Basics of mutation breeding

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Basics of Mutation Breeding

S. Thirugnanakumar, M.Sc (Agri.), Ph.D. Professor and Head Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding Faculty of Agriculture Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar -608002 Tamil Nadu, India

A. Anandan, M.Sc (Agri.), Ph.D. Senior Scientist (Genetics & Plant Breeding) Crop Improvement Division Central Rice Research Institute Bidyadharpur, Cuttack – 753006 Odisha, India

Y. Anitha Vasline, M.Sc (Agri.), Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding Faculty of Agriculture Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar – 608002 Tamil Nadu, India


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Mutation is a sudden heritable change in a characteristic of an organism. The term mutation was introduced by Hugo de Vries in 1900. Mutagenic action of x-rays was discovered by Muller in 1927 on Drosophila and gamma-rays and x-rays in 1928 by Stadler in barley. In 1946, Auerbach and Robson reported that nitrogen mustards produced mutations in Drosophila. Subsequently, a number of chemicals with mutagenic action were described. During 1927, mutation breeding programmes were initiated in Sweden, U.S.S.R., and Germany. Mutation breeding attracted considerable attention during 1950s and 1960s and several countries took up research projects in mutation breeding. The utilization of induced mutation for crop improvement is known as mutation breeding. Induced mutations have a great advantage over the spontaneous mutations. They occur at relatively high frequency so that it is practical to work with them. Induced mutagenesis produce genetic variation in polygenic traits. This variation is usually as much as 50% of that generated in F2 generation. Sometimes, it may be as much as or even greater than F2. Often irradiation leads to a decline in the mean of M2 population, but some M3 families may be superior to the unirradiated parents or the concerned F2 populations. Induced mutations, both macro-and micro mutations can be utilized directly as varieties or as parent in hybridization programmes. Mutation breeding has been used for improving both oligogenic as well polygenic characters. It has been employed to improve morphological, physiological, disease resistance and quantitative characters including yielding ability. During 1969, 77 varieties had been developed through mutation breeding. In 1983, this number rose to 337 and by 1989, 1322 mutant varieties had been released. This number rose to 1542 by 1990 and to 1737 by 1992. At this rate, the number would well over 2,000 by now. Of the 1542 varieties (upto 1970), 1019 varieties were in seed propagated crops, 609 direct releases of mutants and 410 varieties were desired from crosses involving mutants as, at least, one of the parents. About 523 varieties were developed in vegetatively propagated crops.



The present text-book has been prepared for B.Sc.(Ag.) and M.Sc.(Ag.) students of Indian Universities. An attempt has been made to present the principles and methods of mutation breeding in a simple language. Tables have been used, where necessary.

Dr. O.N. Singh Head, Crop Improvement Division CRRI, Cuttack


For sustained survival, any living organism in this earth has to improve itself by evolution. One way of sustainability of an organism over centuries is by spontaneous mutation. Artificial/induced mutagenesis is effective method to enlarge genetically controlled variation, considerably within a short period. After discovery of X-rays effect on fruit fly by Muller in 1927, utilizing mutagens in crop improvement programme through induced mutation were more widely adapted by plant breeders. In 1970s and 1980s, plant breeders made substantial contribution in crop improvement through mutation breeding. In classical plant breeding programme, variation is generated by hybridization and selections are made from the resulting segregating generations. Induced mutagenesis can supplement hybridization or replace as a source of variability. Thus, mutation provides the raw material for crop evolution and it provides the fundamental variability required for crop improvement by breeding. A large number of new promising varieties in different crops have successfully been developed world wide using both physical and chemical mutagens. From 1930 to 2012, more than 3200 mutagenic plant varietals have been released as direct mutants and through crosses with mutants. A great deal of information is available in this book regarding the types of mutagens and their effects, procedures for using mutagens for crop improvement, types of mutations (micro and macro) with statistical techniques to handle the mutation population. The subject matter presented in this book will be useful for both undergraduate and post graduate students of agriculture.

S. Thirugnanakumar A. Anandan Y. Anitha Vaseline

Contents Foreword .......................................................................................................... v Preface ........................................................................................................... vii

1. Mutation and Crop Improvement ................................................... 1 2. Classification of Mutagens and Their Effects ................................. 13 Properties of mutagen and their effects ........................................................... I. Physical mutagens ......................................................................................... a) Ionizing radiations .................................................................................... Alpha rays ............................................................................................... Beta rays ................................................................................................. Fast neutrons and thermal (slow) neutrons .......................................... X-rays ...................................................................................................... Gamma rays ............................................................................................. Mechanism of action of ionizing radiations .......................................... b) Nonionizing radiations ............................................................................. Ultraviolet radiations (UV) ..................................................................... II. Chemical mutagens ....................................................................................... Alkylating agents ......................................................................................... Base analogs ................................................................................................. Acridines (Intercalating agents) .................................................................. Deaminating agent ........................................................................................ Hydroxylating agent ..................................................................................... Azides ............................................................................................................

14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19

3. Procedure for Mutation Breeding ................................................. 21 Biological materials ........................................................................................... Gamma irradiation .............................................................................................. Chemical mutagenesis ....................................................................................... Combination treatments .................................................................................... Field experiments ............................................................................................... Details of the treatments ................................................................................... Field layout ........................................................................................................

21 21 21 22 22 22 23

x Contents

Observations to be recorded ............................................................................ 23 1) Germination on 10th day .......................................................................... 23 2) Seedling height on 10th day .................................................................... 24 3) Survival on 30th day ................................................................................. 24 4) Plant height on 30th day .......................................................................... 24 5) Days to 50 per cent flowering .................................................................. 24 6) Plant height at pod maturity ..................................................................... 24 7) Number of branches per plant .................................................................. 24 8) Number of clusters per plant .................................................................... 24 9) Number of pods per cluster ...................................................................... 24 10) Number of pods per plant ....................................................................... 24 11) Length of pods ........................................................................................ 25 12) Number of seeds per pod ....................................................................... 25 13) Seed yield per plant ................................................................................ 25 14) 100 seed weight ....................................................................................... 25 15) Pollen fertility .......................................................................................... 25 16) Seed fertility ............................................................................................ 25 M2 generation .................................................................................................... 25 Chlorophyll mutations ...................................................................................... 26 Viable mutations ................................................................................................ 26 Non-viable mutations ........................................................................................ 26 Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency .......................................................... 27 Statistical Analysis ............................................................................................ 28 1) M1 generation ........................................................................................... 28 2) M2 generation ........................................................................................... 28 Simple correlation and linear regression between M1-M2 ..................................................... 29

4. Effect of Mutagens on Germination and Survival in M1 Generation .................................................................................. 31 M1 generation .................................................................................................... Germination and survival .................................................................................. Plant growth ...................................................................................................... Fertility ............................................................................................................... Days to 50 per cent flowering ........................................................................... Quantitative traits ..............................................................................................

31 32 35 35 37 37

5. Chlorophyll Mutations ................................................................. 41 Mutation in M2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Chlorophyll mutations ...................................................................................... 42 Segregation for chlorophyll mutations ............................................................ 44 Single and multiple mutations ........................................................................... 44 Mutation spectrum and specificity of mutagens ............................................. 47

6. Macromutations ........................................................................... 49 7. Micromutations ........................................................................... 55 8. Mutagenic Effectiveness and Efficiency ........................................ 67



9. Correlation Between M1 and M2 Generation ................................ 71 10. Variability Parameters in M2 and M3 Generations in Sesame ......... 75 11. Heritability and Genetic Advance as Percent in Sesame of Mean in M2 and M3 Generations .................................................. 81 12. Frequency Distribution in M2 and M3 Generations in Sesame ....... 85 References ................................................................................... 89

Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .

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