Fci February 2014

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Guide Extra Trade Show Supplement


A global directory of trade shows and exhibitions

Colombian flowers reach out to the world

The current state of Colombia’s ornamental horticulture Brought to you by


Growing pains and pleasures in the Brazilian flower sector


February 2014

FloraCulture The business magazine for worldwide floriculture

Floraculture International encourages the pursuit of joint activities in areas of mutual interest with national and international societies, companies and organisations. Agreements have been reached between Floraculture International and leading growers and trade associations in 24 countries. This unique partnership includes a complimentary copy for each member of the registered associations. Floraculture International is proud to announce the cooperation with the following associations.

Partners of FloraCulture International

For more FCI partners see page 34.


KwaZulu Natal Flower Grower's Association

Table of Contents

February 2014 Volume 24 Number 2

Colombian flowers on track to bolster international presence As one of the industry’s most outspoken advocates, the president of the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters (Asocolflores), Mr Augusto Solano recently sat down with FloraCulture International to discuss the current state of ornamental horticulture in Colombia. by our own correspondent

Ellepot improves Vitroflora’s efficiency from start to ship

Ellegaard’s Ellepot system is the perfect answer for both the big picture business and customer service goal of young plant supplier Vitroflora from Poland. by John Sutton


Kenyan flower sector awaits millions in VAT refunds

The Kenya Flower Council (KFC) expects the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to clear the backlog of VAT refunds to flower farms in the first quarter of this year. KRA owes the flower sector hundreds of millions of shillings. by Frans van den Houdt


Growing pains and pleasures in the Brazilian flower sector

The often-repeated phrase ‘may you live in interesting times’ has been interpreted as both a blessing and a curse, depending on the listener’s situation. A review of the last years of the Brazilian flower sector shows that it can be a bit of both, depending on who you ask. by Mauricio C. Mathias, MSc.



Ter Laak Orchids and Philips conduct LED top lighting trial


At orchid nursery Ter Laak Orchids, the use of LED top lighting was prompted by the increased need, at the dark time of year, for more efficient light to ensure healthy and constant plant growth. by our own correspondent


Russia’s WTO entry a big boost to flower imports

Russia significantly increased imports of flowers in 2012, which was mainly due to the country’s entry to the WTO in the same year. This resulted in the decline of prices and the increase of consumer demand for flowers in the country.


by Eugene Gerden

Departments International Events World News Advertising Index

24 25 35

Columns From the editor Buon Giorno

07 33

Guide Extra Trade Show Supplement

The goal of ExhibitionGuide is to develop a global directory of trade shows and exhibitions, which provides information for both exhibitors and visitors allowing you to research and plan your expo experience ahead of time. As an international directory, ExhibitionGuide offers a crosssector and cross-country overview of horticultural trade shows and flower & garden shows. ExhibtionGuide helps you to find a specific product, highlights the differences between competing shows and is the first step towards the best buying decisions.


February 2014 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com


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In my opinion In my opinion In my opinion In my opinion In my opinion With compliments From editor With the compliments

FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. © 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of editorial may FloraCulture is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. be reproducedInternational in any form (ISSN1051-9076) without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not liable © 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of editorial may for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Send address changes to FloraCulture FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not liable International magazine, P.O.Box 82, 1850 ABAllHeiloo, theNetherlands. © Quality, innovation, sustainability and logistics are words that 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. rights No portion of editorial may by Ron van for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Sendreserved. address changes to FloraCulture FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. der Ploeg be in anyInternational form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not may liable © reproducedmagazine, often appear in our editorial. Th is isand a compliment you, the International P.O.Box 82, 1850 AB theNetherlands. 2009 FloraCulture magazine. AllHeiloo, rights reserved. No portion of editorial FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. Quality, innovation, sustainability logistics aretowords that for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Sendof address changes Publisher to FloraCulture © be reproduced in any form without written permission theofpublisher. is not liable fl oriculture industry; the interviewees and contributors remain 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. All rights reserved. No portion editorial may often appear in our editorial. Th is is a compliment to you, the International magazine, P .O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, theNetherlands. advertisements using illegally obtained images. changes FloraCulture Quality,on innovation, and“what logistics areTh words that FloraCulture International B.V.Send address focused “what cansustainability be”interviewees rather than isn’t”. e cut flower e reproduced inforany form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not to liable floriculturebeen industry; the and contributors remain This has certainly a winter to remember with freezing temperatures and International magazine, 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, theNetherlands. often appear in our editorial. Th isofisand a compliment towords you, the or advertisements using illegally obtained images. Send address changes to FloraCulture P .O.BoxP.O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands Quality, innovation, sustainability logistics are that market is diffi cult, but a glimpse relief is being experienced by FloraCulture International B.V. focused on “what can be” rather than “what isn’t”.Carolina, The cut flower snow all the way down to the southern states of South Georgia and nternational magazine, P.O.BoxT82,(31) 1850 Heiloo, Ron van fl oriculture industry; the interviewees and contributors remain 72 AB 53 23 522 FtheNetherlands. (31) 72 53 23 521 often appear in our editorial. Th is is a compliment to you, the the pot and bedding plant growers with the spring sunshine having Quality, innovation, logistics are words thatexperienced by P.O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands marketJanuary issustainability difficult, but aand glimpse of relief is being der Ploeg Texas through and early FloraCulture International B.V. focused on “what can be” rather than “what isn’t”. The cut flower Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, fl oriculture industry; the and contributors remain made a editorial. well-timed appearance inFebruary. Europe. often appear in our Th isinto is ainterviewees compliment tothe you, the sunshine Ron van T (31) 72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 the pot and bedding plant growers with spring having so While much of the USA toa glimpse deal a cold der Ploeg P .O.Box 1850 ABtheHeiloo, the Netherlands market isonthe diffi cult,had butbe” of relief is snap, being experienced by FloraCulture International B.V. 3440 AP82, Woerden, Netherlands focused “what can rather than “what isn’t”.Western The cut Europe, flower floriculture industry; interviewees and with contributors remain Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, made a well-timed appearance in Europe. Ron van far, is basking in unseasonably mild temperatures. T (31) 72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 the pot and bedding plant growers with the spring sunshine having P .O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands T (31) 34 84 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl market is diffi cult, but a glimpse of relief is being experienced by FloraCulture International B.V. Working backwards in this issue; in East Africa, Ethiopia’s focused on “what can be” rather than “what isn’t”. Th e cut fl ower der Ploeg 3440 AP Woerden, the Netherlands Ron van 82, 1850 Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden made well-timed appearance Europe. T (31) 53International 23Evans 522Netherlands F(anabel@fl (31) 72 53 23 521 P.O. Box 612, Editors: Anabel oracultureinternational.com) the potabut and bedding plant growers with the spring sunshine having P.O.Box AB 72 Heiloo, the explosive flaoriculture growth being reined back,Ethiopia’s but in another market is diffi cult, glimpse of relief isisin being experienced by FloraCulture T (31) 34 84 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl der Ploeg Working backwards in this issue; in East Africa, Dennis cross our afingers that thewith weather will not be an having issuethat in the run up to Woerden, the521 Netherlands Ron van Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. 313, Box 612, Ron der Ploeg oracultureinternational.com) made well-timed appearance inspring Europe. T (31) 72 53 Business 233440 522van FAP (31) 72ECA 53(ron@fl 23 snippet received from it appears theLet’s pot and bedding plant growers the sunshine Office 140-21, Legmeerdijk Seriese Anabel Evans (anabel@fl oracultureinternational.com) explosiveof flnews oriculture growth isDavid beingGray reined back, but in another Alwyn Editors:address: der Ploeg Hedd and on Valentine’s Day. T (31) 34 84 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl Working backwards in this issue; in East Africa, Ethiopia’s 3440 AP Woerden, the Netherlands Dennis Editorial team: Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, logistics in East Africa are receiving a boost. He writes that if Hughes made a well-timed appearance in Europe. 1431 RonGB vanAalsmeer der Ploeg (ron@floracultureinternational.com) snippet of newsour received from David Gray itwholesaler appears that Seriese By the end of January, dear friend and floral Bill Editors: Anabel oracultureinternational.com) explosive floriculture growth is being reined back, but in another T (31) 34 84Postbus 31Evans 393 1081, F(anabel@fl (31)1430 34 84 32Aalsmeer 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl Hans De Vries, David Gray, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, Working backwards in this issue; in East Africa, Ethiopia’s 3440 AP Woerden, the Netherlands infrastructure, communications and transport are the key toifSchodowski, the Postal address: BB Editorial team: Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, logistics in Easton Africa are receiving a boost. Hefrom writesthe that Dennis who keeps us updated the latest news and events US via Ron van der Ploeg (ron@fl oracultureinternational.com) snippet of news received from David Gray it appears that Editors: Anabel Evans (anabel@fl oracultureinternational.com) Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White Marie-Françoise explosive fl oriculture growth is being reined back, but in another T (31) 34 84 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl development of horticulture and economies in general the news Working backwards in this communications issue; in East Africa, Ethiopia’s Seriese T Hans (31) 297 769 095 De Vries, David Gray, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, infrastructure, and transport are the key to the Dennis his weekly Making Every Bloomin’Second newsletter, referred Editorial team: Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, explosive logistics in East Africa arefrom receiving aCount boost. He writes that ifnew to Ron van der Ploeg (ron@fl oracultureinternational.com) Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick snippet of news received David Gray it appears that Editors: Anabel Evans (anabel@fl oracultureinternational.com) of: new roads linking Addis Ababa with Nairobi; a proposed fl oriculture growth is being reined back, but in another Seriese FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, Circulation Administration: Marie-Françoise Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White development of horticulture and economies in general the news Claudia Dennis Valentine’s Day as ‘distinct rumble inappears the distance’. While retailers Hans De team: Vries, David Gray, HelenBjarke, Moody, infrastructure, communications and are thetokey toifthe Editorial Edward Bent,Kerry ChrisHerndon, Beytes, Lotte Arturo Croci, snippet Cover: Pack Trials logistics inaEast Africa areGray receiving atransport boost. writes that Ron van der Ploeg (ron@fl oracultureinternational.com) railway line on the Kenyan Coast from Ababa Lamu; a of news received from David it thatHe Stokreef 3440 APCalifornia Woerden, the Netherlands Seriese Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick of:swamped new roads linking Addis Ababa withAddis Nairobi; a their proposed new are usually on that day, floral wholesalers see peak days Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White Marie-Françoise development of horticulture and economies in general the news Claudia Hans De Vries, David Gray, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. infrastructure, communications and transport are the key to the Editorial team: Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, new railway line from Tanzania to Uganda; Delta Airlines about logistics in East Africa are receiving a boost. He writes that if T (31) 34 84 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl Angie Cover: California Pack Trials railway line on the Kenyan Coast from Addis Ababa to Lamu; a Stokreef beforehand. “Conversations get purposely brief when engaging someone in Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick Duffree of: new roads linking Addis Ababa with Nairobi; a proposed new Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White Marie-Françoise (jaap@fl oracultureinternational.com) development of horticulture and economies in general the news Hans De Vries, David Gray, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, to start direct fl ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between infrastructure, communications and transport the key to the Editors: Ron van der Ploeg (ron@floracultureinternational.com) Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. Claudia newat railway line from Tanzania to are Uganda; Delta Airlines about Miami and grower level. Well, it's like that every year, Itohave no Cover: Pack railway line onlinking the Kenyan Coast from Addis Ababa Lamu; areason as Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick TPetitjean, (31) California 20 61 82 666 FTrials (31) 20 61 81 333 of: new roads Addis Ababa with Nairobi; a proposed new Stokreef Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White Marie-Françoise Kenya’s Astral Aviation and Etihad Crystal Cargo for the Nairobidevelopment of horticulture and economies in general the news Editorial team: Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, (jaap@floracultureinternational.com) start direct fl ightsbebetween Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between Claudia why I to thought it would different this said Bill. Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. new railway linethe from Tanzania Uganda; Delta Airlines about Cover: California Pack Trials Printer: Hollandia Printing, Heerhugowaard railway line on Kenyan from Addis Ababa to Lamu; a Founding editor: Abu Dhabi route; should allCoast haveto positive effCargo ects on the economic of:to new roads linking Addis Ababa with Nairobi; ayear,” proposed new Stokreef Audrey Marie-Françoise John Sutton, T Debbie (31)Gerber, 20 Hamrick 61 82 666 F (31) 20Petitjean, 61 81 333 Kenya’s Astral Aviation and Etihad Crystal for the NairobiClaudia Arturo (jaap@fl oracultureinternational.com) to start directline flCoast ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. Designer: Hollandia Media Productions new railway from Tanzania to Uganda; Delta Airlines about Cover: California Pack Trials development of East Africa in the medium to long term. railway line on the Kenyan from Addis Ababa to Lamu; a Stokreef Jennifer Zurko and Alicja Cecot. Croci Printer: Hollandia Printing, Heerhugowaard Abu Dhabi route; should all Day, have positive effectsstressed on the economic Regarding the offer forflAviation Valentine’s Schodowski nothing T (31) 20 61Bas 82 Kohler 666 F B.V. (31) 20 61 81 333 Kenya’s Astral and Etihad Crystal Cargo for thethat Nairobi(jaap@fl oracultureinternational.com) Cartoonist: start direct ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between Publisher: International Arturo FloraCulture new railway to line from Tanzania Uganda; Delta Airlines about Founding editor: DebbieMedia Hamrick Designer: Hollandia Productions development ofrose Eastto Africa inlofty the medium to long term. for product. Croci will ever shake the red from its #1 demand position Printer: Hollandia Printing, Heerhugowaard Abu Dhabi route; shouldand all have positive effCargo ects onfor the economic T (31) 20FloraCulture 61 82 666 FInternational (31) 20 61 81 333 Kenya’s Astral Aviation Etihad Crystal the Nairobi(jaap@floracultureinternational.com) In Taiwan, the presidential opening of the International Orchid to start direct fl ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between Publisher: Cartoonist: Bas Kohler Arturo However, more retailers are offering on Designer: Hollandia Productions development of East Africa the medium to‘non’ long term. Hollandia Abu Dhabi route; should allinhave positive eff ects onred thesubstitutes economic TCroci (31) 20 61 (jaap@floracultureinternational.com) 82Printer: 666 F (31) 20 61 Printing, 81Media 333 Heerhugowaard Show isenterprising an indication inCrystal itself about the pride the nation takes in Kenya’s Astral and Etihad Cargo for the NairobiIn Aviation Taiwan, the presidential opening of the International Orchid Arturo featured arrangements. Little toparticular no demand for the tie-dyed roses or the Cartoonist: Bas Kohler Designer: Hollandia Media Productions Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacifi c development of East Africa in the medium to long term. Printer: Hollandia Printing, Heerhugowaard its orchid innovations, in for their phalaenopsis exports. Abu Dhabi route; should all have positive eff ects on the economic Printer: SDA Print+Media Croci Show is anGood indication in itself about the pride the nation takes in 150cm offerings. will win out… Lotte Arturo InofeTaiwan, the presidential opening of the International Orchid Cartoonist: Bas Kohler Management: International Accounts Designer: Media Productions Th Breeder Open Days the Netherlands the number one in development East Africa intaste the medium to long Designers: SDA Print+Media, Bjarke Hollandia Europe, Africa, Asia/PacificAryen Bouwmeester Croci its orchid innovations, ininparticular for term. theirfor phalaenopsis exports. Show is an indication in itself about the pride the nation takes in Dennis Seriese (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) In Taiwan, the presidential opening of the International Orchid Cartoonist: Bas Kohler cut fl owers were, conversely, very low key; quality is the renowned Lotte Copy correction and sub-editing: Vanessa Heinrich International Accounts Management: Th e Breeder Open Days in appears the Netherlands for the number one in are may cost aindication thing, but it that more men andtakes women Bjarke Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacifi c itsnot orchid particular for phalaenopsis exports. Angie Duff ree (angie@fl oracultureinternational.com) Show ispoint, aninnovations, inin itself about thetheir pride the nation in selling however, especially for Dutch rose In Love Taiwan, the presidential opening of thevery International Orchid Cover photograph: Asocolflores Dennis Seriese (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) cut flthe owers were, conversely, lowthose key; quality is thegrowers renowned Lotte splurging on ones they love this Valentine's Day. According to the International Accounts Management: Theorchid Breeder Open Daysinthe in the Netherlands for theinnumber one in Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacifi T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20c61 81 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 its innovations, particular for their phalaenopsis exports. whose existence is being threatened by current economic conditions. Show is an indication in itself about pride the nation takes Bjarke Angie Duffree (angie@floracultureinternational.com) selling point, however,&especially for those spending Dutch rosewill growers Express Saving Tracker, reach $37 Lotte Dennis SeriesecAccounts (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) cut owersSpending conversely, very low key; quality the renowned Offi ce Manager: ClaudiaManagement: Stokreef Th eflBreeder Open Daysfor in the Netherlands forexports. theisnumber one in Europe, Asia/Pacifi its American orchid innovations, inwere, particular their phalaenopsis Bjarke Africa,International T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20 61 81 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 whose existence is being threatened by current economic conditions. billion ascut more consumers (74% say they’ll participate vs. 69% in 2013) plan Marta Piza- Accounts Lotte Angie Duff ree (angie@fl oracultureinternational.com) selling point, however, especially for those Dutch rose growers Dennis Seriese (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) (claudia@fl oracultureinternational.com) fl owers were, conversely, very low key; quality is the renowned International Management: Quality is also the overwhelming message of our substrates Th e Breeder Open Days in the Netherlands for the number one in Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacific Bjarke node Marquez Office Manager: Claudia Stokreef spendwere, money onetheir someone. Valentine’s Day is conditions. still a major T(31)20 61ree 82 666 F (31)20 61 81 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 whose existence isspecial being threatened economic Angie Duff (angie@fl oracultureinternational.com) FloraCulture International B.V. selling point, however, especially forby those Dutch rose growers Dennis SerieseInternational (dennis@fl special. Th RHP Foundation is guiding to improve” of cuttoflowers conversely, very low key; quality iscurrent thethe renowned Marta PizaAccounts Management: (claudia@floracultureinternational.com) oracultureinternational.com) Quality is also the overwhelming message of “will our substrates retailpoint, driver as Augusto Solano explains in ancurrent exclusive interview with FCI. node Marquez Offi Manager: Claudia Stokreef T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20 61 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 P.O.ce Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the81Netherlands whose existence is being threatened by economic conditions. Angie DuffreeFloraCulture (angie@fl oracultureinternational.com) 50 affi liated companies. And where substrates control of growth selling however, especially for those Dutch rose growers International, FloraCulture International B.V. th special. e RHP Foundation is 8guiding the “will to improve” Marta Piza“From the end ofTh February , an average 30 flights aofday will (claudia@fl Quality isJanuary also the overwhelming message ofconditions. ourof substrates Offi ce address: Manager: Claudia Stokreef T (31)72 53oracultureinternational.com) 2361 522 F (31) 72 53622321 521 63 03 99 450 T(31)20 61 82 (31)20 81 333 M(31) 65M 220(31)313, is from our to sight, the crop protection series by Louise whose existence is being threatened byAnd current economic node Marquez Business ECA Office 140-21, Legmeerdijk P666 .O. F Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands 50hidden affi liated companies. where substrates control of growth Day take off from both Bogota and Rionegro airports to meet Valentine’s Marta PizaFloraCulture International B.V. special. Th e RHP is guiding the to improve” of (claudia@fl oracultureinternational.com) Italy, Southern France: Quality is also theFoundation overwhelming message of “will our substrates OffiMarquez ce Manager: Claudia Labuschagne on sustainable programs to assist in optimum 1431 GB Aalsmeer node T (31)72 53Stokreef 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 450 is hidden fromfocuses our sight, the crop protection series bywill Louise 2014 isdemands. We that over million flowers be exported, Marta PizaWilliam oracultureinternational.com) P.O. Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands 50 the affi liated companies. And where control ofin growth FloraCulture International B.V. Arturo Croci (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) special. Theestimate RHP Foundation is guiding the to improve” of (claudia@fl control above the ground. Sustainability also“will goes hand hand Quality also overwhelming message of500 oursubstrates substrates Postal Postbus 1081, 1430 BB Aalsmeer, the Netherlands Italy,address: Southern France: de Marquez Armellini Labuschagne focuses on sustainable programs to assist in optimum making up nearly 12% ofisour industry’s annual sales,” said Solano. T (31)72 53B.V. 23 522Bjarke F Heiloo, (31)(lotte@fl 72 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 450 is hidden from our sight, the the crop protection series by Louise P .O. Box 82, 1850 AB the65 Netherlands Scandinavia: Lotte oracultureinternational.com) 50 affi liated companies. And where substrates control of growth FloraCulture International with the vision and hard work of Meiny Prins, managing director special. Th e RHP Foundation guiding “will to improve” of William T (31) 297 769 095  M (31) 62 21 220 Arturo Croci (arturo@floracultureinternational.com) controlthat above the ground.conditions Sustainability also goes hand in hand also stated the weather have been Armellini Italy, Southern France: Labuschagne focuses onsubstrates sustainable programs tofavourable, assist in optimum T (31)72 23Søndervej 522 F (31) 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 45021 48 7550 LB Text &53 Idé, 10,728350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 30He is hidden from our sight, the crop have protection series by with Louise P.O. Box 82, Hedd 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands of Priva, whose accomplishments been rewarded thewith the affi liated companies. And where control of growth Alwyn Hughes (hedd@floracultureinternational.com) Scandinavia: Lotte Bjarke (lotte@floracultureinternational.com) with the vision and hard work of Meiny Prins, managing director William trade association predicting that production levels will be high enough to Arturo Croci (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) control above the ground. Sustainability also goes hand in hand Italy, Southern France: South America: Marta Pizano de Marquez (marta@fl oracultureinternational.com) Labuschagne focuses on sustainable programs to assist in optimum T (31)72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 450 Businesswoman of the Year award. is hidden from our sight, the crop protection series by Louise Angie Duffree (angie@floracultureinternational.com) Armellini LB Text & Idé, Søndervej 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 21 48 75 30meet thisofyear’s Priva,goal whose accomplishments have been rewardedflowers. with the Page 8. of 1,500,000 boxes of export-quality William Scandinavia: Lotte Bjarke (lotte@fl oracultureinternational.com) with the vision and hard work of Meiny Prins, managing director Arturo Croci (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) Horti Tecnia Ltda., Calle 85 No20-25 Of. 202B, Bogotá, Colombia control above the ground. Sustainability also goes hand in hand Italy, Southern France: LabuschagneBusinesswoman focuses on sustainable programs to assist in optimum Italy, Southern France: South America: Marta Pizano de Marquez (marta@floracultureinternational.com) Armellini of the Year award. issue we will beSustainability spending some more time inhand South America. Paul William LB Text15 & Idé, 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 21 48 75control 30In this ofthe Priva, whose accomplishments havehand been rewarded with Scandinavia: Lotte (lotte@fl T (57) 30 20Søndervej 36Bjarke F (57) 12 36 oracultureinternational.com) 25 54 hortitec@unete.com with the vision and hard oflogistics Meiny Prins, managing director Arturo (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) Sustainability crosses overwork into under the subject ofthe From above ground. also goes in (acearturo@yahoo.it) HortiCroci, Tecnia Ltda., Calle 85 No20-25 Of. 202B, Bogotá, Colombia BlackCroci Arturo Armellini Brazil, Mauricio Mathias reports on the growing pains and pleasures in the South America: Marta Pizano de Marquez (marta@fl oracultureinternational.com) Businesswoman of the Year award. LB Text & Idé, Søndervej 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 21 48 75 30 Miami: William Armellini(William@fl oracultureinternational.com) of Priva, whose accomplishments have been rewarded with the Scandinavia: Lotte Bjarke (lotte@fl oracultureinternational.com) eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is a key outcome with the vision and hard work of Meiny Prins, managing Paul Scandinavia: (post@lottebjarke.dk) T (57) 15 30Lotte 20 36Bjarke F (57) 12 36 25 54 hortitec@unete.com Sustainability crosses over into logistics underdirector the subject of Brazilian flower sector. Page 28. Black Horti Tecnia Ltda., Calle 85 No20-25 Of.T(45) 202B,21 Bogotá, Colombia South America: Marta Pizano deDenmark Marquez (marta@fl oracultureinternational.com) USA, Canada, Central America: Businesswoman of the Year award. LB Text & Idé, 10, 8350 Hundslund, 48 75 30 resulting from using this tool. Auctions around the world also of Priva, whose accomplishments have been rewarded with the LBSøndervej Text & Idé, Søndervej 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark Miami: William Armellini(William@floracultureinternational.com) eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is a key outcome Paul T (57) 15 30Ltda., 20 36 F (57) 12 36 25oracultureinternational.com) 54 hortitec@unete.com Sustainability over into logistics under theleaving subjectthem of Tecnia Calle 85(marta@fl No20-25 Of.Lucas 202B, Bogotá, Colombia Paul Black Nicholas South Marta Pizano de Marquez facilitate sales and virtual world is not Businesswoman of thedirect Yearcrosses award. T Horti (45) 21 48(pblack@ballpublishing.com) 75 30 BlackAmerica: USA, Canada, Central America: resulting from using this the tool. Auctions around the world also of In the field of trade exhibitions, FCI publishes its annual overview Paul Miami: William Armellini(William@fl oracultureinternational.com) eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is subject a key outcome T (57) 1585 30No20-25 20 36 FAmerica: (57)202B, 12 36 25Publishing, 54 hortitec@unete.com (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball 622 Town Road, Sustainability crosses over into logistics under the ofthe Horti Tecnia Ltda., Calle Of. Bogotá, Colombia behind; FloraHolland persists in its ambition to strengthen USA, Canada, Central Black Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Lucas Nicholas facilitate direct sales and the virtual world is not leaving them Lucas horticultural trade shows and exhibitions. ExhibitionGuide Paul USA, Central resulting from using this Auctions around the also(page 13) William Armellini(William@fl oracultureinternational.com) PO Box 1660, IL 60186, United States eCommerce since the streamlining ofThe shipments is aworld key outcome T (57) 15 30Paul 20Miami: 36 FCanada, (57) 12West 36 25Chicago, 54America: hortitec@unete.com marketplace forinto Europe, atool. continuation of theto Dutch auctions’ Sustainability crosses over logistics under the subject of Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Nicholas (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball Publishing, 622 Town Road, Black behind; FloraHolland persists in its ambition strengthen the provides resulting information for both exhibitors and visitors, allowing them to Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) facilitate sales and the virtual world is outcome notthe leaving USA, Canada, America: Lucas William T(1)6 30 23 13Central 675 F(1)6 30 23 15 254 Lucas Nicholas from using this tool. Auctions around worldthem also Miami: Armellini(William@fl oracultureinternational.com) long of achievement. eCommerce sincehistory the direct streamlining of shipments is a of key Ball Publishing, Town Road, PO Box 1660,622 West Chicago, IL 60186, United States marketplace for Europe, a continuation the Dutch auctions’ Nicholas research and plan their expo experience ahead of time. Dr. Sun (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball Publishing, 622 Town Road, behind; FloraHolland persists in its ambition to strengthen the Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Lucas Nicholas Middle East: Eyal Policar (eyal@fl oracultureinternational.com) facilitate direct sales and the virtual world is not leaving them USA, Canada, Central America: resulting from using thisof tool. Auctions around the world also Box 30 1660, West Chicago, IL23 60186, United States T(1)6 23 13 675 F(1)6 30 15 254 history achievement. Jing Xian PO Lucas While direct welong areend onatFloraHolland the ofpersists exhibitions, IPM Essen wasauctions’ characterised by PO Box 54 1660, 97 West Chicago, IL86 60186, States marketplace for a continuation of the Dutch Ball 622 Town Road, T(1)6 (972) F (972) 58Publishing, 19 United 07 behind; in its ambition strengthen the Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Lucas Nicholas To the subject beginning, in the Sunshine State ofto California, Chris facilitate sales and theEurope, virtual world is not leaving them Nicholas T (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) 30 East: 23 42 13Eyal 675002 F (1)6 30 23 15 254 Middle Policar (eyal@fl oracultureinternational.com) Lucas another rise in internationality; more decision takers, as well as a greater T(1)6 30Eiji 23Yoshikawa 13West 675 F(1)6 30 IL 23622 15 254 long history of achievement. PO Box 1660, Chicago, 60186, United States Japan: (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) marketplace for Europe, a continuation of the Dutch auctions’ (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball Publishing, Town Road, Beytes has a well-penned article bringing to life the behind; FloraHolland persists in its ambition to strengthen the Nicholas Miami: William T (972) 54 42 Armellini 97 002 F (william@floracultureinternational.com) (972) 86 58 19 07 endTechnology at the beginning, in the Sunshine State of California, Chris Eyal Lucas interest inTo the section. Middle Eyal Policar (eyal@fl oracultureinternational.com) T(1)6 30East: 23 13 F(1)6 30 Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 23 States 15 254 EMS Chicago, Inc., 2-22-8 Matsubara, 156-0043, Japan long history achievement. PO Box 1660,China: West IL675 60186, United California Pack Trials, which, the auctions, marketplace for Europe, aofcontinuation oflike the Dutch auctions’ Policar Dr Sun Jing Xian (consultingflower@yahoo.com.cn) Nicholas Japan: Eiji Yoshikawa (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) Beytes has a well-penned article bringing to life the The world's premier horticultural fair an undiminished high level T675 (972) 543242 97 002 F(81) (972) 58 Eyal30 23 13 To end at theinstitution beginning, in have the Sunshine State of California, Chris Middle East: Eyal Policar (eyal@fl T (81) 33 F 33 86 32 oracultureinternational.com) 27 19 93307 T(1)6 F(1)6 3075 23756 15 254 are another that ashowed long history in long history of achievement. India: Deshpande (team@kisan.com) EMSNiranjan Inc., 2-22-8 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 156-0043, Japan California Packbut, Trials, which, like the auctions, Policar of ordering activities, toideas anin increasing extent, was also a platform Japan: Eiji Yoshikawa (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) Beytes has a well-penned article bringing to lifeof the T (972) 54(eyal@fl 42 97 002 F (972) 86 58 19 07 East Africa: David Gray (gray@africaonline.co.ke) To end at the beginning, the Sunshine State California, Chris Middle East: Eyal Policar oracultureinternational.com) presenting innovative and quality products. T (91) 20 302 52 000 Eyal T (81) 33 32 75 756 F (81) 33 32 27 933 are another institution that have a long history in exhibitors from 45 Niranjan contacts and for networking. EMS Inc., 2-22-8 Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 156-0043, Japan California Pack Trials, which, like theCalifornia, auctions, Japan: Yoshikawa (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) Policar South Africa: Cilla Lowen (cilla@fl oracultureinternational.com) has a in well-penned article bringing to1,554 life the T (972) 54 42 97 002 FEiji (972) 86Matsubara, 58 19 07 Tofor endmaintaining at theBeytes beginning, the Sunshine State of Chris Deshpande East Africa: David Gray (gray@africaonline.co.ke) presenting innovative ideas and quality products. Eyal countries presented to around 57,000 trade visitors T (81) 33 32 75 756 F (81) 33 32 27 933 are anotherPack institution that have a long history in from over 100 nations EMS 2-22-8 Matsubara, 156-0043, Japan T (27)Inc., 22 4857058 F (27) 22 Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 4857415 California Trials, which, the Japan: (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) PolicarEiji Yoshikawa Beytes has a well-penned article bringing tolike life the auctions, South Africa: Cilla Lowen (cilla@floracultureinternational.com) Eiji Eyal products and services from entire added in chain: from plants via East Africa: Gray (gray@africaonline.co.ke) presenting innovative ideas and products. T (81) 33 32David 75 756 F (81) 33 32156-0043, 27 933 Japan are another institution that havequality avalue long history EMS Inc., 2-22-8 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo Anabel Evans, Editor California Pack Trials, which, likethe the auctions, Yoshikawa Policar T (27) 22 4857058 F (27) 22 4857415 FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. technology, floristry and equipment up to the point of sale. Page 25. Eiji 33 32 75South Cilla Lowen (cilla@floracultureinternational.com) East (gray@africaonline.co.ke) presenting innovative ideashistory and right quality products. T (81) 756Africa: FAfrica: (81)David 33 32 Gray 27 933 are another institution that have a long in Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. Anabel Evans, Editor Yoshikawa All rights No portion of editorial may be reproduced in any T (27)Africa: 22 4857058 F reserved. (27) 22 4857415 FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. South Cilla Lowen (cilla@fl oracultureinternational.com) East presenting innovative ideas and quality products. EijiAfrica: David Gray (gray@africaonline.co.ke) form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. Anabel Evans, Editor T (27) 4857058 F reserved. (27) 4857415 liable for22 advertisements using22 illegally obtained images. may Sendbe address changes to Yoshikawa South Africa: Cilla Lowen (cilla@fl oracultureinternational.com) All rights No portion of editorial reproduced in any FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. Eiji FloraCulture International magazine, P.O.Box 82,1850 Heiloo, the Netherlands. form without written permission of theAB publisher. Publisher is not Anabel Evans, Editor distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. T (27) 22 4857058 Ffor(27) 22Worldwide 4857415 Yoshikawa liable advertisements using illegally obtained images. Send address changes to Cilla Lowen Eiji FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. All rights reserved. No portion of editorial may be reproduced in any FloraCulture International magazine, P.O.Box 82,1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands. Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. oshikawa form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is notAnabel Evans, Editor International isispublished monthly. FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) published monthly. All rights(ISSN1051-9076) reserved. No portion of editorial may reproduced in any liable for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Sendbe address changes to Cilla Lowen FloraCulture Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine.

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Worldwide distribution. ©2014 FloraCulture International magazine. form without written permission of theAB publisher. is not FloraCulture International magazine, P.O.Box 82,1850 Heiloo, Publisher the Netherlands. All rights No ofofillegally editorial may in any All rights reserved. Noportion portion editorialobtained maybe bereproduced reproduced liable forreserved. advertisements using images. Send address changes to form without written permission of theP.O.Box publisher. Publisher not the Netherlands. inFloraCulture any form without written permission of the 82,1850 publisher. International magazine, AB is Heiloo, liable for advertisements illegally obtained images.obtained Send address changes to Publisher is not liable for using advertisements using illegally images. Cilla Lowen FloraCulture International P.O.Box 82,1850magazine, AB Heiloo, the Netherlands. Send address changes tomagazine, FloraCulture International Postal address: Postbus 6001554_06_Colofon.indd 6 1081, 1430 BB Aalsmeer, the Netherlands. illa Lowen

Cilla Lowen

Ron van der Ploeg, editor ron@floracultureinternational.com

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27-04-2009 13:08:58 27-04-2009 13:08:58

27-04-2009 13:08:58 February 2014 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com 7 27-04-2009 13:08:58

27-04-2009 13:08:58

Colombia As one of the industry’s most outspoken advocates, the president of the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters (Asocolflores), Mr Augusto Solano recently sat down with FloraCulture International to discuss the current state of ornamental horticulture in Colombia, the top performance it delivered in 2013 and how the Proflora show boosted business for Colombian flower growers.

In the run up to Valentine’s Day Colombian flower farms are expected to export over 500 million flowers from Colombia for Valentine’s Day 2014 making up nearly 12% of our industry’s annual sales.

‘ Colombian flowers will keep bolstering their worldwide presence’ I

from our own correspondent


n just under 50 years, Colombia has achieved what few other countries have been able to: become the main supplier to the largest market in the world - the United States. Colombian growers

dominate the North American market by providing nearly 80% of the total volume of flowers imported by the US. On top of this, Colombian flower growers also have significant business interests in Russia, Japan and England. Colombian flower exporters currently ship out to 90 countries around the world reaching an estimated 2013 sales figure of over $1,300 million – a figure that represents an increase of 5.0% compared to 2012. This makes Colombia the second largest flower exporter in the world.

2013 was a good year

One of Augusto Solano’s (pictured left) finest hours in 2013 with Colombia’s president Mr Juan Manuel Santos Calderón congratulating him with the 40 th anniversary of Asocolflores.

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

The president of the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters, Asocolflores, Augusto Solano, stated that 2013 was a good year for Colombian floriculture. “Trade Map comparative exports indicate that over the period January to November 2013, Colombia increased

sales to the United States by 4.8%, compared to the same period in 2012, from $695 million to $715 million. This means that Colombia supplied 65% of the US market. According to the Trade Map report, as of November 2013, the United States imported a total of $1,117 million compared to the $1,087 million recorded in November 2012, showing a 2.78% growth in US flower purchasing.”

Opposite direction

Augusto Solano pointed out however that Europe has moved in the opposite direction over the same period. “According to Trade Map, flower imports contracted by 5.64% from$929 million in November 2012 to $876 million in November 2013 in Germany and by 10.35% from $869 million to $779 million in England.” Despite Russian imports falling by 13.88%, as reported by Trade Map,

Augusto Solano, the president of the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters Asocolflores.

Solano also stated that weather conditions have been favourable with the trade association predicting that production levels will be high enough to meet this year’s goal of 1,500,000 boxes of export-quality flowers. “Nevertheless, the exchange-rate difficulties Colombia has faced over the past years, which forced some flower growers to close and others to downsize, need to be taken into account. This fall in capacity has caused fall in supply, bringing it nearly in line with demand.” Colombia increased its flower sales to the United States by 4.8%, going from USD $695 million to USD $715 million.

from $691 million in November 2012 to $595 million in November 2013, Colombia increased its market share by 10.60%.

Proflora show

The October 2013 Proflora Trade Show in Bogota attracted buyers from 60 countries, compared to the 49 countries that attended the 2011 show. Proflora 2013 registered 286 participating exhibitors from 15 countries, and both they and the nearly 1,600 international registered attendees expressed a high level of satisfaction regarding the business they were able to generate at the show. Colombian growers in turn made their presence felt at other industry trade shows around the world. The United States, Russia, Japan, Holland and many other markets

saw first-hand the significant socio-environmental advances made by Colombian growers and the quality of Colombian floral products. This led to the forging of many new business ties and numerous awards.

Colombian Floriculture in 2014

Beyond providing flowers for Valentine’s Day, Colombia also has a robust presence during several other international

holidays that keep the industry alive for 365 days a year. Colombia supplies flowers for Mother’s Day, International Women’s Day, Russia’s Knowledge Day, Spain’s San Jordi Day and a number of major religious holidays in Japan. As for what’s to come in 2014, Solano indicated that the industry will continue its market diversification, invigorate its varieties, and look for the means to become even more competitive. “Given the signs of economic recovery in the United States and some European countries, Colombian flowers will keep bolstering their worldwide presence,” said Solano. |||

Valentine’s Day

Augusto Solano announced that Colombia is gearing up to deliver its annual Valentine’s Day flower shipment. “From the end of January to February 8th, an average of 30 flights a day will take off from both Bogota and Rionegro airports to meet Valentine’s Day 2014 demands. “We estimate that over 500 million flowers will be exported making up nearly 12% of our industry’s annual sales”, Solano said.

Proflora 2013 registered 286 participating exhibitors from 15 countries.

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Automation The Polish company Vitroflora has been producing young plants since 1977. The company near Bydgoszcz, nearly 250km west of Warsaw is constantly embarking on a new journey to improve its efficiency as a young plant supplier from start to ship. Ellegaard’s Ellepot system is the perfect answer for both its big picture business and customer service goals.

by John Sutton

Ellepot improves Vitroflora’s efficiency from start to ship F

ifty million plants are beyond the power of imagination, but it is the number now being produced annually by the Polish company Vitroflora. That is equivalent to twenty thousand plants per hour, fifty hours a week for fifty weeks a year. The range of varieties and species extends across ornamental plants of almost every description. Vitroflora’s young plants go to countries across Europe, from the British Isles to Russia, and from Sweden to Bulgaria. The company’s international partners, the breeders of the varieties they propagate, are known around the horticultural world. They include Syngenta and PanAmerican Seeds, the German companies Benary, Duemmen and Elsner PAC, Sakata, Suntory and Takii from Japan, Danziger from Israel, and from the Netherlands Fides and Royal Van Zanten.

Currently it is herbaceous perennials that are the fastest expanding plant category in the Vitroflora portfolio, and these have become the company’s leading export commodity. Again, the breeders whose varieties they propagate include

some of the most prestigious specialists in the world. Examples are Terra Nova in the USA, renowned for Heucheras, Whetman Pinks in the UK, and AB Cultivars in the Netherlands, with a big name for Echinacea introductions. And Vitroflora has itself entered the breeding world, with the Salvia nemorosa series Field among its achievements.

Far-reaching ambitions

The company’s origins date back to 1977, when Anna and Karol Pawlak started in business in tissue culture. When they began, their annual output was in tens of thousands of young plants. Their first significant customer was Schreurs, for which they propagated Gerberas for cut flower production. Propagation by tissue culture is still important for Vitroflora and currently almost ten million plants per year are produced, in nearly a thousand varieties. Plant material is produced in this way both for Vitroflora’s

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

own sales and for clients in Germany, Israel and The Netherlands. Among these is Schreurs, still a client after more than thirty years. The ambitions of Vitroflora’s founders have always been far-reaching, though, and today the scope of its propagation work extends far beyond tissuecultivated lines. Even during the communist era Karol Pawlak had strong aspirations to develops the business as an international player. In the 1980’s he forged partnerships with Dutch and German companies and in Bulgaria, where tissue culture is still undertaken by the associated company Vitroflora-Sofia.


The company has 50,000 sq.m of glasshouses located near Bydgoszcz, nearly 250km west of Warsaw. The latest addition – a big one - was a state-of-the art block, 32,000 sq.m in area, erected three years ago by Gakon Horticultural Projects. The annual production schedule starts in January with bedding and balcony plants, later moving on to concentrate on perennials, followed by Chrysanthemum, Poinsettias and finally violas and primroses . There is also a very extensive outdoor area, part of which is used to test the performance of new hardy herbaceous perennials under Polish climatic conditions.


Vitroflora purchased its first Ellepot machine ten years ago, and apart from seedlings in small trays, almost all of the company’s production is now in Ellepots. To meet the needs of increasing production, further machines were bought. The most recent addition was delivered late last year, bringing the total to five. Tomasz Michalik, president of Vitroflora, puts a high value on their flexibility. During each year a very wide variety of plant material is handled, requiring pots of different diameters and heights, and different growing media. Change-overs are quick and easy with the Ellepot system. Reliability is essential, and Vitroflora staff have found that Ellepot machines are highly dependable. This is especially


Karol Pawlak.

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu




Tomasz Michalik.

important during peak production periods when potting continues far beyond normal working hours. Plant quality is consistently good. The Ellepot system ensures for every plant its own defined space for root development into a medium that is at the same uniform density in each module. The biodegradable Ellepot paper, porous to water and oxygen, ensures that the quality of the root environment is equally high throughout the whole of the growing medium. For customers, there is virtually no root breakage in transport. Nor is there any transplanting check, if a suitable grade of Ellepot paper is chosen. Developing roots are able to push through it very easily without encountering any kind of resistance.

New driller unit

The recently delivered NGL machine can operate at up to

28,000 Ellepots per hour with full row filling, and 20,000 per hour with the new zigzag pattern that allows for a lower

plant density. This is over twice the maximum rate possible with the older semi-automatic machines already in use by Vitroflora.

With production increasing year on year, the higher capacity is needed in peak periods. The new machine features a 14mm driller unit for stepping up from the small 14mm Ellepots to the 35mm ones in which most plants are sold to customers. This driller makes a planting hole by removing the displaced substrate from the Ellepot. In earlier driller versions a planting hole was created by pressure. This reduced the air content of the growing medium, with some unavoidable adverse effect on root growth. The new driller unit is rapidly becoming popular with Ellegaard customers who, like Vitroflora, raise their own plants initially in miniplugs, or buy them in. For direct sticking of cuttings, the 14mm driller is easily replaced by a dibble unit that makes a hole of suitably smaller diameter. |||

The biggest producer of young plants in Poland Vitroflora today employs around eighty people, including thirty in the labour-intensive tissue culture laboratories. The biggest producer of young plants in Poland, the company remains very much a family business.

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

The founders' daughter and her husband have key management roles, and one of their sons already working with them. The future looks bright for Vitroflora, especially with general confidence that demand for

ornamental plants among customers in the former Eastern bloc countries of Europe is likely to grow very strongly for a long period in the years to come. For more details visit www.vitroflora.pl and www.ellepot.dk



FloraCulture al internation


he goal of ExhibitionGuide is to develop a global directory of trade shows and exhibitions, which provides information for both exhibitors and visitors allowing you to research and plan your expo experience ahead of time. As an international directory, ExhibitionGuide offers a cross-sector and cross-country overview of horticultural trade shows and flower & garden shows. ExhibtionGuide helps you to find a specific product, highlights the differences between competing shows and is the first step towards the best buying decisions.



Flower Show Turkey/ Eurasia Plant Fair The Flower Show Turkey/Eurasia Plant Fair is one of the largest trade shows for the ornamental horticulture and gardening industry. Ideally located on the crossroads between the West and the East, Flower Show Turkey/ Eurasia Plant Fair is by far the region’s most important trade exhibition in a rapidly expanding plants and landscaping market. It attracts top international buyers and sellers from around the world. The event is now not only recognised as a meeting point of two continents, but a meeting point for the world! The 2013 show featured 286 exhibitors from 21 countries who produce 10,000+ different plant varieties (net stand area was 11,003m2). The show welcomed a strong contingent of international exhibitors with Italy, Germany and the Netherlands being particularly well represented. On display were a record number of plant varieties, suitable for all weather conditions and soil types, the latest materials and technologies for production of plants, along with landscaping equipment and services. The Flower Show Turkey 2013 proved that this annual event is more than just an exhibition. It delivers a unique insight into the ornamental plants and landscaping sector in Turkey and the region. Exhibitors and visitors were able to benefit from first-hand exchange of information and can now plan their future activities and investments with more confidence. An important element in the success of the Flower Show Turkey 2013 was the high number of international buyers attending. The 9,581 visitors from 42 countries, with the Middle East, Europe, and the new republics in Central Asia being particularly well represented. Exhibitors were not only able to meet the key buyers from Turkey’s emerging sector, but they also made valuable business contacts in many other exciting markets. Turkey is one of the world's most strategic points as it is located on the old Silk Road. Istanbul, Turkey's commercial centre, is the world's only city located on two continents. It is connecting the east and west. The Istanbul Fair Center is very conveniently located near to Istanbul’s international Ataturk Airport. There are daily direct flights to Istanbul Ataturk International Airport from almost all over the world. After landing, it takes three minutes by taxi to get to the exhibition centre and it is also only one stop away from the Airport Metro. Entry for industry professionals is free of charge upon showing their business cards.

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

Dates: 27-30 November 2014 Trade show hours: 10.30 - 19.00 (27-29 November) 10.30 - 18.00 (30 November) Venue: Istanbul Fair Centre, Yesilkoy /Istanbul T + 90 312 442 28 20 E info@cyffuar.com.tr I www.flowershow.com.tr/en




Flormart The 2014 edition of Flormart, from Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 September, has been conceived with the intention of being an event that offers something new both in terms of its content and graphical presentation. This is in line with the need for ‘change’, which has been expressed in the interest of growth for the professional sector of the Italian market. One of the essential points to be considered is the strategy for the development of content, starting with the economic proposal to the market. This year, it will pay particular attention to the trends of the Italian market and its consumers: especially the nursery-gardening companies. The offering from the 2014 edition of Flormart will be current, in/depth and novel, ever more aware of and sensitive to the needs of the sector. Indeed, PadovaFiere is proposing lower exhibition rates (among the lowest in Europe), and free entrance to all sector operators. PadovaFiere is ‘assisting’ the commercial collection of the companies within a convenient, pre-set deadline (the end of June) giving the exhibiting companies the possibility to calculate its investment in the event. Additionally, there will be consistent stand sizes of either small/ medium/large/ and extra-large . With this approach, products will be displayed more effectively. Thanks to an intense promotional campaign, both in Italy and abroad, Flormart is receiving important signals of interest from not only European countries like France, Denmark, Holland and Germany, but also Eastern European ones such as Poland, Ukraine, Russia and emerging countries like Turkey. Work is being done by Flormart 2014 to broaden its exhibitors to include certain sectors complementary to nursery gardening and to some that have been missing for quite some time from the exhibition. Particular attention is being given to the cut flower with the involvement of Ligurian, Campanian, Apulian and Sicilian producers and the related service companies (wrapping, transport, distribution, packaging). Focus is also being put on reintroducing the professional soils and substrates sector, with the participation of a series of raw materials companies whose products are essential for obtaining a quality product. This same is true for the development of the complementary and alternative energy sector, where significant investment is foreseen in the future. Flormart is also an occasion for an in-depth look at current topics, thanks to its rich convention and training programme. Such is the case of T-Verde, the Technological Gardening Show that makes it possible to understand the various production phases of the systems proposed, from the planning to the implementation of the project, and from the integration of the technological and nursery-gardening components to the working model. The hospitality network immediately surrounding the Padova Exhibition Center has been strengthened in the past few years by a total of 5 large hotels. If you include the satellite hotel system in the Euganean Springs (Terme Euganee) area, Padua has a hosting capacity of 25,000, nearly all in 4-star hotels. In addition, there is the substantial hotel network of Venice, just 30 minutes away. The Padua Exhibition Center is only 500 metres from the railway station and 40 km from the Venice Marco Polo International airport.

Dates: 10-12 September 2014 Trade show hours: Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 September  9.00 -19.00 Friday 12 September  9.00 -18.00 Venue: PadovaFiere Exhibition Centre (Free entrance for trade operators) E flormart@padovafiere.it I www.flormart.it

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu




Salon du Végétal The Salon du Végétal is the French trade show for the flowers and plants industry. Around 550 international exhibitors will be presenting a wide range of plants in Angers, France from 18 to 20 February 2014. Over 15,000 trade visitors are expected for this 29 th edition. The Salon du Végétal is the annual trade show for professionals from the flower and plant industry: growers, nurserymen, landscapers, parks and gardens, florists, garden centre/supermarket managers, etc. It presents a wide range of plants and an important offering of associated manufactured products. In 2013, international visitors came from 37 countries and 167 international exhibitors from 12 countries participated in the fair. Why not visit growers during those 3 days? The fair is at the heart of the first French production region (west of France, 90 min from Paris by train). We can help you; do not hesitate to contact us. Specific centres and exclusive animations: • New area in 2014 dedicated to the distribution sector • Green spaces and landscaping area • Cut flowers centre (Bouquets d’aujourd’hui, Cut flowers trends) • Young plants centre • Plant Perspectives Centre (30 min talks) • Novelties Competition Innovert, • Espace Inspiration (plants and design) About 50 conferences and talks about various themes in a friendly atmosphere. To attend the fair: E-badge on salon-du-vegetal.com Free of charge: E-badge for professionals, parking, shuttle between the train station and the Exhibitions centres, exhibition catalogue, conferences and events.

Dates: 18-20 February 2014 Trade show hours: Tuesday 18 February and Wednesday 19 February 8.30-19.00 / Thursday 20 February 8.30-18.00 Venue : Parc des expositions, Angers, France T +33 2 41 79 14 17 F +33 2 41 45 29 05 E salon@bhr-vegetal.com I www.salon-du-vegetal.com

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014


FlowersExpo2014 The 4 th international trade exhibition FlowersExpo will take place at Moscow’s largest convention centre, Crocus Expo, from September 17-19, 2014. Last year, FlowersExpo 2013 gathered 450 exhibitors from 25 countries. Both domestic and international participants were satisfied with their commercial results as the event offered the perfect opportunity to meet with key decision makers from the industry and the Russian consumers. Over three days, over 15,000 people visited the exhibition, 75% of them were businessmen representing 80 Russian regions and 30 foreign countries. For the 2014 edition, over 500 companies from all the leading flower producing countries have announced their presence. The total exhibition area will cover 20,000m2 and demonstrate progress of the world flower industry and the status and needs of the Russian flower market. There will be various products on display that are in great demand among Russian consumers including cut and pot flowers, seeds and planting stock, equipment for greenhouse complexes and garden centres, breeding breakthroughs, accessories for flower arrangements, landscape designs and architecture. Visitors to the three-day event will experience a much expanded exhibition, conference and workshop programme, very clearly focused on the most pressing issues at hand. Stand out brands and new product launches will be recognised at the FlowersExpo Quality Competition at the show’s Innovation Pavilion. FlowersExpo 2014 will host the 15th edition of Russia’s national floral design competition for professional florists under the auspices of the National Guild of Florists. Attendees can also benefit from a series of demonstrations and workshop, featuring renowned Russian and European master designers.

Dates: 17-19 September 2014 Trade show hours : Wednesday 17 and Tuesday 18 September 10:00 – 19:00, Friday 19 September 10:00 – 17:00. Venue: Crocus Expo Moscow T +7 495 221 12 51 F +7 495 221 12 51 E info@flowers-expo.ru I www.flowers-expo.ru




Green is Life Organised by the Polish Nurserymen Association and Agencja Promocji Zieleni, the Green is Life show is truly a plantfocused show. Green is Life is Central and Eastern Europe’s leading trade exhibition for the nursery stock and gardening sector hosting 250 exhibitors from 11 countries (Poland, Belgium, Denmark, France, Holland, Latvia, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and New Zealand). It shows trees, shrubs, perennials, patio and bedding plants, pot and cut plants and also seeds and bulbs. Exhibitors also present technology, supplies and equipment for greenery and garden industries. Green is Life is the perfect time for presentations – right before the new season. It also serves as the communication forum for Polish and international professionals. In 2013, the trade show attracted 16,500 visitors including 5400 specialists from 33 countries. It was especially popular with customers from Central and Eastern European countries. 62% of them were owners and managers of companies. Green is Life welcomes a strong flow of international growers, wholesalers, landscape architects, builders and green contractors as well municipals authorities.

Dates: 28-30 August 2014 Trade show hours: Thursday, 28 August - 9.00-18.00 Friday, 29 August - 9.00-18.00 Saturday, 30 August - 9.00-17.00 Venue: EXPO XXI, Pra¸dzynskiego Str. 12/14, Warsaw, Poland T +48 22 435 47 20-22 E info@greenislife.pl I www.greenislife.pl

“In 2014, we will strengthen the professional section of the fair. The first two days (Thursday and Friday) will be geared towards professionals only,” said Agnieszka Żukowska, managing director of Green is Life. “The attendance of industry professionals increases every day. We will also extend the programme for professional guests.”

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu




IPM ESSEN The international trade fair for plants (IPM ESSEN) is the world’s leading trade fair for horticulture. It is the only specialist trade fair of its kind to cover the entire value chain of plants, including production, technology, floristry, garden features and point of sale. No other plant fair offers trade visitors as comprehensive a market overview and as many multifaceted novelties. A high-quality supporting programme will also await the trade visitors. At the next IPM ESSEN, taking place from 27 to 30 January 2015 in Essen, we are again expecting more than 1,500 exhibitors from 50 countries and trade visitors from more than 100 countries. All the renowned market leaders have promised to take part in the world's premier horticultural fair again.

Dates: 27-30 January 2015 26 -29 January 2016 Trade show hours: 9.00 – 18.00 Venue: Messe Essen T +49 201 7244 532 E info@ipm-essen.de I www.ipm-essen.de

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014



China/India/Russia/UAE Hortiflorexpo IPM Beijing/Shanghai The HORTIFLOREXPO IPM is the largest trade show for the horticultural industry in the Chinese growth market. In 2012 IPM ESSEN (the global trade show for horticulture) and China‘s most influential horticultural trade show HORTIFLOREXPO CHINA staged the first joint event at the Beijing Exhibition Center. HORTIFLOREXPO IPM takes place every year, alternating between Beijing and Shanghai. The show is officially organised by China Flower Association, supported by municipal government and foreign embassies. Exhibitors are able to benefit from the synergy effects and ensure their business success in the future market China.

Floratech IPM India

Dates: 23-26 April, 2014 Trade show hours: 23-25 April: 9.00-17.00, 26 April: 9.00-14.00 Venue: Beijing Exhibition Centre T +49 201 7244727 E ipmworldwide@messe-essen.de I www.hortiflorexpo-ipm.com

Dates: 22-24 August, 2014 Trade show hours: 22-23 August: 10.00-18.00, 24 August: 10.00-17.00 Venue: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre T +49 201 7244649 E ipmworldwide@messe-essen.de I www.ipm-india.com

The FLORATECH IPM in Bangalore, India is the new daughter of the premier global horticultural fair IPM ESSEN. FLORATECH IPM is jointly organized by Messe Essen GmbH and Media Today Group, which is the largest media group in India and a trade fair organizer. Bangalore is the capital of Karnataka, a state with 50 million inhabitants and the largest agricultural and horticultural production area in India. The state Karnataka will provide substantial funding for the cultivation of useful and ornamental plants in the future. FLORATECH IPM is a sign of successfully gaining entry to India’s gigantic growth market for horticulture in the future.

Flowers IPM Moscow The FLOWERS IPM, taking place at the newly build wing Pavilion 75 of the All-Russian Exhibition Centre, is a joint venture event between Messe Essen GhmH and the Moscow fair organiser International Exhibition Complex (IEC of AREC). FLOWERS IPM is the largest flower show with tradition and an absolute must for all professionals from horticulture, the plant and flower industries in Russia and the CIS. The trade fair will receive official support from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and from the City Administration of Moscow.

IPM Dubai The IPM DUBAI is the leading international platform for the green industry in the Gulf region and concentrates on buyers’ special needs for this region: plants, horticultural technology, floristry, sales promotion, plant care and logistics. The supporting programme also presents demonstrations of floristry. The IPM DUBAI is officially sponsored by the Dubai Municipality and Dubai Airports Cargo & Logistics. The sister event WOP DUBAI, World of Perishables, is the only trade fair in the Middle East specialized in the fresh produce and the associated technology for the entire value-added chain.

Dates: 27-29 August, 2014 Trade show hours: 10.00-18.00 Venue: All Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow T +49 201 7244232 E ipmworldwide@messe-essen.de I www.flowers-ipm.com

Dates: 9-11 November, 2014 Trade show hours: 10.00-18.00 Venue: Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai T +49 201 7244727 E ipmworldwide@messe-essen.de I www.hortiflorexpo-ipm.com

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu




IFEX IFEX is Asia's largest and most significant business-generating trade venue in the industry. A great profile of flower, horticulture and garden industry professionals such as florists, garden retailers, wholesalers, importers and growers gather at IFEX from all over Japan and Asia. IFEX offers opportunities to meet growers from Asia. Japan is the largest flower importer in Asia for all the major flower exporting countries such as Malaysia, China, Taiwan and Korea. They are very keen to the trend in the Japanese market and many of them visit IFEX to learn. Therefore, by participating in IFEX, you will be able to promote products/ technologies not only to the Japanese market, but also to the growing Asian markets. IFEX is also known as a great platform to conduct business and make new connections with professionals from other closely related industries such as garden, outdoor living and agriculture. Ifex is held in conjunction with: • 8 th International Garden Expo Tokyo (GARDEX) www.gardex.jp/en/ (Japan’s largest garden and outdoor living trade shows) • 4th International Hardware & Tools Expo Tokyo (TOOL JAPAN) www.tooljapan.jp/en/ (Japan’s only trade show specialising in tools) • 4th International Agricultural Material & Technology Expo Tokyo (AGRITECH JAPAN) www.agritechjapan.jp/en/ (Japan’s leading agricultural industry trade show) • 1st NEXT GENERATION AGRICULTURE EXPO TOKYO (AGRINEXT) (Japan’s first and only trade show specialising in advanced agricultural technology) www.agritechjapan.jp/en/ Various business enhancing events will take place (ribbon cutting ceremony, opening reception) to bring together participating flower and horticultural industry professionals and executives from the concurrent shows to acquaint and build new business relationships. With the ongoing success, the next edition of IFEX is sure to be yet another must attend show. Numerous exhibitors and pavilion organisers have already confirmed their involvement and the show is expected to expand by 20%. Save your dates for October 15-17, 2014 to find new business opportunities and connections in the Japanese and Asian market! What exhibitors say following their participation in the 2013 event… “ IFEX has long been a must-exhibit show for many Colombian flower growers and exporters. We have tripled our flower export to Japan since we started our pavilion in the first IFEX in 2004.” Asocolflores, Colombia Pavilion Organiser “ We were able to meet with a large number of right buyers from all over Japan for our plants and flowers. We are sure that IFEX is the venue to create export business to Japan for overseas flower exporters/growers.” Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia Pavilion Organiser “ We are interested in this project to distribute but not only to distribute but also to know Japanese people. This is a very nice exhibition. We hope to come out again next year.” An exhibitor from Ecuador

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

Dates: October 15 – 17, 2014 Venue: Makuhari Messe, Japan T +81-3-3349-8519 F +81-3-3349-8530 E pr-eng.ifex@reedexpo.co.jp I www.ifex.jp/en/



United Kingdom

HTA National Plant Show The fifth HTA National Plant Show, the show where the plants do the talking, will take place on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 June 2014 at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry. Building on the success of the first four shows, the HTA National Plant Show 2014 will once again showcase the best of British plant suppliers and offers the perfect opportunity to discover the plants customers will love at the UK’s only trade show dedicated to plants.

Dates: Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 June 2014 Trade show hours: Tuesday 24 June: 09.30 – 17.00, Wednesday 25 June: 09.30 – 16.00 Venue: Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ, UK T +44 (0)118 9303132 F +44 (0)118 9323453 E enquiries@nationalplantshow.co.uk I www.nationalplantshow.co.uk Twitter: @HTAPlantShow #HTAplantshow

The show brings together the whole of the UK plant supply chain to present new introductions and current ranges for the following season and provides a unique opportunity for plant buyers, facilitating interaction between all facets of the supply chain, ultimately aiding planning and purchasing of ranges in line with new consumer trends. Register now to: • See the widest range of plants from bedding to trees from British suppliers all under one roof • View plants at a time of year when they are at their best • Start planning your ranges at the optimum time • Learn from leading industry figures at free plant-focused seminars • Explore and order sample stock from a range of exhibitors at the Marketplace • Find your next best-selling plant in the New Plant Area “ It’s now an essential part of the year for anyone buying plants.” Marcus Cousins, Ayletts Garden Centre

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



The Netherlands

FloraHolland Seasonal Trade Fair Naaldwijk The Seasonal FloraHolland Trade Fair will be held from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 March 2014 in Naaldwijk, the Netherlands. For three whole days this trade fair is the best place for doing business in the horticultural sector. Spread over 11,000 m2 of floor area, more than 500 suppliers present their assortment of green and flowering houseplants, garden plants and cut flowers. The fair gives our suppliers the opportunity to showcase their wares to you! Novelties There will be many novelties and concepts on display. There will also be a Patio Plants Square with an interesting display of the wide assortment of patio plants available through FloraHolland and realised in collaboration with the Dutch patio plant growers. Seasonal products The Seasonal FloraHolland Trade Fair is distinguished from other fairs by its wide range of seasonal products on offer. More information? For more information, go to www.floraholland.com/seasonaltradefair, or contact the Marketing Events department at events@floraholland.nl or T +31 (0)297 39 36 12. Want quick access to the trade floor? Preregister in order to get quick access to the trade floor at www.floraholland.com/seasonaltradefair. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the FloraHolland Seasonal Trade Fair in Naaldwijk!

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

Dates: 19-21 March 2014 Trade show hours: Wednesday 19 March and Thursday 20 March 9.00 - 17.00 Friday 21 March 9.00 - 14.00 Venue: FloraHolland, Middel Broekweg 29, 2670 AE Naaldwijk, The Netherlands T +31 297 39 36 12 E events@floraholland.nl I www.floraholland.com/seasonaltradefair



The Netherlands

FloraHolland Trade Fair Aalsmeer The FloraHolland Trade Fair Aalsmeer is the place where the international floriculture industry gets together. More than 650 suppliers of plants and flowers from the Netherlands and from across the world will be exhibiting their new products and concepts to the attending exporters, wholesalers and customers. A wide range of cut flowers and plants that are either available for order immediately or in future will be on show. There will also be many new products and product concepts present.

Dates: 5-7 November 2014 Trade show hours: Wednesday 5 November 9.00 - 18.00 Thursday 6 November 9.00 - 17.00 Friday 7 November 9.00 - 14.00 Venue: FloraHolland, Legmeerdijk 313, 1431 GB Aalsmeer, The Netherlands T +31 297 39 36 12 E events@floraholland.nl I www.floraholland.com/ tradefair

Inspiration at The Village ‘The Village’ is the heart of the trade fair and is a must-see for visitors. There you can experience compelling presentations that optimally meet the wants and needs of various consumer groups. It’s definitely worth a visit. Breeders This year, more than 50 leading breeders of flowers and plants will be presenting innovative new products, creating an all-encompassing networking and inspiration fair for floriculture. Inspiration The FloraHolland Trade Fair is a dedicated trade show that brings together and offers inspiration and solutions for the ornamental horticulture and gardening industry. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the FloraHolland Trade Fair in Aalsmeer! Want quick access to the trade floor? Then take advantage of the preregistration at www.floraholland.com/tradefair and save yourself a lot of time.

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


International Events


February 2014

March 2014

4 to 6. Spain Viveralia, 11th international trade fair for ornamental plants at the Institucion Ferial Alcantina (IFA) in Elche, Spain. www.feria-alicante.com

3 to 12. Taiwan Taiwan International Orchid Show (TIOS) at the Taiwan Orchid Plantation in Tainan, Taiwan. info@tios.org.tw www.tios.org.tw

5 to 7. United States New England Grows. One of the largest and most popular horticultural and green industry events in North America at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. www.newenglandgrows.org

4 to 5. Belgium Florall at the Flanders Expo Gent, Hall 2 & 4, Maaltekouter 1, 9051 Gent – België www.florall.be

5 to 7. Germany Fruit Logistica Berlin, the world’s leading trade fair for the fresh fruit and vegetable business. www.fruitlogistica.de 16-19. Canada Alberta Gift Fair, Western Canada’s largest gift fair at the Edmonton Expo Centre. www.cangift.org 18 to 20. France Salon du Végétal at the Angers Convention Centre in Angers, France. T (33) 241 7914 17 F (33) 241 4529 05 salon@bhr-vegetal.com www.salonduvegetal.com 20 to 22. India Flora Expo 2014, one of India's leading trade exhibitions for floriculture, nursery stock and greenhouse technology. Chandigarh, India. www.floraexpo.com 26-28. Italy 4th edition of Florshow Verona, horticultural trade show. info@greenboxsrl.it www.florshow.net 26-28. Florbusiness Open Days of Italy’s Puglia region, which hosts a large number of professional flower and plant businesses. info@florbusiness.it www.florbusiness.it 26 February to 1 March. New Zealand Ellerslie International Flower Show in Christchurch. www.ellerslieflowershow.co.nz

4 to 6. South Africa Cool Logistics Africa 2014, 3rd Africa Conference at the Vineyard Hotel & Spa, Cape Town. www.coollogisticsafrica.com 4 to 6. South Africa Get ready for the Undercover Farming Expo & Conference 2014 at the St George Hotel & Events Centre, Irene, Pretoria. T + 082 627 0067 publicrelations@ undercoverfarmingexpo.co.za 8 to 9. United States The ‘Fleurish’Northeast Floral Expo 2014, the nation’s 4th largest florist trade show, serving the floral industry in New England, New York, New Jersey, and beyond. Venue: Mystic Marriott Hotel&Spa in Croton, United States. www.northeastfloralexpo.com 11 to 15. Spain Backed by the International Camellia Society, the International Camellia Congress will take place in Pontevedra, Spain. T (34) 986 804 100 Camellia.pontevedra@depo.es www.camellia2014.depo.es 12 to 16. Switzerland Giardina, the country’s leading home and garden show at the Messe Zurich convention centre. www.giardina.ch

26 to 30. Australia Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show at the Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens. info@melbourneflowershow.com.au www.melbourneflowershow.com.au April 2014 April to October 2014. China The Quingdao International Horticultural Exhibition at Baiguo Mountain Forest Park in Quingdao, China. exhibition@qingdaoexpo2014.org www.qingdaoexpo2014.org 1 to 3. China The 3rd International Conference on the Genus of Lilium at the Merchant’s Hotel in Zhangzhou, China. www.lilium2014.org 5 to 10. United States California Spring Trials www.ofa.org/springtrials 8 to 10. Ukraine Flowers & Hortech at Kiev’s International Exhibition Centre. www.flowers-hortech.com 11 to 13. United Kingdom RHS Flower Show Cardiff. www.rhs.org.uk 23-25. Kazakhstan Astana Flora Expo 2014 in Astana. T +7 495 221 1251 cell phone (8) 915 185 7903 mail@flowers-expo.ru

23 to 26. China Hortiflorexpo IPM Beijing, organised by the China Flower Association, Intex Shanghai and China Great Wall International 14 to 23. Canada Canada Blooms at Toronto’s Direct Exhibition Co Ltd. in cooperation Energy Centre & Exhibition Place. with Messe Essen GmbH. Venue: Beijing Exhibition Center. This year’s theme is ‘Wild’. www.canadablooms.com www.hortiflorexpo-ipm.com 20 March to 18 May. The Netherlands Keukenhof, the world famous spring garden at Lisse, the Netherlands. www.keukenhof.nl

27 February to 1 March. Poland Gardenia, nursery stock trade show at Poznan’s International Fair. 20 to 23. Mexico Expoflor + Verde Mexico 2014, www.gardenia.mtp.pl international flowers, plants and green industry trade show. info@guiaverdemexico.com www.guiaverdemexico.com

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

26 to 28. United States World Floral Expo 2014 in Chicago, USA. jasper@hpp.nl T +31 20 6622482 www.worldfloralexpo.com

25 April to 11 May. Korea International Horticulture Goyang Korea 2014 at the Lake Park, Goyang City, Korea www.flower.or.kr/eng/main/ main.php May 2014

8 to 18. France 11th edition of the Floralies Internationales de Nantes at the Beaujoire convention centre in Nantes. Comité des Floralies 7, quai Henri Barbusse 44000.Nantes accueil@comite-des-floralies.com T +33 (0)2 40 14 58 60 www.comite-des-floralies.com 20 to 24. United Kingdom RHS Chelsea Flower Show. www.rhs.org.uk 22-24. Azerbaijan World Food, Ipack Caspian and Agrihort trade shows at the Baku Expo Center in Baku, Azerbaijan. Switchboard: +99412 404 1000 Direct fax: +99412 404 1001 Direct tel: +99412 404 1044 www.worldfood.az www.caspianworld.com 28 to 30. Brazil 21st Hortitec at the Holambra/SP Convention Center. www.hortitec.com.br 29 May to 2 June. Ireland Bloom 2014 is Ireland’s most important flower & garden show which will take place in the Phoenix Park in Dublin. www.bloominthepark.com June 2014 4 to 6. Kenya IFTEX, International Flower Trade Expo at the Oshwal convention centre in Nairobi. www.iftex.org 8 to 11. Italy XIII International Symposium on the Processing Tomato - XI World Processing Tomato Congress, Sirmione, Lake Garda, Italy. www.worldtomatocongress.com 10 to 12. The Netherlands GreenTech Amsterdam 2014 at the Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre, The Netherlands. www.greentech.nl 10 to 12. United States National Lawn & Garden Show at the Denver International Airport Hotel. www.nlgshow.com 10 to 13. United States International Floriculture Expo at the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. www.floriexpo.com

24 to 25. United Kingdom The National Plant Show at 8 to 10. Thailand Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, Horti Asia at the Bangkok Warwickshire, CV82LZ, UK. International Trade and Exhibition T +44 118 9303132 Centre (BITEC). F +44 118 9323453 www.hortiasia.net enquiries@nationalplantshow.co.uk www.nationalplantshow.co.uk

World News The Kalanchoe interspecific hybrid Queen® from Knud Jepsen from Denmark was awarded best in show in the “Cut Flowers” category.

Stand of German flower markets.

Germany IPM Essen attracts 57,000 visitors The 32nd International Plant Fair in Essen in 2014 was characterised by another rise in the internationality, more decision takers as well as a greater interest in the Technology section. The world's premier horticultural fair which was this year opened by Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, Germany’s federal minister of agriculture and food, not only showed an undiminished high level of ordering activities but, to an increasing extent, was also a platform for maintaining contacts and for networking. 1,554 exhibitors from 45 countries presented to around 57,000 trade visitors from over 100 nations products and services from the entire value added chain: from plants via technology, floristry and equipment right up to the point of sale. "IPM ESSEN has once again proven that it is the most important fair in the green sector. It reflects the worldwide market and lets market partners come together. This year, it was able to extend its internationality even further as an exclusivity characteristic,” was the summary of Oliver P. Kuhrt, Chairman and CEO of Messe Essen, and Egon Galinnis, Managing Director of Messe Essen. The exhibitors praised the internationality and quality of the visitors in particular. At around

40 percent (in 2013: around 30 percent), the proportion of foreign trade visitors has risen substantially. Countries from the Middle East and Asia as well as Australia registered higher numbers of visitors. And it was also possible to raise the quality of the visitors. 75 percent (in 2013: 72 percent) of the visitors are involved in purchasing and procurement in their companies. There was great interest in the enlarged Technology section. Behind the Plant section (76 percent), around 41 percent (in 2013: 36 percent) of the people surveyed specified it as the exhibition section in which they were especially interested. In keeping with the tradition, new plants and cut flowers were honoured at IPM ESSEN. In total, 56 plants had taken part in the Innovation Showcase. Seven of them are allowed to bear the title of an “IPM Innovation 2014". The Pelargonium grandiflorum “pac Bermuda Pink, Regbepi” from Elsner pac from Dresden was distinguished in the “Bedding and Balcony Plants” category and the Erysimum Hybride “Winter Party” from

Spring was definitely in the air at the 2014 IPM Essen show.

Kientzler from Gensingen in the “Spring-Flowering Plants” category. Moerheim New Plant from the Netherlands won in the “Flowering House Plants” category with the poinsettia called Euphorbia pulcherrima willd. Ex Klotzsch Princettia® Pearl and Plantipp also from the Netherlands in the “Tub Plants” category with the Dianella revoluta Coolvista®

(Allyn-Citation). The Kalanchoe Interspecific Hybride Queen® from Knud Jepsen from Denmark was chosen in the “Cut Flowers” category and the Betula pendula “Magical Globe” from Kolster from the Netherlands in the “Woody Plants” category. The expert jury honoured the Basil Tree from Global Plant from Israel with a special prize. |||

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


String Tying Machine Elastic String

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Africa The Kenya Flower Council (KFC) expects the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to clear the backlog of VAT refunds to flower farms in the first quarter of this year. KRA owes the flower sector hundreds of millions of shillings.

Kenyan flower sector awaits millions in VAT refunds


t seems that our continuous pressure finally pays off”, said Jane Ngige, Chief Executive Officer of KFC. She added, “We haven't had complaints or desperate calls from farmers of late. That is a signal that something positive is happening and business might slowly be returning to normal.”

Victim of its own success

To stimulate farms to expand and export more flowers the Kenyan government introduced years ago a new attractive tax regime for horticultural companies. Import tax and VAT on farm inputs like fertilizers and pesticides could be reclaimed from KRA. The system worked well till 2009. Then it became a victim of its own success. The sector grew so fast as well as the number of claims, that KRA wasn't able to keep up. Last year there was an enormous back log in VAT refunds and farmers complained it was affecting the running of their businesses. Especially small scale farmers with little or no financial reserves bore the brunt.

Industry wide matter

by Frans van den Houdt

Asked how the situation is right now, most farms don't want to be named or give specific details. “So far, nothing has changed for us”, commented the accountant of a rose farm in Timau, in the Mount Kenya region. “We haven't heard from KRA. Our claim for more than ten million shillings we forwarded 2 years ago has still not been paid. That has had a negative impact on our business.”

KRA owes the Kenyan flower sector hundreds of millions of shillings.

Jefferson Karue, manager at Simbi Roses in Thika admits having the same problems like other flower growers in the country. “Over the past few years, we have not been getting any money, although we do our monthly VAT returns according to the law.” Others only refer to KFC. “This is an industry wide matter, so kindly contact Kenya Flower Council”, said Hamish Kerr of Oserian in Naivasha.

Availability of funds

KRA doesn't want to go into detail either. “We have been liaising closely with the Kenya Flower Council to address different issues that arise in the course of processing refunds”, said Maureen Njongo, commission-

er at the tax department. “All efforts are being made to satisfy the needs of our customers as well as protect government revenue.” According to KFC boss Jane Ngige things differ from company to company, depending on their record keeping, vital to convince KRA that a VAT refund is justified. “When we talked last to KRA, in September or October 2013, it was obvious that things were put in place to address all VAT issues as soon as possible. But everything still depends on the availability of funds.” Last year July, VAT claims already accounted for 280 million euro. However, the ministry of Finance only reserved 150 million for the financial year 2013/2014. |||

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


Brazil The often-repeated phrase ‘may you live in interesting times’ has been interpreted as both a blessing and a curse, depending on the listener’s situation. A review of the last years of the Brazilian flower sector shows that it can be a bit of both, depending on who you ask. Veiling Holambra has attracted more supermarket chains as clients and renters of their near 5,000 m 2 of cooled space.

Growing pains and   pleasures in the Brazilian flower sector


he one point everybody agrees is that these are interesting times indeed, the Brazilian market has enjoyed unprecedented growth of flower sales. Exports on the other hand have faded. And as it usually is the case, the results are not the same for different players.

Rise in minimum wage by Mauricio C. Mathias, MSc. mauriciomathias@hotmail.com


In the Brazilian economy the general news have been of record sales of consumption items from smart-

phones to cars, for several years in a row. Most of it fuelled by the policy of rise in minimum wage, resulting in real purchase power gain for the workmen. Together with record employment rates, these are the times most people dreamed of, and that’s also where some of problems start. On one hand flowers have managed to secure at least a part of the increased consumer’s income, while also breaking away from the old cliché that flowers were only for the well-off. On the other hand, the

valuation of the national currency, the Real (R$), together with a shortage of farm labour are some of the consequences of the good times that growers have had to adapt to. The most evident example of these good times is the Veiling Holambra, the auction that is the main flower market in Brazil. Since they inaugurated their new building with a 3-clock auction hall in 2009, they have continued with further expansion. According to their CEO André van Kruijssen, they have attracted more supermarket chains as clients and renters of their near 5,000 m2 of cooled space. Ongoing investments include increased RFID use in the logistics, a new cash & carry building at the auction site and an improved web shop for intermediation.

Mass production

The Swart nursery in Ceará includes 7 ha of roses.

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

Also sharing the Veiling’s optimism is Carlos de Godoy, who after 28 years as an auction exec has left it to direct CNP, a flower trade company also in the town of Holambra.

The flower auction, SP Flores, located just outside São Paulo is another voice of confidence, reporting a 7% growth in 2013.

His firm is one example of the hub that Holambra has become to the flower sector. With his experience Godoy is a witness to the sector’s changes “the main challenge now is to manage and maintain specialised labour, so much so that it has become the limiting factor to companies nowadays. Growingwise the trend is to mass production, which has lead to price drops in some items. But on the upside there is a whole new generation of growers coming up with new concepts. On the market side orchids are the ‘new’ hot thing, as well as cash and carry as a mode of sale.” The other Brazilian electronic flower auction, SP Flores, located just outside São Paulo is another voice of confidence, reporting a 7% growth in 2013, due to both better prices and higher volumes. According to them “2014 still is an unknown for sales, but if January is a reliable forecaster, it already was better than last year’s.” The region where SP Flores is located once was Brazil’s oldest

flower supplier and today is a showcase for one of the hardest calls that flower growers now face: to invest or to close down. Flower cultivation was for decades practiced in a familyscale operation, small farms using family labour. The product was either sold to middlemen or to flower shops at the public markets. Slowly but surely that era is coming to an end, and only those who managed to modernise are now able to face the new world: flower shops are no longer a main sales channel, large supermarket chains and garden centres dominate the scene buying bulk at auctions, and urban development is forcing growers near towns to relocate.


In a sector where changes have been gradual, the main unexpected development still is the inclusion of northeastern state of Ceará as a rose producer. This semi-arid region managed to become the 2nd rose grower in Brazil in the last

The Reijers group has 2 sites, one a 33-ha farm that grows roses and other flowers as well, and plans to maintain expansion.

Rose growing at Reijers’.

15 years. The pioneer company Cearosa started there in 1999, and now has 13 ha of roses; the Reijers group has 2 sites, one a 33-ha farm that grows roses and other flowers as well, and plans to maintain expansion. Another company that opened a branch there ten years ago was the Swart group, now with 7 ha of roses. According to Theo Swart, the main challenge has been to secure enough water, which they have made with wells and a 54-million L reservoir. Ceará state is also a bulb offseason grower and exporter. Other northeastern states have also become producers of tropical plants and foliage. In common with the roses from Ceará is the fact that their original goal was to export, a plan that was forcefully changed to the growing local market with the dollar devaluation. As a result some growers’ associations in that region have closed shop, while other have adapted well to new clients. One such case is Mumbeca Flores a 7-ha tropical

flower grower that now supplies to hotels and offices, where the longer shelf life of tropical plants is appreciated.

Fragile exports

In this context the fragile exports of plant products from Brazil was hit the hardest, especially since the crisis started in 2008 when it peaked at US$ 35.5 million. According to the reports of consulting company Hortica it has fallen yearly since to under US$ 24 million last year, with decreases in both of its main items, bulbs and cuttings exported to the EU and USA. However, the sector in general has been able to absorb this due to the improvement in the home market as a consequence of the improvement in the local economy as a whole. Hopefully it won’t be a case of too much of a good thing, before labor competition with cities drive farm salaries up, pressuring production costs, making these times even more interesting. |||

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Lighting At orchid nursery Ter Laak Orchids, the use of LED toplighting was prompted by the increased need, at the dark time of year, for more efficient light to ensure healthy and constant plant growth. Thanks to their lower heat emission and the options they offer in terms of light spectrum, LEDs can make a significant contribution to this goal.

Ter Laak Orchids and Philips conduct LED top lighting trial

T by our own correspondent

er Laak Orchids – owned by brothers Eduard and Richard ter Laak – have been working with orchids since 1980. Their modern pot plant nursery in Wateringen covers an area of 78,500 m2, with an extra 16,500 m2 tier of cultivation above the processing area, and produces

Benefits Though the trial with Philips LED GreenPower LED toplighting modules is still under way, it is expected to confirm benefits such as: ● improved climate control because of less heat radiation ● optimized spectra to stimulate photosynthesis and growth in an effective way, and/or to steer plant development and morphology ● uniform and targeted light distribution and installation, leading to low light losses ● flexible use of lighting (no heat-up time) ● significant energy savings

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

4 million Phalaenopsis plants of pot size 12 cm every year.

Two separate compartments

Over a period of 20 weeks, plant induction and blooming is being tested in two separate compartments, one with a lighting level of 250 μmol/s/m2 from LED top lighting and the other with 250 μmol/s/m2 from HPS lighting. The two compartments cover an area of 180 m2 containing 3,900 Phalaenopsis plants. The project involves five species– Cambridge, Surf Song, Mira Flora, Las Palmas, Pasadena –from different suppliers.

Light recipes

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting modules are the next step in the development and application of light recipes for crop growth in the greenhouse. They offer considerable opportunities to increase production and improve crop quality

during the year. LED top lighting modules can offer light levels typically ranging from 40-300 μmol/ m2/s in a highly efficient way.

HPS hybrid lighting

The plants in this project were grown in the greenhouse under HPS lighting and are being cooled in the trial greenhouses. On 5 November 2013 the plants were placed in the two separate compartments; the first day was also the first cooling day (necessary for branch induction). It is assumed that if the plants grow well in the LED only compartment, there is not likely to be a problem in combination with HPS (hybrid) lighting. If this is the case, it will be possible to install efficient grow light in the form of LEDs in an existing situation. According to Ter Laak Orchids, the project will have been a success if the company can produce the same quality of plants using this configuration. |||

For every greenhouse Philips GreenPower LED toplighting modules are the next step in the development and application of dedicated light recipes to increase production and improve crop quality. With this introduction year round production is in reach for every greenhouse grower. LED toplighting offer light levels typically ranging from 40-300 μmol/m2/s in a highly efficient way. Philips GreenPower LED toplighting can be used either as a direct replacement for traditional lighting systems or as an energyefficient supplement. Perhaps even more importantly, growers who were previously unable to use lighting in their greenhouse can now take full advantage: even growers with low greenhouse ceilings can now enjoy the proven benefits of LED toplighting.

LED toplighting offer the following key benefits: Less heat radiation

LED lighting produces significantly less heat than conventional HPS lamps, so you can control your greenhouse climate more accurately. The convection heat that is still being produced can often help to save on your gas bill. Less heat also means you can use light more effectively, for example by increasing light levels, extending lighting periods, or by using light on warmer days without having to ventilate. Less heat also means you can place the light source closer to your plants, reducing light loss – so close in fact that you can now use toplighting even in low-ceiling greenhouses.

Spectral versions

LED technology makes it possible to optimize the light spectrum in order to stimulate photosynthesis and growth in an effective way, and/or to steer plant development and morphology. Five spectral versions have currently been developed based upon years of experience. The types with white light present in the module are convenient if working light is needed.

ease of installation and low light interception. The modules’ compatibility with the C-profile (reducing light interception) and the option of easily creating head-to-tail continuous lines, or discontinuous lines of modules with cables in between, make the system highly flexible and suitable for many greenhouse situations. It is also possible to make combinations with existing HPS installations or to combine various spectral versions in one line. LED technology enables a uniform and targeted light distribution, thereby minimizing expensive light losses. And as LED lighting does not require any heat-up time, you are free to initiate different lighting strategies at any time. Also, unlike other LED toplighting systems, GreenPower is air-cooled in a passive way, so no investment in water supply and drainage is required, as with water-based cooling.

Longer lifetime

LED solutions last much longer than conventional light sources – up to five times as long, so you will

spend a lot less time and money replacing them.

Less energy

LED toplighting uses significantly less energy than HPS systems, saving up to 20-46% at comparable grow light levels (μmol/J). |||

Flexibility and focus

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting is in the form of linear modules in order to ensure maximum flexibility in designing light plans with various light levels and high uniformity in combination with

Figure 1 Line formation

Figure 2 Short line/checkerboard formation

Figure 3 Checkerboard formation

February 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Russia Russia significantly increased imports of flowers in 2012, which was mainly due to the country’s entry to the WTO in the same year. This resulted in the decline of prices and the increase of consumer demand for flowers in the country.

by Eugene Gerden

Russia’s WTO entry a big boost to flower imports I

n 2012, flower imports to Russia increased by 39% compared to 2011, with the largest increase in supplies observed during the last two months of the year, when imports from the Netherlands alone increased by more than 15%. Official data for imports in 2013 have not yet been presented, however, according to some sources close to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, last year imports grew by about 10% with the majority of flowers continue to be supplied from Netherlands.


Star cash and carry store in Moscow.

Local analysts believe that the increase of supplies can mainly be explained by Russia's entry into the WTO. The conditions such as duties on the imports of cut flowers and flower buds have decreased from 15% to 5%, which is not less than 0.3 euro per 1 kg as of January 1st, 2013. In addition, starting from 2015, import duties on other components of bouquets will also decline. For example, import of leaves, spurs and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, along with grasses and mosses for decorative purposes will decline from the current 15% to 10%.

Seasonal factors

Russia’s WTO entry resulted in the decline of prices and the increase of consumer demand for flowers in the country.

At the same time, according to some Russian analysts, in addition to the WTO membership, a significant increase of flower imports to Russia could be also explained by seasonal factors. Daria Pichugina, a senior analyst of Investkafe, one of the largest Russian analytical agencies in the field of flower business, commented, “I think that the increase of supplies at the end of 2012 was due to seasonal factors and the fact that flowers do not grow in Russia during this season. Russian producers can only be competitive in spring. Low competition levels result in the Russian flower market

www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

currently consisting of more than 90% of imports. The majority of imported flowers are supplied by the Netherlands, Colombia and Ecuador. In recent years, China has also started exporting flowers to Russia. So far, China exported mainly to the Far East. The share of local producers is only 10%, wbich only increases during the Russian spring holidays, when the demand for carnations and daisies (the main products of Russian flower growers) significantly increases."

Beneficial for EU producers

The growth of flower sales in Russia will be highly beneficial for the EU producers. Currently, Russia remains the largest buyer of Dutch flowers outside the EU. In the case of the Dutch floriculture, the Russian market currently remains only the fifth largest in the world in sales terms, but also one of the most promising, as it continues to grow, in contrast to the markets of some EU countries. Sales of Dutch flowers at the tradtional markets of Spain and Italy have significantly

decreased. In the meantime, the Netherlands is not the only country that significantly increased export of its flowers to Russia in 2012. Germany have also seen a significant increase of exports to Russia.

Highly seasonal

Still the Russian flower market remains highly seasonal, with the greatest demand observed in February, March, May, September and December. During the March holiday season prices for flowers in Russia soar to up 300 roubles (USD$10) per rose and 100 roubles per tulip. According to local experts, the Russian flower market is characterised by relatively high prices for flowers. For example, in 2011, the consumer prices for flowers were an average 66.98 roubles (USD$2,23) per piece, which is expensive for most Russian consumers. At the same time there is a possibility that this situation may change in the future, as the projected drop of prices will result in the gradual disappearance of seasonal factors from the local market. The consumer preferences will change and

by Arturo Croci

people will start buying flowers not only during holidays, but also for home decoration or as a gift.

Home production

In addition, according to the forecasts of the analysts of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the share of domestic producers in the market during the next several years is also expected to increase over the next few years. In recent years, the volume of investments and in particular in the construction of greenhouses and production facilities has significantly increased. However, at present, local flower growers are still unable to compete with their foreign counterparts, due to the fact that the process of growing flowers in Russia is significantly more difficult and expensive than in the EU and Latin America states because of the lack of modern technology. In addition, many flowers are often imported to Russia in violation of customs’ rules by calling them “greens for bouquets” to avoid additional duties. That is why imports from abroad are still more profitable than local production.

Active growth

Meanwhile, Russia remains among the six leading import countries of all kinds of flowers, being only behind the U.S., Germany, the UK, and France. The official annual import supplies to Russia are estimated at 20 tonnes of cut flowers, however in reality these figures are significantly higher as a large volume of flowers is imported to Russia under ‘grey’ (illegal) schemes. Analysts believe that the Russian flower market will continue its active growth in 2014. Currently the market is estimated at $5.3 billion with Moscow accounting for about 20% of the market.  |||


Uniqueness Maybe you can remember the column published in one of FCI’s issues that included an explicit invitation to ‘become unique’. One of the many ways to ‘be different’ has been well explained by Marco Orlandelli, managing director of the Canicossa di Marcaria (Italy)-based Orlandelli/Entergreen company in his presentations. Last year, Marco gave an insight into unique, horticultural business management in Paris, Las Vegas (to mark the opening of the National Hardware Show) and Moscow. During his Moscow speech on August 29 2013, Marco spoke of ‘Oneness’ and explained how he found inspiration in three garden centres and their owners: the UK-based Squire’s Garden of Colin DJ Squire, the Australian garden centre Flower Power of Nick Sammut and finally the Valley of Flowers garden centre in Mantua (Italy) of Ugo Orlandelli. Each of these three entrepreneurs is a pioneer in the true sense of the word, always striving to differentiate himself in the marketplace with a kind of leadership that is undeniably his own and unequivocally unique. Marco provided four tips for a more successful business in 2014: • Treat your customers right • Do your job in a customer friendly way. • Focus on locally grown produce • An increasing number of consumers seek out and purchase produce grown in closer proximity to them. This is causing smaller regional garden centres to take market shares from established supermarkets whose products don't qualify as locally sourced. • Long-term goals are key to managing a business successfully • Develop a long term strategy. Always stay ahead of the market and try to see things that others don’t. Review your company and determine what wide range of products sells the best and is the most profitable. Invest in these products. • Communicate with your customers • Ugo Orlandelli, for example, started a course for garden centre professionals and private gardeners. He organised pumpkin, maple tree, citrus, succulents and rose festivals, during which the public was treated to an incredible wide range of plants. Ugo also used different media platforms such as television, newspapers and magazines very wisely. He invited the top producer of certain crops to participate in a video presentation that was shown to the customers next to the displayed products. All in all, Marco explained how three completely different characters have inspired entrepreneurs in the garden centre business. And that’s why he always ends his presentations with the same message. “If you want to be recognised by your customers you really need to be unique! It is the uniqueness of something that makes customers return to their favourite supplier. Become a real expert and let your community know.” For the original texts of the Marco Orlandelli’s presentations visit the news section at www.orlandelli.it . (NB Marco’s own way of promoting the ornamental horticulture and gardening industry also deserves to be called ‘unique’). Arturo Croci is the founder of Italy's leading horticultural business magazine Flortecnica and a walking encyclopedia of Italian horticulture. arturo@floracultureinternational.com

February 2014 February | www.FloraCultureInternational.com 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


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Floraculture International encourages the pursuit of joint activities in areas of mutual interest with national and international societies, companies and organizations. Agreements have been reached between Floraculture International and leading growers and trade associations in 24 countries. This unique partnership includes a complimentary copy for each member of the registered associations. Floraculture International is proud to announce the cooperation with the following associations.





International Seed Federation


www.FloraCulture.eu | February 2014

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Container Centralen ...................................... 26 ������������ www.container-centralen.com Corn Bak ............................................................. 2 ������������������������������������ www.bromelia.com CYF Trade Fairs (Flower Show Turkey) .... 14 ������������������������ www.flowershow.com.tr Danziger ‘Dan’ Flower Farm ....................... 3 ������������������������������������� www.danziger.co.il Ellergaard A/s .................................................. 36 ������������������������������������������� www.ellepot.dk Erich Baumeister GmbH ............................. 26 ����������������������� www.erichbaueister.com FCI India .............................................................. 2 ������������������������������������������������ www.kisan.in FloraHolland .................................................. 22,23 ������������������������� www.floraholland.com Florall (Brand Senses) ............................. Insert ����������������������������������������� www.florall.be Florasearch Inc. ............................................. 35 ����������������������������� www.florasearch.com Floricultura B.V. ............................................... 6 ������������������������������� www.floricultura.com Flormart ............................................................. 15 ������������������������������������������� www.flormart.it Flowers Expo (Moscow) ............................. 16 ������������������������������ www.flowers-expo.ru Green is Life 2014 ........................................... 17 ���� www.zielentozycie.pl/index.php/en Hamilton Design ............................................. 26 ������������������ www.hamilton-design.co.uk HTA (Horticultural Trade Ass.) .................. 21 ���������������������������������� www.the-hta.org.uk IFEX Int. Flower Expo .................................... 20 �������������������������������������������� www.ifex.jp/en IPHandlers ........................................................ 35 ������������������������������������� www.iphandlers.nl Jungle Jack’s ................................................... 6 �������������� www.junglejacksthailand.com LongPride Biotechnology ............................ 6 ����������������������� www.messe-essen.de/en Market News Service .................................. 26 ���������������������������� www.intracen.org/mns Messe Essen (IPM Essen) ...................... 18,19 ������������������� www.messe-essen.de/en Salon du Vegetal ............................................ 16 ��������������������� www.salonduvegetal.com SeedSense Ltd ............................................ Insert ������������������������ www.seedsense.co.uk Williee Armellini ............................................. 35 ������������������������������ www.lost-harbor.com

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I n d i a ’ sL a r g e s t

A g r i S h o w

1 0 1 4De c 2 0 1 4

E x c l u s i v eP r e v i e wd a y 1 0De c2 0 1 4

India Update ‘India update’ will bring to you the latest happenings in Indian flower world. Your feedback & interaction will guide us to design the content on this page. Yes, you can add colour and fragrance to this page. Do contribute news, events, success stories related to floriculture from your region. Images and videos are most welcome, as they bring life to the subject. Digital format allows us to include all these. Your contribution will reach 40,000+ online readers. The number is increasing. If you communicate, one of our team members can also visit your location to cover the event or development. Let us share knowledge and grow together.

City to host floriculture expo next month, 17 nations likely to take part

Desi roses set to woo firang hearts this V- Day

Things come up roses for Indian exporters this V-Day

February 6,

February 8,

February 12,

Chandigarh : Chandigarh is often

UNE: Next weekend, when

Pune: Thanks to a harsh

referred to as City Beautiful and

a British lad goes down on his

winter in Europe, this February

this has much to do with the city’s

knees to woo his valentine, he will

promises to be a busy one for

lush gardens and green cover. Even

probably do so with a Taj Mahal,

Indian rose exporters. Flower-

residents of the city take pride in

a rose variety grown in Bangalore.

growers from Pune alone will

their patches of green. The fact

With Valentine's Day aroundthe

ship around 60 lakh stems while

that Chandigarh will host the

corner and workers' unrest in

Bangalore —another hub of

country’s biggest floriculture and

the Netherlands ‐‐ that holds the

rose production — is likely to

horticulture exhibition comes

largest flower auction in the world

export a similar quantity. The

as a well-deserved compliment.

‐‐ affecting supplies, Indian rose

Indian Society of Floriculture

This is something that Jafar

growing centres like Pune and

Professionals estimates that

Naqvi, president, Indian Flowers

Bangalore have taken the lead in

total exports from western and

anOrnamental Plants Welfare

exporting the flower to countries

southern India aroundValentine’s

Association (iFlora) agrees with.

like Japan, Australia.

Day will be as high as 20 million

Read more

Read more

flowers, fetching about R40

Source:Indian Express.Com

Source: The Times of India

crore. Read more Source: Financial Express.com

A research that will optimize yield, quality and life of flowers January 3,

Nagpur: With the aim of developing better floriculture production technologies to improve the yield and" "quality of flowers, the post graduate students (M. Sc floriculture) of College of Agriculture, under the

Please write to us at floraculture@kisan.com Stay connected.

aegis of Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (PDKV) Akola, are conducting research by use of certain micronutrients and growth regulators. Though the actual research results are yet to be optimized, the initial results are quite promising. Read more Source: The Times of India

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