Fci June 2014

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FloraCulture w w w. f l o r a c u lt u r e . e u

Celebrating lily season


A profile of ornamental horticulture


‘Studying horticulture in Holland is like reading the bible in a monastery’

International events boost global market presence lilies Brought to you by


J u n e 2014

The business magazine for worldwide floriculture

Floraculture International encourages the pursuit of joint activities in areas of mutual interest with national and international societies, companies and organisations. Agreements have been reached between Floraculture International and leading growers and trade associations in 24 countries. This unique partnership includes a complimentary copy for each member of the registered associations. Floraculture International is proud to announce the cooperation with the following associations.

Partners of FloraCulture International

For more FCI partners see page 36.


KwaZulu Natal Flower Grower's Association

Table of Contents

June 2014 Volume 24 Number 6

Germany: a horticultural profile Germany is one of the most densely populated and industrialised countries in Europe. Famed for its technological achievements, it has also a leading position in ornamental horticulture.


by Sabine Hübner

Leave it to the leaves

The quality of leaves says a lot about the technical ability of the grower. Good growers understand the importance of leaves. by Louise Labuschagne


PMA Fresh Connections Netherlands

Over 100 importers, exporters, input suppliers, retailers, logistics companies, industry bodies, government officials and other sectors of the fresh produce and floral supply chain gathered in Rotterdam to attend the first-ever Fresh Connections: Netherlands on Wednesday April 29th. by Jaap N. Kras and Ron van der Ploeg


The effects of LEDs during plug production

Two years ago Florensis started trialling LED flowering lamps in Naivasha, Kenya. The trials is still in the early stages, but the initial results look very promising as they prevent flower induction and cut down the electricity bill by 80%. At the same time, the LED lights allowed the company to reduce the impact on the environment, creating a real win-win situation. by Eddy Verbeek

Meet the HAS students

FloraCulture International asked six students at HAS University of Applied Sciences about their courses and how they’re spending their time in the Netherlands. by Maria Starodubrovskaya


Chain, Chain, Chain

After receiving a press release from Mayesh Wholesale regarding a recent acquisition of a new location, I started to wonder how and what the other American wholesaler chains were doing.


by William Armellini rd

Recap of the 3 international symposium on ‘The Genus of Lilium’

The 3rd International SYMPOSIUM on the genus of LILIUM, organised by the Section Ornamentals of the International Society of Horticultural Plants (ISHS), was held in Zhangzhou, Fujian province in China from April 1st to April 3rd, 2014.


by Cor Conijn and Linda Conijn


Departments FCI’s international partnerships World News International Events Advertising Index

4 31 32 37

Columns From the editor Dutch Comfort Certifiable in California Happy Gardening

07 13 31 35

June 2014 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com


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Colofon Colofon Colofon Colofon Colofon

In my opinion In my opinion In my opinion In my opinion In my opinion With compliments From editor With the compliments

FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. © 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of editorial may FloraCulture is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. be reproducedInternational in any form (ISSN1051-9076) without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not liable © 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of editorial may for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Send address changes to FloraCulture FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not liable International magazine, P.O.Box 82, 1850 ABAllHeiloo, theNetherlands. © Quality, innovation, sustainability and logistics are words that 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. rights No portion of editorial may by Ron van for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Sendreserved. address changes to FloraCulture FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. der Ploeg be in anyInternational form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not may liable © reproducedmagazine, often appear in our editorial. Th is isand a compliment you, the International P.O.Box 82, 1850 AB theNetherlands. 2009 FloraCulture magazine. AllHeiloo, rights reserved. No portion of editorial FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly.Worldwide distribution. Quality, innovation, sustainability logistics aretowords that for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Sendof address changes Publisher to FloraCulture © be reproduced in any form without written permission theofpublisher. is not liable fl oriculture industry; the interviewees and contributors remain 2009 FloraCulture International magazine. All rights reserved. No portion editorial may often appear in our editorial. Th is is a compliment to you, the International magazine, P .O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, theNetherlands. advertisements using illegally obtained images. changes FloraCulture Quality,on innovation, and“what logistics areTh words that FloraCulture International B.V.Send address focused cansustainability be”interviewees rather than isn’t”. e cut flower e reproduced inforany form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not to liable floriculture“what industry; the and contributors remain International magazine, 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, theNetherlands. often appear in ourbut editorial. Th isofisand a compliment towords you, the or advertisements using illegally obtained images. Send address changes to FloraCulture P .O.BoxP.O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands Quality, innovation, sustainability logistics are that market is diffi cult, a glimpse relief is being experienced by FloraCulture International B.V. focused on “what can be” rather “whatand isn’t”. The cut promise flower The much-anticipated Trials inisthan Holland Germany to be nternational magazine, P.O.BoxT82,(31) 1850 Heiloo, Ron van floriculture industry; the interviewees and contributors remain 72 AB 53 23 522 FtheNetherlands. (31) 72 53 23 521 often appear inFlower our editorial. Th iswith a compliment to you, the the pot and bedding plant growers the spring sunshine having Quality, innovation, sustainability and logistics are words that P.O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands market is diffi cult, but a glimpse of relief is being experienced by der Ploeg even bigger and better than ever before. It’s “what aand not to be missed opportunity FloraCulture International B.V. focused on “what can be” rather than isn’t”. The cut flower Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, fl oriculture industry; the interviewees contributors remain made a well-timed appearance in Europe. often appear in our editorial. Th is is a compliment to you, the Ron van T (31) 72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 the pot andideas bedding plant growers withbreeding the spring sunshine having to view marketing alongside thecontributors latest breakthroughs der Ploeg P .O.Box 1850 ABtheHeiloo, the Netherlands market diffi cult, butbe” a glimpse of relief is being experienced by in FloraCulture International B.V. 3440 AP82, Woerden, Netherlands focused isonthe “what can rather than “what isn’t”. The cut flower floriculture industry; interviewees and remain Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, made a well-timed appearance inevent, Europe. Ron van ornamental plant breeding. This year’s which is set to takehaving place T (31) 72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 the pot and bedding plant growers with the spring sunshine P .O.Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands T (31) 34 84 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl market is diffi cult, but a glimpse of relief is being experienced by from FloraCulture International B.V. Working backwards in this issue; in East Africa, Ethiopia’s focused on “what can be” rather than “what isn’t”. Th e cut fl ower der Ploeg 3440 AP Woerden, the Netherlands th th Tuesday to Friday, 10 to 13 June, will bring together 42 companies offering Ron van 82, 1850 Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, made a well-timed appearance in Europe. T (31) 72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 Editors: Anabel Evans (anabel@fl oracultureinternational.com) the pot and bedding plant growers with the spring sunshine having P.O.Box AB Heiloo, the Netherlands explosive fl oriculture growth is being reined back, but in another market is diffi cult, butbackwards a glimpse in of this reliefissue; is being experienced by T (31) 34 84International 31 393 F (31) 34 84 32 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl der Ploeg FloraCulture Working in East Ethiopia’s Dennis a pot once-a-year chance to discover a wide range ofAfrica, bedding plants, houseplants, AP(31) Woerden, the521 Netherlands Ron van Circulation Administration: FBW Woerden P.O. 313, Box 612, Ron van der Ploeg (ron@fl oracultureinternational.com) made a well-timed appearance in Europe. T (31) 72 53 Business 233440 522 F 72 53 23 snippet of news received from David Gray it appears that the and bedding plant growers with the spring sunshine having address: ECA Office 140-21, Legmeerdijk Seriese explosive floriculture growth is being reined back, but in another der Ploeg Hedd Alwyn Editors: Anabel Evans (anabel@floracultureinternational.com) perennials and appearance cut flowers hospitality T (31)AP 34team: 84 31 393Woerden F (31) 34 84Box 32 552 Working backwards in thisenjoying issue; in afriendly East Africa, Ethiopia’s 3440 Woerden, the Netherlands Dennis Editorial Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, made Circulation Administration: FBW P.O. 612,info@fbw-woerden.nl logistics East received Africa are receiving boost. He writes thatand if exceptional Hughes a well-timed inwhile Europe. 1431 RonGB vanAalsmeer der Ploeg (ron@floracultureinternational.com) snippet ofindrinks. news from David Gray it appears that Seriese food and tropical Editors: Anabel Evans (anabel@fl oracultureinternational.com) explosive backwards floriculture growth is being reined back, but in another T (31) 34Netherlands 84Postbus 31David 393 1081, FGray, (31)1430 34 84BB 32Aalsmeer 552 info@fbw-woerden.nl Hans De Vries, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, Working in this issue; in East Africa, Ethiopia’s 3440 AP Woerden, the infrastructure, communications and transport are the key to Postal address: Editorial team: Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, logisticssaying in Eastthat Africa are receiving a boost. He writes that ifthe event Dennis It goesbackwards without the Flower Trials 2014 are abut must-attend Ron der Ploeg snippet of received fromand Gray itin appears that Editors: Evans oracultureinternational.com) Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White Working explosive oriculture growth isDavid being reined back, in T (31) 34 84 T 31Marie-Françoise 393van F Anabel (31) 84(ron@fl 32(anabel@fl 552oracultureinternational.com) info@fbw-woerden.nl development ofcommunications horticulture economies general theanother news inflnews this issue; in East Africa, Ethiopia’s Seriese (31) 297 76934 095 Hans De Vries, David Gray, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, infrastructure, and transport are the key to the Dennis as theyflprovide aroads wealth of information from the experts; breeders, Editorial team: Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, explosive logistics in East Africa arefrom receiving aGray boost. He writes that ifnewgrowers, Ron van der Ploeg (ron@fl oracultureinternational.com) Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick snippet of news received David it appears that Editors: Anabel Evans (anabel@fl oracultureinternational.com) of: new linking Addis Ababa with Nairobi; a proposed oriculture growth is being reined back, but in another Seriese FBW Woerden P.O. Box 612, Circulation Administration: Marie-Françoise Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White development of horticulture and economies in general the news Claudia Dennis florists, garden retailers, wholesalers, plug Hans De team: Vries, David Gray, HelenBjarke, Moody, infrastructure, communications and transport are thetoproducers, key toifthe Editorial Edward Bent,Kerry ChrisHerndon, Beytes, Lotte Arturo Croci, snippet Cover: Pack Trials logistics in East Africa areGray receiving asuppliers, boost. writes that Ron van der Ploeg (ron@fl oracultureinternational.com) railway line on the Kenyan Coast from Addis Ababa Lamu; a of news received from David itseed appears thatHe Stokreef 3440 APCalifornia Woerden, the Netherlands Seriese Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick of: new roads linking Addis Ababa withall Nairobi; a proposed landscapers and garden designers. They will be on hand fornews a new chat! Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White logistics Marie-Françoise development of horticulture and economies in general the Claudia Hans De Vries, David Gray, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. infrastructure, communications and transport are the key to the Editorial team: Edward Bent, Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Arturo Croci, new railway line from Tanzania to Uganda; Delta Airlines about in East Africa are receiving a boost. He writes that if T (31) 34 84 31 393 E info@fbw-woerden.nl Angie Cover: California Pack Trials railway line on the Kenyan Coast from Addis Ababa to Lamu; a Stokreef Registration, addresses, road maps and show opening available Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick Duffree of:start new roadsof linking Addis Ababa with Nairobi; ahours proposed new Petitjean, Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White infrastructure, Marie-Françoise (jaap@fl oracultureinternational.com) development horticulture and economies in to general theare news Hans De Vries, DavidRon Gray, Kerry Herndon, Helen Moody, to direct fl ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between and transport the key Editors: van der Ploeg (ron@floracultureinternational.com) Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. Claudia newcommunications railway line from Tanzania to are Uganda; Deltathe Airlines about online www.flowertrials.com Cover: California Pack Trials railway line onlinking the Addis Ababa tothe Lamu; a Founding Debbie Hamrick TPetitjean, (31) 20 editor: 61 82 666 F (31) 20 61 81 333 new roads Addis Ababa with Nairobi; afor proposed new Stokreef Marta Pizano, Leaora Policar, Jennifer White Marie-Françoise Kenya’s Astral andCoast Etihad Crystal Cargo Nairobidevelopmentof: horticulture andKenyan economies infrom general news Editorial Chris Beytes, Lotte Bjarke, Alicja Cecot, (jaap@flteam: oracultureinternational.com) toofstart direct flAviation ights between Nairobi and the Atlanta; a deal between Claudia Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. new railway linethe from Tanzania Uganda; Delta about Cover: California Pack Trials Printer: Hollandia Printing, Heerhugowaard line on Kenyan from Addis Ababa to Lamu; a Founding editor: Debbie Hamrick Abu Dhabi route; should allCoast havetopositive effCargo ects onAirlines the economic of: new roadsrailway linking Addis Ababa with Nairobi; a proposed new Stokreef Audrey Gerber, Aldo Colombo, Arturo Croci, T (31) 20 61 82 666 F (31) 20 61 81 333 Kenya’s Astral Aviation and Etihad Crystal for the NairobiClaudia The Flower Trials deliver undoubtedly the most spectacular showcase of the ArturoCalifornia (jaap@fl oracultureinternational.com) to start direct flCoast ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. Designer: Hollandia Media Productions new railway line from Tanzania to Uganda; Delta Airlines about Cover: Pack Trials development of East Africa in the medium to long term. railway line on the Kenyan from Addis Ababa to Lamu; a Stokreef Marie-Françoise Petitjean, John Sutton and Jennifer Zurko. Croci Printer: Hollandia Printing, Heerhugowaard Abu innovations. Dhabi route; should all have positive effover ects on the economic newest plant Speaking of novelties, the past 18 months, the T (31) 20 61 82 666 F (31) 20 61 81 333 Kenya’s Astral Aviation and Etihad Crystal Cargo for the Nairobi(jaap@fl oracultureinternational.com) Cartoonist: Bas Kohler to start direct fl ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between Publisher: FloraCulture International B.V. Arturo new railway development line from Tanzania to Uganda; Delta Airlines about Founding editor: DebbieMedia Hamrick Designer: Hollandia Productions of Eastof Africa in the medium to long term. Croci oracultureinternational.com) International Community Breeders ofpositive Asexually Reproduced Ornamental Printer: Printing, Heerhugowaard Abu Dhabi route; should all have effCargo ects onfor the economic T (31) 20Hollandia 61 82 666 FInternational (31) 20 61 81 333 Kenya’s Astral Aviation and Etihad Crystal the Nairobi(jaap@fl In Taiwan, the presidential opening of the International Orchid to start direct fl ights between Nairobi and Atlanta; a deal between Publisher: FloraCulture Cartoonist: Bas Kohler Arturo and Fruit Varieties, CIOPORA, has been working on the development and Designer: Hollandia Productions development of East Africa the medium toects long term. Hollandia Abu Dhabi route; should allinhave positive eff on the economic TCroci (31) 20 61 (jaap@floracultureinternational.com) 82Printer: 666 F (31) 20 61 Printing, 81Media 333 Heerhugowaard Show is an indication inCrystal itself about the pride the nation takes in Kenya’s Astral Aviation and Etihad Cargo for the NairobiIn the presidential opening of the International Orchid Arturo adoption ofTaiwan, itsshould new position papers on intellectual property protection for Cartoonist: Bas Kohler Designer: Hollandia Media Productions Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacifi c development of East Africa in the medium to long term. Printer: Hollandia Printing, Heerhugowaard its orchid innovations, in particular for their phalaenopsis exports. Abu Dhabi route; all have positive eff ects on the economic Printer: SDA Print+Media Croci Show is an The indication in of itself about the pride the nation takes in in 2002 as plant innovations. update the position papers, published Lotte Hollandia Arturo In Taiwan, the presidential opening of the International Orchid Cartoonist: Bas Kohler International Accounts Management: Designer: Media Productions Th e Breeder Open Days in the Netherlands for the number one in developmentitsoforchid East Africa in the medium to long term. Designers: SDA Print+Media, Bjarke Europe, Africa, Asia/PacificAryen Bouwmeester Croci innovations, in particular for their phalaenopsis exports. ‘CIOPORA Paper’, was necessity arising from the Show is an indication in aitself about pride the nation takes inchanging Dennis Seriese (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) In Taiwan, the presidential opening of the International Orchid Cartoonist: Bas Kohler cut flGreen owers were, conversely, very lowthe key; quality isnumber the rapidly renowned Lotte Copy correction and sub-editing: Vanessa Heinrich International Accounts Management: Th e Breeder Open Days in the Netherlands for the one in for the market, where aDutch stronger IP takes protection Bjarke Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacifi c its of orchid innovations, particular for phalaenopsis exports. Angie Duff ree (angie@fl Show ispoint, anhorticultural indication inin about thetheir pride the nation in selling however, especially for rose In conditions Taiwan, the opening ofitself thevery International Orchid Cover photograph: Floweroracultureinternational.com) Council of Holland. Dennis Seriese (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) cutpresidential flowers were, conversely, lowthose key; quality is thegrowers renowned Lotte plant varieties is an important precondition and stimulus of the International Accounts Management: Theorchid Breeder Open Daysinthe in the Netherlands for theinnumber onecontinuous in Europe, Africa, Asia/Pacifi T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20c61 81 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 its innovations, particular for their phalaenopsis exports. whose existence is being threatened by current economic conditions. Show is an indication in itself about pride the nation takes Bjarke Angie Duffree (angie@floracultureinternational.com) selling point, and however, especially for Dutch rose growers prosperity of ourthose industry. Lotte Dennis SeriesecAccounts (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) cutestability flBreeder owersinwere, conversely, very low key; quality the renowned Offi ce Manager: ClaudiaManagement: Stokreef Th Open Daysfor in their the Netherlands forexports. theisnumber one in Europe, Asia/Pacifi its innovation, orchid innovations, particular phalaenopsis Bjarke Africa,International T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20 61 81 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 whose existence is being threatened by current economic conditions. Marta Piza- Accounts Lotte Angie Duff ree (angie@fl oracultureinternational.com) selling point, especially those Dutch Dennis Seriese (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) (claudia@fl oracultureinternational.com) flowers were, conversely, very low key; quality issubstrates renowned International Management: Quality is also the overwhelming message of our The Breeder cut Open Days inhowever, the Netherlands forfor the number onerose inthegrowers Asia/Pacific Office Africa, Manager: Claudia Stokreef Marquez Europe, Bjarke node canwere, read more thelow adopted papers and CIOPORA’s plans for the T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20 61 81 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 whose existence is being threatened economic conditions. Angie Duff ree (angie@fl oracultureinternational.com) FloraCulture International B.V. selling point, however, especially forby those Dutch rose growers Dennis Seriese (dennis@fl oracultureinternational.com) special. Th eabout RHP Foundation isIP guiding “will to improve” of cutYou flowers conversely, very key; quality iscurrent thethe renowned Marta Piza- International Accounts Management: (claudia@floracultureinternational.com) Quality is also the overwhelming message of our substrates future in whose the Ciopora Chronicle, thewhere business magazine forofhorticultural plant node Marquez Offi Manager: Claudia Stokreef T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20 61 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 P.O.ce Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the81Netherlands existence is being threatened by current economic conditions. Angie DuffreeFloraCulture (angie@fl oracultureinternational.com) 50 affi liated companies. And substrates control growth selling point, however, especially for those Dutch rose growers International, FloraCulture International B.V. special. The RHP Foundation is guiding theFloraCulture “will to improve” of Marta Pizabreeding that accompanies this month’s issue of International. (claudia@fl oracultureinternational.com) Quality is also the overwhelming message of our substrates Offi ce Manager: Claudia Stokreef T (31)72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 450 T(31)20 61 82 666 F (31)20 61 81 333 M(31) 62 21 65 220 is hidden from our sight, the crop protection series by Louise whose existence is being threatened byAnd current economic conditions. node Marquez Business address: ECAAB Office 140-21, Legmeerdijk 313, P.O. Box 82, 1850 Heiloo, the Netherlands 50 affi liated companies. where substrates control of growth Both CIOPORA FloraCulture International proud Marta FloraCulture International special. Th e RHP is guiding the “will to improve” of of (claudia@fl oracultureinternational.com) Italy, Southern France: B.V. Quality isand also theFoundation overwhelming message ofare our substrates OffiMarquez cePizaManager: Claudia Labuschagne focuses on sustainable programs toextremely assist in optimum 1431 GB Aalsmeer node T (31)72 53Stokreef 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 450 is hidden from our sight, the crop protection series by Louise what is already the fifth edition of the magazine as a high-value and Marta PizaWilliam oracultureinternational.com) P.O. Box 82, 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands 50 affi liated companies. And where substrates control of growth FloraCulture International B.V. Arturo Croci (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) special. Th e RHP Foundation is guiding the “will to improve” of relevant (claudia@fl control above the ground. Sustainability also goes hand in hand Quality is also the overwhelming message of ourprograms substratesto assist in optimum Postbus 1081, 1430 BB Aalsmeer, the Netherlands Italy,address: Southern France: de Marquez Armellini Postal Labuschagne focuses on sustainable communication tool for all stakeholders within ornamental plant and fruit T (31)72 53B.V. 23 522Bjarke F Heiloo, (31)(lotte@fl 72 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 450 is hidden from our sight, the the crop protection series by Louise P .O. Box 82, 1850 AB the65 Netherlands Scandinavia: Lotte oracultureinternational.com) 50 affi liated companies. And where substrates control of growth FloraCulture International with the vision and hard work of Meiny Prins, managing director special. Th e RHP Foundation is guiding “will to improve” of William T (31) 297 769 095  M (31) 62 21 220 Arturo Croci (arturo@floracultureinternational.com) control above the ground. Sustainability also goesoffers hand in handreading The 52-page issue of Chronicle Armellini Italy, Southern France: Labuschagne focuses on the sustainable programs to assist ingreat optimum T (31)72 23Søndervej 522 F (31) 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 45021 48 7550 LB Text &53 Idé, 10,728350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 30breeding. hidden from our sight, theCiopora crop have protection series by with Louise P.O. Box 82, Hedd 1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands of Priva, whose accomplishments been the affi liated is companies. And where control of rewarded growth Alwyn Hughes (hedd@floracultureinternational.com) Scandinavia: Lotte Bjarke (lotte@floracultureinternational.com) with the vision and hardsubstrates work of industry Meiny Prins, managing director William and will enlighten, inform and inspire players to effectively protect Arturo Croci (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) control above the ground. Sustainability also goes hand in hand Italy, Southern France: South America: Marta Pizano de Marquez (marta@fl oracultureinternational.com) Labuschagne focuses on sustainable programs to assist in optimum T (31)72 53 23 522 F (31) 72 53 23 521 M (31) 63 03 99 450 Businesswoman of the Year award. is hidden from our sight, the crop protection series by Louise Angie Duffree (angie@floracultureinternational.com) Armellini LB Text & Idé, Søndervej 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 21 48 75 30true innovation of Priva,in whose accomplishments have been rewarded with the the vegetal world. A special thanks goes out to Ciopora’s William Scandinavia: Lotte Bjarke (lotte@fl oracultureinternational.com) with the vision and hard work of Meiny Prins, managing director Arturo Croci (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) Horti Tecnia Ltda., Calle 85 No20-25 Of. 202B, Bogotá, Colombia control above the ground. Sustainability also goes hand in hand Italy, Southern France: LabuschagneBusinesswoman focuses on sustainable programs to assist in optimum Italy, Southern France: South America: Marta Pizano de Marquez (marta@floracultureinternational.com) Armellini of theKrieger Year award. Mr.Sustainability Edgar without whom thesubject 2014 Ciopora Paul William LB Text15 & Idé, 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 21 48 75control 30secretary-general, ofthe Priva, whose accomplishments havehand been rewarded withdirector the Scandinavia: Lotte (lotte@fl T (57) 30 20Søndervej 36Bjarke F (57) 12 36 oracultureinternational.com) 25 54 hortitec@unete.com with the vision and hard of Meiny Prins, managing Arturo (arturo@fl oracultureinternational.com) Sustainability crosses overwork into logistics under the of above ground. also goes in hand (acearturo@yahoo.it) HortiCroci, Tecnia Ltda., Calle 85 No20-25 Of. 202B, Bogotá, Colombia BlackCroci Arturo Armellini Chronicle would not have been possible. I am equally delighted to have South America: Marta Pizano de Marquez (marta@fl oracultureinternational.com) Businesswoman of the Year award. LB Text & Idé, Søndervej 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark T(45) 21 48 75 30 Miami: William Armellini(William@fl oracultureinternational.com) of Priva, whose accomplishments have been rewarded with the Scandinavia: Lotte Bjarke (lotte@fl oracultureinternational.com) eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is a key outcome with the vision and hard work of Meiny Prins, managing director Paul Scandinavia: (post@lottebjarke.dk) T (57) 15 30Lotte 20 36Bjarke F (57) 12 36 25 54 hortitec@unete.com Sustainability crosses over into logistics under the subject of had the support offrom Ciopora’s press officer Anna Kaehne who co-shared the Black Horti Tecnia Ltda., Calle 85 No20-25 Of.T(45) 202B,21 Bogotá, Colombia South America: Marta Pizano deDenmark Marquez (marta@fl oracultureinternational.com) USA, Canada, Central America: Businesswoman of the Year award. LB Text & Idé, 10, 8350 Hundslund, 48 75 30 resulting using this tool. Auctions around the world also of Priva, whose accomplishments have been rewarded with the LBSøndervej Text & Idé, Søndervej 10, 8350 Hundslund, Denmark Miami: William Armellini(William@floracultureinternational.com) eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is a key and outcome Paul responsibility for the content and quality of the publication ensured that T (57) 15 30 20 36 F (57) 12 36 25oracultureinternational.com) 54 hortitec@unete.com Sustainability crosses over into logistics under the subject of Horti Tecnia Ltda., Calle 85 No20-25 Of. 202B, Bogotá, Colombia Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Lucas Nicholas South America: Marta Pizano de Marquez (marta@fl facilitate direct sales and the virtual world is not leaving them Businesswoman of thefrom Yearusing award. T USA, (45) 21 48 75 30 Black Canada, Central America: this tool. Auctions around the world also stories areresulting engaging and informative. PaulTecnia Ltda., Miami: William oracultureinternational.com) eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is subject a key outcome T (57) 15 30No20-25 20 Armellini(William@fl 36 FAmerica: (57)202B, 12 36 25Publishing, 54 hortitec@unete.com (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball 622 Town Road, Sustainability crosses over into logistics under the of Horti Calle 85 Of. Bogotá, Colombia behind; FloraHolland persists in its ambition to strengthen the USA, Canada, Central Black Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Lucas Nicholas facilitate direct sales and the virtual world is not leaving them Lucas Paul USA, Central resulting from using this Auctions around the also William Armellini(William@fl oracultureinternational.com) PO Box 1660, IL 60186, United States eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is aworld key outcome T (57) 15 30Paul 20Miami: 36 FCanada, (57) 12West 36 25Chicago, 54America: hortitec@unete.com marketplace forinto Europe, atool. continuation of theto Dutch auctions’ Sustainability crossesFloraHolland over logistics under subject of Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Nicholas (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball Publishing, 622 Town Road, Black behind; persists in itsthe ambition strengthen the The months ofhistory April and May have been devoted one of the Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Lucas Nicholas facilitate direct sales and the virtual world isto notcelebrating leaving them USA, Canada, Central America: Lucas William T(1)6 30 23 13 675 F(1)6 30 23 15 254 resulting from using this tool. Auctions around the world also Miami: Armellini(William@fl oracultureinternational.com) long of achievement. eCommerce since the streamlining of shipments is a key outcome Ball Publishing, 622 Town Road, PO Box 1660, West Chicago, IL 60186, United States rd marketplace for Europe, a continuation of the Dutch auctions’ Nicholas world’s most popular cut flowers, the lily. The 3 International symposium Dr. Sun (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball Publishing, 622 Town Road, behind; FloraHolland persists in its ambition to strengthen the Paul Black (pblack@ballpublishing.com) Lucas Nicholas Middle East: Eyal Policar (eyal@fl oracultureinternational.com) facilitate direct sales and the virtual world is not leaving them USA, Canada, Central America: resulting from using thisof tool. Auctions around the world also Box 30 1660, West Chicago, IL23 60186, United States T(1)6 23 13 675 F(1)6 30 15 254 long history achievement. 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PO Box 1660, Chicago, 60186, United States Japan: (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) marketplace for Europe, a continuation of the Dutch auctions’ (lnicholas@ballpublishing.com) Ball Publishing, Town Road, Beytes has a well-penned article bringing to life the behind; FloraHolland persists in its ambition to strengthen the Nicholas Miami: William T (972) 54 42 Armellini 97 002 F (william@floracultureinternational.com) (972) 86 58 19 07 To end atinthe beginning, in the Sunshine State3rdof, 2014. California, Chris Eyal Lucas Fujian province China from April 1stthe to April Page28. Middle East: Eyal Policar (eyal@fl oracultureinternational.com) T(1)6 30 23 13 675 F(1)6 30 23 15 254 EMS Inc., 2-22-8 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 156-0043, Japan long history of achievement. PO Box 1660, West Chicago, IL 60186, United States California Pack Trials, which, like auctions, marketplace for Europe, a continuation of the Dutch auctions’ Policar China: Dr Sun Jing Xian (consultingflower@yahoo.com.cn) Nicholas Japan: Eiji Yoshikawa (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) Beytes the has aGreatest well-penned article bringing to life the Keukenhof (the And following Lilyin Show Earth at in the T675 (972) 543242 97 002 F(81) (972) 58 Eyal30 23 13 To end at theinstitution beginning, the Sunshine State of California, Chris Middle East: Eyal Policar (eyal@fl T (81) 33 F 33 86 32 oracultureinternational.com) 27 19 93307 T(1)6 F(1)6 3075 23756 15 254 are another have aon long history long history of achievement. India: Deshpande (team@kisan.com) EMSNiranjan Inc., 2-22-8 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 156-0043, Japan California Pack Trials,athat which, like the auctions, Policar Netherlands), the Originals, joint venture of lily firms Q.J. Vink Japan: Eiji Yoshikawa (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) Beytes has a well-penned article bringing to lifeofthe T (972) 54(eyal@fl 42 97 002 F (gray@africaonline.co.ke) (972) 86 58 19 07 East Africa: David Gray To end at the beginning, in the Sunshine State California, Chris& Zn. BV, Middle East: Eyal Policar oracultureinternational.com) presenting innovative ideas and quality products. T (91) 20 302 52 000 Eyal T (81) 33 32 75 756 F (81) 33 32 27 933 areW. another institution that BV haveand a long history in De Plas BV, hosted the Niranjan Boltha BV, van Lierop & Zn. lily nursery EMS Inc., 2-22-8 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 156-0043, Japan California Pack Trials, which, like the auctions, Japan: Eiji Yoshikawa (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) Policar South Africa: Cilla Lowen (cilla@fl oracultureinternational.com) Beytes has a well-penned article bringing to life the T (972) 54 42 97 002 F (972) 86 58 19 07 To end at thepresenting beginning,innovative in the Sunshine State of California, Chris Deshpande East Africa: David Gray (gray@africaonline.co.ke) th ideas and quality products. Eyal grand of the Dutch Lily Days on 20in . The joint Open Days of T 33 32 75 756 (81)22 33Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 32 27 933 are another institution that have a long history EMS 2-22-8 Matsubara, 156-0043, Japan T (81) (27)Inc., 22 4857058 FF(27) 4857415 California Pack Trials, which, the auctions, Japan: (callems@world.odn.ne.jp) PolicarEiji Yoshikawa Beytes hasopening a well-penned article bringing tolike life theMay South Africa: Cilla Lowen (cilla@floracultureinternational.com) Eiji Eyal the Dutch lily industry also marked the start of The Originals’ silver jubilee East Africa: David Gray (gray@africaonline.co.ke) presenting innovative ideas and quality products. T (81) 33 32 75 756 F (81) 33 32 27 933 are another institution that have a long history in EMS Inc., 2-22-8 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 156-0043, Japan Anabel Evans, Editor California Pack Trials, which, like the auctions, Yoshikawa Policar T (27) 22 4857058 F (27) 22 4857415 FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. and the third edition of thea long Doing-Lilies-Differently Eiji 33 32 75South Cilla Lowen (cilla@floracultureinternational.com) East (gray@africaonline.co.ke) presenting innovative ideashistory and quality products. event. Page 31. T (81) 756Africa: FAfrica: (81)David 33 32 Gray 27 933 are another institution that have in Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. Anabel Evans, Editor Yoshikawa All rights No portion of editorial may be reproduced in any T (27)Africa: 22 4857058 F reserved. (27) 22 4857415 FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. South Cilla Lowen (cilla@fl oracultureinternational.com) East presenting innovative ideas and quality products. EijiAfrica: David Gray (gray@africaonline.co.ke) form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is not Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. Anabel Evans, Editor T (27) 4857058 F reserved. (27) 4857415 liable for22 advertisements using22 illegally obtained images. may Sendbe address changes to Yoshikawa South Africa: Cilla Lowen (cilla@fl oracultureinternational.com) All rights No portion of editorial reproduced in any FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. Eiji FloraCulture International magazine, P.O.Box 82,1850 Heiloo, the Netherlands. form without written permission of theAB publisher. Publisher is not Anabel Evans, Editor distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. T (27) 22 4857058 Ffor(27) 22Worldwide 4857415 Yoshikawa liable advertisements using illegally obtained images. Send address changes to Cilla Lowen Eiji FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) is published monthly. All rights reserved. No portion of editorial may be reproduced in any FloraCulture International magazine, P.O.Box 82,1850 AB Heiloo, the Netherlands. Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine. oshikawa form without written permission of the publisher. Publisher is notAnabel Evans, Editor International isispublished monthly. FloraCulture International (ISSN1051-9076) published monthly. All rights(ISSN1051-9076) reserved. No portion of editorial may reproduced in any liable for advertisements using illegally obtained images. Sendbe address changes to Cilla Lowen FloraCulture Worldwide distribution. ©2009 FloraCulture International magazine.

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27-04-2009 13:08:58


Western Europe

Germany: a horticultural profile

Germany is one of the most densely populated and industrialised countries in Europe. Famed for its technological achievements, it has also a leading position in ornamental horticulture.


ith a production value of over €1560 million, ornamental horticulture is the main economic industry in German horticulture after vegetable gardening. In 2012, an Ornamental Plant Survey (Zierpflanzenerhebung) was carried out once again throughout Germany. Because the detection limits were raised, the figures are not comparable with those from 2008, which is why only the up-todate figures are explained here.

4449 companies

Overall, in 2012 in Germany, ornamental plants were grown in 4449 companies on an area (excludes multiple use) of 6741 ha, with cut flowers being grown on an area of 2989 ha and potted plants on an area of 3150 ha. Economically, things are going well on average

by Sabine Hübner*

Ornamental plant industry (including perennials) General data Production value (2012) Creation of gross value (2008) Turnover (2008) Companies Area (excludes multiple use) Average area/company

millions of euros 1,560 millions of euros 590 millions of euros 1,502 number 4,449 hectares 6,741 hectares 1.52

ZBG data 2011/12 (potted plant companies, identical) Average area of company hectares Of which area is used for production hectares Of which is greenhouses m2 Workers full task force Turnover (operating revenue) in euros Profit/family workers in euros Economic situation Source: Federal Statistical Office, Thünen Institute, ZBG

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4.22 3.33 10,524 8 872,000 75,200 good

for the potted plant companies, as has emerged from the data provided by the Center for Business Management in Horticulture and Applied Research (Zentrum für Betriebswirtschaft im Gartenbau e.V., ZBG). In field growing, which covers a total area of 4893 ha, cut flowers occupy pride of place with an area of 2700 ha. An increase in such areas can also be expected over the next few years, as the trend towards locally produced summer cut flowers will likely continue over the next few years. Here, the actual cultivated areas may already exceed the areas recorded in the survey even today, because in many companies, these areas lie under the 3000-m² detection limit.

Main plants grown

Potted plants are the main plants grown in the greenhouse industry. 1559 ha was recorded in 2012. Cut

flowers are now being produced on 289 ha, as cultivation in Germany is now competing with considerably cheaper production in African or Latin American countries. The most frequently produced house plant in 2012 was the Cyclamen persicum. Growth of Rhododendron simsii (hybrids) in particular has reduced considerably over the past few decades. In the outdoor sector, Viola still dominates the range. The cultivation of Calluna has expanded considerably, but may have reached its peak. Calluna have already replaced Erica as a popular autumn plant for a long time now. The amount of Ericas grown nowadays is still only a fraction of those grown in the 1980s.

Market volume ornamental plants slightly increased

In 2012, according to the AMI's calculations (Agrarmarkt Infor-

Quick facts Quick facts about German pot plant companies • Operating revenue increased, expenditure still somewhat higher, however • Increase in area productivity, slight decline in labour productivity • Percentage of expenditure for production decreased slightly, especially for heating materials and seeds and plants • Increase in general expenditure and wage costs • Net income stable and positive, sufficient to remunerate capital • Profit/family work force increased slightly (75,224 euros/family work force) • Higher net investments than in the previous period (just under 3900 euros per worker) • Economic position stable and satisfactory on average with adequate incomes • Major differences in the companies‘ economic performance • Willingness to invest is an issue of economic power and sustainability

Differences in economic performance

mations-Gesellschaft/Agricultural Statistics Service, the market volume for flowers and plants increased slightly compared to the previous year, reaching around 8.67 billion euros, which corresponds to a spend of 106 euros per resident per year. The particular cause of the increase was higher prices (at retail level) despite rare increases in quantity. In the bedding and balcony plants sector, the market has been stagnating for years and is declining slightly compared to 2011. Growth occurred among greenhouse plants, but this is the result of higher prices. In total, the market volume for the green sector has recovered again since the 2008/09 economic crisis. Obvious growth was achieved in Germany’s perennial business. In 2011, the market volume was 8.64 billion euros, which corresponds to a 1.5% growth compared to the previous year. In 2011, at 3.67 billion euros, the market volume in the bedding and balcony plants and house plants sectors even somewhat exceeded the volume in 2012. In 2012, the grower prices for potted plants only increased slightly. The grower prices for cut flowers, which dropped considerably during the 2008/09 economic crisis, were able to recover over the past few years and now exceed the growth of the consumer price index once again.

Throughout Germany, 256 ornamental plant growing companies focusing on the production of potted plants took part in the company comparison for the 2011 calendar year and the 2011/12 economic year. As has also been the case in other years, the majority of companies come from North Rhine-Westphalia. The companies largely market their products (over 75% of revenue) indirectly, in other words via grower organisations such as Landgard, or via central markets or wholesalers.

Famed for its technological achievements, Germany has also a leading position in ornamental horticulture. State-of-the-art Calluna production at Eurofleurs-Elbers GmbH.


Surface areas* and ornamental plant companies in Germany 2012 Area in hectares Potted plants Cut flowers Seed production, bulbs and tubers Young plants

6,741 3,150 2,989 270 332

Companies 4,449 With heatable greenhouse areas 2,832 House plants, bedding and balcony plants, perennials etc. 3.264 Cur flowers, cut greenery, decorative gourds 2.431 *excludes multiple use Source: Federal Statistical Office, Ornamental Plant Enquiry 2012

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


Western Europe German market for flowers and plants 2012 market shares Perennials Bedding and balcony plants Fruit and ornamental trees Basis for 2012 8.67 billion euros at retail prices + 0.35% at 2011 price

flowering houseplants


workers are permanently employed in the companies (80%). The number of workers who are not permanently employed, i.e. often workers who are less highly qualified, is comparatively low at 20%. Only the horticulture services sector and the tree nursery sector have even lower rates. A further sign of the high level of qualifications of employees in the ornamental plant industry is the comparatively high wage costs per worker. With just under 23,900 euros, 2011/12 averaged at the level of the previous period, but above the level of many other horticulture sectors. In the companies that mainly produce Calluna, Erica and Rhododendron, the wage level is even higher, where the wage costs per worker average at between 26,000 and 27,000 euros.


Stable economic position on average

Cut flowers Tropical indoor plants Source: AMI in Gärtnerbörse, sector book for the ornamental plant industry 2014

Sectors for bedding and balcony plants, flowering and foliage plants Market volume in billions of euros (at retail prices) 3,69

3,67 3,66 2009


Out of these, 204 companies which have submitted their financial statements for the past three years (identical companies) are the basis for the subsequent analysis. It is possible to compare the economic development over a period of three calendar or three economic years on the basis of these figures. Higher prices and lower energy expenditure enabled the pot plant companies included in the 2011/12 company comparison to increase their operating revenue, but the overall increased expenditure only allowed them to slightly improve their operational results. The eco-


The grower prices for cut flowers, which dropped considerably during the 2008/09 economic crisis, were able to recover over the past few years.

nomic position of the bedding plant companies is stable on average, but this cannot hide the fact that the major differences in the companies' economic performance still remain. Compared to the previous period, the companies have slightly increased their operating area from 4.1 ha to 4.2 ha. The greenhouse area was only slightly increased, but the outdoor area was increased more significantly, by around 450 m² to 2.3 ha on average. The number of full-time workers employed increased to 7.8 on average: half a full-time worker more than in the previous period. The majority of

The economic position of the pot plant companies has barely changed compared to the previous period. It was possible to increase sales, so operating revenue increased by 6% to just under 872,000 euros, over 90% of which came from their own products. In addition to the aforementioned area expansions, the causes of the increased revenue were higher prices for potted plants and improved production conditions due to the weather, resulting in higher area productivity. Revenues from greenhouse production increased by 4.5% to 75 euros per m² of greenhouse area. Labour productivity decreased slightly, as the number of workers increased. Operating income per worker therefore fell by


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Western Europe Growers’ prices for potted plants and cut flowers (excludes VAT), 2005 index = 100, 2010 consumer price index = 100) 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80

Cut flowers 2006

Potted plants




Consumer price Index 2010



Source: Federal Statistical Office, 2013

36,354 euros to 0.3 % lower than in the previous period. The increase in operating revenue was offset by the increased expenditure, however, with the result that with 6.9% of the operating revenue, the net income was at the same level as the previous period. The profit per family workforce (1.55 FTE) reached 75,224 euros and was therefore half a percent higher

than in the previous period. That also applies to the cash flow, which reached 171,634 euros. At 18%, expenditure for seeds and seedlings is relatively high. Expenditure for heating materials has decreased significantly. The 2011/12 companies had to spend 4.38 euros per m² of heatable greenhouse area; in 2010/11, at 5.02 euros, it was significantly more. The level of ex-

Structure of operational expenses in the potted plant companies 2011/12 Wage rate 9%

Net income* 7%

Seeds and plants 18%

Wage costs 17%

Special expenses for own products 42%

General expenditure 26%

* amount earned for or for assets


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Heating materials 5% Pots, substrate, packaging 9% miscellaneous 9%

Source: ZBG, issue 56

penditure is affected by the prices for heating materials and by the weather pattern. All in all, the economic position of the pot plant companies is very stable. In the previous three periods, the profitability coefficient was always clearly over 1, which proves that the operating revenue was sufficient to cover the cost of all production factors, including the work carried out by the family workers and resources. As in all horticulture sectors, some of the pot plant companies are also facing economic problems. The ZBG company comparison divides horticulture companies into thirds, depending on the level of labour productivity (operating income per worker). If the company clearly exceeds the average, it will be allocated to the first third, the exceptionally successful companies, and if it is clearly below average, it will be assigned to the third. The bedding plant companies in the lower third often have a difficult economic position. In 2011/12, these companies only achieved an average profitability coefficient of 0.79; in other words, the costs of some production factors, such as family workers and the used capital, could not be adequately covered. In 2011/12, the companies in the first third achieved a value of 1.35 and were therefore able to cover the costs of all production factors and still make an amount for entrepreneurial profit. |||

Dutch Comfort

by Jaap N. Kras

Stick to your own field of expertise

In the companies that mainly produce Azerca cultures, the wage level is higher.

* Sabine Hübner studied horticultural science at the Hannover University and is currently involved in many projects of the Centre of Business Management in Horticulture (ZBG) that carried out the original survey. This article – in German languagewas published in the March 2014 issue of Germany’s leading horticultural magazine DEGA. 3/2014 GEGA P&H 37. With the kind assistance of DEGA’s editor-in-chief Mr Christoph Killgus. Sources: - AMI (2013): Bedding and balcony season 2014 problematic, business development hardly satisfactory, press release dated 4 December 2013 - AMI (2012): Bedding and balcony season 2012 better nationwide, production levels perform optimistically, press release dated 30 November 2012 - BMELV (2013): The horticultural industry in Germany - data and facts - BMELV (2013): Profitability of the horticultural and wine-growing industries (Ertragslage Garten- und Weinbau) 2013 - Dirksmeyer,W. and Fluck, K. (2013): Economic importance of the horticultural sector in Germany (Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Gartenbausektors in Deutschland ), Braunschweig, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Thünen Report 2 - Gärtnerbörse magazine (2013): Sector book for ornamental plants (Branchenbuch Zierpflanzen) 2014, - Federal Statistical Office (2013): Ornamental Plant Enquiry (Zierpflanzenerhebung) 2012, Wiesbaden - Federal Statistical Office (2013): Genesis database, grower price index, retrieved on 25 November 2013 - Taspo (2012): Ericas and Callunas: Inland demand stagnates, the export business is booming, Taspo 48/2012 - Taspo (2013): Heather season: 2013 no easy year, Taspo 47/2013 - ZBG (2013): Key figures for the company comparison in the horticultural industry, 56th volume, Hanover

As some of you might know, I studied law at a renowned university with many famous professors. I specialised in intellectual property law and wrote my thesis on breeders’ rights. I also took some additional courses at other universities, though not Wageningen University, which offers high level education in plant science, forest and nature conservation, bioinformatics, plant biotechnology and molecular life science. My knowledge about these courses is limited, but I presume their quality is good. And that’s why they should deserve respect. Upon finishing their students are awarded the degree of Master of Science (MSc). In our daily life, many people judge situations according to their own field of expertise. Take for example a baker and a bricklayer. When on holiday, the baker comments on the differently prepared bread, while the bricklayer questions the brick patterns he sees around. A few weeks ago, I visited the NAKT, the official Dutch institute for the DUS testing system, which is part of the requirement for awarding Plant Breeders' Rights. Each new plant variety has to successfully pass the Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) test. Realising that the distance between varieties is one of the most hotly debated topics in the breeders law, I was eager to learn from the NAKT Masters of Science about the criteria they use when deciding if a plant variety is sufficiently distinct to be granted a new breeders’ right. Being distinguishable is being essentially different from all existing varieties. We lawyers understand little about the DUS decision making process, but we were lucky enough to have the Wageningen-educated scientists from NAKT at hand. The NAKT scientist showed a few examples of varieties for which PBRs are underway and questioned us about their different characteristics. We all agreed that the shown plants were different, but, at the same time, very similar. So similar that amateurs would describe them as being not essentially different. However, the NAKT scientist told us that we were completely wrong. “We decided that these varieties are different and therefore we will grant the applicant a new breeders’ right.” Not rocket science, no science at all, but rather randomly arbitrary opinions. Despite the presence of so many other NAKT workers who dedicate their time to DNA models to accurately judge if a variety is similar or different. Here, we met with somebody who looks at the propagating material and assesses a new plant variety with a simple yes or no. Now, let’s picture that, although I really had no clue about the subject, I was so arrogant to write and publish a handbook on plant science, plant biotechnology or molecular life science. I would be sure to make a fool of myself with the true experts joking about my pseudo- scientific work. However, for years Wageningen professors, finding themselves in the land of the blind and the one- eyed king, write and publish books on breeders’ rights and dominate the breeders’ right discussion. By doing so, they also play a dominant role at the UPOV in Geneva, at the CPVO in Angers and in EU breeders’ right platforms. Last month, two scientists published a new book on breeders’ rights, available both in Dutch and English. These self-acclaimed experts believe they have enough experience to explain breeders’ right to the entire world. It would probably be preferable for these scientists to stick to their own field of expertise.

Jaap N. Kras jaap@floracultureinternational.com

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Crop protection The quality of leaves says a lot about the technical ability of the grower. Good growers understand the importance of leaves.

Leave it to the leaves


lower growers need to pay as much attention to growing good quality leaves as they do to growing flowers. Beautiful, glossy leaves attract the attention of buyers both at the retail and wholesale level and may incidentally command a premium. Breeders show houses displaying plants with lustrous leaves, create a point of difference that promote the variety to growers. Glossy leaves enhance the beauty and value of the flower and also play an essential role in providing the energy for growth of flowers and profit. Understanding leaves and how they work, is important to flower growers.

Leaf functions

Leaves are the engine room of the plant. They capture the energy of the sun and create the building blocks of growth – carbohydrates. Photosynthesis combines carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil to make carbohydrates. Leaves create the pull of transpiration, which brings up water and minerals from the soil and powers the biochemistry of all plant processes. A healthy plant will have more stems per meter square, longer stems, larger head size and shorter periods between flushes.

Leaf health

by Louise Labuschagne

www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

A competently devised fertilizer programme manages the balance between leaf and flower production and prevents leaf damage through mineral deficiencies or toxicities. Adequate levels of calcium and silicon in the leaf will contribute to cell structure and healthy wax layers. Pests and diseases are however, the main cause of leaf damage in a flower crop. An effective IPM programme can protect leaves without resorting to excessive use of chemical pesticides, which can have a negative effect on leaf quality, stunt plants and reduce head size.

If the dead leaves on the floor are free of Botrytis spores (black powdery covering) then they were never infected when they were young leaves (the only stage when they are susceptible to infection by Botrytis spores) - and it means the grower has a good Botrytis programme (no need to sweep up all the dead leaves - as they are not a threat to the crop (cannot re-infect the crop and they are not producing airborne spores).

A bio-intensive IPM programme does need to be a prophylactic preventative programme, due to their slower curative times. At least 1,000 hectares of roses and carnations in Kenya are using these types of programmes to protect both leaves and flowers. Sales of chemical pesticides in Kenya have declined whilst sales of world-class flowers have increased.

Leaf wetness

Leaves need space to optimise the amount of sunlight energy they can intercept. Sufficient space will also allow them to dry off more quickly when condensation or high volume sprays make the leaves wet. Wet leaves in overcrowded growing spaces will have a negative impact on leaf and plant health. Downy

flower seller and the plant. Dry, brittle leaves are prone to damage, whilst healthy, waxy leaves remain supple and graceful.

Dull leaves

Chemical insecticides and fungicides are often formulated with adjuvants to accelerate penetration of the chemical into the leaf, make it spread to cover the entire surface or ‘stick’ it for longer onto the leaf surface before it evaporates into the air. Excessive, regular use of fungicides and adjuvants will take the ‘shine’ off more than the leaf. European customers are now demanding less pesticide applications to flowers

and have begun testing for chemical residues on leaves to monitor growers’ to compliance with this request. Most of the chemicals applied to flowers are fungicides, so it is ironic that frequent applications of fungicides can reduce the plants own ability to protect it – by damaging the waxy surface of the leaves. The intensive use of silicon wetting agents, as a physical control for spider mites may be cheap but it also interferes with the waxy layer and may reduce its natural crop protection function. Since cost- effective biological solutions to spider mite are well established, over reliance on silicon wetters


Picture of beautiful glossy leaves with full wax layer (reflects light and provides 'gloss'). Not over-sprayed with chemical fungicides - which are only used when really necessary. Main programme is biological biopesticides - which have no harsh adjuvants that could damage the waxy layer. Leaves from NIRP Showhouse in Naivasha - on full Real IPM programme.

mildew and botrytis will be impossible to control if leaf wetness if not managed – irrespective of how well designed the crop protection programme is. Workers moving through plants that are squashed into too many rows per bay will severely damage stems and leaves. This can lead to crown gall growths as a result of biochemical signals from the damaged area, to quiescent Agrobacterium in the plant. These plant tumours in roses could reduce yields by up to 30% negating the ill-perceived extra benefit from more plants per hectare. More plants do not always mean more profit, if crown gall, downy mildew, botrytis levels reduce yields and increase rejects in the pack house. By calculating the annual financial loss from rejects due to these diseases, a cost effective increase in plant spacing can be calculated. It is essential to ensure there is never any free water in pathways in a greenhouse, or that spray water volumes are not over generous, leading to run-off. Downy mildew and Agrobacterium have motile

zoospores that swims in free water on the leaf. Insufficient attention to managing the relative humidity in a greenhouse and minimising the period of leaf wetness is an essential component of an IPM programme. There are no chemical or biological silver bullets to control these problems, if Good Agricultural Practice is not understood or practiced. Infected leaves and poor yields are inevitable in wet greenhouses.

Leaf shine

The wax on the leaf surface reflects light and results in the pleasing glossy appearance of leaves. The plant of course is not concerned about what buyers think of reflections from the leaf. The wax is there for a much more serious purpose. Wax is the final frontier in the plant’s outer defense system, protecting the delicate, succulent flesh within from both dehydration and attack by insect pests and microbial diseases. Protecting the waxy surface is therefore important to both the

Here are examples of a bad Botrytis programme (maybe due to resistance of the Botrytis to fungicides or badly applied fungicides). Certainly no biological control would have been used here.

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Crop protection more colony forming units (cfu) of bio-pesticides applied per hectare, the better because these products are generally contact in action. Aim to apply at least 1 x 10 12 cfu per hectare per spray for optimum control. Calculate the application rate of the cfu per hectare by using label information. Some bio-pesticides can be tank mixed with lower rates of fungicides to create a more powerful, synergistic effect, whilst reducing the amount of fungicide residue on the leaf. Seek advice from the supplier – not all bio-pesticides are recommending tank mixes.

Resistance management

This is a disastrous grower - badly infected leaves with spider mite damage have fallen to the floor (they did not use Phytoseiulus for spider mite control!) and also Botrytis infected leaves on ground. A real mess!

seems a less sustainable spider mite control that may be contributing to problems with leaf diseases.

Simple solutions

The alternative IPM solution to leaf diseases can be found in a well-designed programme of simply formulated bio-pesticides. For example, pure spores of beneficial microbes such as the fungus, Trichoderma, in simple vegetable oil, or the bacterium Bacillus subtilis as a total fermented product. Biopesticides don’t have to look and behave like pesticides to be effective. Prophylactic preventative programmes are needed to make bio-pesticides work effectively. The

www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

If more than one fungicide is applied per week it could be that the fungicides themselves are no longer working as effectively due to the build up of Resistance to the active ingredients. It is ironic that ineffective fungicides may be over-used, don’t control the diseases and even worse, remove the plant’s wax that really does have something positive to contribute to its protection. A good, bio-intensive IPM programme will not only contribute to improved disease control but will also help manage Resistance by offering alternative active ingredients. Frequent use of biological agents does not lead to Resistance, in the same way as it does for chemical pesticides. Biological controls are also ‘active ingredients’ which need to be taken more seriously in the current economic climate and market place. These ‘soft’ crop protection agents can be very ‘hard’ on pests and diseases if applied prophylactically in just enough water to avoid ‘run-off’.

Induced Systemic Resistance

Application of beneficial microbes or bio-pesticides to the leaf surface, tricks plants into switching on their natural plant defence mechanism, releasing more Salicylic Acid into the plant tissue. Salicylic acid helps to protect the plant from pests and diseases. This is called Induced

Systemic Resistance (ISR) and leads to measurable increases in Salicylic Acid. Whilst a prophylactic bio-intensive crop protection programme does not alter the inherent pest and diseases susceptibility of the variety, it can influence its tolerance and may provide economic benefits. Some bio-pesticides, such as Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma asperellum also act as bio-fertilisers, increasing leaf and root volume. This has an additional effect on yield and profit. Some growers have been able to reduce chemical fertiliser inputs as a result of biointensive IPM programmes.

Dead leaves talk

Combined botrytis and thrips programmes, which focus on the top 30% portion of the crop, are failing to provide adequate control of these problems. Botrytis spores continue to infect unprotected young leaves and juvenile thrips in the lower leaf canopy are ignored. Juvenile thrips are often in the lower canopy and pupae are in the soil. Botrytis spores from dead leaves are dispersed in the air and only infect young leaves and stems. Therefore it makes sense to protect young leaf growth with a bio-pesticide such as Bacillus subtilis or Trichoderma asperellum on a routine basis, irrespective of weather conditions or scouting. If young leaves are not infected, they will also not be infected when they die because botrytis spores cannot penetrate mature leaves with a good wax layer. Dead leaves that were infected with botrytis when younger are easy to identify, since they will have a lot of dark grey botrytis spores. However, those leaves that have died whilst part of a good IPM programme will have no dark grey botrytis spores on them. Dead leaves have a lot to say about the growers understanding of how to keep leaves healthy and profits higher. What do your leaves say about you? |||

Conference Over 100 importers, exporters, input suppliers, retailers, logistics companies, industry bodies, government officials and other sectors of the fresh produce and floral supply chain gathered in Rotterdam to attend the first-ever Fresh Connections: Netherlands on Wednesday April 29th.

Fresh Connections makes Dutch debut


rganised in partnership with FrugiVenta, the event provided insights into the shifts in global sourcing, as well as the latest consumer and retail trends that are reshaping the fresh produce industry, with a focus on those impacting Western European countries. The conference also offered participants an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and highlight new technologies such as the futuristic internet-connected visual aid, Google Glass. Key note speakers offered presentations on important themes and issues such as ‘Europe’s Place in the Competition for Global Fresh Produce Trade’, ‘Disruptive Technologies: Creating ”Business as Unusual” in the Global Fresh Produce Supply Chain’ and ’Retail Trends Reshaping the Global Marketplace’.

Europe’s place in global competition

by Jaap N. Kras and Ron van der Ploeg

The conference begun with a welcome and an introduction to the afternoon by Ms. Mayda Sotomayer, CEO of Seald Sweet International USA, who announced Ms. Cindy van Rijswick from Rabobank Netherlands as the first speaker. Van Rijswick answered

the key question concerning how competitive the European Union market is on the global stage. Presenting statistical data on real GDP growth by country and continent, Van Rijswick concluded that the weight of major advanced economies (US and Europe) in gross domestic product (GDP) has decreased significantly, while economic powers in Asia, Africa and Latin America continue to rise. Despite Europe being a slow growth region, it remains a large and attractive market characterised by innovations in logistics, value chain efficiency and food retail and consumer solutions. One of Rijswick’s concerns is that despite efforts by governments to promote the benefits of a healthy diet, consumption of fruit and vegetables in Western Europe and the U.S. has decreased over the past few years. On the other hand, she expects the consumption of fresh cut and pre-packed fruits and vegetables to accelerate as convenience is what the consumer will be looking for these coming years.

Disruptive technologies and retail trends In his ‘Disruptive Technologies:

Creating “Business as Unusual” in the Global Fresh Produce Supply Chain’ presentation, Mr. Elliot Grant of HarvestMark USA stressed the importance of collecting and using appropriate market data and develop ‘big data models’ to steer and advice customers. Large online retailers develop customer profiles which encompass engagement, preferences, sentiment and other behavioural aspects . Mr. Grant also highlighted the latest technologies, such as pathogen and sensing detection, sustainable packaging, new seed varieties and the Google Glass. Oleen Smethurst of Costco Wholesale Canada and Gé Happe of Dutch supermarket chain AHOLD provided an overview of ‘Retail Trends Reshaping the Global Marketplace’. Oleen said that the trend is moving to pre-packaged products in many categories for the basic reason that the consumer feels that product quality has not been compromised and is construed to be safe food. Smethurst added that Canadian consumers increasingly show a preference for mini-sized, ready-touse vegetables and vitamin-bursting super foods to optimise their health. Ahold’s Ge Happen explained his company’s ‘responsible retailing’ motto which is emphasised by healthy products, community engagement, good work place conditions, climate action and sustainable trade. Their aim is to reduce the carbon footprint by 20% and reduce the amount of packaging and food waste. PMA’s CEO, Mr. Bryan Silbermann provided an excellent summary of the topics covered by the speakers at the end of the meeting which was followed by a network reception. ||| For more details and upcoming PMA events visit www.pma.com

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Lighting “Two years ago Florensis started trialling LED flowering lamps in Naivasha, Kenya. The trials is still in the early stages, but the initial results look very promising as they prevent flower induction and cut the electricity bill by 80%. At the same time, the LED lights allowed the company to reduce the impact on the environment, creating a real winwin situation.

Eddy Verbeek, general manager at Florensis.

by Eddy Verbeek*

Philips and Florensis team up to investigate effects of LEDs during plug production F

Quick facts Grower Florensis Kenya Ltd

Location Naivasha, Kenya

Sector Rooted and unrooted cuttings of bedding plants and Pelargoniums

Solution Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamp Philips LED Horti Partner UFO Supplies BV

Crop Bedding plants, Pelargonium and Poinsettia

www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

Results Better plant quality and substantial energy savings

lorensis supplies professional growers with young plants propagated from both seed and cuttings. The company’s head office and primary production site are located in the Netherlands. Its three sites outside the Netherlands – in Kenya, Ethiopia and Portugal – play a major role in the production of unrooted cuttings. The farm in Kenya has developed rapidly in recent years and currently covers 14 ha. The modern production facilities here are used to produce cuttings for the farm's range of bedding plants, including Pelargonium, Impatiens, Phlox, and Poinsettia.

The challenge

Florensis Kenya is located on the equator, where the natural conditions are daylight-neutral. However, a number of mother stock plants, including Poinsettia, need long-day conditions in order to prevent flower initiation. Florensis Kenya wanted to improve the internal quality of its cuttings whilst at the same time reducing its carbon footprint. Various Poinsettia varieties are sensitive to the day length, with the result that the lighting conditions and light spectrum play a vital role in ensuring that the best possible quality and the required yield are achieved.

Florensis Kenya trialled Philips GreenPower LED lights for various crops and varieties on a semi-commercial scale.

The solution

Florensis Kenya trialed Philips GreenPower LED lights for various crops and varieties on a semi-commercial scale. They worked together with researchers from Philips and their certified partner for Africa, UFO Supplies BV, to select lamps with the correct PAR spectrum for these trials. After only one season optimum results had been achieved and the decision was made to invest in Philips GreenPower LED lighting for the entire Poinsettia production.

system can now be operational all at once without this affecting the voltage or the performance of other parts of the farm. This has resulted in an improvement in quality compared with the previous lighting/ growing conditions. Florensis is now consistently producing more uniform and stronger plants. Its cuttings are better and, thanks to the improved internal quality, the company is enjoying higher success rates in rooting. The superior output has even been noticed by the customers, who are

always looking for more uniform plants. At the same time, Florensis has reduced its impact on the environment. In short, this is a winwin situation. Following the first successful full production season of Poinsettia at the Kenyan site, Florensis is now investigating the possibility of using LED lighting for other crops and converting to production under Philips GreenPower LEDs. ||| * Eddy Verbeek is general manager at Florensis.

Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamp.


The existing 150 watt bulbs were replaced with 17 watt Philips GreenPower LED bulbs. The energy saving was significant. As the GreenPower bulbs have regular fittings, there was no need to change anything in the lighting set-up. The bulbs were simply replaced and the installation was ready to go. Compared with the old bulbs, the lower energy consumption of the Philips GreenPower LED lights allows better control of the daylength manipulation cycles because the lights can be switched on without having to take other lighting programs into account. The entire

Florensis Kenya trialed Philips GreenPower LED lights for various crops and varieties on a semi-commercial scale.

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Education FloraCulture International asked six students at HAS University of Applied Sciences about their courses and how they’re spending their time in the Netherlands.

‘Studying horticulture  reading the bible in a  T

he Netherlands is one of the most inspiring places to study agribusiness. One of these places is HAS University of Applied Sciences, which has a long tradition of welcoming students from a wide range of countries and cultures; an ambitious new generation of boys and girls who are interested in food, agriculture and horticulture, open and green spaces, nature and the environment or agribusiness. For most of HAS’ international students, studying and living in the Netherlands is an exciting new experience. My name is Maria Starodubrovskaya and I am a 19-year old student who was born in Moscow, Russia. I am currently in my third year of Horticulture & Business Management and living and studying in the Netherlands, since August 2011. I followed an internschip at FloraCulture International making the necessary preparations for the company’s first Russian edition. Having put 11 key questions to my fellow students, I then conducted a 'self-interview' giving my own answers.


How would you describe studying abroad in your own words?

by Maria Starodubrovskaya

www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

Aino: “Studying in The Netherlands is a good experience for me because of the internationality. The knowledge gained is wide with a lot of applied information. I get a good overview of the horticultural industry as well.” André: “I think studying abroad is a great experience, challenge and a huge opportunity for self-improvement. Being an international student brings a lot of new things into our lives: a new and different culture, learning new languages, making friends from all over the

Surn ame :

Hämäläinen Give n nam es:


Date of birt h:

world and so on. I find this course to be an ‘open door’ to the horticultural sector and at the same time a huge opportunity to make a difference (in a good way, of course) in this crazy world we are living in.” Jürgen: “This study really opens your mind and you learn a lot from other na-

10 August 1988 Plac e and coun try

of birt h:

Esp oo, Finland Cour se:

siness Hort iculture &stBu year) Management (1 Duration of stay in

the Neth erla nds :

3 since August 201 un til June 2017

in Holland is like   monastery’


Surn ame :

tionalities; the way of cultivation in different countries.” Mathyas: “It is quite fun being in a class with people from completely different cultures and mind-sets, because then you can open your mind to the way things are done in other places, possibly better than what you are used to.” Vilius: “The study is mind- and eye-opening. There are a lot of opportunities here and everything is new for me.” Maria: “I would say studying abroad for me is living alone, in a different society, with international people. Studying agribusiness is a priceless opportunity and unforgettable experience.”

Gir z

Give n nam es:

Andr e

Date of birt h:

21 december, 198 6

Plac e and coun try

of birt h:

Br ad, Romania

Cour se:

Hort iculture & Bu siness Managemen t (3rd year)

Duration of stay in

the Neth erla nds :

since August 201 1 un til June 2015

What made you choose for HAS?

Aino: “I did my internship in The Netherlands during my previous studies and became interested in studying here. When I was looking for different study opportunities, I found HAS a good option and decided to apply.” André: “I graduated from my first university in Romania (Tourism & Business Management), but I did not feel happy with it. I met someone who was an Erasmus student at HAS, and from his stories I fell in love with the university and I just followed my heart.” Jürgen: “First, I was searching for universities in Mexico on the internet and as soon as I was interested in the horticultural sector, the HAS University came up. The study programmes and input covered all my wishes so I applied immediately. Moreover, I like traveling, so I didn’t hesitate.” Mathyas: “The HAS offered a practical (versus theoretical) method of study and a greater


June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Education possibility for jobs right after graduating.” Vilius: “I was hesitating between two Dutch universities: Van Hall Larenstein and HAS Hogeschool. The other was not practically orientated, so I chose HAS.” Maria: “My dad is in the landscape design business, running his own educational centre, so he has some contacts through his international colleagues. As it was difficult for us to evaluate universities and to compare them, my dad asked a colleague from Wellant College for help. Among the 5-6 different universities he recommended was HAS. Due to its location, programmes, facilities and price category it appealed to us, so we applied.”

Weren’t there any possibilities to study in your own country?

Aino: “There were, but The Netherlands is the centre of horticulture worldwide, and this is why it's the best place to gain information on the sector.” André: “Yes, there were, but studying horticulture in The Netherlands is like studying the bible in a monastery, if you know what I mean. There is nothing comparable to studying horticulture in the ‘brain area’ of the sector.” Jürgen: “They do not specialise in greenhouse production, it is mainly outdoor production.” Mathyas: “Yes, but very theoretical and extremely expensive. Unfortunately, the schools in the US also require the first 2 years to be ‘generic’ studies in which students learn English, maths and take other non-beneficial classes.” Vilius: “There were, but the education and technological levels are still not as developed in Lithuania as in The Netherlands, so the best place to study the latest technologies, industry mainstreams and the rest of the subject, and in a practical way, is here.” Maria: “There are only couple of universities for horticulture in Moscow, which we took into account, but if there is an opportunity to study in The Netherlands, the best place in the world to study horticulture, why not to apply?”

www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014


Woodhouse Give n nam es:


Date of birt h:

9 August 1995

Plac e and coun try

of birt h:

Guadalajara, Me xico

Cour se:

Hort iculture & Bu siness Management (1st year)

Duration of stay in

the Neth erla nds :

since August 201 3 un til June 2017

What does the horticulture industry look like in your home country?

Aino: “I am not too familiar with the horticultural sector in my home country, but I can safely say that the amount of exports is lower than in the Netherlands.” André: “Luckily we have a lot of land to be cultivated, approximately 15 million hectares of which only about 9 million hectares are currently cultivated. Unfortunately, the willingness and determination to build a strong agricultural system of the Romanian authorities is missing. For example, there is almost no cooperation between

the farmers, in comparison to The Netherlands where everything is based on cooperation between farmers and companies. There is more subsistence farming than organised mass production in Romania. On a technological level, horses are still used for ploughing in the subsistence farms.” Jürgen: “In Mexico mostly outdoor crops are produced because of the climate. There are also greenhouses, but there are not many, as the conditions are not as good as in The Netherlands.” Mathyas: “Horticulture is a big industry compared to many countries (due to the size of the country compared to others), however, it has not developed nearly enough compared to how big the industry is.” Vilius: “Well, there are more and more new nurseries appearing throughout the country, so the horticultural industry is developing but

Maria: “I would say all the people from the horticulture industry whom I have met so far. I mean our teachers, growers, people from companies we visited during excursions, those, whom I was working with during my internships, etc. I mean all those people that tell you amazing stories about their business, how they started, what they do in order to save the planet, why do they breed certain varieties, etc. All those talks inspire me to work in this industry and also to take care of the environment, something did not take that seriously until I started to study at HAS.”

it is still more in a personal/private business, not on an industrial scale.” Maria: “For the last years, new technologies started being used quite actively in Russia. The agribusiness has been developing fast over the last 5-8 years, especially greenhouse production. The horticulture industry is spread over the country’s regions.”

What part of horticulture attracts you the most?

Aino: “I am very interested in sustainability and biological crop protection.” André: “I am keen on the sustainable greenhouse vegetable production and I am very interested in the greenhouse production in the tropical and subtropical areas.” Jürgen: “Fruit trees, especially tropical fruits, and greenhouse production.” Mathyas: “The use of the greenhouse to improve efficiency, without losing the challenges of cultivating a crop.” Vilius: “Ornamentals.” Maria: “Vegetable production, but mainly export/import, logistics and international business.”

Who or what is your biggest source of inspiration regarding horticulture?

Aino: “I am inspired by all the people who are able to be self-sustained and by all the possibilities there are in plants yet to be found.” André: “I have a dream of making the world better in my own way, and I am trying to find the way to do so.” Jürgen: “I was inspired by my uncle, who was a tomato grower for some time until he closed the business. I visited his greenhouse once when I was a kid. I liked it very much and was looking forward to doing something similar in the future.” Mathyas: “My inspiration is the group of entrepreneurs that started a horticultural company on their own and became successful. After that, the best example I have is my father, who started with $35 and is now one of the leading Phalaenopsis growers in the US.” Vilius: “My parents, because they have built a nursery on their own from scratch.”

What kind of job in horticulture are you aspiring to do?

Aino: “In future, I would like to educate people on how to grow crops in a sustainable way.”

André: “I have not decided yet, but I will probably choose Research & Innovation. For later on, I am considering teaching.” Jürgen: “I am planning to open my own fruit tree business after graduation.” Mathyas: “I plan to go into the orchid business. Whether I start my own company or eventually take over my father’s, that crop is something that I have come to know and enjoy.” Vilius: “I am planning to take over my parents’ nursery in the future and run our family business, but I am still very open for any job opportunities that might appear, especially for work during winter season when there is not that much to do at my home nursery company.” Maria: “I think that after graduating I will be able to work



Bartha Give n nam es:

Matya s

Date of birt h:

1 24 November 199 Plac e and coun try

of birt h:

Miami, USA Cour se:

siness Hort iculture &thBu year) Management (4 Duration of stay in

the Neth erla nds :

0 since August 201 un til June 2014

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Education in some trade company, which deals with the Russian market, so I can travel home and be useful for Russian as well as for Dutch companies and be in an international society.”

What impresses you most about the Dutch culture?

Aino: “The amount of networking and the amount of pre-sliced / ready-made products on the supermarket shelves.” André: “The most impressing things are: the amount of people cycling, the amount of sandwiches people eat per day and how wellorganised the Dutch system is.” Jürgen: “I find it nice that Dutch people are pretty open to foreigners. Moreover, Mexicans are very similar to the Dutch personality wise, so I really feel very comfortable here.” Mathyas: “The international aspect. The Dutch are very international in that many of them speak English (making it hard for us to learn Dutch) and that they are all over the world. Because of that, they can be very welcoming.” Vilius: “Dutch people are stricter than Lithuanians, in a positive way, they are also more relaxed and they celebrate Carnival, but they don’t even know why.” Maria: “The amount of pre-sliced products on supermarket shelves, the fact that all shops close at 6 p.m., while in Russia shops close mainly at 10 p.m. or are open 24hours and how critical the Dutch are, so they are not afraid to say something negative to you directly, if they think that it is better for my self-improvement.”

Generally speaking, a part of the younger generation, especially in Northern Europe, considers studying horticulture to be for farmers and country bumpkins. How do you feel about this? Aino: “Well, I AM part of the younger generation of Northern Europe, but never faced that attitude before. I am worried to hear that. I would say that people should appreciate it more and try to gain more knowledge of the sector.”

www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

André: “I do not care too much about other people’s opinions and what others do; I will always follow my dreams. Those persons (you are speaking about), who have this mind-set, should really try to find out about the whole world behind the food they are eating. I strongly believe that this is going to change the way they see farmers.” Jürgen; “I don’t care what others say.” Mathyas: “I feel that most of the time, the people that believe that don’t know the difference between horticulture and agriculture, nor anything about the processes of either. So they simply assume that everyone who produces plants just works in the field all day with noth-


St učka Give n nam es:

Vil ius

Date of birt h:

20 November 199 4

Plac e and coun try

of birt h:

Aly tus, Lit huania

Cour se:

Hort iculture & Bu siness Management (1st year)

Duration of stay in

the Neth erla nds :

ssince August 201 3 un til June 2017

ing else to do. Many don’t realize that both Agri- and Horticulture, but especially Horticulture is an exacting science and also an art. I don’t necessarily believe that this has to change, as the people that believe this aren’t involved with our industry at all. If they try to become involved then they will understand rather fast that they were VERY wrong. Until then, I think it would be a waste of time to think about it.” Vilius: “True, I faced that situation in Lithuania and also with my friends who do not really understand why I like this study and take it seriously. People think the ones who study horticulture are future gardeners, but I believe people should think more deeply about this industry.” Maria: “In my personal view, I believe that every person should follow their heart and do what they


Starodubrovsk aya Given names :

Mar ia

Date of birth:

7 July 1994 Place and count ry of birth:

Moscow, Russia Cours e:

Horticultur e & Business Managemen t

Durat ion of stay in the Nethe

rlands :

since August 2011 unt il June 2015

want to do in their life. If you are working in your favourite sphere, it does not matter which it is.”

What crops do you grow yourself?

Aino: “Since I only have my room, there are only smaller things growing, such as herbs, but I also germinate goji berries, honey melon, and mango. In the future, when I have the facilities, I would like to grow everyday crops, such as tomatoes and potatoes.” André: “I don’t grow anything at the moment (all the cultivating space in the apartment is used by my girlfriend), but I would like to have a small garden to cultivate some vegetables.” Jürgen: “For the last 5 years, I have had my own fruit trees in my garden in Mexico. It is my hobby. I have around 20 different species of trees such as papaya, guava, guanabana, mango, avocado, lime, peach, passion fruit, lemon and others.” Mathyas: “I don’t grow any plants as a hobby, partly because I don’t

have a garden. Eventually, growing things will be part of my business.” Vilius: “Nothing at the moment.” Maria: “We live in the countryside where I help my grandmother run her garden. She has apple and pear trees, a greenhouse with tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in it, with some outdoor crops such as strawberries, potatoes, carrots, salads, turnips, herbs and some shrubs: red and white gooseberry, red and black currant, raspberries, blackberries, 3 different varieties of honeysuckle and actinidia. Moreover, we have a big beautiful garden full of different flowers, plants and trees, which was created to celebrate my school graduation. Every season, the whole family takes care of it.”

If you could describe yourself using the name of a flower or a plant, what would that be?

Aino: “I associate myself with a lotus flower, because it is strong and reaches for the light, growing even through the deepest mud.” André: “I think a snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis), because it is the

first sign of hope after winter and it always makes people smile.” Jürgen: “I associate myself with the paradise bird flower, as the beautiful flower only grows when there´s enough light, just as I only approach my goals with a good attitude and effort.” Mathyas: “Well, I think of myself as simple, to the point; someone who prefers to relax. I am also a very flexible person, so I would say a vine.” Vilius: “I would say a sunflower, because it turns to wherever the sun.” Maria: “I would say I am a carrot. It is a pretty hard and strong plant and I am a strong person. It also helps people, as a carrot is good for your health and it looks very positive and optimistic because of its orange colour.” |||

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



Wholesaler chains After receiving a press release from Mayesh Wholesale regarding a recent acquisition of a new location, I started to wonder how and what the other wholesaler chains were doing.

by William Armellini Flowersandcents.com

Chain, Chain, Chain


o I started contacting all of them and asking a few simple questions. My definition of a wholesale florist chain is a company with four or more physical locations.

Let’s start by identifying who they are, the number of stores they operate, and who owns them. See table below.

Company, locations, ownership Company Locations Ownership Baisch and Skinner 8 Family BayState Floral 4 Family Bill Doran Company 17 Family Carlstedts 15 Alice L. Givens & John T. Cross Cleveland Plant and Flower Co. 10 Family Dreisbach 5 Family Delaware Valley Wholesale Group 7 Family Denver Wholesale 14 Employee Greenleaf Wholesale 16 Family Kennicott Brothers 11 Employee Mayesh Wholesale 17 Family Mellano & Co. 4 Family Nordile 7 Employee Pennock Floral Company 10 Employee Pikes Peak 4 Family Roy Houff Co. 8 Family Sieck Wholesale 6 Family Tennessee Floral Supply 4 Family

Inside LA market.

www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

My next question was: Are you planning growth?

Without exception every company said they have their eyes and ears open if the right opportunity comes along. Opportunities do come along and, of course, each situation is different but basically there are two distinct types. Profitable companies that are looking to cash out and unprofitable companies that need to cash out. Bill LaFever of The Bill Doran Company put it this way, “We can’t pay a multiple of profits to a healthy company and expect to make any money so nearly all acquisitions are made from struggling companies where there is potential to apply our business practices and economies of scale. However, only if we have the right manager to run it.” This sentiment was echoed by nearly every owner I spoke with. Having the right manager in the job makes the difference between a profitable store and a loser. However, finding that right person is perhaps the most daunting problem facing wholesale chains where the average age of a store manager is above 55. Scott Kitayama, President of Greenleaf stated that; “Before deciding on any new market they look closely at what a wholesale florist in 2014 and beyond needs to look like. Clearly there are more flowers than ever being sold and we want to use our distribution network to touch as many of those flowers as possible. Hiring younger employees is the key to acquiring younger customers.” It is no secret that filling the manager position at a wholesale house is no simple task. Long early hours, floral knowledge a must and modest compensation are not that sexy to potential applicants. I think Bill LaFever put it best by stating: “I would enter any market if I had the right manager to run it but I would not enter the perfect market without the right manager.” Jim Haley of Pikes Peak’s stated

that: “Bill LaFever’s comment echos our expansion policy perfectly.” Most stated that they did not have any or modest planned growth but would not shy away from a good opportunity. However, several stated that they were planning strong growth in existing markets and beyond. Most of these asked me not to name them specifically but it does not take much investigation to see who is buying, based on recent activity. I single out Mayesh and Delaware Valley Floral Group here simply because they have been very aggressive and public about their acquisition ambitions. My guess is that many readers will be surprised at the number of locations they have amassed over the last years.

My third question was: How do you find the floral industry in general?

The short answers were: *Very Ill * Short term pain* Stagnant * Hard *Challenging * Flat* Fragmented *Broken. Others responded this way. “Overall the industry sales are about flat. There is a slow ongoing consolidation at the florists and wholesale segments. Those who are growing are taking market share from those who are shrinking. These market conditions are likely to remain for the next few years. If the economy

and disposable income pick up, the industry could experience modest growth. We are not expecting this in 2014.”(Anonymous) Jim Haley of Pikes Peak of Texas, Inc. sees the industry as: “Healthy, strong, and vibrant, but changing rapidly. We see continued consolidation with wholesalers not adapting to new technology and changing needs of the retailers falling out of the picture.” Alice L. Givens the new co-owner of Carlstedt’s in Jacksonville Fl. had this to say: ”I believe the industry is very strong and ever changing, and will continue to change every day! There’s not a truer statement than….CHANGE is the name of the game!! Miami is under construction as far as reaching out to retailers, retailers are looking into new media outlets to be noticed by the ultimate consumer, and AH…. the ultimate consumer is looking for the deals, freebies or coupons!! #whopaysfullpriceforanythinganymore :) ” Tom Logue of The Pennock Company said, “They are were willing to grow if they can acquire existing operations but not to start a new one.”

Delaware Floral Valley Group.

Tom Figueroa, current WFFSA President and Vice President at Nordile Inc. said, “They are not planning any growth but would consider a move in their market area.” Dave Gaul, VP Sales & Marketing at DWF Wholesale Florist Co. Said: “They are looking to grow.”

My final question was: Where would you like to see your company be in 7-10 years?

The short answers were: “Still standing” *”Holding on to what we have” *” More stores” * “Up 30% in sales” *” We are developing an ordering platform that we will offer to our customers” * “We expect to have grown the company significantly” *(And my personal favorite) “From the back of my sailboat.”

Kennicott Brothers.

Based on my conversations with these many companies I can summarise their comments this way. Everyone I was able to speak with pointed out that their once total reliance on the traditional retail florist had changed. Several of them mentioned a ‘one third’ approach

where one third of the total business is from traditional retail, one third from event planners and one third from non-traditional outlets (mass markets). As well most were pleased to have survived the last two years and were optimistic about the future. Jim Haley said, “Transitioning to the next generation is our biggest challenge. How can we attract the next generation of leadership into our industry as they enter today’s workforce? Expanding into new markets is on our priority list. And, yes – I’m ready for a ride in that new sailboat!” There was a clear consensus for the need to reduce the age of the workforce in order to keep pace with the age of the consumers. And finally, way back in 2008 Peter Moran of SAF in his State of the Floral Industry Report, delivered at the Society of American Florists (SAF) convention in September. Mr. Moran made statements about how he saw the industry at that time. Back in 2008, he explained that there were between 700 and 900 wholesalers serving the traditional florist market, a net decrease of about 300 in six years. He predicted that within a few years there would be a significant consolidation, resulting in 15 mega-wholesalers, each generating $100-million-plus in sales. We are now 6 years into that prediction. Based on my research and my definition there are only fourteen wholesale chains and I would suggest that only eleven might be considered mega wholesalers. I did not ask or expect to learn of gross revenues so I can only guess that there are just a few that are $100 million + in sales I would like to thank all of the companies that took the time to respond. |||

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


Lilies The 3rd International SYMPOSIUM on the genus of LILIUM, organised by the Section Ornamentals of the International Society of Horticultural Plants (ISHS), was held in Zhangzhou, Fujian province in China from April 1st to April 3rd, 2014.

Report on the ISHS’ 3 international symposium on ‘The Genus of Lilium’ rd

T by Cor Conijn and Linda Conijn info@flowerfullconsultancy.nl


he convener of the conference was Mr. Jaap van Tuyl, who also attended the inaugural international lily symposium in Tajon, South Korea in 1997 and the 2010 symposium in Pescia, Italy.

The mayor of Zhangzhou city, Mr. Tang, Mr. Hu, Head Zhangzhou China Merchants Development Zone and Mr. Dijkhuizen, president emeritus of Wageningen University were on hand to declare the symposium open.Following the official opening ceremony, the first keynote speakers made their way to the stage to provide a comprehensive overview of the lily industry.

Wide range of topics


www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

The 3-day event attracted researchers from all over the world including participants from China, the USA, the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Israel, India, Iran, Italy, the UK and Chile. The symposium featured over 70 posters and oral presentations covering a wide range of topics such as biodiversity, flowering, post-harvest and cultivation aspects, genetics and breeding, tissue culture and plant protection. Farm tours to lily businesses in the Zhangzhou area completed the symposium.

Lilies and China

China hosts one of the richest genetic resources when it comes to lilies. Chinese cherish lilies as they have great ornamental, medicinal and edible values. Lily bulbs are imported for commercial flower production, bulb farming and landscaping purposes. China's economy has grown enormously over the past decade and its lily industry has gained importance fuelled by collaboration with Wageningen University and Research Centre. Therefore, organising the gathering in Zhangzhou, Fujian province was a logical decision.

Carved Narcissus

The preconference day was filled with a mini symposium on Narcissus as Zhangzhou is dubbed the epicentre of the Chinese Sacred Lily (Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis). This small-flowered, fragrant Narcissus has been used for many generations during the Chinese New Year celebrations.

The Narcissus event featured several scientific presentations about growing, registration and the cultivation of Chinese carved Narcissus. On display were one hundred beautiful Chinese carved Narcissus.

Lily presentations

The first day of the Lilium symposium started with biodiversity papers. Hiroshii Okubo from Japan held a keynote speech on the history of Lilium in Asia. He showed the first pictures of the years 712-756 and referred to the first description of lilies in Chinese literature from the period 453-536. Xuewei Wu of the Flower Research Institute Yunnan, China spoke about the native species of the genus Lilium in China, the diversity and climate difference. Ki-Byung Lim of the Kyungpook National University South Korea emphasised on the natural habitat, morphology and cytogenetic analyses of the Korean Martagon Lilium species. Scientists discussed the research findings and challenges in flower biology, seeing possibilities for molecular cloning, analyses of flavonoid-biosynthesis gene expression and vernalisation response of Lilium longiflorum. In the section postharvest and cultivation aspects, Mr. Bill Miller from Cornell University, USA shared his visions on bud necrosis and presented the results of his experiment with GA4+7 against leaf yellowing and limited vase life. Upon harvesting flowers, they have to be stored and the 7째C temperature was equal or sometimes better than the 1째C in his experiments.

potential applications to genetic transformation and production of virus-free plant material of Lilium by cryotherapy, the use of low temperatures. In the plant protection session, Mr. Cor Conijn from the Netherlands provided a comprehensive overview of the major diseases in lily and their treatment. In some cases, the results with biological crop protection, promoting natural enemies and using decision support systems, are promising.

Gary Chastagner of the Washington State University USA, spoke of Botrytis species and control with biological control products. ||| The proceedings of this symposium are published in Acta Horticulturae 1027 and were ready at the start of the Symposium (http://www.actahort.org/books/1027) the editor is Mr. J.M. van Tuyl. The 4th International Lilium Symposium is scheduled for 2018 in ShenYang 2018.

Second-day programme

On the second day of the symposium, Paul Arens of Wageningen University and Research Centre from the Netherlands looked at the promising developments in molecular Lilium breeding. Other speakers presented the results of experiments with molecular cytogenetic and GISH investigation of crossover events during meiosis. Qiaochun Wang of the Northwest A&F University China reported in the section Tissue culture,

The symposium featured over 70 posters and oral presentations covering a wide range of topics.

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


World News

Certifiable in California by John Ingwersen

Esoteric, not-so esoteric and non-esoteric news Esoteric thought for the day: I have lived in 2 millenia…only me and about 5 billion other people can say that.

Grand opening of Dutch Lily Days The Originals, a joint venture of lily firms Q.J. Vink & Zn. BV, Boltha BV, W. van Lierop & Zn. BV and lily nursery De Plas BV, hosted the grand opening of the Dutch Lily Days on May 20th. The joint Open Days of the Dutch lily industry also marked the start of The Originals’ silver jubilee and the third edition of the Doing-LiliesDifferently event. Over the past 25 years, The Originals have been instrumental in driving growth for the Dutch lily industry by setting very high standards in business. The four members of the Originals family have worked tirelessly together with customers, auctions and media consultants in bringing top class products and innovation to market. The Originals made their lilies a household name not only by moving towards sustainability , but also by creating truly amazing flowers with different shapes, bold colours and excellent shelf life. Now in its third year, the floral demonstration Doing Lilies Differently provided exciting ideas for a new lily look. When cookie-cutter lily arrangements don’t drive you wild and when alternative uses of lilies is what you are looking for, you shouldn’t miss the Jubilee-themed floral design show featuring Dutch grown lilies in all sizes, shapes and colours. Under the guidance of floral designer Desiree Glasbergen, 10 floral design students from the Aalsmeer-based Wellant College were invited to show different ways in which you can use lilies, all with just a little bit of extra creativity. This year, sixteen companies participated in the Dutch Lily Days event offering industry professionals the opportunity to see inside Holland’s largest lily firms and their vast assortment of lilies in full bloom. The main goal of the Dutch Lily Days is to give a better impression of today’s current commercial assortment as well as tomorrow’s varieties that are still in the breeder’s greenhouse.  |||

Second esoteric thought for the day: In the next election I’m gonna vote only for candidates who support moving to a 28 hour day and a 6 day workweek. I could use the extra hours to catch up on all the lousy admin stuff that I’m so lousy at doing. Then again, the reason I’m lousy at doing it is because I generally don’t do it in the first place, so in actuality I’ve got a pretty low bar for improvement. Hurrah… Third, not-so-esoteric thought for the day: I could use a vacation. It’s been a crazy spring with no sign of letting down. In fact, plumeria season is just revving up, so any thought of a break is little more than wishful thinking. I shouldn’t complain, it goes with the territory after all. If I wanted the spring off I’d apply to be one of Santa’s little elves. (Wonder if that job comes with health coverage???) In other non-esoteric news there’s an alarming trend going on in various locales around the US; namely, local initiatives to raise the minimum wage. Here in California the wage was recently raised from $8 to $9 an hour, increasing to $10 an hour by 2016. Proponents argue that working folks deserve a living wage…what a joke. In a high cost-of-living environment like California an extra $40 a week isn’t going to go very far, so if you’re one of the working poor savour the moment but get a dose of reality at the same time . The worst part of the whole thing is that we’re paying 20%+ more, but there’s no corresponding increase in productivity. What’s equally concerning is that it’s already hard enough to find labour, at least for farms and nurseries. With illegal immigration down and hiring enforcement up there isn’t that much of a labour pool of folks willing to do nursery work, not even for above minimum wage starting salaries. One strawberry farmer I know was so desperate to get the harvest in he hired 8 temporary workers. Only one of them made it to noon on the first day, and quit at that point. It took me three tries this spring to find someone who lasted longer than a day, and that’s only because I bribed him with a bonus if he made it through a month. The funny thing is that two years ago I would have 1-2 people a week coming into the nursery looking for work, which goes to show than even when business improves, in some ways we’re only trading one set of problems for another. I think that’s where the vacation comes in….

John Ingwersen graduated with a degree in marketing from Georgetown University in 1990, and founded Jungle Jack’s, Inc. in 1995. sales@junglejacksthailand.com

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu



International Events June 2014 4 to 6. Kenya IFTEX, International Flower Trade Expo at the Oshwal convention centre in Nairobi. www.iftex.org 8 to 11. Italy XIII International Symposium on the Processing Tomato - XI World Processing Tomato Congress, Sirmione, Lake Garda, Italy. www.worldtomatocongress.com 10 to 11. Israel 24th edition of Fresh AgroMashov at the Israel Trade Fairs & Convention Center, Tel Aviv. Some 20,000 attendees are expected to take part in the event, including buyer delegations from around the world. www.agro.mashovgroup.net 10 to 12. The Netherlands GreenTech Amsterdam 2014 at the Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre, The Netherlands. www.greentech.nl 10 to 12. United States National Lawn & Garden Show at the Denver International Airport Hotel. www.nlgshow.com 10 to 13. The Netherlands Flower Trials in the Aalsmeer, Westland and Rheinland Westfalen (Germany) areas. www.flowertrials.com 10 to 13. United States International Floriculture Expo at the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. www.floriexpo.com 14 to 22. Malaysia Flora Putrajaya, Malaysia’s much awaited flower and garden festival in Precint 4, Putrajaya. www.floriaputrajaya.com.my 19 to 20. Australia Queensland Flower Growers Association Conference from June 1920 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. Called the Know it to Grow it Commference, the focus is on how the floriculture industry can maximise on today’s communications, marketing and promotional channels www.flowersqueensland.asn.au 19 to 29. Russia The Russian Nursery Stock Association (APPM) is proud to announce its ‘Gardens and People’ festival which will be held in Moscow’s Sokolniki Park, from June 19 to 29. For more details please visit www.landy-art. ru/helpful_information/news. www.FloraCulture.eu | June 2014

24 to 25. United Kingdom The National Plant Show at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV82LZ, UK. T +44 118 9303132 F +44 118 9323453 enquiries@nationalplantshow.co.uk www.nationalplantshow.co.uk July 2014 8 to 13. United Kingdom RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. www.rhs.org.uk 12 to 15. United States Cultivate! www.cultivate14.org 13 to 18. Italy VIII International Symposium on Chemical and Non-Chemical Soil and Substrate Disinfestation, Torino, Italy. www.sd2014.org 22 to 24. United Kingdom Prepare for historic Norfolk, English gardens and extensive trials of ornamental flowers and vegetables. The 45th Annual Fleuroselect Convention hosted by Floranova will take place from 22-24 July 2014 in Norwich, U.K. www.fleuroselect.com 27-30 United States Florists for Change and Retail Local Florists present Technology & Profit Summit, held in the beautiful World Market Center in Las Vegas. www.reallocalflorists.com 28 July to 1 August. United States 32nd Perennial Plant Symposium at the Hilton Netherland Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. www.perennialplant.org 30 to 31. United States Penn Atlantic Nursery Trade Show, PANTS14 at the Pennsylvania Convention Centre. www.pantshow.com August 2014 10 to15. Ireland The International Garden Centre Association's 2014 congress will take place in Ireland. Attendees will visit some of Ireland's most beautiful and innovative garden centres, historic and stately gardens, historical sites and some of the best tourist destinations. www.igccireland2014.com 10 to 15. Switzerland 2014 Congress of the International Hardy Plants Union (ISU). www.isu-perennials.org

13 to 16. United States The Society of American Florists (SAF) Marco Island 2014, SAF’s 130th Annual Convention, Aug. 13-16 in Marco Island, Florida. www.safnow.org/annualconvention 14 to 16. Finland LEPAA, the three-day event set to be held in the Hämeenlinna area, ranks among one of the oldest horticultural trade shows in Europe. www.lepaa.fi 17 to 22. Australia XXIX International Horticultural Congress: IHC2014 in Brisbane, Australia. www.ihc2014.org 19 to 21. United States The Independent Garden Center Show at the Navy Pier in Chicago. www.igcshow.com 21 to 23. United States Farwest Show at the Oregon Convention Centre and organised by the Oregon Association of Nurseries. info@oan.org www.farwestshow.com 25 to 29. Latvia The first International Peat Technology Symposium, which is set to take place in Riga, Latvia from 25-29 August, 2014. riga@peat2014.lv www.peat2014.lv 27. Belgium Florall, one-day trade show at the Flanders Expo Gent, Hall 2 & 4, Maaltekouter 1, 9051 Ghent. www.florall.be 27 to 30. The Netherlands Plantarium, international trade fair for nursery stock at the international trade centre Boskoop-Hazerswoude. info@plantarium.nl www.plantarium.nl 28 to 30. Russia Flowers IPM Moscow is jointly organised by Messen Essen GmbH and the MVCVVC and will take place from August 28-30, 2014 at the newly built wing of the All-Russian Exhibition Centre (AREC) in Moscow, Russia. T +49 201 7244 232 anna.grannass@messe-essen.de www.flowers-ipm.com 28 to 30. Poland 22nd edition of Green is Life trade exhibition. A nursery stock and gardening-focused show. This year pot plants and cut flowers will make their debut in Warsaw. agnieszka.zukowska@zszp.pl www.greenislife.pl

September 2014 8 to 11. China AIPH Annual Congress in Qingdao, China. www.aiph.org 10 to 12. Italy Flormart at the PadovaFiere exhibition centre. www.flormart.it 14 to 16. United Kingdom Garden Leisure Exhibition at the NEC, Birmingham from 14-16 September. T +44 (0) 207 728 4627. gleemarketing@i2ieventsgroup.com www.gleebirmingham.com 16 to 19. Russia Garden Tool. The specialised trade fair in Russia for producers and suppliers of tools, techniques and equipment for ground-maintenance of gardens and parks. www.gardentool.ru 17 to 19. Russia FlowersExpo at the Crocus Expo in Moscow. T +7 495 221 1251 cell phone (8) 915 185 7903 mail@flowers-expo.ru www.flowers-expo.ru 19 to 21. Hungary Hosted by the Flora Hungaria Wholesale Flower Market in the city of Szigetszentmiklós, near Budapest, the 7.000m2 Hortus Hungaricus is Hungary’s most important annual horticultural trade exhibition. info@hortushungaris.hu www.hortushungaricus.hu 19 to 21. China Modern Agri 2014 at the Shanghai World Expo. modernagri@hnzmedia.com www.modernagri.cn 23 to 26. Argentina Horticultural Congress Argentina in Mendoza. www.asaho.org.ar October 2014 1 to 3. Spain Iberflora, United in Green. T +34 963 861 389 iberflora@feriavalencia.com www.feriavalencia.com/ iberflora 1 to 3. The Netherlands The 23rd edition of the Dutch amenity plant show in Zundert. www.grootgroenplus.nl 1 to 4. Ecuador Florecuador/Agriflor 2014 www.hpp.nl

World News China

This year’s greatest horticultural expo opens in China The International Horticultural Exposition 2014 Qingdao, China, is now open and attracting visitors from within China and all over the world. The Expo, covering 241 hectares, provides a global showcase for the world of horticulture. Approved by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), the Expo opening ceremony took place on 25 April. 37 countries and international organisations are participating, and 1.68 million tickets have already been sold with visitors expected to reach 12 million over the six

months that the Expo is open. Speaking at the opening ceremony, which was broadcast live by Central China TV, AIPH Secretary General, Tim Briercliffe expressed AIPH’s belief that the best cities of the future will be green cities. “Not just green by using renewable energy or by

increasing recycling, but green because the landscape is green. These cities will have a lower carbon footprint, will have cleaner air, will have healthier people, will have more successful businesses and will become the envy of people who have to tolerate a grey and plant-free existence,” he said. Mr. Vic Krahn, President, AIPH, added, “It is my privilege and pleasure to congratulate the organisers and supporters of the International Horticultural Exposition 2014 Qingdao on the opening of the Expo. Many years of planning and hard work have finally reached fruition with the result being a stellar world-class horticultural exhibition that demonstrates why plants and the landscape matter so much to our world. Qingdao in 2014 is showing the world what can be achieved and AIPH is pleased to have approved this exposition”. Themed ‘From the earth, for the

earth’, the Expo features well over 100 gardens including a Flower Promenade and a Boulevard plus twelve themed garden areas. These areas include: Chinese Garden, Floriculture Garden, Caogang (Herbal) Garden, Children’s Dream Garden, Science Garden, Enterprise Garden, International Garden, Tea Garden, Agriculture Garden, Flower Garden, Blossom Garden and Mountain Garden. Anyone with an interest in gardens and horticulture will enjoy this unique and beautiful exposition of breathtaking scale. To make it easier for international visitors to attend the Expo AIPH is working with a leading tour operator to provide week-long VIP tours of the Expo along with visits to plant producers and points of horticultural interest in China. Further details on this will be available shortly. For more details on the Expo visit http:// en.qingdaoexpo2014.org |||

The Netherlands Keukenhof attracts record visitors Keukenhof 2014 has reached a new record with a total of 1 million visitors. The guests enjoyed their visit and rated it with an 8.9. The best-known Dutch icon is proud of these results. In addition to the beautiful Spring weather this highest visitor number ever, is the result of a growing popularity of Keukenhof with Americans, Chinese and East Asians. More Dutch families visited Keukenhof, partly due

to a renewed programming, additional children’s activities and a more intense cooperation with Arriva (public bus transportation), NS (Dutch Railways) and the Rijksmuseum. The theme year “Holland” has led to more visitors from the surrounding countries Germany and the

United Kingdom. The Keukenhof theme for 2015 will be Van Gogh. In 2015 it is 125 years ago that Vincent van Gogh died. Keukenhof will work out this theme further in cooperation with the Van Gogh and the Kröller-Müller museums. |||

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


World News France

An inspiring and majestic Flower Duet in Brissac Themed ‘A night at the Opera’, the Piverdie Fashion Flower Show in Brissac, France, opened its castle gates from April 10 to 14, 2014. The highlight of the show’s first two days, open only to flower professionals, was a tensionfilled floral design competition. The magnificent setting of Brissac Castle, which is located near Angers, (Loire Valley) provided the most spectacular backdrop for one of the country’s most important floral rendez-vous. Chockfull of useful ideas on how to make the most of your own bouquet or floral arrangement, the show combined specialty flowers and creativity. Piverdie’s floral fashion design show – an initiative of the floral design school with the same name – was held for the ninth year in a row. No less than ten novice designers, of which one is from South Korea and six professional designers were invited to compete, each in their own division and create a fresh flower arrangement along with an innovative bouquet, both revolving around this year’s theme, ‘A Night at the Opera’. In the Student Division, Chloë Poitevin was crowned the winner with her ‘A night at the Sydney Opera’ arrangement in contemporary style. Ms Sophie Gomes de Miranda, who runs her own Eden Fleurs flower shop in Lège-Cap-Ferret (near Bordeaux), took the first prize in the Professional Division with her ‘La Belle Cigarière’ arrangement, inspired by Bizet’s Carmen. Sophie lavishly decorated a giant Spanish hand-held fan with Asparagus, Vanda orchids, Hydrangea. Alchemilla, roses and Gloriosa lilies. Fresh cut flowers were provided by Bouchemaine-based floral wholesaler Floris, a division of the Belgian Agora Group. Hydrangea specialist Sicamus, Horticash, Chrysal, Salon du Végétal and Floralife Oasis ranked among the sponsors. For more details visit www.piverdiere.fr  |||

Happy Gardening by Anthony Tesselaar

Stop looking and feel the inside!

The Netherlands/Russia

Russian actor Fyodor Dobronravov names his own tulip On Maundy Thursday April 17th, the Russian actor, Fyodor Dobronravov named his own tulip in the well-known windmill village of Schermerhorn. Organised by the Dutch bulb supplier VWS, the namegiving ceremony recognised the outstanding keeping qualities of the 40 to 50 cm tall Tulipa ‘Dobronravov’, whose performance throughout the entire supply chain is highly applauded. The Dobronravov tulip has been bought by one of VWS’ major customers in Russia while breeder Jan Lighthart granted VWS the exclusive rights to market and distribute the new tulip variety in the Russian marketplace. Mr. Dobronravov was delighted by having a tulip with creamy yellow flowers named after him. “It’s a real honour for me that this beautiful tulip bears my name,” enthused the Russian actor, who received Russia's highest artistic honour - the title of People's Artist of Russia- in 2002. Fyodor Dobronravov was born in the city of Taganrog on September 11, 1961. Since his childhood, Dobronravov's dream was to become a circus clown, and while he was a student he worked at the open-air summer theater in Gorky Park (Taganrog). After school, since 1978 he made several attempts to enter the State University of Circus and Variety Arts (better known as Moscow Circus School), but without success. After military service Dobronravov returned to Taganrog and worked as metalworker, furniture mounter, electrician, etc. In 1984 he successfully entered the art college in the city of Voronezh, which he graduated from in 1988. In 1988-1990 he worked at the Voronezh Youth Theater. In 1990 he was invited by Konstantin Raikin to work at the Satyricon Theatre in Moscow, which he left in 2000. Since 2003, he has been acting with the Moscow Satire Theatre. Both sons of Fyodor Dobronravov, Viktor Dobronravov and Ivan Dobronravov are famous Russian actors.  |||

This shot was taken inside the Mini Brand Store in Amsterdam. I took it to remind myself of a valuable thought that hit me hard while I was standing in this remarkable retail space. And to understand what had triggered this idea in the first place. I give you a hint – I’d just walked in from having visited the Apple Store, a short distance along the street (Leidseplein, if you’re interested). Here’s that thought… Sometimes when we see a single example of something, we don’t really notice it. But when we see more than one, it tends to leap out to make us pay attention. And that’s exactly what happened to me while visiting both stores, one after the other. Most people are familiar with the Apple Store approach. It’s not that new now, but it remains distinctly ‘Apple’. It’s based on encouraging everyone to come into a safe and welcoming space, to touch and familiarised themselves with the stuff on offer. There is no pressure to buy; everyone is welcome. Pleasant, informed staff stand around in case anyone should need them. And then a few steps away the Apple model was being beautifully applied to a completely different product – a car. As I wandered around, I could feel that it was a very different environment from the car showrooms I am familiar with. Just like the Apple Store down the road, staff at the Mini Store were pleasant, informed and happy to stand around until anyone should need them. There were clearly no sales incentives involved, which meant the space felt safe and welcoming. I watched and it was working. Everyone felt happy to come inside and touch and sit in the show cars. The buzz was honest and fabulous. I’m guessing that the talk on the street about the Minis, produced by these Mini Stores, was marketing ‘gold’. Does my observation have any immediate and direct application to my business or the horticulture industry generally? Probably not instantly. But it is a great example of something I feel everyone should be building into their periodic business reviews. Here’s what I suggest… Clearly there are benefits from being aware of trends. Not just those within your own industry, but in those peripheral or allied. Perhaps even those ideas completely outside the box. I feel that it never hurts to cultivate a genuine interest in what’s happening around you. What you notice may feed creative business planning at some point in the future. Being aware can build flexibility and adaptation. Exposure to new trends may also give confidence should we ever face making a decision to follow what may be an unfamiliar path. Being open and aware is the best way to be. But you need to actively find ways to expose yourself to the great ideas and innovations that are out there. Happy hunting. Anthony Tesselaar hails from Anthony Tesselaar International, an international project management company dealing in plants, horticultural research & development and strategic water management. www.tesselaar.com / ATesselaar@tesselaar.com

June 2014 | www.FloraCulture.eu


Floraculture International encourages the pursuit of joint activities in areas of mutual interest with national and international societies, companies and organizations. Agreements have been reached between Floraculture International and leading growers and trade associations in 24 countries. This unique partnership includes a complimentary copy for each member of the registered associations. Floraculture International is proud to announce the cooperation with the following associations.

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Corn Bak........................................................................39 ���������������������������������www.bromelia.com Danziger “Dan” Flower Farm...................................2 ����������������������������������� www.danziger.co.il Erich Baumeister GmbH...........................................30 ���������������������� www.erichbaueister.com FCI FlowersExpoSURE..............................................38 ���www.floracultureinternational.com Florasearch Inc...........................................................37 ����������������������������www.florasearch.com Florensis........................................................................39 ��������������������������������� www.florensis.com Floricultura B.V............................................................10 �����������������������������www.floricultura.com Flowers & Cents..........................................................30 ������������������� www.flowersandcents.org Flowers Expo (Moscow)...........................................37 �����������������������������www.flowers-expo.ru Havatec.........................................................................10 ���������������������������������� www.havatec.com Jiffy Products................................................................6 ���������������������������������www.jiffygroup.com


Page website

Jungle Jack’s...............................................................10 �������������www.junglejacksthailand.com Lex+................................................................................30 ��������������������������������������������������www.lex.nl Market Services.........................................................30 ���������������������������www.intracen.org/mns Messe Essen (IPM)....................................................40 ��������������������� www.messe-essen.de/en Philips Lighting............................................................18 ����������������������������www.philips.com/horti PMA (Produce Marketing Ass.).............................17 ������������������������������������������www.pma.com Poepplemann...............................................................34 ����������������������� www.poeppelmann.com Swingtec GmbH...........................................................3 �������������������������������������www.swingtec.de Thierry Richez..............................................................37 Vitroplus.........................................................................6........................................www.vitroplus.nl

June 2014 | www.FloraCultureInternational.com


e r u t l u C a r o l F FL W W W.




Russia Edition to make its debut in Moscow

Russia’s leading international horticultural trade show, FlowersExpo, event organiser GreenExpo and FloraCulture International have teamed up to develop the FlowersExpoSURE magazine. FlowersExpoSURE showcases the very best worldwide floriculture has to offer with editorials including interviews with the show management, an overview of the show, tips to find specific products, many interesting company profiles, a floor plan and exhibitor listings. FlowersExpoSURE will be distributed predominantly to industry professionals and offers an unique opportunity to promote your company and your product. Contact our sales team and book now! angie@floracultureinternational.com hedd@floracultureinternational.com

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Some of the benefits that you will enjoy by using Jiffy pellets as follows. # Consistent high quality rooting media # Container & media in one # Rooting & hardening in the same pellet # Easy to handle in the nursery with minimum labor involvement # Save nursery time, space & labour cost # Better & faster rooting # Uniformly grown young plants # Easy to take out young plants from tray # Easy & economical transportation of young plants # Transplant directly in to soil # Minimum mortality risk # Environmental friendly propagation since NO poly bags

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