I-Rest Global awardness project

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I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

XI Im onths around the w orl d wi th

Over 100 years ago a car race from Bei j i ng to Pari s w as arranged,and i n 1936 tw o guys from Prague drove around the w orl di n 97 days Concept:BM W ConnectedDri ve avai l abl ei n every I -REST The j oy oftravel i ng i s the j ourney i tsel f

W ewi l lhave to dri ve al lthe w ay and arrange w i th frei ght shi ps to take the car at l east over the Atl anti c and the Paci fi c.Dri vi ng around the w orl d m eans w e w i l lneed vari ous docum ents i n addi ti on to your passport and vi sas such as an i nternati onaldri ver' sl i cense,Carnet de Passage, docum ents concerni ng the car' si nsurances and i n som e cases even a l ocaldri ver' sl i cense! These tri ps al l ow vi ew ers an i nteracti ve opportuni ty to see w hat there i s to do and w here to go.Vi ew ers w i l lbe both i nform ed and i ntri gued,w hi l e busi nesses m axi mi ze thei r

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

XI Im onths around the w orl d wi th

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I nconcei vabl e or soon to becom e?

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I ntel l i gent Chargi ng The l i thi um -i on hi gh-vol tage battery goes up to 100 m i l es i n range on a si ngl e charge.I ts uni quel yi ntel l i gent battery heati ng/ cool i ng system ensures that the range ofthe BM W i 3i sl ess affected by tem perature fl uctuati ons than other el ectri c vehi cl es ( EVs) . Thi s contri butes to the overal ll i fe ofthe battery cel l s,al l ow i ng dri vers to get the m ost out ofthei r EV as possi bl e.And w i th Brake Energy Recuperati on,every ti m e the dri ver l ets offthe accel erator,ki neti c energy i s converted i nto el ectri ci ty to extend the battery' s charge. BM W ioffers an el egantl y desi gned hom e chargi ng sol uti on that gi ves dri vers an easy and safe w ay to charge an EV.Usi ng thi s hom e chargi ng system ,the BM W i 3 can be ful l y charged i n approxi m atel y 3 hours.The standard chargi ng cabl ei s desi gned to have your battery topped offby si m pl y pl uggi ng i nto a dedi cated 120-vol t outl et. There w i l lal so be publ i c chargi ng stati ons avai l abl e uni que to the BM W i 3 to provi de qui ck,conveni ent chargi ng opportuni ti es.The SAE DC Com bo fast charger charges the i 3 up to 80% ful li n 20 mi nutes and 100% i n 30 m i nutes. BM W i Rest W i th Range Extender The BM W i 3 wi th Range Extender takes you further,al l ow i ng you to breathe a l i ttl e easi er on those l onger road tri ps.Thi s m odel , wi th a tw o-cyl i nder com busti on engi ne,generates el ectri ci ty that m ai ntai ns the charge ofthe l i thi um -i on battery at a constant l evel as soon as i t di ps bel ow a certai n val ue. The BM W i 3 wi th Range Extender doubl es your el ectri c dri vi ng range to el i mi nate range concerns. Starti ng at $45, 200* * M SRP w i thout desti nati on and handl i ng and before federaltax credi t

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

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I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

I-Rest Gl obalOdyssey

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