S.B. Barbuddhe R. Ramesh N.P. Singh
NEW INDIA PUBLISHING AGENCY Pitam Pura, New Delhi-110 088
Published by
Sumit Pal Jain for
NEW INDIA PUBLISHING AGENCY 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, CU Block, L.S.C. Mkt., Pitam Pura, New Delhi-110 088, (India) Phone : 011-27341616, Fax : 011-27341717 Mobile : 09717133558 E-mail : info@nipabooks.com Web : www.nipabooks.com Š Editors, 2013
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icrobes, by consent, are live beings too small to be seen as individuals with the unaided eye. Nature’s dynamic gyration has generated two vast groups, eukaryotes and prokaryotes, which are easily distinguished by direct microscopic inspection of their cells. Microbes are amazingly complex and diverse when studied by more devious means. Chemical, metabolic, macromolecular, and other indirect analyses have revealed the world of diversity in prokaryotes. Since the discovery by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in the late-17th century and analysis by Louis Pasteur in the late-19th century, bacteria have been widely studied by chemists, oil scientists, food industry advisers, and especially by physicians. Of late, prokaryotes have been the focus of attention of sewage engineers, space scientists, and environmental analysts. The activities of these crafty, clever hordes encroach so heavily on human lives that a new l term was coined to describe the scientist whose profession it is to study the greater bacteria: the microbiologist. Microbes composed of cells that contain nuclei, an estimated 250,000 species alive today, form another world. They tend to be studied by zoologists (the protozoa), botanists (the algae), and mycologists (the fungi). Microorganisms represent the richest repertoire of molecular and chemical diversity in nature as they underlie basic ecosystem processes. The current inventory of the world’s biodiversity is very incomplete and that of viruses, microorganisms and invertebrates is especially deficient. Scientists have identified about 1.7 million living species on our planet. Studies indicate that the 5,000 identified species of prokaryotes represent only 1 to 10% of all bacterial species.
Microorganisms provide innovative applications useful to man and constitute a huge reservoir of resources. Without microorganisms, all life on Earth would cease. It is estimated that 50% of the living protoplasm on this planet is microbial. Microorganisms represent by far the richest repertoire of molecular and chemical diversity in nature. This metabolic wealth has been exploited by man to produce food and to develop health applications. Microbes have been used for food preservation, generating biofuels, management of pests and pathogens, bioleaching of metals, increasing soil fertility, monitoring pollutants, cleaning up of oil spills, waste water treatment, assaying of chemicals and serving as tools for medical research. Microorganisms forms the major sources of antimicrobial agents. They also produce a wide range of other important medicinal compounds including enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, antihelminthics, antitumor agents, insecticides, vitamins, immunosuppressants and immunomodulators. The study of microbial diversity is thus important to solve new and emerging disease problems and to advance biotechnology. The biological diversity of the Indian subcontinent is one of the richest in the world owing to its vast geographic area, varied topography and climate, and the juxtaposition of several biogeographical regions. Because of its richness in overall species diversity, India is recognized as one of the 12 mega diversity regions of the world. Nearly 72% of India’s biowealth is constituted by fungi (~18%), insects (~40%) and angiosperms (~13%). Thus, India’s contribution to the global diversity is around 8%. The most important mega-diversity centers are Western ghats, North-eastern hill regions, Bastar regions inhabited by tribals, Andaman Nicobar islands, mangrove forests of Sunderban area, silent valley of Kerala, playas of Rajasthan, Chilka lake of Orissa, Lonar Lake of Maharashtra and the Himalayan region. This biodiversity needs to be conserved and documented for future generations. The ICAR Research Complex for Goa had organized the National Symposium on Microbial Diversity and its Applications in Health, Agriculture and Industry during March, 2011. The proceedings of the Symposium in the form of this publication would be quite useful to all stakeholders associated with research, exploration and harnessing the diversity of the microbial health.
Dated the 6th August, 2012 New Delhi
(S. Ayyappan)
icrobes occupy a prominent place in the life and existence of the earth. Microbes receive little attention in our general texts of biology. Yet, the workings of the biosphere depend absolutely on the activities of the microbial world. Existence of vast diversity of the microbes is largely ignored by most professional biologists and is virtually unknown to the public. The biological diversity of the Indian subcontinent is one of the richest in the world owing to its vast geographic area, varied topography and climate, and the juxtaposition of several bio-geographical regions. Western Ghats region is one of the most important mega-diversity centers of the world. It has been reported that approximately 17% of a set of 2500 species are likely to be microbial in this region. The region also reported diverse microbes which are important in agriculture, health and industry. Many of the yeasts reported are producers of industrially important enzymes such as cellulose and tannin degrading enzymes. Marine-derived microorganisms such as eubacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, cyanobacteria and microalgae have also come into the focus of natural product drug discovery. ICAR Research Complex for Goa has been involved in research on some of the microorganisms which have applications in agriculture and industry. This institute maintains a huge collection of rhizosphere and endophytic bacteria from Goa and Western Ghat region. The collection was characterized for beneficial traits like bio-control activity against plant pathogens, plant growth promotion and saline tolerance. The institute also has expertise on molecular sub-typing of other foodborne pathogens and these studies have an important role understanding the molecular epidemiology of the pathogens. Further, yeasts have been isolated from many sources for industrial purposes. The institute has identified some of the prominent yeasts involved in natural fermentation of horticultural produce. Despite the acknowledged value of microorganisms, our knowledge of their diversity and many of their key roles in sustaining global life support systems is still very scarce. Exploration, evaluation and exploitation of microbial diversity are essential for scientific, industrial and social development. Editors
Contents Foreword ......................................................................................................... v Preface .......................................................................................................... vii 1
Bioinformatics Tools for Molecular Analysis of Microbial Diversity ... 1 Dilip K. Arora, Prem Lal Kashyap, Alok K. Srivastava and Sudheer Kumar
Importance of Marine Microorganisms in Drug Discovery Programme ...................................................................................... 13 Narsinh L. Thakur
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Diversity in Terrestrial Plant Species ......... 25 D. J. Bagyaraj
Foraminiferal-diversity of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Arabian Sea ..................................................................................... 37 Subhadra Devi Gadi, Rajashekhar K.P.
Phenotypic Characterization of Mosquito Larvicidal Lysinibacillus Strains Isolated from Paddy Field and Mangrove Vegetation ......... 49 Mohanty AK, Garg S, Dhindsa K, Kumar H and Kumar A
Molecular Microbial Ecology of Solar Salterns of Goa and the Isolation of Culturable Haloarchaea ................................................ 59 Kabilan M., B. B. Salgaonkar and Judith M. Braganca
Isolation and Characterization of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Producing Bacteria from Coastal Sand-Dune Ecosystem ............... 75 Nayak P, Gaonkar, Mohanty A, Kumar A, Bhosle S, Garg S
Role of Indole-3-acetic Acid in Plant Growth and Development & Elucidation of its Biosynthetic Pathway in A PGPR Strain Serratia Marcescens SM15 ........................................................................... 83 A.R. Alagawadi, Shiney Ammanna, Megha Patil, C.K. Doddagoudar Avita K. Marihal and P.U. Krishnaraj
Diversity in the Biofilm Forming Ability of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens ......................................................................... 91 S.P. Doijad and S.B. Barbuddhe
Exploring Staphylococcal Diversity to Plan Novel Vaccine Strategies ................................................................ 111 D. R. Kalorey
Genetic Diversity of Ralstonia Solanacearum, a Phytopathogenic bacterium infecting solanaceous vegetables using rep-PCR and PFGE ............................................................................................. 119 R. Ramesh, S. Gaitonde and G. Achari
Diversity of Yeasts Isolated from Fermented Products ................. 129 S.B. Barbuddhe, A.R. Desai, S.P. Doijad and N.P. Singh
Diversity Among Emerging Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli .. 141 D. B. Rawool, S. B. Barbuddhe, S. V. S. Malik
Escherichia coli: A Global Foodborne Enteropathogen ................. 169 R.P. Kolhe and S.B. Barbuddhe
Harnessing The Diversity of Rumen Microbes .............................. 193 S.K. Sirohi, Prasanta Choudhury, A.K. Puniya & Prem Prashant Chaudhary
Agriculturally Important Traits of Fluorescent Pseudomonads of Western Ghats ............................................................................... 211 A.R. Alagawadi, Ashwini Lande, Sheetal Kadawadkar Soujanya Sunkad, C.K. Doddagoudar and P.U. Krishnaraj
Diversity of Important Bacteria Causing Bovine Mastitis .............. 217 B. R. Shome, M. Bhuvana, Susweta Das Mitra, N. Krithiga D. Velu, Rajeswari Shome, S.B. Barbuddhe, Apala Banerjee
Efficient Management of Soil Borne Pathogens of Vegetables Through Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) ............. 233 M. Loganathan, S. Saha, T.K. Bag, V. Venkataravanappa R. Garg and A.B. Rai
.................................................................................................................. 243
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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