Marigold Area Under Cultivation Marigold is normally cultivated in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh.
Botanical Name :- Various species and hybrids of dendrobium, cymbididium and vanda. Family :- Orchidaceae Plant Discription :They are a group of perennial herbs of varying habit. Having cylindrical, thread like elongated and branched roots covered by spongy water absorbing structurescalled as velamen. The morphology depends according to the species.
Centre of Origin :- Worldwide according to species Pollination System :- Self/Cross pollinated Chromosome No. :- n=20
Marigold Diseases Wilt and Stem Rot (Phytophthora cryptogea) : The fungus affects the collar portions of the plants. In nursery the infection results in damping-off and is aggravated by soil moisture. In the field the infected plants show wilting. French marigold and dwarf varieties are less susceptible whereas the African types are highly susceptible to the disease. Control: The disease may be controlled by soil treatment with Captan, Mancozeb, Metalaxyl and Fosetyl-Al.
Collar Rot (Phytophthora sp.; Pythium sp.) : The symptoms are in the form of black lesions developed on the main stem. Rotting at the collar regions causes death of the plant. Soil sterilization and controlled watering help in reducing the disease incidence.
Leaf Spot and Blight (Alternaria, Cercospora and Septoria sp.) : Brown necrotic spots develop on leaves, which get enlarged at the later stage of infection. The entire foliage gets damaged and results in poor vegetative growth. Spraying of fungicides is helpful in controlling the disease.
Powdery Mildew (Oidium sp.; Leveillula taurica) : The symptoms are in the form of whitish powdery growth on the aerial parts of the plant. Control: Spraying Sulfex (3g/litre of water) can effectively control the disease.
Flower Bud Rot (Alternaria dianthi) : The fungus infects the young flower buds. The infected buds shrivel and become dark brown in colour. The pathogen also infects leaves causing blight. The infection is visible in the form of brown necrotic spots on margins and tips of older leaves. Control: Spraying of Mancozeb (2g/litre of water) effectively controls the flower bud and leaf infections.
Damping Off (Pythium sp.) : The disease is most prevalent at the seedling stage. Necrotic spots and rings develop on the young seedlings causing collapse of the seedlings. Considerable loss is sustained if seedlings are not properly looked after. Control: Soil sterilization by Formalin @ 2% before sowing and spraying of Dithane Z-78 @ 2g/ litre of water are effective in controlling the disease.
Marigold Harvesting Marigold flowers are plucked when they have attained the full size. Harvesting of flowers is done in the evening, just before the flowers are fully opened. Field should be irrigated before plucking so those flowers keep well for longer period after harvest. Regular picking improves the yield. Fresh flowers are packed in bamboo baskets or gunny bags for transporting to the local markets.
Yield The yield of marigold flowers varies considerably depending upon the season, fertility of the soil and variety. The yield of African marigold and French marigold varies from 8-12 t/ha and 11-18 t/ha respectively.
Marigold Intercultural Operations Weed Control In order to get profuse flowering; it is necessary to keep the field free from weeds. Generally 4-6 weeding are necessary throughout the growth period.
Pinching Removal of apical buds is known as pinching. In case of tall cultivars of African marigold, the plant first grows to its full height and later produces axillary branches. If apical buds are removed at an early stage of formation, a large number of lateral shoots arise resulting in well shaped bushy plant bearing more number of uniform flowers. Sometimes there is an early formation of flower buds due to late transplanting. In such cases flower buds are disbudded initially for allowing the plants to complete vegetative growth. In both African and French marigolds, pinching is recommended after 40 days of transplanting.
Staking It means providing support to the tall plants. The African type marigold plants grow tall and needs to be staked with the help of bamboo sticks. Otherwise, lodging and bent stem may affect proper display of the plant.
Marigold Irrigation During the vegetative growth of marigold there should not be any water shortage as it hampers growth and consequently flowering. Frequency of irrigation depends mainly on the season and soil type. In winter, irrigation is given at an interval of 8-10 days while in summer frequent irrigation at intervals of 45 days are required.
Marigold Manuring & Fertilization For improving the fertility of the soil, FYM (25 t/ha) is applied 15 days prior to transplanting. A fertilizer dose of 90kg N, 90 kg P2O5 and 75 kg K2O per hectare is optimum for good growth and yield of the crop, of which 45 kg N and entire amount of P & K are applied as basal dose. While the balance Nitrogen is applied as top dressing 45 days after transplanting.
Marigold Pests Aphids : These are small insects green to bluish-grey or black in colour. These usually occur in clusters and damage the apical growing portion by sucking the plant sap. Infected plants become weak and unproductive. Spraying of insecticides can control the attack. Control: Spraying of Monocrotophos 0.05%, Phosphamidon 0.02%, or Dimethoate 0.03% at 10-15 days interval helps to check the population of the aphids.
Beetles and Weevils : These cause damage to number of annuals including marigold. These feed on young leaves and tender shoots, particularly at the ground level. Control: Spraying of systemic insecticides like Roger or Monocrotophos @ 2 ml/ litre of water on the under surface of the leaves effectively controls the insects.
Leaf Hoppers : Leaf hoppers cause considerable damage to the foliage of the plant, particularly during rainy season. The symptom appears as rolling and curling of leaves along with wilting of shoots. French marigold is more susceptible than African type. Spraying of systemic insecticides can control the insects. Control: the pest is effectively controlled by two to three sprayings of Methyl Parathion or Quinalphos (0.05%) as soon as the pest infestation is observed.
Red Spider Mites : These are spinning creatures, red and brown in colour. The mites become active during the flowering period. They suck the sap from the leaves. The speckling, discoloration and dusty appearance of the leaves easily identify the attack. Control: Spraying of miticides like Kelthane (2 ml/litre of water) or Dicofol (0.1%) is effective against the mites.
Marigold Planting Seedlings become ready for transplanting after one month of sowing or when they develop 4-5 leaves. Healthy seedlings are selected for transplanting. Overgrown seedlings are discarded, as they tend to flower early and exhibit a poor display. Transplanting should be done in the evening when the temperature is relatively low. The spacing for planting for African marigold is 45 x 45 cm while for French type it is 25 x 25 cm. However, spacing is to be adjusted depending upon the growth habit of the particular variety selected for planting. Maximum flower yield of (22.19 t/ha) of African marigold was recorded at a closer spacing of 30 x 30 cm. Immediately after transplanting a light irrigation is given.
Marigold Propagation Marigold is propagated by seeds as it germinates easily and produces vigorous plants. The marigold seeds count about 300-350/gram. The seeds remain viable for about 1-2 years. The germination of fresh seeds is about 90-95%. The seeds germinate well at temperature from 18-30째C.
Raising of Seedlings in Nursery Nursery beds are prepared by digging upto a depth of 30cm. The beds are properly cleaned, levelled and the soil is enriched by applying well rotten FYM. To protect the seeds from the infestation of ants, BHC powder is dusted on the raised beds. 3kg of seeds is sufficient to plant one hectare area. Seeds are sown thinly and are covered with light soil. The beds are immediately watered with a fine rose water can so as to avoid displacement of seeds. The various seasons of planting and transplanting and corresponding flowering periods for marigold are given below Planting Season
period Summer Season
Size of flowers smaller due to high temperature. Good returns obtained due to higher market rates.
Rainy Season
(May) Winter Season
higher market demands. September
Spring Season (November)
Crop fetches good price due to
blooming, best quality of flowers. Higher yield per unit area but low market rates. Higher yield per unit area but
moderate market rates.
Marigold Soil & Climate Soil : Marigold can be grown in a wide range of soils, as it is adapted in different soil types. French (Dwarf) marigolds are best cultivated in light soil whereas a rich well drained, moist soils are best suited for African (Tall) marigolds. However, sandy loam soil having pH 7.0-7.5 with good aeration and drainage are considered ideal for the cultivation of marigold.
Climate : Marigold requires mild climate for luxuriant growth and flowering. The optimum temperature range for O O its profuse growth is18-20 C. Temperatures above 35 C restrict the growth of the plants, which leads to reduction in flower size and number. In severe winter, plants and flowers are damaged by frost.
Marigold Varieties African Type Variety
Varietal Characteristics
Atlantis Mixed F1
Early blooming, double orange and yellow coloured flowers.
Flowers gold, orange and yellow coloured.
Discovery Mixed F1
Flowers dwarf, compact, orange and yellow coloured.
Galore Mixed F1
Flowers having gold, orange and yellow shades.
Gold Coin Mixed'
Flowers double in gold, orange, yellow colour. Excellent as cutflowers.
'Jubilee Mixed F1'
Gold, orange yellow coloured flowers.
Orange Galore F1
Flowers with vivid orange colour.
Papaya Crush'
Foliage deep green with huge golden blooms.
'Pusa Basanti'
Medium in height, flowers sulphur yellow in colour.
Vanilla F1
The first creamy-white F1 hybrid marigold with wide flowers.
French Type Variety
Varietal Characteristics
Disco Mix Large
Flowers large in brilliant colours, floriferous, and suitable for bedding purpose.
Hero Mix
Large, double crested blooms in seven unique colours with blooms highlighted by goldflecks.
Red Brocade
An outstanding variety with bright mahogany red flowers, excellent for bedding, extremely uniform, and free flowering.
Safari Mix
Huge wide double anemone-type blooms.