FINE ART YEARBOOK - Publication & Promotional Flyer Brief -
Concept -
Flyer -
In collaboration with -
To design the 2012 yearbook for the BA (Hons) Fine Art course, along with any promotional material.
Working with the exhibition title ‘Original Rework’, we needed to make the yearbook stand out and catch people’s attention. We chose to rework some original images of spun paint through combining them together, creating a colourful and intriguing image that reflects the nature of the course.
The purpose of the flyer is to act as promotional material for the exhibitions being sent through the post to various people, as an invitation to the events. The A6 flyer consistently holds the same information about the exhibitions as the yearbook, however due its shape it doesn’t allow for the yearbook’s cover to be utilized in the same way. Instead we used a cropped section of the spun image, to get the audience intrigued.
Gemma Byrne Nat Jackson Nick Morgan
The title of this year’s exhibition is ‘Original Rework’, which loosely explains how the students take their understanding of history and rework it to create their own original artwork.
OUGD303 Brief 01 Fine Art Yearbook Board 1