Sugarcane Breeding Institute Indian Council of Agricultural Research Colmbatore - 641 007
SELECTION OF VARIETIES . 9 With potential of high sugar and high cane yield
o To suit the location and season
9 Amenable for wide row spacing so
as to grow intercrops Tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses 9 Possess multiratooningability +). Varieties best suited for Tropical region: Co 8371, Co 86032, Co 91010, Co 94004, Co 94008, Co 94012,87A298 Sub tropical region: Co 89003, Co 98014, CoS 8432, CoS 96268, CoSe98231, CoPant 96210, CoPant97222.
MAINTENANCEOF SOIL ORGANIC MAlTER 9 Green manuring s Application of green leaf manure, compost and bulky organic crop residues .t. A p p l i c a t i o n o f e n r i c h e d pressmud and bio-compost Applicationofcompostedsugarcane trash, straw husk, coir pith waste, vegetable and fruit peelings
PLANTING MATERIAL 9 Good quality seed cane of 6-8 months age, free from pests
and diseases 9 75,000 two-budded setts per hectare for90 cm spacing 9
60,000 two-budded setts per hectare for 150 cm spacing
WEEDING 4* Pre-emergence application of atrazine (on third day after planting) 9 Need based hand weeding
NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT 9 In general, soils are low in nitrogen, medium in phosphorus and high in potassium. So apply NPKfertilizers based on soil test results. 9 Apply recommendedNPK @ 280,63 and 120 kglha 9, Apply fertilizers in time, mix urea with neem cake (5:l) and place fertilizer deeply in soil 9 All the nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied within 120 days after planting
BIO FERTILIZERS 9 Apply 10 kg of phosphobacteria per hectare to save 25% phosphorous Q Phosphobacteriaincreasesthe cane yield by making unavailable phosphorus in to available phosphorousfor the crop 9 Apply 10 kg ofAzospirillum to save 25% of nitrogen Q While applying bio-fertilizers reduce dose of chemical fertilizers accordingly MICRO NUTRIENTS Managing the micronutrient deficiency of soils based on periodical soil test and crop symptoms of deficiency would help to increase the yield 9 To correct iron chlorosis and zinc deficiency adopt repeated .foliar spray of ferrous sulphate / zinc sulphate (0.5 to 2.0%) or soil application of ferrous sulphate (50 kg / ha) or zinc sulphate (25 kglha).
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CROPPING SYSTEM APPROACH Q Avoid mono cropping of sugarcane I for efficient use of nutrients and nutrients recycling Follow a sugarcane production system involving ratoons, rotational crops and intercrops 9 Crop rotations with rice, leguminous crops or green manure crops would help to mobilize nutrients effectively
LABOUR SAVING IMPLEMENTS Rotovator Q Cultivator Q Sett cutting machine Q Sugarcane planter Q Weeder s Offbarrer 9 Earthing up and ridge former Q Foot path cum channel maker 0%
DROUGHT MANAGEMENT 1 4 Trench planting and trash mulching on ridges help in withstanding drought 9 Alternate furrow irrigation in water scarcity periods 9 Foliar spraying of a solution containing 2.5% urea and 2.5% muriate of potash at fortnightly intervals during drought period I
PEST MANAGEMENT 9 Trash mulching, frequent irrigation and light earthing up at
35th day reduces the incidenceof earlyshoot borer 4 When the infestation exceeds 25% apply Lindane 20 EC or
Chlorpyriphos20 EC @ 5 litrelha (5 ml per litre ofwater) in the
whorls using a hand operated sprayer a Use pheromone traps for controlling borers
6 3
DISEASE MANAGEMENT Grow red rot resistant or field tolerant varieties (Co 86032, Co 99004, Co 86249, Co 93009 and Co 94008) a Select disease free seed material from carefully raised nursery crop 9 Soak the setts prior to planting for 5 to 10 minutes in a solutior prepared by dissolving 125 Bavistin and 2.5 kg urea in 25C litres ofwater. 9 Treat the setts in aerated steam therapy (AST) unit at 50째C for one hour. This treatment is required once in 5 years. RATOON MANAGEMENT Multiple ratoon saves.. 9 Cost of land preparation a Cost of seed material 9 Sett cutting, distribution and planting 9
1 I
MANAGEMENT OF HARVEST AND POST HARVEST DETERIORATION 9 Harvested canes should be used within 24 hours a Post harvest cane losses can be minimized by keeping under shade, sprinkling water and use of certain biocides TECHNOLOGYTRANSFER . I Farmer-to-farmer interaction 9 Sharing the adoptive experience and location specific suitability with otherfarmers a Problems encountered during cultivation has to be informed Extension Publication No. 119 (2006) Script by
Published by
Printed by
: Dr.T.Rajula Shanthy Dr.R.Thiagarajan Dr.D.Puthira Prathap Dr.N.Vijayan Nair : Dr. N. Vijayan Nair, Director, Sugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore 641 007 : Print-Rite, Coimbatore