September 1, 2011: Volume LXXIX, No 16

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KIRKUS v o l. l x x i x, n o. 1 6


1 september 2011


t h e nat i o n ’s p r e m i e r b o o k r e v i e w j o u r na l f o r mo r e t h a n 7 5 y e a rs



children & teens

★ Irish Americans from South Boston take the stage in Edward J. Delaney’s superb novel p. 1517

★ James Wolcott celebrates 1970s New York in a fine memoir filled with memorable lines p. 1577

★ Ann Cameron, along with Lauren Castillo, gives kids the stories Spunky (the dog) tells p. 1582

★ Ha Jin delivers a historical novel about the brutality of war that makes a profound impact p. 1517

★ Acclaimed novelist Margaret Atwood examines the sci-fi genre in a treat for her fans p. 1538

★ A hapless beaver finds his magnum opus mangled in Fiona Robinsons’s hysterical tale p. 1603

★ A love affair and Ireland’s financial collapse overlap in Anne Enright’s impressive latest p. 1517

★ Jonathan Lethem gathers his nonfiction in a collection displaying a strong sense of purpose p. 1560

★ The legend of the kelpie receives a haunting, thrilling update from Maggie Stiefvater p. 1607

i n t h i s i s s u e : c h i l d r e n ’s c h r i s t m a s & h a n u k k a h — r o u n d- u p

Terese Svoboda goes bohemian; Lydia Millet sees ghosts; Charles Frazier heads deep into the woods; J.D. Robb travels from New York to Dallas; Philippa Gregory talks about the War of the Roses; Ali Smith introduces an offbeat character; and much, much more v i s i t k i rku sre vi e ws. com f or f ull versions of f eatures, q & as and thou sa n ds of archived reviews

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September 1, 2011: Volume LXXIX, No 16 by Kirkus Reviews - Issuu