Welcome Leeds College of Art is proud of being one to the few remaining independent specialist art & design institutions in the UK. The College has a culture of engaging with ‘live’ external events promoting a professional and outward looking ethos amongst its students. The BA(Hons) Fine Art programme recognizes that the students should be prepared intellectually, practically and professionally and the this years graduate exhibition celebrates the conflation of these qualities. Students on the programme explore drawing, painting, sculpture, lens- based media, installation, performance, social and public art through a series of critically positioned modules. They also actively engage with exhibiting and public facing practices as key knowledge instruments in Fine Art practice. This publication, ‘Original Rework’, draws together the profiles of the individual students with a sample of external projects undertaken and often devised by them whilst at the College. The final exhibition in Leeds celebrates the achievement of the students’ degree. It then tours to London to be seen as part of Free Range, the annual art show at Truman Brewery in Brick Lane to celebrate the first year of their professional careers. I applaud the achievement of this year’s graduating students and warmly invite you to explore their work in both exhibitions.
Sheila Gaffney Programme Leader