KIRKUS v o l .
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t h e w o r l d’s t o u g h e s t b o o k c r i t i c s f o r mo r e t h a n 7 5 y e a rs fiction
chi ldr en’s & te e n
M.L. Stedman presents a polished, clever debut novel with a cliffhanger ending p. 1442
A posthumous collection from Harvey Pekar reflects the seminal graphic memoirist at his edgy best p. 1478
Leda Schubert and Gérard DuBois paint a scintillating picture-book portrait of the world’s foremost mime p. 1519
in this issue: continuing series kirkus q&a
featured indie
Mark Haddon discusses narrative voice, attention to detail and other elements of his best novel yet, Red House p. 1432
In his multimedia e-book The Metropolis Organism, filmmaker Frank Vitale presents startling visual evidence for the city as a living entity p. 1544
w w w. k i r k u s r e v i e w s . c o m