Maize Hybrid And Composite Varieties Released In India, DMR

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(3rd Edition)

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India (1961-2010)

Directorate of Maize Research (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012 (India)

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India (1961-2010) (3rd Edition)

Directorate of Maize Research (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India Website: Phone: 011-25841805, 25842372 Fax: 011-25848195

Correct citation: J. Kaul, Sain Dass, Manivannan, A., Avinash Singode, J.C. Sekhar, Chikkappa, G.K. and Om Parkash. 2010. Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India (1961-2010) (3rd Edition). Directorate of Maize Research , Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110 012 (India). Technical Bulletin No. 2010/3, pp. 80.

Copy right: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in 2010

Published by: Director Directorate of Maize Research , Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110 012 (India)

Printed by: Alpha Printographics (India) Mobile : 9811199620, 9999039940

CONTENTS S.No. Content

Page No.





Public-bred hybrids of maize



Composite varieties of maize



Proprietary hybrids of maize



Notification details of hybrids and composites of maize


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

INTRODUCTION Maize has shown tremendous growth over the years especially since 2006-07.The high growth rate has been attributed to the adoption of single cross hybrids, quality seed production and improved package of practices which has led to vertical as well as horizontal expansion. Currently In India, maize is grown on an area of 8.17 m ha with production and productivity being 19.73 mt and 2.4 t/ha, respectively (Fig. 1). In order to maintain the high tempo of growth, focused single cross hybrid breeding projects have been formulated and are underway in the entire country including Directorate of Maize Research. A coordinated emphasis has been laid on various aspects of maize breeding activities in the country viz., development of genetically diverse, productive, inbred lines with good per se performance and resistance / tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, testing of large number of 2-parent crosses at different locations under multi-location program, easy, economical and efficient commercial seed production technology, and demonstrations especially on farmers’ fields. Coupled with the free exchange of germplasm including inbreds between the centres and re-orientation programs of the breeders,the paradigm shift in breeding strategy has paid rich dividends in terms of the release of as many as 38 hybrids over just three years’ time.

Fig. 1. : Trends in Area, Production and Productivity in Maize


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Network of Maize Research in India The All India Coordinated Research Project on Maize was the pioneer project launched by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Pusa Campus, New Delhi in 1957. The project was upgraded into Directorate of Maize Research (DMR) in January 1994 with mandate to organize, conduct, coordinate and generate technology for continuous enhancement in productivity and production in maize for meeting the ever increasing demand of human food, animal feed and industrial utilization for starch, oils and other value-added products. DMR has a Regional Maize Research Centre at Begusari, Bihar and winter nursery centre at Hyderabad. There are 22 centres of AICRP located in five zones (Fig. 2) based on agro ecological systems of crop cultivation.

Fig. 2. : Network of Maize Research in India


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India DMR with active supprt of AICRP (Maize) centres has developed and released as many as 234 cultivars since inception of the Project. Of these, 132 hybrids have been developed and released since 1961; nearly four dozen are public-bred single cross hybrids of different maturity and suitable for cultivation in different agro-climatic conditions of the country; single cross hybrids of QPM and baby corn have been developed and released; and sweet corn single cross hybrids may be released in very near future. Fifty six proprietary hybrids, too, have been released so far through this Project. The detail information on pedigree, centre, characteristics and notification of hybrids and composites released in India since 1961 is given in this bulletin.


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Public-bred Hybrids of Maize


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Public-bred Hybrids of maize HM 11 (2009) Pedigree


HKI-1128 X HKI-163



CCS HAU, Karnal

Area of adaptation


Across the country except Himalayan belt (rabi)




Grain colour & type


Orange, flint

Avg. yield


55 q/ha

HM 11

Responsive to higher doses of fertilizers EH 434042 (2009) Pedigree


(CI-4xCI-5) X KDMI-16



UAS, Dharwad

Area of adaptation






Grain colour & type



Avg. yield


55 q/ha

Nutrient responsive

EH 434042

DHM-111 (2009) Pedigree


BML 6 x BML 15



ANGRAU, Hyderabad

Area of adaptation


Andhra Pradesh




Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-dent

Avg. yield


65 q/ha

Nutrient responsive, tolerance to lodging & stay green



Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India DHM-113 (2009) Pedigree


BML 2 x BML 7

Centre : ANGRAU, Hyderabad Area of adaptation : Andhra Pradesh Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Orange, semi-dent Avg. yield : 66 q/ha Nutrient responsive & tolerance to lodging


DHM-117 (2009) Pedigree : BML 6 x BML 7 Centre : ANGRAU, Hyderabad Area of adaptation : Andhra Pradesh Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Orange-yellow, flint Avg. yield : 75 q/ha Nutrient responsive, tolerance to lodging & stay green DHM-117 HM 10 (2008) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: : :

Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : :

Resistance to MLB


HKI 193-2 X HKI 1128 CCS HAU, Karnal Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Western UP, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharasthra and Karnataka Medium Yellow, semi-flint 72 q/ha

HM 10

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

PMH 3 (2008) Pedigree


LM 17 X LM 14



PAU, Ludhiana

Area of adaptation


Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Western UP




Grain colour & type


Orange, flint

Avg. yield


75 q/ha



SKV-50 X NA1-105




Area of adaptation


Karnataka (Kharif & Rabi)




Grain colour & type


Orange, semi-dent

Avg. yield


80 q/ha


Nithya Shree (2008)

Nithya Shree

Resistant to lodging Vivek Hybrid 33 (2008) Pedigree


V 372 X CM 212



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


J & K and Uttarakhand




Grain colour & type


Yellow, dent

Avg. yield


60 q/ha

Vivek Hybrid 33


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Vivek 23 (2007) Pedigree


V 351 X V 341



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


Hills of Uttarakhand




Grain colour & type


Yellow, flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha

Moderate tolerance to TLB

Vivek 23

PAU 352 (2007) Pedigree


LM 15 X CML 32



PAU, Ludhiana

Area of adaptation


Punjab, Haryana & Delhi




Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-flint

Avg. yield


60 q/ha

PAU 352

Resistance to MLB, BSDM and ESR HM 8 (2007) Pedigree


HKI 1105 X HKI 161



CCS HAU, Karnal

Area of adaptation


Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Karnataka




Grain colour & type


Orange, flint

Avg. yield


68 q/ha


HM 8

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India HM 9 (2007) Pedigree


HKI 1105 X HKI 1128



CCS HAU, Karnal

Area of adaptation


Bihar, Jharkhand & Orissa




Grain colour & type


Orange, flint

Avg. yield


60 q/ha

HM 9

Malviya Hybrid Makka 2 (2007) Pedigree


HUZM 185 X HKI 1105



BHU, Varanasi

Area of adaptation


East UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, West Bengal & Orissa




Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-flint

Avg. yield


54 q/ha



UMI 285 X UMI 61



TNAU, Coimbatore

Area of adaptation


Tamil Nadu under irrigated &

Malviya Hybrid Makka 2

Resistance to MLB

COH(M) 5 (2007)

rainfed ecology Maturity



Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha

COH(M) 5

Resistance to DM & moderately resistance to SB 11

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India PMH-l (2007) Pedigree


LM 13 X LM 14



PAU, Ludhiana

Area of adaptation


Irrigated areas of Punjab




Grain colour & type


Yellow-orange, flint

Avg. yield


52 q/ha

Resistance to MLB & stalk rots


Vivek 21 (2007) Pedigree


CM 212 X V 341



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


Uttarakhand, HP, J & K and NEH regions, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Western UP, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Karnataka




Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha



V 341 X V 346



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


Uttarakhand, HP, J & K

Vivek 21

Tolerance to TLB Vivek 25 (2007)

and NEH Maturity



Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-dent

Avg. yield


55 q/ha

Tolerance to TLB


Vivek 25

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Vivek 27 (2007) Pedigree


V 335 X V 345



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


Eastern UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh, WB, Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu




Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-dent

Avg. yield


55 q/ha



LM 15 X LM 16



PAU, Ludhiana

Area of adaptation


Delhi, Haryana and Central

Vivek 27

PMH-2 (2006)

& Western UP Maturity



Grain colour & type


Yellow-orange, flint

Avg. yield


60 q/ha


Resistance to MLB, BSDM & PFSR Buland (2005) Pedigree


LM 11 X LM 12



PAU, Ludhiana

Area of adaptation


Punjab, UP, Haryana & Delhi




Grain colour & type


Yellow, flint

Avg. yield


85 q/ha

Resistance to TLB & common rust



Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India COH(M) 4 (2005) Pedigree


(UMI 90 x UMI 285) X UMI 112



TNAU, Coimbatore

Area of adaptation


Tamil Nadu




Grain colour & type


Yellow, flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha

Moderately resistance to downy mildew & stem borer

COH(M) 4

HM 5 (2005) Pedigree


HKI 1344 X HKI 1348-6-2



CCS HAU, Karnal

Area of adaptation






Grain colour & type


White, dent

Avg. yield


72 q/ha

HM 5

Medium tall & tolerance to frost HM 4 (2005) Pedigree


HKI 1105 X HKI 323



CCS HAU, Karnal

Area of adaptation


Across the country




Grain colour & type


Orange, flint

Avg. yield


68 q/ha HM 4


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Vivek Hybrid 15 (2005) Pedigree


CM 152 X CM 212



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


J & K, UP, HP, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Karnataka




Grain colour & type


Yellow, flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha

Vivek Hybrid 15

Moderate degree of tolerance to TLB Vivek Hybrid 17 (2005) Pedigree


CM 153 X CM 212



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


Across the country, except hilly states




Avg. yield


50 q/ha

Moderate degree of tolerance to TLB & MLB

Vivek Hybrid 17

Pusa Extra Early Hybrid 5 (2004) Pedigree


CM 150 X CM 151




Area of adaptation




J & K, Uttarakhand, NEH, HP, Assam, Haryana, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Karnataka Extra-early

Grain colour & type


Yellow-orange, flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha

Pusa Extra Early Hybrid 5

Tolerance to TLB, MLB & ESR


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Pratap Hybrid 1 (2004) Pedigree


EI-116 X EI-364



MPUA & T, Udaipur

Area of adaptation


Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP




Grain colour & type


White, semi-flint

Avg. yield


38 q/ha

Pratap Hybrid 1

Moderately resistance to SB Sheetal (2004) Pedigree


LM 9 X LM 10



PAU, Ludhiana

Area of adaptation


Punjab (Rabi)




Grain colour & type


Yellow-orange, flint

Avg. yield





CI-4 X KDMI 10



UAS, Dharwad

Area of adaptation






Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha


DMH 2 (2002)

Resistance to SDM



Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Vivek Hybrid 9 (2001) Pedigree


CM 214 X CM 145



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation


AP, Karnataka, Maharashtra & Tamil Nadu




Grain colour & type


Yellow, flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha

Vivek Hybrid 9

Tolerance to TLB & MLB Vivek Hybrid 5 (2001) Pedigree


CM 212 X V 25



VPKAS, Almora

Area of adaptation






Grain colour & type


Yellow, semi-flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha

Tolerance to leaf blight & SB

Vivek Hybrid 5

Pusa Early Hybrid 3 (2001) Pedigree


CM 213 X CM 142




Area of adaptation


Punjab, Haryana & Delhi




Grain colour & type


Yellow, flint

Avg. yield


55 q/ha

Pusa Early Hybrid 3

Tolerance to high temperature


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India JH 3459 (2001) Pedigree


CM 143 X CM 144



PAU, Ludhiana

Area of adaptation


Punjab, Haryana, Delhi & Western UP




Grain colour & type


Orange, flint

Avg. yield


50 q/ha



HKI-536 X HKI- 295



CCS HAU, Karnal

Area of adaptation






Grain colour & type


Orange, flint

Avg. yield


60 q/ha

JH 3459

HHM 1 (2000)


Resistance to MLB, common rust in winter & tolerance to major insect-pests, frost & cold HHM 2 (2000) Pedigree


HKIW-1352 X HKIW-1344



CCS HAU, Karnal

Area of adaptation


Haryana state under irrigated conditions




Grain colour & type


White, dent

Avg. yield


60 q/ha

Resistance to MLB in kharif & common rust in rabi



Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Vivek Hybrid 4 (1999) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Tolerance to TLB & MLB HIM 129 (1997) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: : :

Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Tolerance to MLB, TLB & ESR PEHM 1 (1997) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

CM 212 X CM 141 VPKAS, Almora Gujarat, Rajasthan & MP Extra-early Yellow-orange, semi-flint 50 q/ha

(CM 128 x CM 129) X CM 502 VPKAS, Almora Eastern UP, Bihar, Assam, Orissa, Rajasthan, MP & Gujarat Early Yellow, semi-flint 40 q/ha

CM 135 X CM 136 Delhi Peninsular India, AP, Maharashtra under irrigated & rainfed ecology Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange, flint Avg. yield : 45 q/ha Moderate resistance to MLB, Rhizoctonia solani, resistance to SB & lodging & tolerance to waterlogging

Vivek Hybrid 4

HIM 129

: : :



Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

PEHM 2 (1997) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: : :

CM 137 X CM 138 Delhi Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP

Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Orange, flint Avg. yield : 50 q/ha Tolerance to moisture stress


Parkash (1997) Pedigree CM 139 X CM 140 Centre : PAU, Ludhiana Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, flint Avg. yield : 60 q/ha Resistance to lodging, shattering, MLB & BSDM Parkash COH 3* (1997) Pedigree

(UMI 101 x UMI 130) X (UMI 90 x UMI 285) Centre : TNAU, Coimbatore Area of adaptation : Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka in irrigated & rainfed ecology Maturity : Late Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Resistance to downy mildew & moderate tolerance to stem borer




Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India DMH 1 (1997) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Avg. yield : Tolerance to SDM & MLB

(KDMIG x KDMI 10) X CM 501 UAS, Dharwad Karnataka Late 40 q/ha DMH 1

Rajendra Hybrid 2 (1996) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield :

EVM 13 X Jogia Local RAU, Dholi Bihar in rabi Late White, semi-dent 40 q/ha Rajendra Hybrid 2

Paras (1995) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Maturity Avg. yield

: : : : : : :

LM 5 X LM 6 Punjab Irrigated area of Punjab Late Yellow, flint Late 50 q/ha

Rajendra Hybrid 1 (1994) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type :

(CM 400 x CM 300) X P 7421 RAU, Dholi Bihar in rabi Late White, semi-dent

Avg. yield

40 q/ha



Rajendra Hybrid 1


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India DHM 109** (1994) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: : :

(CM 119 x CM 211) X CM 133 ANGRAU, Hyderabad J & K, Uttarakhand, NEH, HP, Assam, Peninsular India, AP, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange, semi-dent Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Tolerance to TLB, MLB, SDM & ESR DHM 107** (1993) Pedigree : (CM 119 x CM 211) X CM 132 Centre : ANGRAU, Hyderabad Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi- flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Tolerance to TLB, MLB, SDM & ESR COH 2* (1993) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : : :

DHM 109

DHM 107

UMI 810 X UMI 90 TNAU, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu Late 40 q/ha COH 2


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Trishulata (1991) Pedigree


(CM 131 x CM 211) X CM 120

Centre : ANGRAU, Hyderabad Area of adaptation : Across the country (rabi) Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Yellow - orange, semi-flint Avg. yield : 55 q/ha Tolerance to MLB, TLB and wilts


Deccan 105** (1990) Pedigree :

(CM 119 x CM 120) X (CM 211 x CM I 07) Centre : ANGRAU, Hyderabad Area of adaptation : Across the country except Himalayan belt (rabi) Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange, semi-flint Avg. yield : 25-30 q/ha Tolerance to MLB, TLB and wilts

Ganga 11** (1988) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Tolerance to DM & TLB

Deccan 105

(CM 202 x CM 111) X CM 501 ANGRAU, Hyderabad Across the country Late Yellow, semi-flint 50 q/ha


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Sartaj** (1988) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type

: : : :

Avg. yield Resistance to BLSB


VL Makka 42** (1988) Pedigree : Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Resistance to SB

: : : : :

Deccan 103** (1982) Pedigree : Centre


Area of adaptation


Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield :


(J 617 x H 3191) X (HI04-21 X HI04-15) PAU, Ludhiana Across the country Late Yellow-orange, flint 50 q /ha

(V 55B x V 57) X (V 20B x V 50) VPKAS, Almora Across the country Extra-early Orange, flint 25 q/ha

(CM 120 x CM 118) X (CM 119 x CM 120) ANGRAU, Hyderabad Across the country (Kharif & Rabi) Late Yellow, semi-flint 55 q/ha

Sangam** (1982) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : :

Ganga 9** (1979) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaptation

: :

Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : HIM 128** (1979) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : :

Deccan 101 ** (1974) Pedigree : Centre


Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : :

Makki Safed I X Tuxpeno PB PAU, Ludhiana Punjab Late White -

(CM 202 x CM 117) X (CM 116 x CM 207) Delhi UP, Himalayan belt, Bihar & MP Late Yellow, semi-flint 45 q/ha

(CM 301 x CM 401) X(CM 302 x CM 303) VPKAS, Almora Himalayan belt Late Yellow, semi-flint 40 q/ha

(CM 202 x CM 206) X (CMI 15 x CMI 14) ANGRAU, Hyderabad Across the country Late Yellow, semi-flint 40 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Ganga Hybrid Makka 4** (1971) Pedigree : (CM 400 x CM 300) X CM 602 Centre : Delhi Area of adaptation : Indo-gangetic plains Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : White,semi-flint Avg. yield : 50 q /ha Resistance to stem borer Ganga Hybrid Makka 5** (1968) Pedigree : (CM 202 x CM 111) X CM 500 Centre : Delhi Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : 45 q/ha Ganga Hybrid Makka 3** (1964) Pedigree : (CM 109 x CM 110) X (CM 202 x CM 111) Centre : Delhi Area of adaptation : Indo-gangetic plains Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : 35 q/ha HIM 123** (1964) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : :

(CM 202 x CM 205) X (CM 113 x CM 112) VPKAS, Almora Himalayan belt Late Yellow, semi-flint 45 q/ha

Ganga Safed Makka 2 (1963) Pedigree (CM 400 x CM 300) X CM 600 Centre : Delhi Area of adaptation : UP, Bihar, WB & Rajasthan Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : White, semi-flint Avg. yield : 50 q/ha

VL 54** (1961) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg yield

: : : : :

Ganga 1 ** (1961) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaptation

: :

Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield :

(CM I07 x CM I08) X (CM 203 x CM 204) VPKAS, Almora Himalayan belt Late Yellow, semi-flint 35 q/ha

(CM 101 x CM 102) X (CM 100 x CM 200) Delhi Indo-gangetic plains, foothills of HP, Parts of Gujarat, Maharashtra & Mysore Early Yellow, flint -


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Ranjit** (1961) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Lodging resistance

: : : : : :

(CM 103 x CM 104)X (CM 202 x CM 106) Delhi UP, Bihar, WB, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, TN & AP Late Yellow, semi-flint 30 q/ha

Deccan** (1961) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Lodging resistance

: : : : : :

(CM 104 x CM 105) X (CM 202 x CM 201) ANGRAU, Hyderabad AP, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra Late Yellow, semi-flint 50 q/ha

Ganga 101 ** (1961) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Lodging resistance

: : : : : :

(CM103 x CM I04) X (CM 201 x CM 105) Delhi Indo-gangetic plains Late Yellow, semi-flint 30 q/ha


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Hybrids of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) HQPM -7 (2008) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Resistance to MLB

: : : : : :

Vivek QPM 9 (2008) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation :

Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Performed better at low N

HKI-193-1 X HKI-161 CCS HAU, Karnal Karnataka, AP, TN & Maharashtra Late Yellow, semi-flint 72 q/ha

VQL 1 X VQL 2 VPKAS, Almora J & K, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra Extra-early Yellow, dent 55 q/ha

HQPM 5 (2007) Pedigree : HKI 163 x HKI 161 Centre : CCS HAU, Karnal Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Orange, flint Avg. yield : 58 q/ha Responsive to higher doses of fertilizers & resistance to MLB & SB


Vivek QPM 9



Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India HQPM 1(2006) Pedigree : HKI 193-1 X HKI 163 Centre : CCS HAU, Karnal Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Yellow, dent Avg. yield : 62 q/ha Tolerance to frost/cold & resistance to MLB and common rust Shaktiman 3 (2006) Pedigree : CML 161 X CML 163 Centre : RAU, Dholi Area of adaptation : Bihar Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange, semi-flint Avg. yield : 60 q/ha QPM hybrid with 0.73% tryptophan in protein & fair tolerance to MLB & BLSB Shaktiman 4 (2006) Pedigree : CML 161 X CML 169 Centre : RAU, Dholi Area of adaptation : Bihar Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange, semi-flint Avg. yield : 60 q/ha QPM hybrid with 0.93% tryptophan in protein & resistance to MLB



Shaktiman 3

Shaktiman 4

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Shaktiman 2 (2004) Pedigree : CML 176 X CML 186 Centre : RAU, Dholi Area of adaptation : Bihar Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : White, semi-flint Avg. yield : 60 q/ha QPM hybrid with 1.04% tryptophan in protein & resistance to MLB

Shaktiman 2

Shaktiman 1 (2001) Pedigree : (CML 142 x CML 150) X CML 186 Centre : RAU, Dholi Area of adaptation : Bihar Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : White, flint Avg. yield : 50 q/ha QPM hybrid with 1.01% tryptophan in protein & fair tolerance to MLB, TLB, BLSB & stem borer Shaktiman 1 Hybrids of Baby Corn HM 4 (2005) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Baby corn

: : : : :

Avg. yield


HKI 1105 X HKI 323 CCS HAU, Karnal Across the country Medium Regular ovule arrangement, sweet, yellow to cream colour 7 q/ha

HM 4


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Hybrids of Starch Histarch Hybrid Makka (1963) Pedigree : (CM 400 x CM 300) X CM 601 Centre : IARI, New Delhi Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : White, semi-dent Avg. yield : 55 q/ha Resistance to rust & SB


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Composite Varieties of Maize


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Composites Released for Cultivation in India Vivek Sankul Makka 35 (2009) Pedigree : Heterotic Pool-1 Centre : VPKAS, Almora Area of adaptation : J & K, HP, UA & NE hills Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, flint Avg. yield : 50 q/ha Responsive to higher doses of fertilizers Vivek Sankul Makka 37 (2009) Pedigree : VL Makka16, Pop 31, C 4 HS bulk (Alm), VL87, VL89, D831 & D941 Centre : VPKAS, Almora Area of adaptation : Karnataka, AP, TN and Maharashtra Maturity : Extra- early Grain colour & type : Yellow, flint Avg. yield : 50 q/ha Responsive to higher doses of fertilizers Bajaura Makka (2008) Pedigree :

Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : :

Vivek Sankul Makka 35

Vivek Sankul Makka 37

Early composite, yellow pool Kullu locals bulked together & advanced through controlled bulk pollination CSK HPKV, Bajaura Uttarakhand and HP Medium Orange, flint 47 q/ha Bajaura Makka


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Pant Sankul Makka 3 (2008) Pedigree : National early yellow pool (NEYP) developed from 29 early maturing population crossed with each other Centre : GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Area of adaptation : Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, flint Avg. yield : 55 q/ha Chandramani (2008) Pedigree :

Centre Area of adaptation

Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield


: :

: : :

Chain crossing in Azad Uttam, Kiran, Kanchan & Navjot improved through simple recurrent selection CSAUA & T, Kanpur Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh Early Yellow-orange, flint 50 q/ha

Pant Sankul Makka 3


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Sharadmani (2008) Pedigree


Centre Area of adaption Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : :

Chain crossing in Azad Uttam, Farrukhabad Local, Agethi-76, Kanpur Local, Kanchan, Jaunpur Local CSAUA & T, Kanpur AP, TN (Rabi) Early Yellow, flint -


Pratap Kanchan 2 (2008) Pedigree :

Bulk of 11 HS progenies selected from C-3 cycle of NP-1 Centre : MPUA & T, Udaipur Area of adaptation : J & K, Uttarakhand Maturity : Extra-early Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : 56 q/ha Moderate resistance to ESR, PFSR, MLB, TLB and BLSB

Pratap Kanchan 2

Pratap Makka 4 (2006) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation :

Bulk of material pool-2 MPUA & T, Udaipur J & K, Uttarakhand, NE Hills, HP & Assam Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : White, semi-flint Avg. yield : 45 q/ha Moderately resistance to stem borer

Pratap Makka 4


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Pratap Makka 5 (2006) Pedigree :

Bulk of II HS progenies selected from C3 cycle of material pool-2 Centre : MPUA & T, Udaipur Area of adaptation : Rajasthan, Gujarat, AP, MP & Chattisragh Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : White, flint Avg. yield : 45 q/ha Moderately resistance to ESR, PFSR, MLB, TLB, BLSB & BSDM & moderate tolerance to SB

Pratap Makka 5

Pusa Composite 3 (2005) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation :

Yellow Pool-1 IARI, New Delhi Punjab, Haryana, Central & Western UP under irrigated & rainfed ecology Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange, flint Avg. yield : --Tolerance to stalk borer & moisture & resistance to lodging

Pusa Composite 3

Pusa Composite 4 (2005) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation :

Yellow Pool-2 IARI, New Delhi Punjab, Haryana, Central & Western UP Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Tolerance to stalk borer, lodging resistance & tolerance to water stress


Pusa Composite 4

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Azad Kamal (2005) Pedigree


(Azad Uttam x Navjot) X Surya Centre : CSAUA & T, Kanpur Area of adaptation : Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange Avg. yield : 35 q/ha Tolerance to major diseases & insect-pests Pratap Makka 3 (2005) Pedigree : Bulk of CEW- 8 pool Centre : MPUA & T, Udaipur Area of adaptation : Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : White, semi-flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Moderately resistant to ESR, PFSR, MLB, TLB, BLSB, BSDM & SB Birsa Vikas Makka 2 (2005) Pedigree : Crosses of six OPVsSuwan, BMI, Chandan Makka 3, GM 6, Shweta, Rudrapur Local Centre : BAU, Ranchi Area of adaptation : Bihar & Jharkhand Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : 35 q/ha

Azad Kamal

Pratap Makka 3

Birsa Vikas Makka 2


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Shalimar KG 1 (2005) Pedigree : Pool 39 x Gurez Local Centre : SKUAS & T, Srinagar Area of adaptation : J&K Maturity : Extra-early Avg. yield : 35 q/ha Tolerance to leaf blight, DM, resistance to stem rot & moderate tolerance to SB

Shalimar KG 1

Shalimar KG 2 (2005) Pedigree : Pool-42 x Gurez Local Centre : SKUAS & T, Srinagar Area of adaptation : J&K Maturity : Extra-early Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Tolerance to leaf blight, DM, resistance to stem rot & moderate tolerance to SB Shalimar KG 2 D 994 (2004) Pedigree


Population 31 & one line from Suwan-l Centre : GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Area of adaptation : Bihar, Jharkhand & Orissa Maturity : Extra-early Avg. yield : 35 q/ha Lodging and waterlogging tolerance Jawahar Makka 216 (2004) Pedigree : Local germplasm from Ambikapur Centre : JNKVV, Chhindwara Area of adaptation : MP Maturity : Medium Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Resistance to MLB & TLB


D 994

Jawahar Makka 216

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Gujarat Makai 6 (2003) Pedigree :

Centre Area of adaptation

: :

Maturity : Avg. yield : Tolerance to MLB & BSDM NAC- 6002 (2002) Pedigree

Selection made from the crosses performed between white & yellow maize varieties AAU, Godhara Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa & WB Extra-early 40 q/ha

NAI-103, 104, 109, 113, 114, & 117,118, 125, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 108, 140 Centre : UAS, Nagenahalli Area of adaptation : AP, Maharashtra, TN & Karnataka Maturity : Early Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Resistance to TLB, DM, SB, corn ear worm & flea beetles

Gujarat Makai 6


NAC- 6002

Narmada Moti (2002) Pedigree : LGC-40 X EH-2922 (HS) Centre : AAU, Godhara Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : White Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Moderate tolerance to SB & resistance to MLB & TLB Narmada Moti


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Amar (2001) Pedigree


Intercrosses of Tarun, D 765, Kanchan, Navin, Kiran, Suwanl, Pool 18, Pop 26 & 31 Centre : GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Area of adaptation : AP, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Moderately resistance to major foliar & stalk diseases, tolerance to SB & fertilizer responsive


Gujarat Makai 4 (2001) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation :

LGC-40 X WRF- 15 (HS) AAU, Godhara Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa & WB Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : White, flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Tolerance to R. herculea, MLB & BSDM Aravali Makka 1 (2001) Pedigree :

Centre Area of adaptation

: :

Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : :


Bulk of early and stress tolerant HS families from X2 W pool MPUA & T, Udaipur Rajasthan, Gujarat & parts of Maharasthra Early White, semi-flint 40 q/ha

Gujarat Makai 4

Aravali Makka 1

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India COBC 1 (1999) Pedigree


(UMI 90 x UMI 285) X UMI 112 Centre : TNAU, Coimbatore Area of adaptation : Across the country under rainfed & irrigated ecology Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, flint Avg. yield : Bold grain with moderate resistance to DM & stem borer Jawahar Composite 12 (1999) Pedigree : Early to very early national pool (CDW) material Centre : JNKVV, Chhindwara Area of adaptation : All tribals areas of MP under low to moderate rainfall condition Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : White, semi-flint Avg. yield : 45 q/ha Tolerance to TLB & MLB Gaurav (1999) Pedigree

Open pollinated ears selected from various trials Centre : GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Area of adaptation : Punjab, Haryana & Central & Western UP Maturity : Early Avg. yield : 48 q/ha Resistance to major foliar & stem diseases & tolerance to SB


Jawahar Composite 12




Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Jawahar Makka 8 (1997) Pedigree : Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Resistant to MLB C-14 (1996) Pedigree

Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Avg. yield Tolerance to lodging C 8 (1996) Pedigree

: : : : :

Early to very early national pool (CDW) material JNKVV, Chhindwara Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP Early White, flint 40 q/ha Jawahar Makka 8


: : : :

Compositing of AbasakajaZultaja, Maize No: 8 Bhodipur yellow, Mex 3CB; YU 20-SC4. 3 CB; YU 2DSC4, YU 2D-SE3, YU 2D-SC I, UL I x C6, P-RICO (CMS3) Hunius, C5, CI, C6, YU 2DSC 4 Bhodipur yellow SKUAS & T, Srinagar J&K Early 42 q/ha

A3, Jellicrose, B I, Bajpore143, Medan-269, Thana Mandi-598, Kalai 144 & Jhallas 44 (inter crossing) Centre : SKUAS & T, Srinagar Area of adaptation : J&K Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : White, semi-flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Resistance to lodging & stem borer & tolerance to MLB & TLB





Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Birsa Makai 1 (1996) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Resistance to MLB & TLB

D 741 and gene pool of early yellow BAU, Ranchi Bihar Early Yellow, flint 30 q/ha

Birsa Makai 1

Mahi Dhawal (1996) Pedigree :

Broad based gene pool of HSN (RFC)-K-87 Centre : MPUA & T, Banswara Area of adaptation : Punjab, Haryana, central & western UP Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : White, semi-flint Avg. yield : 35 q/ha Bold & moderate resistance to SB & DM Dewaki Composite Makka (1996) Pedigree : American early dent X Tuxpeno Centre : RAU, Dholi Area of adaptation : Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa & WB Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : White, semi-dent Avg. yield : 35 q/ha Resistance to TLB, Fusarium wilt & highly resistance to Puccinia sorghi

Mahi Dhawal

Dewaki Composite Makka


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Gujarat Makka 2 (1995) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Drought resistance

(4119 x 4123) X DRM- 6 AAU, Godhara Gujarat Early Yellow, flint 48 q/ha Gujarat Makka 2

Kesari* (1994) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : : :

(Ludhiana Local x J 2014) X Parbhat PAU, Ludhiana Punjab Late Yellow, flint -

Megha* (1993) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : : :

JS 2 X Arun PAU, Ludhiana Across the country Early -

Panchganga (1993) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Suitable for mixed cropping


Pool 15 MPKV, Kolhapur Maharashtra (Kharif & Rabi) Early White 45 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Mahi Kanchan (1992) Pedigree :

Broad based gene pool of CDC (yellow)-C 8-K-86 Centre : MPUA & T, Banswara Area of adaptation : Punjab, Haryana, Central & Western area of the country Maturity Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Moderate resistance to MLB & DM and tolerance to TLB

Azad Uttam (1991) Pedigree

Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Varun (1990) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: Compositing 250 open pollinated cases of various trials of KH 1977 : CSAUA & T, Kanpur : UP : Early : Yellow, semi-flint : 45 q/ha

: Compositing of 10 inbreds : ANGRAU, Hyderabad : Zone 4 : Early to medium : : 20 q/ha

Parvati (1990) Pedigree Centre

Mahi Kanchan

Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: Syn Pool 200 : CSKHPKVV, Bajaura : HP : Early : : -

Parbhat (1988) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type

: : : : :

Avg. yield

(J 54 x Suwan) X J 54 PAU, Ludhiana Punjab Yellow-orange, semi-flint : -

Navjot (1988) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: Pratap X Tarun : PAU, Ludhiana : Punjab


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Harsha (1988) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Tolerance to TLB

: Early : Yellow-orange, flint : 42 q/ha

: Intermix of various crosses : : Maharashtra, TN, AP & Karnataka : Early to medium : Yellow-orange, semi-flint : 40 q/ha

Surya (1988) Pedigree

: D 767 x D 787 X D 765 Centre : GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Area of adaptation : Uttar Pradesh Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : 30 q/ha Tolerance to stalk rot and N responsive Dhawal (1988) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity


: VC 80 X Eto Tuxpeno Br 2 : Delhi : Across the country (Rabi) : Late

Grain colour & type Avg. yield Pusa 1 ** (1988) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Pusa 2 ** (1988) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: White, semi-flint : 45 q/ha

: Pop A600, A602, A603, A604 : Delhi : Delhi and adjoining regions of UP, MP & AP : Medium : Yellow, flint : 30 q/ha

: A61 : Delhi : Delhi and adjoining regions of UP, MP & AP : Medium : Yellow, flint : 30 q/ha

VL Makka 88 (1988) Pedigree : National pool CD yellow Centre : VPKAS, Almora Area of adaptation : Himalayan belt Maturity : Extra-early Grain colour & type : Yellow, flint Avg. yield : 30 q/ha Tolerance to SB

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Arun (1987) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield MCU-508 (1987) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Renuka (1986) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Hemant (1986) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: Indigenous & exotic material : Delhi : Delhi and adjoining regions : Early : Yellow, flint : 40 q/ha

: : : : : :

: : : : : :

Indian pool 5 Delhi Across the country Early Yellow, flint -

G15 X G1Y UAS, Dharwad Karnataka Early Yellow, semi flint 40 q/ha

: Dholi 7744 (AE) X Tuxpeno : RAU, Dholi : Bihar : Late : : -

Kiran (1986) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: 21 elite Punjab Locals X J 650 : PAU, Ludhiana : Across the country : Early : : -

Suwan (1985) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : : :

NLD white (1985) Pedigree

Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield D 768** (1984) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

Exotic germplasm RAU, Dholi Bihar & Jharkhand Late -

: Diallel of 10 promising genotypes : Delhi : Sikkim, North Eastern region : Late : White, dent : -

: D 747 X Local OPVS : GBPUA & T, Pantnagar : Uttar Pradesh : : : -


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Partap-l (1983) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : : :

J 54 PAU, Ludhiana Punjab -

Chandan Safed Makka 2 (1982) Pedigree : Exotic germplasm Centre : JNKVV, Chhindwara Area of adaptation : Madhya Pradesh Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : -

Kanchan (1982) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Ageti 76 (1982) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

Daira (1984) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

Lakshmi (1983) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield


: Selection from Diara : : : Extra early : : -

: American Dent X Tuxpeno Yellow : RAU, Dholi : Bihar : Late : White, semi-dent : -

: : GBPUA & T, Pantnagar : Uttar Pradesh : : -

: Chain crossing among 26 inbreds : PAU, Ludhiana : Punjab : Early : Orange-yellow, flint : 38 q/ha

Tarun (1982) Pedigree : SYN, P 200 X Kisan Centre : CSAUA&T, Kanpur Area of adaptation : UP Maturity : Early Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : Resistance to BSDM & PSR Partap (1980) Pedigree


: Compositing of Vijay X Pioneer 102; Ganga 5 X Pioneer 104; Pioneer 104 X Vijay : PAU, Ludhiana

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield C 1 ** (1979) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield C 6 (1979) Pedigree

Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield C 2** (1979) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity

: : : :

Punjab White, semi dent 45 q/ha

: 18 yellow, flint varieties : SKUAS & T, Srinagar : J&K : Early : : -

: Bulking of F2 seeds of crosses among USA/Arg 3, 5, & Anantnag Local : SKUAS & T, Srinagar : J&K : Medium : Yellow-orange, semi-flint : -

: 13 yellow dent varieties : SKUAS & T, Srinagar : J&K : Early

Grain colour & type Avg. yield C 3** (1979) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Nishat** (1979) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Trikuta** (1978) Pedigree

Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type

: : -

: 8 inbred lines : SKUAS & T, Srinagar : J&K : Early : : -

: C3XC2 : SKUAS & T, Srinagar : J&K : Early : : -

: Bulking of F2 seeds of 10 genotypes chain crossed : SKUAS & T, Srinagar : J&K : Early : -

Sona (1967) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: (J1 x Cuba 11 J) : Delhi : Indo-gangetic areas Maturity : Late Avg. yield : Resistance to TLB & MLB


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Kisan (1967) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Lodging resistance Vijay (1967) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Vikram (1967) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield


: J1 x Coastal tropical flint : Delhi : Indo-gangetic areas : Late : Yellow, flint : 50 q/ha

: : : : : :

J1 (JML l) PAU, Ludhiana Punjab & Haryana Late Yellow, semi-flint 60 q/ha

: A6 (Bassi Local X Eto Amarillo) : Delhi : Indo-gangetic areas : Late : Yellow-orange, flint : -

Ambar** (1967) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield Jawahar** (1967) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: BI (Y) : Delhi : AP, TN, Karnataka, Maharashtra & HP : : : -

: AI x Antigua Gr. 1 : Delhi : Across the country, except hilly areas Grain colour & type : Yellow-orange, semi-flint Avg. yield : Resistance to TLB & MLB

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Composite Varieties of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) Shakti 1 (1997) Pedigree


Antigua, Ver 181 HE02, Amarillo crstallino HE02, Ant Rep Dom, HE02, temperate HE02 Centre : Delhi Area of adaptation : Across the country Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Orange, flint Avg. yield : 30 q/ha Moderate resistance to TLB, tolerance to sesamia inferens & QPM composite variety with 0.63% tryptophan in protein

Shakti 1

Protina (1997) Pedigree : (Jowatigua x Antigua car II) 02 X (Doeto x G.C.C.) 02 Centre : Delhi Area of adaptation : Foothills of Himalayas Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Yellow Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Grains with 11 % protein & 40% lysine Shakti (1971) Pedigree : JLo2, Cuba 1J 02, Antigua 2D 02 Centre : Area of adaptation : MP, Rajasthan and Tarai belt of UP Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : 45 q/ha Grains with 10.6 % protein and 3.45 % lysine Rattan (1971) Pedigree : J 102 Centre : ANGRAU, Hyderabad Area of adaptation : Punjab & Rajasthan Maturity : Late Grain colour & type : Yellow, semi-flint Avg. yield : 40 q/ha Grains with 10 %, protein and 3.45% lysine


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Composite Varieties of Baby Corn VL Baby Corn 1 (2005) Pedigree :

[{(VL 16 x Murulia) X VL 16} x VL 16] VPKAS, Almora Across the country Extra-early Yellow

Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield : Prolific yield 38-40 q/ha with baby corn yield as 12-13 q/ha VL 78 (2004) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : : :

VL Baby Corn 1

VPKAS, Almora Across the country 30-35 q/ha

Composite Varieties of Sweet Corn Win Orange Sweet Corn (2005) Pedigree : Elite family crosses of winter nursery sweet corn population Centre : WIN DMR Area of adaptation : J & K, Uttarakhand, NE & HP Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Dent Avg. yield : Shriveled & sugary and tolerance to MLB, TLB & ESR


Win Orange Sweet Corn

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Priya Sweet Corn (2002) Pedigree :

Malaysian Sweet Corn, Thai Sweet Corn, Madhuri & Madhu Makka Centre : ANGRAU, Hyderabad Area of adaptation : Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Karnataka Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Yellow, dent Avg. yield : Tolerance to diseases like TLB, charcoal rot, late wilt & other stalk rots Madhuri (1990) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation

: : :

Priya Sweet Corn

Florida Sweet Corn ANGRAU, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh (through out the year) Early Yellow, dent

Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield 30-36% sugars, suitable for table purpose after boiling


Composite Varieties of Pop Corn Jawahar Pop Corn 11 (2007) Pedigree : Amber Pop Centre : JNKVV, Chhindwara Area of adaptation : MP Maturity : Medium Grain colour & type : Orange, flint Avg. yield : 30-40 q/ha Jawahar Pop Corn 11


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Pearl Pop Corn* (1996) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield :

PAU, Ludhiana Punjab -

Amber Pop (1988) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

: : : : : :

Six elite inbred lines of US corn belt ANGRAU, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh & UP Late 10-14 q/ha

: : : : :

Compositing of 6 pop corn inbreds VPKAS, Almora UP & Himalayan belt -


30 q/ha

VL Amber (1982) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Pop corn variety Avg. yield

Composite Varieties of Fodder Partap Chari 6 (2008) Pedigree : Centre : Area of adaptation : Maturity : Grain colour & type : Avg. yield :

Compositing of 11 early to medium white seeded entries MPUA & T, Udaipur Punjab, Haryana, West UP & Rajasthan Medium White, semi-flint 40 q/ha

J 1006* (1992) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Avg. yield

MS 1 X Tuxpeno PBL PAU, Ludhiana Punjab Late White, dent -


: : : : : :

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India African Tall (1982) Pedigree Centre Area of adaptation Maturity Grain colour & type Forage yield Avg. yield

: : : : : : :

Selection from 7 varieties MPKV, Kolhapur Across the country Late White , dent 600-700 q/ha 30 q/ha

African Tall

*Denotified Varieties ** Not in the seed production chain


Banded leaf sheath blight Bacterial stripe downy mildew Erwinia stalk rot Maydis leaf blight Post flowering stalk rot Pythium stalk rot


Quality protein maize Sorghum downy mildew Turcicum leaf blight Nitrogen Stem borer

In Kharif except hilly areas Extra-early Early Medium Late

< 75 days < 85 days < 95 days > 96 days


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Proprietary Hybrids of Maize


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


PAC- 740



NK 30





NK191 X NK Syngenta 128




M104 x M101 JK Agri Genetics

JKMH- 502


Name of the Company


S.No. Hybrid






2187 (E)

2187 (E)

2187 (E)

2187 (E)

2187 (E)

Year of Notification release Number

Eastern UP, Bihar, Jharkand & Orissa (rabi) Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Western UP Karnataka, AP, TN & Maharashtra

Karnataka, AP, TN, Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat & MP

Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Western UP

Punjab, Haryana , Delhi & UP

Area of Adaptation

List of Proprietary Hybrids Released in India

Late, yellow-orange, flint, nutrient responsive & avg. yield 70 q/ha

Late, yellow, flint & avg. yield 60 q/ha

Early, orange, flint, nutrient responsive & avg. yield 67 q/ha

Late, orange, flint, resistant to MLB, CR, PR and avg. yield 67 q/ha

Late, orange, flint, moderately resistant to MLB & avg. yield 69 q/ha


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


NK 6240

SMH- 3904

900M Gold

PRO 368

NK 21 (NECH 128)







(P 645 x P Proagro 627) X(P 646 x P 647) Syngenta


Shakthi Seeds







1703 (E)

2187 (E)

2187 (E)

2187 (E)

Gujarat, Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh

Rajasthan, Gujarat & Madhya Pradesh

Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Karnataka, AP, TN & Maharashtra (rabi)

Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Karnataka, AP, TN, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh & MP

Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Karnataka, AP, TN, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh & MP

Early maturity, yellow, flint & avg. yield 45-50 q/ha Medium maturity & avg.yield 71 q/ha

Late, yellow, semiflint & avg. yield 70 q/ha

Late, yellow-orange, semi-flint & avg. yield 70 q/ha

Late, yellow, flint and avg. yield 70 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

GHB-719 (MH-1236)

JKMH 1701

IC 8306 (MCH-2)





(M 90 x M 22) X JK M 15-1





P 234 X P 698

30B07 (X-1280N)




BIO 22027 GPF 130 x GPM101 X GP I07

12 NK 61 (NECH 129)








599 (E)

122 (E)

122 (E)

122 (E)


72 (E)

Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka

J&K, Uttarakhand, NEH region, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka


Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu(rabi)

Delhi, Punjab, Haryana & Western Uttar Pradesh

Punjab, Haryana, Delhi & Uttar Pradesh

Suitable for rainfed and irrigated ecosystem & avg. yield 65-75 q/ha

Early maturity, orange, flint, suitable for rainfed and irrigated eco-system & avg. yield 60-65 q/ha


Late maturity & avg. yield 63 q/ha

Late maturity & avg. yield 79-83 q/ha

Medium maturity, yellow, semi-dent & avg. yield 74 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


Prabal (M -01)

IC 8209 (72A)

DK-984 (2784)

BIO 9636 (BIO 92136)

Super Kohinoor (Bisco 2418)

Proagro 9444 (MS)

GHB-538 (MH-1049)









(MML 3 x MML 4) X MML5

(MML 3 x MML 4) X (MML 11 x MML I2)












12 2 (E)

122 (E)

122 (E)

122 (E)

I 22 (E)

122 (E)

599 (E)

Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka

Avg. yield 60-75 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

MP-406 — (CZP-9802)

Seed Tech (Seed Tec 2324)

Kohinoor (717 X 718) X 722






HHB-146 — (MH-9690)


DK-701 (F 7001)


JK Seed


Seed Tec








92 (E)

92 (E)

1134 (E)

283 (E)

283 (E)

283 (E)

A.P., Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, I.E, Rajasthan, Gujarat & M. P.

Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, T N, Rajasthan, Gujarat & Madhya Pradesh

Across the country

Haryana, Punjab, Eastern UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam & Orissa —

Avg. yield 55 q/ha

Medium maturity & avg. yield 50-60 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India



4642 (PRO-312)

52 A09 — (X-1174 W)

PAC 705 (lCI-705)

PAC 701

3342 (X-123 G)
















(579 X J97)/ Pioneer 21M

(P 626 x P 627)X (P 628 x P 629)

PAC 776 (AH-736) PAC 776 (AH-738) 4210 (PRO-316)


BIO 9637











401 (E)

401 (E)

401 (E)

401 (E)

425 (E)

425 (E)

425 (E)

425 (E)

425 (E)

Across the country

H.P, J & K, UP, Sikkim & Assam

Early maturity

Medium to late maturity & avg. yield 35-40 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

KH 9541

MMH 133

Bio Seed 9681

PRO 311

SSF 9374

MMH 69







3054 W (X-1382 W)



Kanchan Ganga













662 (E)

662 (E)

662 (E)

662 (E)

662 (E)

662 (E)

401 (E)

HP, UP, J & K, Assam, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, A P. Karnataka & Tamil Nadu. —

Punjab, Haryana, U.P., Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Kerala

Late maturity & avg. yield 50-60 q/ha

Extra early maturity & avg. yield 41-50 q/ha

Medium maturity & avg. yield 46 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India



3058 (Y-1402-K)

KH 5991

KH 5981

KH 528

SSM 510


604 (CSV-6) —










Kanchan Ganga

Kanchan Ganga

Kanchan Ganga

Kanchan Ganga




Source :

JKMH 2492 —


P 611 x P 612 X (P 613 x P 614)

PRO 303 (3461 )










258 (E)

636 (E)

636 (E)

662 (E)

662 (E)

647 (E)

662 (E)

662 (E)

Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,AP, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, MP & Rajasthan (Rabi)

Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra & Karnataka

Western UP, Punjab & Rajasthan

Early maturity & avg. yield 60 q/ha

Early maturity & avg. yield 66 q/ha

Late maturity & avg. yield 65 q/ha

Early maturity & avg. yield 45-50 q/ha

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

Notification Details of Hybrids and Composites of Maize


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India List of Public-bred Hybrids & Composite Varieties Released in India Since 1961 Hybrids S.No Normal


Notification Number & Date

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

CCS HAU, Karnal UAS, Dharwad ANGRAU, Hyderabad ANGRAU, Hyderabad ANGRAU, Hyderabad CCS HAU, Karnal PAU, Ludhiana Naganahalli VPKAS, AImora VPKAS, Almora PAU, Ludhiana CCS HAU, Karnal CCS HAU, Karnal BHU, Varanasi TNAU, Coimbatore PAU, Ludhiana VPKAS, Almora VPKAS, Almora VPKAS, Almora PAU, Ludhiana PAU, Ludhiana TNAU, Coimbatore CCS HAU, Karnal VPKAS, Almora VPKAS, Almora IARI, Delhi

2187 (E), 27/08/2009 2187 (E), 27/08/2009 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 449 (E), 11/02/2009 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 122 (E), 6/2/2007 1703 (E), 5/10/2007 1703 (E), 5/10/2007 1703 (E), 5/10/2007 1703 (E), 5/11/2007 1178 (E), 20/7/2007 122 (E), 6/2/2007 122 (E), 6/2/2007 1703 (E), 5/10/2007 1703 (E), 5/10/2007 599 (E), 25/4/2006 1177 (E), 25/8/2005 1177 (E), 25/8/2005 1177 (E), 25/8/2005 122 (E), 2/2/2005 122 (E), 2/2/2005 161 (E), 4/2/2004

MPUA & T, Udaipur UAS, Dharwad VPKAS, Almora

161 (E), 4/2/2004 937 (E), 4/9/2002 92 (E), 2/2/2001

27 28 29

HM 11 EH 434042 DHM-111 DHM-117 DHM-113 HM 10 PMH 3 Nithya Shree Vivek Maize Hybrid 33 Vivek 23 Maize PAU 352 HM 8 HM 9 Malviya Hybrid Makka 2 COH(M) 5 PMH-1 Vivek 21 Vivek 25 Vivek 27 PMH-2 Buland COH(M) 4 HM 5 Vivek Hybrid Maize 15 Vivek Hybrid Maize 17 Pusa Extra Early Hybrid Maize 5 Pratap Hybrid Maize 1 DMH 2 Vivek Hybrid Maize 9


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63


Vivek Hybrid Maize 5 Pusa Early Hybrid 3 JH 3459 Sheetal HHM 1 HHM 2 Vivek Maize Hybrid 4 HIM 129 PEHM 1 PEHM 2 Parkash COH 3 DMH 1 Rajendra Hybrid 2 Paras Rajendra Hybrid 1 DHM 109 DHM 107 COH 2 Trishulata Deccan 105 Ganga 11 Sartaj VL Makka 42 Deccan 103 Sangam Ganga 9 HIM 128 Deccan 101 Ganga Hybrid Makka 4 Ganga Hybrid Makka 5 Ganga Hybrid Makka 3 Himalayan Hybrid Makka (HIM) 123 Ganga Safed Makka 2

VPKAS, Almora IARI, Delhi PAU, Ludhiana PAU, Ludhiana CCS HAU, Karnal CCS HAU, Karnal VPKAS, Almora VPKAS, Almora IARI, Delhi IARI, Delhi PAU, Ludhiana TNAU, Coimbatore UAS, Dharwad RAU, Dholi Punjab RAU, Dholi ANGRAU, Hyderabad ANGRAU, Hyderabad TNAU, Coimbatore ANGRAU, Hyderabad ANGRAU, Hyderabad ANGRAU, Hyderabad PAU, Ludhiana VPKAS, Almora ANGRAU, Hyderabad PAU, Ludhiana Delhi VPKAS, Almora ANGRAU, Hyderabad DMR Delhi Delhi VPKAS, Almora

122 (E), 2/2/2001 92 (E), 2/2/2001 92 (E), 2/2/2001 161 (E), 4/2/2004 340 (E), 3/4/2000 340 (E), 3/4/2000 425 (E), 8/6/1999 647 (E), 9/9/1997 662 (E), 17/9/1997 662 (E), 17/9/1997 647 (E), 9/9/1997 662 (E), 7/9/1997 647 (E), 9/9/1997 1(E), 1/1/1996 1(E), 1/1/1996 636 (E), 2/9/1994 636 (E), 2/9/1994 615 (E), 17/08/1993 615 (E), 17/08/1993 527 (E), 16/8/1991 386 (E), 15/5/1990 1135(E), 1/12/1988 471 (E), 5/5/1988 13 (E), 19/12/1978 371 (E), 29/5/1982 371 (E), 29/5/1982 470 (E), 19/2/1980 470 (E), 19/9/1980 786 (E), 2/2/1976 566 (E), 21/9/1974 2446 (E), 17/6/1971 4045 (E), 24/9/1969 4045 (E), 24/9/1969


13 (E), 19/12/1978

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

VL 54 VPKAS, Almora Ganga 1 Delhi Ranjit Delhi Deccan ANGRAU, Hyderabad Ganga 101 DMR Quality Protein Maize (QPM) HQPM 7 CCS HAU, Karnal Vivek QPM 9 VPKAS, Almora HQPM 5 CCS HAU, Karnal Shaktiman 3 RAU, Dholi Shaktiman 4 RAU, Dholi HQPM 1 CCS HAU, Karnal Shaktiman 2 RAU, Dholi Shaktiman 1 RAU, Dholi Baby Corn HM 4 CCS HAU, Karnal Starch Histarch Hybrid Makka Delhi

716 (E) 360 (E), 30/6/1973 716 (E), 20/2/1970 716 (E) 716 (E) 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 1703 (E), 5/10/2007 1572 (E), 20/9/2006 1572 (E), 20/9/2006 1178 (E), 20/7/2007 161 (E), 4/2/2004 1134 (E), 15/11/2005 1177 (E), 25/8/2005 -


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India Composites S.No Normal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35



Vivek Sankul Makka 35 VPKAS, Almora Vivek Sankul Makka 37 VPKAS, Almora Bajaura Makka Bajaura Pant Sankul Makka 3 GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Chandramani CSAUA & T, Kanpur Pratap Kanchan 2 MPUA & T, Udaipur Pratap Makka 4 MPUA & T, Udaipur Pratap Makka 5 MPUA & T, Udaipur Pusa Composite 3 Delhi Pusa Composite 4 Delhi Azad Kamal CSAUA & T, Kanpur Pratap Makka 3 MPUA & T, Udaipur Birsa Vikas Makka 2 BAU, Ranchi Shalimar KG 1 SKUAS & T, Srinagar Shalimar KG 2 SKUAS & T, Srinagar D 994 (Pragati) GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Jawahar Makka 216 JNKVV, Chhindwara Gujarat Makai 6 AAU, Godhara NAC 6002 UAS, Nagenahalli Narmada Moti AAU, Godhara Amar GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Gujarat Makai 4 AAU, Godhara Aravali Makka 1 MPUA & T, Udaipur COBC 1 TNAU, Coimbatore Jawahar Composite 12 JNKVV, Chhindwara Gaurav GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Jawahar Makka 8 JNKVV, Chhindwara C-14 SKUAS & T, Srinagar C-8 SKUAS & T, Srinagar Birsa Makai 1 BAU, Ranchi Mahi Dhawal MPUA & T, Banswara Dewaki Composite Makka RAU, Dholi Gujarat Makka 2 AAU, Godhara Kesari PAU, Ludhiana Megha PAU, Ludhiana

Notification Number & Date 2187 (E), 27/08/2009 2187 (E), 27/08/2009 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 2458 (E), 16/10/2008 454 (E), 11/02/2009 599 (E), 25/4/2006 599 (E), 25/4/2006 1566 (E), 5/11/2005 1566 (E), 5/11/2005 122 (E), 2/2/2005 122 (E), 2/2/2005 1177 (E), 25/8/2005 1177 (E), 25/08/2005 1177 (E), 25/08/2005 642 (E), 31/5/2004 161 (E), 4/2/2004 283 (E), 12/3/2003 937 (E), 4/9/2002 937 (E), 4/9/2002 92 (E), 2/2/2001 92 (E), 2/2/2001 92 (E), 2/2/2001 425 (E), 8/6/1999 425 (E), 8/6/1999 425 (E), 8/9/1999 360 (E), 1/5/1997 1 (E), 1/1/1996 1 (E), 1/1/1996 1 (E), 1/1/1996 1 (E), 1/1/1996 1 (E), 1/1/1996 408 (E), 4/5/1995 636 (E), 2/9/1994 615 (E), 17/8/1993

Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Panchganga Mahi Kanchan Azad Uttam Varun Parvati Navjot Harsha Surya Dhawal Mansar Pusa 1 Pusa 2 VL Makka 88 Arun MCU-508 Renuka Hemant Suwan NLD White D 768 Partap-l Chandan Safed Makka 2 Daira 3 Lakshmi Kanchan Ageti 76 Tarun Partap C1 C6 C2 C3 Trikuta Chandan Makka 1 Nishat Kiran C 15 Makka Safed 1

MPKV, Kolhapur MPUA & T, Banswara CSAUA & T, Kanpur ANGRAU, Hyderabad CSKHPKVV, Bajaura PAU, Ludhiana GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Delhi Delhi Delhi VPKAS, Almora Delhi Delhi UAS, Dharwad RAU, Dholi RAU, Dholi DMR GBPUA & T, Pantnagar JNKVV, Chhindwara RAU, Dholi GBPUA & T, Pantnagar PAU, Ludhiana ANGRAU, Hyderabad PAU, Ludhiana SKUAS & T, Srinagar SKUAS & T, Srinagar SKUAS & T, Srinagar SKUAS & T, Srinagar SKUAS & T, Srinagar JNKVV, Chhindwara SKUAS & T, Srinagar PAU, Ludhiana SKUAS & T, Srinagar PAU, Ludhiana

615 (E), 17/8/1993 814 (E), 4/11/1992 527 (E), 16/8/1991 386 (E), 15/5/1990 386 (E), 15/5/1990 499 (E), 8/7/1983 471 (E), /5/1988 1135 (E), 1/12/1988 1135 (E), 1/12/1988 13 (E), 19/12/1978 1135 (E), 1/12/1988 1135 (E), 1/12/1988 471 (E), 5/5/1988 10 (E), 1/1/1988 165 (E), 6/3/1987 867 (E), 26/11/1986 258 (E), 14/5/1986 295 (E), 9/4/1985 832 (E), 18/11/1985 19 (E), 14/1/1982 499 (E), 8/7/1983 1151 (E), 10/4/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 19 (E), 14/1/1982 13 (E), 19/12/1978 471(E), 5/5/1988 13 (E), 19/12/78


Maize Hybrid and Composite Varieties Released in India 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102


Sonari GBPUA & T, Pantnagar D 741 GBPUA & T, Pantnagar Moti Makka MPUA & T, Udipur Type 41 CSAUA & T, Kanpur VL Makka 16 VPKAS, Almora VL Makka 41 VPKAS, Almora Sona Delhi Kisan Delhi Vijay PAU, Ludhiana Vikram Delhi Ambar Delhi Jawahar Delhi Quality Protein Maize (QPM) Shakti 1 Delhi Protina Delhi Shakti Delhi Rattan ANGRAU, Hyderabad Baby Corn VL Baby Corn 1 VPKAS, Almora VL 78 VPKAS, Almora COBC 1 TNAU, Coimbatore Sweet Corn Win Orange Sweet Corn Win DMR Priya Sweet Corn ANGRAU, Hyderabad Madhuri ANGRAU, Hyderabad Pop Corn Jawahar Pop Corn 11 JNKVV, Chhindwara Pearl Pop Corn PAU, Ludhiana Amber Pop ANGRAU, Hyderabad VL Amber VPKAS, Almora Fodder Partap Chari-6 MPUA & T, Udaipur J 1006 PAU, Ludhiana African Tall MPKV, Kolhapur

19(E), 14/1/1982 13 (E), 19/12/1978 13 (E), 19/12/1978 19 (E), 14/1/1982 10 (E), 1/1/1988 4045 (E), 24/9/1969 4045 (E), 24/9/1969 4045 (E), 24/9/1969 4045 (E), 24/9/1969 4045 (E), 24/9/1969 1967 662 (E), 17/9/1997 17/9/1997 17/9/1997 17/9/1997 122 (E), 2/2/2005 425(E), 8/1/1999 122 (E), 2/02/2005 937 (E), 4/9/2002 386 (E), 15/5/1990 1178 (E), 20/7/2007 1(E), 1/1/1996 4045 (E), 24/9/1969 19 (E), 14/1/1982 449 (E), 11/2/2009 860 (E), 25/11/1992 499 (E), 8/7/1983

Directorate of Maize Research (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012 (India) Website : Email: Phone: 011-25841805, 25842372, 25849725 Fax: 011-25848195

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