Volunteer Handbook
Who are we
Welcome to The Kirribilli Centre. Our volunteers are important to us and we value your contribution.
The Kirribilli Centre (TKC) is a community centre set in a heritage building close to the north side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It is a place for the community to gather, socialise, take classes and seek assistance or information. The neighbourhood centre provides information; free community services and events, heritage room hire and plays host to a range of courses, workshops and clubs from yoga & mediation, bridge & seniors outings to kids’ classes and parties.
Volunteers have been involved with our organization since it began in 1975 and have played an important part of shaping our programs and services. The Kirribilli Centre recognize that volunteers choose to volunteer in order to make a personal contribution to the community and are committed to ensuring that volunteering is beneficial for both parties. We at The Kirribilli Centre encourage and value volunteer participation in all areas of the Centres programs and activities. This handbook serves as a guide to your volunteering experience. It contains useful information on who we are, how volunteers assist us to serve the community and our policies and practices. We thank you for deciding to volunteer with The Kirribilli Centre. We look forward to working with you!
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” Winston Churchill
TKC also organises the iconic Kirribilli Markets, which are held twice per month in Bradfield Park (next to the Harbour Bridge and in the Burton Street Tunnel). The Bradfield Park Carers Programis also run by TKC. This is a not for profit service offering support and respite to carers of people with a mental illness who live within the Northern Sydney area. The Carers Program operates from a second building we manage in Bradfield Park. The centre has a small team of 12 (mainly part time) staff. As such, it would not be possible for The Kirribilli Centre to achieve all that it does without it’s the huge pool of talented and dedicated volunteers.
Our Mission
Our Values
The Kirribilli Centre will work alongside our community to promote and enhance the wellbeing of residents by providing programs, activities, services and resources which respond to the developing needs of our community. We endeavour to:
Care We have compassion for
• Provide a welcoming and well maintained facility for our local community • Work with the local community to identify needs • Develop and support a broad range of programs and courses • Encourage community involvement and opportunities for volunteering • Provide services that benefit the disadvantaged members of the community • Enhance wellbeing across the age spectrum
family, customers, community and co-workers
We grow with our community and adapt to their changing needs
What do our volunteers do Volunteers are a crucial part of all areas of the Kirribilli Centre but some of the key Volunteering programs are:
Library Our library is a free service for locals and it is 100% run by our dedicated team of volunteers. The library volunteers open the library every day from 1pm – 4pm. They maintain an easy and hassle free lending process for community members. They also accept and sort book donations and even hold a stall at the Kirribilli Markets twice per year to sell excess books.
Legal Services
Respect We respect our
whole community, individually and collectively
Kirribilli Centre is proud to offer FREE legal advice in our library every Tuesday evening from 6pm - 7pm. The Legal advice is offered by our highly qualified and generous team of volunteer solicitors.
Community lunch
TKC holds a weekly BBQ where everyone is welcome. This BBQ is run by volunteers and takes place each Tuesday in our courtyard or back balcony. Volunteers design menus, shop for groceries and cook up a storm for the community who come to socialise and enjoy the good company. We also run a community café on Thursdays and Fridays which occasionally requires the support of volunteers.
We welcome people from all backgrounds within the community and value diversity
We strive to earn the confidence of the community by being open and transparent in all our work
Care Calls
“I’ve seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives.” Tracy Chapman
The care calls is a new program offered by the centre in which elderly people living alone, can sign up to receive a weekly care call from one of our friendly volunteers. Volunteers call our community members to check in on their wellbeing and have a chat. Volunteers may also provide referrals to relevant local services.
Playgroup The Kirribilli Centre is a popular venue for parents and their little ones. We host a regular playgroup and a number of kids’ classes and activities such as storytelling and face painting. Volunteers play a crucial role in the smooth running of the playgroup and coordination of activities for kids.
Community Events The Kirribilli Centre host a number of community events throughout the year, such as the Seniors’ week lunch and the annual community party to name a few. Volunteers are the backbone of these community events, we couldn’t do it without them!
Seniors programs The centre hosts a number of activities and classes specifically for Kirribilli’s senior citizens. Many of these services are coordinated or facilitated by our fantastic volunteers such as the Broadband for seniors (computing classes) and our monthly seniors coach trip.
Administration The Kirribilli Centre has a small team of part time staff who keep the centre running on a day-to-day basis. At busy times the team need the assistance of volunteers in the office. Administration volunteers tasks vary but can include, assisting with general enquiries, making signs and notices, sorting mail, answering phones and taking room hire bookings.
Other New programs are always starting up at TKC so feel welcome to put your name on a waiting list for your area of interest.
Getting started as a volunteer
How we take care of you
Work Health and Safety
All new volunteers will undertake an orientation. In this session you will be given a brief history of The Kirribilli Centre, introduced to the Centres policies and procedures relevant to your role and provided with a volunteer pack with a number of resources to help you on your volunteer journey.
Job descriptions As a volunteer you will be given a Volunteer Description which clearly outlines your role
at The Centre and includes a summary of the tasks that you are to perform, duration of the position and the expected time commitment each week.
Supervision Volunteers are supervised on a day to day basis by the centre staff with which they are working however overall responsibility is to the General Manager. Volunteers will receive a supervision meeting at least once every three months in which they are encouraged to discuss any ideas or concerns they have regarding volunteering.
Police Checks aND Working with Children Checks
“What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others remains and is immortal” Albert Pike
All Volunteers who join the centre are required to undertake a Police check. The cost of which is covered by the Centre. Additionally, some volunteers who assume roles working with children are required to undertake a working with Children check (the cost of which is not covered by the centre)
Sign in aND sign out The Kirribilli Centre keeps track of your contribution to the centre and the hours that you spend here. It is important that you sign into the volunteer log in the front office when you arrive and sign out when you leave.
Upon commencing with The Kirribilli Centre volunteers will receive orientation in the centres fire evacuation plans, fire wardens, first aid officer and general work health and safety policies. TKC work place health and safety procedures. Volunteers are required to acknowledge that they are aware of the risks involved in the work they are performing for The Kirribilli Centre and the Insurance cover available.
“Volunteers are not paid because they are worthless, but because they are priceless” Sherry Anderson
Volunteer badges
Volunteers are covered by the personal accident insurance according to the terms and conditions outlined in the insurance policy adopted by the centre.
Volunteers are issued with a name badge upon induction. It is important that you wear your name badge whenever you are volunteering so that you can be easily identified as a point of assistance by community members and service users.
Training The Kirribilli Centre endeavours to place volunteers in a position that matches their skills and interests. You may be required to attend either internal or external training for the volunteer position you have assumed. If so training will be arranged by your supervisor.
Hours of Work Volunteers are not expected to work more than 16 hours a week and may work as little as one shift per year to remain active volunteers for The Centre.
What we expect from our Volunteers
Volunteer Rights
The Kirribilli Centre strives to be a welcoming and friendly environment. We ask that our volunteers be kind and courteous and represent the Centre in a positive manner by providing a high standard of service to the community.
We invest time and training into our volunteers and in return we ask that our volunteers make a commitment to volunteer with the centre for a period of time. We understand that things change and you are welcome to discontinue your volunteering at any time, however to keep the centre services running smoothly please provide as much notice as possible for absences or resignation.
The Kirribilli Centre has a grievance policy and process in place that all volunteers are introduced to during their induction process. All grievances are taken seriously and are thoroughly investigated and addressed.
Respect We ask that our Volunteers respect all religious, language and cultural backgrounds of our clients’, staff and members of the community.
Volunteers must respect the privacy and confidentiality of The Kirribilli Centres clients, staff and other volunteers. We ask that our Volunteers do not discuss client concerns with anyone outside the centre. The Kirribilli Centre has a Privacy policy in place that all volunteers should be familiar with and adhere to.
Volunteers can discontinue their service to The Kirribilli Centre at any time, however as a curtsey we ask that you provide as much notice as possible so that a replacement can be arranged. The Kirribilli Centre reserves the right to discontinue the services of a volunteer if required. Changes in volunteer involvement in the Kirribilli Centre is always undertaken fairly and respectfully.
It is important that Volunteers maintain a professional relationship with clients. The Kirribilli Centre has a Professional & Personal Boundaries policy in place that all volunteers should be familiar with and adhere to. If you have concerns about a client, don’t hesitate to talk to your supervisor who will respond accordingly.
The Kirribilli Centre is a positive environment where everyone is welcomed and can feel safe and accepted. To maintain this environment it is important that Volunteers do not engage in gossip about other staff, volunteers or clients of the centre. The Kirribilli Centre has a gossip policy in place that all volunteers should be familiar with and adhere to.
Duty of care The Kirribilli Centre has a duty of care to its volunteers that we take very seriously. We strive to provide a safe and supportive work environment, but if you have any concerns we urge you to discuss them with your supervisor.
are an opportunity to debrief, give feedback on the volunteer experience, and seek support. However, volunteers are supported day to day by their supervisor and are encouraged to bring up any ideas or concerns with your supervisor at any time.
Reimbursement Volunteers will be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Kirribilli Centre. The policy and procedure for reimbursement can be viewed in the TKC volunteer policy provided in induction.
Safe workplace The Kirribilli Centre has a suite of Work Health and Safely policies and procedures which are available on request. We do our best to ensure safe working conditions, and provide volunteer insurance to protect our volunteers from injury.
Support Volunteers are supported and supervised within their role at the Kirribilli Centre. Volunteers will receive a supervision meeting at least once every three months. These meetings
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart” Elizabeth Andrew
What we do for our Volunteers When commencing your volunteer journey with The Kirribilli Centre you will be provided with a Volunteer Pack, this pack contains: • The Volunteer Handbook • The Volunteer Policy • The Privacy Policy • The Professional and Personal Boundaries Policy • The Grievance Policy • Code of Conduct • The Gossip Policy • Your Volunteer Name Badge
Annual Volunteer Lunch Each year the Kirribilli Centre celebrates the efforts of our extraordinary volunteers with a Annual Volunteer Lunch. This event takes place during National Volunteer Week, which falls in the second week of May each year. More details on the celebration will be provided closer to the date
Christmas Party Each December the Kirribilli Centre hosts its Annual Christmas Party as a thank you to all the staff, Volunteers, and board members who have been an essential part of the centres achievements. Details of the party and invites are sent in November.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss
either a temporary or permanent basis I am to provide as much notice as possible.
I _________________________________ have read and understand the contentsof this volunteer handbook and would like to offer my services to The Kirribilli Centre as a volunteer. I understand that: As a volunteer I will not receive a wage or salary. As a volunteer I will be a representative of The Kirribilli Centre and agree to uphold its principles and standards and code of conduct. The Kirribilli Centre has a number of policies in place that apply to Volunteers and I agree to abide by these policies and procedures. The Kirribilli Centre has Personal Accident Insurance for volunteers and if I am injured through an accident in the course of my duties as a volunteer, I will immediately report the matter to the Manager of the Centre and fill in an Incident Report.
Let it be noted that by signing this agreement parties do not intend to create a legal arrangement and as such this is neither a legal document nor an employment contract. Any compensation received will be for reimbursement of expenses, honorariums and rewards and should not be considered payment for work undertaken. By signing I acknowledge that I have read and understand this document: Volunteer’s Name (Printed): ________________________________________ Volunteer’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date:__________________________________
That all information I become aware of as a volunteer at ‘the centre’ is in strictest confidence and must not be discussed or divulged to any unauthorised person or organisation.
I am to undertake the tasks as outlined in my Volunteer description and attend all training sessions as requested by my supervisor.
I am to wear the official volunteer badge while volunteering at the centre Should I need to cease my volunteering on
Name of authorised person:
Signature: _____________________________ Date:__________________________________
It would not be possible to achieve all that The Kirribilli Centre does without the efforts for our extraordinary Volunteers. We wish to say thank you for dedicating your time and talents to the Centre and for the positive impact you have on the community.
16 – 18 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli, NSW 2061 P 02 9922 4428 F 02 9956 7562 info@kirribilli.org.au www.thekirribillicentre.org www.facebook.com/kirribillicentre