Diagnostic Veterinary Parasitology An Introduction
Diagnostic Veterinary Parasitology An Introduction
by: P.D. Juyal MVSc, Ph.D. FIAAVP, FNAVSc Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Ludhiana
N.K. Singh MVSc, Ph.D. Department of Veterinary Parasitology Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Ludhiana
Harkirat Singh MVSc, Ph.D. Department of Veterinary Parasitology Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Ludhiana
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Dedicated to animals who suffered and laid their life during investigations for the welfare of mankind……………..
Preface Diagnosis is an integral part of control strategies against parasitic diseases in domestic animals. Identification of parasites by microscopy is the basis for both diagnostics and epidemiological assessment of parasite burden of the host.Veterinary clinicians usually face difficulty in proper diagnosis of clinical and subclinical cases of parasitosis in farm animals, pets and poultry due to non availability of requisite information on commonly used diagnostic procedures at one place despite more than half of the cases reported in veterinary clinics and hospitals are of parasitic origin. Although various diagnostic techniques are amply available in textbooks and manuals, yet these procedures lie distributed in different compilations that are mostly available in libraries, thus not easily accessible to field diagnosticians. Therefore, an attempt has been made by the authors to compile easily adoptable diagnostic techniques for use of field veterinarians as well as students with the ultimate aim for substantial control of different types of parasitic infections and infestations in farm animals, pets and poultry. Although immunological and molecular techniques are increasingly being applied for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases, veterinary practitioners worldwide still rely primarily on the conventional faecal and blood smear examinations based on the concept of “seeing is believing�. These techniques are still the gold standard and cost-effective means of diagnosing the parasitic infections in domestic animals. Our sincere thanks are due to all the faculty members and postgraduate students of Department of Veterinary Parasitology for their facilitation in preparation of the book. Special thanks are due to (Late) Dr B S Gill, Ex-Dean, for his critical evaluation and invaluable inputs for improving the overall quality of the book. Any suggestions from the readers for improvement of this book will be highly appreciated. Authors
Preface .................................................................................................................. vii Introduction .......................................................................................................... xi 1. Collection, Preservation and Dispatch of Faecal Samples..........................................1 Collection of faecal sample 1 Dispatch of faecal samples by post
2. Techniques for detection of Parasite Eggs/Oocysts in Faeces .................................5 Examination of faecal sample for helminthic infections 5 Faecal examination for enteric protozoan parasitic stages Sporulation of coccidian oocysts
Preparation of faecal cultures and recovery of larvae by Baermann technique 14
Micrometry 16 3. Identification of Parasitic Mites: Collection and Examination of Skin Scrapings .........................................................................................................19 Collection of skin scrapings 19 Techniques for diagnosis of demodectic mange mites
Identification of manage mites 22 Identification of ticks 25 4. Examination of Blood, Lymph Node Biopsy and Other Body Fluids....................... 29 Collection of blood 29 Requirements for the blood smear examination Types of blood smears Staining procedures
Buffy coat examination 33 Lymph node impression smears
x Contents
Mice inoculation test
Examination of preputial washings for Tritrichomonas foetus
Detection of microfilariae in blood 37 Examination of urine, nasal scrapings, nasal discharge and sputum
5. Collection and Preservation of Parasites...................................................................39 Helminths 39 Arthropods
6. Immuno-molecular Techniques for Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections..................47 7. Appendix..........................................................................................................................55 Tables 1: Characteristic features of important parasites/developmental stages 2: Predilection site of parasites infecting domestic animals 3: Commonly used antiparasitic drugs
Photographs Eggs of commonly seen helminths of ruminants
Eggs of commonly seen helminths of equines
Eggs of commonly seen helminths of canines
Eggs of commonly seen helminths of pigs
Eggs of commonly seen helminths of poultry
Commonly used chemicals/glasswares/equipments in diagnostic laboratory Plate I:
Photomicrographs of various stages of important helminthic parasites
Plate II: Photomicrographs of various stages of important protozoan/ rickettsial parasites 81 Plate III: Photomicrographs of various stages of important arthopod parasites Plate IV: Commonly encountered pseudoparasites
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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