A Handbook for Food Techno’s (Especially for GATE, CFTRI, ICAR-JRF, SLIET, UDCT/UICT, IICPT, NIFTEM, ICAR-NET, ARS, ICAR-SRF entrances exams and R&D, QA/QC, Manufacturing related job interviews)
A. Poshadri formerly with Manager, R&D for Bambino Agro Industries Ltd, Hyderabad, as a part of New Product & Process development and International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad presently with Assistant Professor, Department of Food Technology College of Food Science & Technology, ANGRAU Chinnarangapuram, Pulivendula-516390 Andhra Pradesh
Aparna Kuna Assistant Professor, Department of Food & Nutrition Post Graduate Research Center, ANGRAU Rajendra Nagar-500030 Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
NEW INDIA PUBLISHING AGENCY 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, CU Block, LSC Market Pitam Pura, New Delhi 110 034, India Phone: + 91 (11)27 34 17 17 Fax: + 91(11) 27 34 16 16 Email: info@nipabooks.com Web: www.nipabooks.com Feedback at feedbacks@nipabooks.com Š Authors, 2013 ISBN: 978-93-81450-89-5 All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author/s, editor/s and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The author/s, editor/s and publisher have attempted to trace and acknowledge the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission and acknowledgements to publish in this form have not been taken. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify it, in subsequent reprints. The authors hold complete & sole responsibility for the matter in the book. Trademark notice: Presentations, logos (the way they are written/presented), in this book are under the registered trademarks of the publisher and hence, if copied/resembled the copier will be prosecuted under the law. Composed, Designed and Printed in India by Jai Bharat Printing Press.
Food processing has an important role to play in addressing important issues such as reducing post harvest losses of farm produce, alleviating hunger and malnutrition and tackling unemployment through promotion of entrepreneurship in the food processing industry. Hence, growth of the food processing industry shall stimulate growth of agriculture and other allied sectors of the economy, generate employment and increase foreign exchange earnings. Most importantly, development of the food processing industry shall result in the availability of nutritious, safe and quality food for the consumers. Thus, now the time has come to create excellent human resources in the field of food science and technology in order to achieve food and nutritional security of the country. A Guide to Food Techno's by Mr. A. Poshadri and Dr. K. Aparna is a comprehensive volume containing basic concepts of food science and technology explained in a simple manner, without compromising on the scientific depth. In addition it contains a comprehensive compilation of information from various research papers across all areas of food science and technology. The book contains useful practical examples and with a section on frequently asked questions in entrance exams, this book serves as a quick reference guide for graduate students, food scientists, food engineers and technologists, production supervisors as well as quality assurance and quality control executives. The book provides basic and latest information on food science & technology covering topics on food chemistry, food and industrial microbiology, food process engineering, food trade and business management, food additives, food preservation, food spoilage, food packaging, food labeling and food legislations and regulations. The present volume certainly meets the requirements of scientists and technologists involved in the field of food processing but in addition it shall also provide valuable knowledge and information to all stakeholders in the food industry, especially in the small and medium scale entrepreneurs. I wish the publication a great success. Dr. Saikat Datta Mazumdar Chief-Operating Officer (COO) NutriPlus Knowledge Programme Agri-business and Innovation Platform (AIP) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) v
The last thirty years have seen the establishment of Food Science and Technology both as an academic discipline and as a profession. "A Handbook for Food Techno’s is a book of combination of basic concepts, scientific depth with practical usefulness. This book serves as a readymade tool for graduate students, food scientists, food engineers and technologists working in research, product and process development, production supervisors as well as quality assurance and quality control executives looking for the basic and latest information on food production, processing, food chemistry, food and industrial microbiology, food process engineering, food trade and business management, food additives, food preservation, food spoilage, food packaging, food labeling, food legislations and regulations. It also assembles the information on food biotechnology, functional foods and nutraceuticals and top food and beverage companies in the world. This book is a compilation of the wealth of knowledge which can guide the students, who are preparing for the competitive exams, especially for GATE, P.G entrances of CFTRI, ICAR, SLIET, IICPT, NIFTEM, UICT and State Agricultural University entrance examinations. It is also useful book for those preparing for ICAR, SRF and NET-ARS Exams. It is very useful guide to the candidates those who are attending for food industry job interviews for any kind of position in any department right from R&D, QA/QC, Production and Techno- marketing. Authors
Foreword ................................................................................................................
Preface ...................................................................................................................
Section - 1 Food Chemistry and Nutrition 1.
Basic Physical Chemistry .............................................................................
Solutions .......................................................................................................
Physical Chemistry of Foods ........................................................................
Food Analysis and Quality Control ..............................................................
Instrumentation and Advanced Analytical Techniques ................................. 91
Section - 2 Food Science and Technology 7.
Food Technology -1 ...................................................................................... 109
Codex standards for Certain Pulses .............................................................. 195
Cereal Processing .......................................................................................... 197
Meat and Meat Products................................................................................ 203
Dairy Technology ......................................................................................... 209
Functional Foods .......................................................................................... 217
Herbs and Spices ........................................................................................... 227
Fruits and Vegetables .................................................................................... 253
Section - 3 Food Processing and Unit Operations 15.
Food Processing and Technology ................................................................ 257
Food Processing and Technology -2 ............................................................ 267 ix
Content / x 17.
Food Processing and Technology -3 ............................................................ 325
Food Processing and Technology -4 ............................................................ 369
Unit Operations ............................................................................................ 437
Instructions for Establishment, Registration and Processing ...................... 441
Section -4 Food Packaging 21.
Food Packaging ........................................................................................... 449
Section -5 Food Microbiology and Shelf Life of Food 22.
Food and Industrial Microbiology ............................................................... 459
Water Activity ............................................................................................. 467
The Stability and Shelf Life of Foods ......................................................... 471
Food Safety and Quality Management Systems .......................................... 499
Section -6 Labelling of Foods 26.
Labelling of Foods .....................................................................................
Section -7 Food Safety and Standards Rules and Regulations 2009 27.
Food Safety and Standards : Rules and Regulations, 2009 ......................... 521
Section -8 Important Interview Queries 28.
Important Interview Queries ........................................................................ 553
Section -9 FAQs in Food Technology Entrance Exams 29.
FAQs in Food Technology Entrance Exams ................................................ 593
Section -10 Latest Trends in Food Science and Technology 30.
Latest Trends in Food Science and Technology .......................................... 683
Section -11 Top 100 Food and Beverage Companies 31.
Top 100 Food and Beverage Companies ..................................................... 721
Section - 1 Food Chemistry and Nutrition
Section - 2 Food Science and Technology
Section - 3 Food Processing and Unit Operations
Section - 4 Food Packaging
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