12 X-Factors

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Xtraordinary tutorial



From great to Xtraordinary Guide to a Successful and Balanced life in the 21st Century

How can you get the best out of your life? Xtraordinary people have found the answer to this question in lifelong learning. Lifelong learning has even become necessary in this era of unprecedented change. If you want to be an Xtraordinary person and get the best out of your life,

1. Keep your Mind Open


o you feel that life is hard, unfair or not in your favor? Then you are not alone. Most ordinary people feel like victims of circumstances, one way or another. Xtraordinary people do something unreasonable: They take Leadership. They act as if no one else is responsible for their life, their career and their happiness.They go for the option of making the seemingly impossible possible, knowing that YOU are the one who will be rewarded with the Empowerment that comes from conquering new milestones in your personal and professional development. They also know that most great things can’t be accomplished alone, so they take leadership for getting the help that they need. Bottom Line:

2. Take leadership

Is your foundation solid? Is it built to last, and geared for growth?

3. Xtraordinary people and businesses take care to build a solid Foundation, knowing that an unstable

foundation can be fatal, and even more so the faster and further you go. Spot and close cracks in your foundation by becoming aware of habits that no longer create the result you are after, and step-by-step replace these unproductive habits with constructive rituals. What habits could you and your company benefit from upgrading? Chose one at a time, and replace it with a simple practice that is more likely to give you the result you desire.


o you know yourself? What are your strengths and your purpose in life? What do you want and need in order to unfold your full potential? Ordinary people don’t think much about this, and don’t do much about it. 4. Xtraordinary people invest in getting to know themselves, for example, their type and their unique path, so they can avoid staying trapped in invisible patterns holding them back, and step into their highest aspiration.


o you do what you love and are best at? If not, get access to more fun and flow by implementing tip 5. Make your daily work deeply meaningful. Set your GPS: what is your mission, vision and values? Listen for guidance that is in alignment with your wildest dreams. One of the X-factors that gives a person an Xtraordinary glow is that she/he seems to have “clicked” with hers/his divine Life Purpose. (If you don’t know what it is, let us help you).


re you working in Sustainable ways? Or are you a hardworking, even stressed, performer? Do you get the result you are after? If not, it could be time to 6. Build Sustainable Success by working smarter. Here’s a way to start: alternate between focused action and small pauses, where you let go of work and are just as focused about recharging your batteries. This way you can also have worklife balance.


re you someone who complains or someone who takes responsibility? 7. Xtraordinary peo-

ple are Solution-oriented. They

do what it takes. Or find someone who can. Or invent a new technology that can. Xtraordinary people know that there is no reason to be stopped by problems since challenges are allways a steppingstone to the next Great Idea and Creative Practice, Product, System or Service. As many of them say: “A breakdown is an access to a breakthrough”.


o you help others? Daily? Ordinary people have enough on their plate dealing with their own issues, understandably enough considering the demands of modern life. Xtraordinary people however, allways make room to help others. It’s a way of exercising the Heart, which is all about giving and receiving Love, and is an increasingly relevant muscle in this era where it is becoming more and more obvious that we are all in the same boat. Giving is also a way to get more back.

8. By helping others, you grow yourself. By reminding others of their Greatness,

you remember your own.


o you feel bad when you make a mistake? Most ordinary people do. Xtraordinary people think that 9. there are no mistakes. Only feedback. They see mistakes as a great opportunity for innovation and growth. And perceive crisis as a terrible thing to waste. Do you have an Open heart? Or are you bitter, angry or feel isolated, either on your hierarchical mountain top of success or in your feeling of lack of success? Ordinary people close down every time they have a so-called “Bad” experience. Xtraordinary people keep their heart open. They seem to know that Xtraordinary living and working is not about being perfect, but about playing on the court rather than just watching and judging from the stands. They are not after control, but about building a world that works for all. Therefore: 10. Be generous to Yourself and Others. As Dalai Lama says: “Whenever possible, be kind. It´s always possible.”

Would you like to change your partner, kids, colleagues, boss, employees, neighbours and friends? Good luck. Most ordinary people try to change others, but fail miserably. Xtraordinary people know that the only way to bring about change is to transform yourself. As Good old Gandhi said: 11. Be the Change, you want to experi-


12. Are you happy, or are you putting happiness off until the day where everything, miraculously, will fall into place? Well, if you wait, you might waste a whole life. Xtraordinary people, therefore don’t wait to be happy until they attain their goals, but instead, they put happiness before goals, as a vehicle in which to travel towards the dreams. Xtraordinary Lesson? 12. Be happy every step of the way, and you might

just get there faster.

These 12 X-factors sound so simple, even banal. But do you live them? And if you do, could you amp up the volume in some areas of your life? If it was easy to inhabit these X-factors, we would all have done it. Ordinary people dream about living these principles, Xtraordinary people invest time, energy and sometimes money in Mastering them. Kirsteninternational.com is all about helping people and companies who want to take the leap from ordinary to Xtraordinary, so they can Play Bigger, the new Holistic way, with Pleasure. We hope you will be one of them: The Xtraordinary You is Wanted and Needed in the World!

These 12 X-Factors were delivered to you by Kirsten Stendevad from kirsteninternational.com. Kirsten is a Danish cosmopolitan, who helps companies and individuals go from Great to Xtraordinary in the following ways: * Free Inspiration on Best Practises and Tested-and-proven Tools to release the Xtraordinary in you and your business delivered through our newsletter * Digital content with on-demand Xtraordinary assistance and homestudy kits for your upgrade-on-the-run or in the comfort of your home * Live talks, workshops and seminars, tailored for your needs * Live Leadership training Kirsten is a thought leader, entrepreneur, mother, wife and networker. She has 20 years of experience in collecting and connecting Xtraordinary people and tools, and spreading good news to thousands of people. As the author of trendsetting bestsellers like Motherhood as Careerbooster, Simple-living and The Millionairess Method, she is specialized in releasing the potential of women through her unique programs in Feminine Leadership. Kirsten holds an MA, and has taken a number of trainings in “Inner Career� such as Personal Leadership, Quantum Physics in action and the effective mind-body-soul technique of Kundalini Yoga. Want to stay updated? www.kirsteninternational.com

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