April Newsletter

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2014 will be my fourth Holy Week at Mountain View. I am once again looking forward to a wonderful week of spiritual reflection and worship. My prayer is that all of us will reflect on the mystery and beauty of the cross in new ways this year so that we may be ready to receive the greatest of all news on resurrection Sunday. On Monday through Wednesday we will gather for prayer and meditation in our Sanctuary. On Thursday we will remember the Upper Room with our Maundy Thursday Service. Then, on Friday we will gather at noon to remember the seven last words of our Lord on the cross. On Saturday, we have been invited to attend a Easter Vigil Service at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church. Then, Easter Sunday morning we will gather and sing the praises of our Lord who is alive and reigns forever. Blessings on your Lenten journey.


April 2014

Mountain View Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Pastor Steve

Palm Sunday, “Procession of the Palms” Traditional Worship - 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 a.m. / Contemporary Worship - 9:00 a.m. Our Sunday school classes will join us at the 9:00 contemporary and 9:15 traditional services as we reenact Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The Sanctuary Choir will present “Vivaldi” at the 9:15 and 10:45 traditional services.

Self-Directed Morning Prayers / in the Sanctuary April 14, 15 & 16, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday / 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. Plan to take time and stop by Mountain View to worship and prepare yourself during this holiest of weeks. Your pastors will host these hour-long, self-directed services of prayer and meditation. The quietness of the Sanctuary helps us focus on each day and prepare our hearts and our minds for the celebration of Easter.

Maundy Thursday Service / Thursday, April 17, 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary “Maundy” comes from the Latin root “mandate.” We are mandated to “do this in remembrance of me” in all of the accounts of the Lord’s Supper. On this Thursday before Easter, we reenact that first communion as we remember Jesus’ final hours and the sacrifice which brought our salvation.

Good Friday Service / Friday, April 18, Noon to 1:00 p.m. Join us for a special worship service in the Sanctuary at noon on Good Friday. During the service, we will hear the seven last words from the cross, spend time in prayer and view a special media presentation. The service will be brief to allow those who may be able to come during their workday. Our Fountain Hills Presbyterian friends will join us!

Jr./Sr. High Car Wash / Saturday, April 19, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This is a fundraiser for work camp and summer camps, Drop off your car during the Easter Egg Hunt; so convenient while the children hunt for eggs. Get your car washed so it is sparkling for Easter Sunday! Free-will donations accepted.

Easter Egg Hunt / Saturday, April 19, 9:30 a.m. SHARP

Join us for our church Easter Egg Hunt! It is open to all kids nursery age through 3 rd grade. Please meet in the west parking lot for instructions. Refreshments and Easter crafts will follow the hunt. Bring a basket for each child and your camera for a fun-filled morning!

The Great Vigil of Easter / Saturday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church The world changes before our eyes! A worship journey begun in Good Friday darkness and despair is transformed -beginning with but a single candle -- into Resurrection light and hope. Our first Easter celebration has begun! FHPC is located at 13001 N. Fountain Hills Blvd., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268.

Easter Worship Services 8:00, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary Services will be held at Mountain View to celebrate Christ’s triumph over death.

He is Risen! Nursery available 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Sunday School & Adult Ed. Resume Sunday, April 27.

Contemporary Easter Celebrations 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. in Meredith Hall We invite you to join us for these Easter worship services. The contemporary Easter service is for all ages and stages of faith. Pastor Gary and Children’s Ministry Director, Molly Korb, have designed this celebration to include special worship music led by Ted Levie and the praise team creating an atmosphere of resurrected life. Bruce and Merry Bender will lead our children in a musical piece celebrating the Risen Christ. Bring your children and hearts for Christ.

Mountain View Presbyterian Church Fundraiser

Perhaps no book of the Bible causes more interest, more confusion, more varied interpretations than Revelation. John’s written accounts of visions revealed to him have fascinated the church for nearly 2 millennium. The account of things, “that must soon take place … for the time is near” have caused believers to focus on the what and when. God reveals the conditions that will surround the destruction of evil in the world and the final, complete coming of His Kingdom. A study of Revelation will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Jr. High Room, (Annex #101) . Come join the discussion so that you may understand, “the time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel.” (Mark 1:15, ESV).

All are welcome Sunday mornings. Discussion will be led by Carl Johnson.

Mountain View College Mission Trip to Kenya 2014 We continue to work to prepare for our mission trip this summer. Some of you have asked about the work we will be doing. We will begin our trip in Nairobi to work in the Mathare Valley slums with projects developed by David Waithaka, the Kenyan son of our own Babby and John Schwarz. We will also spend time in the Kinyago slum area, visiting both the primary and secondary Kinyago Dandora schools, started by the Schwarz’ as well. We have been asked to do some painting and repair around both of the KDS campuses. We will spend a day at both Daystar campuses and our young adults will share about this journey at the weekly chapel time on the Athi River Daystar campus. After Nairobi, we will pick up some current Daystar students who we have not yet met, and travel further north to central Kenya. There in Nyeri, we will connect with our good friends from the Riamukurwe Presbyterian Parish as well as with the children of Tumaini Children’s home. On the college trip in 2009 and 2012, our groups have dug the foundation, built up the walls, dug out trenches for sidewalks and more for a new church in the parish. That church now is almost complete. They have asked us to bring implements to celebrate communion! We will also make improvements at some of the other churches in the parish and at the children’s home. Tumaini is building a vocational school that they have asked our help to continue. They have also asked for a freestanding bread oven. We are excited about all for these projects but ask your help both financially and spiritually to see us through. We thank all of you, our Mountain View family, for your prayers and support thus far. We are hosting a fundraiser, off-campus at Stonegate on April 12. Please email Merry Cole Bender, merryaz@cox.net if you would like to support this event. We also will have giving opportunities on the patio at the Mission Table each Sunday. As we get closer to the date, we will also ask for donations of school supplies, clothing and more, to give from Mountain View to those whom we encounter in need. We will as always, also ask for your continued prayers for God’s hand to guide us in all that we do. In Christ….. Merry Cole Bender


Dear Dear Mountain View Family! The participants of the College Mission trip to Africa this summer, were so very touched by the many of you who either ate lunch, dinner, both, or did take out from CPK on February 20th. It made our hearts sing to see all of your beautiful faces and to hear that you purposely ordered appetizers, entrees AND desserts all for the cause.. THANK YOU!! We raised $712.40 This means that you selflessly ate $3,562.00 worth of yummy CPK food; amazing! This money truly helps as we prepare for our journey that puts the words of Christ into action. In Christ’s Name, Merry Cole Bender

Courtyard Includes the courtyard sails, new courtyard concrete with matching sidewalks, prayer garden, memorial garden, signage, and kitchen expansion  Bids have been received from two general contractors.  Round One of questions have been asked and answered.  Following up on references.  Pricing difference is less than 6%.  Proposed timelines fit within the provided guidelines.  Round Two of questions have been asked. We expect answers early this week (March 24) so that we can make a decision prior to the end of March.

Sanctuary Includes new carpeting, improved lighting and sound systems, new sound booth, pew refurbishment with new cushioning, new flooring on the front platform, and Tcoil compatible hearing loop system  Interior colors have been selected.  Work to begin the day following Easter . . . on Monday, April 21, with a completion date of Friday, May 2. Between the Sanctuary contracts, which have been awarded, and the contract we expect to sign for the Courtyard, we will be about $50,000 to $100,000 over the $1,000,000 goal of the fund raising campaign. If you have not pledged a contribution, this would be a good time do do so. If you have pledged, you are asked to prayerfully consider what more you can give. We asked the potential General Contractors to conduct "value engineering", a process in which they will look for ways we could do things differently in an effort to save costs. That aside, it would be great to have the entire project fully funded. Please contact the Church office at 480.998.1085. Please feel free to contact me with your questions and comments. Mike Hooley


he Mountain View Mission Council is excited to have two new Elders, Cyndi Connelly and Ken Brown, join the Group. The Team ministry approach has really taken off and Cyndi and Ken will be a great addition to our Local and International Teams. In addition to our ministries supporting Local and Africa projects and organizations, new Teams are forming around Foster Care, African refugees in Phoenix, and Latin America. he response by the congregation donating money for the Kenya Easter Baskets through The Kenya Children’s Fund has been outstanding. Last year, the Mountain View congregation purchased over 500 Easter Baskets, which for just $15 per basket, will feed a family for a month during their Easter school recess. Please look for the Mission table in the courtyard. Visit http://kenyachildrensfund.org for more information. n March, the Mission Council was saddened by the passing of the founder of the Hope Centers for Children of Africa, Fred Scaife. Fred was an inspiration to so many serving on the Mission Council and his Mission work, along with his wife Bonnie, has been such a blessing to the orphans and widows living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. e are excited about our new and improved Mission Council brochure and dedicated Mission Table in the Courtyard. Please come by following a service and take a look! If you are interested in learning more about the wonderful local and world missions that we support, please contact us! – andrewfosberg@gmail.com In His Service, Andrew Fosberg and the Mountain View Mission Council




Thanks for all of your generous gifts for Our Manna Closet. Please remember that The Manna Closet is available to help anyone in need in our congregation; as well as, their families, friends or neighbors. We prayerfully ask that you help us again this month, we are in need of individual or family sized complete meals, shelf stable milk, juices and jelly. Kindly bring your donation any Sunday during April and place it in the shopping cart outside of the Sanctuary!

Our business meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 22 at 9:30 a.m. in Annex, Room #101. We welcome your ideas, your input and your vote! We'd love to have you join us. There is something for everyone, no matter what stage of life you are in. If you have questions, please contact: Anne Franquemont at (480) 225-2437 or Patti Ashton at (602) 702-0583.

Feb. High: Betty Hendrickson 2nd: Carolyn Smith April Hostesses: Carolyn Smith Nancy Murphrey Our next meeting will be Friday, April 11. We meet on the second Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in Annex, Room #206. Everyone bring a lunch! Dessert provided.

Knit One Crochet Too Our group knits and crochets blankets that are donated to several charitable organizations throughout the state of Arizona. We normally meet the second Monday of the month in the EEC room, between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. Our next meeting is Monday, April 14. Come and join us for whatever time you have.

Stitchin’ Sisters normally meets the first and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Annex Room #206. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 2. As always, come for the entire time, or come for as long as you are able. Annette will make lunch for everybody. If you have any questions, call Annette Squires (480) 720-1198.

If you have any questions please call Nancy Prinsze (480) 860-8929. Sarah Circle ministry is a group of wonderful Christian women who gather to study, share and grow through our Lord’s word. Sarah Circle meets in the EEC the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 16. We share our fellowship with a light breakfast and then follow with our study. Any questions, please call Suzanne Black (480) 443-9541-H or (602) 320-1743-C

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 9 at 10:00 a.m., in Annex, Room #206. The book is “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin. For more information, contact Anne Eggert (602) 996-4770. To see upcoming books, log onto: http://www.mtviewpres.org/book-circle/

Naomi Circle continues its Lenten Series this month. Each week during Lent, we meet to discuss Max Lucado's book, “Traveling Light.” There are books in the workroom at the Mt. View church office, and the cost is $8.00. We have extra books, so feel free to join us even if you had not previously reserved one. We will meet in Annex, Room #101, on Tuesdays thru April 15 from 9:30-10:00 a.m. Please email Merry Cole Bender at merryaz@cox.net, if you have any questions or care to join us!

Women’s Bible Study - meets in the EEC every Thursday at 9:15 a.m. Our next meeting is April 3. Pastor Bud Engstrom will lead us in our study on The Psalms. Our book will be the Bible. We will NOT meet on April 17, Maundy Thursday. All women are welcome. Contact: Sharon Palenkas/Church Office: (480) 998-1085

Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, April 22nd, at 7:00 p.m. at Mountain View in the choir room. Susan Liming, (480) 483-7315 will be the hostess. Don and Marilyn Kredel will present the program. For further information, please contact Susan or Anita Foulk, (480) 860-0541.

MOUNTAINEERS About the Mountaineers The Mountaineers group is for those who are 50 or older and looking for social activities and mission and service opportunities. This is a group for singles as well as couples. Mountaineers have some type of event in most months of the calendar year. Watch for information on activities in the newsletter, the bulletin, and on the sanctuary screen. How to Join the Mountaineers All you have to do to join the Mountaineers is come to our events. Pick something from our list of activities and come and have fun. There are no papers to fill out or fees to pay. Mountaineers Governing Board The Mountaineers Governing Board meets monthly August through May. We usually meet at 10 am at the church on the second Wednesday of the month. Meetings are open to anyone interested in working with the board. We warmly welcome new board members Jeff and Vera Cooke, Sharon Palenkas, Martyn and Jan Stowe and Friend of the Board Annette Squires. We are delighted that Marilyn Chaddock has agreed to serve as our Vice-Chairman.

Mountaineers March Board Meeting Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:00 am EEC Visit the Mountaineers Table in the Courtyard: Most Sundays a table is set in the courtyard where there is information available about Mountaineers upcoming events and activities. Stop by between services and check out what is going on and sign up for events. Mountaineers Spring Mission Project: On April 6 we will once again prepare a meal and join with the Tempe fellowship – The Spring. The Spring is a group of college students and young adults who are participating in Christian Fellowship. This effort is being coordinated by the Mountaineers but is open to anyone in our congregation. Reimbursement will be made for any expenses for the food. Cooking is done at Mountain View or at individual homes. The food is served at the Tempe location. If you have worked with this event in the past or would like to be part of the team in April contact Marilyn Chaddock at 480836-3968 or mmchad@cox.net.

“The Sound of Music”

Saguaro High School Drama Department presentation Thursday, April 3, 2014

7:00 pm Price is $7 Church van and carpooling available.

End of the Year Potluck Picnic and Games Night Friday, April 11, 2014 Bring your favorite picnic food to share. 5:30 pm Meredith Hall and the Courtyard. Price is $2. We will play cards, dominos, board games and yard games. Beverages and games snacks will be provided. If you have questions please call or contact by email Richard Fossen, Chairman 602-499-6600 or dickfossen@gmail.com Marilyn Chaddock, Vice Chairman 480-836-3968 or mmchad@cox.net Gail Loeffel, Operations Chairman 480-949-7117 or gloeffel@cox.net Bess Amidon, Events Chairman 480-483-6812 or amidonbes@cox.net

We are here to serve you in your personal journey with Christ! Your Mountain View Adult Education Team 

Read The New Testament. - Sunday, January 8 began the special personal study of the New Testament. A 16-week study which ends with a wrap-up session with the pastors.

Parables and Sermon Talk – Continues each Sunday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Meredith Hall, Room #12 with Larry Heitz & Gus Miller.

The Book of Revelation – Continues each Sunday from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. in the Junior High Room (Annex #101) with Carl Johnson.

Wednesday evening offerings...

Discovering the New Testament, Bible Basics - 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., from April 23 through May 28 (7 weeks) with Carl Johnson

Continuing the Book of Romans – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., from April 23 through May 28 (7 weeks) with Gus Miller.

Thursday night offerings….

Men’s Evening Bible Study - 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., March 27 through May 8 with Joe Gordon and Duncan McLeod.

In this weekly discussion session, worshippers gather to discuss the sermons and a parable each Sunday after church. It is a lively group and we encourage you all to come! Led by Gus Miller and Larry Heitz 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. – Meredith Hall, Room #12

Thursday Evening Men’s Bible Study March 27- May 8. 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Annex #101 Over the course of the six-week study, The Explicit Gospel, Matt Chandler challenges us to “know the Gospel explicitly” while defining what the gospel is, and what it isn’t. Matt Chandler is the Lead Pastor of Teaching at The Village Church, Flower Mound, TX. Matt also serves as the President of Acts 29, whose mission is to unite and plant new churches worldwide.

This group meets weekly over coffee to discuss topics of interest in our faith and as Presbyterians. The current study is the Westminster Articles, detailing the basis of the Presbyterian denomination. The group meets at the Paradise Bakery on Shea and Tatum in Paradise Valley. Led by Pastor Kirk.

AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE THE HOMELESS The Men of Mountain View have undertaken a monthly service project, serving dinner and leading worship at Phoenix Rescue Mission. On April 29, the carpool will leave Mt. View parking lot at 3:30 p.m. There are lots of opportunities for you to help out! Please join us by contacting Tim Burton - (480) 227-4866 or Dick Powell - (480) 584-3516.

As we explore this remarkable document and its meaning for our lives and times, we invite all men of Mountain View (and their friends!) to come share faith and fellowship. We meet each Friday in the Annex Room #206. A light breakfast is served.


S U N D A Y S 910:30amJr. High “The Bridge”#A206 910:15amAdult Ed. w/Carl#A101 10:30am12pm-Sr. High Wake-Up Call#A206 10:3011:30am“Sermon Talk”MH-#12

6 Bible Goals 8/9:15/10:45amTraditional 9am-Contemporary


7 9:30-11:30amWomen’s Board Mtg.-Library

Tue 1


9:30-10amNaomi/Lent-#A206 9:30am-Stewardship Mtg.-Library 5:30-9pm-NAMI Support Group-#A206 6:30-9pm-Stephen Ministry Training#A101 7pm-Deacon Mtg.-EEC

10am-Women’s Retreat Mtg.-Library

8/9:15/10:45amTraditional 9am-Contemporary Svc. 11:45am-3pmLuncheon-EEC


14 7-8am-Morning Prayers-Sanctuary 1-4pm-Hands for Mission-EEC 4-8:30pm-DoReMiMH




6:30pm-Stephen Ministry Mtg.#A101

10:30am-Stitchin’ Sisters#A206 WOW DINNER 5-6PM LENTEN VESPERS-6-7PM

6:30pm-Men’s Dinner –MH

6pm-Sunday School Parent Dinner-Off Campus

TGIF-Off Campus




6:30am-Men’s Bible Study-#A206

9am-2pmSanctuary Reserved


15 7-8am-Morning Prayers-Sanctuary 9:30-10amNaomi/Lent-#A206 9:30-10:30amBeatitudes-EEC 5:30-9pm-NAMI Support Group-#A206 6:30-9pm-Stephen Ministry Training#A101 7pm-Session Mtg.-EEC


10am-2pm-Book Circle-#A206 10am-Mountaineers Bd. Mtg.-EEC WOW DINNER 5-6PM LENTEN VESPERS-6-7PM

16 7-8am-Morning Prayers-Sanctuary 9:30-11:30am-Sarah Circle-EEC NO WOW ACTIVITIES

6-9pm-Family-toFamily-#A206 6-7:30pm-Men’s Bible Study-#A101

6:30pm-Grief Support-Office

17 NO Women’s Bible Study 12-2:30pm-Grace Co-op-#22-MH 6-9pm-Family-toFamily-#A206 NO Men’s Bible Study NO Grief Support

7pm-Maundy Thursday ServiceSanctuary


9:30am-Moms Together-#A101

9:15-Women’s Bible Study-EEC 10am-2pm-Nursery Reserved







10am-Musician Encounters (aka Adventures in Music)-Meredith Hall

6:30-9pm-Stephen Ministry Training#A101


1pm-Pianos TunedSanc./MH/CRm.




5 9am-2pmSanctuary Reserved

9:15am-Women’s Bible Study-EEC


10AMSERVICE 11AM-AllChurch Brunch

4 6:30am-Men’s Bible Study-#A206


10:30am-Stitchin’ Sisters-#A206

Sunday School, Youth Groups, Adult Ed. Resume 4/27


9:30am-Moms Together-#A101 1:30-3:30pm-Adult Ed. Mtg.-#101

9:30am-Women’s Ministries-#A101 6:30-9pm-Stephen Ministry Training#A101 7pm-Ruth CircleChoir Room

8-9:15-10:45amTraditional 9-10:45amContemporary

9:15am-Women’s BibleEEC 1pm-Flag Ceremony/Recep’n-MH 5pm-Girl Scouts-EEC 6-9pm-Family-to-Family#A206 6-7:30pm-Men’s Bible Study-#A101 6:30pm-Grief SupportOffice 7pm-Mountaineers to Saguaro High School Musical-Van



7pm-Mission CouncilEEC


9-10am-Steering Committee-EEC


8am-Foundation Mtg.-#A101

6:30-9pm-Stephen Ministry Training#A101

3-7pm-Mountaineers Serve at The Spring



6-7:30pm-Men’s Bible Study-#A101 6-9pm-Family-toFamily-#A206 6:30pm-Grief SupportOffice

10am-Bridge Circle#A206 5pm-MountaineersPotluck/Games-MH 6-pm-8am Sat.G.Scouts-EEC

18 6:30am-Men’s Bible Study-#A206 12pm-Good Friday Service EASTER DECORATING-MH & Sanctuary

19 9am-2pmSanctuary Reserved 9am-Noon-Jr. High Car Wash Fundraiser 9:30am-Easter Egg Hunt

Sr. Hi 30-Hour Famine-#A101/206

2-7pm-Praise Team Rehearsal-MH



6:30am-Men’s Bible Study-#A206 MH/Courtyard/#20 6 Reserved For Youth Sunday Preparations 4:30-9:30pm-Social Cues Class-EEC



6pm-Africa Trip FundraiserStonegate


10am-2pm-Choir Room Reserved

Mountain View Presbyterian Church is launching a new ministry! Please join moms of children nursery age thru sixth grade for faith and fellowship. Our April meetings will be on April 9 and 23. We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Annex room #101 . Please contact Mickella Paden (paden.mickella@gmail.com) or Molly Korb with questions.

Evening Moms Together meets every Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. We are currently studying "The Path to the Cross" by Ray Vander Laan and will begin a new study after Easter. Co-facilitated by Suzanne O'Dea (970) 596-0454 and Carly Dunlap (480) 266-8501.

Grief Support Groups Forming Now If you’ve lost someone close to you or know someone who has, please call us to find out more information about our weekly GriefShare support groups. We meet every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Pastor Steve’s Office. We know it hurts and want to help. For more information contact Rev. Kirk Sexton or Fran Thurber at (480) 998-1085. We will not meet on Maundy Thursday.

A Christ-centered program that helps individuals to overcome their HURTS, HANG-UPS and HABITS

If you struggle with problems such as pride, depression, abuse, drugs, lust, pornography, infidelity, alcoholism, excessive spending, abandonment, insecurity, perfectionism... Celebrate Recovery is a place where you can receive healing and help! We are looking for those who may feel called to serve on a team that will make this ministry thrive at Mountain View. For more information, please contact Pastor Kirk Sexton at (480) 998-1085.

REMINDER: If you have borrowed a metal walker from the loaner closet and are not using it at this time, please return it to the Church? I know that they are popular assistive devices, but I like to keep a few on hand for emergencies. Thank You in advance for helping to keep our loaner Durable Medical Equipment in tack. Blessings, Fran Thurber

WHO COULD BENEFIT FROM HAVING A STEPHEN MINISTER? We all experience challenges in life—times when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian friend. Stephen Ministers are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty. Are you, or someone you know, experiencing one or more Life Events that, when taken alone or together, are creating a need for a caring Christian friend? If so, we are here to help. Please contact one of the Stephen Ministry Leaders listed below. Tim Burton (480) 227-4866 Fran Thurber (480) 510-0802

Ruth Sandbo (480) 948-9608 Rev. Kirk Sexton (480) 998-1085

Questions, comments or to volunteer please call: Molly Korb, Director of Children’s Ministry, (480) 998-1085, ext. 117 Megan Begeman, Jr. High Director, meganb@mtviewpres.org or (480) 998-1085 ext. 124 Tyler Nazarian, Sr. High Director, tyler@mtviewpres.org or (480) 998-1085 ext. 130



Every Wednesday, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. In the Youth Room ( No WOW on April 16)

Every Wednesday, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. In the Youth Room ( No WOW on April 16)

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children

April 2 & 30, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Missions

30 Hour Famine

April 2 & 30, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Missions

30 Hour Famine

April 18 and 19 Money raised goes to Feed My Starving Children

April 18 and 19 Money raised goes to Feed My Starving Children

Car Wash Fundraiser

Stations of the Cross

April 19, 9:00 to 12:00 At the Church, (during Easter Egg Hunt)

Friday, April 19 In the Annex, Room #101

Easter Sunday

Youth Sunday

April 20 ( No WUC or Bridge )

Youth Sunday Sunday, April 27 Jr. / Sr. High Students and Leaders will be running all services. All-Church BBQ following the Services

Work Camp Sunday, June 1 - Friday, June 6 Cortez, Colorado ( Wait List Only Available )

All Church Summer Camp June 15 - June 20 At Forest Home Cost - $400.00. ( Space is limited, so sign up ASAP )

Sunday, April 27 Jr. / Sr. High Students and Leaders will be running all services. All Church BBQ following the Services

Work Camp Sunday, June 1 - Friday, June 6 Cortez, Colorado ( Wait List Only Available )

All Church Summer Camp June 15 - June 20 At Forest Home Cost - $400.00. ( Space is limited, so sign up ASAP )

Mountain View Presbyterian Special Needs Ministry Being. At home. because I’m special. To God Contact Melissa Forney 998-1085x135 or mforney445@gmail.com with all RSVPs, questions, and suggestions. Special Needs Family Night Fellowship: Join us for dinner and some tunes with entertainment by our church band, Gedalife, at Twisted Lizard Restaurant in McDowell Mountain Ranch. (Heads up: Environment is loud and busy). Please let Melissa know if you are coming so seats can be saved!

McGyver Moms Fellowship for Moms of Children with ADHD, spectrum disorders, sensory disorders, learning differences, and special needs. Fellowship and Bible Study . Let's meet at Coffee Roastery on the corner of Via de Ventura and Hayden. WITH OUR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN FOR A MONTHLY RESPITE OPPORTUNITY FOR THEIR PARENTS, AS A MONTHLY AID IN A CLASSROOM, OR AS A HIGH SCHOOL BUDDY DURING VBS OR OTHER ON-CAMPUS EVENTS? No experience required, just a heart for service. Trainings provided and miracles promised. Contact Melissa (480) 998-1085 x.135

Need some time to prepare for Easter or celebrate the Sabbath with your spouse? Our first “Buddy Day” will follow services in the EEC. Siblings and children with special needs are invited to hang with our wonderful volunteers for lunch and activities while you hit the road. Registration is required by Sunday, April 6 with Melissa. McGyver Moms Fellowship for Moms of Children with ADHD, spectrum disorders, sensory disorders, learning differences, and special needs. Fellowship and Bible Study. Let's meet in the EEC room at church. Sensory Friendly Film Family Outing at Rio 2 at Desert Ridge AMC Theater has teamed up with Autism Speaks to provide films in a dimly lit environment where getting up, moving around, and singing along are encouraged. Please RSVP by April 14 to Melissa. Social Cues Class (for children and teens) and Respite evening for parents in the EEC. Many children on the autism spectrum or those having difficulty reading social cues are welcome to attend these special sessions that are taught by behavior specialists and special needs advocates. Groups are divided by gender and age to maximize learning opportunities. Classes will be offered every month throughout the year. Cost and registration can be found online www.jillannecastle.com R.S.V.P. by April 21.

Gospel of Mark Video The video recording of last month’s Gospel of Mark presentation can be found on YouTube by searching for “Gospel of Mark Mountain View” or via this link: http://youtu.be/3ND-HuFSUa4. You may also watch it on the Mountain View website at: http://www.mtviewpres.org/special-presentations


hank you so much for all your prayers for our son Donald, who gave one of his kidneys to his 15 year old son, Robert. Donald is doing great. Robert has his ups and downs, but the Kidney is a match. With Loving Thanks, Ed and Marie Baumgart

$31,500 Blessings! One Great Hour of Sharing banks and calendars were distributed to Mt. View children through their Sunday School classes on March 9. We hope the use of this calendar has become a daily Lenten observance for your family. Collection of these banks will be in Sunday School on Palm Sunday, April 13. Every gift you make through this offering yields funds that help relieve suffering and poverty throughout the world.

Join us for a night of great food, great music, and great friends. On Saturday, April 5 all Sunday school parents (of kids nursery aged through 6th grade) are invited to a night of Italian food, entertainment from Ged-A-Life and great fellowship at the Korb’s house. Tickets are $10/individual or $15/couple. Contact Molly Korb if interested.

It is hard to believe it is that time of year again, but we are so excited and already in preparation mode to spend a fun-packed time on the Mt. View’s campus during the week of June 9-13 from 8:45-noon for our four year olds through fifth graders. You do not want to miss this week, so mark your calendars. If you are interested, we are searching for great volunteers to lead the students through the week! Please contact Molly Korb to sign up as a volunteer.

Forest Home Christian Ministries is bringing a camp to our neighborhood, June 16-20. Children will learn about Jesus through various activities in large and small groups. They will enjoy 25-foot climbing wall, rope ladder, water slip ‘n slide obstacle course, group games, laser tag and more!

Molly Korb Director of Children's Ministry mollyk@mtviewpres.org

The Women’s Ministries Annual Rummage Sale was an amazing labor of love and a huge success because of YOU! Because our wonderful congregation donated gently used items for the sale, then helped sort, price, set-up, cashier, haul items, drive, cook, serve, and clean up, countless numbers of people benefitted from and have been blessed by your generosity. The sellers worked hard for a week before the sale and the two days of the event, and had a great time. The buyers got some fabulous deals! Then, selected Valley charities were invited to “shop for free” and take whatever they needed for the people they serve. Finally, whatever remained was donated to St. Vincent for their charitable work. The over 100 Mt. View members and friends who “worked the sale” enjoyed a remarkable time of fellowship as they labored. All of the proceeds we earned will be used by W omen’s Ministries to benefit many local and global charities we serve with our donations of goods and money. This method of selling and then donating impacts hundreds of people. And it all started with you cleaning out your closets! Charities we assisted this year include: Shoebox Ministry, Church on the Street, Tithe to Mt. View, the Cain Family (missionaries in Honduras) Mt. View Seminary Scholarships, Bunia Children’s Hope Center in Africa, Just Coffee, United Presbyterian Women’s Pledge, ICM Food Bank, DUCK, Pastor Francis, Neighborhood Ministries and more. A giant THANK YOU to Sue Johnson and Robin Mitchell for your tireless work in Co -chairing this fantastic event! We are thrilled to report earnings of $31,500 from the sale! Now, start saving for next year!

2014 Pulk “ADVENTURES in MUSIC” Series a.k.a

Musician Encounters at Mountain View WHEN:

10:00 - 11:30 AM Monday, April 28, 2014


Mountain View Presbyterian Church 8050 E. Mountain View Rd. (Northwest corner of Hayden and Mountain View Roads, south of Shea) Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (480) 998-1085


Bruce Pulk, Principal Timpanist of the Phoenix Symphony, will present a highly entertaining and educational series of informal talks entitled “Adventures in Music.”

April 28, 2014 - Crisis of Faith - What effect did the element of faith have on composers? We will compare and contrast 18th Century Mozart with 20th Century Leonard Bernstein. Born on Beethoven’s birthday in 1950 in Detroit, Michigan, Bruce started percussion studies at age ten at the suggestion of his piano teacher to help his rhythm. The “kettle drums” (timpani) became his passion and changed not only his life, but also that of his family: in the sixth grade, he commandeered the living room for his practice and “performing” area. His “performances” consisted of playing the timpani parts of symphonic works along with recordings by the world’s greatest orchestras. His achievements include scholarships to Interlochen, a Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of Michigan, and eight years as Artist in Residence and Principal Timpanist of the Grand Rapids Symphony. He won his current position in The Phoenix Symphony by participating in a nationwide audition in 1982. Bruce hosted the Phoenix Symphony Pre-Concert Chats for 17 years. This event is free but donations are welcome.

Mark Your Calendars Now for August 22-24 Come and join the Mt. View Family in the cool pines of Prescott at

Mountain View All Church Family Camp at Camp Pinerock Join us for fellowship and fun! All ages and groups welcome!

Lots for the kids to do: rock climbing, zipline, archery, high ropes, low ropes, volleyball, basketball, ping pong and more. The cost is $100.00 for adults, $80.00 for children and kids under 4 are free.

Deacon Offerings at Mountain View Romans 12:13 instructs us to…. “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.” Meal Ministry - By direct request or referral, we have a team of wonderful volunteers to provide meals to members in times of need.  The arrival of a baby  A recovery from surgery  The loss of a family member  An extended illness  A military deployment This comfort can ease the burdens and show we care. Church members that would like to be on the volunteer team, please contact the church office at (480) 998-1085. Become involved in this ministry by...  Refer folks who would be helped by this ministry. Families shy away from referring themselves. They need you to advocate for them.  Volunteer to cook and/or deliver meals to families. You will be placed on a list and called as needed. The Meal Ministry provides a tangible opportunity for church members to express their love and care for our church body.

Prayer Chain - The prayer chain is a very important part of spiritual life. We all need to reach out in prayer. If you have a prayer request or would like to join the prayer chain, please complete a request card, or call the church office. Please remember the integrity of the prayer chain and the requests are confidential.

Gabriels - Gabriels are always needed to greet the members for all services. Please call the church office to be put on the schedule to have the wonderful experience of meeting and greeting the congregation. Deacons also set up and plan receptions for all needs. Set up coffee every Sunday. We also help with new members and communion. If you are interested in being a part of the Meal Ministry, or are in need of our services, please contact: The church office at (480) 998-1085 or Susan Mattson at (480) 951-5374 Deacons are honored to service and assist.

In the early morning hours of March 8th, God reached down to a tired and faithful servant and carried him home. Fred Scaife was a relatively recent winter visitor at Mountain View traveling from his home in Edina, Minnesota. You may not recall meeting Fred, but Mountain View has been forever touched by his life changing mission and vision that is Bunia Children’s Hope Center. Kathy Haworth (now a member at Mt View) also a winter visitor that attended Fred’s church, Christ Presbyterian in Edina, first brought Bunia to the attention of Mt View at a Mission Council meeting. Mt. View embraced this new endeavor with open arms. Do you remember the fundraisers for chickens, banana trees, micro loans for the widows? God had a plan, Fred felt it placed on his heart and so began the birth of Bunia Children’s Hope Center in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). While teaching at Daystar University in Kenya, Fred and Elsie met students, Furaha and Bisoke. They were originally from Bunia but fled their home because of the war. When they graduated they also felt a calling to return to Bunia and help the many orphans. In 2004 Fred and his wife, Elsie, along with Furaha and Bisoke began the process of growing this dream with only hope, prayer and faith that God would provide. It is said that, “every step in the progress of mission is directly traceable to prayer”…… and so it was. In 2014, Bunia Children’s Hope Center became a self-sustaining organization serving over 700 orphans providing medical care, education, nutrition and spiritual nurturing. Fred spent four years in the Air Force, had a career in the aerospace and computer industry, and taught at Daystar University. Looking back, Fred said that God was preparing him all along for the work in Bunia. Being a prolific writer, Fred felt the need to share with others the successful model and ministry that was built in Bunia so that it could be replicated in places of need throughout the world. And so Fred wrote, ”Eyes of Hope.” To quote Fred’s pastor in Edina, “…it may look like an orphanage, but in reality it is a library of God-stories, of love and courage and creativity and redemption…and great hope.” Today, work has already begun in Mwanga, DRC to recreate the model inspired by Bunia. Although Fred’s time with us has ended, he has begun a new chapter in his life embraced by God’s love, where there is unending peace and joy…and hope abounds. On his last day, in his last hours, Fred continued to write. The words at times were scribbled and hard to read. What he wrote can be found on the first page of his book, “Eyes of Hope.” The verse is what he always felt in his heart, it is the faith he carried with him… “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” ~Psalm 118:24 Fred’s wife Bonnie, will soon be returning to Arizona and the caring fellowship of MVPC.


Is it a Cold or Allergy?

re you coughing and sneezing? Are your eyes running like a faucet? Does your head ache or feel like it is stuffed with cotton. Then you like me are probably suffering from allergies. Allergy symptoms frequently include sneezing, itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion, sinus pressure, nasal discharge, postnasal drip, and cough. Symptoms from allergies tend to occur at specific times each year and can last for weeks, months, or even year round in some cases. The most logical way to prevent allergies is to avoid those things known to make your symptoms worse. Prescription and over-the-counter medications such as nasal steroids, oral antihistamines, or even nasal antihistamines can be helpful for prevention and treatment. he symptoms of an upper respiratory infection can include: sneezing, fever, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, sinus pressure, fatigue, and body aches. Colds occur more commonly during winter months but can occur year round. Symptoms are usually most severe during the first week and should start to improve after 10 days. Cold symptoms can last for up to two weeks in some cases. Cold symptoms typically do not include high fever (102 or more) for several days, severe body aches, or difficulty breathing. egular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer products can reduce the spread of the germs that cause respiratory infections. Keep your immune system strong by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of sleep. Some studies have shown a small benefit from vitamin C. Other supplements such as vitamin E, Echinacea, or zinc do not have strong enough evidence to recommend their use for prevention of upper respiratory infections. Adapted from: Bannerhealth.com/services/ health+and+wellness/ask+the+expert/coldvsallergies.htm



ANNOUNCING 2014 SPRING WOMEN’S RETREAT We are so excited to offer a spring Women's Retreat in May. The retreat will be held in Meredith Hall (on campus) on May 2nd and 3rd. The retreat is called Chasing The Heart of God. It will be a wonderful interactive workshop for women of all ages. We will start Friday night, May 2nd, at 6:00 p.m., finishing at 9:00 p.m. We will resume on Saturday, May 3rd at 9:00 in the morning, break for lunch and end at 4:00. Refreshments will be served Friday evening, and a continental breakfast will be served Saturday morning. Please bring a bag lunch for Saturday. Beverages will be provided. Registration begins April 6 in the courtyard. Chasing After the Heart of God by Jennie Allen is a women's Bible study. God is invisible. Yet He is the only thing we can chase that won't leave us feeling empty. God has carved out a space in each of us that only He can fill. So whether you are running from God or working your tail off to please Him, King David's journey will challenge your view of God. Chase explores the events that defined David's life and the Psalms that flowed out of those experiences. Through David's example we'll discover what God really wants from us. Jennie Allen's passion is to communicate a bigger God through writing and teaching. Winner of the 2013 New Author of the Year Christian Book Award, she has a masters in biblical studies and is blessed to serve alongside her husband, Zac, in ministry. They have four children, including their youngest son who was recently adopted from Rwanda.

Traditional Services - 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary Contemporary Service - 9:00 a.m. in Meredith Hall SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. for children 3 years of age through 6th grade. NURSERY - 8:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for infant to 3 years of age. FAITH COMMUNITY NURSING NOTES Fran Thurber, Parish Nurse Regular Office Hours: Mondays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesdays, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Other hours by appointment

Rev. Steve Beard Senior Pastor Rev. Kirk Sexton Associate Pastor Rev. Lyn Corazin Associate Pastor, Part Time

The DEADLINE for the MAY, JUNE, JULY Newsletter is Monday, April 14


Rev. Gary Doan Pastoral Counselor

Visit our web site! www.mtviewpres.org

Mt. View Presbyterian Church 8050 E. Mt. View Road Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Office: (480) 998-1085 Fax: (480) 998-1263 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Rev. Ralph Meredith Pastor Emeritus

Sunday Bulletin deadline is Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.

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