Pest Management and Residual Analysis in Horticultural Crops : An Integrated Approach
Pest Management and Residual Analysis in Horticultural Crops : An Integrated Approach
Edited by
Rachna Gulati and Beena Kumari
Published by Sumit Pal Jain for
New India Publishing Agency 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, CU Block, L.S.C. Mkt., Pitam Pura, New Delhi-110 088, (India) Phone : 011-27341616, Fax : 011-27341717 Mobile : 09717133558 E-mail : Web : Š Editors, 2013
ISBN : 978-93-81450-71-0 All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher / editor. This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the editors/contributors and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The contributors and publisher have attempted to trace and acknowledge the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission and acknowledgements to publish in this form have not been given. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify it. Laser Type Setting and Printed at : Jai Bharat Printing Press, Delhi.-110032
Preface The horticultural crops are important component of diversified agriculture which contribute to nutritional and livelihood security. Today, India ranks second in the world in the production of fruits. Horticultural crops are preferred because of their high returns compared with other field crops. More than 50,000 plant species are meeting the food (calories) needs of human world wide. Horticultural crops encompass fruit crops, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants, tuber crops and mushrooms. In the recent years, major thrust is being given to the production of high value cash crops such as vegetables, ornamentals and mushrooms. However, these are susceptible to a large number of pests and diseases causing reduction in yield. Likewise, reliance on the use of synthetic organic pesticides has resulted in aggravated resistance, residues, human risk, effect on other non target organisms and environmental problems. These are crucial factors limiting the spectacular development of the horticulture industry. Higher yields can be harnessed through better pest and disease management strategies. The book is intended to provide a clear overview on the management of pests and diseases of horticulture crops, associated soil and beneficial fauna, residue status of pesticides and their estimation techniques. It is divided in four parts: Part I explain the practices followed in the pest management of horticulture crops. Chapters include pest status of insects, mites and rodents in fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, spices and mushrooms and their management. Different aspects of biological, cultural, and mechanical controls are also highlighted. Harmful and beneficial soil fauna associated with horticulture crops are dealt in Part II. Keeping in view the potential of beneficial organisms, the effects of pesticides on predators and parasites compatibility of microbial pesticides with synthetic have also been discussed in this section. The recent scientific developments related to diseases and residue status in vegetables, fruits and spices are provided in Part III. Part IV includes the residue estimation techniques of various pesticides. This book is hoped to serve as a useful source of information to teachers, postgraduate students and researchers. Editors v
About the Editors Rachna Gulati Joint Director, Directorate of Research Authored Books-2; Edited Book - 1; Technical Bulletins: 3; Teaching Manuals-6; Research articles-55; Book chapters-35; Conf. papers/ abstracts-50; Extension articles-22 Experience in Acarology, Economic entomology (pollinators, bio-control agents including microbial agents)19 years
Beena Kumari Sr. Analytical Chemist, Department of Entomology Authored Books-1; Teaching Manuals-4; Research articles-80; Book chapters-15; Conf. papers/abstracts-60; Extension articles-12, Experience in Pesticide Residue Analysis 23 years
Contents Preface
Part I 1.
Acarine Pests and their Management in Vegetable Crops .....................................................................
Manmeet Brar Bhullar and Sunita Yadav 2.
Insect-Pests and their Management in Vegetable Crops .....................................................................
P.C. Sharma and R.S. Chandel 3.
Mites of Fruit Crops, Mushroom and their Management ..................................................................
Divender Gupta and P.R. Gupta 4.
Insect-Pests of Fruit Trees and their Management .......... 99-129 Tarun Verma and Ram Singh
Rodent Damage and Management in Horticultural Crops ......................................................................................... 131-144 V.P. Sabhlok
Part II 6.
Effect of Pesticides on Soil Microbes and their Activities .................................................................................. 145-157 K. Kukreja, S. Suneja, R. Gera and R.C. Anand
Compatibility between Microbial Pesticides with Synthetic Pesticides ...................................................... 159-174 Monika Geroh, H.D. Kaushik, P. Bhatnagar and Asha
Effect of Pesticides on Parasites and Predators in Horticultural Crops ................................................................ 175-195 Sunita Yadav, P. Bhatnagar and Manmeet Brar Bhullar vii
Contents / viii 9. Bioremediation of Chlorpyrifos Contaminated Soil-Potential and Prospects ................................................ 197-209 Neeru Kadian, Santosh Satya, Anushree Malik and Prem Dureja
Part III 10. Fungal Diseases and Fungicides in Horticultural Crops ............................................................... 211-225 Rajendra Singh 11. Pesticide Residues in Fruits of India ................................. 227-241 J.K. Dubey and S.K. Patyal 12. Pesticide Residues in Spices ............................................... 243-259 Reena Chauhan, Shashi Madan and Beena Kumari 13. Pesticide Residues in Vegetables ....................................... 261-287 Reena Chauhan, Anil Duhan and Beena Kumari
Part IV 14. Preparation of Standard Solutions ..................................... 289-303 Vinod Kumar Unvi 15. Gas Liquid Chromatography : An Analytical tool for Pesticide Residue Estimation of Horticultural Crops .... 305-332 Beena Kumari 16. Applications of Computer Based HPLC in Horticulture Crops ................................................................. 333-350 Ramesh Kumeri Mehta, Ashok Yadav and Vinod Kumar Madan 17. Effect of House Hold Processing on Pesticide Residues in Vegetables ........................................................ 351-369 Indu Chopra and Beena Kumari
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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