Nanotechnology in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Tapan Adhikari S. Kundu A. Subba Rao Indian Institute of Soil Science (ICAR) Bhopal - 462 038 Madhya Pradesh, India
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A number of excellent books on general nanotechnology are currently available but, to date, none have been dedicated to the study in soil science and plant nutrition. This is important because the soil, as the ‘epidermis’ of our planet, is the major component of the terrestrial biosphere. This book is not just a review of academic research results however, it also constitutes a contribution to the wider and more important revolution that is taking place at the interface of agriculture and nanotechnology. The driving force for a more use of nanotechnology in agricultural practice and to soil management particularly, has come from the sustainable development agenda. Mankind learnt to make a large number of materials and even cast or shape them for desired functions or operations. Starting with stone implements man learnt to separate metals and make alloys. But in order to continue with such adventures, man needs more and more materials with controlled properties. Perhaps we are now living in the age Nobel laureate Richard Feynman dreamt of in 1959. He, in his now very famous speech delivered to the American Physical Society, said that why not mimic nature and produce smaller and smaller functional materials, which will be highly efficient. Although Feynman did not utter the words “Nanoscience’ or ‘Nanotechnology’ we see the advantages of making things small. We want to provoke your curiosity. The reader should feel invited to learn more about nanotechnology and to go later on beyond the content of this book. The way we have described the mechanism leading to the fascinating properties of nano particles, specialists in different fields will feel comfortable. We hope the readers will find this book inspiring and motivating to go deeper into this fascinating field of science and technology. We find the book enjoyable and informative and we hope that you will too. Preparation of any text involves frustrations in checking details and reconciling points of views, yet we have learned much about our science in writing for you. The purpose of the book is to provide an up-to-date introduction to the most important and useful concepts in the study of the nanotechnology. Information is presented from an analytical and interdisciplinary perspective from which we must view issues based on nanotechnology in order to deal successfully with them. We must do more than simply identify and discuss about the issues regarding nanotechnology. To be effective, we must think critically how to convert this nano-science into technology particularly applicable to vii
Preface / viii agriculture. Critical thinking is so important that we have made it the focus of each chapter. Our goal is to help you think through the issue. In recent years our understanding of many aspects of the nanotechnology has greatly increased. This has ranged from our basic understanding of the subject and its possible application in soil and plant science, to appreciation of what is really necessary to apply technology safely for the welfare of the human beings. We believe a real strength of nanotechnology is the systematic and in-depth coverage of the multitude of subjects that comprise the field of nanotechnology. The goal is to provide an instrument of learning useful to educations and students today so that future generations of students will be more informed and able to make judgments concerning the nanotechnology based upon sound scientific knowledge. In writing this book, we have designed the text in such a way that the researchers will get a lot of ideas to conceive and work on it for the advancement of the subject. We are happy to inform that we tried our level best to capture the best leading scientists working in their respective lines on nanotechnology of our country. I hope that readers will certainly be benefited by this issue. With the help of this new emerging science, researchers can draw the line that separates them from the rest. It is the right time to sign up to draw their own line of distinction. This book has been written to provide an overview of many of the fundamental aspects that underpin all nanotechnology and to provide examples of how these principles are put into operation. Because nanotechnology is now such a huge, multi-everything activity we have not been able to include every single topic and every single process. Instead we have attempted to provide a mainstream account of the current state of nanotechnology that, we hope, will provide the reader with insight, inspiration and instruction in the skills and arts of the subject. References cited in the text are provided at the end of the book as notes for each chapter. We believe that it’s very important to cite sources of information used in the writing. These are provided to recognize those scholars whose work we depend upon, and so that the reader may draw upon these references as needed for additional reading and research. This book is the direct result of different scientists’ collective efforts and contributions. We owe our deep gratitude to all of these individuals and their organizations. We are hopeful that this book will find a place on many laboratory benches and libraries of different institutes. Creative suggestion for the improvement of this book is highly solicited from the readers. Date : January 26, 2013 Place : IISS, Bhopal
Hkkj r h; d `f "k v u ql a/ ku i fj "kn
d `f "k v u ql a/ ku Hko u & II] i wl k u bZ fn Yy h 110 012 INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN-II, PUSA, NEW DELHI - 110 012
MkW - v y ksd d qe kj fl Dd k mi e gkfuns' kd ( i zk l a i z) Dr. Alok K. Sikka
Ph. : 91-11-25848364 (O), 24121571 (R) Fax : 91-11-25848366 E-mail :;
Deputy Director General (NRM)
Nanotechnology is being visualized as a rapidly evolving field that has potential to revolutionize agriculture. The role that nanotechnology can play in soil science is being perceived as the most potential area in the world of agriculture for attaining the millennium development goals. Presently, the application of nanotechnology in soil science research is concentrated on formulation of nano-fertilizers, smart delivery systems for nanoscale fertilizers, nanoforms zeolites for slow release and efficient dosage of water and fertilizers for plants, nanosensors for soil quality and plant health monitoring, nano-induced polysaccharide powder for moisture retention/soil aggregation carbon build up and nanomagnets for removal of contaminants from soil and water. The cutting-edge researchable areas are expected to expand exponentially in the years to come. This book "Nanotechnology in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Research" with 21 chapters has addressed fundamentals and applied aspects of nanotechnology in soil science and plant nutrition research. The interpretation of subject matter in each chapter is comprehensive, simple and lucid with relevant supporting data. The book would be of great help of students, researchers, policy makers and planners as the chapters in the book are written with the objectives of meeting the requirement of all the target groups and stake holders. I congratulate all the authors and director of the institutes for publishing this book.
(A.K. Sikka) v
List of Contributors
Khanna, Swarup Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science, IITB Mumbai, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400076 Tarafdar, J. C. National Fellow & Principal Scientist (Soil Chemistry /Fertility) Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan – 342003 Rao, A. Subba Director, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh-462038 Kundu, S. Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Environmental Soil Science, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh462038 Adhikari, Tapan Principal Scientist, Division of Environmental Soil Science, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh-462038 Gopal Rathore SRF NAIP-Nanotechnology Project, Division of Environmental Soil Science, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh-462038 Biswas, A. K. Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Soil Chemistry and Fertility, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh462038 Singh, C.D. Senior Scientist, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh-462038 Kumar, Raj Senior Scientist, High Security Animal Disease Laboratory, Anandnagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh ix
List of Contributors / x Saharan, Vinod Senior Scientist, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology National Highway 27, Kumharon Ka Bhatta, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Mukhopadhyay, Siddhartha S. Professor (Soil Science), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab Khare, Purnima Swarup Professor & Coordinator-School of Nanotechnology, Rajeev Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Subramanian, K.S. Professor & Head, Division of Nano Science & Technology, Coimbatore, TNAU Panwar, Jitendra Associate Professor, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Vidya Vihar Campus, Pilani, Rajasthan– 333 031 Murugkar, H. V. Senior Scientist, High Security Animal Disease Laboratory, Anandnagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
About the Editors
Tapan Adhikari received his Ph.D. degree from I.A.R.I., New Delhi and presently working as a Principal Scientist in the Division of Environmental Soil Science at Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He has more than 15 years of research experience in the field of natural resource management in India. He is the recipient of Jawaharlal Nehru Award of ICAR (1998), Israeli Council of Higher Education Post Doctoral fellowship (1999), FIRST Chaudhary Devi lal Outstanding AICRP- Award (2001) of ICAR, and Golden Jubilee Commemoration Young Scientist Award (2004). He has published research papers/reviews in International Journals of repute. S. Kundu received his Ph.D. degree from I.A.R.I., New Delhi and presently working as Head in the Division of Environmental Soil Science at Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He is the recipient of KRIBCO award (1988), meritorious invention award of NRDC (2006), Rajendra Prasad Award (2004), Hari Om Ashram Ttrust Award (2007) and outstanding team research Award (2010) of ICAR, Fellow Indian Society of Soil Science (2012), Elected Fellow National Academy of Agricultural Science (2012). He has published 100 research papers including 50 research papers in international journals, 15 book chapters and 8 research bulletins. A. Subba Rao received his Ph.D. degree from I.A.R.I., New Delhi and presently working as director, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh since 2004. He is the recipient of FAI Silver Jubilee Award of Excellence(1989,2008), PRII award (1991), PPIC-FAI award (1997), IPI-FAI award (1998), IMPHOS-FAI award (2003) TSI-FAI award (2006), Fellow Indian Society of Soil Science, Elected Fellow National Academy of Agricultural Science (2001) and Fellow of Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. He has published more than 100 research papers in reputed national and international journals in the field of “Soil chemistry, soil fertility, soil testing, integrated nutrient management.�
Preface .......................................................................................................
List of Contributors ...................................................................................
Historical Development in Nano-Science & Nanotechnology and its Scope in Natural Resource Management...................................................................................
A.Subba Rao, S. Kundu and Tapan Adhikari
Introduction .........................................................................
Historical Background........................................................
Indian Scenario ...................................................................
Nano-Science and Nanotechnology in Soil and Plant Nutrition Research ..............................................................
Researchable Issues in Natural Resource Management ........................................................................
References ............................................................................... Conceptual Understanding of Nano-Science and Nano-technology...........................................................................
8 9
S. Kundu, Tapan Adhikari and A.K. Biswas 2.1
Definition of Nanotechnology ..........................................
Unique Features of Nano-particles ..................................
Stability of Nano-particles .................................................
Behavior of NPs in Atmosphere........................................
Behavior of NPs in Aquatic Environment.......................
Behavior of NPs in Terrestrial Environment...................
Entry of Nano-particles into Plants...................................
Risks Involved While Handling NPs................................
References ...............................................................................
Contents / xii 3.
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Particles..................
Introduction........................................................................... 25
Manufacturing Processes....................................................
Synthesis of Nano-particles................................................. 28
Characterization of Nano-particles...................................
Nano Hydroxyapatite (HA)...............................................
References ...............................................................................
Effect of Nano-pigments on Coatings for Special Corrosion Protection Applications.............................................................. 37 A.S.Khanna
Introduction .........................................................................
Anti-Fog Coatings................................................................
Reduction of Corrosion by Capacitance Coupling.......... 39
References ...............................................................................
Mechanical Synthesis of Nano Rock Phosphate and Its Application to Crops.....................................................................
Tapan Adhikari, S. Kundu, A.K. Biswas and Gopal Rathore 5.1
Location and Occurrences..................................................
Present Status of the Indigenous Rock Phosphate Reserves.................................................................................
Future Prospects of Madhya Pradesh Rock Phosphate Reserves ................................................................................
What is Rock Phosphate ? ..................................................
Nano Rock Phosphates.......................................................
Benefit of Nano Rock Phosphate.......................................
Size Reduction of Rock Phosphate by Laboratory Scale Ball Mill.......................................................................
Size Reduction of Rock Phosphate by Pot Mill...............
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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