Question bank horticulture

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Special Horticulture (Pomology / Floriculture / Olericulture / Ornamental)

Important Objectives for all Competetitive Exams. This Book Is Useful for Following Exams UPSC / IFS / MPSC /M.Sc.(Horti) entrance test / JRF / SRF / SET, NET// Co-operative bank exams, & other Equivalent Exams.


Vishwas Toradmal 

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Godwa Krushi Prakashan, Pune-9

Title :

QUESTION BANK On SPECIAL HORTICULTURE © Published By : Mrs. Harsha Katole, Godwa Krushi Prakashan, 5, Third Floor,LaxmiNarayan Apartment, Velankar Colony,Swargate,Parvati, Pune -9. Tele : - 020 - 24428554 / 55 Mobile -94220 83095 Web: , E-mail : godwa@ Composing & Layout Design :

Raviendra Katole Author : Vishwas Toradmal Edition : First , October-2009, ISBN : 978-81-906833-9-5 Publication No. : 67 Price- Rs 90.00

This Book "QUESTION BANK On Special Horticulture" is useful for all students appearing for any competetive exams,viz. 1) M.Sc.(Horti) entrance test / 2) JRF / SRF 3) SET, NET 4) UPSC / IAS/ IFS / 5) MPSC- ALL TYPES EXAM FOR CLASS1,2, 3, POST IN Agri, Sales tax, Revenue ,ZP dept. etc. 5) Nationalised & Co-operative bank exams, 6) other Equivalent Exams : Staff selection board, This book is comprehnsive on special horticulture , and all related topics are included in this book. So it is most helpful to student appearing to above mentioned exams, to understand the subject. This book is Objective type questions and Answers based on pattern of above exams.

Printed In India By- Shri Khanderai Graphics, Aloknagari, KasbaPeth, Pune-11

© Copyright Reserved, All rights are reserved. No part of this Publication may reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,elctronic,mechanical, photocopies, recordings or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher Question Bank on Special Horticulture /2

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Title :

QUESTION BANK On SPECIAL HORTICULTURE © Published By : Mrs. Harsha Katole, Godwa Krushi Prakashan, 5, Third Floor,LaxmiNarayan Apartment, Velankar Colony,Swargate,Parvati, Pune -9. Tele : - 020 - 24428554 / 55 Mobile -94220 83095 Web: , E-mail : godwa@ Composing & Layout Design :

Raviendra Katole Author : Vishwas Toradmal Edition : First , October-2009, ISBN : 978-81-906833-9-5 Publication No. : 67 Price- Rs 90.00

This Book "QUESTION BANK On Special Horticulture" is useful for all students appearing for any competetive exams,viz. 1) M.Sc.(Horti) entrance test / 2) JRF / SRF 3) SET, NET 4) UPSC / IAS/ IFS / 5) MPSC- ALL TYPES EXAM FOR CLASS1,2, 3, POST IN Agri, Sales tax, Revenue ,ZP dept. etc. 5) Nationalised & Co-operative bank exams, 6) other Equivalent Exams : Staff selection board, This book is comprehnsive on special horticulture , and all related topics are included in this book. So it is most helpful to student appearing to above mentioned exams, to understand the subject. This book is Objective type questions and Answers based on pattern of above exams.

Printed In India By- Shri Khanderai Graphics, Aloknagari, KasbaPeth, Pune-11

© Copyright Reserved, All rights are reserved. No part of this Publication may reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,elctronic,mechanical, photocopies, recordings or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher Question Bank on Special Horticulture /2

Question Bank on Special Horticulture /3

Objective HORTICULTURE Qes. Choose the correct word from following option. 1. Red colour of Tomato is due to ------a) Sulphur b) lycopins c) Capsacin d) Zink sulphate 2. Grafted mango trees becomes ready for transplantig -----a) Early b) late c) Rarely d) Never 3. Forest area of India is ------ % a) 21.19 b) 17.20 c) 19.47 d) 33.33 4. Bunchy Top of banana is caused by -----a) Virus b) Fungi c) Nematodes d) Bacteria 5. In mango edible part is -----a) Endosperm b) Thalamus c) Pericarp d) Mesocarp 6. Who discovered vitamins -----a) Funk b) William Gawade c) Millardet d) B.P.Pal 7. Berry size of Thomson seedles Grapes increased by the hormone -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) 2-4-D 8. Phylloidy disease in plants is caused by -----a) Virus b) Fungi c) Nematodes d) Mycoplasma 9. India ranks ------ rank in fruit production. a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth 10. Formationof male flowers induced by -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) 2-4-D 11. Orbanche is a parasite associated with -----a) Tomato b) Chilli c) Mango d) Tobacco 12. The dwarf variety of Mango is -----a) Amrapali b) Mallika c) Neeranjan d) Ratna 13. Root promoting hormone is -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) 2-4-D 14. Mallika is a cross of -----a) Neelum x Dashari b) Ratna x Neelum c) Neelum x Alpanso d) None of these 15. Fruit ripening hormone is -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) Ethylene 16. Seedless mango variety is -----a) Sindhu b) Mallika c) Neeranjan d) Ratna 17. Pink revolution refers to -----a) Onion b) Flowers c) Apple d) Fruits 18. Indias share in the fruit production in the world is -----a) 10% b) 20% c) 5% d) 15% 19. Pride fruit of India's is ------

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a) Apple b) Litchi c) Jack fruit d) Mango 20. Pungency in onion is due to presence of -----a) Sulphur compound b) lycopene c) Capsacin d) Zink sulphate 21. King of fruit is -----a) Mango b) Apple c) Litchi d) Jack fruit 22. Queen of spice is -----a) Black pepper b) Cardamom c) clove d) None of these 23. Curing is related to the crop -----a) Cauliflower b) Fig c) Chilly d) Tobacco 24. Potato tuber is modified form of -----a) Stem b) Root c) Leaf d) Fruit 25. Global warming is caused due to -----a) Green house effect b) High rainfall c) low temperature d) None of these 26. Study on seasonal flowering of shrubs & trace is known as -----a) Pomology b) Floriculture c) Olericulture d) Silviculture 27. Olour is a polymbryonic variety of -----a) Mango b) Banana c) Guava d) Pine apple 28. Ratna variety of mango is a cross of -----a) Neelum x Alphanso b) Neelum x Dashari c) Sindhu x Neelum d) None of these 29. All fruits are naturally ------ in nature. a) Acidic b) Basic c) Netrual d) None of these 30. Ber is generally propagated by -----a) Cutting b) Layering c) Grafting d) Budding 31. Desuckering is done in -----a) Cauliflower b) Cabbage c) Chilly d) Tobacco 32. Edible banana fruit is seedless because of -----a) Vegetative parthenocarpy b) Embryo abortion c) Absence of Ovule d) all above 33. Garlic contain a colourless and odourless amino acid -----a) Allicin b) Singrin c) Carotene d) Capsacin 34. Winf breaks are planted in orchards toward -----a) North - East b) South - West c) West - North d) All above 35. Growing of honey producing trees with bee keeping is called -----a) Apiculture b) Silviculture c) Horticulture d) Sericulture 36. Guava plants bear fruit on -----a) Old branches b) Current season growth c) Off season d) None of these 37. In which of the following method of vegetative propagation, plant part is usually detached before rooting ------

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Objective HORTICULTURE Qes. Choose the correct word from following option. 1. Red colour of Tomato is due to ------a) Sulphur b) lycopins c) Capsacin d) Zink sulphate 2. Grafted mango trees becomes ready for transplantig -----a) Early b) late c) Rarely d) Never 3. Forest area of India is ------ % a) 21.19 b) 17.20 c) 19.47 d) 33.33 4. Bunchy Top of banana is caused by -----a) Virus b) Fungi c) Nematodes d) Bacteria 5. In mango edible part is -----a) Endosperm b) Thalamus c) Pericarp d) Mesocarp 6. Who discovered vitamins -----a) Funk b) William Gawade c) Millardet d) B.P.Pal 7. Berry size of Thomson seedles Grapes increased by the hormone -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) 2-4-D 8. Phylloidy disease in plants is caused by -----a) Virus b) Fungi c) Nematodes d) Mycoplasma 9. India ranks ------ rank in fruit production. a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth 10. Formationof male flowers induced by -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) 2-4-D 11. Orbanche is a parasite associated with -----a) Tomato b) Chilli c) Mango d) Tobacco 12. The dwarf variety of Mango is -----a) Amrapali b) Mallika c) Neeranjan d) Ratna 13. Root promoting hormone is -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) 2-4-D 14. Mallika is a cross of -----a) Neelum x Dashari b) Ratna x Neelum c) Neelum x Alpanso d) None of these 15. Fruit ripening hormone is -----a) GA3 b) NAA c) IBA d) Ethylene 16. Seedless mango variety is -----a) Sindhu b) Mallika c) Neeranjan d) Ratna 17. Pink revolution refers to -----a) Onion b) Flowers c) Apple d) Fruits 18. Indias share in the fruit production in the world is -----a) 10% b) 20% c) 5% d) 15% 19. Pride fruit of India's is ------

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a) Apple b) Litchi c) Jack fruit d) Mango 20. Pungency in onion is due to presence of -----a) Sulphur compound b) lycopene c) Capsacin d) Zink sulphate 21. King of fruit is -----a) Mango b) Apple c) Litchi d) Jack fruit 22. Queen of spice is -----a) Black pepper b) Cardamom c) clove d) None of these 23. Curing is related to the crop -----a) Cauliflower b) Fig c) Chilly d) Tobacco 24. Potato tuber is modified form of -----a) Stem b) Root c) Leaf d) Fruit 25. Global warming is caused due to -----a) Green house effect b) High rainfall c) low temperature d) None of these 26. Study on seasonal flowering of shrubs & trace is known as -----a) Pomology b) Floriculture c) Olericulture d) Silviculture 27. Olour is a polymbryonic variety of -----a) Mango b) Banana c) Guava d) Pine apple 28. Ratna variety of mango is a cross of -----a) Neelum x Alphanso b) Neelum x Dashari c) Sindhu x Neelum d) None of these 29. All fruits are naturally ------ in nature. a) Acidic b) Basic c) Netrual d) None of these 30. Ber is generally propagated by -----a) Cutting b) Layering c) Grafting d) Budding 31. Desuckering is done in -----a) Cauliflower b) Cabbage c) Chilly d) Tobacco 32. Edible banana fruit is seedless because of -----a) Vegetative parthenocarpy b) Embryo abortion c) Absence of Ovule d) all above 33. Garlic contain a colourless and odourless amino acid -----a) Allicin b) Singrin c) Carotene d) Capsacin 34. Winf breaks are planted in orchards toward -----a) North - East b) South - West c) West - North d) All above 35. Growing of honey producing trees with bee keeping is called -----a) Apiculture b) Silviculture c) Horticulture d) Sericulture 36. Guava plants bear fruit on -----a) Old branches b) Current season growth c) Off season d) None of these 37. In which of the following method of vegetative propagation, plant part is usually detached before rooting ------

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