KIRKUS v o l. l x x i x, n o. 1 7
| 15 september 2011
t h e nat i o n ’s p r e m i e r b o o k r e v i e w j o u r na l f o r mo r e t h a n 7 5 y e a rs
children & teens
★ Things aren’t what they seem in Haruki Murakami’s ambitious, thoroughly stunning novel p. 1649
★ Chef Jacques Pepin returns with a book of fabulous recipes retooled for the modern kitchen p. 1683
★ A child-prodigy violinist fights to establish herself as an adult in Jessica Martinez’ debut p. 1717
★ It’s open season on a serial killer who’s gone undetected for years in Todd Ritter’s latest p. 1659
★ Robert Trivers searches for the evolutionary biology behind why we lie p. 1687
★ Donna Jo Napoli and Christina Balit present a stunning new collection of Greek myths p. 1721
★ Daniel Woodrell delivers a collection of spare, brutal slices of country noir p. 1653
★ Our obsession with gossip is considered in essayist Joseph Epstein’s great book p. 1670
★ Jill Rubalcaba’s gorgeously designed biography gives kids insight into I.M. Pei’s career p. 1726
Thomas Enger gets burned; Jeff Lindsay doubles down; David Guterson crowns a king; Kelli Stanley builds a city; Kimberly Cutter revisits the past; Terry Pratchett enters a bright new world; Paula Brandon targets a traitor; Peter Spiegelman conspires with thieves; and much, much more v i s i t k i rku sre vi e ws. com f or f ull versions of f eatures, q & as and thou sa n ds of archived reviews