9 minute read
Though I’ve always enjoyed writing, my only opportunity to write professionally was in the late 60s early 70s period. This was a weekly Record Review column in the then Adelaide evening newspaper called The News. I loved writing for The News because it covered music which was the basis of much of my life to that point.
A kickback from this job was that I was given up to 30 LPs a week from record companies. This was in the hope that their record would receive a favourable write-up in the Paper. I therefore collected many tens of thousands of LPs over the period which more than made up for the poor pay. Because of this my huge collection of LPs was stored in our Dernancourt home under the beds, on top of wardrobes, in linen cupboards and elsewhere. Eventually this caused a domestic problem with Christine where she issued the ultimatum “either the LPs go or I go?” She won.
Then Came Facebook
Facebook has allowed me to express my views on events of yesterday, today and beyond.
When I first heard the word Facebook I didn’t know what it was or what you did with it. Some people were telling me that it was a bad thing, that they would never use it and that it could cause harm or damage. I began investigating Facebook and could see what these people meant.
Now however after being on Facebook regularly for many years I contend that Facebook is whatever you want it to be. Sure, it can be bad but it also can be good. Facebook can be used or misused. Like many things in the world! Take motor vehicles, alcohol, crooked coppers, bent politicians, lawyers who get struck off - and more of course. Its what you do with it. I find Facebook to be a wonderful medium.
In my case, the stories that I Post are mostly G-Rated, sometimes controversial, topical, colourful, personal, nostalgic, tragic, political, entertaining and more. I spend an hour or two a day on Facebook. The subjects that I write about are varied.
I am honoured that Facebook has provided me the opportunity and medium to expound my views and writings. Unlike some Facebook-ers I choose to be selective about accepting Friend Requests. Some people accept all Friend Requests thereby building up thousands of FB “Friends”of mostly people they don’t know - a big bragging point or a badge of honour My criteria is that they must at least be an acquaintance. So my Facebook Friend list is just several hundred, not huge.
From childhood like most of us I have always loved my birthday - a day of gifts, love and laughter with family and friends. As time passed I grew to appreciate the importance of other people’s birthdays too. My friend the late Trevor T.C. Cowling formerly of 5AD used to send me, and his other friends a birthday card every birthday until this all became cost prohibitive many years ago. Then he continued the nice thought by ringing me each birthday. It was a lovely gesture.
I loved the whole idea so I started Posting a brief birthday message to my friends on Facebook. The feedback I received was positive so I continued and expanded my Post to include a photo of the birthday person with a brief story. I have an extensive network of friends and acquaintances so that I post a Birthday Message most days of the year. Sometime up to five people celebrate on the one day and receive my message.
I don’t call myself a “foodie” but food is a serious love, pastime, pleasure and part of my life. I was spoiled early in my life by my mother Mary’s magnificent Yugoslav cooking in particular from the Dalmatian coast of the Croatia region.
At home Christine and I cook different cuisines from around the world. Our meals are so often much better than buying food out even in silver service restaurants. So we are happy to eat at home. We love cooking Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, German, Australian, Chinese, American barbecue and smoker dishes.
We often feature our dishes on Facebook. Christine didn’t like doing this at first but has softened a bit due to the favourable comments from readers.
Occasional Advertiser Columnist
As I near 80 years, an opportunity came up to write again this time for the Advertiser. Another new career path opened up in my life. As mentioned earlier I had written a Record Review column for The News in the 1960s and 1970s.
The Advertiser topics that I have written about have generally been about music and entertainment which has been a big part of my life. The columns have been published as 3-page spread in the Monday Boomer section of the Advertiser. I love writing these stories. I am so blessed to enjoy another component of my working life where I have enjoyed every chapter.
Concert Reviews
Writing reviews of concerts has become another hobby career for me in retirement. Critiques should always be written factually reporting without fear or favour. giving music followers an informative, truthful description of a show so that it may help someone decide whether or not the show is for them. It should be written constructively, systematically with discipline in an entertaining slant. This however is not always to the pleasure of function organisers or promoters who from time to time have contacted the writer with a complaint or even requesting an alteration or retraction. No names no pack drill.
A critique review is one person’s opinion whose credentials and resume should stand the test of credibility and legitimacy.
These are other sectors of entertainment that have always consumed my interests and love.
When I first reviewed movies I promised that I would always write honestly and make sure that I judged them from the “entertainment” point of view. Why do we go to the movies? To be entertained of course - in my opinion. That principle applies to any genre of film whether it be drama, musical or any other.
Some years ago a newspaper reviewer with our daily paper wrote a glowing 5 out of 5 review of Beijing Bicycle. Based on this our friends and we went to see it together. We found it to be such a boring film that we walked out, something that we’d never done before. I rang this writer for a discussion but he never had the courtesy to call me back.
I find that Movie Reviewers tend to write their review from an elitist point of view rather than entertainment. They are reluctant to give a 10/10 rating because maybe it’s not cool to do so. And they also delve to find fault rather than give praise.
Motor Cycle
In 1995 against the advice of wife Christine I went out and bought a new Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Special motor cycle. Now in my 80th year, I still ride regularly with a range of friends. We always ride defensively and within road rules.
In October of 2022 with my friends John White, Tim Bradshaw and Chris Pattichis we set off on a tour that included the Flinders Ranges, Marree, Jamestown, Broken Hill and home via Renmark and the Riverland. It was sensational 2,600+ kls - the longest ride I’ve done. Pretty good for a 80 year old. We have locked in 2 more tours together for 2024 and 2025 to NSW/Victoria, then Tasmania respectively. Can’t wait.
The News
I have reported on the Murray floods this year, at the time focusing on Mannum.
I broke the news about 99 year old tennis player Henry Young long before he played centre court at the 2023 Australian Open.
There was the quirky story of the dead-eye-Dick Advertiser newsagent who every day accurately throws our Paper to the spot next to our garage door of our home. He should compete at the paper-throwing Olympics.
Giving Credit For Good Service
This is a regular feature of my FB site. I like to feature businesses or people who give good service or products to their customers.
The Keyshoeman at Burnside Village, the Stamford Grand at Glenelg, Evolution Crash Repairs at Blair Athol, Westpac Norwood Branch, S.E, Waite & Son at Norwood and H&A Coffee Shop at Glenelg just to name some.
With tongue firmly in cheek we also promote Frankie’s Maintenance Services for providing good service to its clients. Usually in the Frankmont (formerly Beaumont) district.
Frankie who is neatly attired in his Company Uniform is a tradie who specialises in painting, plumbing, carpentry and anything else you can think of. On call 24/7, no job is too tough - too big or too small.
All jobs are cash money only - no plastic or cheques. Happy to give quotes.
Please call Frankie 0 4 1 0 T.
This is a national organisation. In South Australia it is headed by Bob Byrne, Rex Leverington and the writer. Its all about the mateship of people who have worked in one the three sectors of our industry. The S.A. division was revitalised over three years ago and meets now at two luncheons each year at the Highway hotel. The lunches feature the interview of a guest Speaker. The main proviso for attendance and membership is that an applicant must have worked in one of either radio, television, press or an affiliated industry.
Stories of industry personalities often feature on Facebook, recently Mel Cameron and the late Mark Pedler.
Facebook is our medium for communication.