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Green Guide Extra Trade Show Supplement
Dutch Lily Days International and industry-wide lily event gains momentum
The Netherlands Fundamental changes in the Dutch horticulture landscape
Market in full swing as spring selling season is off to a good start
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february 2013
FloraCulture l a n o i t a n r e t in The business magazine for worldwide floriculture
Floraculture International encourages the pursuit of joint activities in areas of mutual interest with national and international societies, companies and organizations. Agreements have been reached between Floraculture International and leading growers and trade associations in 24 countries. This unique partnership includes a complimentary copy for each member of the registered associations. Floraculture International is proud to announce the cooperation with the following associations.
Partners of FloraCulture International
Table of Contents
February 2013 Volume 23 Number 2
Success for Istanbul’s second Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia Plant Fair
The Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia Plant Fair is one of the largest two-way trade shows dedicated to flowers, houseplants, nursery stock and gardening. It provides unparalleled opportuni ties to discover new products, companies, services and innovations on the crossroads between the West and the East.
by Ron van der Ploeg
‘Dutch Lily Days’ gains momentum
In 2013, the Dutch lily sector will again host the 'Dutch Lily Days'. After two successful years, the event has already earned a fixed spot on the calendar of breeders, traders and exporters. This year, Dutch Lily Days are planned for Tuesday, May 21 to Friday, May 24. On these days, 16 companies will welcome visitors from around the world to view presentations of their current lily assortment. by Ron van der Ploeg
Fundamental changes in the Dutch horticulture landscape
Agriculture is still one of the most important economic activities in the Netherlands. The agricultural crisis in the 19th century made it clear that both farmers and the government have their own responsibilities during agri cultural crises. Growers perform better com mercially if they cooperate. The government’s role is to stimulate education, research and development and to inform the farmers about the research findings.
by Jaap N. Kras
International Events 26 Prices 27 World News 31 Advertising Index 35
From the editor Happy Gardening
07 33
Green Guide Extra Trade Show Supplement
The goal of Green Guide is to develop a global directory of trade shows and exhibitions, which provides information for both exhibitors and visitors allowing you to research and plan your expo experience ahead of time. As an international directory, Green Guide offers a cross-sector and cross-country overview of horticultural trade shows and flower & garden shows.
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
From the editor There has been a lot of activity in the industry over the last weeks with its eyes turned toward Valentine's Day. Our dear friend Bill Schodowski from USA-based floral wholesaler FBC reported at the beginning of January that pre-orders were coming in fast as everyone wants to get their great product ready for the market.
‘Concordia res parvae crescunt’ Editorial & Administration Offices
Angie Duffree
FloraCulture International Business address: ECA Office 140-21, Legmeerdijk 313, 1431 GB Aalsmeer Postal address: Postbus 1081, 1430 BB Aalsmeer T (31) 297 769 095 F (31) 297 365 366 Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, 3440 AP Woerden, the Netherlands T (31) 34 84 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl Editors: Ron van der Ploeg (ron@floracultureinternational.com) Editorial team: Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, Audrey Gerber, Marie-Françoise Petitjean and Jennifer White Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick Publisher: FloraCulture International (jaap@floracultureinternational.com) Printer: Habo DaCosta Designers: SDA Print + Media, Dirk van der Burgh Copy correction and sub-editing: Vanessa Heinrich Cover photograph: Ron van der Ploeg (Dervish dancer at the Turkey Flower Show).
Advertising Sales Offices
Dr. Sun Jing Xian
Niranjan Deshpande
Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacific International Accounts Management: FloraCulture International, Business address: ECA Office 140-21, Legmeerdijk 313, 1431 GB Aalsmeer Postal address: Postbus 1081, 1430 BB Aalsmeer, the Netherlands T (31) 297 769 095 F (31) 297 365 366 M (31) 62 21 65 220 Dennis Seriese (dennis@floracultureinternational.com) Angie Duffree (angie@floracultureinternational.com) Miguel Mendes de Leon (info@floracultureinternational.com) M (31) 6 81543366 Italy, Southern France: Arturo Croci, (acearturo@yahoo.it) Scandinavia: Lotte Bjarke (post@lottebjarke.dk) LB Text & Idé, Søndervej 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark T (45) 21 48 75 30 USA, Canada, Central America: Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Ball Publishing, 622 Town Road, PO Box 1660, West Chicago, IL 60186, United States T (1)6 30 23 13 675 F (1)6 30 23 15 254 Miami: William Armellini (william@floracultureinternational.com) China: Dr Sun Jing Xian (consultingflower@yahoo.com.cn) India: Niranjan Deshpande (team@kisan.com) T (91) 20 302 52 000
Valentine’s Day being on a Thursday is good news for the industry. “Valentine’s Day 2013 falls on a Thursday, which historically has been a good day for consumers in terms of ordering and buying flowers, particularly in the United States. Colombia ships 76% of its flowers to the USA and we expect the distribution to go smoothly,” said Augusto Solano, president of the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters (Asocolflores). He added that the weather conditions have not been an issue so far and foresees that production will be business as usual with the bar being set at exporting 1,500,000 boxes of flowers this holiday. Page 31. Speaking of Colombia, this year the country will once again host the renowned Proflora trade exhibition (October 2-4). Proflora is one of the many international horticultural trade shows that are organised around the globe. Emerging markets such as Russia and Turkey will continue to offer strong growth opportunities while in mature markets trade show organisers are facing fierce competition. AMR International, an event’s industry consultancy firm, published an interesting white paper on winning exhibitions strategies for 2015 and beyond. One of their conclusions is that “three factors combine to mount a structural challenge to exhibitor value: the decline of visitor time at events, eroding visitor numbers and the steady rise of prices per square metre. With visitor time-at-show in structural decline, shows need to compete more effectively for their share. As well as a segmented marketing approach that reaches and delivers high quality visitors, organisers need to provide these visitors with a more targeted, streamlined and value-added experience at the show. Additionally, succesful organisers will increasingly be those who extend their contact with visitors outside the show.” Last month I travelled to the IPM in Essen, Germany. This show, with its positive buzz, plethora of trade visitors and full of chances for boosting business has convinced me once more that, despite the digital era we are living in, there is nothing that can substitute the face-to-face contact at a trade show. Trade shows provide you with a huge opportunity to meet new buyers, strengthen your relationship with existing customers, create brand awareness and showcase novelties to the most targeted audience. In these economically testing times we as FCI found it necessary to express our appreciation for all the individuals and organisations that continue to make horticultural trade shows possible. The first edition of our Green Guide, which is included in this issue, is meant to support and raise awareness for the exhibitions. The Green Guide is a global directory of trade shows and exhibitions, which provides exhibitors and visitors with the possibility to research and plan their expo experience ahead. As an international directory, the Green Guide offers a cross-sector and cross-country overview of horticultural trade shows and flower & garden shows. The Green Guide helps you find a specific product and highlights the differences between competing shows. The Green Guide is the first step towards the best buying decisions. Pages 11 to 26.
FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. Worldwide distribution. ©2013 FloraCulture International magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of editorial may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not liable for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Send address changes to FloraCulture International magazine, Postal address: Postbus 1081, 1430 BB Aalsmeer, the Netherlands.
Ron van der Ploeg, editor ron@floracultureinternational.com
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
Turkey The Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia Plant Fair is one of the largest twoway trade shows dedicated to flowers, houseplants, nursery stock and gardening. It provides unparalleled opportunities to discover new products, companies, services and innovations on the crossroads between the West and the East.
by Ron van der Ploeg
Success for Istanbul’s second Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia Plant Fair T
he second Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia, which was held at the Istanbul Expo Centre from December 13-16, 2012, offered industry professionals the right business opportunities, whether their activities are in sales, sourcing or services. The show featured more than 300 exhibitors from 18 countries who produce 10,000+ different plant varieties. Over 9,000 trade visitors (representatives of domestic and international construction and landscaping companies, hotels, auctions, wholesale markets, DIY stores, garden centres, real estate development companies and 72 different municipalities of Turkey) saw a wide range of products
including trees, shrubs, perennials, bedding plants, fresh cut flowers, substrates, fertilizers, irrigation technology, plant protection prod ucts, packaging as well as garden fixtures, fittings and ornaments. It was a unique opportunity to meet exhibitors from around the world, showcasing their finest products and services. The show welcomed 181 Turkish and 121 international exhibitors with Italy, Germany, Holland, France and Belgium being the countries with the largest presence.
There is definitely something magi cal about being in a nation that is bursting with economic vigour and
Yasin Otuzog˘lu of Ada Plant.
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
expanding industrially. Visitors of the 2012 Flower Show Turkey experienced it all as this is one-of-akind plant show. It generated a real buzz among the industry because the region it covers boasts a range of traditional Mediterranean plants along with exciting new products that have recently entered the marketplace. Reforms to property laws, years of solid economic growth and political stability have combined to produce a real estate boom with several large-scale development projects across the country. New houses, of fices and shopping malls mean new gardens and this explains the surg ing demand for ornamental plants, not only in Turkey but also in Central Asia, North Africa and the Gulf region where Turkish builders and real estate developers tradition ally have a strong reputation. When we asked Mr Adil Özbek, general secretary of the growers’ association Süsbir, how sustainable the demand seen in recent years is, he replied that the longer-term outlook for the region’s ornamental horticulture and gardening indus try looks promising. “The future of both domestic and international markets remains bright. Next to the booming property market there are other factors fuelling flower and plant buying activity. Traditionally, there is a very strong cultural bond between Turkey and the new republics in Central Asia with 160 million people. This comes from sharing to varying degrees, certain cultural traits and histori cal backgrounds which facilitates exports.” He added thoughtfully, “Furthermore, Turkey is ideally
positioned on the world map. The demand for ornamentals will continue to rise. Turkish plants and flowers are set to become one of Turkey’s major export items.”
The Turkish hardy nursery stock sector has developed tremendously over the past twenty years. At a joint trade show press conference, Süsbir and the Ornamental Plants and Products Exporters Union, a division of the Central Anatolian Exporters Union (OAIB), said that the sector reached its first turning point in 2000 by moving away from the early stage of develop ment, characterised by decen tralised production, small-scale investors and expansion based on the sole promise of profitability. At the dawn of a new millennium industry peers who previously exist ed as separate individuals started to team up, slowly coming together as dynamic groups to share resources and knowledge about business plans, production systems, produc tion schedules, site requirements, climate zones, soils and automation. Adil Özbek said that Turkey’s ornamental sector finds itself half
The show featured more than 300 exhibitors from 18 countries.
way through the transition process to a market oriented production. “We are learning and adopting quickly. Our nursery stock sector, however, is relatively young and still growing. We do our utmost to support sustainable and healthy growth. I am sure you appreciate that time is a dimension and limita tion and therefore older plants are imported when needed.” Süsbir is one of the sponsors of the Flower Show Turkey/ Eurasia Plant Fair. “The first show in 2011 was the most successful exhibition yet, but we have noted that the organis ers have seen continued success in 2012. We sincerely hope that we can continue to support the show for many years.”
Ada Plant
Turkish horticultural business in full swing.
Other exhibitors such as Ada Plant share Özbek’s opinion. Founded in 2005 in Sakarya, 130 km east of Istanbul, Ada Plant has learned the ropes from its former partner, the Dutch Ton van den Oever Nurser ies from Haaren, the Netherlands. Yasin Otuzoğlu and his wife took an internship there some 8 years ago. Van den Oever provided technological and crop support
starting from the interception of the company. Yasin is one of the board members of the company and said that the network opportunities at the Flower Show Turkey were by far the best he had experienced at a trade show. Ada Plant’s business is thriving. “We are a 30 ha nursery that specialises mainly in deciduous trees, while 20% of our assortment consist of conifers and shrubs. Most of the material is propagated in- house while we buy 30% of our grafted young trees from Holland. They are subsequently transplanted three or four times to reach a 80 to 100 mm caliper in three to four years.” The company is said to have received 80% of its overall revenue from domestic sales to municipali ties, landscapers, builders and real estate developers. “We believe that our international sales will continue to grow if we keep the new republics in Central Asia such as Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan as important custom ers. In a few years, we expect the mix between domestic and interna tional trade to have changed and be about half and half.”
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
Husband and wife team Selahattin and Nuran Altun, (he an agricul tural engineer, she a landscaper), founded their 15 ha tree nursery Kardelen Fidancılık (snowdrop nursery) in the Odemis (İzmir) area in 2006 by combining their 25-year experience in the sector with the climatic advantages provided by the lowlands of Odemis. They also created Kardelen Peyzaj to cater for the high demand from the landscaping sector. Kardelen’s nursery stock meets international size and quality standards and their crops are either field grown or produced in contain ers. Kardelen supplies nation-wide and their customers include local authorities, landscape contractors, landscape architects, garden design ers, house builders, developers and private estates. The company also produces climbing plants, garden roses, bulbs, grasses, perennials, trees (liners, semi-mature trees) and shrubs for international sales to countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Iraq, Libya, Bulgaria and Italy.
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Kardelen returned for a second time to the Istanbul Flower Show, which provided an excellent platform for expanding both local and inter national business. “The Istanbul Flower Show exceeded our expecta tions and was in our opinion a great success as it allowed us to raise rand
Nice merchandising concepts at Nema’s stand.
awareness. Trade shows with their face-to-face engagement are a great place to make a sale.” This year, the 3rd edition of the Flower Show Turkey will be held from 28 November to 01 Decem ber 2013. |||
Left to right botanist annex production manager Aydin Dinçaslan and Mr Selahattin Altun.
FloraCulture al internation
he goal of Green Guide is to develop a global directory of trade shows and exhibitions, which provides information for both exhibitors and visitors allowing them to research and plan their expo experience ahead. As an international directory, Green Guide offers a cross-sector and crosscountry overview of horticultural trade shows and flower & garden shows. Green Guide helps you to find a specific product and highlights the differences between competing shows. The Green Guide is the first step towards the best buying decisions.
If you want different results... FloraCulture’s columnist Arturo Croci shares his thoughts on the future of horticultural trade shows. There is still a place for them, but they need to evolve. The decline in trade fairs in Europe was and is inevitable for several reasons and not only because of the economic crisis. Today modern means of communication such as internet, skype and smartphones plus low-cost travel, allow operators to talk and communicate far more, meaning that the 'fair' is no longer an essential tool unless motivating concepts and services are developed. The first professional exhibition, called Hortus, was held in Belgium in 1974; the same concept was adopted for Flormart, which first took place in 1975 in Padova and now takes place once a year. In those days there were no lines of communication within the horticultural industry. The Flormart, and other trade fairs such as Horti Fair, IPM, Iberflora and Salon du Végétal have been successful because they have allowed operators to communicate and get to know each other. However, since 1975 the horticultural exhibition concepts have not changed and for operators that attend regularly present a certain déjà-vu feeling. In the market there were indicators that showed the need for change, but the organisers of trade fairs did not want to take a risk and preferred to continue along the tried and tested paths, thus recording a decline of interest. After the poor performance in recent years and last autumn, it will be very difficult, to raise interest in trade fairs. What will happen? Today the first need is to develop an event at low cost. A professional exhibition for large companies requires investment of 30,000 to 50,000 euro a time. These companies usually have agents in many different countries and regions and therefore prefer to save or invest in other areas. The location of a new event should be an important city not only for the production, but also the consumption of green products. Meanwhile, IPM is now the “only one” and the solution of a single “unique professional exhibition” in Europe should be carefully evaluated. On the Italian front there are two events that are interesting. Orticolario in Cernobbio (CO) (www.orticolario.it) recently held their4th event, which was a huge success. Orticolario is an event that is open to the public and allows, for an acceptable cost, direct communication with groups of consumers with high spending power (namely from Lombardy and Switzerland). The other interesting event is the SUN of Rimini (www. sungiosun.it), which launched a major project for the horticultural industry this year the intention is to raise awareness of areas such as the use of ornamental plants to people that do not normally attend horticultural fairs. The conclusion is: “if we want different results we should choose different paths.” Viva la vita.
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Five trade show secrets With the start of the New Year ornamental horticulture and gardening businesses are gearing up to attend trade shows, such as the Salon du Végétal (France), the Goyang Flower Show (Korea), Hortiflorexpo IPM (China) and the HTA National Plant Show (the UK). When attending these shows, most businesses only have one goal in mind, sales. But with these five trade show secrets, horticultural and garden industry businesses can gain much more than sales this season. “One of the best things about trade shows is that you have the ability to meet face-to-face with the horticultural trade and consumer media,” says Susan McCoy, president of Garden Media Group. “Just like selling, you can also build much stronger relationships by meeting face-to-face with your industry reporters and extending your trade show coverage to include media.” Garden Media compiled a list of five secrets to help lawn and garden businesses build relationships and create brand awareness before, during and after a trade show.
Set Goals. Before attending any event, businesses must decide what they want to get out of the garden trade show. Most companies want to maximize media attention leading up to, during and after the event to get their brand noticed, get people to the booth and, ultimately, increase sales.
Plan in Advance. Once the goals have been established, make sure to have a plan of action. Establish three to four talking points for the people who are managing the booth at the show. Also, make sure they can interact well with the attendees and media.
Develop Press Materials. Plan press materials with critical company information for reporters who may not have heard of the business. Include company background information, product announcements, high res product photos or images (300 dpi), any video of product demos, product fact sheets, contact information, booth number, social media links, a brief background or boilerplate for the company and your business address, website and phone number.
Engage with Media. Start creating a buzz before the event on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and the company’s blog. Include links to social media sites on all media material and make contact with reporters and bloggers at least eight weeks before the event starts.
Distribute Press Releases Post-Show. After the show is over, issue a success release about how well the new garden product or plant was received. Quote some customers or trade show officials. Be sure to follow up with any media contacts that were made at the show and get them the information they asked for promptly. Lastly, utilize social media by posting coverage on the company website and social media sites. For more tips and secrets, download our free E-book, How to Generate More than Sales at Trade Shows. www.gardenmediagroup.com
FlowersExpo2013 The 3 rd edition of the international FlowersExpo will be held at Moscow’s Crocus Expo exhibition centre from September 9-11, 2013. The 15,000m 2 exhibition will gather over 350 exhibitors from 25 countries. FlowersExpo provides an insight into the future trends of the ornamental horticulture and gardening industry. Participation in the Flowers Expo in Russia allows exporters to take a first-hand look at the local market, meet potential importers and gauge the competitiveness of their products compared to similar products promoted at the show. Last year’s edition hosted 175 Russian companies and 180 international ones. In 2012, the trade exhibition was visited by over 13,000 visitors, of which 75% were industry professionals. The three-day event is poised to connect key buyers and decision-makers from the Russian flower sector with the industry’s most innovative manufacturers and suppliers.
Dates: 9-11 September 2013 Trade show hours: Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 September 10.00 - 18.00, Wednesday 11 September 10.00 - 17.00 Venue: Crocus Expo Moscow T +7 495 221 12 51 E mail@flowers-expo.ru I www.flowers-expo.ru
FlowersExpo will host the 14th edition of Russia’s national floral design competition under the auspices of the National Guild of Florists. It is particularly important that the show’s founders and organisers can pride themselves in having an positive customer feedback. Both domestic and international exhibitors agree that FlowersExpo is a very well organised and attended trade exhibition. They say the show is very beneficial to their business and helps to expand their international sales network. And this is the key to a successful future.
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
International Horticulture Goyang Korea 2013 Since its first edition in 1997, the World Flower Exhibition Goyang Korea has been held every 3 years until 2012 and the Goyang Korea Flower show held in the years in between. The Goyang International Flower Foundation was established in order to organise the exhibition more professionally and effectively. It held its inaugural meeting on October 23, 1998 and established the corporation on January 13, 1999 as the World Flower Exhibition Goyang Organizing Committee. On December 13, 2007, the name changed from World Flower Exhibition Goyang Organizing Committee to Goyang International Flower Foundation. And today, the organizers are delighted to announce that the biggest flower exhibition in Korea, the International Horticulture Goyang Korea (IHK) will be held every year starting from 2013. The 2013 edition of IHK will have the newest trends displayed and demonstrated to the world, including gardening techniques and new cut flowers and plants. The expo will definitely help to open up the gateway for international flower business trade. For 2013, the organisers have announced Business Days from April 27 to 30 that are expected to generate hundreds of commercial meetings. An expected 50,000 business people will visit IHK2013 on that occasion. There will be a special Business Lounge for promoting horticultural business trade as well as a Matchmaking Forum with free online registration for industry professionals. According to IHK, the Matchmaking Forum is a unique platform to find new business partners and exchange ideas. It is our pleasure to invite you to the International Horticulture Goyang Korea 2013.
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Dates: 27 April - 12 May 2013 Trade show hours: On weekdays 9.00-20.00 and on weekends 8.30-21.00 Venue: Ilsan Lake Park, Goyang-Si, Gyeonggi-do T +82-31-908-7642 T +82-31-908-7760 E sales@flower.or.kr /cacome@flower.or.kr I www.flower.or.kr
Flormart FLORMART, the largest international trade exhibition for flowers, plants, innovative technology and supplies in Italy, will take place in Padua from 11 to 13 September 2013. Last year, show organiser, PadovaFiere unveiled a strategy to retool and reinvigorate the Flormart show. The 64th edition will boost plenty of new and exciting ideas and is set to become the ultimate business platform through which operators can overcome this particularly difficult period of international economic crisis. A not-to-be-missed event at FLORMART 2013 is T-Verde, the technological gardening show which enables visitors to become familiar with the entire production process of the landscaping project, from design to implementation, from integration of the technological and nursery-gardening components to the operational model. T-Verde will be host to vertical gardens, hanging gardens, special greeningup solutions, sound-proofing structures covered in plants, deep-rooted reinforcing lawns and ground covers, examples of landscaped traffic dividers and roundabouts, systems for making roadside slopes greener and for recovery and storage of rainwater for irrigation. All of these systems are set to inspire architects and landscapers and improve the functional and aesthetic aspects of public works as well as city building complexes with green and flowering plants.
Dates: 11-13 September 2013 Trade show hours: Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 September 9.00 - 19.00 and Friday 13 September 9.00 - 18.00 Venue: PadovaFiere Exhibition Centre (Free entrance for trade operators) T +39 049 840 589 / 543 E flormart@padovafiere.it I www.flormart.it
FLORMART 2013 will undoubtedly be an international showcase for nursery gardening excellence. A complete network of companies representing Italian entrepreneurial production are intent on matching up commercial proposals with trade operators that are looking for innovation. A highlight of last year’s edition was the number of foreign delegates hitting new records. The show hosted professional sellers and buyers who are involved in the commercialisation of ornamental plants, green foliage for decoration, tools and machinery for private and public production chains, as well as articles for florists. In order to capture the interest of trade professionals, Flormart will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, thereby increasing business opportunities for exhibitors. The entrance to Flormart will be free of charge to all trade visitors upon registration.
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
United Kingdom
HTA National Plant Show The fourth HTA National Plant Show will take place on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 June 2013 at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry. Building on the success of the first three shows, the HTA National Plant Show 2013 will once again showcase the best of British plant suppliers and offers the perfect opportunity to discover the plants customers will love at the UK’s only trade show dedicated to plants. The Show brings together the whole of the UK plant supply chain to present new introductions and current ranges for the following season and provides a unique opportunity for plant buyers, facilitating interaction between all facets of the supply chain, ultimately aiding planning and purchasing of ranges in line with new consumer trends. Register now to: • See the widest range of plants from bedding to trees from British suppliers all under one roof • View plants at a time of year when they are at their best • Start planning your ranges at the optimum time • Learn from leading industry figures at free plant-focused seminars • Preview new plant introductions and spot future show stoppers in the International Breeders Area • E xplore and order sample stock from a range of exhibitors at the Marketplace • Find your next best-selling plant in the New Plant Area “ The International Breeders Area makes the Show THE plant show to visit with the greatest choice of plants from across the UK and around the world.” David Wales, Benary.
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Dates: 25-26 June 2013 Trade show hours: Tuesday 25 June 9.30 - 17.00 and Wednesday 26 June 9.30 - 16.00 Venue: Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ, UK T +44 (0)118 9303132 F +44 (0)118 9323453 E enquiries@nationalplantshow.co.uk I www.nationalplantshow.co.uk
Green is Life Organised by the Polish Nurserymen Association and Agencja Promocji Zieleni, Green is Life is a show that has plants as its main focus. It takes place in the heart of Europe, Warsaw. Green is Life is Central and East Eastern Europe’s leading trade exhibition for hardy nursery stock hosting 300 exhibitors from 11 countries (including Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Italy). It showcases trees, shrubs, perennials, ground covers, grasses as well as patio and bedding plants. This event is a must for any breeder, grower, buyers or seller as it is timed to coincide with the nursery stock looking at its best. The end of August is the perfect time to see thousands of top quality plants, with the industry full of new energy and anticipation to see what will be entering the market during the new selling season. Apart from exciting new plants, Green is Life is a showcase of innovative technology and supplies from leading Polish and international suppliers to the worldwide horticulture industry. In 2012, the trade exhibition attracted over 17,000 visitors, including 5,500 sector specialists from thirty three countries. Traditionally, Green is Life welcomes a strong flow of international growers, wholesalers, landscape architects, builders and green contractors as well as municipal authorities. “The attendance of industry professionals increases every year” – said Agnieszka . Zukowska, managing director of the Green is Life show. “There are conferences and seminars, offering top-notch learning opportunities and in-demand keynote speakers. These events are attended by people responsible for public greenery, buyers from garden centres, landscape architects and contractors. They come not only across Poland, but also from Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. Presentations are held in Polish, English and Russian.”
Dates: 30 August - 1 September 2013 Trade show hours: Friday 30 August and Saturday 31 August 9.00 -18.00 and Sunday 1 September 9.00 - 17.00 Venue: EXPO XXI, Pra¸dzynskiego Str. 12/14, Warsaw, Poland T +48 22 435 47 20-22 E info@greenislife.pl I www.greenislife.pl
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
IPM ESSEN From the complete diversity of plants and flowers via floristry highlights right up to the newest trends from technology, garden features and services, over 1,500 exhibitors from more than 40 countries will present themselves at the world's premier fair in the green sector. The top position of IPM ESSEN will once again be underpinned not only by the constantly growing internationality amongst the exhibitors and the visitors but also by an extensive range on offer as well as a first-class supporting programme. In 2013, 1,537 exhibitors from 46 countries presented around 60.000 trade visitors their products and services for everything to do with the green sector at Messe Essen. The high internationality, the comprehensive range on offer and the presentations of the exhibitors aroused the enthusiasm of the trade fair visitors from more than 90 countries. IPM ESSEN is the central stage for worldwide commerce in the green business.
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Dates: 28-31 January 2014 Trade show hours: 9.00-18.00 Venue: Messe Essen T +49 201 7244 532 E info@ipm-essen.de I www.ipm-essen.de
Dates: 17-20 April 2013 Trade show hours: Wednesday 17 April 9.30-16.30, 18-20 April 9.00-16.30 Venue: Shanghai World Expo Convention & Exhibition Center, Shanghai T +49 201 7244 645 E daniel.pein@messe-essen.de I www.hortiflorexpo-ipm.com
Hortiflorexpo IPM Beijing/Shanghai HORTIFLOREXPO IPM is China‘s most influential horticultural trade show and takes place in Shanghai in 2013. HORTIFLOREXPO and IPM ESSEN staged their first joint event in the Beijing Exhibition Center in 2012. It takes place every year, alternating between Beijing and Shanghai. An extensive supporting programme will be offered parallel to the HORTIFLOREXPO IPM. Inspection tours on which tree nursery and horticultural businesses will be introduced are being planned for international exhibitors. During live demonstrations, trade visitors will be able to marvel at the newest flower and plant trends.
Dates: 28-30 August 2013 Trade show hours: 9.00-17.00 Venue: All Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow T +49 201 7244 645 E daniel.pein@messe-essen.de I www.flowers-ipm.com
Flowers IPM Moscow The range of goods and services at FLOWERS IPM Moscow comprises plants, horticultural technology, floristry and equipment. The fair offers an up-to-date and comprehensive cross-section of subjects relevant to the horticultural industry, including a large number of product innovations and future trends. The 19 th FLOWERS IPM Moscow had some 530 exhibitors from nearly 20 countries. Over 12,000 trade visitors came to the All Russian Exhibition Centre in Moscow in order to obtain information about the extensive range of the trade show. Particular programme highlights are planned for the anniversary event in 2013.
IPM Dubai
Dates: 17-19 November 2013 Trade show hours: 10.00-18.00 Venue: Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai T +49 201 7244 645 E daniel.pein@messe-essen.de I www.ipm-dubai.com
A total of 4,829 trade visitors from 23 nations were counted at the seventh IPM DUBAI and the fifth WOP DUBAI after three successful days at the Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE. Exhibitors from 17 nations participated in the most important horticultural trade show in the Gulf Region and showed a comprehensive range available from the fields of plants, technology, floristry, sales promotion as well as plant care and logistics. The diverse supporting programme with horticultural seminars, floristic demonstrations and workshops offered the visitors an ideal platform for the exchange of knowledge and for networking.
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
IFEX IFEX is Asia’s largest and most significant business-generating trade venue in the industry. Flower, horticulture and garden industry professionals such as florists, garden centers, wholesalers, importers and growers gather at IFEX from all over Japan and Asia. Due to the decrease of domestic production, the import of flowers and other related products has increased dramatically in Japan over the years making Japan a very attractive market for exporters in the flower industry. The import of cut flowers has been increasing steadily over the last decade due to the improvement in quality and competitive price of imported flowers. Even in 2011 when the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and caused severe damage to the economy, the volume of flowers imported to Japan remained almost the same as the previous year. Now that the Japanese economy has recovered from the disaster, overseas flower exporters have recognised the huge potential of the Japanese market! IFEX offers opportunities to meet growers from Asia. Japan is the largest flower importer for all the major flower exporting countries such as Malaysia, China, Taiwan and Korea. They are very keen to see the trends in the Japanese market and therefore many of them visit IFEX. By participating in IFEX, they are able to promote their products and technologies not only to the Japanese market, but also to the growing Asian markets. What exhibitors and visitors say... “ IFEX is surely the most important trade venue for us to increase the annual sales.” Asocolflores “ IFEX is indispensable for us to grow flower exports from Taiwan to the huge Japanese market.” Taiwan Floriculture Exporters’ Association “ The show is the most important sourcing venue for next season.” Komeri - one of the largest home centers in Japan “ 40 buyers visited the show to source from our company.” Aeon Retail, one of the largest supermarket chains in Japan “ The show was great. We are going to place significant orders on exhibitors soon.” Love of Soil - Korean importer
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Dates: 9-11 October 2013 Trade show hours: Wednesday 9 October and Thursday 10 October 10.00-18.00, Friday 11 October 10.00-17.00 Venue: Makuhari Messe, Japan T +81-3-3349-8519 F +81-3-3349-8530 E ifex-eng@reedexpo.co.jp I www.ifex.jp
Russia/The Netherlands
Flowers IPM/Expo Flora Russia The organisers of the trade exhibitions, Flowers IPM and Expo Flora Russia have announced that they will combine their annual trade shows in one venue in 2013. This megaevent will be held at Moscow’s All-Russia Exhibition Centre from Wednesday 28 th August to Saturday 31st August. The 3-day event will be one of the foremost horticultural trade show featuring the latest in flower and plant growing, floristry, landscaping, gardening, horticultural technology and supplies from the world’s leading suppliers and manufacturers. The traditional Moscow-based Flowers IPM Expo has already successfully been taking place in the All Russian Exhibition Centre for 20 years (since 1994) and is a leader in the field of gardening and landscaping. By teaming up with the international flower & plant exhibition, Expo Flora Russia of HPP Exhibitions, the floriculture part of the event will receive a strong boost.
Dates: 28-30 August 2013 Trade show hours: 11.00-18.00 Venue: All Russian Exhibition Centre, Pavilion 75 Prospekt Mira 119, 129223 MoscowRussia Contact: Ms. Manelja den Dekker and Ms. Firuza Ruzikulova T +31-20-6622482 E manelja@hpp.nl T +7-962-943-43-28 E firuza@hpp.nl I www.expoflorarussia.com
IFTF 2013 The 4th edition of the International Floriculture Trade Fair (IFTF Expo) will be held from Wednesday November 6th to Friday November 8 th, 2013. The IFTF is the industrywide event that serves all segments of the floriculture supply chain: from breeders, propagators, technical and service suppliers, growers to the trade. The main focus is on buying and selling within the floriculture supply chain.
Dates: 6-8 November 2013 Trade show hours: 10.00-18.00 Venue: Expo Haarlemmermeer, Stelling 1, 2141 SB Vijfhuizen, Holland Contact: Ms. Manelja den Dekker T +31-20-6622482 E manelja@hpp.nl I www.iftf.nl
IFTF has found an excellent base in Expo Haarlemmermeer, a former Floriade Hall, designed and built as a state-of-the-art greenhouse which is situated in Vijfhuizen near Aalsmeer and its flower auction FloraHolland. FloraHolland will hold its own FloraHolland Trade Fair for their members at the same dates as the IFTF. Expo Haarlemmermeer is a beautiful venue that currently has 16.000 m² of exhibition space with an extension possibility of another 32.000 m², making it a total of 48.000 m² available exhibition space. The plan is to make the extra m² available for exhibitors, due to the high demand for exhibit space for the fourth edition in 2013.
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
The Netherlands
FloraHolland Trade Fair Don’t miss the international FloraHolland Trade Fair Aalsmeer! The FloraHolland Trade Fair Aalsmeer is the place for doing business. The FloraHolland Trade Fair guarantees an abundance of product and marketing inspiration. You will discover a complete overview of the supply of flowers and plants, product concepts, new products and trend presentations. More than 650 national and international suppliers to FloraHolland will be more than delighted to show you their newest products, available for order immediately or in the future. Every year, exporters, wholesalers and their customers visit the Trade Fair Aalsmeer. Don’t miss it. Last autumn, Horti Fair announced that it will move to the FloraHolland flower auction where it will be held in conjunction with the FloraHolland Trade Fair. The International Horti Fair and the FloraHolland Trade Fair Aalsmeer are going to unite from now on in a new fair combination which will still retain the separate, strong characteristic profiles of the two fairs. The visitor will find the two fairs running simultaneously and under one roof at FloraHolland in Aalsmeer. We hope to see you there!
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Dates: 6-8 November 2013 Trade show hours: 9.00 - 18.00 Venue: Legmeerdijk 313, 1431 GB Aalsmeer T +31 297 39 36 12 E events@floraholland.nl I www.floraholland.com
Orticolario The 5 th edition of Italy’s top home and garden show, Orticolario, promises to be three days of elegance showcasing the world’s most beautiful flowers and plants. The 2013 edition of Orticolario will stimulate and impress visitors through focusing on one of the five senses: Taste. Dahlia is one of the late stars of summer and has been nominated as the Orticolario’s Plant of the Year. Orticolario traditionally takes place in the early autumn when the first red, crimson and yellow starts to nestle in nature. Villa Erba, the 19 th century villa of late film maker Luchino Visconti (‘Death in Venice’ and ‘Ludwig’) provides the most spectacular backdrop for Italy’s most important floral rendezvous. An absolute first this year is that Villa Erba will open its doors to visitors. In the company of an expert guide, enjoy the splendour of the rooms which were decorated by Angelo Lorenzoli and include stuccowork, carved wood and frescos by Ernesto Fontana.
Dates: 4-6 October 2013 Trade show hours: 9.30-20.00 Venue: Villa Erba, Cernobbio, Italy (Ferry service leaving from Cernobbio’s Piazza Cavour) T +39 031 3491 I www.orticolario.it Orticolario is also on Facebook and Twitter
Packed with ideas on how to make the most of your own garden or floral arrangement, the show combines specialty flowers and plants as well as an unrivaled and superb mix of craftsmanship, style and artwork for which Italy is famous for. Orticolario features themed gardens, flower arranging and ‘flower cooking’ demonstrations. One of Orticolario’s main goals is to raise money for local charities.
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
The Netherlands
Horti Fair 2013 The International Horti Fair enjoys a highly rated position as the leading horticultural trade fair for technology, innovation and inspiration. The 2013 International Horti Fair hopes to welcome you to this years event which will be held in conjunction with the FloraHolland Trade Fair on 6-8Â November from 09.00-18.00 hrs in Aalsmeer. Once again we are looking forward to joining the participants in greeting thousands of colleagues from the international horticulture. By cooperating with the FloraHolland Trade Fair, we have been able to refine our profile as a trade fair. Both the International Horti Fair and the FloraHolland Trade Fair will be held in the FloraHolland auction building and special adjoining pavilions. Of the more than 15,000 trade visitors in 2012, a vast majority (72%) rated the move from Amsterdam to Aalsmeer as a good (or even very good) decision. This was one of the findings of the independently conducted survey that the Horti Fair holds for each of its annual trade fairs. Almost 80% of these visitors is planning to visit the Horti Fair 2013. This is an even higher score than for previous years!
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
Dates: 6-8 November 2013 Trade show hours: 9.00-18.00 Venue: FloraHolland Aalsmeer T + 31 (0)297 344 033 E info@hortifair.nl I www.hortifair.nl
Flower Show Turkey/ Eurasia Plant Fair The Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia Plant Fair is one of the largest trade shows for the ornamental horticulture and gardening industry. Ideally located on the crossroads between the West and the East, Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia Plant Fair is by far the region’s most important trade exhibition for a rapidly expanding plants and landscaping market. It attracts top international buyers and sellers from around the world. The event is now not only recognised as a meeting point of two continents, but a meeting point for the world! The 2012 show featured more than 300 exhibitors from 18 countries who produce 10,000+ different plant varieties (net stand area was 11,772 m2 which is a 10% growth compared to 2011). The show welcomed a strong contingent of international exhibitors with Italy, Germany and the Netherlands being particularly well represented. On display were a record number of plant varieties, that are suitable for all weather conditions and soil types, the latest materials and technologies for production of plants along with landscaping equipment and services. The Flower Show Turkey 2012 was more than just an exhibition. It delivered a unique insight into the ornamental plants and landscaping sector in Turkey and the region. Exhibitors and visitors were able to benefit from first-hand exchange of information and can now plan their future activities and investments with more confidence.
Dates: 28 November - 1 December 2013 Trade show hours: 10.30 - 19.00 (28-30 November) 10.30 - 18.00 (1 December) Venue: Istanbul Fair Centre, Yesilkoy /Istanbul Entry for industry professionals free of charge upon showing their business cards. T + 90 312 442 28 20 E info@cyffuar.com.tr I www.flowershow.com.tr/en
An important element in the success of the Flower Show Turkey 2012 was the high number of international buyers attending. The 9,036 visitors came from 53 different countries, with the Middle East, Europe, and the new republics in Central Asia being particularly well represented. Exhibitors were not only able to meet the key buyers from Turkey’s emerging sector, but they also made valuable business contacts in many other exciting markets. Turkey is one of the world's most strategic points as it is located on the old Silk Road. Istanbul, Turkey's commercial centre, is the world's only city located on two continents. It is literally connecting East and West. The Istanbul Fair Center is very conveniently located near to Istanbul’s International Ataturk Airport. There are daily direct flights to Istanbul Ataturk International Airport from almost all over the world. After landing, it takes three minutes by taxi to get to the exhibition centre and it is also one stop away from the Airport Metro.
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
International Events February 2013 5 to 7. Spain Viveralia, the 10th edition of the international plant fair, Viveralia at the IFA convention centre in Elche, Spain. www.feria.alicante.com 6 to 8. United States New England Grows. One of the largest and most popular horti cultural and green industry events in North America at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. www.newenglandgrows.org 6 to 8. Germany 20th edition of Fruit Logistica, the leading world event for the international fresh produce industry. It offers the sectors connected to the fresh fruit and vegetable business an ideal opportunity to present their products to a truly international audience. www.fruitlogistica.de 13 to 14. United States The Landscape Industry Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center, CA. www.winwithclca.org 19 to 21. France Salon du Végétal at the Angers convention centre in Angers, France. T (33) 241 7914 17 F (33) 241 4529 05 salon@bhr-vegetal.com www.salonduvegetal.com 23 February. United States MidAtlantic Region Perennial Symposium, ‘Perennially Inspired’, Baltimore. Join The PPA & The Horticultural Society of Maryland, Inc. to be perennially inspired. Engage with FIVE impressive speakers and network with your peers. This event sold out last year. The final cut off date for registration is February 18. Register now to guarantee your seat. www.perennialplant.org 24 to 26. Poland Gardenia, trade exhibition for nursery stock and landscaping at the Poznan convention centre. www.gardenia.mtp.pl 24 February to 3 March. The Netherlands Holland Food & Flowers. 80th anni versary of the world’s largest indoor bulb flower exhibition at Boven karspel. This year’s theme is Russia. www.hollandfoodandflowers.nl
28 February to 1 March. United States Tampa Spring Expo, Florida www.tbwg.org
16 to 18. South Africa 2nd Cool Logistics Africa at the Vineyard Hotel & Spa, Cape Town, South Africa www.coollogisticsafrica.com
March 2013 5 to 6. Belgium Florall Spring Fair at the Flanders Convention Centre in Ghent. T (32) 9 241 5091 F 932) 9 241 5095 info@florall.be www.florall.be
17 to 20. China 15th Hortiflorexpo IPM Shanghai, organized by the China Flower Association, Intex Shanghai and China Great Wall International Exhibition Co Ltd. and to be held in the Shanghai World Exhibition Centre. www.hortiflorexpo.com
9 to 18. Taiwan Taiwan International Orchid Show info@tios.org.tw www.tios.org.tw
19 to 21. United Kingdom RHS Show Cardiff in the parklands of Cardiff Castle. www.rhs.org.uk
13 to 15. United States World Floral Expo 2013 at the Jakob K. Javits convention centre, New York. www.hpp.nl
22 to 25. France Annual General Meeting of CIOPORA in Angers, France. www.ciopora.org
13 to 17. Switzerland Giardina, the country’s leading home and garden show at the Messe Zurich convention centre. www.giardina.ch 15 to 24. Canada Canada Blooms March 15 to 24 Toronto, Canada www.canadablooms.com 20 to 22. Ethiopia Hortiflora at the Millenium Hall, Addis Abeba. www.hpp.nl 20 to 24. Australia Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show at the Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens. info@melbflowershow.com.au www.melbflowershow.com.au 21 March to 21 May 21. The Netherlands Keukenhof, the world famous spring garden at Lisse. www.keukenhof.nl April 2013 6 to 11. United States California Spring Trials www.ofa.org/springtrials 9 to 11. Ukraine Flowers & Hortech, 8th international trade exhibition for the ornamental horticulture and gardening industry. T (31) 55 534 1140 F (31) 55 534 0168 info@bto-exhibitions.nl www.flowers-hortech.com
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
week 17. the Netherlands 2013 European Spring Pack Trials in the Aalsmeer area and the province of North Holland. The open days will be held on various dates in week 17. Check the Fleuroselect website for more information. www.fleuroselect.com 24 to 25. Kazakhstan Astana Flora Expo 2013, at Astana’s international exhibition centre “Korme”. T (7) 495 221 1251 M (8) 915 185 7903 mail@flowers-expo.ru www.flowers-expo.ru
21 to 25. United Kingdom Chelsea Flower Show. www.rhs.org.uk 22 to 24. Azerbaijan The 7th Azerbaijan international agriculture exhibition, Agrihort at the Baku Expo Centre. Show founders and organisers: Iteca Caspian LLC (Azerbaijan) and ITE Group PLC (UK) T +994 12 404 1044 F +994 12 404 1001 agro@iteca.az www.agrihort.az www.iteca.az 30 May to 3 June. Ireland Bloom 2013 is Ireland’s most important flower show which will take place in the Phoenix Park in Dublin. www.bloominthepark.com June 2013 5 to 7. Kenya International Floriculture Trade Expo (IFTEX) at the Oshwai convention centre, Nairobi. www.hpp.nl 6 to 8. Tanzania Food Agro Africa 2013. Africa’s premier international food, hotel and agricultural products, equipment and machinery trade show at Dar-es-Salaam. www.foodexpo.expogr.com 11 to 14. The Netherlands Flower Trials in the Aalsmeer, Westland and Rheinland Westfalen (Germany) areas. www.flowertrials.com
27 April to 5 May. Korea International Horticulture Goyang Korea show 2013 in Goyang’s Ilsan Lake Park. 17 to 21. The Netherlands sales@flower.com Grosci 2013, international symposium on growing media and www.flower.or.kr soilless cultivation. growing media and soilless cultivation at the Holiday Inn in Leiden. May 2013 Grosci2013.symposium@wur.nl 9 to 11. Thailand HortiAsia in Bangkok. Now in its 18-21. United States second year, HortiAsia will focus International Floriculture Expo on the entire supply chain of fruits, (IFE) at the Miami Beach vegetables, flowers and plants. Convention Centre. Venue: Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC). 19 to 21. Brazil hortiasia@vnuexhibitions.com 20th Hortitec at the Holambra Convention Centre, Holambra/SP. www.hortiasia.net www.hortitec.com.br 21 to 24. the Netherlands 2013 Spring Mechanisation Fair, the premier trade show for the bulb industry featuring the latest breeding breakthroughs in lilies and cutting edge machinery. www.springmechanisation.com
World News Thailand
Book now for Horti Asia and receive special offer Book now for Thailand’s premier horticultural trade show Horti Asia and get the guaranteed best rate. Thousands of plant varieties from around the world will be shown under one roof, from seeds to cut flowers, from fruits to vegetables, from nursery stock to bedding plants and everything in between. The exhibition is set tot take place at Bangkok’s International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Thailand from May 9–11, 2013.
South East Asia is one of the most promising markets in the world with serious spending power and a fast growing and young population. The region has experienced an economic renaissance and has been rapidly expanding, competing in the Asian and global economy. Rising incomes and a growing middle class have created increased demand for high quality fresh produce. Undoubtedley, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, which was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, has played a fundamental role in terms of accelerating the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region. Horti Asia 2013 offers the readers of FloraCulture International a unique opportunity to participate in the Horti Asia show in the specially designed FloraCulture International Pavilion. A great package* is available for those wishing to take part: A 6m² stand is € 1.300 Hostess translator € 50 Hotel (5 nights ad € 70) € 350 *a minimum of 6 participants is required To apply and download the application form and full terms & conditions: www.hortiasia.net. |||
FloraHolland clock sales 2013 Category Cut Flowers
Product Rose large Tulipa single flowered Chrysanthemum spray Lilium oriental Rosa sweetheart Chrysanthemum disbudded Gerbera mini Chrysanthemum santini Freesia single flowered Cymbidium large flowered per stem Gerbera large flowered Tulipa double flowered Hyacinthus orientalis Hippeastrum Alstroemeria
Total Top 15 Indoor Plants
Weeks 1 to 3 Quantity % 12:11 Price 2013 Price 2012 98,396,704 -8.4 0.22 0.24 88,581,970 -29.6 0.16 0.11 27,669,757 -16.8 0.36 0.38 4,212,205 0.0 0.73 0.85 7,063,831 -35.8 0.10 0.10 6,163,990 -6.7 0.55 0.63 20,153,945 -6.6 0.09 0.14 5,648,017 -10.9 0.22 0.21 5,796,550 -7.2 0.20 0.22 592,151 -4.4 2.64 2.95 4,069,440 -6.3 0.23 0.31 7,845,130 -45.1 0.20 0.15 3,898,350 -9.9 0.32 0.30 2.845.433 18.3 0.46 0.87 5,719,770 -10.0 0.21 0.21 288,657,243 -18.7 0.23 0.22
Potted Hyacinthus
536,104 319,093 159,580 1,344,523 2,171,291 175,922 314,155 736,256 10,150,685
0.3 -18.2 -21.6 23.8 2.9 -44.6 -38.6 -3.0 -3.9
1.33 3.02 0.81 0.55 0.58 2.87 1.55 0.79 1.07
1.47 2.96 0.75 0.70 0.55 2.26 1.41 0.92 1.10
142,094 374,117 16,891 19,746 11,338 564,186
-56.3 6.8 -71.3 -44.7 -47.3 -28.7
1.94 0.32 3.91 3.16 2.09 0.97
1.29 0.31 1.67 3.72 2.00 1.01
Bromelia Anthurium Miscellanous indoor plants Kalanchoe Narcissus Ficus Dracaena Cyclamen Total Top 10 Garden Plants Helleborus Primula Buxus Camellia Salix Total Top 5
Source FloraHolland
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
Lilies In 2013, the Dutch lily sector will again host the 'Dutch Lily Days'. After two successful years, the event has already earned a fixed spot on the calendar of breeders, traders and exporters. This year, Dutch Lily Days are planned for Tuesday, May 21 to Friday, May 24. On these days, 16 companies will welcome visitors from around the world to view presentations of their current lily assortment.
‘Dutch Lily Days’ gains momentum T
he number of visitors grew tremendously last year compared with the first year. On average, each participant in the Dutch Lily Days had 500 to 600 visitors on their site. The visitors arrived from all parts of the world, including China, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Africa, the USA, Mexico, Ireland, Spain and Hungary. In 2011 there were few Scandinavian business rela tions, but last year they attended in large numbers. The participating companies made their presentations more professional and appealing to the visitors. A concomitant effect of the Dutch Lily Days is that international specialist periodicals and other media are devoting attention to the lily, which is still one of the largest horticultural products of the Netherlands. Of all the lilies traded in the world, 95 percent come from the Netherlands. With an area of 3800 ha, the lily is responsible for a quarter of the national trade in flower bulbs. Next to the tulip, the lily is the most commonly grown flower bulb in the Netherlands.
More efficient visit
by Ron van der Ploeg
The Dutch Lily Days originated two years ago as an attempt to provide a better overview of the lily assortment. The traditional 'display' of the hundreds of varieties at Keukenhof was always too early
in the season for lilies. Therefore, in 2011, 15 breeders and traders joined forces to open their doors simultaneously for a flower trial. Royal van Zanten was one of the initiators. “It is so much easier for our foreign customers to come and see everything over the same few days. This is also more efficient for us than having visitors arriving over several weeks,” says Derek Stol, who is responsible for marketing and communication at the lily-breeding nursery in Hillegom. He also noted that in just two years the event has already gained a fixed spot on the horticultural calendar. “We hear from our business relations that they are looking forward to the
Dutch Lily Days. Customers can see what varieties and quantities they have bought in previous years, and we show them the new ones. That makes these days so successful.”
Participants 2013
The participants in the Dutch Lily Days 2013 are: Van den Bos Flower bulbs, De Jong Lelies, Bot Flower bulbs, Laan Flora Facilities, Lily Company, Mak Breeding, Marklily, Onings Holland Flowerbulbs, The Originals, C. Steenvoorden, G.A. Verdegaal, Gebr. Vletter & Den Haan, VWS Flowerbulbs, World Breeding, Zabo Plant and Royal Van Zanten. For more infor mation: www.dutchlilydays.com |||
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
World News
The Netherlands Eric Moor wins Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur Award Dutch junior economic affairs minister, Ms Sharon Dijksma, presented the 2013 Dutch Horticultural Entrepreneur Award to orchid grower Eric Moor on January 9 at a reception for the New Year at Keukenhof in Lisse, the Netherlands. Now in its 27th year, the award recognises progressive growers who embrace technology and modern production practices, market innovatively, deliver strong customer service and demonstrate industry leadership. Eric Moor is managing director and company owner of Sion. Founded in 1993 as production company of Phalaenopsis, Sion has rap-
idly evolved into an internationally recognised supplier of Phalaenopsis young plants. Moor chose to diversify into young plants because of the product’s structural shortage of good varieties and a desire to explore what can be changed for a progressive orchid future. A no nonsense business culture, tried an tested Phalaenopsis varieties with a clear focus on
Colombia Colombia gears up for Valentine’s Day This first major annual holiday generates 10 thousand additional jobs in Colombia every year, primarily in Cundinamarca, where 76% of export flowers are grown. Colombia will be coming up as it gears itself up to supply the world with flowers for Valentine’s Day 2013 this coming February 14th. In the run up to Valentine’s Day, Augusto Solano, president of the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters, stated that until February 8th, flower growers will be focusing their efforts on meeting the demands of the most important sales period for the nation’s floriculture industry. “We estimate Colombia will be exporting close to 500 million flowers this Valentine’s Day, mainly to the United States. By the same token, Valentine’s Day accounts for almost 12% our annual sales”, stated the trade association leader. “Valentine’s Day also brings 10,000 extra jobs on board to the almost 130,000 generated by the nation’s floriculture industry in 48 Colombian townships”, added the president of Asocolflores. Solano mentioned that the weather conditions have not been an issue so far and foresees that production will be business as usual with the bar being set
Eric Moor
exotic novelties combined with a never seen before openness in relationships with growers are Moor’s strongest assets. |||
The Netherlands Mission Seed Space conference World renowned ESA astronaut and Dutch physician, André Kuipers, the first Dutch astronaut to have made two journeys into space, is to provide a presentation at Mission Seed Space conference which takes place on 14 February at the Arendshoeve, Aalsmeer.
at exporting 1,500,000 boxes of flowers this holiday. “Valentine’s Day 2013 falls on a Thursday, which historically has been a good day for consumers in terms of ordering and buying flowers, particularly in the United States, where Colombia ships 76% of its flower sales, plus we expect distribution to go smoothly,” added Solano. On the other hand, Solano did add that this year’s Valentine’s sales period will be affected by the exchange rate. Flower growers, as well as all Colombian exporters, have been faced with a nearly decade-old revaluation process that has directly impacted their bottom line. |||
Kuipers and other inspiring speakers will guide attendees on a journey into seed space – a journey through the current technologies and techniques for the enhancement of seed and plant production and beyond into the future. The agricultural chain is challenged with the responsibility of responding to the increasing demand for healthy and sustainable crop production. Expertly hosted by Karel van de Graaf, Mission Seed Space provides a platform for the exchanging of ideas and insights. This day promises to be more than a seminar. A day full of inspiration with motivated professionals and a surprise act. All this in a tranquil and unique setting that is sure to transport you ‘out of this world’. Register now: www.missionseedspace.com/ www.incotec.com |||
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
The Netherlands Agriculture is still one of the most important economic activities in the Netherlands. The agricultural crisis in the 19th century made it clear that both farmers and the government have their own responsibilities during agricultural crises. Growers perform better commercially if they cooperate. The government’s role is to stimulate education, research and development and to inform the farmers about the research findings.
Fundamental changes in the Dutch horticulture landscape
utch agriculture is based on three famous pillars: education, research and instruction. Of course, all three pil lars and their underlying infrastruc ture are interdependent and not mutually exclusive. Growers team up in cooperations that are involved in producing, selling, purchasing, insuring and banking. This model worked fantastically well in the past and today, the Netherlands which is only the same size as one of America’s smallest states, Delaware, is still the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world.
Massive closures
by Jaap Kras
Since October 2012, the Nether lands has not had an independent Ministry of Agriculture as the former Dutch Ministry of Agri culture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) merged with the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The Product schappen, the Bedrijfschappen (commodity boards), along with highly important promotional organisations such as PPH (nursery
www.FloraCultureInternational.com | February 2013
stock) and IBC (flower bulbs) and the permanent judging committee (VKC) closed. The Productschappen and Bedrijf schappen were farmers’ organisa tions with a public character. The Productschappen represented the entire supply chain and made laws for all those dealing with the same product. In the dairy industry, for example, those laws applied to farmers, their cooperations as well as the wholesalers and retailers. As for the flower industry, the Productschap brought together flower breeders, propagators, commercial growers, auctions, floral wholesalers and retailers. The Bedrijfschappen had created a horizontal structure. They were able to make rules for all those having the same profession: there was a Bedrijfschap for farmers, one for wholesalers and one for retailers. Farmers and wholesalers had to pay at least two compulsory annual membership fees including the Productschap (PT) and the Bedrijf schap (HBAG) levy.
This structure raised protests ever since its start in 1953. Nobody in this world likes to be forced to be a member and to pay an annual fee to an organisation that makes laws and restricts the liberties of an entrepreneur. But there was also a good thing about it as every body had to pay for the activities; there was no free riding.
Tricky thing
The idea that, through a system of levies, the industry as a whole pays for product promotion was widely accepted. But the tricky thing about these governmental bodies was the cost of the bodies them selves. These costs had to be covered by the farmers. The most commonly heard objec tive was “I cannot influence the spending of the money they collect from me”. Why? Although nobody voices it this way, in my opinion there is a much deeper reason for this dramatic change in the Dutch organisation structure. Over the last decades, the commercial model of agri culture and horticulture changed significantly. In the past, business was based on the lean and mean model; the farmer produced flow ers, brought these to the auction where wholesalers purchased them to resell to retail. What we see today is that consumers attach great importance to knowing the origins of the agricultural product they have purchased. They want to know who milked the cow or produced the flower (and that no child labour has been involved) and the producer has to reach the end of the supply chain to make some profit. The digital era with its social media and online techniques allows the entrepreneurs to communicate and trade directly with the retailer. The butcher starts buying his meat from one single farmer, while the flower
Happy Gardening by Anthony Tesselaar
At the dentist grower opens a web shop for the retailer. Flower breed ers sign exclusive contracts with retailers and select a specific grower to produce their crop in line with the conditions set by the breeders and retailers.
Enormous pressure
All those entrepreneurs who have based their model on the old horizontal structure will loose functions and income and will ultimately disappear. As a result, each and every traditional company, between growers and retailers, is under enormous pressure and might also vanish. Meanwhile, new companies are set up. They specialise in collecting, transporting and delivering between growers and retailers, offering customised services that are adapted to the individual situation of the grower and retailer. These are companies with a vertical struc ture, their workers having a totally different culture and mindset. And as we all know culture is a more important success factor than structure.
New culture
But please, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! The enormous changes we see are changes in the structure of the horticulture industry. This doesn’t mean automatically mean that the performance will be better in the future. We need a whole new culture to perform better. Changing the structure doesn’t necessarily result in a better culture. To tear down houses and destroy them is much easier than rebuilding them. I even believe that we are currently destroying the existing structure in the Netherlands so radically that important tasks will be performed far less well or might not even be carried out at all. The reason is simple; they cannot be organised on a voluntary basis and without money. This also goes for promotion, important research, registration and product judging.
Turning point
The Dutch floral industry finds itself at an important turning point where only a limited number of profes sional growers will find its own profitable way to the consumer. The consumer will pay up to 170% more for a flower or plant than the farmer receives today. This is more than enough to find profitable models to bring the flowers and plants to the consumer. They will need partners to support such activities or they will have to change the business models themselves to sell the products directly to the consumers like they did in the old days. |||
So there I am, late last year, in the dentist’s chair. I’ve just been given a generous amount of pain relief and while the dentist has taken himself off somewhere for a minute while the drug kicks in, I’m sitting back listening to the radio... Not that I’m paying that much attention (I’ll admit the usual amount of nervousness most people have when they're at the dentist). But I slowly became hooked into the conversation between the radio presenter and a North American author (sorry, I can’t remember the name) who for the last 20 years has been writing a detective series. The author is about to retire (I guess the detective will as well) and the conversation was all about how this writer had managed to make his characters so authentic. Something he said resonated with me. He made two points which run a neat parallel to the way I go about the business of hunting for plants. Firstly the author described how he spent many hours out and about, especially in court, watching and listening; and secondly he stressed that to develop an authentic character you don't need lots of information but rather three key features (and the reader fills the rest in very satisfactorily themselves). Now I’ve always felt that most people only remember a few points about anything that's on the edge of their core area of expertise. Ask someone who manages the weekly household activities and they can chant off a calendar of events without thinking. The same goes at work - we’re all knowledgeable about the complex steps that make up our daily tasks. But run someone briefly through a fresh activity - such as programming an irrigation controller and they’ll struggle to retain more than an overview and be thrilled to discover the instructions printed on the inside of the controller’s cover. But I digress. The point is, we use the same steps - one and two - to spot great plants. Firstly, we spend many hours out and about, not in court but in fields with breeders. Secondly, we look for plants with three stand-out features. Only three, because three good points are better than five some-whatinteresting ones. Of course this is always only the beginning (years of trialling and testing will follow) but in the plants business it’s important to have a strong beginning and this is the best way I know to get it. But let’s take this further - it’s probably the best approach for any decision. One: take steps to get the information you need and, two: make the decision on only a few factors not an endless, befuddling list. As for this photo of cakes taken in Paris, it shows two of the three points which made the cakes stand out: colour, presentation. As for their deliciousness, Sheryl and I can vouch for that. (They may also have been the tipping point which eventually led me to the dentists chair...)
Anthony Tesselaar hails from Anthony Tesselaar International, an international project management company dealing in plants, horticultural research & development and strategic water management. www.tesselaar.com / ATesselaar@tesselaar.com
February 2013 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com
Classifieds HELP WANTED Florasearch, Inc. In our third decade of performing confidential key employee searches for the horticulture industry and allied trades worldwide. Retained basis only. Candidate contact welcome, confidential, and always free. 1740 Lake Markham Rd., Sanford, FL 32771 USA Phone (1) 407 320 8177, Fax (1) 407 320 8083, E-mail: search@florasearch.com, Website: www.florasearch.com for sale Coco Peat / Husk Chips / Cut Foliage We exports Coir Products and Cut Foliage from Sri Lanka since 2009. Grower Bags,5 Kg Blocks, Planter bags, Briquettes, 4 cuft bags, www.trumpcoir.com or info@trumpcoir.com rental Once upon a time there was a beautiful place in the world where one could sit all day just looking out at the bay. A Tiki Hut providing shade from the bright sun while the clear saltwater beckons you to just dive in. Eagles fly overhead and the fish are jumping......... I am spinning this tale to bring to your attention a unique offer that I hope might interest just a select few of you. My family owns a lovely vacation property in the Florida Keys and we have decided to open it up for weekly or monthly rentals. It is a very special laid back place where time is only what you make of it. Relaxing and private this casual property is surrounded by the best sport fishing in the US. We can accommodate from 2 to 5 couples. Check it out at www.lost-habor.com If you are interested please contact me Williee Armellini, Williee@lost-harbor.com, US: 786-255-3335
Advertising Index Company
Page website
Container Centralen.........................................................30...................www.container-centralen.com Corn Bak..............................................................................34.........................................www.bromelia.com CYF Fuarcilik (Flower Show Turkey)............................25...............................www.flowershow.com.tr Danziger ‘Dan’ Flower Farm...........................................3...........................................www.danziger.co.il DCM De Ceuster Mestsoffen NV..................................6.............................................. www.dcm-info.nl Dutch Lily Days..................................................................29..................................... www.dutchlilydays.nl FloraHolland.......................................................................22...................................www.floraholland.com Florall................................................................................ Insert.............................................. www.florall.be Florasearch Inc.................................................................35................................... www.florasearch.com Floricultura B.V...................................................................6......................................www.floricultura.com Flormart ..............................................................................15.................................................www.flormart.it Flowers & Cents ...............................................................30...........................www.flowersandcents.org Flowers Expo (Moscow).................................................13.................................... www.flowers-expo.ru Gartneriet PKM.................................................................32..................................................... www.pkm.dk Green is Life.......................................................................17............www.zielentozycie.pl/index.php/en Goyan Int. Flower Federation........................................14..............................................www.flower.or.kr Hamilton Design................................................................30........................ www.hamilton-design.co.uk
Page website
HPP Exhibitions.................................................................21..............................www.hppexhibitions.com Horti Fair..............................................................................24...........................................www.hortifair.com HTA (Horticultural Trade Ass.).......................................16........................................www.the-hta.org.uk IFEX Int. Flower Expo.......................................................20..................................................www.ifex.jp/en Jungle Jacks.......................................................................6.....................www.junglejacksthailand.com Lambert Peat Moss..........................................................34........................www.lambertpeatmoss.com Market News Services...................................................30..................................www.intracen.org/mns Messe Essen (IPM).......................................................18,19..........................www.messe-essen.de/en Orticolario...........................................................................23............................................www.orticolario.it Pindstrup Mosebrug A/S................................................36....................................... www.pindstrup.com Salon du Vegetal ..............................................................28............................www.salonduvegetal.com Takii & Co., Ltd...................................................................28.................................................www.takii.co.jp TIOS (Taiwan International Orchid Show)..................2..............................................www.tios.com.tw Trump Coir Products........................................................35....................................... www.trumpcoir.com Urbinati SRL........................................................................35...........................................www.urbinati.com VWS Export-Import Flowerbulbs.................................35..............................www.vws-flowerbulbs.nl Williee Armellini................................................................35.....................................www.lost-harbor.com
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