Postharvest Management, Storage, Ripening and Processing
C.K. Narayana Head Division of Postharvest Technology Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Hessarghatta Lake (P.O.) Bengaluru – 560 089, Karnataka
NEW INDIA PUBLISHING AGENCY 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, CU Block, LSC Market Pitam Pura, New Delhi 110 034, India Phone: + 91 (11)27 34 17 17 Fax: + 91(11) 27 34 16 16 Email: Web: Feedback at Š Author, 2015 ISBN: 978-93-83305-45-2
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Dedicated to my wife Lakshmi and son Jayaditya
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore – 560 089 Tel. No.91-80-28466420-423, 28446140-143, Fax: 91-80-28466291
Foreword Banana is an important crop for India and contributes 30% to total fruit production in the country. It is intricately entwined with the Indian culture and tradition. Cultivation of banana in India is an important activity for livelihood security of small and marginal farmers. It also provides employment to a large number of people involved in its trade and processing. Being a climacteric fruit, it is highly perishable and needs extreme care during its post harvest handling, storage and processing. The post harvest losses in fruits and vegetable is high in India, more so in bananas and plantains. Improper post harvest practices like faulty harvesting method, damage during handling, transportation and retailing results in cuts, wounds, bruises and impact to the fruits which spoils faster due to rapid biochemical changes and microbial attack. India is the largest producer of banana in the world, but its share in international trade is negligible. However, international trade in banana is one of the largest both in terms of volume and earnings. In international trade, quality of fruits in terms of appearance is very important. The quality is influenced by several abiotic and biotic factors both during as well as after the production. It is very important for the producer and post harvest handlers to understand these in order to produce exportable quality fruits. Banana has the highest processing potential as every part of the plant is suitable for use in one or the other way. Presently banana chips is very popular product marketed all over the world. However, other products like banana fig, candied fruit, flour based products and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from banana also have high potential. It is a crop with highest biomass production and only one-third of it is utilized. Advancement in biomass utilization research has resulted in development of several industrial products from banana waste. A lot of research has been carried out on various aspects of banana in different parts of the world. This book provides a wealth of updated information on post
harvest management and processing of banana and its wastes. The effort of the author to collate and present the information in the form of a book is highly commendable. The book will be a highly useful reference for the researchers, students and common man to understand the developments in science, technology and trade of banana. It provides latest information on post harvest aspects of banana handling, transportation, packaging, storage, processing and waste utilization.
Date : 02.12.2013
Amrik Singh Sidhu Director
Fruits and vegetables differ from other food commodities, by its living nature. Though detached from the parent plant, they continue to carry on most of the metabolic processes, notably the catabolic reactions, till it is consumed or processed. The methods of post harvest management determines the quality and shelf life of fresh fruits while the methods of processing employed for conversion determines the retention or enhancement of its nutritive value and the storage life. Banana is the most important fruit for India, due to its year round production and dependence of many farmers and traders on it for their livelihood. India is the largest producer of banana in the world with highest productivity and diversity of clones/varieties/land races. From the point of trade, though India does not have significant place in exports, it has been the largest consumer of bananas consuming almost all that it produced. After attaining the first place in production, India started valuing the quality (physical and sensory) in all commodities. Though the original quality cannot be improved after the harvest, it can be maintained by adopting suitable handling practices and loss can be reduced through appropriate handling and storage techniques. The authoritative books on bananas mostly covered production and protection aspects while post harvest management and processing was limited to a couple of chapters. Ever since the publication of those, lot of development took place in various areas of post harvest technology of banana including crop residue/waste utilization. The year 2012 witnessed the end of ‘Banana Wars’, and the international trade in banana found new players and rules. At this juncture when Indian traders are contemplating exports in a big way, the farmers, traders and fruit handlers need to be educated on proper methods of harvest, handling, packaging, transportation, storage and ripening of banana. This book exclusively deals with every important aspect of post harvest of banana including processing and residue utilization. With heightened health concerns and affordability, health food industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Banana flour is finding a new role in this segment due to its unique qualities and banana leaf in clinical treatment of wounds in humans and animals.
x Preface
The first few chapters introduces the reader to the crop, its origin and distribution, varieties cultivated through out the country and their characteristics. Later the trade of banana, both international and domestic, is explained along with the ways the fruit is consumed in different parts of the world. A chapter exclusively deals with the nutritive and therapeutic values of banana followed by the post harvest aspects at length in seven chapters with all the latest scientific developments. The last three chapters explains about the processing and value addition including the waste/by-products utilization. The readers will find it comprehensive with all the information relevant to post harvest aspects of bananas and plantains. Constructive criticism and suggestions would be welcomed to improve its content and presentation in future prints.
C.K. Narayana
Dedicate ............................................................................................................ v Foreword ....................................................................................................... vii Preface ............................................................................................................ ix
1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 1 2. Origin, Production and Distribution ................................................ 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Origin .......................................................................................................... Production .................................................................................................. Distribution ................................................................................................. World Scenario ...........................................................................................
5 6 8 9
3. Varieties and Their Characteristics .............................................. 11 4. Trade 窶的nternational and Domestic ............................................... 19 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
Importance of Banana in International Trade ......................................... Major Exporting Countries ....................................................................... Major Importing Countries ...................................................................... World Market Structure for Fresh Bananas ............................................ Domestic Trade ........................................................................................ Banana Trade Wars : A Glimpse .............................................................. Fair Trade Bananas ..................................................................................
19 20 21 21 22 23 26
5. Consumption Pattern of Bananas and Plantains .......................... 27 6. Nutritive, Medicinal and Therapeutic Values .............................. 31 6.1 Phytochemicals ........................................................................................ 32 6.2 Health Benefits and Therapeutic Properties of Banana ........................ 33 6.3 Validation of Health and Therapeutic Claims .......................................... 34
7. Post Harvest Losses and its Causes ............................................ 37 7.1 Pre-Harvest Factors Responsible for Post Harvest Losses ................... 38 7.2 Harvesting Method .................................................................................. 41 7.3 Post-Harvest Causes Responsible for Losses ........................................ 41
8. Pre-Harvest Factors Affecting the Shelf / Storage Life and Quality ........................................................................................ 45 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10
Climatic Conditions .................................................................................. Water ......................................................................................................... Spacing ..................................................................................................... Crop Nutrition ........................................................................................... Pests and Diseases .................................................................................. Bunch Covering ....................................................................................... Maturity and Maturity Indices ................................................................ Maturity vs Shelf life and Quality ........................................................... Pre-Harvest Sprays .................................................................................. Harvesting ................................................................................................
45 49 50 51 55 56 57 60 60 62
9. Post Harvest Factors Affecting The Shelf Life and Quality ...... 63 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6
Temperature .............................................................................................. Relative Humidity ..................................................................................... Physical Damage ...................................................................................... Microbial Load ......................................................................................... Packaging ................................................................................................. Transportation ..........................................................................................
63 64 64 64 65 65
10. Post Harvest Physiology, Shelf Life and Quality Changes ........ 67 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5
Respiration ................................................................................................ Effect of Ethylene on Ripening ................................................................ Transpiration Loss ................................................................................... Postharvest Biochemistry of Banana ...................................................... Postharvest Pathology of Banana ...........................................................
67 69 69 70 72
11. Improved Harvest, Postharvest Handling, Packaging and Transportation .................................................................................. 77 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5
Maturity Indices ....................................................................................... Harvesting and Field Handling ................................................................ Packhouse Operations ............................................................................. Packaging ................................................................................................. Precooling .................................................................................................
77 79 80 82 84
Storage of Banana ............................................................................. 87 12.1 Shelf Life ................................................................................................... 87 12.2 Pre-Treatments Vs. Shelf Life/Storage (Hot Water, Fungicides, Coatings and other Chemicals) ................................................................ 90 12.3 Surface Coatings ...................................................................................... 93 12.4 1-MCP Gas Exposure ................................................................................ 96 12.5 Use of Botanicals ..................................................................................... 97 12.6 Other Chemicals/Methods ....................................................................... 98 12.7 Evaporative Cool Storage ...................................................................... 100 12.8 Modified Atmosphere Storage (MAS) .................................................. 101 12.9 Controlled Atmosphere Storage (CAS) ................................................. 102 12.10 Vacuum Packaging ................................................................................. 103
12.11 Hypobaric Storage ................................................................................. 103 12.12 Irradiation ............................................................................................... 104 12.13 Chilling Injury (CI) .................................................................................. 104
Ripening and Retailing .................................................................. 107 13.1 Biochemical Changes During Banana Ripening ................................... 108 13.2 Commercial Ripening .............................................................................. 114
14. Minimal Processing ....................................................................... 121 15.
Banana Processing and Processed Products ............................. 125 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14
Banana Chips/Crisps .............................................................................. Banana Puree/Pulp ................................................................................. Banana Flour .......................................................................................... Banana Powder ....................................................................................... Banana Flakes ......................................................................................... Banana Figs or Dehydrated Banana ...................................................... Banana Jam ............................................................................................. Ready-To-Serve (Rts) Beverage ............................................................ Banana Beer and Wine ........................................................................... Banana Vinegar ....................................................................................... Banana Catsup ....................................................................................... Banana Inflorescence Relish ................................................................. Candied Banana ..................................................................................... Other Banana Based Products ...............................................................
127 128 129 131 131 133 136 137 139 141 141 141 142 142
Utilization of Field Residues and Processing Waste ............... 145 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9
Banana Alcohol ...................................................................................... Banana Pseudostem Fibre and Fibre Reinforced Products .................. Banana Pseudostem Juice ..................................................................... Banana Starch ......................................................................................... Banana Waste for Mushroom Production ............................................ Paper and Pulp from Banana Waste ...................................................... Vermicompost and Vermiwash from Banana Waste .............................. Animal Feed from Banana Waste .......................................................... Banana Leaf ............................................................................................
146 147 149 150 151 152 153 153 155
Bibliography .............................................................................................. 157
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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