KIRKUS v o l .
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n o.
m a r c h
2 0 1 2
t h e w o r l d’s t o u g h e s t b o o k c r i t i c s f o r mo r e t h a n 7 5 y e a rs fiction
children & teens
Sarcastic, rule-breaking FBI agent Andy Fisher returns in Jim DeFelice’s latest thriller p. 444
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow delivers a hardhitting debut about how the country has lost control of its national-security policy p. 484
Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush are back for their most dangerous adventure yet! Will Beach-Time Brenda™ spell the end of the daring duo? p. 507
in this issue: continuing series round-up kirkus q&a
featured indie
Irvin D. Yalom talks about writing and research, philosophy and psychiatry, and his latest spellbinding novel, The Spinoza Problem p. 448
Rebecca Meredith blends the tradition of the Southern novel with outsider art p. 536
w w w. k i r k u s r e v i e w s . c o m