PLANT DISEASES Identification and Management
Jai P. Rai Assistant Professor in Plant Protection Institute of Agricultural Sciences Rajiv Gandhi South Campus Banaras Hindu University Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh
Alok Kumar Singh Head Department of Plant Pathology Faculty of Agriculture Udai Pratap Autonomous College Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
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February 3, 2014
Foreword I am very happy to learn that book entitled “Plant Diseases: Identification and Management� authored by Dr. J.P. Rai and Dr. Alok Kumar Singh is being published from New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. As agriculture is aiming to support the food and nutritional requirements of the growing population, plant diseases reduce the production and quality of the cultivated crops and crop produces thereof. Although there has been substantial progress in management of these obstacles in the way of successful crop cultivation, yet a lot needs to be done to harness the technological improvements in the field for obtaining maximum profit from this enterprise. This book deals with both the vital parts of plant pathology i.e. identification and management of plant diseases. I believe that the book will prove to be beneficial for undergraduate students of agriculture and biosciences, extension workers and educated progressive farmers. I, on behalf of Banaras Hindu University, congratulate everyone associated with this book and wish all the very best for successful publication of the book.
(Lalji Singh)
Foreword Characterization of any plant disease and determining the identity of its causal factor is the first and foremost step in devising strategies for its optimum management. Precision in identification most often determines the effectivity of the management strategy adopted. The task of characterizing a given plant disease and determining the identity of its causal agency must, therefore, be carefully performed to ensure precision. There are a number of observational input required for characterizing a plant disease. This may include the cropping history of the field, aptitude of the farmer in performing cultural practices, details of the crop and observation of the symptoms of the disease in light of the above. After all this, the possible output or tentative characterization of the disease must be supported by establishing the identity of the causal factor (by microscopic observations in case of biotic pathogens and various other observations including soil testing in case of inanimate factors) of the disease to define the disease with greater degree of accuracy. The management part, which follows the successful identification of the disease must not only be effective in bringing the levels of the disease down but also be cost-effective, i.e. economical to the grower. Integrated strategies of plant disease management have been quite successful meeting both the conditions with equal efficiency. The present book, “Plant Diseases: Identification and Management� seems to come out with both the critical parts of plant pathology, i.e. identification and management of plant diseases. The procedure of identification are subtle yet applicable for an undergraduate student of agriculture and biosciences, an extension worker and even for an educated progressive farmer.
I congratulate the authors for their nice attempt to bring the information in a very pertinent manner for the target audience of the present book. This book, in all respects, shall serve as a guidebook for management of plant diseases in a more justifiable manner, which is the need of the hour.
February 16, 2014
(Kirti Singh)
Foreword Plant diseases take the toll of a substantial amount of agricultural produce annually. Moreover, losses in the quality of the produce add to the reduction in the profits from the business of the agriculture. It is, therefore, imperative that management aspect of these enemies of agriculture be addressed in a more comprehensive manner. There are several reports which underline the fact that increased use of pesticides and agrochemicals is leading to various detrimental effects on soil, environment and ecology. Part of the reason behind this fact is improper use of pesticides due to ignorance at the end of the farmer and inappropriate identification of the disease in question at the end of the people involved in extension of the improved agricultural technologies. In such a situation, it becomes important that our undergraduate student, the extension workers and educated progressive farmers must be knowledged for proper identification of plant disease. Anybody would agree to the fact that the degree of precision in identification of plant disease is directly correlated with the degree of the effectiveness of the management strategy adopted and an incorrect identification would never lead to the effective measure of management. The present book, “Plant Diseases: Identification and Management� is aimed to bridge this gap of knowledge which is not only contributing to the reduced crop economy but also to increased pesticidal load in the environment. I compliment the authors for such a noble endeavor in the form of this book.
Agriculture in India has come a long way to modern times through pre Green Revolution, Green Revolution and post Green Revolution stage and now we are making efforts for the Second Green Revolution. To realize this dream it is necessary to keep effective checks on the losses of agricultural produce by various agencies including plant diseases. Although integrated strategies of disease management are being advocated for their effectiveness and economic potential yet application of chemical pesticides have been the most relied upon tool to prevent losses from diseases in crops. In this context, it is worthwhile to mention that indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides has resulted in several complications with a particular reference to our environment. Plant diseases take a heavy toll of agricultural produce every year even after considerable improvements in the strategies for their management. One of the reasons behind this irony is improper identification of many of a plant disease which not only dictates invalid measures for their management but also contributes to pesticidal load in the environment through use of illogical pesticides in fairly injudicious amounts. It has, therefore, become necessary to spread awareness among the people involved in education, extension and practice of agriculture of proper characterization of plant diseases with the most appropriate management strategy for the disease. In this context, students, extension workers and farmers stand the major clients who must be armed with information on proper identification method and management of a given plant disease. The present book is designed to cater to the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture and biosciences, extension workers and educated progressive farmers. It is aimed to aid them in proper identification of many of the economically important plant diseases with integrated strategies for management of these enemies of crops. The book may also serve as a guidebook for the professionals in the field of plant disease management for identification and management of plant diseases with minimal resource requirements.
In this dedicated endeavour, we wish to place on record our sincere acknowledgements to our teachers who have always been the source of inspiration to us. We are also thankful to our students and colleagues who underlined the need of such a book and expected us to do this work. Our solemn thanks are also due to the authors who served as sources of information to us through their academic and literary work. We are pleased to state our authentic appreciations to our better halves Mamta Bhatt and Renu Singh who rendered all the help possible from their ends in preparation of this manuscript. Small but important contributions of our little ones Pranjal, Kanishk, Suyash and Laurel are also acknowledged. We are specifically thankful to the staff of New India Publishing Agency who came forward to publish this work. Nothing is perfect in this mortal world and this book is also bound to contain errors and omissions. We shall appreciate the suggestions from our wise readers which is necessary to help us serve them in a better manner. Banaras Hindu University, February 2014
Jai P. Rai Alok Kumar Singh
Foreword by Dr Lalji Singh ................................................................................... v Foreword by Dr Kirti Singh ................................................................................ vii Foreword by Prof. Ravi Pratap Singh .................................................................. ix Preface .................................................................................................................. xi Introduction ......................................................................................................... xv
1. Characteristics of the Disease .............................................................. 1 2. Diseases of Field Crops ...................................................................... 15 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20
Loose Smut of Wheat ..................................................................................... Karnal Bunt of Wheat ..................................................................................... Rust Diseases of Wheat ................................................................................. Covered Smut of Barley .................................................................................. Stripe Disease of Barley ................................................................................. Bacterial Leaf Blight (BB/BLB) of Rice .......................................................... Bacterial Leaf Streak Disease of Rice ............................................................. Blast Disease of Rice ...................................................................................... Brown Spot Disease of Rice ........................................................................... Sheath Blight Disease of Rice ........................................................................ Stem Rot Disease of Rice ................................................................................ False Smut (Green Smut) Disease of Rice ...................................................... Wilt Disease of Pigeonpea (Arhar/Red gram) ............................................... Phytophthora Stem Blight Disease of Pigeonpea ......................................... Sterility Mosaic Disease of Pigeonpea .......................................................... Dry Root Rot Disease of Pigeonpea .............................................................. Downy Mildew Disease of Peas .................................................................... Ascochyta Blight Disease of Chickpea ......................................................... White Rust Disease of Crucifers .................................................................... Leaf Spot Disease of Groundnut ....................................................................
15 19 24 34 37 41 45 49 54 58 63 66 70 74 79 81 85 88 92 97
xiv Contents
2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27
Rust Disease of Flax (Linseed) ..................................................................... Downy Mildew or Green Ear Disease of Bajra (Pearl millet) ....................... Smut of Bajra (Pearl millet) ............................................................................ Downy Mildew of Sorghum ......................................................................... Red Rot of Sugarcane ................................................................................... Smut Disease of Sugarcane .......................................................................... Wilt Disease of Sugarcane ...........................................................................
101 105 109 111 115 119 122
3. Diseases of Fruits and Vegetable Crops ............................................ 127 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21
Damping-off Disease of Seedlings ............................................................... Stem Canker and Black Scurf Disease of Potato ......................................... Brown Rot, Wilt or Ring Disease of Potato ................................................. Early Blight Disease of Potato and Tomato ................................................. Late Blight Disease of Potato and Tomato .................................................. Phomopsis Blight or Fruit Rot Disease of Brinjal ........................................ Little Leaf Disease of Brinjal or Eggplant .................................................... Yellow Vein Mosaic Disease of Okra (Bhindi) ............................................. Infestation of Root Knot Nematode in Vegetables ..................................... Downy Mildew Disease of Cucurbits .......................................................... Powdery Mildew Disease of Cucurbits ....................................................... Cottony Leak/Fruit Rot Disease of Bottlegourd ......................................... Stem Galls Disease of Coriander .................................................................. Blight Disease of Colocasia .......................................................................... Canker Disease of Citrus .............................................................................. Wilt or Panama Disease of Banana .............................................................. Stem or Foot Rot Disease of Papaya ........................................................... Downy Mildew Disease of Grapevine ......................................................... Leaf Curl Disease of Peach ........................................................................... Bacterial Leaf Spot of Mango ...................................................................... Anthracnose Disease of Mango ..................................................................
127 132 136 141 145 150 153 156 158 163 166 170 173 176 179 183 187 190 194 196 199
4. Nonparasitic Disorders ..................................................................... 205 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Mango Tip (Black Tip) Disorder of Mango ................................................. Black Heart Disorder of Potato ..................................................................... Khaira or Bronzing Disorder of Rice ........................................................... Tip Burn Disorder of Rice ............................................................................. Whiptail Disorder of Cauliflower .................................................................
205 207 209 212 214
Suggested Readings ........................................................................ 217 Appendix – A: New Names of Fungi ................................................. 223 Appendix – B: Terminology .............................................................. 226
Fi r s tf e wp a g e so ft h i sb o o ka r ep u b l i s h e d o nk i s a n . c o mb yi t sp u b l i s h e r . I fy o uwi s ht op u r c h a s eah a r d c o p y o ft h i sb o o k , p l e a s ec o n t a c tt h ep u b l i s h e r .
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