1 minute read

Geological Investigations

Mount Hecla’s composition is of Lewisian gneiss on the western slopes and of gabbro to the east; both are unique forms of igneous rock with interesting appearances. Lewisian gneiss is distinctively banded in appearance due to the alignment of mineral grains during formation.


Topographic Analysis

Running a script to test the rate of increase in height over lateral distance

Wind and Topography

Digital Site Analysis Using Average Annual Weather Data

Monthly Wind Averages and Vertical Profile

7 10 4 Velocity (m/s)


Simulation of Wind Velocity

= Flat = Steep

= Smooth rise

- ideal for site

Identifying zones with steep / shallow gradient

A weather recording device at the intersection between world coordinate grid lines and the fluctuating boundary between two atmospheric air masses. Emerging from the rich geology of the South Uist Hills in full exposure to Westerly winds, and sat just above the 1000mb pressure threshold, the building engages with the elements to amplify the tangible experience of the Jet Stream.

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