Nutrient Management Informatics Network, DACNET

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Nutrient Management Informatics Network "eGov4D : E-Governance for development Information Exchange" Integrated Plant Nutrient Management is the conjunctive use of Organic, Inorganic and biological nutrient sources in a cropping system and climatic situation, so as to achieve and sustain the optimum yields and to improve or maintain the soil health. Such crop nutrition package has to be technically sound, economically attractive, practically feasible and environment friendly. e-Govemance for Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) provides a framework, tools and information so that fertilizer users can assess and manage the environmental risks associated with transport and storage, and for optimal utilisation of fertilizers for better productivity.

Integrated Nutrient Management Division Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

Agricultural Informatics Division National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology CGO Complex, New Delhi

Goals and Objectives: The Department of Agriculture & Cooperation has established Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Division to regulate price, quality control, consumption and distribution of nutrients in the country. The INM Division has following three Central Sector Schemes for implementing during 10thfive-year plan.




Strengthening of Central Fertilizer Quality Control & Training Institute, Faridabad and National Bio-fertilizer Development Centre (NBDC) Ghaziabad and their regional Centres. National Project on an Organic Farming (formulated) Balanced and Integrated Use of Fertilizers (subsumed in macro-management scheme)

Fertilizer Qua'ltyC.ntr~f

" FertilizllrOMsioll,'Departmelrtof !'griculture end,Cooperatlon,. .' Central FertlllZ!lf Quality Contrl/I& Training Inst/IUte,

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l\elllOllll1"trtlilter Comrollaboratorilllll

,Statl!! Agricultural

Minim!}',of AgricuftufII'




j>tate wise list of.,Fertilizer,Con!ror labo':!'tooes

3!,d t~ei, ~nullt Analyzillg Capafity

Main Features:

Portal development and web enabled reporting system for monitoring the quality of the fertilizers. Portal development includes the following spatial and non-spatial databases.

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Fertilizer Production, consumption Fertilizer Prices Fertilizer Quality Control Standards Fertilizer


and Subsidy details

Cropping Systems details Soil fertility map

Supply Chain Management application for fertilizer industry. Decision Support System for judicious utilization of nutrients for agricultural productivity. Under the E-Governance


the following

generic software will be

customized for use such as Personnel Information System and Payroll etc. Visit us at

Recognizing the importance of Biofertilizers as a cost effective and eco friendly supplementary source of plant nutrients, the Ministry of Agriculture has set up National Project on Development and Use of Biofertilizers. National Biofertilizer Development Centre (NBDC) and 6 Regional Biofertilizer Development Centres (RBDC) at Hisar, Jabalpur, Bangalore, Nagpur, Bhubaneshwar and Imphal are working for extension and promotion of Biofertilizers development. The government is going to implement a National Project on Organic Farming by upgrading the NBDC as National Institute of Organic Farming (NIOF) for production, promotion, market development and regulation of organic farming in the country. Biolertilizer Informatics Online is a web based application/Online Monitoring Information System (G2G, G2C) developed by NIC for faster and reliable information dissemination across the NBDC, RBDCs, Biofertilizer Production Units, Ministry of Agriculture and farming community. Biofertiliser


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Online includes:

Production Units Marketing and sales






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Farmer Interaction (FAQs) Databank


Benefits: Faster and reliable information dissemination and exchange across the . Biofertilizers Institutes,

ResearchOrganizations, Manufactures and Farming community

Visit us at http://dacnet.nic.inlnbdc



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Quality Standards Quality Control

Extension Services R & D activities Stock positions


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Biofertilizer Development Centres

E-mail address


National Biofertilizers Development Centre, Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) Regional Biofertilizers Development Centre, Hisar (Haryana) Regional Biofertilizers Development Centre, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) Regional Biofertilizers Development Centre, Bangalore (Karnataka) Regional Biofertilizers Development Centre, Bhubaneshwar (Orrisa) Regional Biofertilizers Development Centre, Nagpur (Maharastra) Regional Biofertilizers Development Centre,Imphal, (Manipur)

0120 - 2753844


01662 - 42709

0761 - 529459

080 - 3330616

0674 - 511381

0712 - 529459

0385 - 310880

0129 - 2418484

022 - 7618425

044 - 5552744

033 - 5829291

Fertilizer Quality Control Institutes 8. 9. 10. 11.

Central Fertilizer Quality Control and Training Institute, Faridabad (Haryana) Regional Fertilizer Control Laboratory, Mumbai (Maharashtra) Regional Fertilizer Control Laboratory, Chennai (Tamil Nadu) Regional Fertilizer Control Laboratory, P.O. Kalyani, Nadia (West Bengal)

For further details, please contact Joint Secretary, INM Division, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi Add!. Commissioner, INM Division, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi Asst. Director, (Fert.Stat & Fert.Comp),. INM Division, New Delhi NBDC Director National Biofertilizer Development Centre Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh Telephone:0120 - 2753844 Email:


CFQCTI Director Central Fertilizer Quality Control & Training Institute Faridabad Haryana Telephone: 0129-2418484 Email:

Email: Email: jsmann Email:

DACNET Project Coordinator Agricultural Informatics Division National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology Lodhi Road, New Delhi Telephone: 91-11-24362790 Email:

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