Fci october 2013

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like lilies for example. And more growers are considering going abroad as producers. What is the role of FloraHolland in the process of internationalisation today?

the role for FloraHolland in these processes?

You said back in 2007 that it is a matter of trying to look forward five years. Well now you can look back and see what happened? How did it compare to what you expected?

FloraHolland talks about the interna­ tionalisation of the production where, as a sales’ organisation, you would expect the auction to look to the internationalisation challenges and opportunities for the sales of the products.

“That differs for potted plants and cut flowers. For potted plants, we succeed to bind the European potted plant trade to the Netherlands and most cut flowers from East Africa are traded through Holland. This process appears successful.”

“The industry changed more than I could ever have foreseen. For many people, the changes were too rapid. We should and could have done even more. But who in 2007 expected this severe economic crisis to last until today?”

Did the necessary cultural changes take place after the merger?

“Everything we had to do we have done, but I admit that I often wanted to move faster. At this moment, the company FloraHolland and the cooperative FloraHolland both face a new period with new challenges. The transparency in the world brings product and consumer close to each other. The role of FloraHolland changes from matchmaker into supply chain facilitator. I also expect that the earning model of the cooperation has to change to follow the model ‘product - end user’.”

Seven years ago, you were asked if there were any problems you anticipated or some merger controversy. Back then you said you were somewhat worried about the people. Is it the case that totally different employees are needed today compared to when you started?

“This is partly true, the execution needs more flexibility. Staff need specialised knowledge and experience of the markets, need to know how to do business well, correctly and quickly and bring more added value to the products. The process from matchmaker to international trade platform needs new competitions.”

Growers become more professional and therefore also want to control their sales themselves. What will be

“FloraHolland will set the standards for the trade to the customers regarding the systems, quantities and quality, the transport of the products. We have the ownership of the communication process. FloraHolland has the market knowledge to support the members. FloraHolland will ease the marketing and sales process for its members: simple and easy sale processes at the lowest possible costs.”

“To bind the international production to the auction felt logically. The question is, how do you attract as many customers as possible to your markets to gain the highest price for the products offered? In that role, FloraHolland can strengthen its Dutch and the foreign members.”

If growers can earn more money by selling the products themselves instead of selling them through the auction, they will and have to sell the products themselves. Membership of a cooperation is only based on commercial advantages. Is a sales cooperative a model with a future?

“As long as there is a common ground, growers will stay true to their cooperative. The power of a cooperative is always much stronger than the individual strength of the growers. Look where the Dutch flower industry is today. The individual growers could never have reached this strong market position without their cooperative. But internationally, we should utilise our USP’s (unique selling points) much more to strengthen our position and to become the international digital trade platform.”

Well, I would like to end the interview with a critical question. Born and living in Amsterdam, I read you said ‘when I was living in Amsterdam I was a fan of Feyenoord’. Does that mean, you don’t like football? And do you have the intention to become a fan of FC Utrecht in your new function?” “No.”  |||

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A blooming opportunity Seasonal harvesting of tulips begins in October 02, Kashmir Valley Mumbai: An innovative bent of

Floral business booms: Exotic flowers preferred over roses

mind laced with an entrepreneurial

September 25,

September 25,

instinct can turn a hobby into a

Srinagar: Kashmir Valley farmers

New Delhi: A rose is a rose, says

profession. Gauri Rane tracks the

have kickstarted the harvesting of

Vikaas Gutgutia of Ferns

budding career in floristry. For

Tulips with an aim to ensure that

N Petals (FNP), but it has been

a layperson, the beautiful floral

visitors arrive in a large numbers

elbowed out by exotic flower

art may mean an expression of a

to view them and provide a boost

varieties like chrysanthemums,

creative mind.

to tourism. Manzoor Ahmad,

cymbidiums and anthuriums

But halt. Behold it through

a gardener, also expressed the

because people are into an

an expert's eye and the

importance of timely harvesting

experimenting mode and want

different forms will come alive,

of the tulip bulbs. "If we will

to try different blooms for

communicating a silent power of

not harvest the tulip today it will

decoration as the floral

flower that floods your moods,

affect the production of tulip in

business booms in India.

moments and memories. The floral

November. We have to maintain

"For a contemporary feel, people

art industry in India is at a take off

the temperature in greenwood

choose imported and Indian cut

stage. It has grown by 20 per cent

chambers from 7-8 so that it

flowers like chrysanthemums,

in the last five years, according to

doesn't affect the production of

orchids, cymbidiums, carnations,

Kamini Johari, a floral art tutor.

tulip," said Gardner, Manzoor

lilies and anthuriums.

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Source: zeenews.india.com

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Source: Daily News

Source: ANI News

Tips for care & maintenance of ornamentals 26 September,

Ludhiana : The experts of the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping (DFL) of the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) have advised the farmers and the residents to transplant the seedlings of winter season annuals during the month of October, especially, when the seedlings are at 4-6 leaf stage or one month old in beds or pots. They suggested, “The pot flowering plants like Calendula, Gazania, Pansy, Allyssum, Petunia, etc. can be planted in the pots with an aim to allow sufficient time for their development. If the seed sowing is not undertaken, the seeds can also be sown for raising seedlings.” Read more Source: jagopunjabjagoindia.com

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