Tkc term 1 2016

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27 January – 8 April 2016 SUMMER at The Kirribilli Centre Room Hire | Courses | Workshops | Events | Clubs Phone 9922 4428

Welcome to summer in Sydney’s

best neighbourhood!


otice anything different? Yes, we have a new logo and name. We have changed our name to The Kirribilli Centre. We realised that many people felt we only catered to the local neighbourhood, when in fact we service a greater area. Of course we are still here for our neighbourhood, so local’s please don’t think we have abandoned you. Now for the big news. The Kirribilli Centre is celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2016. It has come a long way from the small volunteer service it initially was. There will be lots of celebrating, of course starting off in March with an extra special party this year for Senior week. In May there will be an Art prize valued at $3,000 for 1st prize, a people’s choice award of free life drawing classes at the Brett Whitely gallery and a $500 Youth art award. In September our famous Kirribilli markets will be putting on a food fair. This will be a delicious experience for all the community to come and celebrate our markets

birthday. There will be some wonderful entertainment as well. We are looking for stories of locals who were involved in setting up the Centre. We would like to know more information around how it came to fruition and who was involved, as we would like to invite them to a party later in the year to celebrate this achievement. All the usual classes and courses are running, with a few new and exciting additions. Check out our information in this brochure for all your needs. I am very excited about our 40th anniversary celebrations, so I hope you can join us at The Kirribilli Centre to celebrate. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I look forward to seeing you.


General Manager TKC

Contents Welcome to KNC 2 A message from our GM

Rooms hire at TKC 4 Heritage Room Hire 6 TKC for Kids 6 Kirribilli Community Cafe 6 TKC Library 6 Volunteering at TKC

What’s on at knc 8 Arts and Crafts 8 Book, Film and Writers 9 Business 10 Children’s Classes/Groups 13 Classes for Adults Computer /Language 15 Community 15 Health and Fitness 19 Music, Clubs, Concerts, Performance 20 Seniors Only

Community services at KNC 21 Self Help Groups 21 Mental Health Groups and Support Services 23 Professional Support Services 24 Advisory and Legal Services

How to find us and how to enrol 25 How to find us 25 How to enrol

Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


roomS hire at TKC The kirribilli centre heritage room hire

The Kirribilli Centre has a number of heritage rooms for hire, from Monday through to Sunday, day and evening. Our rooms range in size and are appropriate for large functions down to small meetings. Rooms for small intimate functions are available on the ground and first floors. An external lift opening from the back courtyard and the upper back balcony provides disability access between floors. There are two internal staircases. Both levels have fully equipped kitchens, toilets (including disability) spacious carpeted hallways and access to front and back balconies. All rooms are airconditioned for your comfort. Chairs and tables are available for around 60 people on either level. The front gardens provide a picturesque meeting place and can be used for photographic opportunities. The back courtyard is fully secured and is child sensitive with a synthetic turf area, outdoor seating areas, plenty of shade, and stays green throughout the seasons. You are welcome to visit and inspect our facilities and resources. TKC has staff on duty from 9am to 9.30pm on Monday to Thursday and 9am to 5pm on Friday. Caretakers can provide access on the weekend between 9am and 5pm on Saturday and 10am to 12 noon on Sunday. Hire Hours Monday 9am - 9pm Friday 9am - 5pm Tuesday 9am - 9pm Saturday 9am – 5pm Wednesday 9am - 9pm Sunday 9am – 5pm Thursday 9am - 9pm It is possible to hire the centre outside of the opening hours, however you will also need to hire a Caretaker to supervise the event and close the centre when your event ends. 4

The gallery

The walls of the Gallery on the first floor feature original sandstone and brick that was built on site in the 1840’s. The room has high ceilings with picture rails, Tasmanian timber floor and French doors opening onto balconies overlooking several of Sydney’s famous icons, including the Opera House, the Harbour, the Harbour Bridge the skyline of North Sydney and the city itself. The Gallery is air-conditioned.

The Trelawney Room

The Trelawney room has high ceilings and a timber floor featuring original fireplaces. The Trelawney room has a graceful arch midway with a large front window, opening onto the front verandah. The rear side door opens onto the back courtyard by the old frangipani tree.

The McManus Room

Located towards the rear of the building on the first floor, the McManus Room is ideal as a counselling, meditation or massage room. Light and airy, the carpeted room is furnished with comfortable chairs appropriate for offering professional counselling services.

The Thornton Room

Located on the first floor toward the front of the building, the Thornton room is set around the old hearth. Ideal for workshops, seminars and small group gatherings, this room provide a light and airy atmosphere. Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Children’s parties

hire our back garden Children’s parties are popular in our back garden setting, which is child safe, has access to the playgroup toys and a fully equipped kitchen. Should it rain, the party can move inside to the Trelawney Room.Feel free to pop in and check out our centre and facilities. One of our friendly team will be more than happy to show you around. We’d love to see you.

Heritage room hire

events – activities courses – community services For all costs, availability and to make a booking, please visit our website:

Kirribilli community cafe

Open to everyone including our school community. We operate as a TAFE training café, where you can enjoy an inexpensive light lunch, coffee and freshly baked cakes, along with daily specials, whilst helping support the TAFE students to achieve their learning goals. Opening hours Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm

The kirribilli centre library

Our library is a free service for locals and is run by dedicated volunteers. Feel free to pop in and browse. The lending process is easy and hassle free. Opening hours Monday to Friday from 1 pm to 4 pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm

Volunteering at the kirribilli centre

We are always looking for new volunteers and would welcome anyone interested. Volunteers assist in many ways at the centre. If you are interested, please phone 9922 4428 to speak to one of our team.


Our Mission The Kirribilli Centre will work alongside our community to promote and enhance the wellbeing of residents by providing programs, activities, services and resources which respond to the developing needs of our community. We endeavour to: • Provide a welcoming and well maintained facility for our local community • Work with the local community to identify needs • Develop and support a broad range of programs and courses • Encourage community involvement and opportunities for volunteering • Provide services that benefit the disadvantaged members of the community • Enhance wellbeing across the age spectrum

Our Values Care We have compassion for family, customers, community and co-workers


We grow with our community and adapt to their changing needs

Respect We respect our whole community, individually and collectively

Inclusion We welcome people from all backgrounds within the community and value diversity


We strive to earn the confidence of the community by being open and transparent in all our work Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


What’s on at TKC Arts and crafts groups Arts on the move

A taste of art brought to you by artsonthemove at KNC may be for you. Join a class where you will gain an artist’s eye and learn the language of art. All classes start with an hour art lesson based in drawing. Sketch book and pencils a must. Students then set about on their own project using art material of their own choice, practicing and improving their artist’s skills. Come and play, you will not be disappointed. During each term a visit to art galleries is arranged. Private art lessons are available on arrangement with the tutor. Date Monday1stFebruary to 4thApril inclusively (10 weeks) Time 2pm to 4 pm Tutor Principal Tutor: Elizabeth Gervay with Assistant Tutor: Emily Fowler Contact Phone the KNC office on 9922 4428 Cost $50 per term to be paid directly to KNC office or $8 casual class

Yarn on a stick

Come and play! Join us for fun, fibre and tea. Don’t worry if you can’t knit or crochet. Be inspired to try something different and learn how to dye wools with natural food colourings. We are also responsible for ‘Yarn Bombing’ TKC; you’re invited to be involved in this ongoing creative project with us! Date Every Friday (not during school holidays) Time 10am to 12noon Tutor Narda Campbell( Cost Free Contact Phone the TKC office on 9922 4428 for any enquiries

Book, film and writers groups Book group

The Kirribilli Book Group where locals meet and discuss a book for an hour. Anyone welcome, anytime. Date Second Saturday of the month Time 10 am to 11 am Bookings Contact Jane McCullough on 0439 010 025 or by email at Cost Free


Non-fiction book club

Informal discussion on non-fiction books, chosen by the group Date Every third Thursday each month in the TKC library. Time 7.30pm to 8.30pm Bookings Contact Dick Heller, or Ian Burnet 0450449459 or Cost Free

Film group

The Film Discussion Group meets monthly. Each meeting we discuss three current films, seen in your own time. A volunteer provides background on each film. Anyone welcome, anytime. Date Third Monday of the month Time 7.30 pm Bookings Contact Merilyn Sleigh on to join the mailing list Cost Free

Kirribilli writers

A supportive, small group of writers always glad to see new faces. Date Third Monday of the month Time 10am to 1pm Bookings Contact Nicky on 9909 2258 Cost $5 per session

Business groups Small business network

Local businesses meet monthly for breakfast to share experiences and create new opportunities. New local businesses are most welcome to join. We are always looking for new members. Date Third Friday of every month Time 7.45 am to 9 am Bookings Contact Martin Cox on 9460 3921 Cost $10 (includes breakfast) Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Precinct meetings bradfield

Dates 21 October, 18 November Time 7.30 pm in the Trelawney Room

Precinct meetings milson

Dates 28 October and 25 November Time 7.30 pm in the Trelawney Room

Children’s classes We have a beautiful courtyard here at The Kirribilli Centre, a toy shed with an array of good toys and a turfed/covered safe play area for your children to utilise. We ask that you make a gold coin donation to use this space, which will help keep our play area going, and will ensure our community can continue to enjoy the space for many years to come.

Tkc playgroup

Children under adult supervision are welcome to informally access the play area between 9am to 5pm during the week. Everyone is welcome to participate. This is a beautiful environment for children to safely play and socialise, while parents can get to know one another. Notices will be placed around the toy shed with information on our monthly entertainment. See our website for updates Date Week days Time 9.30am to 5pm(mothers usually gather 10 am to 12 noon for an informal playgroup) Bookings Please contact the TKC on 9922 4428 for information Cost Gold coin donation please

Story telling

Fran, our super storyteller will be here each fortnight. Story time involves stories, rhymes and songs. The little ones love storytime. Date Every second Wednesday starting on27th January during the school term Time 10.30am for 30 minutes Bookings Please contact the TKC on 9922 4428 for information Cost FREE


‘Joey jig’ music

Now Tuesdays and Thursdays Date Every Tuesday(Trelawney Room) & Thursday (The Gallery) for 11 weeks commencing January 28th Time 10.20am Be-Bop 1-2 years (Tues) 11am Jump & Jive 2-4 years (Tues) 11.40am Swing Swing 3months-15months (Tues) Jump and Jive Two to four years (9am Thurs) Be-Bop One to two years (9.40am Thurs) Be-Bop One to two years (10.20am Thurs) Jump and Jive/Be-Bop: (11am Thurs) Swing Swing Three - Fifteen months (11.40am Thursdays) Tutor Alicia Bookings Phone Joey Jig Music on 0401 040 525 to book your free trial class or email at, see website for more details www.joeyjigmusic. Cost$174.90 ($15.90class), fees adjusted pro rata when joining mid-term. Casual classes are subject to availability $18.70/class. All prices inclusive of 10% GST

Spanish for kids

For 2.5 to 12 year olds – Immersion system program. Classes are full of fun with stories, songs, movement, pretend play and games in Spanish. Give your child a gift for life!. Dates Friday and Saturday. Classes commence Jan 29th through to Sat Apr 9th Time Preschool: Fridays 1:15pm, Saturdays 10:30am, 11:15am Primary school: Saturdays 12pm More classes can be opened subject to interest Bookings Carolina Posadas 0408 559 300 or email or visit Cost $220 for 11 classes, which includes all materials Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Spanish playgroup

We are a group of mums and kids (0 to 10 years old) that get together to teach and learn the Spanish language and culture. We sing, dance and play, do crafts, make puppets and all sorts of other activities in Spanish. Come and join us for an afternoon of fun and make new friends. Non-Spanish speaking families are welcome to join in! Date Fridays Time 3.30pm to 5pm Tutor Carolina Posadas Bookings Contact Carolina on 0408 559 300 or visit Cost $3 per child per visit (2 children $5) to cover costs

New musical beginnings Nature Nurture Music This is a class designed to help develop a bond with baby through music. This class will start in term 2 and run for eight weeks. We encourage you to book and register before March to secure your spot. If you are a new mum and would enjoy the support of other new mums, while learning to bond with your bub through music, this would be the perfect class for you. This will be an eight-week course, starting on the 2nd May – 27th June (term two, but please book early) to be held here at The Kirribilli Centre by Jeannette Harvey, a registered music therapist & occupational therapist on a Monday from 11.30am for an hour. Please contact Jeannette on 0437 276 719

Your child and nutrition

How food feeds a child’s brain & what to do when their behaviour worries you. Dr Alison Knight is a nutritional doctor who specialises in treating children with behavioural and emotional problems using individualised nutrient therapy. Troubling behaviours such as anxiety, poor focus and attention and hyperactivity affect the way children learn and socialise. These behaviours can be caused by nutrient imbalances and can occur even in children who enjoy their food.In this talk Alison will identify some of the things parents can do to help, as well as introducing a paradigm shift in the understanding of what drives challenging behaviours in children. Date 20/2/2016 - Saturday Time 10.30am - 12.30pm Cost $80.00 per person Booking Contact Alison on or


Adult classes The school for self knowledge

People everywhere seek peace, happiness and freedom from life’s entanglements - without realising that what they seek is already within them. The School for Self Knowledge offers a nine-week practical course for those who seek a deeper understanding of human existence and a greater fullness of life. Date Commencing Wednesday 27 January for nine weeks Time 6.15pm to 9pm Bookings See website for booking details – call on 9953 9937 or Cost $170.00 full term cost

New the circle of security

This parenting program is suitable for parents of newborns, toddlers, preschoolers and children up to around 8 years. It focuses on building secure relationships with children, and has implications for other close relationships in our lives. Using a combination of video clips and small group discussion, the program course assists parents to become more attuned to their children’s emotional needs and helps in understanding children’s behavior. The course is facilitated by an experienced child and family counsellor. Date: Wednesday Time 10am -12pm Starting February 3for 8 weeks Tutor Michele Elsom Bookings phone Michele 0413 437 101 Cost $150 for 8 weeks

Facebook for beginners

Learn the basic features of Facebook and setting up your own account. Date By appointment Time By arrangement Tutor For enquiries contact the TKC office on 9922 4428 Bookings Contact TKC office ph 9922 4428 Cost $5 per casual lesson. All proceeds go to TKC Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Excel spreadhseets for home accounts

Learn the basic features of an Excel spreadsheet to set up a budget or keep your accounts organised. Date By appointment during working hours (Monday – Friday) Time By arrangement Tutor For enquiries about the course, contact the TKC office on 9922 4428 Bookings ContactTKC office ph 9922 4428 Cost $10 per casual lesson. All proceeds go to TKC

Instagram for beginners

Learn the basic features of Instagram and setting up your own account. Date By appointment Time By arrangement Tutor For enquiries contact the TKC office on 9922 4428 Bookings Contact TKC office ph 9922 4428 Cost $5 per casual lesson. All proceeds go to TKC

Introduction to smartphones

Learn the basic features of Instagram and setting up your own account. Date By appointment Time By arrangement Tutor Bec. For enquiries contact the TKC office on 9922 4428 Bookings Contact TKC office ph 9922 4428 Cost $5 per casual lesson. All proceeds go to TKC

Accs mandarin classes

Date Weeknights and Weekends Time 10am to 12pm or 7pm to 9pm Bookings Contact Robert on 0401 529920 or email info@accschinese.comor visit


Community Weekly bbq

TKC holds a weekly BBQ.Everyone is welcome. Please book a week in advance and provide your name and phone number. These will be held in our courtyard or on our back balcony if the weather is bad. If you don’t book, the BBQ may not go ahead for that week, so booking is essential. Date Each Tuesday(during the school term) Time 12pm Bookings TKC office on 9922 4428 Cost $3 per person – BOOKINGS essential

new Free monthly event

Each month we will hold a one-off free event, everyone is welcome. These events will be posted on our Facebook page, outside the Centre and on our website. Each monthly event will be held on a Tuesday at 6pm in the Gallery. An example of the types of free event is introduction to meditation, yoga, chocolate meditation; meet the author, life drawing and so much more. We are aiming to give you a taster of some new, exciting and unique experiences. Please contact our office on 9922 4428.

Health and fitness classes Table tennis

TKC has available a table tennis table. This is great for either a couple or a group wanting a fun, andan active way to keep fit and socialise. Please call our office for availabilities and bookings. The cost is $5.00 per person per session. Maximum time per session is 2 hours and is subject to room availability. Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Yoga classes

Meditation drop in class

WEDNESDAYS Meditation has been scientifically proven to assist in restoring overall health and wellbeing. Come and join our meditation group and feel its rejuvenating effects. Classes include Mindfulness and awareness techniques, guided meditations and beneficial breathing techniques for instant calm. Your teacher Lynda is an active member of the Australian Meditation Teachers’ Association. Date Wednesday 03 February, 2016 to Wednesday 06 April, 2016 Time 10am to 11am Tutor Lynda Ann Kerr Bookings Just come along or for enquiries contact 0438 628 128 or 99 565616 or visit Cost $15 per class

Pilates classes

Pilates is an overall body conditioning class designed to lengthen and strengthen the whole body, working from inside out to stabilise the spine and correct imbalances resulting from bad posture. Pilates is suitable for all age groups and fitness levels. It is a non-impact exercise. Runs during school terms. Date Tuesdays and Thursdays(for ten weeks) – students have a 12 or 10 week option. We are adding a class on January 19 & 21 Time 7.15am to 8.15am Tutor Sonia Bookings Use the Course Enrolment Form to book online or contact the TKC office on 9922 4428 Cost $125 ($95 concession)


Hatha Yoga is a blend of breathing, physical postures and relaxation. It involves limbering, stretching and strengthening to facilitate awareness of the physical body. Includes the practice of correct breathing and learning to overcome stress and tension through relaxation. We have a class for slightly older, less-flexible students that will achieve the same benefit – call us for more information. All of our Hatha Yoga tutors are members of the International Yoga Teachers Association (IYTA). Wear comfortable non-restrictive clothing and bring a towel. Mats are provided. Runs during school term. Day classes Monday 9.45 am Cynthia Tuesday 9.30 am Erika Saturday 8.30 am Miriel Friday 9.30 am Danielle Evening classes Monday 6pm Emily Tuesday 7.45pm Erika Wednesday 6pm Fiona Bookings: Contact the TKC office on 9922 4428 or email Cost $125 ($95 concession). If available, casual class is $15. You are able to pay and register for more than one term if you wish. We will happily take an annual booking.

Tai chi

Tai Chi exercises the mind as well as the body. Relaxation, gathering energy, improving balance and circulation are just some of the benefits of Tai Chi practice. Exercising the body and the mind improves fitness, general health and wellbeing. No experience necessary, all levels of fitness welcome, the class is particularly suitable for arthritis sufferers. Date Tuesdays Time 9.30am to 10.30am Tutor Judith Stone-Herbert Bookings Please contact Judith Stone-Herbert on 0411 276 142 Cost Please contact Judith for details Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Harbourside walkers

Heart Foundation walking A fun, free walking group held each Thursday morning. Date Thursdays Time 7am – meet outside Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre Contact Jillian Bookings Please contact Jillian on 02 9908 2643 Cost Free

Sydney bushwalkers

Together, discover the delights and camaraderie of walking in our local bush land. Date First, second and third Wednesday of the month(excluding January) Time First Wednesday of the month from 7pm to 8.30pm, second and third Wednesday from 8pm to 9.30pm (excluding January) Bookings For more information visit Cost Membership is $55 for 12 months or $85 for households (includes a quarterly activity program and our regular magazine,The Sydney Bushwalker)

Wellbeing for parents

A FREE weekly class running over eight weeks This program is designed for those who are struggling to adjust to the challenges of being a new parent.The Wellbeing for Parents program runs for eight weeks and combines exercise classes, group therapy sessions and one on one counselling (if needed).The program aims to give you some time to yourself, have fun and enjoy the company of others who are experiencing similar challenges. This is a fantastic program that allows you to meet other parents in a small, secure group. Starts Please call and register your interest. A new class will begin in 2016 (Feb/March) 10.30am – 11.30am Exercise group - a fun way to look after your body and mind. This class includes stretching, dance and relaxation (all materials included) 11.30am – 12.30pm Group discussion with the guidance of a health professional. These sessions are a time to share experiences and develop new coping strategies. By appointment FREE one on one counselling is available Co-ordinator Jo Harvey A crèche will be set up here at TKC to look after your little ones while you enjoy the program. Please note that space is limited, and this course is for eight weeks. Bookings are essential. This is a free program. Please call TKC on 9922 4428 for more information and to book. This course is in high demand and has limited space – please call Jo to book.


Music/concerts/performance Adult amateur performing club

Are you a keen amateur musician who’d love to perform in public but are too shy to do so? Here’s your chance to gain confidence among other amateurs who would love to hear you play. All levels and instruments welcome. Date Last Sunday of the month (except January) Time 3.30pm to 5pm Bookings Contact Ilma Cave on 0410 758 941, or by email at or visit the club’s website Cost $5.00

Guitar lessons

If you would like to learn to play the guitar, Ken our resident guitar instructor would be delighted to teach you. Date Every Tuesday Time 5pm to 7.30pm Tutor Ken Burns Bookings Ken on 9543 1512

Sunset concert

Come and enjoy some of the finest music in a beautiful environment, here in the Gallery. Music provided by Amateur Chamber Music Society (ACMS), with proceeds going to TKC. For more information, visit the ACMS website. Date First Sunday of the month (except January) Time Between 5pm and 6.30pm Cost $10, or $5 for seniors and students (light refreshments provided) Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Seniors only Well-being for seniors

An active class that gives you the biomechanical knowledge to help you look after your own body. Aging is associated with supposed inevitable issues such as incontinence, sore backs, knees, hips etc., the list goes on!!! Come along and learn how to reduce this inevitability and improve your wellbeing with a social group of people. This class is for 45+ Date Every Wednesday (during school term) starting February 3rd Time 10.30am to 11.30am Tutor Gaynor Armstrong Bookings Contact Gaynor on 0439 756 410 or by email at Cost $60 for four weeks or $20 for a casual

Bridge group

Enjoy a social game of bridge and lunch together with local community members (not suitable for beginners). Date Wednesdays Time 10am to 2pm Cost $3.00 Contact Phone the TKC office on 9922 4428 for any further enquiries

Chinese seniors’ group

Social Respite Centre to support the physical and mental wellbeing of local Chinese seniors. Date Mondays and Thursdays Time Mondays 10am at TKC and Thursdays 10am at Bradfield Park Contact Phone Anne on 9412 3488


Community Services Self help groups Alcoholics anonymous

Two meetings are held on a weekly basis at TKC. Date Fridays and Saturdays Time Friday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and Saturday from 8.30am to 9.30am Bookings Contact Drew on 0423 669041 (Friday) or Steve on 9415 3229 (Saturday) Cost Small donation

Smart recovery australia

Smart Recovery is a self-help group that assists people in recovery from alcohol and drug problems and other addictive behaviours. Date Mondays Time 5.45pm to 7.30pm Bookings Contact Karen Gold on 9373 5100 – check contact details Cost Small donation

Mental health and\support services Bradfield park carers program

The Carers Program is funded by the Department of Social Services. Its aim is to provide respite to families and friends of people who have mental health issues in Northern Sydney. The program offers short term counselling, education and training, therapeutic programs, peer support, fitness programs, recreational activities and referral to other services. Contact Phone 8920 0675 Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


c.r.e.a.t.e. northside

Provides a selection of social networking, vocational services (walking groups/exercise/ community lunch/choir group/beading/writing) and much more) for individuals affected by mental health issues in the community of Kirribilli and North Shore/ Northern Beaches. If you wish to be involved or require further information about programmes contact Greg Wood, who will be more than happy to discuss further. Contact Phone Greg Wood 9462 9100 mobile 0412 768 570 (between 7am and 3pm), or email at

Recovery choir

“The Recovery Choir” is a great social interaction for people with mental illness within our community. This is an opportunity to socially connect and engage in a musical experience within a safe and inviting environment –supervised by a health professional. This is a successful community based program which is part of the CREATE programs for 2016 run fromTKC. Date Every Tuesday Time 1.30pm here at TKC in the Gallery Bookings Phone Greg Wood 9462 9100 mobile 0412 768 570 (between 7am and 3pm), or email at Cost Free

Woman’s group

The Woman’s Group meets once a week to discuss topics such as health, coping with stress, understanding emotions, eating and so much more. A nice safe happy environment to share information and coping strategies. Date Weekly on Friday during school terms Time 11am to 12pm Bookings Please call Mimi or Trish on 94629100 Cost Free

Beading group

The beading group meets once a week. A warm safe, inclusive environment to be creative. Date Weekly on a Tuesday during school term Time 2pm Bookings Phone Greg Wood 9462 9100 mobile 0412 768 570 (between 7am and 3pm), or email at Cost Free


Lift your spirits group

Date Weekly on a Monday Time 1.30pm Tutor Rev. Peter Frith Bookings Phone Greg Wood 9462 9100 mobile 0412 768 570 (between 7am and 3pm), or email at Cost Free

Fitter, better, stronger exercise class

Gentle exercise for general wellbeing. Date Weekly on a Wednesday Time 1.30pm for exercise class Bookings Phone Greg Wood 9462 9100 mobile 0412 768 570 (between 7am and 3pm), or email at Cost Free

Professionalsupport services Clinical psychology and family therapy

Clinical Health Psychologist, Eva Fera offers treatment for anxiety, stress, depression, trauma, relationship difficulties, addiction,work place difficulties, and for victims of crime. Date Wednesdays Time From 10am to 7pm Bookings Phone Eva on 0400 363 390to book Cost Mental Health Plan is essential. Eva will discuss billing.

Collaborative counsellor

Marilyn Albertson, Graduate Diploma Counselling (CMCAPA PACFA) registered, offers a safe, calm space for clients to deal with life’s many challenges. Marilyn also offers the ‘Mindfulness Meditation’ Day Program at TKC. Appointments can be made by contacting Marilyn directly. Contact Phone Marilyn for an appointmenton 0448 338 108 Cost To be advised by Marilyn Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


How to find us

Professional therapist

Deb Bonham (Bach Soc Stud) is a professional therapist with 20 years’ experience. Creative counselling for children and adults. Date Tuesday and Wednesdays Bookings Please call Deb on 0404022983 Cost Medicare rebate available and ATAP clients welcome


Grief and loss, post natal depression, parenting support and relationships. Michele Elsom - B’Ed, Graduate diploma of Social Health and Counselling (Macquarie Uni.) Contact Michele Elsom 0413437101 or email Cost To be advised by Michele

Lifeline counselling

Lifeline offer counselling by appointment. Please call Kathi on the number below to arrange a time that best suits you. They have a number of counsellors available. Date By appointment Time By appointment Contact Phone Kathi on 9949 5522 for further information Cost Free

Free advisory and legal services justice of the peace

We have a JP available here during the week. All appointments need to be made prior by calling our office. Our JP comes in at a set time each week. Please call our office for more information. Date Tuesday and Thursday 1.30pm Time By appointment Bookings Phone the TKC office on 99224428 for an appointment Cost Free

Legal advice

Date Tuesdays Time From 6 pm to 7.20 pm (20 minute appointments) Bookings Phone the TKC office on 9922 4428 for an appointment Cost Free

Expressions of interest

If you are interested in taking a class, or have a course in mind, please contact us here at TKC. We’d love to hear from you. Call us on 9922 4428


How to enrol in Classes at knc Full payment can be made at the time of enrolment and must accompany a completed enrolment form. Please enrol early to avoid disappointment. Public Holidays: If a course falls on a Public Holiday, this will be made up at the end of the term (subject to tutor availability). Payment In person: By cash, cheque or credit card (Mastercard, Bankcard and VISA) at the KNC Main Office. Phone: Payment by credit card 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 9922 4428. Mail: Post your completed enrolment form with full payment to: 16-18 Fitzroy St, Kirribilli, NSW 2061. Concessions: KNC offers concessions. Refunds: Requires five working days prior to start of term. $15 administration fee applies. Full refunds will be given if a course is cancelled. GST: All costs include GST. Kirribilli – Sydney’s best neighbourhood!


Calling all A rtists

The Kirribilli Centre

40th Anniversary Art Prize $3000 art prize on offer at The Kirribilli Centre Local artists have the chance to win $3000 in a special exhibition at The Kirribilli Centre next year. Held as part of the Centre’s 40th birthday celebrations, the unique event is open to everyone in the community via the website, where you’ll also find entry terms and conditions. There will be one overall winner receiving $3000, a People’s Choice award winner receiving a six-week life drawing course at the Brett Whitely studio in Surrey Hill’s and a Young Persons award. Short-listed submissions will be exhibited throughout the herita ge-listed centre at 16-18 Fitzroy Street, from Friday May 6th to Sunday May 8th, with entry to the public on Saturday May 7th from 10am to 4pm Sunday 8th May. Judging is by renowned artist Peter Browne, and the winner will be announced on the Friday night of the exhibition weekend. Artwork will be available for sale throughout the three-day display.

Enter at: 16-18 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli Sydney NSW 2016

Phone: 9922 4428 •

Art - Design - Fashion

General Market

Month Art, Design General & Fashion Market January 11th 24th February 8th 28th March 8th 28th April 12th 25th May 10th 23rd June 14th 27th July 12th 25th August 9th 22nd September 13th 26th October 11th 24th November 8th 28th December 13th 5 & 19th

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