Modern biotechnology and its applications (set of 2 vols )

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Modern Biotechnology and its Applications

Modern Biotechnology and its Applications Part - I

Editor : Kambaska Kumar Behera (Ph.D, Post.Doc.) Assistant Professor Department of Bio-Science and Biotechnolgy Banasthali University, Banasthali, Rajasthan-304022, India


Published by Sumit Pal Jain for

New India Publishing Agency 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, CU Block, L.S.C. Mkt., Pitam Pura, New Delhi-110 034, (India) Phone : 011-27341616, Fax : 011-27341717 Mobile : 09717133558 E-mail : Web : Š Editor, 2013

ISBN : 978-93-81450-83-3 All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher / editor. This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the editors/contributors and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The contributors and publisher have attempted to trace and acknowledge the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission and acknowledgements to publish in this form have not been given. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify it. Laser Type Setting and Printed at : Jai Bharat Printing Press, Delhi.-110032

Dedicated To My Mother & My Father

Smt. Dutimani Behera and Shri Rama Chandra Behera



It is a matter of great pleasure and privilege to record the following on the book Modern Biotechnology authored by Dr. Kambaska Kumar Behera, a young faculty member of Banasthali University, Rajasthan. 'Biotechnology', as a field of knowledge, is both a 'science' and a 'technology'--depending on its particular knowledge area being reckoned and referred to by the readers. It is fairly correct also to say that knowledge generation and applications made or explored under this particular subject area are overwhelmingly huge by volume and in their diversity, may be surpassing any of those of other scientific-cum-technological fields as contemporary and as recent as the Biotechnology is. To prepare and present for the young generation specialized readers, a title Modern Biotechnology and its Applications, therefore seems to be so bold and mega-sized and also exploratory. Encouragingly, Dr. Behera as author has been successful in touching upon almost all the perceivable title points all of which were to be there to give that 'completeness' of the offering he made -- and as could be sought after. The book is having as many as sixteen chapters and quite noticeably --- there remain a majority which is abiding to those, patterned in the existing good text books and in reference books for academic beginners and commoners. There also remain those chapters with such precise and cutting edge title-areas as are under 5th, 9th, 11th, 15th, and 16th. Together these make the preparation quite variegated and interesting. The author seems to have tried in as many instances as possible, to present in each of the chapters, the science based information alongside technological supplements, which together may help to intellectually organize any early researcher and the design seems to benefit the readers considerably. To this narrator, it also occurs that to a steady reader -- willing to cover the full content at one go, the sequencing and succession of knowledge organization needs a constructivist mind for a knowledge continuum and a breezy flow of learning in more harmonious fashion.


Foreword / viii At the close it compels this commenter repeat our commonly used Indian words of good-wish‌ 'ayam arraambha , shuvayya bhabatu'-it is the beginning, let it be blessed.

Professor. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar Brahmachari Ex- Vice-Chancellor, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal


It is my privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. Sunil Kumar Brahmachari, Ex-Vice-Chancellor, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal for his kind consent to write the foreword for this volume. I acknowledge the assistance, encouragement, excitement and efforts of the contributors in organizing and publishing this book. The excellent contents and uniqueness of each individual chapter will make this book as a text book on the use of biotechnology and its advancement for a moderately long term, which usually does not occur with books associated with this genre. I thank all the contributors for their understanding and patience. There are several people who deserve special thanks but few of them are" Prof.(Dr.) Aditya Shastri, Vice Chancellor, Banasthali University and Prof.(Dr.) Santilata Sahoo (HOD),P.G.Department of Botanyl, Utkal University,Vanivihar,Odisha, who have blessed and inspired a lot to complete this task. Words are not enough to thank to my wellwisher Saudamini Muddali, BajiRout , Sikha Niketan, Sector-3, Rourkela-769002, Odisha and all my friends and colleagues who also inspired a lot to complete this work. Last but not the least; I would like to assert my intricate appreciation of gratitude, best regards to my loving parents, family members for their incessant support and cooperation.




Modern biotechnology excels the molecular techniques that use whole or parts of living organisms to produce or improve commercial products and processes. It is a rapidly evolving branch of natural sciences which started with the creation of the first recombinant gene thirty years ago. These techniques are used in many different ways, changing the way we live by improving the foods we eat, the beverages we drink, the clothes we wear, and the medicines we take. They also have enhanced other aspects of our lives through the development of new detection methods for early diagnosis of many diseases such as arteriosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's and, Alzheimer's. The application of biotechnology methods in the food and agricultural industry is one of the many aspects of biotechnology that has great impact on society. By the year 2050, it is expected that more than 10 billion people will be living on this planet, and it is also believed that there may not be enough resources to feed the world population (UNFPA, 1995). Hunger and malnutrition already claims 24,000 lives a day in the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America (James, 2003). Malnutrition however, is not exclusive to developing nations. Many people in industrialized countries, although mostly well fed, still suffer from lack of proper nourishment that offers the greatest potential to stop hunger today and help to avoid mass starvation in the future. Through biotechnology, scientists can enhance a crop's resistance to diseases and environmental stresses, allowing crops to be grown in relatively unproductive and unsuitable land. Recent developments in biotechnology will allow the production of more nutritious, safer, tastier, and healthier food. Advances in genetic engineering are revolutionizing the way we produce and consume food and it is quite possible that in the next decade a large percentage of the food we eat will be bioengineered. Modern Biotechnology encompass a continuously evolving methods or materials, from molecular techniques for generating energy to nontoxic cleaning products. It is that innovation which reduces waste by changing patterns of production and consumption through DNA engineering. The book Modern Biotechnology and its Applications in carries 32 chapters and covers most of the tools and technology developed by our distinguished scientists mainly focusing, how to save the planet Earth through production and productivity by applying the knowledge of modern technology. The objective of the book is to highlight the exploration and development of biotechnological tools and techniques for the social welfare. Editor ix










Part - I 1.

Plant Tissue Culture : Prospects and Limitation ...........................


Kambaska Kumar Behera 2.

in vitro Clonal Propagation of Forests Trees : By Bud Culture Technique ..........................................................................


Afaque Quraishi 3.

Evaluating Phytoremediation using in vitro Plant Cultures ............


Indira P. Sarethy and Kailash Paliwal 4.

Synthetic Seed: A New Concept in Plant Biotechnology ................


Kambaska Kumar Behera 5.

Plant Secondary Metabolites : in vitro Production Strategies .......


Sharad Vats and Kambaska Kumar Behera 6.

Plant Defense Priming : Role of Allelochemicals ..........................


R. Aswati Nair, Geethu Chellappan, Padmesh P and K. Manikantan Menon 7.

Metagenomics : Progress, Opportunities and Challenges ............ Sarvjeet Kaur xiii


Contents / xiv 8.

Expression of Genetic Information : From Transcription to Translation ...................................................................................


Nidhi Sharma and Veena Garg 9.

Expressed Sequence Tag and its Potential .....................................


Pramod Katara 10.

Transgenic Plants : Production, Methodologies and its Application in Crop Improvements .................................................


Arpita Sharma, Indu Ravi and Kambaska Kumar Behera 11.

Molecular Farming ..........................................................................


Ranjan Gupta, Anita Yadav and Neeraj Aggarwal 12.

Scope of Light Trap as IPM Tool for Sustainable Cultivation of Rice ...........................................................................


Amit Kumar Sharma, Swati Barche and P.K. Mishra 13.

Agricultural By-products and their Biotechnological Approach .....


Parkash Kumar Sarangi and Hara Prasad Sahoo 14.

Lignocellulosic Bio-ethanol Production : A Second Generation Biofuel ..........................................................................


Nibedita Sarkar and Kaustav Aikat 15.

Bioenergy : Ethics and Prospective ..............................................


Kambaska Kumar Behera and Nidhi Srivastava 16.

Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights ............................. Kambaska Kumar Behera, Sanskriti Gautam, Shaili Yadav and Shailja Dubey


Contents / xv

Part - II 17.

Animal Tissue Culture: Principle and Procedure .........................


Renu Bist and Anupama Sharma 18.

Cell-Cell Communication ................................................................


Zeeshan Mushtaq and Vimelesh Kumar 19.

Biotechnological Application of Stem Cells for Haemoglobinopathies ......................................................................


Nibarana Satapathy, Y. Archana and Bisnu Prasad Dash 20.

Organochlorine Pesticide : Toxicity and its Impact on Animals .....


Renu Bist 21.

Nanotechnology – Application in Biomedical Sciences ..................


Punyasloke Bhadury 22.

Protein Purification :An Overview ..................................................


Biswanath Bhunia, Kambaska Kumar Behera, Nibedita Mahata and Apurba Dey 23.

Cancer Biology and RNAi ...............................................................


Reema Gabrani 24.

Secondary Metabolites : Production, Prospective and Applications .....................................................................................


Indu Ravi, Garima Bhardwaj and Kambaska Kumar Behera 25.

Bioactive Molecules and Steps of Drug Discovery .........................


Upasana Singh 26.

An Approach to Drug Discovery .....................................................


Anupam Das Talukdar, Pankaj Chetia, Amitabha Bhattacharjee, Manabendra Dutta Choudhury 27.

Drug Delivery Methodologies ........................................................ B. Behera, S. S. Sagiri, T. Sudeep, V. Patil, V. Varghese, B. Biswal, K. Pal, S. Roy, S.S. Ray and B. Nayak


Contents / xvi 28.

Enzyme : The Biological Messengers and its Kinetics ..................


Biswanath Bhunia, Kambaska Kumar Behera, Soumya Sasmal and Apurba Dey 29.

Pharmacogenomics : A Way to Personalized Medicine ..................


Pramod Katara 30.

Molecular Evolution and Evolutionary Computing Tools ...............


Arun Kumar Sharma and Kambaska Kumar Behera 31.

Fungal Nano-Biotechnology : Present Status and Future Perspectives ....................................................................................


Kambaska Kumar Behera 32.

Lac Cultivation : An Overview to Indian Context .......................... Kambaska Kumar Behera and Bishnu Prasad Dash


Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .

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