the opportunity to help Tyler Convery with his final thesis at the Architecture Institute of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. My assignments consisted amongst other things of Illutrator and InDesign collages, woodwork on his model and Photoshop image manipulation.