The "Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity" user's logo

Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

Columbus, OH, United States

The central mission of the Kirwan Institute is to contribute meaningfully to the field of research and scholarship on race, ethnicity and social justice, to assist in reframing the way that we talk about, think about and act on race and ethnicity and to elevate diversity so that we can envision and realize a society that is fair and just for all people. We embrace the insight that a healthy fair society requires both personal and social responsibility. From day to day we are concerned about the internal workings of the Institute, but the real measure of our success must be the impact of our work in bringing about this vision of a true democratic society. For this reason, all of our research and scholarship is intended to have an implicit or explicit impact on policies in the real world.
