Food and nutritonal security by sustainable agriculture

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Food and Nutritional Security By Sustainable Agriculture

Food and Nutritional Security By Sustainable Agriculture Methods to Attain and Sustain

Editors Brijesh Kumar Mishra Senior Scientist (Microbiology) National Research Centre on Seed Spices, Tabiji Ajmer, Rajasthan, India – 305 206

Sunil Kumar Senior Scientist (Biochemistry-Plant Science) Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology Abohar, Punjab, India – 152 116

Jagesh Kumar Tiwari Scientist (Horticulture-Vegetable Science) Central Potato Research Institute Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India – 171 001


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Preface It is expected that about 85 per cent of the expected global population of 9.1 billion will be living in developing countries by the year 2050. However, the capacity of available natural resources and crop production technologies to satisfy the demands of this growing population for food and other agricultural commodities remains uncertain. Recently, concerns have been voiced that agriculture might, in the future, no longer be able to produce the food needed to sustain an ever-increasing world population at levels required to live a healthy and active life. The continuing decline of per capita arable land may be an indicator of impending problems. The underlying cause for such problems is perceived to be an ever increasing demand for agricultural products facing finite natural resources such as land, water and genetic potential. Scarcity of these resources would be compounded by competing demands for them originating in urbanization, industrial uses and use in bio-fuel production, by forces that would change their availability such as climate change and the need to preserve resources for future generations through environmentally responsible and sustainable use. Indian agriculture, in particular, has to meet formidable challenge, mainly by stagnant production on land already in use and by avoiding further encroachment on land that is only marginally suitable for cultivation combined with global warming posed climate alterations. Major adjustments are needed in agricultural, environmental and macroeconomic policy, at both national and international levels, in developed as well as developing countries, to create the conditions for sustainable agriculture. Also, a quantifiable amount of agricultural produce (grains, fruits and vegetables) is being wasted as post harvest losses, thus, again worsening the situation. However, conserving and rehabilitating the natural resources on marginal lands in order to maintain sustainable man/land ratios are necessary. The main tools are policy and agrarian reforms, participation, income diversification, land conservation and improved management of inputs such as new climate resilient varieties, integrated nutrients and disease management system coupled with intensive agriculture by diversifying the production systems for maximum efficiency in the utilization of local resources, while minimizing environmental and economic risks. There is a need to integrate sustainable development considerations with agricultural policy analysis and planning in all countries, particularly in developing countries like India, for improving farm production and farming systems through diversification of farm and non-farm



employment and infrastructure development; water for sustainable food production and sustainable rural development; conservation and sustainable utilization of plant genetic resources; integrated pest management and control in agriculture and sustainable plant nutrition to increase food production. The absence of a coherent national policy framework for sustainable agriculture and rural development is widespread and is not limited to the some over exploited parts of the country. In particular the transitions from planned to market-oriented systems need such a framework to incorporate environmental considerations into economic activities, including agriculture. The major thrust of food security is to bring about a significant increase in agricultural production in a sustainable way and to achieve a substantial improvement in people’s entitlement to adequate food and culturally appropriate food supplies. Agriculture needs to be intensified to meet future demands for commodities and to avoid further expansion onto marginal lands and encroachment on fragile ecosystems. Increased use of external inputs and development of specialized production and farming systems tend to increase vulnerability to environmental stresses and market fluctuations. Plant genetic resources for agriculture are an essential resource to meet future needs for food. Special emphasis should be placed on the minor crops and other underutilized or non-utilized species of food and agriculture. There is genetic erosion of invaluable crop species. Attempts have been made to cover various aspects of modern agriculture viz. genetic improvement of crop plants, modern methods in plant breeding, seed science, ground water resources management, integrated farming systems, horticultural crops, biological control for sustainable agriculture, underutilized fruit plants health enhancing foods, role of enzymes in food processing, bioinformatics and molecular diagnostics etc., but still many facets lingering due to vast nature of agriculture itself . The major aim of this book is to provide glimpse of important arena to enhance food and nutritional security in a sustainable way. The food and nutritional security to each and every human being can be assured by involving research & development initiatives, utilization of economic incentives and the development of appropriate and new technologies, thus, ensuring stable supplies of nutritionally adequate foods and thereby production for markets; employment and income generation to alleviate poverty; and natural resource management and environmental protection. The priority must be on maintaining and improving the capacity of our agricultural production system factors to support an expanding population with reducing natural resources. Editors

Contents Preface .............................................................................................................. v 1.

Genetic Improvement of Crop Plants: Conventional and Modern Techniques...................................................................................... 1 P. Kumar


Modern Methods in Plant Breeding: Options and Challenges ..................... 61 Avinash K. Srivastava, Jagesh K. Tiwari, Bir Pal Singh and Vinod Kumar


Advances in Seed Science and Technology ................................................... 87 R.K.Singh, Vinod Kumar and E.P. Venkatasalam


Ground Water Resources Management ................................................... 103 K.K. Yadav and P.K. Singh


Composting Process: Physiology and Microbiology ................................... 119 Brijesh Kumar Mishra, Sunil Kumar and Ashutosh Sharma


Integrated Farming Systems for Sustainable Agriculture in Southern Rajasthan .................................................................................. 133 Hari Singh, S.K. Sharma, S.S. Burark, L.N. Dashora and G.L. Meena


New Interventions in Productions and Protection of Horticultural Crops .. 159 D.K.Sarolia, Raju Lal Bhardwaj, M.K.Sharma and Vineet Kaswan


Ageratum conyzoides: Biological Control for Sustainable Agriculture ........ 195 Rajesh Kumar Chawla and Rajvir Singh


Molecular Diagnostics Technique for Plant Pathogens ............................... 211 Rahul R. Bakade, Sundaresha S. and R. K. Singh


Ber Postharvest: Science and Technology ................................................. 229 Sunil Pareek


Molecular Markers in Crop Improvement: An Introduction ...................... 257 Jagesh K. Tiwari, Avinash K. Srivastava, Poonam, Vinay Bhardwaj and Bir Pal Singh


Health Enhancing Foods for Health and Nutrition Security ........................ 283 Urvashi Nandal




Quantitative Trait loci Underlying Nutrient Stress in Crops: An Update ..... 301 Jagesh K. Tiwari, Sundaresha S, Avinash K. Srivastava, and Bir Pal Singh


Bioinformatics in Plant Genome Analysis: An Introduction ........................ 321 Jagesh K. Tiwari, Sundaresha S., Shashi Rawat and Bir Pal Singh


Patentability of Microorganism: Indian Scenario ....................................... 337 Krishan Gopal, Sundaresha S, Jagesh K. Tiwari, Ajit Singh Naosekpam, Vinay Bhardwaj, Sanjeev Sharma and Bir Pal Singh


Recent Advancement of Potato Production Technology in India ................ 357 Jagesh K. Tiwari, Manoj Kumar, Bir Pal Singh and Vinod Kumar


Role of Underutilized Fruit Plants in Sustainable Development of Agriculture ........................................................................................... 389 Raju Lal Bhardwaj and Urvashi Nandal


A Glimpse of Plant Databases for Crop Improvement ............................... 413 Ritu Singh, Shashi Rawat, Sundresha S.,Jagesh K. Tiwari and Bir Pal Singh


Role of Enzymes in Food Processing .......................................................... 453 Sunil Kumar, Ravi Kant Verma, B.K. Mishra and D.S. Chopra

Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .

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