*cover designed by Kirsty Hardingham
Kirsty Alderson Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design Yearbook OUGD303 Design Practice Brief two
The Brief Create an interactive PDF for the Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design course. Extend the brief into proposed promotional material using the same concept that could be utilised in their end of year show.
Concept The concept is ‘the journey is the destination’. This is based on the fact that the students on the course all go on a journey to take them to a destination which in this case, is employment. The end of year show also links to this because this is a destination too because the three years lead up to this. The idea of having squares on the cover of the yearbook is because there are 64 squares, 62 for each of the students on the course, 1 for the staff and 1 for our team.
Colour Multiple colours have been used for the cover of the yearbook because the nature of the course means that a lot of the work produced is bright, bold and colourful so we wanted to showcase this aspect straight away. A range of colours were chosen so the cover is neither femanine or masculine.
Target Audience Prospective students Professionals The general public
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Kirsty Alderson Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design Yearbook OUGD303 Design Practice Brief two
Typeface and quotes Throughout the yearbook we have four pages for quotes. I chose the quotes based on key things that Duncan has said within the copy of the yearbook that stand out. Whilst finding quotes I also experimented with typeface ideas and chose champagne and limousines as my favourite which the group also agreed on. This was then set to be utilised throughout the yearbook excluduing the copy. The typeface is modern and compliments the style of the work within the yearbook.
Colour The background colour for each of the quote pages is based on colours taken from the cover design so that the two elements link together.
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Kirsty Alderson Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design Yearbook OUGD303 Design Practice Brief two
Images There are 62 images of work within the yearbook. 1 for each of the students and they are either sqaure format or rectangle so that the visual aspect is interesting from page to page but also has a form of consistency to it. I took the images that Jessie Leong shot in the photoshoot that we set up and resized them all to fit this format. There are also 8 double page spread images of the tribe and studio space because the course has a real emphasis on both elements that they wanted to showcase.
Page layout The overall layout of the yearbook was set by Claudia Griffin so I was aware of exactly where I needed to place the images. The layout varies in that there are some pages with type and image and some with just image. This is so that the reader doesn’t have to feel like they are constantly bombarded with text and there is a focus on the work produced on the course.
Context The PDF will be available online on the college website for anyone to access and the course will also hold a copy that they can send out. The other proposed elements will be based in various places around the end of year show depending on what the purpose of them is.
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Duncan Harrison duncan.harrison@leeds-art.ac.uk 0113 202 8000
Kirsty Alderson Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design Yearbook OUGD303 Design Practice Brief two
Aesthetics All of these products would be available in 4 colours taken from the quote pages and utilising the same style in terms of typeface and border. The colours used on the name cards would also be based on the quote pages but each person would have the opportunity to choose the colour which links to the work they are displaying within the show. The invite in particular has a unique aesthetic as it would be printed on silk in order to add a high quality aspect and link to the fact the course uses a range of different materials.
E-vite, invite, name cards and business card The e-vite would be sent out to anyone who the students would like to invite to the show because this indicates the dates for when it is open to the public. The invite would be physical and sent to professionals and parents for the opening night of the show when it is ‘VIP’. The business cards would be for anyone at all who visits the show over the time it is on incase they want to get in touch with Duncan regarding students and the course in general.
Specifications E-vite: Online PDF Invite: Organsa silk Name cards and business cards: Matt card with a spot varnish on text
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Kirsty Alderson Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design Yearbook OUGD303 Design Practice Brief two
Postcards Each student would have a set of postcards with their work at the end of year show so that if someone likes their work in particular, they can take this away. The image used on the postcard would be the same one used within the yearbook and the colour on the back of the postcard would link to the work on the front. Although they are not the typical postcard format, they still work well because they link to the format of the images within the yearbook.
Specifications Postcards: Matt card with a spot varnish on text Banner: Matt card with a spot varnish on text Stickers: Vinyl
Signage and wayfinding To lead to the area the show is based in there would be vinyl stickers on the floor utilising the colours seen throughout the other products. The idea of them being plain is so that people will wonder what they are for and follow them. These would be quite large so that people can see them easily. Once they reach just outside the studio, there would be a large banner stating which course they have reached.
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